Babaji: Go.
The Flash | Music & Lyrics.
We seen this.
Spider man 3 on another channel.
In America, when you say someone wears the pant = the lady dominate the relationship, it’s a slang.
Be careful in the wild. Both you and your care takers. It’s very slippery and too bright on the eye.
The bird very loud. So this Flash …Ronan basement !
You intend to say spiritual or that’s lawful means ? They want to tell me or ask me if you have anything to do with it, next by the Wonder Women, it’s the Justice League. Ronan is old and that’s Square my cousin super man. Going back in time story to acquire the power. I would say every super hero can participate some law structure of the society. Meaning to write. Not the fist knuckle today otter bite on the concrete floor like I talk about the medical board video.
You thin and your brother thin, only that, I can imagine all that …these all of it.
你瘦跟你弟弟瘦,只有那樣,我才有可能想像那樣 …這些全部
Do they mean you get to Simon AGT tapes my 256 light audition the switch board circuits ? The bird say the bat man chest fire is “Neo”?
他們的意思是說你到西門那個美國達人秀,我的 256 燈的初選那個電機板子?小鳥說蝙蝠俠的胸膛火那是 “尼歐”?
Did I say you close gate?
The mother, at the beginning. You want to be Ronan’s kid?
媽,在一開始,你想要成為 Ronan 的小孩?
A can of tomato dice? We use the can of whole. That’s the court room?
Maybe just you lose weight, organize your life, close gate. You 2 already separate brother like me and Tina.
The ending has 4 columns. The songs.
Close Gate !! 關起來大門
Ronan Keating is famous in Ireland I assume that not I knowing that. You be your dad’s kid and never that Ronan’s kid, however that sound.
Westlife ?
That’s Mimmo looking
Next movie. The manager.
The comic book: Loving to Cry Little 愛哭學妹
You suppose to be doing that Roman Catholic religion for real, especially the time like now? I don’t need to be in any religion, as far as I can see now. I technically will not call someone Ronan the Father or the dad? And is there an imagination why I feel that ? The birds meant Ronan is ….
That’s a correct term in Ireland ? Next by England, the music world ? We are so so so far away….you take the camera lens flying from that Ireland to here, you guess how far that looks W 2 world. You call someone Jesus or you call someone is Ronan Keating not Michael Keaton …Jesus, the one? We are not in that part of the worlds? That sounds normal ?
We speak the Mandarin here.
Jesus is not our language I guess …
This movie ….you got a piano in the mansion?
The last time I remember about those scene was in the elementary school. You know that’s 30 years ago. Talking or playing the piano next by someone. My world has to make-up the books and the writing, if not the science, it will be the laws whenever your dad and me done with this, as he can see his lawsuit number up !
這電影 …. 你有一個鋼琴在城堡?
I used to have pain, the left side to where women period behind, that a bone or a cave in if girls looking behind in the mirror. The pain is the front, cramp. But I put the pain killer patch where he keep scratch. The one line joint. The women thing. I ice skate stood on the left side. I fix the entire left side. Yeah, with the period but you are a guy.
ASMR she is 34
吃東西韓國 34 歲
This Monk, Lords of Ring, Da Vinci Painting a thin monk. I hang to die not I eat to die …
Your father remember - the End of Time I told Keanu to say those words to the Mummies (1999) lady, that Eben is in Mummies (2023)
你爸爸記得結束的時間我告訴李維去唸什麼東西,這木乃伊(1999) 女演員,這埃本在木乃伊 (2023)
Westlife - End of Time
Movie: Meg 2
Your dad is surrounded by the penguin 1999 ?!
We city metropolitan is build in the basin. Meaning all trees higher ground around the basin so our pollutant in the entire world is caved in by these motorcycle except I go to the sea - 7 years to 8 years long. Your dad is holding you guys sky, you and your brother + the pinky? One day you are? And that year span is not your dad imagination after he would be dead, you = me one of those bad omen ?
This is not your family discussion ?
I tell you what, you lack a lot of the family discussion, anything all that is not important. Whatever I told you today, these TV movies worsen. I hate everyday Thor told me, the bird told me it’s worse and worsen. I really hate hearing any of that. I have no idea what you imagine your jobs future-to-be, I hope you are not what I think you doing this Ella Enchanted buddy together should just sent them all to the street like it shows.
Get back to the gate.
I go to sleep.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I cannot talk (lawsuit anything ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
In my life, I have never felt like this. I love Westlife, I listen to the music, I cannot hear. Don’t talk to me.
You know it’s eating the white parts …
I only have the visual. I always say it’s the visual.
I have nothing to say. No, it’s not about Ronan 🦅🦅🦅
Regrets !
Why don't you wait your dad gets here, these birds are very useful. He has the personal staff sorting the paper works, he just uses his eyes to read, and listen with the birds?
Proof reading included, just with his eyes to see. Or whomever can do that for him? I have no ideas whom Ronan, or Lynch, or Shane or Keith. There are some other options exists.
Something "Near". Ne R, your son?
Shane Lynch. Lynn contact person from NJ center. Hurt, Better Than Love, first girl?
Better than Love is NSYNC or JC's song.
Or Keith?
Why don't you just go to the court at least to ask if they coming it down any time soon, not one lifetime on waiting, just live what's in front of it. They are outside wireless, its not one thing one day you will ever get to. Your IQ is very low to end up all like this. They will tell you all that.
Wing's brain, or Wing's IQ.
You want to collect these names in one room, no one does a thing behind your back? Irene has a brother.
GE = Nick (near, not your son George, GE or ge)
Tamang, Wing, Dean.
No they are all separate. No, not love. You can seat talking to them fine. Just check if they are duplicate to each other, the magician whatever they do these balloon thing in front of Simon.
Tamang looks about to get sick.
Wing looks gaining weight.
Dean no where to be found.
You want Lee near by to see? His hair line going back I can see. Or Dr. Bing Shen included. That is from China.
Birds !!!
No, he is not your dad. He is short.
“We do not belong to each other; we live life together as partners. From the beginning, we both have free to part ways whenever we want. I know it, she/he know it, we both know it. The is the best relationship ever. _nickc”
This nick?
You mean someone talk up like they open their mouth to talk, or you found this person interesting? You and your brother identical on that making a clear word statement so everyone can hear it from their mouth talking.
I have to get out. Saturday here.
Good night, all England or Ireland side.
Wing gone to an Asian. Bii's video, your general from the comic book + the Movie: Pacific Rim.
That is the Asian.
I saw your personal staffs near. Looks like Tina Jojo, those black frame eye glasses, you have an eye glasses black frame next to Middleton. You know how Simon get to Lauren Silverman next by Mezhgan Hussian.
Toward the last photo, above the bikini
Looks like my landlady, I told Simon in CA. She has a cancer daughter, the leg cannot walk, and a dog name coco. Wish Foundation from Warren Buffet. Everyone including Keanu heard that story more than once. She looks like Harry Potter. Dr. Steven's wife. I told everyone that too.
I just saw you have the eye glasses black frame. Prince.
I remember Harry Potter
Its not Indian, its not red hair like your brother. Its the Asian, but not Tamang, its Chao. What does that mean? Its a dumb blondie ass without the curl. My hair is straight !
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The birds say Ronan !!!
That is why Shane... (birds say Ronan small sound)
and me have to die?
There is another Shane under Ronan and Shane. How nice....Shane Lynch.
These birds are so useful, your dad has a room, by.
Ronan is Indian (I was reading top), the birds keep saying Ronan Ronan.
Its not Indian, its Ronan Ronan Ronan.
Birds, what is this Ronan Ronan Ronan? Far away sounding.
There is a far away Ronan Ronan Ronan...whom is far away Ronan x3.
Its Keith, more far away !!!!
Our side Full House? Birds ! That time.... when Thor, behind him....that he going home, that time. There is another commander-in-chef.
(These garbage thing)
On the phone, birds. Sorry, Intercom. He looks like r drawing that left side more out.
T H draw a circle, then place a r 2 side more out.
No. The birds say Ronan.
Sorry, Ronan, I have no idea which Ronan. You mean you have a religion doctrine? That is Christian or Roman Catholic? That 2 looks like Buddhism I used to say. That would be Jesus, and there is a far away Jesus? Mary got a little Lamb....
No, its Ronan.
What is Ronan, Ronan, Ronan.
Ronan Keating, Birds?! Whom does Jesus married to?
oh ~ the disciple and other things.
You have that kind of the IQ not limited to the blonde dumb ass hole.
You are not the only person live on post.
Flower Thousand Bone 花千骨 ( System Lawyers 系統制律師)
The story evolve like that, not I on purpose doing that. There is no one else, it happened to becoming like that. The Entire Flower Thousands are nothing but these system lawyers and 100 years, 500 years, 1000 years, there is nothing but them = the system lawyers, to call the lawyers, the law firm. Right now that is American Congress dictate or oversee that, they are the lawyers. The Congressman ARE the LAWYERS. They volunteer, including your England Royal Family. You can all go and get married another dumb ass human without the IQ for the eternity time. I finish saying that.
You have the IQ like Wing ...
ha ha ha....
Is that come from your mother, Harry?
Fun? Going home if Trump gets on? Why Biden is inept? No way home?
A Connie holding the ball of RIPD, those are the long sheet, not long grain....Ryan, Ryanold? What is his name says? The ball. I know that word. Shut up, birds.
Want to check that frame, how that stocking of the socks get to the kneel with a mini skirt of the England uniform wears, a bang cut hair black, that is...the black eye shadow, or the black due long flat cut behind? Look at it.
I hate the movie, I hate every scene.
I hate anyone dare to open their mouth and ask me. We finished?
Not EVER you and me ever get on?
Get out.
Wing, Wing Wing.....Between Tamang and Dean, that Anderson Cooper's mother's school, Wing. Vanderbilt. I didn't get on their facebook, its a medical center !! Not the college campus off.
Can you shut up, birds?
They trying to say, you get too fat giant panda all over my channel and you eat alone.
I tell you know why you look like that spider man not 1 or 2, that whichever No Way home with Dr. Steven and the 2 TW spider man. That mayor just like you. Few years older than me. You know his dad? The rumor flying all the way there.
If you father show up to ask me, I would have said, they are the identical twin. You and him. You got stiff in your doing thing, or on your desk. You are just like him. Everything is fine fine fine. Do you have a feeling? Fine. Are you happy? fine.
You have Wing's IQ, I wonder if that Taipei Mayor really have Wing's IQ, really. They both suppose to be the lawyer in 2014, you remember how we all started, at least your brother, or Simon told you all, we were on the Google+, First time they heard Eben, later the year. He shows up in 2015 Green.
You know that Wendy, Austin's sister, she is a lawyers, the public defense lawyer in NYC. In Square's TV with her uncle.
How interesting...this world got turn in 3 days, your case on 5 days now, this one full week? You like Taylor Swift song? She doing very well, she had a younger year video I post.
These dumb ass hole women, you loving it so much......I guess, everyone has to go studying their close gate time, when they will close, and all these dumb IQ like the medical board command ending up the next 10 years or 25 years gone.
The Lords or Rings have a 3000 years promises. You wonder what that is. I am telling you.
You didn't think someone hold your neck on the wall, how worsen anything can be 1000x getting worse and worse. And you are not up to it. You are not why don't you just go and find another dumb ass hole women, blondie, and leave all of us alone.
That upper world your father, just a video we all guessing his mood, one day....YOUR mood.
Your father 3
Your dump ass hole women, not just the otter telling everyone, creating the dump ass hole children. You giggling together with Ron in your middle school? Your dump ass hole kids? You want to look at my growing up photo?
Not you twirling with the dumb ass hole women college drunk night?
I have me and Thor on my facebook just now update, with a lot of nails. Everyone, all over the universe, everyday from now on, we stare at this perfect nail. Your dumb hole ass gfs never end the circle of the hemsworth. I have 1000 lawyers and 1000 law firms, they volunteer one Flower Thousand Bones, nothing else but the lawyers, you see if they volunteer all your dumb ass hole Royal Family at all, for the eternity of time, just one scene to scene shift, you what?
Walking out of here.
Shine and sparkle:
Is that the middle school stare?
Tell me something....
Is that the first day your father realize, you as the crown prince is exactly the only choice and the love of the life, is forever these dumb ass hole women, blondie.....
Everyone repeat and re-write 1000 lines.
How I piece of that SMCH, I just look at your dad parts, not 1 million write out per word, every reincarnation you dare coming it back with your brother.
We doing you a favor 25 years earlier.....not yet, time arrives. Why bother? It just means you early.....
Your father 2
These otter cannot stop getting out.
You want me to talk to you both 2, you learn that lesson on the first day, on the first year, on the first 10 years pass due time. How is your kids? To the stranger's dialogue, I saw it. There are the younger faces, or the black last time I saw. When you are tall, you talk like they look at you both, that is what you mean. I cannot hear the conversation to feel that is called your public duty, right? You get paid and you stay in those jobs. One day how the
A genecist Shane
Blonde dumb ass, Ronan Holy grill
That is 25 years later, not now.
You both create the dumb ass kids IQ, hold on a job when you Wish that day...Pine Chris is already old....too old. We do not live in that world.
You want to say you know that on the first day, I agree with you, 45 years later.
how is your kids doing? I agree with you, 45 years later.
Its another Ella, 45 years later.
We all agree with you, you want me to sign. On SA part, or on Thor side. He is not here. He is on my facebook header I put him there.
I think your dad says you have Wing's IQ.
How surprise, I cannot understand a thing he says. I just realize that about yesterday.
Conan Main role, next by that poor gf with a father detective. Is middleton poor, to hold that job, or to hold that housing choice options?
400 millions dollars or Gucci one case, you all together still? You want me to ask you that, or you want me to tell you, you eat alone, sit alone, boring alone?
UB makes you feel breathing? How soon they let go to be on the street. See what I say....never end with this. In 100 years, finally everyone dead. That is my worth, I know that. How come I cannot have my wish?
You don't think Middleton is a dumb ass hole on the facebook that movie? Look great.
She is not your mother, I assume. Right? But doing the same alike? I saw the lighting in the backyard yesterday on the movie, that was...your grandmom. She is All That. oh ~ your father never ask me if when the first time I watch that movie, where was I, am I?
I was too young to remember, now too old to look on the photo, too silent to answer any of your father's call.....really.
Yesterday when did I say to the entire my side of the world, I wish that SMCH her faces be cut in the thousand pieces of it. You don't think I say that too early, your father and I meet last night, I cannot tell lie anymore.
I wish her dead. was before the 17 Again movie airing time. I didn't know, they plot me. I already tell the entire world outside.
Sorry, I tell to Eben's face. They have a great show on the legally blonde.
You want to get Eben instead? There is a seat title.
You have a plan 30 years ago, not 25 years ago Sakura Cards. I have no reflection its 45 years later.....we are still on going another 25 years. Your Ella Enchanted, you saying their compensate were not your void, so you get your share, you given to Middleton, or you keep it? If they didn't get anything, you suicide?
Or? They be put on the street, you already lock it behind the gate?
Your father does the honor, or you meant me?
What is your mood? Tell me?
Your father?
Right ....
Your father is your father, right.
You don't start Ella Enchanted 25 years ago, to say Middle school Sakura Clear Card, but he understands that is you. He gives you both everything he can, he provides the unbrella until he cannot.
If Thor has the cancer, will I put him at the seat, no. Not Kail, not Thor. This morning we have talk. Both. They ask me.
This is what you want to know?
But its important for her, Kail says. She needs that seat. No, i didn't say anything. Its not telling you or not telling you our entire conversation. Each of them has a different life. Not here. Some are here, my balcony.
I have this Nicky, Kian and Shane things to sort.
If that is Eben, and he got sick, will you do that to him?
This Thor is on his ship, and he is the commander-in-chef. To my position, I don't really care if this world we have that seat sorting or not, my entire peripheral, none of you are relevant to my tiny life at all.
Even if Nicky or Kian or Shane coming near. Even that SA entirely, no matter how we turn, we have nothing to do with this paparozzi worlds. Its cooking, change the bed sheet, or I have to settle everything here, including Pang and Tina these things.
I don't know how your father does his family chore, when I was with nick. That is the first day I land, starting his mother soon later gone. I told you...That entire house chore the moment I land to be with that guy, its every day running. To us, that kind of the life, same to my mother here. I didn't need to keep a house, all their home has unlimited chore to do.
You imagine to be him, you ask him every step.
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To the people like, when you fail your court, I will tell you you play your life just like you imagine to play the court room judge. Your father will not tell you that. Its vivid in front of everyone. The correct commander-in-chef is your England PM. He is your age, he is your class, you don't need to ask me, that SMCH so screw up her entire life. She at least remember what was that Anan final day when Shakymuni Buddha pass away. All this Flower Thousand Bones, so many noise. Its one word I ever say to her at all. What any human she dares to put in front of my face, one worth....she bet has one meaning at all.
That is what she means, she has the great disciples all around her, unlimited the human head.
Sangha and me we stood far away world. Just the visual, just the audio, just the image.
She can live that fake world as if none of this telling her, its...." just telling her." Its the free information to free download.
How nice !
Its 6 o’clock …..🦅🦅🦅🦅
Saturday here. Shane ~~
He can understand every word, he has a temper.
Me, Tina 2nd, Pang (7 years younger brother), he is a gay.
Kail says it’s not relevant 🦅🦅🦅 Shut up~
What is not relevant?
Its morning here, I have to get out today. Every morning I have a routine, washing my eyes, my face, my neck all around, thanks to some people.....My entire towel, or my entire body upper is all wet. Now I have to use the soap, I have never used the soap in my life on my face. And my teeth to brush every side wall inside, all around with tooth paste, and then rinse.
I cannot describe anymore this routine, can I? I have to wash my hands first.
Right, I take a shower, I have to go to the bathroom. Brush my teeth.
What is not relevant? (I have to check this IPad Youtube too...all these otter from)
Westlife has a playlist, so I run about this bird and balcony thing, I didn't even know their name or their per looking on the photo last year Jan. The first name and the last name.
This is not about you have this movie, and you went to the court without your lawyer, and your every gf, or wife gone with you? Why Chris has this last name hemsworth? There is a word in Dark Prince in Red River Manga, in English, looks like hems....something. Like Simon did. His yachet.
Can you go to the court without a lawyer present? To the judge?
Correct, I say you do perfect. Every word out of your mouth to the judge. Do perfect. That is what I say last night. Correct. I cannot talk.
Do I know what he says?
Sear, penguine? Mad to leave? Chinese on that Penguin movie?
Your dad ! Next post.
Games Night | The Mummies 2023 | 17 Again
Well… another channel is ….
Taylor Swift my facebook
The Prince has a troop probably one of those…to Deathly Hallow 2.
If we get our words wrong at the judge …
Every word the moment you open your mouth. Not we. You.
I mean we cannot possiblely seeing the judge per second degree correct…
You must.
You saying the case or you saying…what?
I cannot talk.
Movie: you don’t know what’s delivering the sentient being means ….
My right foot top middle is itchy
My right kneel is itchy.
Oh, the hero saves the beauty. 喔!英雄救美
Long live the King, she sings a song.
🦅 oh, I have to request ?
噢~ 我需要請她的意思?
Every humiliation she never stop doing, I say die, that’s the final says.
I think you all cannot handle things below the king is a nuisance. Not humiliation.
我覺得你們在英國王下面,無法處理任何事情是 nuisance 不是羞恥
Your job is only close gate and get rid every human on that past Ella Enchanted, that’s what I final say. You don’t need to be on the field, I am not doing anything to you. I just told your dad I was busy, save one spot there. I will be the least human care you all finding love or is or without, that’s a blessing like the TV. Why your father jealous you to be that silly …
你的工作只需要關起來大門,每一個魔法灰姑娘消失,那是我最後說,你不需要在 field 上,我沒有要做什麼事情對你們,我只是說我很忙,留一個位置那裡,我會是最後一個人類在乎你們尋找愛有或是沒有,那是一種祝福像電視,為什麼你們爸爸要對你們嫉妒那種 silly….
You just tell your dad, those lawyers always on? Next 5 years, I want to hear…you don’t need to go to the court, talk to the lawyer or the judge, or any one single human of any one mouth from that Ella world, period. I don’t care you hear what I said. This is the year 2024 March.
你只需要告訴你們爸爸,那些律師一直都在?下面五年我想要知道 …你們不需要去法院,跟律師說話或是法官,或是任何一個人的任何一張嘴巴從 Ella 世界,句點。我不在乎你們聽到一個字我說的,這是三月 2024。
With the judge in the court, every second every mouth opens perfect, every brain wave. You don’t know that’s the standard. You have nothing to do with me.
I hardly remember …17. 10th grade. Studying.
I think ..inside your brain, it’s everything wrong - romance. Any human near your face is a love. You can just move that face somewhere else.
我覺得 …在你們腦袋,每一件事情都是錯的 -浪漫,任何一個人在你的臉的前面都是一種愛,你其實可以把臉移開到其他地方。
Path is a book. From Beas
Path 是一本書,從印度的 Beas.
When people dies, are a very sad thing.
I faint on many movies, not you need to faint. I hold on, not you.
It’s a very stupid conversation, I will tell you.
🥪 你們肥 ... 🥪
我其實不知道怎麼講,因為這 COVID 19 知道是哪一年? 通常一定是政府沒有用的關係,但是台灣很小,所以我記得這日期,跟中國是另外一個人出現,等等等。
這幾個月 COVID 19 這哈佛就有資料....兩年三年報喜不報憂那種 ....一定是我尊上大喜 !
我覺得你們人生很重要,對 ! 其實沒有什麼關係,我昨天電影的晚上講的,對 !
There is no girls on the peripheral.....
Keanu Reeves, I already talked 10 years ago.
Mark from the Facebook, it must be the Silicon Valley. They were used to be young, when we grew up, I was a baby they were young. I seen those red hair TV.
When the guys are in the low spirits, you all seem to be cheerful, right?
Being supportive, providing care, less than this they chasing you on a go?
The England Prime Minister has A Day in Life. 英國首相以前有一天你在幹嘛影片
You look inside those frame, you understood where are these Prime Minister they talk, they see people, they verbalize, or how they look at you. These are the people you go and learn from. I didn't tell you to go and copy paste their brain, just mimic a lot more their behavior or the vocabulary.
Any party, like you and Middleton is doing. Dress up, and talk a story.
Otter squeeze a door:
That is 1000 lawyers + 1000 law firms in the first 3 years saying 200 countries. Taiwan is not in UN. If that is American initiative telling them, everyone sorting in 3 years at least. Every 5 years you will have brand new training, the first 100 years, first 500 years, first 1000 years.
花千骨= 1 me.
1000 lawyers 194 countries Pixie Border strongest defense line
1000 law firms Transportation rail road every country map you see
The industrialists
You want to print that out, draw a square left side, and right side?
No, I don't need the American Black Ops. But England has their own Black Operation I am sure. Its called the special force maybe. It doesn't matter. Its specialized.
(I land)
"Keanu, say everything, tell me. Whom coming where you sit? The committee board, or the director or the producer, you have a list of their name? No, I am not reading or watching. Busy. Whom next by them? What do they do? I see. "
"And this event is what? You as a ? "
"What do you do in this event, talk as one of the speaker, or cut the ribbon those. Whom you cutting the ribbon together? "
I don't have any other example, so I tell you mine. How strange....we arrive 3 days in this conversation.
" Whom is the pumpkin lady next by this Cinderella Classic from Disney in the ending fight with Ella Enchanted? "
"Interesting....something what key next by, the magic book head guy. And Cinderella with Meghan in it, that is not your dad with the crown fallen off. That is the same actor in Laws of Attraction. Sleep all the way to Ireland cover a blankey with...sorry blanket. "
Unless you want me to do that to your brother, or Snowden, sorry...that will be Putin, not Snowden. Putin knows?
"You are the Harry Potter, Ron? How interesting the lover's aspect we meet again other than the TV screen all these year. The power splash at England mansion door is not enough, this is the West American coastline, you cannot seek the alliance all the way to Ireland, cannot you? Prince Persia? This movie has a meaning as I recalled it .....this is a straight West America coastline, they are the coast guards territory, how is Snowden, his grandpa has a tradition you don't happen to know?"
What? You and your brother....
What are the 1000 lawyers and the 1000 law firms means?
You are dragging this Victoria Secrets as the claims?
Does your dad go with you to see the judge, sitting behind any bench, alone with you saying anything to the judge. This part I understand it can be done. I didn't get there, it doesn't look like the kids go with the parents. Usually I thought the lawyer present at the court room to refrain any extra word from the client. Like the TV.
I guess you can have the alone time in that space. I know what they are saying....they start to freak out, the judge will start to receive all kinds of the things I found out. So I quit saying much.
Well, Keanu and Mark from Facebook look similar. Do you know what's happening with them? Not Westlife Mark, I haven't talked to him other than 3 weeks ago. He is resting. I told Nicky to call Mark or Ronan. But I give Shane a call, correct.
I also don't know why I cannot give them a call straight from my phone. Its a facebook app. I don't have Instagram. Their fans calling them. Ronan is on the full wall schedule.
This is one of the things you mean the love at your sight, or heart to pulling games, the love? Romance?
We might be having a different definition on it, I just curious, when your dad call for the invitation, its when you and me having a conversation, really. You think this going well? We are the same age, or just one tiny year younger? That makes so much difference.
It makes the difference from that Keanu to Simon Cowell, you think? 54 51 right now, I have no idea what age are those.
Good night ~~~~~~
Prince William 威廉王子 Good morning my time Friday morning here. 早安我今天禮拜五早晨這裡
You don't need them, just you, me and Kian got compensated. You tell all of them Ella Enchnated go, including that Middleton to get well. All the Ella Enchanted means they die before their parents. My side, they are not the Royal or the upper class those private school.
They let you loosen right now. 他們讓你放鬆現在
You are at your gate, you know how your mansion look and that is your grandmom's office, your dad, and your living quarter. All that, is your gate close inside world. You are right at that gate, you have the Royal guards and the inside England Kitchen group.
That is you know.
Outside that gate, its your England Parliament and that new PM, you saying Google, you saying UB president, you saying Tamang or me. You understand that. There was a Trump, then there is a Biden right now.
You cannot handle anything near you, around you. Inside that gate. Right now.
Your brain have a certain IQ, I know you do.
My brother's high school has an science Olympia group, they work very late hour at night. They won what in the end.Outside that gate, its where the foreign power is.
I am the foreign power, its pushing at your door gate yesterday, you register that 4 posts on the right side column. So you close gate. You understand that position?!
Your brain can only process a certain thing, that is the reality you can living in. Everyone knows that. Your brain is only that big, you can only live in that kind of the reality, so deal with it. Whatever puts in front of you. You or Middleton, or with the kids too. You planning their profile, that is what I suggesting you on the Wish lists 2 days you are thinking the cluster of your mind, or you even get time to sit down, to eat alone, or to stare at these paper alone?
You are at home, meaning inside the gate?
You want to say Thor looking at you from above, with me here. 2 of us world? The entire America SA moves to Ireland, we all staring at you from the neighboring points of view. I actually know how different China and Taiwan, you saying Ireland or England.
That is 2 different flags.
They tell me ......or Otter did. Bob Dean. That is your arguments?
Wallace movie: You mean American classify world. 新笑傲江湖
Tamang, Wing, Dean.
There is a hole on that person's body.
Inelia Benz is not them. But I am right at their gate saw her. A lot of them will tell you they don't know why she is there.
How is your dad?
![]() |
If you use your internet, or your phone. Its privacy protected. Correct.
You can look at that Ella Enchanted ending 100 times, no one knows. Correct.
Fatima, or Ola, they look at that Zombie 3, because they every so often in the story or the outside cast on the guy or on the girl, its that Elsa blue dresses.
The first old guy = the cup cake guy, in Ronan's TV. Mark on his facebook header banner.
Sealed with a Kiss wedding at March 6.
Ella Enchanted:
Ronan's house: Evangelists:
Any Ella Enchanted new dates? Before you finish killing this entire frame of it.....+ that Cinderella (2023). Simon has a Queen yet?
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Go to sleep early, when you finish killing all of it.
The new burrito's girl. Movie: Battleship. I look at Zawanna...the beginning of the movies. Everyday its here in our Taiwan TV commercial here.
Keanu calls....he has a newspaper. oh !!!
These Japanese otters, his things? Not just the End of Time, I am telling you.
I feel better, my weight coming it down.
oh ~ his neighbor. Leonardo Da Capri. oh ~~ Adam/ Hailey or Peyton's movie: Revolutionary Road.
He and Kate has this Titanic, and then Revolutionary Road movie together.
Yeah, everyone goes to the court. Correct.
Have them gone to the date with the older women? Justin was with Diaz, I remember the newspaper. Or if Diaz grilled him top to the buttom whichever time. Bieber I think he met the older women too. His height. You have a tendency you go on a date, and you turn around you are watching your eyes to whichever them, including your brothers all that. You can just drop all of them. I am telling you.
You don't need to take a leadership among them. You move that chair to someone else, tell those palace outside, whomever happy, your own school....which school is this University of St Andrews. I cannot understand your wiki. Does your brother finish his school? Eton college, I know that, your PM whom was in it. That is a Master degree or that is Eton college...?
You find a more reliable their age, a guy, or 2. Tell them to sit down with that Middleton included, or some girls her sports. Everyone sits there talking without you. Or they deliver a presentation points. Give them some break on their own doing their own thing. Yeah, a group of them. My entire facebook is their own disposal + the parents group. How long they gonna finish killing each other....most of them are the taller guy. The girls already break apart, they got no one else and they got fat too.
Your grandmom time has this Kogi, not Kory on my book here. OU Language, twice with "s" in it.
Otter's teeth:
Keanu is a hippi ? !
The real honey on the ice cream, the honey hive?!
Tooooooooooo sweet, too much. That is the chocolate sweet + the ice cream sweet + the honey sweet.
Why do I talk about the foreign power?
Japanese food:
The foreign power supposes to be at your England PM their Parliament foot step, I just happen to bring that floor passing it by the mansion. Before the Upper House, or the Lower House?
You go to sleep after finishing killing that Ella Enchanted every frame. I explain next post. You just go to bed early, and eat less, jump or exercise more.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile | The Croods: A New Age
I seem this. The singing. Oh ~ Shawn. He is a what?
他是什麼? 英文 Wiki 下面一行
Next line Wiki …Peter Gabriel, Brian Adam, Paul William.
The Croods: A New Age (2020)
54 days, 73 months …travel log.
ASMR bubble tea !! 珍珠奶茶
Their Heaven 他們的天堂
No, you need the tooth brush, they are the cave man. A dentist.
On YouTube, you have those rabbit eating berries, you need to brush their teeth. The fruits sweets. Those otter food is the dog dry food.
在 YouTube 你們有兔子在吃 莓,你們需要刷他們的牙齒,水果甜,那些水瀨的食物是狗的乾糧。
I see, you mean I am in the rain, Westlife is indoor + this W Two Worlds you watch it it’s inside the hospital !
我懂了,你意思我在雨裡,西城男孩在室內 + W 兩個世界你看過了,那是在醫院裡面
Correct, I didn’t know them, that is 26/ 27 years ago.
對,我不知道他們,那是 26, 27 年之前
(Watching the movie)
How about …..I draw a line. 要不,我們畫一條線
This morning we talk about 1 me. In the setting of the Flower Thousand Bones, I am the only important so I call for the laws, that’s it.
Pacific Rim
In everyday life, people live in a different world. No one says has to be inside the military field, no.
But there is an evaluation process like Sailor Moon
You can do the stationary, eating show, Mail order, not the TV broadcasting station. You don’t even need to look at the politics world. No Star Trek or Star Gate. You don’t need to know how to write or talk in front of the TV. It’s a free will society. Most people are guessing, you are not happy in any world.
你可以做文具、吃東西秀、郵寄,不是公眾電視,你其實並不需要看著政治世界, 沒有星際奇航那種,你不需要知道怎麼寫作或是在電視前面講話,這是一個自由意識的社會,很多人在猜測,你其實不快樂任何世界。
Inside your real life, a certain thing makes you happy. It’s not anything I talk about it.
Listen to what I used to tell you, you close here 7 months, by the third weeks you realize you are not interested in geography, in geology, in Pacific Ocean, in China or Taiwan or anything this side of the Pacific Ocean. You may not even like the TV, the cartoon anymore. You are not interested in the medicine, in the laws, in anything Youtube. You lost all the motivation in absolutely everything in your life when you go alone - GO ALONE! You realize you no longer interested in anything. That’s my best telling you for long long time already. I used to say that to some other people.
You didn’t realize, you are not into anything I ever say at all.
聽著我以前跟你們說的,你關起來這裡七個月,第三個禮拜你們再也沒有興趣地理、地質,太平洋,在中國台灣或是任何事情,這一邊的太平洋,你們可能也再也不喜歡電影電視,你們沒有興趣醫藥、或是法律、Youtube ,你們失去所有激勵任何事情在你們的人生,當你們自己一個人前進 - 一個人!你們突然發現你們對什麼事情都沒有興趣,那是我可以告訴妳們最好的,很久很久的時間我們講,我以前跟別的人講。
- You don’t like Westlife, Backstreet Boy, NSYNC, 98 Degree, Boyzone or Ronan, remember ?
- You may not like any American President or their politics or the driven lawful society world.
- You don’t like Sailor Moon, you don’t like any of my comic book, or my movies selection.
- Your habit is to get up Noon or in the afternoon. You like the novel better or some books better.
- Not the commander or to go to training anyone, yelling at anyone or the animals, shut up!
- 你們並不喜歡西城男孩、新好男孩、NSYNC, 98 度,男孩特區,或是 Ronan,記得嗎?
- 你們不喜歡任何美國總統或是政治,或是法律追逐的世界
- 你們不喜歡美少女戰士,你們不喜歡我的任何漫畫,我的電影選擇
- 你們的習慣是過中文才起來,你們比較喜歡小說或是其實書本
- 不是長官或是去訓練任何人,對任何人尖叫或是動物,閉嘴!
I c ...American President?
If I sit in my chair, and online writing those lawsuits, or the laws related that ilegal? No. Its the president he staring at it. He has other jobs to do, other than my website. There is not one word about him, or the Congress. Its ....TV or the movies.
I just happened to process through online. I can also find a way to travel from my room to the court room. Every time I finish one lawsuit, I travel to the court room and handed to the judge. But I decide to process that online, its everyone can see.
No, you mean you go to the charity and gone home. Your personal staffs or your Royal guards will tell them, you are not in America. You and me similar = Close gates. They understand what that mean.
Correct, in the future, your lawyers or my lawyers can combine. We are = void, back and forth. You = me or something clashed. They go and find out. The compensation its you and me.
No, the boyband its the main singer. Kian is not the main singer. They market Shane, or Justin. That is their label. That is not supposed to be the comic book. My sequence is Ancient Chasez, not Justin's position. Market = only their voice is the real thing. That is purely talent or what they written out. Both Shane and Justin writes, and producing that music. Its none related at all. You cannot paste over ...they don't exist the blonde or the dark hair those.
You and your brother?
Why don't you go and do something real in life?
You and your brother, or just you. You tell Kate and Meghan, you are closing gate. Some human has those fantasy saying goodbye is one of the hellish idea everyone wave you bye.
Legolas Westlife - London Conference |
You watching these? London Conference from a boyband? You mean you go to the concert other than the soccer game? The England football? America we called it soccer. Is this about Ronan Keating his touring schedule on his facebook, he has that last year too. Westlife just finished.
Black Ops is from American classify leaking out, that would be Kerry they use those words. Eben gone to this London what, its David Icke. I never listen to that guy.
I went to David Wilcock.
It was Pixie 194 countries border line as the strongest defense, the transportation including the industrial use railroad. THEN industrialists as one of those back up.
But correct, in-land, there are the police, the fire department, the SWAT team, and this local military in-line. One of those military in America has the classification system and one of the kind is in Blackness.
We have no need on any of this side, but I sort their paper 2018-2020. Since 2021, I just sit in-room, write write write the lawful idea. They going through American Congress. Just the paper works.
In-line means, there are the corporation, the business, the education institute, the hospital, the research institution, the post-secondary education, the entertainment, the broadcasting, the artists studio, the hair salon....
I see the TV, I called them the Pixie. Probably one of those international police, or FBI all related. When they trigger some international anything, they know what that is. I won't know. I see them will be all like Pixie that word in Harry Potter. That looks very clear what I think of them. They process their own paper works. It shouldn't be the same as the classify. You mean they go to the Washington D.C?
Even CIA or FBI, Snowden's parenting units all goes to the DC if they want to.
The Industrialist
Not my age, but they probably understand BTX to Harry Potter Giant imagine we used to say be honest. I give them 8 Chinese words as the industrialist to practice that.
So this is not about Westlife, where is my book before Lunch. The UB sequence, not this book? Its BTX or the Pixie border line in defense 194 countries?
I got told Shane
Me and Ronan
I also don't know why. Something must bother you, and less degree to say Loving the Silent Tear. When Obama got put into anywhere, that entire thing he supposes to fix it. They probably will tell you that. Or America President with the cabinet or Congress they on it to fix it.
Of course, not hurting you.
This is not about them MD 6+1, you think targeting at you? Its WWII interface line, from Japan, Korea cut in half WWII general sign that, to Taiwan, down to South. This is an interface. I told them that, correct. I told them that.
Am I sure about that?
You mean if you doubt me saying that, was not to hurt you, Dean just happened to look like you? I will tell you, you don't need to worry about them, so is I don't need to think of them. They got told what to do already.
I go to nap. I can stay next by a little bit, correct. A short duration.