
Yesterday I was writing compile notes with this Nicky. 昨天我們在寫字條收集的跟 Nicky

Are these people you defined them as widow ?


Some other things, because I need to move ? Anything but these ? The elevator none stop.


It’s this thing ? My bookshelf moved crack. That’s not the human or the downstairs.  Are you serious …my room ceiling is the birds right ?


Hey do I need to call the police?


Is she here ? 她在這?

Our moving date me and Shane. I think her foot got stone trip.  She wants to go to 馬偕醫院,from Taipei center their brown line. The green, otter, vegetarian hospital.


If I typing something then my mother screaming at me washing the cloth again  You all none stop playing a game because you have no money you thinking the money and life is a game. I will tell you exactly how this island sunk game. You imagine what I will ever do. 

You have no reason to keep hurting me at all. Not from the first day, Tina Jojo watch !! Taipei station basement with the 21th plus chicken like China map, Mongolian cut in half. Eating it down is tasty like she syndromes is a rooster chicken!! No tongue, no brain, no facial dead cock faces. It’s a born right. I am sure no one will see it 『the debts man blood shall pay.』

Bible lamb is Jesus, right ?

About Bible ? Oh ~~ Can you hear the audio that kinds? I told Shane fine ~~no, I don’t think like that.

Uh….I read. I called Justin, because …he can call Britney they are the Bible groups. NSYNC put their parents on that time. I saw it. They all look like the Bible groups but maybe Justin.

Selena those, Ariana, maybe Taylor Swift, those they know each other better.

( My lunch breaks )

Maybe they don’t receive until tomorrow and then America they figure it out what to do…

Frozen - Tina hits me Watermarke Irvine case 2015

Tina that time living room had a Slam Dunk DVD whole set was Hank 三井 hit everyone’s head in blood. So Tina push me bun bed in 5 or 6 years old at our 6 F here. Hank that time NYU was hook up the internet or the satellite cable for business while Tina was doing the Tiffany counterfeit jewelry on eBay with her ex bf, our right outside noodles place. 

Her father was in trial already that was a counterfeit cigarette branding in China, something red white smoking package like our kitchen outside paint and neighbors. But Tina was in NYC. I don’t think …anyone imagining doing that in America we just got our green card. 

I saw them once with the mokie ! Or before one time. 

2013 I met them again. They are married with Aria. 

Is this about their green card, my mother gives up hers for Obama, I think.

Swallow’s daughter was Wendy the law student but she Swallow doesn’t have the American citizen. Her husband their family has the green cards or the citizen.

My mother told me, Tina and Pang has the citizen after the green cards. Nick gone with me to the citizen court room in downtown Buffalo. I have no idea why he does that ? Everyday does not come down, it had to be the day I am busy and he drove me down to the city, I have to see the judge. I run all my paper works myself - before, I change my name so I have to get a notary or 2 places to run by myself down there. Normally…the judge says I could just tell him at that day. That’s the interview and the Judge. Because …

2010, Irene and Squares changes their both name in Taiwan. 

American Embassy moves to North East. Far away…

VS she is an ET without the helmet, that’s the visa My father got married so he has the visa. Hank’s wife now got the visa has to run every 6 months.

I am still the citizen I just got hurt here in the hospital twice ! I cannot leave all these animals hold the arm, the limb and the feet. 

What’s the Frozen again ? Running out of the castle and never moved? I didn’t !

She is hanging the cloth, it’s the outside talking to her. The high sharp pitch sound at the head. He is step step step step step on the ground below neighbor. The hecker Alex.  Probably they all heard outside, my pillow was a / marking in another side.  No, she doesn’t have a green card to re-apply or she goes to jail, there is a behavior conduct.     That time …..did they Pang or Tina graduate + the green cards, she was talking about it. And she gives up her green card, she had a job in nyc selling those gift glasses made art, but she came back for her father then she gives up her green card for the property or ???

The family lawsuit in 2010. Squares goes to the CA 2 years 2014.

Is this Swallow there …fox.conn? Similar or exactly fox? They do that for their property in Taiwan she doesn’t have that. So she kept their family asset here in Taiwan. Movie: Blended that lady. 

Uh, I should call Vartan….Sky has the green cards them have, she doesn’t. 

Loving the Silent Tear page 2 and page 3 booklet

She is the Korean doll and he looks up. 

Her Austin looks like Wallace, it’s in his drama. 金玉良緣 so his brother side family got sent to jail. 

Obama is page 3 below Liz Lauren next by Steve Jobs. His biography is talking about Obama.  Of course it’s the overseas property tax reason. The Obama things. 

They escape and she and the kids go to jail those kinds….I think.

Usually if you are the friends to the American citizen they check that. 

My so many anti-virus here …cannot open the shortcut. Running....this. 

I turn on AVG start scanning, he opens the door, close the door, gone out, and my mother came back almost at the same time, if she saw whom.

Yesterday because I install all of this, during the fight, my mother says he is moving out!

I have to call Shane, and this scan has to run about.

Square's mother didn't get divorced yet with her father goes with her best friend. He is the military doctor, so UCLA pilot uncle, if my mother does this, and which one of them hurting me, taking the money or the patients profile to shut me over Frozen, or my mother, he gonna get himself killed maybe.

Sky, the otter, my ceiling outside and inside...

I cannot get this command prompt going. sfc those scan things.

They are not the Frozen, right?

Her spending limits, or they need to get back here, and Austin and Leo goes to America?




⭐️ I think, you all 50 got the point wrong. ⭐️

You go to the judge to vent.

You go to a judge. 

I make myself kinder and those are not kind. They know these per alphabet clear games or the intention or you hide out or pointing at you.  Let’s say, a throne game, and all the picture to pretend, but none of those are true to say a legal power is always under the democracy world is the judge. 

These, with a reason will be only I know the reason, and that answer is no.

That’s not what you 50 layman outside with a movie script as an excuse or near by 2 asking me. So none of these need to talk about it.  These material the judge agrees to, I believe it’s the court oversees all that so y that every world continues a public media and the television broadcasting, I didn’t think I need to worry about that, but when people imagine a tantrum...That’s not true. The judge doing this to you will know their detail what exactly they done to you, so you go to those whom have a real legal authority to know exactly what that is.

People that never see, never meet, never encounter has no movie reason to say a bonding. Your poise, your manner, your bad breath, foul Bible verse those evil cock….those what you represent is more of the movie I thought to seeing that, other than the tantrum to me or to the judge ! I didn’t even get near and the judge wants to say I got hurt enough outside cannot have a right to see a judge ?

And he knows or she knows….what these I say, I am the last to arrive? 

You play a life of tantrum with a judge?

You play tantrum waiting to me at a photo throne?

Slam the door, flash the eyelash, my other friends, my other guests, and one day they aren’t, it’s new VIP or the president those ?

You …are motivated by the movie to unleash every script inside side by to those, together you are One? The judge on this will know where the classify material comes from, you or them forcing me to where find out, the Disney headquarter ? You love the movies, the music, the sound effect, you intend to scare me or already scare the hell of the judge. I am not waiting on the judge, I am resting.

Your poise, your manner, your expression, your Justice in your ambition to ….?

The old or the young, because this is the last min or the last chance of the finance you lie the whole life, so this judge they gonna get killed in front of you with …shout, music, and the sound, the motion picture of a 2D flat, crafting a story ?

I say that again, the judge !

These materials only the judge can know or tell, or what the real scenario why you get a call toward ?

Some people mild like me, I don’t see them the judge as a game. You took it shouting, hurting others, abusing me as a game?

You loving it to shout

You loving it to harm

You keep loving to do all of these threatening …

I don’t need to take any of this, seriously.

I want everything out. No relation with any of you that’s a period, the judge already witness all that 

No see, no hear, no contact. 

This is not difficult, I just leave, I say that very clear on every account. The last seeing it was a forever goodbye any of you, period !!

Spirituality story

Except from SMCH  / Yogananda blue book.    Frozen

The spinning story: Bhagavad Gita, India 5000 years Bible.

Long time ago, there is a Master and a servant. This servant had to cross the stream to give his master that dedication of the cheese, that’s Krishina or another form. Sit on the river bank, the high tide rises, the servant worried and scared, he told the next by a yogi, can you help me cross the river stream, my master is everyday this hour waiting for me. The yogi says you give me the cheese, I eat it for your Master, and he will have it. So the servant doesn’t believe him, after a while, he has no choice, he gives all the cheese to this mystic. That day sunset, the river tide comes down, the servant finally cross the river stream and cry out to his master, “There was a mystic that took all of your cheese to say if I give him all the cheese he can pass it on to you…” his master was so full, he lays there cannot get up and said, “yeah, that fellow fed me so much cheese, I can hardly get up !!”

2) There is a master in the house with a servant. That many house chore was complete when the thunder comes, the master that days arrives to home, covers the servant from that thunder in time to that retribution of his Karma.

It was 三生三世十里桃花 Babaji short clips songs of the past memory to 崑崙虛

3) Krishina and Arjuna, Yoganada talks about in the blue book with his Ananda.

“In that many description of our Gita, that this account between the Krishina and the Arjuna has many interpretations.”

That story might be 1 or 2 or 3 just in the blue book,  their conversation in discussion. 

One of these from the original gita isn’t he said, it was original from Krishna told Arjuna to go to war. And that was Babaji at the throne saying that in the TV.  


I think, the music, wave the body yoga fitness, pull in pull out, the yoga pants really suit you all, what a New Age perfect. Fight fight fight, You’ve Got Mail, to together shout, yell, run about between each others front cover or back lash each other to the Justice of every paper works that either you going in alone or with all of your family, relative, the friend, my facebook. 

Except me !

That’s the ending sign already before. You didn’t prepare yourself to kneel, you didn’t read, you naughty to squander life, you chat away the idol behavior, you thought every games were a play, the music that makes your body move like a snake !!

I don’t need any of you, seriously! I got enough people they can vanish all of you these sound makes the ear audible, what a zealous feeling makes your body move ! Fight on song, energetic look-out !

You trash exactly every frames if that’s not a modern electric book, you pick up from the ground or he will. The Indian General.

You loving it ! In your life, that’s 30 old memory friends probably, it’s once a year will only be 10 times 10 dresses up with a make-up. 10 show up, 30 best pal aging in Line App every week once, that’s 52 weeks times, you wish someone replied.

Any show-up to me is not welcomed, we are through all time ago.

The content inside the movie

There was in Taiwan a public servant, the governmental employee I think in our life or she met in life. It’s a man or a guy that time. We were a lot younger kids might be but she remembered this person. She will inquire or this what going to the court 10 times until she asked about this man. So the total court might be 10+ shows up, she will throw a weapon or a knife at a judge and cut stab that left side of a judge. It might be just she doesn’t get this guy + all the other things 10 times she never gets anywhere with the judge in that 1 person shows up stands alone in the court.  


The clock ticking by.

F roze  n

She wants to stab, “好呀!原來你們 …重來不是認真在我說的事情上面這麼多的來回,就像她講的,浪費她的時間”

It will be?

All dead, correct. 

You can hide, you can seek, they will find you the court people and you will all be dead. That’s the only argument.  

Just write 

                   Name                     Date                     Resolved (check mark)





Oops, the 25th dates dead. Oops, another number of a machine since the first day the movie air, you are not dead. 

You want to shout, you want driven the emotion together with the movie plot, horay horay horay,  together you are One, I have no doubts. You ask enough correct question, it’s Ocean 12, the payment comes back to you when you mild back to your real life. Fight on fight on, fight on ! Horay ~~

You just didn’t ask the judge the paper he wrote, the first court date, was how long you last to be a full corpse dead.  Why don’t you ask ?

You love shout, you love be driven, you love to calling, you love the movie love the sound, love the body moves, love the sound just like the wiggling of the snake.

Just stepping in dress up, one dollar drop per nervous show-up outfit and absent show to the judge. Disrespect the court because no result …50 mins vent, was that day hard work. The same door key in key out, same room sit one bowl. After 25 times, still the same bus hop on 25 times seeing one literacy judge can be kinder to talk. What a zealous feeling.

Except dollar.

Your home still your home paying the mortgage. 25 times the high air doesn’t drop you. It’s a mood you feel hopeful, but but but …

It’s the same bus, the same plane, the same make-up, the same 50 mins. There wasn’t 20 people together at the local court. 

“It wasn’t that bad the first date !”

You what ?

They are the big boy now. A phone to 5 or 6 of them.


The tech bug. A mosquito. I shut off the phone.

Shane gone to sleep probably, I ate a bit, I can go to sleep too later. Whatever this is done, I say I want out.

I need to get out, I need to get out.

She doesn’t quit hurting me !!

I need to leave, I need to leave, I need to leave !!

She is murdering  她承認她要謀殺


She pretend likes Tina yelling at me when I eat. Tina hits me 2 years later.


You mean….   (I think )

A lot of them are doing very very bad things on the Facebook. Including the politician, she decides to thorn out like Alex, you mean ? He was married issues, she was a divorced women thinking this is the same game …. No, not the news say, I say. You have to believe you are somebody other than killing……crime.   To join the crime together language exhibit shows.

There is a TV makes her believe ? She hurts me Nicky police and Shane Singapore Netflix movie. 

No, those are not true. The TV, no. Like you have a real family inheritance you do those …now?


She picks important date to …be recorded, she knows ! She felt the wave to …show off ?  You cannot tell her anything, it was yesterday I told her everyone has a group happy life and he does so he gonna go to Japan with the new gf. I asked her that’s an issue ?? She didn’t say anything.

No, better I don’t discuss anything with her. She keeps doing it with the Square things to the hospital, her mother. The scamming groups she doesn’t need to answer the phone calls. She does on purpose. 

She plots of every political dates.

Otter…nick got sick the bone cancer. His facebook I saw.  So she knows what the movie means ?

She bought that Annie Hallway a several movie here with Mr & Mrs Smith. I saw here. Princess Diary 2. And Intern, in yelling voice memo or at those facebook chat box. She was saying …About 1 hr ago. 

I have a job intern I don’t go, a drug firm I don’t go, an intern don’t go. She told people I …hinted me my sophomore or the junior I faint or drugs I think she meant. Something everyone in the center here has a job, even that old “Strict” last name guy he has to 70+ ironing the cloth.

I don’t make the money to let her spent on the shoes closet money.

Maybe she just poking and guessing because Alex dares to do and no charge so she goes together and see?
I saw the phone emoji, but no, she doesn’t need to do that !!!!!

I used to do the colonic detox so…
I have these photo she tears all of them I film out them.

Now I eat the instant noodles all those.

When didn’t she give me the college school tuition and room board money or invest money on me.


Why she goes fitness, so she can strength the weight lifting those (like Tina ) throw at me. ( to kill me.)

Princess Dairy 麻雀鳳凰

Swallow engaged to Sky, a match maker arrange that. 

??? Her daughter name Wendy, the law student.  Oh, Legally Blonde, a law student. 

Swallow turns into a Pheonix.

They are the order of the Pheonix …them friends of the parents.

She was a nobody …tiny, yellow pale no nutrition teenager, runs.

The face ! Ruined. Not the internal organs unseen. (Use swallow to say, the ancient Chinese)

Now, she yells at the boiling water, my morning dry hair ? I control her every life she did run ?

She knows that’s a murder ? She keeps watching all those murder Netflix.

The volleyballs sports I don’t go 

My toddler Chinese had a tradition, I pick pen. 

She keeps saying me is a ghost walking no sound, e-mail or mail don’t get from the telecom. I never deal those detail things.

Mail ? The postman downstairs.

I have so many high school or college friends talking to her? Everyone asked her what’s wrong with me with the facebook ?
Did she mean, I work to type type type type a lot, the relation with grandpa …

I didn’t use their money, or the TV money.
She is waiting we be given the money, not I work the money.

No, something money Watermarke or something murder must be.
Harry Potter is a murder.  Her password. One of it.  I buy that whole set here, she saw it. Next by her those.

There is a murder ….she will be screaming means I am not murdering and she is ?

If I have a friend from the past, she can scream them.

My cello teacher …I cry ?

Apply the pharmacy school, I throw things to the professor ?????

She is talking real !! I hit people, throw stuffs ?
She wants to turn me to murder or ??

My brother can hurt me more. Everything transfer to him, see how he treats you, don’t eat medicine. When I die, he will never see you once or twice. I transfer everything to him, you live in the hospital. 

I am not doing anything …

My Twitter, my Facebook, what’s wrong with me ?

People look at her Shen’s face to talk to me.

She thinks I want to stay here. For my brother ?

If staying here ….Fr o z e n…..these here are called Red building, Alex name Red.

Her best friend imply she is murdering so she cannot go near them.

I am not doing anything …

The rotten life I have, she gives me a better life and I want to spend for the rotten life ? No investing Watermarke, not working W 2 visa,  everyone has to bow low and I don’t need to. She has to report the tax to the tax building. 

I am not doing anything …

She knows they …are all frozen their money spends a lot a lot a lot or jobs bad, moving, not a lot saving.

Saving is Frozen.
The road here red red red castle only she knows Ghost. The Film: The Residence’s Evil.

She didn’t tell these road zen because that’s Chicken Den 雞窩 her restaurant and Diana’s 3 ways killed garage.

3 bubble tea. Now that’s Cotton Farm 棉花田. South KY were the blacks civil right. 

Today’s date is 228.

So all the recording has a meaning. 

Because my brother cannot stay here. He taller, he wants to keep renting, too small for his height. The elevator ….no.

I am doing nothing, I staying here, she keeps repeating. She means it these per saying.

Stay here, tw. 
F r o z e n. My passport not American ?

Not tw in Frozen, not US in Frozen.
雜種? I was screaming at the door before she shouts the last 2 hours and unlock the door to kitchen . 

The mix blood like the dog dominio.

There is a mix blood on the road ?

My IQ dropped the 50%.  If she is a swallow, I am the Pheonix, we say yellow in Chinese like the pineapple she buys on the fridge top. One of the word in Pheonix and pineapple just happen to be the same. This is not this Arizona Pheonix town ?

Am I supposed to murder someone ? I am not doing anything ! Not seeing the volleyball.  Hit the ball to hit ?

Keanu, everyone knows he murder, the 2 bowl Magallana, Simon 商央達講 they both murder, right.
No, everyone knows that.  

If she is a swallow, I am the Pheonix

Am I supposed to murder someone ? 
I am not doing anything ! Not seeing the volleyball.  Hit the ball to hit ?

I hit the wall, here. Here at the wall, Red.
                                National Treasure.  We Frozen road the Red building. It’s not the same writing, just the sound like red. Not the same writing. 泓樓

麻雀跟鳳凰有什麼意義? What’s the meaning of the swallow and the Pheonix ?

Virus ! He hacked, so that’s the virus ….COVID 19.

None of these related.

Not really. No.

We are not F r O z e n.       No. The road like Z the fire lane.    The Pheonix catching the fire 🔥? 浴火鳳凰

Bathing 浴

We passing ….years, I am not doing anything.

Sorry, start it again.  If I …what ? Murdering 


Only she can be murdered ? So swallow that she is, legally blonde is legal. 
No. I am not killing her

I am not doing anything ….just nick or her. Only she can be murdered. She wants me to murder someone so she is the Frozen?  No, I need to murder anyone else but her.

Why I need to murder anyone else but her, so she has the money to spend when that’s turn from murder not Frozen ? She is just a swallow not the Pheonix?

I am not doing anything, I seeing only her as a cooking maid, she is a swallow like the outside birds none stop screaming.

I am not doing anything, so just her 1 human.

Frozen castle is the Residence Evil, across.

There is no one in the castle just me and her.

F r o z e n.

Aries is r

One of that is her?

Not n

But she should be Zen. She sees herself highly so there is Swallow turns to Pheonix 1 and 2 (Princess Diary)

F r    oz     e        n.

She is like Tina. She hates people telling her they look alike when Tina grew up.

No, none of this related to anything other than she can write all that logically with a very very bad attitude. No one knows what’s targeting at her. Her claim is the movie induce some words keeps hurting her in depth knowing of that every past, it’s not intended to be true but she got targeted. Nothing else. The psychologically hurting from the actual residence and all around. Including damage the personal relation with the kids, no one understands that, and no one needs to understand that.

She knows the killing, I don’t.
Someone she wish to kill all her life.

F   o z   e    n.

r like I left. F collapse to o, Pang in half z, 26.

Fo is 佛   Buddha  

Left her and Tina = zen.
They will never be zen.

She yelling to hurt me because she cannot write them down clear ?
I don’t need to deal with any of this, seriously. I want to leave, as fast as I can. Never see, never hear, never heard.

That’s random. 

She is the middle sibling O Z half
She does those soap bottle on the ground hide in the hospital. The object takes to imagine the superstitious.
Her sisterhood. She hates her brother and Pang’s father. But after Z is en.

No, it’s all the intention other than these says.

The Catholic nun, she watches those. The Residence Evil, I am sure she watches all that.
Her high school was a Catholic. Mummy was a decay Ghosty.

Probably just me 1. 

“ I doing nothing at home.”



Have you, Mark ….right hand up, push your left shoulder joint, back, back, back…how much force you apply ? You are not conscious what that is?

You want to just learn this one thing next by her, she pushes on you, you know that’s the hand force you exhibit until you do it correctly ? On your own hand ?




New gf

The younger age usually got angry, piss off. She has a lot of the character, not a mild personality. But she doesn’t like her mother, she hires those private detective those personality. If she does it, no one knows. But she doesn’t know much things; she does call the police and say it. 

She has a personality but she trusts what he told her 

“We all have our individual life where we busy at. “ so she pisses off. 

########   This elevator is - his pink.

He was starting as an employee, not a super big deal, 15 years ago, the kid was born here. He had the paychecks to one day opens a company with the 3 court paper. He has not one guy’s friend to come to the house. He is not happy she is super tall or he really does on purpose. 

Any of you …coming here with those W car. He is physically light, starving, trash can, he is very lethal or fatal at my balcony door but, you are about bump into his bike, 3 meals hospital Boss & Me Episode number 1. 

  • The gift basket.
  • The 慰問金 comfey envelope money.
  • The family comfort he got a kid and a wife
  • + his new romance if just 1 him on the bicycle, that broken bike.
He only had 1 bike, he has no money !!!

I shut down and he knocks the wall behind me. Immediately. 

If I touch the phone screen the light comes up, immediately the water facet.  So is my photo missing is a part of the emotional  tramuatize ? It’s a hint to the night market.

I shut down again, it’s the metal outside door close, to hit the head. No, it didn’t remove that or the fan.

Twice is the hint to the night market. I think those people he said if they put a needle in, her mother or her will calm down, she already sleeps a lot. No one even notice the difference, there is no one with her. 

Usually it’s the black bow ex gf he talked to. About bf or his current gf.

They weren’t together until 2 or 3 years ago. But she shows up like 8 years ago.

The current bf their method to find …it’s creditable !

You go to DC you will find him. 

Step 1  Malwarebytes

Step 2  AdwCleaner

Re-start this before running Step 3

Farbar Recovery Scan Tool 

This gonna works?

No. There is a Microsoft Safety Scanner

How many scan can I do, a whole line of this anti-virus and the malware debug software.

I delete this fish game software. Its at the start-up I saw. But in here, this GOP those media long time ago I download, if I try to uninstalled, the quarantine will be up 3 times, I delete the files and that software cannot be install. Like VLC those media player.

My desk top are ....filled up these short-cut.  Spy-bot is a Spy-bot Center and an Anti-Beam. 

I think they were saying salmon? That is the boyfriend, or the gaming center. I am deleting, but I never used it. The Ice Princess....

If I do something here, he will knock or something this 4 side wall, and to force things. Its very scary, he uses those unit in the sound to make your head keep hurting and hurting and hurting.    Decibel. 分貝 

I decrease all of that, and my head to rest.

Its a common sense, right. I knew this....long time ago but this is a crime. Its to push people the emotional trauma. He targets at the night market, that 2 people. 

Wait, the goal is for my mother to be isolated. Without my father, without Tina. But Pang is far away.  Now me, its where when they vocation to Japan, his son and his grandpa to stab me if I go near. So she will be left as 1.

Isolate me? Right, but he doesn't have the money to pay, that is the most immediate issue, not I own this apartment, its her dealing that per month he has to talk to. But I told her where he intended to move and travel to. So that renting...on that new place is the paper works he has to file. They don't give him the money for that. A few lane down, that high speed train his BMW at the bubble tea every mornnig. "Plant Tea" those.

Because that is the curved parking space of my mother used to had, and that was the massagist place moved to Eastern Area. That is a hidden garage curving it down. No, the door will not open. And this is where, I walk, or everyone her uses the road to get to the Metro, from the top he can see. 

__________  Wall ________________________


                     Parking      Parking

                     Tree           Tree

 Curve down  )            | Here, up top floor.

                      |            |

                  T tilted      |old lady addition    T sign, I told you long time ago. Its our door going in same line.


Something about Shane and JC....

Ancient Chasez. Crying hysterically someone died, and with a new born kid? 

This scan is a very long time. Maybe that is a whole day tomorrow....starting from the morning. 

I think that was a romance game, to say why that is a scamming group? The conversation keeps saying that, or the ice skating, I remember that ! That is the scamming group in my high school.

Its to get married, I think. 

Google keywords....image.   does...

Does this mean, technically it has to be a face-to-face with a word coming out of the 2 people in talking, that can even be asked a question? Before getting scammed? They are not using the internet, anything internet is fake, it has to be face-to-face those? Like a friendship, like an outting, or asking you for the money, or calling you to meet before pop a question to..ice skating? 

Like asking you for the bank account to go to the counter, or a voice be heard, like actually contact, a voice to another side through the phone, or actually face-to-face?

It has to be talked with a word coming out of in Chinese, right?

So if the door is locked it every time, with the curtain draw, that will never be a scene, that is face-to-face?

I tell you the telephone number here....



412- 8518 transfer 2.

That is the match age to yield a son, afraid = 8 I= 5     18 = being abandoned, transfer 2.

I scan continue tomorrow. Its 6 files.

Never ends this....

The conversation


  • Tina, my father away from my mother.
  • Using the legal court to force Anna me.
  • My mother and sad me, running away. The current girl her mother yelling at her often.
  • The sad me means the warm approaching is not too many laughter those, will fail surely. 
He have checked the local court.  “Can we find someone at the legal top…”. “2 of us?”

“If you cannot get her out of her mother, we cannot do anything approaching !”

His wife initiated

“I want to move to where my works the nearest...you are not doing anything inside the house anyway.” -(1)

‘No, not the school district near the bank, I don’t like too crowded people.” 仁愛國中,台欣  - (2)

[ hurried to move to the entire paper works (?) the near by, next and next lane to strangle people neck at that parking lot trees near the General ]  -(3)

Phone at those upper the (3), loads to rent cheaper.

I cannot understand (1)(2)  (3).    (3) is the correct but (1) was should, and (2) for some reason was the conversation in between. 

T at, across the dentist, that 2 cases. The Canada Prince island, Liu Champion and plastic surgeon 2018.

(The elevator starting )

His pink. I think it’s always about his ex gf with him or the current.   She doesn’t know much but he says, “Sometimes people have to take care of what’s their own very life.” The new found school girl. That piss her off. 

He is highly calculative


The kid just step off with the mask. The purple and the eye glasses.  It’s calculative with the noise outside on the top, and he sent him out. Smaller sound, I ran down.  He thinks I sleeps in my room to hurt the head, it’s this room.  He starts to shaking …or the kid. It’s right now right below to the school. 

He steps steps steps steps down at the neighbor below in a walking manner about 1 min. 7:27 stop exactly at 7:28.

The 2nd floor, the girl, a Secretary and her mother getting old.

That’s my mask before my mother bought. 


Read it to my mother yesterday 

He knows Square’s restaurant, the cousin 8 years ago.  He started this gf 2 years ago? This black bow on the blonde I met her and another guy 8 years ago. Not a word say, the night market front. 

He needs to delete, the animals, the bf.

When I met them, they aren’t together yet.  Inside and the outside looks a bit different, not sure the same girl. 

8:00 knock the wall. To go out. The water facet - hint.

Tell my mother to slow down, restful, and focus this very sharp human needs a next win. Not going too happily. Rest, sleep, know and focus his next winning bet, the immediate next do. 

He wants wants wants a life like that 3 guys, 2 F 2 girls, young or me. Everyone got someone, a group life, even that 2. Not his age. He wants to show off, from his chest the huge energy wants to come out money money money after COVID 19  a very happy life if he can, he doesn’t want to tap the facet water licking his tongue’s life anymore.

Did you check that mask was my mask purple before exactly ? The COVID 19.


He wants a dignity life, everyone listens to his words and follow the command life !

No one really listens to him all around, younger and younger.


Next - new gf




I don't think.....tomorrow, the night market. You know.

Not just the Friday night. The students go. People eating the dinner around 7 or they get the snack for the 9 or 10 for the mid-night late burn oil.

No, I don't go there, we used to do these movie. Starting in the afternoon until late. Mon - Sun.

No, you all can go, no, they cannot do anything to you, a lot of the people going, and you all a bundle. I have to wait with Shane to be here. I told him is okay, but that is another 3 months when he will sort his packing boxes I think. 

Disco, or gaming zone, or outting to the water cliff, the romance. 

If me and Shane, then they cut in to give him a name card from the girl, we are in a different isle in 7-11. I think that is what they do, but we going there like 5 times a week, and constantly staying here for 6 months to 1 year. 


Well, in our world, you don't stay here to say lives here. We have these city you as a household only last about 2 years, and you don't belong here those saying, we settle a property to pretend to live here. If we moving out of the country, they probably won't even show up.

The ice cream, the ice skating / disco roller blade / Broadway theater Disney / the night market those balloon shooting to get a giant bear / the doll picking machine / the coffee cup, the small necklace / something people do in the high school.  On a date.

The water cliff ( East Taiwan, not the beach sand, its the Cliff "beach" in definition, you cannot park a ship there.) 

oh ~ your France them going that way? Right passing it by, the entire east coastline of Taiwan. (facing America, that side).

Right, see.....them. The Tokyo Disney.

Didn't I say he stolen people's app, so if you open an App, he guessing or he knows you are using that App. The content may not, but something he can tell you are using the camera app to film, or the facebook. He may not be guessing it, its he stolen this whole building, and go and stalk them from behind.

And you meet him at the cross road. You carried a phone where he hacks you. I am guessing its like that. He goes out first, and then...I gone out. 

Well, if you all going out tomorrow night....

Let's say, you meeting his wife and the kid all together in the elevator, 1 me. The first planned meeting, not with my mother. Then.....one day at the mail box, "oh Hi !". 

Then his bikes arrives, just happened to get home, "So co-incident, we meet at the door. I forgot my key to get some stuffs from home. I boiled some water for tea?"

Those hinted things. 

Is that legal? Of course not. 

I think maybe he really targeting at the high school uniform, are they serious?

This weekend, you find out. 


威力彩 - 最新一期中獎號碼  民國114年02月24日 (期別:114000016)

  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 23
  • 24
  • 35
  • 2
The wife is         the virgin blood, second teacher, third ME     2 = vomit

                          2F       3F       4F       5F       6F         

7F         8F

A first lady school?  His wife is very tall. The gun and appearance team the First Lady high school? HERE?

 The otter    https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SG3YJQ_UpXg  Its to aim at Kate.

The baseball is the date? The Small Egg or the Big Egg.  The 2nd floor. 

You know this year is Snake Chinese Horoscope year. A king in the palace story......

I seen this Hollywood ladies. She has some resemblance, its not those students. I think something the vocational school, those. But correct, they have a bond connection. He wrote her letter, a physical letter makes her feel sweet.

Try "happy, peaceful, vegan new year to   all  and  all will be well"

"to all."

           1             2           3      4     5     6F  7F   8      9 elevator, no one is using it.

He asked her to go touching those door locks next by us, maybe those or where about. He checked it all the door locks here.

We-to-Japan is 3 hours and 3 mins.

13 hours 23 minutes on the 5th of January.  I enter the original universe.


30 alphabets. It is strange, I seeing a group of them going. 

Then a whole airplane only 3 is not. What if? The whole airplane went crashing to the mountain. You believe what I saw?

The plan would be 4 grandparents. The notes before....until QI, y  (yeah) 爺




She is this guy's younger gf. about 21 and 61, I have no idea how old he is.

She was told by him almost a small gentle lecture, she don't just go to my mother and expose her in the night market with a fat giant guy. Near by her, was those gangster, young looking nice hair guy short, the money mule. He the younger guy told her the same thing. She knows at least 2 those tall, nice looking, scamming or the gang guys around her, those gangs. Or that is few people she as his young gf knows.

She gone in the 7-11, those dumpling place in the end is where no people walking there, because I hardly going there, she buying the cigarert and asking my mother, if how many daughters she had, and where she never knew I going somewhere, maybe she should join them the next time to see where I am about.  oh, she rehearsal this so many times in her brain or the meeting scene at the night market, or this is in the 7-11 (?). Every time is the same line, the same talk, the same....tones  }

No, they have met these indoor light, she knows where these night market walkway. Those light are the day light. She does staying near these younger guys outdoor most time, but the human eyes is not always outdoor. 

Anyway, when they met that one time, my mother's thought was, she just doing nothing but this Westlife guys on her talks. What's coming out of her thought.

This gf knows I go to metro that route a lot so this game is not easy to play,
 and she doesn't go to Taipei station. My mother gone with me there. She has a blonde wig, or some hair style, my mother sees....you know how you buying a box the cigarette at the front, the cashier turn around to grab it in 7-11.

If....that should be the Eastern Area, my mother did say or what did she say? 

No, she says that is not prosper anymore, but what did she says. 

No, these 2 places are not immediately at the police station, that is what it means. 

The birds are picking the cloth, the IT putting this down right base. The white jacket is the lotto. No, he is up to something downstair, right below, too.

She is those usually stays in the day light near the motorcycle these younger guy's looking no eye glasses. Only he 洪 this neighbor he has the eye glasses. They all smoking that type and most of them don't have the eye glasses. They have those gang's look, the act and the behavior.

About right. The face





Ariana those and combine as....



The pet shop. All those pet shop glooming places.

The motorcycle people


" So you gonna partner with her...."  poking.....  Kate's chicken things (?)

"The organization thing, you should not get personal.... you know how many times I have to say this. While other people having a (family), it will never be you and me knowing, they got their own life pace how they do things around the house, if we got exposed because you and me, it will affecting not just their own personal choice of life, whatever the girl and her mother or her older bf included. You met him, right?  "

"No !".

"How do you know she has an older bf?"

"Her mother told me. Look at this...."


"Yep I told you. When people having a family overall structure, not even her daughter knowing any side from that side he got a family before or now. That is none of her business."

(We got it from some other sources. )

"Her computer?"


"She knows about this?"


"You sure?" "A person like her don't know about this? This is the whole family overall get together."

"Her mother says she doesn't get together with them too often. That is probably just mis-understanding. He meditates all the time like her."

"You sure taken this it will convince her? I hardly think she is that type of the personality to be honest...doing something behind someone's back, and this guy doesn't even tell her, how big his family structure was."

"I think her mother telling her something about life, that is when WE (the family of 4), the choice is not always on us, you understand that?"

Religion practice

"I don't think she goes with her that often to that."

"She stays at home, but I think she does do something with them, look at her...."

"That is being religious means?"

"No !"

"Are we going after them, if we show her this?"

"No! Her mother says she doesn't care about it."

"Can we just look up online to see if these are true?"

"No! We are the money mule. We don't do things....$#!$#!$#!$#!$#@"

News: they broke up

His father made them broke up a darker corner somewhere to talk. The above conversation might be 2 years ago. Last year maybe....?

"You know, people always know what you do behind, she may not consciously know, but she can tell things are not going well. "

(I have these outside birds.....hey ! What are they 2 walking towards? The crying part those.... )

I seeing those conversation, fine. I usually have to lay down.

I cannot use my facebook yet. No, he goes with that to hit my head in-room. Someone knows he does that, so its....it can be retrieve, just not right now. You read his pink issue, how to deform someone's faces.

That time, what she wants to do was pull me out of this attention house a little bit toward their motorcycle, because they cannot be seen inside those indoor light, and I always be inside those underground tunnel anywhere inside the structural builidng.

That will be at least 2 years ago, and the longer I staying with my mother  - he meant that my mother will build my trust with her mother the time passes they do talk, they had these following conversation, and then so she proposed that, she can find a way how to take me out of this environment a little bit, those plans. He says, her schedule is watching the movie in the afternoon, and she doesn't go out at night time, 

"Is that right?"

"No, we usually don't meet those people's face, if you want me to?"

( Many years I have those schedule.)

Alex asked, "What makes you think she gonna drop her mother to go with you or your groups of the friends, you sure this gonna work?"

"Not really, but I can try, we never see her in this area a lot, her foot range is very far, we cannot really be there (the Taipei Station) and she walks a lot. Almost everywhere people seeing that....  ( inside the tunnel or the outside station those places people can walk.) Those are favor to us, unless she turns into those small avenue lanes, we can talk to her, or we try. Me and !@#@#@#!  "

"Have you done that, what does her mother say?"

(shrugged her shoulder)

"I don't think she has a particular interests to know what we do with her, or means we lie to her, or we do lying to both of them, if I know what else they people do to her. I haven't got those communication responses back yet. So I don't really know."

The younger guy next by Alex's ex gf.

"You know people like him, might screw it up all of us life, you know?" near the motorcycle sitting there to smoke.

She pushes his elbow, "I don't think he is like that. Don't be jealous."

"I just don't think he knows what he is doing." Smoking ash...steps step step.

"You met her?" "No."

"Its his father told him that, we broke up. "

"Right, the family like that always has the excuse going back to the family, as the guy, we know that, but ....."

blah blah blah blah blah...

Before - the photo.

"You sure this is her photo, I cannot really tell that is her."

"Do you follow her from the door here?"

"No. She doesn't really come this way, and when this person does get here, I am not sure this is the same blonde people you describe this....look. You sure, you asked her mother?"


She did hand my mother a card that one time in 7-11?!

"I just don't think we waste so much time on Alex's new gf."

(She and him often waiting outdoor near the motorcycle within all these conversation. )


"We don't even meet the person."

"A lot of us have to........"

"I just don't think that is a very good idea, we go far with this, just by the description of it, they got their life on their own, and he lives right under them, he must know its worth to pursue or not, and he is not super clear with us, on all of them, or just with one her. Maybe he is frighten, and not telling us, after all, none of us knowing what exactly she does, and he talks very seldom with all of us on whom they are, or whom she mingle with. From us, we hardly see a person there, and he puts so much works on her, that is amazing /strange. why we outside seeing that, or knowing what exactly had happened to all of us around, all around us here."

"I told him the same thing, seldom we talk about this anymore after this. I think he got some other plans, not really to do with her or her mother, because.....its a renter's issue, and they screw it up a lot in that houses, and he just doesn't say. I think that is whom he is."

"oh yeah? You know him better."

"You think we go back there? Any time soon?"


"I can see we are not very far from it, according all you or him said to be honest. She doesn't go near to the people because she knows we are all very bad, and her mother knows her like that, that is why she stays there, not her sister or sibling all of that, not even her relative has anything to say about her, those kinds. Or else we might be notified, and kidnap them as if and tell them that. But...." (sigh) "I don't even think they got a relative !"

"I think she stopped them from coming to her mother, maybe they had a quarrel, you know, every family has their past up or down, all of that, and we never know what their kids doing, or what their public utility do to them, I heard they were from somewhere too noisy, but she doesn't want to go and engaged those conversation too quickly or what if we all screw it up, I have no idea."

"I just don't think this is a very good idea, we all get too near to them life, this far we think of. He doesn't know what he is doing, or he seldom saying what he supposes to do, beat the crap of them, he will be let out, but at least they know we have the attention on them, so they pay 100% attention what we do, and arrive where we suppose to wish them to show up those places, just not where they are all busy inside their mind, or their own life, and commute in this traffic tunnel, no one goes there, its not cool, its not windy, its not romantic, and these indoor lights,....anyway. We cannot be seen, or be spot shed her own security with her mother, and what about him? We know anything about him?"

"No, he is one of us, Alex."

(  her best friend's name is Alex? )


He thought about what information to say, or be sent to....or someone dead 2 people chamber motorcycle, or someone higher, or some conversation,....he was on the phone someone else discussion. He thinks...while looking at this social news from the TV.

Meditate, meditation, sensation, some birds, the psychi, or something

?????????????  He thought about something to say, or imagine something....????

That 3 guy's financial stuffs.

Best friend Alex

"I think some of those handicap people did see her, at the Eastern Area, not too often, but a girl like her doesn't seem to go near this handicap or those animal pet shop ideas. At least being a girl while exhibiting those trait, people will feel more warmly and cuddling the romantic feeling emitting from her, being kind, or being genuine, one of those, you seeing /you see....."


5:51 (current time, or 5:52) knocking the wall, when I close the browser down, my back head.

Whole day, no elevator.  He cannot run about play. 

I think he wants to imply the shower time.

So...the birds meant the Unbrella King, walking towards that on the corner roof I can see. Its a perpendicular pedestrian walking towards the night market down there. The birds did.

So this is to hint....(the elevator very shallow they did, today. Not up here.)

These the wall hints, are to get out?! To those money mule ~~ the motorcycle crowd.

England military, you left yet to Japan?

Kate, I am dreaming or all these otters starting Hugh arrival, they draw me a map he gone north, or this Taipei area. its you Kate's birth certificate, or later Meghan, or anything that Harry ever done.....to end up another chart Next Step movie. Everyone got a diagram.

This is your comfey food.


No, not that diagram.

You all having these otter evidence where you drop your key in the water and left someone at French custom for 1 Christmas, every time I coming back to my jobs I have to think. Its with the evidence I can see, I tell you that might be real.

Til June this year, this is horrific, I can tell you that. If you all leaving yet, meaning to board on the ship, its probably a day or 2 running up before the typhoon season. 

I wonder if Hugh's family they got what they need, or they all moving up without that Jumanji: Next Level, that diagram. Someone literally tell me, they buried what a giant gas things near them UK. They got the kids.

I will be in the middle holding those bouncing up or down MIDDLE. ME. 

You didn't get those food, right? Or some try those small paper bowl, something here or there the sea food in the cozy hotel room?

Do you get your sandle the summer, the beach life? Those very bulky and air light those kinds, the light color. Its good indoor with your socks on it.  Some mint ornament, or the medicinal, or the medical creme. Those are actually the English label on it. 

If you travel again from the south of France, you....only going through the Taiwan Channel going north up, you may not even stop in Taiwan, or Okinawa somewhere to get the supply, the Philippine is south. (There was these 2 otters, one of those swap the position with a fish in his mouth.)  - this is the time we talk about I can only trust what I see from the otter, so I tell you? You going through Egypt, that is a canal, or channel you define? Ours is giant to across is China. 

That is....warring idea, I ever asked you? Me, us here. Taiwan Channel to China. You know why you join a military, can you check you are not navigating the wrong side...I know you don't need to pass by here, Philippine or Okinawa is fine. We go straight up to Japan?  Yes.

Do I need those sheet?

How is the Cinderella Geography your all prince or them would be at. I am so confused. One side I see the living veil through the panda family, another side I see the animal collect themselves, next is my outside building and my own home road block at the castle, and then my food....and then and then and then....

You care about your own family, and how you all PM and Royal, whom pushing whom now to get let down, its George or I imagine I seeing that with the latest news through panda? Do you have the military doctors, or you deciding your major going home, when you going home to finish your school?  You communication, I mean about you yourself make a clear what you are saying, and then PM or through the UK Royal family to get through the PM. How is your local custom you gonna all ending up a lot more International World in Japan.

Passive and go to sleep. Just like me.

"Is a ....we walking up Japan and we will be seeing this one guy, and that is your neighbor?"

"The renter with the pink."

"Not the wife?"

"When my head is clear, I realize what I just told my mother and yesterday was our Tuesday here. Okay. When you guys ready, you won't be collecting yourself in the same area."

"Are they scamming groups?"

"They are....a Chinese word I think. The money mule.  "

"Can you report them?"

"He doesn't know he is exposing that to the whole community here walking freely with a bike....or I am not seeing my vision clear ...and telling you here. I got no immediate visual point to tell you if anything I see was true. Sometimes, I got too confused."

"And he doesn't know he got exposed? "

"I don't speak in Chinese, not that word. 'driver'."

"But its literally this money mule Google Image?"

" ... You are all the one less thing I ever worried about, to be honest with this 1 neighbor + 1 pink, or his wife always knows that. As long as my mother doesn't join that, I care about it."

'What do they use for that, outside sound?"

"The motorcycle."

"You can understand these news say, and they talk about it? "

"Yes. The actual crime, I wasn't thinking it would be right below me to show up this Apple device as a what.....the 子母畫面 and Car Play? Apple is on it, and he is not reading it. He is trying to make a point I think and by the way a fast kill. He owns this apartment."

"What you gonna do when you meeting this, we are leaving or left?"

"... these are every single day on our news. If those royal duplicates were not perrish, they would have knowing a lot a lot of this at Cambodia, they are moving it to Dubai though."

" That is not our movies, right? The geography saying to say duplicate, and they are the scamming groups, all these piles up?"

" Oh ~ ...what?"

Your movie. X. The geography, the arm strong ....they have any duplicate in it?  ( I am ....How many are these Cinderella? ) 3 things you ask me. I hear this right or I organize my thought right. 

You ask them best. I am not literally watching this movie the beginning to the end. Every news here I watch since....this is very bad to the people here, so I know about it. I was busy to ask my mother, she does what.....no I don't think she joins them. I try to ask her about if she knows about the pink. Not clear...her answer. All these food I am eating it down.... It might be something very very truly bad...all this add up. If she has a point, she knew about. He probably went to show off with her. He imagines to show off with me. 

"That is showing off?"


She is a Canadian diva, right, now Hollywood they saying that for? Entering the US market, what they do? The lady die in the sun, I said? She was from....where Nominji from, all right. West Hollywood probably. 

She SMCH....no, she uses the center around the world. Do they profit to live with the water crisis issues. Taipei, or the Miaoli they have to handle every bill legally. The police or those I say 4 countries police they have to admin that. 

Just never live with the jail, because 4 countries police over the cult, its how many her classmates were never that Flower Thousand Bones, I mean in the 90s. One of them near is our presidential candidate. The 2nd photo that one.

Their target is the real prince, at least they knowing that, none of them is the scamming group?! That should have no relation whatsoever. Never mind. I can toss that away. Those are not the most immediately thing. 

The personality Tina & Alex….3 and 4 and 5 ….(my relative)

What we gonna do here. 

1) Everyone too tired. 

2) They are killing to get a point.

The identification marker is not strong, or even Tina. 

Is 3) They are highly emotional counts this part…


Always says trust you with my eyes close. The personality we lazy too tired, the home they are in right next by was Hank.

Lilly isn’t …but Square the main star. (11:57)

6:30/ 6:32. Alex

Is this accurate, SMCH north west of this click about inches away from the middle 0


                                                                       Square’s brother                       



                                Alex       7 老外爸爸


                                                                     Hailey Adam/ Ku/Hook/ 阿滴 …

Home owner 

Dark upper, starry below

Tell me, …

                  You, my outside !!!!!!!!! That was not 1234, and this file which one, it’s one of you going below Wallace photo in yellow today ? Lower just a bit Square but this building is how many floor up, you get up by how?

Tell me

We are not related 2 diagram ( personality 1234 and my outside today in yellow )

Give me a reason ….

Make a circle round. ⭕️ 




I cannot move out of the bed like this morning, do do do outside.

Another room, his ceiling is a lot taller. (my original room becoming their living room, colder near the windows)

The kitchen is lower ceiling, embeded space, to my current room, the bed.

Both time, I cannot move from the bed. He might be very near to the windows that do do do do do sound. He keeps walking, he uses his phone to know where this phone supposes to be at. 

I did pack, but 3 things in the morning, I got pull down to go to sleep. I cannot move.

Do do do do do sound after,  usually are the motorcycle. Or there is the truck, very loud at night.

I check "General" in the Setting, all the stuffs already. The Font.

The system font. 

M. Malay like Malaysia near Tamang, the UB Chess club, the gun man the massive shooting.

His wife

Menlo = the pink

The kid

The grandparents (2)


Malay like Nick's home.

Cry out



When they dispatch 1000 people in LA, 1000 people behind me and You, including my UB junks, 1000 the ex-mayor cases, 1000 people on Frozen from Disney, or some movie combine, 1000 people on the security, including my mother's security. There are 7000 people like this CNN news say to you behind is working ensure things are

All individual, so are to Simon meeting Lauren. 

So are each of this Tom Cruise, Kady.... or Jolie Brat, a word they are in a term. That is each case putting 20 extra people or 100 people. My side frozen will be the most country putting some hands into the worse of all this situation.

It will never be if SMCH be dead, and you enter this W line zone, its Mark or its Simon, or its Kate, or W Prince, or this Harry which 1 2 3 which things are real, he himself knows.

Shane, each of this is 1 folder of they themselves education background to a full shape up life here to then now. So while a lot of things you don't need to hear it, its they pulling all those noise away, when they hurting me in 2014 with Keanu, or all of that hurting me. Simon meets his love. 

I have a circumstance of that, so I will tell Simon whichever that last time about Lauren, deform, and that is on Eben's face records in the hospital. 

It doesn't ensure everyone got killed time, its the government they show up and determine that, or the public. You and me are 2 people inside a place, from one country to another. No one else, but relief you are not part of them anymore. This Kian or Nicky pretend to me, you are an issue forever to anyone all around them.

Don't play those game, Shane. Make my life your priority like you would be treated by someone else that endear to you. Not those front fake, so Lalla stood 1 video extra, for her big mouth jar talk, not SMCH on Google image to play fool, someone will leak what real or fake information for their ego to blow. They have no value, tell them, they have no values !

Don't use those to pretend hurting me and behind telling me, that is how it is done the criminal justice.

Fix it now.

Tell them, what Westlife means in the Corporation. Crush them, homeless them, street them. That is what you should be doing, all of you, the first day, the first thing, to stand firm. 


When we be together, drop the humanity, like you told all of them this time with the other boyband their monitization goes first like their facebook not open. Its a retired life just 2 of us. 

That door close, you won't make the same mistake like that Nick, 2 double 2012, the 2 Earth theory, how far the Earth will do for all of them on this one planet, or this galaxy. The human is not worth in life to mingle, to know, to engage one conversation. But just you and me life.

The Loving the Silent Tear, the Red Carpet, that Simon says, I am sure you heard that word clear.


Ronan is on his own. 

Its not the reincarnation story anymore.  Its with the 1000% payment, no one does a thing for me continuously. American loves to mumble those words, other than the first day to get the first things, everything must be done. And that...they just  meant, oh well.

Oh well. oh well...nick's Willis house behind, its a Will. Funny....oh well, oh well, oh well, Taoh OU language 2015 Jan, what an office suite. MM suite, a piece of suite. Its......purple or black on the legs, anyway. 





Let's say my family, and the TV told me....and I didn't tell them, or explain to them, or I got angry, I move my emotion or hate to them....

You are not laying it down enough, to say a healthier living, stretch, walking, breathing to your lung, or your vitamin or your water statues, or your physiology balance inside and the outside. So this TV has the negative results, no one seeing a long trajectory, and the high tech can push that someone head's chemistry to extreme from inside. The high tech next by aggravating. 

You gone to blame yourself over you hate them. If you stop thinking about them, vanish that argument, not even mention to them, observe them and walk away. This time, you focus on your career, or you accord to their air. All of this aunt or the mother wish, would be someone stands there at home, be next by, accord with them. Its always their kids fault.

But what if your point is the only point?

The agitation of the spirit, that's say, you speaking at mild, or your mother like my mother, "Oh okay" she didn't pay 100% attention on me, or even this hospital records clear, and she keeps her attention was nothing but keep Pang and Tina lives and breath.....she can just make a decision the first time I open my mouth 10 years ago. Leave them. If she follows that instruction, it just me and her. If once I said that, and she requires me to keep reminding her, as if "I must beg her". She didn't realize, she supposes to evolve to know, what bow, kneel, flat means. And that failure choice, its her constitution guarantee, vola vola vola, drunk, dance, mew....cow ~~~ ward ~! Funny, laugh laugh laugh.

So its not for them to beg you to talk or how it is said....

A mature, a truely magnificent someone, will be 2 mutual communication. Someone hears that word, and their mind be alert. She doesn't exhibit on that and she wants to put it down the first moment to hear that like nick. Some people doing that, and they keep showing it to you, its to step your every words, and also literally telling you. Those are shits, if I don't put you down, your ego so high?! Being abusive, or being to control my life, so in the end, its death we will finish this !!! Alas, horay, woo hoo hoo hoo, wo wu wo wu wo wu (clap their mouth clap their mouth), sound like the instrument of the lake next by camping, woo woo woo.

But those are your family, you can win over the arguments? All this TV, you just walk up to them, and explain them every image and frames?

I see. You mean to play the scripts together those kinds?

No, to literally telling them, the right or wrong, or sitting in their house, as a family to talk?

No talking. Look at them, and walk away.

Like getting hurt, and I am the God, or the Lords, don't you boss them like the family, listen up !

See, my greatest words end up on this ugly cloth, what you gonna do, that first day the important private function, this relative, one of them screw up my day just this ugly cloth, I never just abandon them every single day since the TV becoming true?

With the family or the friends, the true cordius meeting or that warmly supports, you wish its long lasting. But after the school, they no longer find them so real, so genuine, or so many contacts in each other's complicate life to say be together, or show up together. 

I don't really have those to worry, just because their every TV, they make it a mess to then, blame on me its without my faces, I ever said why I think this or that, they putting it together, they met each other, and I question them behind their back?

They want a life to full of the hate, to chase "one extra word" or the air that Lords in witness, to say, 1 person attention was one of those family, or the friends far away, or in the past. They willing to use 1 Lord, for this low friends, then 10 direction of the universe. Tell me that 1 extra word were this movie to make that a choice at this time, Eon, or Kalpa await this one time.....and 25 years, 20 years, 11 years gone gone gone.

But but but, 50 people accords these, we fight to the death, and Jesus must agree with ALL of US, its the justice of that God, we seek the equality of the minority, the women, the man, or the constitutional !!! horay, wo hoo, wo wo wo ~~~ Tell me How VOLA WOW, we give you the biggest hug, cuddle of this Lords make the human forms, means one hell of that awaits one BTX or Ella Enchanted this time or 40 years later. Same windows noise, that white grey hairs wane?

Its not a poetry anymore, its the breathing of the metabolism is no longer to fight fight fight.....

You don't understand, if Jesus didn't travel down like they say, its always in motion and everyone at this TV, he stands next by listening to you every moment, of your thoughts, your hate, as the transcending Master like you imagine if he is the Super Human, the Super Master, to that every quiet room, he listens. If he did....

Tell me, none of these are the samsara, none of this is the life tribulation, to say trial and error.

What people lose .....

Its every life, every eons, every kalpa, starting this 1 life. Jesus comes back AD 2000.

You had a wish, you can make it. And their price given you, would Here After, Eternal Life

And? This Eternal Life = Every Life, Every Kalpa, Every Eons ...

Its real, or its fake?

Don't you want to correct them, if they are wrong?

They make an excuse to keep staying in the hell, you wish to help them?

They are the family.

I have seen....and I personally tell you, if God meant there is a hell, and I been there and see and knowing it, always choose the God's methods. Understand his word, his wisdom no matter which Big money becoming the giant, and we are the small people cannot vent out our heart, so that the judge of the society, or the movie industry in the past, didn't lay down the foundation enough, to be on purpose make me suffer.

That isn't always fair until that one day finds out, to that Lord pace the way, it didn't need to be the TV to be the Lord, but use that perception of the minds, understands or be obedience to that nature, leave the audience, leave the scene. All of these agitation of the spirits were to fight to the death of that arguments, God given a society a choice, and look at this?

I turn around?

What do you mean God given a society a choice?

Anything we thank God that he makes man in his image, to start. So are the industry God input something to make it worse, or the sexual, or the romance, so are the belief, so are the human every degree to seek the justice other than the education or be understanding. 

Most of you will never put God in every mouth to that everyday, seeks his Breath of thy man, so that Light be shine to the humanity to make a leap, or make something worthwhile, so are to the animals or so are the Nature, that God given that every law to operate

I turn around, which day I literally can turn around? What did you do 10 years ago to start?

The day I becoming the Lord, turn ....around?

4 years gone, too. Because...800+ starting at Number 1. August July 2021, we will be 4 years since.....gone, if just one of you in that 4 years, not the end of the 3rd year, was 1 full year to explain, this year is 11th year.

Anyway, I need my space to sort. I do not wish this none of them were my family at all. And their heart, literally......every Lord will tell you. You know why ET or God makes this TV to my own every family?

Every heart given up one and another, and start reporting.

And, what do they choose? Their each other hates. And while I seeing everyone spreading these UB included materials, their face, their career, imagine what was they saying they had a hate, or love, or passing by....the choice that they make will always be the rebellious nature.

Turn around and leave.  None of those story, my story, were the happy ending. I guess the blame was on me, I leave.

I talk to Nicky or Shane tomorrow wake up. I hope they read it. I hope Shane was on the phone, it might be someone else, I was shaking (?)

He doesn't look like getting mad human, because he is buried in the ash. I asked him tomorrow again. Usually....buried in the ash means they cry they need the help, not concentrating one word I ask him or them. Talk to me when he can see here...