She doesn’t quit hurting me !!
I need to leave, I need to leave, I need to leave !!
She is murdering 她承認她要謀殺
She pretend likes Tina yelling at me when I eat. Tina hits me 2 years later.
You mean…. (I think )
A lot of them are doing very very bad things on the Facebook. Including the politician, she decides to thorn out like Alex, you mean ? He was married issues, she was a divorced women thinking this is the same game …. No, not the news say, I say. You have to believe you are somebody other than killing……crime. To join the crime together language exhibit shows.
There is a TV makes her believe ? She hurts me Nicky police and Shane Singapore Netflix movie.
No, those are not true. The TV, no. Like you have a real family inheritance you do those …now?
She picks important date to …be recorded, she knows ! She felt the wave to …show off ? You cannot tell her anything, it was yesterday I told her everyone has a group happy life and he does so he gonna go to Japan with the new gf. I asked her that’s an issue ?? She didn’t say anything.
No, better I don’t discuss anything with her. She keeps doing it with the Square things to the hospital, her mother. The scamming groups she doesn’t need to answer the phone calls. She does on purpose.
She plots of every political dates.
Otter…nick got sick the bone cancer. His facebook I saw. So she knows what the movie means ?
She bought that Annie Hallway a several movie here with Mr & Mrs Smith. I saw here. Princess Diary 2. And Intern, in yelling voice memo or at those facebook chat box. She was saying …About 1 hr ago.
I have a job intern I don’t go, a drug firm I don’t go, an intern don’t go. She told people I …hinted me my sophomore or the junior I faint or drugs I think she meant. Something everyone in the center here has a job, even that old “Strict” last name guy he has to 70+ ironing the cloth.
I don’t make the money to let her spent on the shoes closet money.
Maybe she just poking and guessing because Alex dares to do and no charge so she goes together and see?
I saw the phone emoji, but no, she doesn’t need to do that !!!!!
I used to do the colonic detox so…
I have these photo she tears all of them I film out them.
Now I eat the instant noodles all those.
When didn’t she give me the college school tuition and room board money or invest money on me.
Why she goes fitness, so she can strength the weight lifting those (like Tina ) throw at me. ( to kill me.)
Princess Dairy 麻雀變鳳凰
Swallow engaged to Sky, a match maker arrange that.
??? Her daughter name Wendy, the law student. Oh, Legally Blonde, a law student.
Swallow turns into a Pheonix.
They are the order of the Pheonix …them friends of the parents.
She was a nobody …tiny, yellow pale no nutrition teenager, runs.
The face ! Ruined. Not the internal organs unseen. (Use swallow to say, the ancient Chinese)
Now, she yells at the boiling water, my morning dry hair ? I control her every life she did run ?
She knows that’s a murder ? She keeps watching all those murder Netflix.
The volleyballs sports I don’t go
My toddler Chinese had a tradition, I pick pen.
She keeps saying me is a ghost walking no sound, e-mail or mail don’t get from the telecom. I never deal those detail things.
Mail ? The postman downstairs.
I have so many high school or college friends talking to her? Everyone asked her what’s wrong with me with the facebook ?
Did she mean, I work to type type type type a lot, the relation with grandpa …
I didn’t use their money, or the TV money.
She is waiting we be given the money, not I work the money.
No, something money Watermarke or something murder must be.
Harry Potter is a murder. Her password. One of it. I buy that whole set here, she saw it. Next by her those.
There is a murder ….she will be screaming means I am not murdering and she is ?
If I have a friend from the past, she can scream them.
My cello teacher …I cry ?
Apply the pharmacy school, I throw things to the professor ?????
She is talking real !! I hit people, throw stuffs ?
She wants to turn me to murder or ??
My brother can hurt me more. Everything transfer to him, see how he treats you, don’t eat medicine. When I die, he will never see you once or twice. I transfer everything to him, you live in the hospital.
I am not doing anything …
My Twitter, my Facebook, what’s wrong with me ?
People look at her Shen’s face to talk to me.
She thinks I want to stay here. For my brother ?
If staying here ….Fr o z e n…..these here are called Red building, Alex name Red.
Her best friend imply she is murdering so she cannot go near them.
I am not doing anything …
The rotten life I have, she gives me a better life and I want to spend for the rotten life ? No investing Watermarke, not working W 2 visa, everyone has to bow low and I don’t need to. She has to report the tax to the tax building.
I am not doing anything …
She knows they …are all frozen their money spends a lot a lot a lot or jobs bad, moving, not a lot saving.
Saving is Frozen.
The road here red red red castle only she knows Ghost. The Film: The Residence’s Evil.
She didn’t tell these road zen because that’s Chicken Den 雞窩 her restaurant and Diana’s 3 ways killed garage.
3 bubble tea. Now that’s Cotton Farm 棉花田. South KY were the blacks civil right.
Today’s date is 228.
So all the recording has a meaning.
Because my brother cannot stay here. He taller, he wants to keep renting, too small for his height. The elevator ….no.
I am doing nothing, I staying here, she keeps repeating. She means it these per saying.
Stay here, tw.
F r o z e n. My passport not American ?
Not tw in Frozen, not US in Frozen.
雜種? I was screaming at the door before she shouts the last 2 hours and unlock the door to kitchen .
The mix blood like the dog dominio.
There is a mix blood on the road ?
My IQ dropped the 50%. If she is a swallow, I am the Pheonix, we say yellow in Chinese like the pineapple she buys on the fridge top. One of the word in Pheonix and pineapple just happen to be the same. This is not this Arizona Pheonix town ?
Am I supposed to murder someone ? I am not doing anything ! Not seeing the volleyball. Hit the ball to hit ?
Keanu, everyone knows he murder, the 2 bowl Magallana, Simon 商央達講 they both murder, right.
No, everyone knows that.
If she is a swallow, I am the Pheonix,
Am I supposed to murder someone ?
I am not doing anything ! Not seeing the volleyball. Hit the ball to hit ?
I hit the wall, here. Here at the wall, Red.
National Treasure. We Frozen road the Red building. It’s not the same writing, just the sound like red. Not the same writing. 泓樓
麻雀跟鳳凰有什麼意義? What’s the meaning of the swallow and the Pheonix ?
Virus ! He hacked, so that’s the virus ….COVID 19.
None of these related.
Not really. No.
We are not F r O z e n. No. The road like Z the fire lane. The Pheonix catching the fire 🔥? 浴火鳳凰
Bathing 浴
We passing ….years, I am not doing anything.
Sorry, start it again. If I …what ? Murdering
Only she can be murdered ? So swallow that she is, legally blonde is legal.
No. I am not killing her
I am not doing anything ….just nick or her. Only she can be murdered. She wants me to murder someone so she is the Frozen? No, I need to murder anyone else but her.
Why I need to murder anyone else but her, so she has the money to spend when that’s turn from murder not Frozen ? She is just a swallow not the Pheonix?
I am not doing anything, I seeing only her as a cooking maid, she is a swallow like the outside birds none stop screaming.
I am not doing anything, so just her 1 human.
Frozen castle is the Residence Evil, across.
There is no one in the castle just me and her.
F r o z e n.
Aries is r
One of that is her?
Not n
But she should be Zen. She sees herself highly so there is Swallow turns to Pheonix 1 and 2 (Princess Diary)
F r oz e n.
She is like Tina. She hates people telling her they look alike when Tina grew up.
No, none of this related to anything other than she can write all that logically with a very very bad attitude. No one knows what’s targeting at her. Her claim is the movie induce some words keeps hurting her in depth knowing of that every past, it’s not intended to be true but she got targeted. Nothing else. The psychologically hurting from the actual residence and all around. Including damage the personal relation with the kids, no one understands that, and no one needs to understand that.
She knows the killing, I don’t.
Someone she wish to kill all her life.
F o z e n.
r like I left. F collapse to o, Pang in half z, 26.
Fo is 佛 Buddha
Left her and Tina = zen.
They will never be zen.
She yelling to hurt me because she cannot write them down clear ?
I don’t need to deal with any of this, seriously. I want to leave, as fast as I can. Never see, never hear, never heard.
That’s random.
She is the middle sibling O Z half
She does those soap bottle on the ground hide in the hospital. The object takes to imagine the superstitious.
Her sisterhood. She hates her brother and Pang’s father. But after Z is en.
No, it’s all the intention other than these says.
The Catholic nun, she watches those. The Residence Evil, I am sure she watches all that.
Her high school was a Catholic. Mummy was a decay Ghosty.
Probably just me 1.
“ I doing nothing at home.”