
⭐️ They retired ? News 他們退休沒?新聞


Couple Retreat - ending credit. Yellow font.

Your father look like my grandpa red eye when I return 2010. Credit card ending. The family inheritance fight. It’s …the human harmony with the sibling or the cousins or just 2 kids. All my cousins no more this …if my grandpa those upper comes from. I still need to be one person leaves.

The veil means…

Brian McFadden 


The Last Airbender

No, -3

Only the girls process the paper work, your dad loves Brian McFadden playing golf. The public needs that 2nd one, the public interests to sit, to read, to write, to learn. If she raise up to helps her brother, at least they seeing the reason like me for my brother at the last resoir method. Their mother is not smart…but she got a great intention. They know all the reason why, every TV behind. 

His mother keeps talking …you all want to know? The last England Queen. I didn’t think I care you all that side that much for any reason you live or you die. The public wants a Queen to take advantage of in England. Her height to sit in the chair. 

Prince William yesterday at fly to West and run to East after Rumble says? Is he does on purpose?

Correct !

They file those lawsuit because now, they halt a bit, so my throat can breathing. But…the judge didn’t need to know that that that that to -3. Or their lawyer whichever the money smart …ask or thought or processed…

On my phone. Don’t watch these movie. No this. No. Just drop all that stupidity, for real. Drop all that. You cannot afford it in the end


Babaji: Go

你們是不是覺得我應該在這邊自言自語的意思? 那你們不是自己上來,講話叫做台灣新聞 ?


你們好像是在講 ...錢。我知道妳們在講新聞,有俄羅斯跟中國,是在講我嗎 ?

那我如果真的去了歐洲的哪一天,這取代是說很多人是 ....一定是在講這種事情,天高皇帝遠,無一不適從。

這有跟音樂有關嗎 ? 台灣流星雨,我在聽~因為你們有 MV, 這些人幾歲呀 ~方方的叔叔這種,一定是這種霍建華不再台灣這樣?

你們現在是去台灣 Youtuber 幾歲這樣在下去 ??!! 喔 ! 我有在聽說,是在說中國俄羅斯,講的是花千骨,跟我有關嗎 ? 出去一個人這樣,每一個台灣的 Youtuber 出去 194 國家,除了中國跟俄羅斯,這樣...佛教還是清海教,宣教,現代還有這種宣教這種事情? 在下面二十年會有這亞當的電影這樣? 你們出去才會知道下面 20 年這樣? 每一個人的資料都不一樣,我聽說是去結婚去,二十年以後會知道這個時間的意思??? 通常每一個時間人會看新的演藝圈,對吧 ? 這台灣 Youtuber 是一種? 

還有阿滴,的,不是女朋友,蔡淑臻? 我在新光三越那邊看到招牌,很大的廣告這樣,醫美的。我不認識你們所有的東西。

講方方的叔叔,這好像是 Vic 仔仔,我常常叫他成成,這是 Austin 的名字,霍建華的另外一個這樣,這好像沒有一樣東西叫做互相連接這樣?

意思就是你們不再彼此看到彼此的意思,一個人,出去 ! 這樣。有點像大家畢業了,新生代,你們年紀上來到三十,就是抵達四十有一天這樣? 


我沒有很注意你們的意思,太忙了...可是我每個中午看新聞,我起來看國外影片有中文字幕,其實很休閒的,我聽跟我看過去,檢查呀 ! 這世界上只有我尊上在台灣講英文這樣過活很久很久很久很久的時間過去了,我也不是很清楚到底你們發生什麼事情了?


我在躺著,沒事情就睡覺 ...我跟她們不是同年的,喔 !

小鳥是說我沒有很注意你們的意思,你們去了義大利跟冰塊臉 ~~

喔~~~我知道了 ! 我在忙 ....當然不管你們 ! 

阿~ 我還是去躺著 !!!! 

Something funny about the last sheet ....

Did they even read it, every morning they wake up? Kian and Nicky in their reflection of life at 60, 70 years old.

The Angry Birds and Saying Nothing At All


I keep sleeping, probably just sleeping on.

Right, I give them flowers. Well, I wasn't watching the TV, am't I?

The recital practice.....you never been to those?

Lunch and news.


Babaji and me has something similar.

He is a guy in the science field. I am a girl in the science field.

But we both have to stare at the laws.

I understand there is a page 3 last time we all talk about it? Tina Jojo. My trophy will end up where? On Ronan next by, is that the Angry Birds people?

Its all modern law outside. Same to this Mahavatar Babaji. He exists for a long time, not our Earth history. There are every Star or the Galaxy System, not any of those poor mentality on his urban planning traffic, he is the traffic, or the inspector to get your food bags. He does those things too. So please read all my hand-out. Not my saying. His real saying.

Right, we are on the music.

The Chicken Soup  ( The commercial on the period)


... I eat ice cream laterly. The vegan ones. I think....my entire filtration system is anything going it down, the entire waist line 30 cm just drop fluid down. The half waist down. Drink it one tube down, and that entire waist line Flood out, from the left side up hip, to the right side up hip, the waist line. You can find out and explain to me what that means. 

The guys cannot tell the difference anyway....Those are the modeling worlds also, anyway. Europe. Any human still lives on it.

Now they are saying the real Live show, maybe I should go to where they film, and look at it. Probably Nicky. I don't want to cook at home, that is a judge panel film, go out and eat? Their per words speaking in English.... I think I heard Brian speaking in English. Because Australia is speaking in English. oh ~ 

I stay home sleeping and eating. I keep saying they are Irish. I cannot understand a word in Europe anywhere. 

Maybe you need to set their own camera crew human at.....

Westlife - If  https://youtu.be/n7q3RZ1-17Y?si=NIAMmt6yBR6uCRye

Da Vinci Code - The riddle of the cryptex

The Music judge panel fighting to their contestant.

The law court room - Obama.

The celestial world.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-x2u7FuSMk

The hospital - my video where you seeing the technology to sign in process, you seeing 1000 patient going in through those door, moving next by to the reception area.

If they can use my argument to their own lawsuit to the court room, its legal. 

Correct, but here they told me, that is Obama. You put the Obama there. Not his current court. Not the panel. I have no idea what he is capable to do, not Biden does?

oh the money. Maybe later. The judge will combine probably in different countries and see that one cost. One. No, they just use it whenever they feel like. Is anyone can use it? You won't know these lawyers how they position they themselves or what they had succeed in file-ing. How long is this? 3 years? You dreaming. Its privacy protect in the court room. That file remains to the judge. If it succeed, its in the database, but you don't know whom they sue at or from whom. 

But it will be in the database? If they succeed that argument. The argument can always sustain, just how much they lawsuit and won the money. You forget the lawyer's the only jobs its to get the money in that legal process to seek the justice. That argument if the first case fail, that is because of the lawyer, but that idiom, if you put that words, can always input to 10 other different lawsuits. Just one of them succeed, that is forever stood with that lawyer at that law firm claim. But they can keep use that argument continuously. 

That is correct.

One of these lawuits, how many arguments in there?

You mean the lawyer or you mean me? 

The real lawsuit process, its per argument to per lawsuit. But my profile, I put the whole background information, any of those can be re-write to the correct, another kinds of the arguments, and leave it in that profile.

So they suppose to sort ALL the arguments. The System lawyers, the law firms those make the money, they make the money, correct. But they by the way file my side, so I also get that compensation money. 

So the correct thing you never lawsuit them? You are right. I keep saying that.

Whom you suppose to marry with? 

  • The law firms lawyers, they got the business card.
  • The system lawyers, you will never find them. Forget about it. 

Anyway, they all probably know what is a marriage in their life time. I seen. You are imagine you are at the airport terminal, like those Buffalo airport. You cannot see a thing your vision inside walking too many people in your eyesight, you looking for your seat to sit down. You get a shuttle, or you keep walking, with that your shoes.

Can you find a system lawyer in the airport? 

I don't think they travel that often, but I am very sure they know what is a passport or the airplane ticket if they need to go somewhere or something.

You cannot get through me, you want to get through the law firms, those business card he will hand to you lawyers. Whom would get hired by the law firm, or he owns his law firm. Interesting ... do you want to pay more attention in the real 

  • Legally Blonde 1, Legally Blonde 2
  • The Laws of Attraction

You have the new revelation in the law practices. Maybe you will find more reliable the man you staring at, other than the ladies whom to make a story to.

You want that law firm lawyers (whom owns that law firms) get divorced, and watching just your beauty, or your shape, or your intelligent, he will hand you a business card, or he got some other name cards? You hand him a cup of the water on the table and a stapler ?

How soon, they will all realize these stories have a meaning probably.

You were all targeting at me.

You need to attract them, to voluntary handing you a card. For some reason, you believe those romance novel, someone hands you an impression, you feel you are a big shot.

oh ~ that looks like Prince William now to me.


No, I am busy with Nicky, maybe in a few days with Kian. When I found out ....things with Nicky. No, I don't care about this OU. No, didn't read it. NO!  I gonna put my life in priority this time. What is a fun thing to do?

I think Nicky before he gone to sleep, I concluded he is talking about the music and the page 3. I am so busy, I don't care about it anymore this 10 years ago, a language.


It’s music, and page 3 Loving the Silent Tear. (I am guessing)

Nicky is a dance judge panel like JC Chasez. 

Lance Bass used to have those TV program in America too.

10 mins, I am busy.

They probably meant the sound tracks- Sailor Moon




My stomach is turning. 

And there is a kitchen? The chocolate cup cake. 



The last thing I ever do is when my stomach is turning, putting this things none digestable. You mean the Hunger Game / Catching Fire. Not with me in it, included? You can just leave it on the table.

UFO disc and Zawanna sleeping on my ground, more than one.....

Otter says


No, I don't know anything about the TV all that stuffs.

I rested.

My situation is this Traffic loud outside, might be the Central, not here. Milkway, that is not the central, that is the middle of the Milkyway. We the milkyway is FAR FAR FAR away from the central. Everywhere all has this traffic, including these 1 2 3 eternity.

You don't imagine 1000 military units, with 1000 AI Branding, in the negotiation table, or these AI bio alive is looking at you whenever they feel like, chatting, gossiping, ALL the time.

Where the sunshine lay, its where the commodity, or the mechanize, or the ship, or the aircraft all these things included. Its not evidence to you, because none of you go to the school. There is every system in the laws, in the medical care, in the hospital system. One of them is our current time. Not the UPS store, the physical mall.

If they know its whenever I feel like the traffic jam, or the traffic patrol, or the Universal Police all included, that celestial world and the physical universes, are a lot more these camera lens focus target. Never hell we know that. Just talking about the normal adult normal human sense...I am too busy to looking outside, in any Eternity to say, our planet, just sharing some part of the write-out, I am doing it. I can not always explain to you. Its too loud at my ears.  I am not gearing today only, it was starting when...2021 on, and every step the way, its the first moment I see, I tell you. I don't advertise, I describe to you once.

It may not be OUR time reality.

I am so sick of it....because....but I am too much focus on Every First Day, or the Every First Sense. Because even on our planet today, you do have already existing Medical Board, the Law Board, the Committee Board of every other kinds in the industry. The Food Recipe included. Meaning if you just even do the basic labor work, not saying you joining in the FDA for the public health....its one of those you collecting your ID badge enough, I can help you.

The initiative means, you don't just lure at the money. Until someone given you the statues to do things. I need to get it done along the way. Too fast things, someone I trust they handle all of it. At least write it down.

Our Earth reality

We starting 2014, or 2018, the per wall. When you have to except what I say, and make a list. These are the military jobs. There is the AI sorting. They nowadays got a better technology in those basic System idea stuffs. It will be the glass technology. If you living in those world, there is not one thing outside to look like this....slow pace snail. You be watchful anything you present, will be focus on these main focus of the core idea needie greedie things.

Correct, there is a primitive methods, print out, and lay in front of the per column wall, to go back, or to check. That is the sorting, I saying that long time ago. It never left my peripheral. 

  • There are some other kids room, they walking by 20 rooms those. I will have all my stuffs collected in it. Dr. John R Christopher, and all the things I ever purchased be display in there.
  • There are the science expo military - walking by the 100 table to see my material science
  • There are the kitchen food table 20 table per room. Someone seeing the table get the profile below. 
  • There are the art and craft per room.

Your profile is under the table, or that listing to check the detail for the military personnel to take and go. I keep saying that. That is not limited to the science museum.

You didn't think that will be the horror of the everything else.

The science museum is I am too lazy to explain to you, because that is all-in-one building, or a map of the 20 building. The other going on display to the selectee, I just tell you, none of them is the first time doing all that, to be honest. Any time, any time, any time, as long as you shall ever hear, that is not the first time they doing that, you suppose to pay attention just why I even saying that. In the real sense of your brain in the true reality to life. Not in life. To life.





I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

When I woke up, it’s the Edge of Tomorrow ending credit song

I used to in my school, long time anything music. But it was not competition like Tina’s tradition. Even in the pirate school has those kids elementary school whom, what not bully or groups etc.One day, other than childhood, Tina gets to the high school, and gets to NYC. When you near that group, she had a bf, my age would be Tina’s age hear things one or 2, knowing too. Pang doesn’t. 7 years difference. - the Music World. That’s a professional you met. Not you say 2 buddy together the same industry when you get home, the big eye stares at the little eye. The Chinese says.

I on my phone 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Loser | Angry Birds 1 | Angry Birds 2 (2016, 2019)


Bobby or hobby ?

I think …if you considering not to be a loser or without the parents, it’s a brand new look, the height, face, the hair…in my ten years, I have comment about to someone: if you doing this, you gonna sue that movie when you be found that day you no longer in those movies anymore. 

My right ear…ringing.

When you were younger, you look like your own photo til one day you have the kids. Some don’t have the kid. When you say…the visiting time is up, you cannot be 60+ 70+ years old when they talking to 40+ years old, “I need my quality time to talk to my kids.”

That’s what it means. 

Some people delicate to the white world friendship at least it’s endless, not one family made of 2 or 3 - to tear apart and make it ash anyone else stuffs negatively anyway. 

When nick used to be young, it’s those car driving time 2 couple imagine you were not the cow boy, just now on the TV, they say tank. I say nick those 60s car, long metal steel, no top. 2 couples = 4 people laughing wrecklessly. 

Let’s say 3 70+ years old friends, 1 free, 2 in the old senior home. So 1 running with the fashion car to jump in like campus life - it’s the senior home. Running through the sign in the visitors desk stand there. Walk in freely. 

And come out 1 hr. You feeling the same age best friends all looking old, but you are more healthy walking on walking out with a sporty cars. You can go now filming one way round trip.

Put it side by side.

You never think they gonna die or you …have to look at their old faces !!

… that’s your religion ?

Did you ever play the angry birds ?

Matthew Mark look John …wick ?

M upside down is W

WW l J …

When England colonize India I think…that’s Indian General story.

From 1757, Britain increased its control of India through the East India CompanyFrom 1757 - 1858 it controlled much of India.. From 1858 onwards, the British government directly ruled India, and it became known as the British Raj. The British Raj had a significant impact on people living in India.

There is 2 blue birds hugging, women kid? +3 infant blue birds. 

Blue jet is known to steal other nest or the birds for its own. 

That’s a paradise island, you are in an informatic world where all the circulate information is fast fast fast in the capital metal sleek and modeling good faces, done hair, the Europe all world. You are cold and you become colder to all around you. People competitive and you get hurt…but that’s a world no one gets hurt. Whom would that be?


Kids you were to be….You all …want to be Shane ?

That’s a question. 

  1. Building a business is not building a home.
  2. Hand in the writing paper it’s like a school homework’s.

Pay check looks different.

The Angry Birds Movie 2

Do you want Shane back? My website without his wedding dress? I just remember should be Nicky Kian. I did plan with Shane ~~ he lives only 1 week illusion phone message. 

No, that’s not what I say that for ….not the popcorn nor this purple tall with the shorty eye glasses Mark, the bird say …he says the chemical name for ? Probably the 40 mins apart the story plot.

My works is a housewife job, you guys go and to the professional reality. You going back home alone.

I don’t think Nicky and Kian lives that life yet. Everyday I am sleeping here sleepy. I feel…my windows outside is Nicky from left to right screaming. I am not suppose to wake up ?

Is this coming indoor ? A cave looking not the Angry Birds 1 mission to the castle ?

Indoor has a bathroom, stressful dream psychi revelation ?

Is any of these scene looks right ?

“Close your eyes, give me your hand …” Pitch Perfect singing line ? 

At the police dancing door close. The angry birds open his eye tie up.

Not me waking up?

I need to go sleeping …


Babaji: Go

Female icon

The Queen Gambit, right. I have seen it. My brother watches those TV.


So, if the girls' icon to you all so important as the girls, you don't want to imagine these movie were 20-30 years making, they just becoming an adult now, getting ready to go to the school?

I have read those paper, the women's quality is rising, or their education rising. I didn't know its the guys are all inept, so just the girls be more refine to process all the paper works to sound like a brain, and be sensicle. 

Sit, and to read. Learn and understand. The guys also have their own fantasy, and what if they don't make it in life, just go drunk and drive. They fallen in love too, inside their own head. You don't look at those too far away people. Be that so many opportunity if you shape up your own life. 

As the women, you have a lot of the voice, except getting through the correct say. I say...do you like to know the guys when they grew up, they got pamped by the aunt, the mother, the father. They pamp their way up, never leave home like Jonathon?

Tell me one story 2500 years ago. Not the first life.  Until this guy really got thrown out of the line, you will not understand the correct setting how the upper guy to tell you the things to any lower us. Whatever those saying they used to be inside their own evolution. They used to making the mistake, not they are making the mistake they correct they themselves?

Maybe all the guys believe that too. They pamp to each other, and I starting by saying, 2500 years ago, there was a story, not just that First life Eon ago, it was....the ending of the sundown path road 夕陽黃昏

Its everywhere also on the TV, on the comic book, oh mine. So why don't you just get rid of those seen can be see guys exactly those magic hola hop, get rid of your eye sight, never read, never see, never care, never imagine. I won't even know they exist this century down the road. How much patient I lasting with any of this. What is the upper guy....you mean some other existence.

oh ~ you mean the leadership !

Its on Wing's cartoon, 4 sister, Pang has 4 aunty, no, sorry Korean TV its 4 father side, together on the table. 5 Lords Reviews, you have no idea how I really feeling all the way right now, random telling you one story.

The guys will go regret just like you the girls, whichever direction everyone feeling the regrets, this is not going to be lighter. But what's important regardless any of that reflection in life, its your money, its your money, its your money.

  • The organization of the paper works.
  • The comprehensive
  • Your physical health
  • Your diet selection
  • Your money expense 

If you are not going to coming near the court room after this time, your stage of life or any other stage of next life, then you go out and find your jobs. Ensure that those jobs when you deliver a paper statue, you stare at it correctly.

You as the guys, or you as the girls don't have that kind of the logic. I already say. I did say almost everything with everything else wishing you could see it in front of your eyes. Otherwise I won't share it 20 years this facebook. 

If you use the judge to kill people, you will be killed, correct.

Jail and killed.  No, not free roaming, jailed and killed. 

Vola on the internet to proven it why they should be dead. But not literally you file a what paper work, using an even lawyer to proceed a very cruelsome method to the society. You ready to believe you kill one to kill another 1000 with you so Powerful, you believe that story inside the movie, don't you? 

That is unfortunate. 

No, not me. I can talk about the law things on the internet. Its you making it worse to everyone connect to you one person in every society. They behind didn't know you did that.

Together you are strong. I am sure all the reason, its you running out of your wit in 20 years out of the school. Now all the youth coming it up 20+, you scared, or you imagine to be someone else's kid.

You are running out of your wit already. Time to age, life too short, words too short. 


我看了一開始,睡著了~~沒有,我看了 !!

這些都是真的新聞對吧 ? 這社會新聞很多


Babaji: Go

My right ear has this airing pop a several month now. Every time I right shoulder my head, up 12 oclock, Its air popping.

🍵🍲 The Fun things to do 🍵🍲 The jump rope

Sorry, I mean the sky diving, jump long range down.....and tie up with Nicky. I see it when my eyes close. I ask him.

So the fun things to do is this Westlife mini go car, not the Conan Amusement park. What is this....Youtube sent me things, whatever I see you doing that with the 4 limbs jumping in the balls from the bouncing air bags.

( inhale my air )

They watching the ghost film for fun those? I have a castle here everyday outside my house to look at it. Their Residence Evil !!! Not those Shane's Mission Impossible. Talking about the real fun things to do...in life. I hate my life. 

My stomach turn, I just ate....

My period comes......I have to record it. I forget my last month, the first day, only the end.

You all want to have someone to love you, I don't think you mean that is for which side of the coin when you saying that. Do you? Like him like her, friends to show off, and if really together, and go out...its to meet the parents, or meeting the sibling, meeting the farm neighbors, you mean you do what to show up, even just once a year?

Some people cannot get a bf or a gf because they cannot focus on their jobs. I just tell you the reality. They knowing that, so they set a measurement to keep a job.

Just forget it about anything England. Did I say anything in England in 800+? The last 2, the 2nd one. I was telling him this side tooooo busy, the map all over you. Forget about the Disney, forget about the fantasy.

I think.....you all UB going to England.

No, without me. Correct. I can tell you one sheet, but you don't hear one word. 

Anything but England. I say long eternity I promise you, NEVER that England.

Stop....are they together? YEAH! This is not about the Cinderella (2022). I believe Harry and Meghan are together in the same house exactly they say. True.

The rest I don't care about it, but if they want to ask me, I wish them LONG LONG LIFE, except knowing me, anything be their happy eternity promises, without me.

I think you all need to stay away from England

Right. Rumble (2021). That is a historical heritage things, where they live.

Baby Boss (2017)

People like them, they will never never never do a thing for you. Not really. Not deep down, and they probably incurring that since the 90s, that is very very bad. Not the prince, not those attitude, and never the drug with a hole created inside the brain. He has a very clear implication. He is always like that too. I think before he reaches that book, probably when he was 16 years old. He cannot control himself at all. No, I think he is normal. Every project, everything, he can destroy that in the last min. No, I think ...he gamble that movie. No, the same first wish, the same wish.

I don't need to go to England, don't think about it. 

America doesn't have that culture, or these UB your priority things its to soak your parents 4 limbs inside the warm water. Sometimes, I tell you, its per step, one spoonful ensure they can last on their own. You fill up the hot water, or you are that habitual. Let's say, I buy the vitamin, she will know what kinds. Not all the time. But I collect them, and we talk about them. You don't force that person to live your life style. But whenever I run short, I tell her. The basic communication. 

You and your parents, and not sure your sibling. You have a job, then look at that job.

If all these things truly truly occupied, you just automatically delete a lot of the things to every side in the real life time and space. You see, you look, you wave away. Never never THAT. NEVER.

I used to have a major, 20 years ago, that was when I was in the school. I think I wasn't saying the 20 years long enough, you know. It might be 30 years for real, you keep pretending I don't exist earlier time. I say no, that is thousand times with that. I care about it. That is the only thing I ever ever ever cared about it. 

No, I was always always always in that major.

Zawanna's major. Correct. Not the MD. The other minor I guess, his university second major or minor. I wasn't telling fake his existence, but neither him 1st major or the 2nd major, no one cared a TV not him, not that, not that, and never anything I see. I just tell you......

I stop. That is how it feels like.

Not just like, I seeing the TV, they have their logo branding. I don't assume every TV I watched is fake. I make a public statement, I will just tell you everything I care, except any of that. There are a certain thing, never never never never dream. Its always on the social news here too. Any too perfect looking of the Corperate idea.

If you face one judge, one teacher (union), one doctor.

Those are the compassionate people. Per pay check. Not....the student format, if that Twin Full house were buying a pentahouse, and lose it...its their branding. The comsumer beauru, where you file the complain? I can file Square on that too. The first thing I found out Ryoya shows up. He didn't buy anything. He is looking for me, or looking for her. So I say hi !!

You all have a problem to say hi.

I push you to the legal court if you remember 1 month ago, to then 3 months later.....you....10 years ago, 6 years ago, 3 years ago ruin it every single one of them, the judge, the court room people, or the lawyer 1 or 2, or the private detective.

Everything I told you, if I tell you, you immediately stop your own money revenue. Immediately !! People look at you, talk to you, seeing you one student format, that is the consumer beauru. 

I am not in fear, because that is my life style. I try not to be like that, just be more courtesy at my own living space, too busy. I need to wash my eyes, I cannot use those water until it runs off. Those things I do, or I washing the toilet every morning, seriously. 

Technically you don't make one person shows up looking like that on the TV, and ask me, if I know. 

I process recycling too. Every kind of the square box of the drink, all my life. Every ingredient I process too, vegan or bug made red 40, every sugar label I know. Not just riboflavin. lecithin, or the soy lecithin. I drew back my every memory, I stand on those isle alone. I know I care about it.

The bubble tea is the plastic cup. I care about it.

There is 10 NT milk tea, the Family Mart. The bubble tea is 60 NT. The one I told Hailey's dad was 50 NT, the paper box 500 ml. I got this would be 375 ml 15 NT. There is probably 250 ml, 10 NT. You really really need to drink that much?

I went to show my mother, because I keep craving at my stomach, I drink 2 days, I went to tell her, here is the store, we walk in. Here is how it looks. There is one 15 NT, one 10 NT. I get fed up, you all keep doing this. My life is horrible.

I used to drowsy not to see the movies, or the TV. The day when SMCH shows up....

Looks like what....and Mummies (2023), that is Eben Pagan, his wooden table on the fire statue. In America, whenever you imagine to buy anything, they have a certain word in there label. I told you, the day I realize coming near, EVER, if I ever sound like, talk like, sorry, you all to me, because I would NEVER NEVER NEVER Mario Brother Play Game Station, those....NEVER.When things never get to me, NEVER will I look concerning. The day anyone imagine anything, that is not the karma only. That entire thing, I drowsy 20 years, I am very fully aware and awake, and all this cousin buddy Family Royal England all together. 

It was not a serious talk, everyday we look like show off. Stop....when they really coming near, it will FOREVER impossible already the TV, Mummise (2023), FOREVER and ETERNAL. 

Steve Jobs Run Down House

Looks like Demi Lavoto - Let it Go


If you all 100 facebook come up the facebook, you all talking about your 4 limbs washing, and the nail and the toes washing and cutting. How to cut it and washing, or the soap, how to stack up them, and put in the cabin all that.

The towel, the floor rug, the shower drap, or the glasses, the toilet washing. Yeah, you thinking that was a joke. I say do it. You doing a great job, I put you and another person whom done that together.

I think its Nicky. Exactly like the TV.

He may not have the money, SO, I have to make the money 1 year and half I think, since 2022 Dec. The dancer next by Britney, those material. But I told Shane, welcome here anytime ~~~~

Correct, Mark sold his houses. Right.

I personally don't care a word I ever sound like to another side of the interface, to be honset....it didn't look like I have a career or a job.

I say they coming in here good. But Nicky might be something stuck, or he wants me to go there, what not, so I told Shane. If or when things are clear between me with whom, that is 2 people talking. You go first back to Ireland, I go behind you, to land in Ireland, we settle your house, and we both leave. No one needs to know, just one round trip.

I don't care about whom I talking to....too many things, I forget.

This morning I remember now. Because ....seriously? So, I told Nicky, I write to him. Okay, stop. Something about the true reality, it will NEVER NEVER NEVER be......ABCDEFG, you come back and tell me.

You UB 100 are dirty

If you show up the correct UB facebook inside this hygenic, one thing. Why not?

Its free, its free photo album to upload on your per weekend, or the friday, the perfect cooking, or you show clearly how you run your bathroom. The rug, or how you wash it. Talk about the polyester, mine doesn't go fur on it like the Bath & Beyond, because we are here warm.

Nicky will feel totally different.

Your 4 limbs wash, down there washing, talk about the AI toiletry, talk about the hygenic, your 3 meals, or your poo schedule, you were used to be on my facebook 20 years. You remember all that. My brother' neck something disappear, all over his that side. A lot of the pimpo.

Correct, I feel more resonance or comfortable. They are all synthetical world things. I used to, maybe come across my mind. But how long was I watching this Rumble (2021), Baywatch and Baby Boss (2017), not too long. I guessing Nicky is a lot more mild personality too. Shane is a child king among them, the personality. You don't need to be with those bossing guys too front coverage.

No, I don't care about, so you never hear about it. 

I just saying it random, they have their tour up dates, I have all this things, welcome them again in Asia. If I was so sure that feeling about 1 year and half, that landing in Ireland, I think I already occupied that entire land, I will tell you. I didn't really feel it all that 100%. You don't do those life decision, and once that one nick ruin my entire life, that is way more than it can ever spell things. I remember he lost 10 times or 11th times the house before we live in the first house. He takes how long to raise Mimmo and Tony. That is horrendous, because China revolutionize that democracy is 11th time. I hate it, not this TV. No, not the house I gone to. He lives there for 30 or 40 years. 


oh ~ OU language.

No, I never thought about it, my original major? My head is airy bubble. I don't think so. No. Not about my life, no. NO. The high tech bubble up my head. NO.

I suppose to be on which phone....

Nicky, right? 

Kian not Shane.....I hate this things. I told them I am inside my head to do a lot of things, everywhere. I ask them something, and its I see it I understand the numbering?

I told Nicky, my house too many issue. Tina actually....too many things. That doesn't mean I just blank eye about it. She is somewhat like that, I don't get near, but I watch my mother, and it has to be per word I hear literally speaking. She and Pang. She got 2 kids. The basic human things, if they come near, I talk about it.

Right, you all here, so I tell you the real things. 

I told Nick, I tell UB them to go back to nourish their parents, some details he already knows.

Tina cannot be on that running about and show up at the court room, GPA 1.0. If they asking me anything, I will file for her. I don't really know if that is how they doing things, but I will. I think they hire the lawyer to do that or process that, including their own individual personal communication. Like Email. I would even know that, how noisy I ever get.....right. Well, never, its a cc to lawyer and to the judge one of those things they each do. Not, not my computer. I just tell you, I need to be every second on top of it.

I don't look like....I quit every job in 2015, I am telling you. 

I try to think they don't call me, because the judge knows or don't know. Because I hear they need to personal communication...oh you mean they need to know how to settle, talking, phone, email, file the lawsuit, including to the lawyer or to the judge. So I quit.

No, I thought about it. Everything the first second I thought about it.

Maybe....not that. I understand. 

Can I write Tina's paper? No, I don't dare, not right now. 

I am thinking, right. I am not sure. Because too many court room will connect to the judge. I think the lawyer can write it for them each. First, the judge know what I am capable to do. No, I don't do extra, if that is how that is. But I ...look at it. You near your local, if that is your family, probably you can. I....stop. I am not sure. I hear everything or I pay attention just enough stuffs. 

Every time she talks, right.

No, by intuition. 

If they tell me in person, I immediately do things, right. 

You can go near your family sibling, let's say you are like me. You accompany your sister when she flying in, or talk to the kids, or be on the phone. One of those things to...inquire. But no, Hank has 4 kids. They 2 needs to build that family correctly, or fall apart, still knowing that stage of the life.....that is 4 life they create, and handle all that well and right. Not me. 

BTX, no. Definitely not. No.

But the limited things for Tina. Let's say she needs to go to the hospital, my mother goes with her. I stay home. So I on every schedule. I already talk to Westlife, already. Every morning you look at your mother, that is the time schedule. In America, right a lot of the sibling is never contact to each other I think. The distance is further away. .....when we move to CA, well, I try to be a junk, that is what you mean. Being decent, just be at home, I lay there, don't move and my mother coming home I always exist. I think that is the minimum I do things. I live and breath.

If the judge asked me, and I need to look at BTx, I would. Correct.

That is one step after, right. I got too many things on the plate. 

I try to hear, that is not cc forward to where...

Correct, if the judge didn't get forward, one of those whichever Tina, I think Its from Hank.

I just tell you, I stop. Its better.....I just don't do anything or think included, better.

Correct, if the judge didn't get cc to. He didn't get told here, and not that, he won't know. For some bad feeling, I think it is Hank cc forward to. Usually you do that with the lawyer, not cc forward to the judge. Correct.

Just stop. I listen, that's it. Stop. My side. But I only get one me anyway here. I go and fix my Line app, all that, except there. 

Everyone knows I doing things on purpose.

They are on the tour !! They use their own methods to stay on the competition within they themselves. To look correct on the stage.

Westlife - Earthquake

Hey, the birds has a new branding sound, my google file email to the clouds "open access", this interface freeze. Ronan got someone up there...about 5 seconds.


No, the rest of the birds are calling Ronan, but there is a near here bird, the brand new sound.

Is the right thing to do, or the wrong thing to do? What thing?

Me Anna only saying things? oh ~~

If you put this music on Westlife - Pictures in my head, and these 2 otters dragging the palm trees, tell me is any picture looking it right? Put the music on, and watching that 2 otters doing.



That sounds like Carter's music at the beginning.


I think that is a bank association something fund right? I put a Wall Street background website because this one Tina Jojo or Karen, or Wing....all that garbage, I staying on line this Conan Detective main theme, I cannot see them at all. They should know where my mother coming from. Unless they gonna tell me the judge can lie too. 

But right now, if I understand this whole thing, I would have just told them....its all of their brain IQ issue, whomever behind their own individual account. They are guessing the Wall Street. It happens on one of my this side I found out. Literally, they are so shaking, that is how the money gone. They are guessing at it. 

I never do those thing, if I ever get near, I will read the books, I know roughly where the books will be. But technically not right now. Don't talk to me.

