

I need to put this Tina and Hank's divorce some files in this PDF. These far how many years I am in Taiwan, all these words or the Chinese writing in the PDF.

我需要把這提娜跟 Hank 離婚的這所有檔案放在 PDF,這很多年在台灣的所有寫出來的中文 PDF

2016-2025 PDF

The scamming group to my mother starting the serial number 124. Dean's birthday, sounds like Ding 丁 too. There are 3 of them in there. 

有三個丁在裡面 !

『What they trying to say ?』

Web 2.0   25 years later AD 2000.....was !! 50 years later.

Alex Case | Case 2   UB parents case    |   Conversation Alex + his wife    |        | 

5 Apple (Jesus has come back) - I don't have a phone

My mother is hinted to murder or admit  (10:20) 中文

She pretend likes Tina yelling at me when I eat. Tina hits me 2 years later.

Tina hit me case ( Frozen), Irvine, CA.


Presidential election in 2024  (Taiwan),台灣警察,Movie: Frozen,Movie: Mission Impossible - Fallout,Movie: W Two Worlds, Movie: Mission Impossible Rouge Nation,

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