
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shazam! Fury of the Gods

A lot of the team works lessons.

Wing I did work lab. Dean doesn’t do those hand kitchen jobs. 

Toby, in Dr Bing’s lab. 

I cannot recommend Dean so many years …UB dental program gives those dental cares to the UB students discount, twice I went. The first time was perfect. Second time, it’s a rough human between that Justin’s and Dean’s tempament and look. Very hurtful to my mouth or the teeth. That person’s personality and his hand jobs. I don’t think it’s targeting at you. It’s a UB dental south campus discount program to that UB ID card you go in. 

Imagine the local parents to go and find out …

Yes, they can, it’s all Buffalo all around can use the UB dental program. Right, Dean was in FL, I would have never never never think, they do their evaluation all the way to FL to be honest. Wing was near by he was working in the Wagmans pharmacy. Me and him in the same program. A certain UB building on the map.

Are they serious to cook ?

If they are the business partners… 

Including with Ronan.

Why with Ronan ?

They are in the same age, the same time the boy’s groups 25 -30 years ago.


Oh ~~

But, they are the guy’s worlds making their business…not just the photogenic reason you make them realize you know what they are reading in front of them?

And if you don’t make them realize what they are reading in front of them?

You just a fan club to express some venting things not bossing them with the movie content to suit your own purpose.

Something possible to eat down with a taste - the instant noodles (boiled)

I am not sure what for. If it’s one person …like a Hugh + his wife ? It just one Hugh? Western worlds your fridge dry food? Meaning with some guys, he is a nice and young guy….you …if if if just deliver for sure 

  • Editable, cooked, not raw meat
  • Cooked meal, boiled, hygienic
  • It’s a carbohydrate the standard diet 
  • Every meal he shows up

Because he doesn’t look significant to you, if were, so there is no food on the table. If you make a cake, that’s not a food. And if you make a burnt cake, he just smiles and he is a youth, so he doesn’t scream and yell type. He watches those mild movies to have a Kian. 

Maybe not any of that, to say try. 

I thought we finish that UK-US ligation. It’s US to UK now on cooking, it’s Trump’s family. 

You know, it happened every time. My facebook was my facebook. They don’t go and belong to each other’s facebook. You go initially talking to each other sounds like seeing each other’s family tree?

Here Uber it’s one lifetime finding the youth guy carrying those gallons or litter waters to my elevator and they carry up. Me and my money. So let’s say Westlife one of them me, it’s we going out to eat or home, I make the egg salad this video sent in. Not a whole lot, but one boxes eggs not to be spoiled ? We have no pressure staying home cooking. 

Kian and Nicky never seen a cook food or the stable 3 meals looking at it. In America you must use the car and cargo or make every 2 weeks. With Shane we both stable, no more Kian no more Nicky, we walking fine ? So others carrying those grocery right at our front door, it’s our city service.  

But any of these guys have ever ran out a clear meal ? A cereal box and a milk? 

There are those Cherry tomato, we sell like that. Washed and cut in half. The egg salad with the boiled potato ? That’s one container, so in the fridge. At the lunch times, you take that out is that cold or lukewarm (then use the oven 5 mins), and you cut that washed cherry tomato next by one a big white plate. A toast bread or 2. Some fruits cuts. You say a brunch.

Because in Asia not all that Western food. I have to make them, like 3 or 4 times a week, eating at home, or taste at home…you make a lot. You organize per weekly. You doing that or you just doing one meal?

Are you confident, a clean washed white rice going in any kind of the rice cooker branding, coming out it’s a gaunrantee white rice, not sticky soggy ?

A pasta cooked is a real pasta, not a raw pasta? Those very confident things ?

Build up that list, per food to build one person you eat, that one meal? Not other joins to see a 4 table ?

We buy outside …I never cooked the 4 people’s meal. My ex bf cooked for them, they never see me cooking now I remembered that time. 

Well, you ever make the frozen food ? Take out and baked ? It’s not a live show. 

+ some salad + some tea. We going out to eat ?

They enter the living room, sit and chat ? Our city is small. The taxi.  It’s often we go out to eat. 

The finger food idea !! Just a paper plate can throw away, you got nervous ? Some people waiting some others ? In America you drive together ? If it’s a home meal, you have to cook. We don’t here.

I go and rest and clean up. You all might have this COVID 19 and how each be with one and another ?

Just talk about it ?

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mission impossible - Fallout ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Another hour and ten mins. 

No, when you see Shane or Brian (Backstreet Boy ) disappear …you scream. You don’t care about what the movie says. You collaborate with the record company ! You find out …why, or I leave that conversation ? It’s outside my building mid-night (?) and not everyone holding on the Nvidia external wall. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Nvidia exceeding Apple News. 3 weeks ago. 

Oh~ the paramedic, the air transfer. Your entire England upper world moves away, he has no more jobs other than carried himself.  

  • The small my left hand those cooking bubble things, that’s a clinic surgery. Here is not much we had some the health coverage. 
  • Then you have the plastic beauty for your neck or skin, those mod? If it becoming those round coming out? Those are the plastic beauty clinic. They are the bad news to Toronto, my money last time that …fort Erie things. 
  • Then if you have those regular hospital the heart, the hip, the theoat knod, that’s the operation.
  • The stomach ache is the hospital, or the bone for the ankle sprain 

You get up 6 oclock, my house mom, register morning number 1 or number 3. High tech click click click. She has no computer, the ipad or the phone. You can hire the Asian speaking the English and Chinese. (The upper house ). You get to the taxi 10 mins, and you walk in, you both sit until 9 o’clock - you are number 1 on the high tech monitor - the giant 1. A very loud sound too. You sit far away can see and hear it. It’s in front of your face. 

ER, that would be your doing ? My mothers head ?

She didn’t use the high tech (the app from the phone), she went to the ER. The same taxi ten mins. It would be at the ER side though. We have the hospital building all around there. 

Westlife - picture in my head.  https://youtu.be/PkfJZdVIiCc?si=AVMTvCiVbI3dB-b0

Women’s internal medicine or the head mental, it’s that hospital I gone to and return every 2 months. It’s up on the hill top. The gays 2018 we had that laws pass after Square they got married. But if you just mean the bandage, the iodine    3: 33      You use your scissor cut…those 紗布, and put it on someone with a tape. The medical use tape. They sell alkaline washing the wound solution. You getting the pharmacy store right in the hospital. Unless it’s a roll up things… you all at least know what you did to yourself the small tiny things. 

Those mod? Tale more vitamins C, B and multi-vitamin. 

You use your finger nail see if that’s just a skin to scrap it down, it won’t get more solid. 


Next movie: Pokémon Detective Pichachu,

Sleep 20 mins… Got up.  “How do I eat this casserole ?” (Oven heated… Fork~~). I don’t join any of this right ?

You are the leadership side by side idea, that kind? In comparison ? I watch this …. SO MANY TIMEs ( biting my …marinated Tofu) there is no taste on this tofu inside the green hot pepper. 

The hologram, right. That’s not Jonathon. 

They are not the real doctors, whom have to analyze, knowing a lot of the cases. They are guessing and everyday to get rid of 9-5, that’s not reading the cases. Anything these otters do included. At least they for sure are not the Pokémon to say the movie’s resemblance. Discern their faces, their voice, their mood, their expression, their habitats, their momentum, all that. 

  • To write a clear calligraphy in the pen or in the pencil 
  • A summary, a bullet point, a brief, a line margin notes remind you. To memory recall.
  • Tell the microphone guy, sit down and drinks, an ice pack, made from the fridge.
  • 2 kids beverages, 2 glasses, 2 towels on their sweat, 2 man’s shirts, I …happen to shop. Net, it’s man and woman. It’s made by the cotton on the man’s wear, that’s why. A bag to run a shirt.
  • 2 boxes tissues boxes, 2 bowl soupy pasta, not too salty but you hydrated. The bathroom is that way VIP. I watch you 2 stuffs, your best pal, you 2 together bathroom. 
  • The ice cream (2), the posticle (2), the frozen pizza microwave, still hungry ? Just 5 mins each, can I put that in now? Your 2 bathroom back. VIP microwave. Anything else, the raw bell pepper in the cup and washed raw veggie. It’s all washed. 2 cups plastic.
  • You 2 finish eating, want to tell me clearly things I write in English. I write fine looking words when I want to, talk. One eat, one talk. I need to put 2 different name files. 
  • She is a leadership, what she is capable ? Type it later ? I will copy 5 of this each, 2+ her+1 your Secretary. I keep one. You tell her go home and type it up in the computer ? You all work like that ?
  • Avenger ?
  • No, Jonathon and me don’t work like that. He never asked me to work other than I work on my own without any of them, the otters, not the Pokémon. 
  • No, I never work in the APO.
  • No, not CAC. The writing it’s Courtney for Ayo and Wendy. I haven’t had a real leadership for a very long time. File-ing a paper and writing in English is not a leadership required. Just listening in English and comprehensive what you are saying. 
  • Can you describe where you coming from the airport, this morning ?
  • Can you give me a name and a location to where you remember earlier a counter scene ?
  • Meeting or passing or something you heard you were in a rush. Just talk, that’s fine. I write them down. Want to drink more? There is a whole dozen kids beverages. Do you remember what he or she wears? Anyone next by ?
  • You go home reading it, you can re-think and wrote more details when you go indoor. Months later. 

That’s how you all work? The paramedics? 

Next - Shazam! Fury of the Gods,

Mark - they grew up. (Westlife)

You imagine to meet again, or in years you getting near to them? In thought, or in the newspaper presentation? You need to literally tell that Mark. He is not that bright you hinted to him - that girl, in their concert the audience seat (My Love, the Westlife Concert).....you need to literally go and adore that Mark to do every maid jobs, that is what you mean you like about the star.  Not your reality personality in that palace. That is the true reality of them.

I told everyone, ignore you everything from Prince William for the last several years. Coming it down from that tree.

You re-do? 

They are not the rap music, you are listening to that so loud everywhere your ear drum fine? 

The real fan, they clap, clap, clap, clap, the flower, the flower, the gifts, the gift baskets, the flower briquette....

Mark has a lot of the options, over 25 years he seen what is the fan supposes to look like ~~ Talk to them initiative, not like you don't answer the phone for one full year? 

Movie: Something Gonna Give

Yesterday I saw.....Your science museum 25 years called into.

Think about it one peer review journal to delicate that to the monitor screen, Shane or Mark may not walking into your categories the science subjects or the geography. They will be in the music side. The same building stairs. Its an open concept. They cannot go in with you, or you gonna wait til your call in, you wish the UB all of them got dragged in the freshman for the military orientation table. That would be Harry's Harry Potter groups this year class 2024. The fall season.

No one knows, what the time roll on means. Mark's song.

Is that to say Goodbye? (Facebook video)




Next movie: Interstellar

If you saying the goodbye now, you can message to tell Mark the last indicator he found you in that giant map, the various building. You 2 will never meet on the same road like the song?

Which categories you think you will be in? 

The standing panel, 『Please choose a category. 』

The City Rising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-zEvdCdAUY

『 You are not attached yourself outside the building structure..... Thank God ! 』

In 25 years, Mark. You saying that to him, or waiting ....to say that to him.

Kian, Nicky .... Shane? 

That will not be your going neither?

Westlife Picture in my head


Doing that 45 ....the public education in failure? !

They are the business partner, and you wish to separate them in one month, in one year, last year? That is the same Last Year? You don't talk like a leadership because that is how you talk to Riley, or 2 fingers pointing into your 2 eyes balls for real, on your own? 

Brian ?


Then I tell you I didn't talk to Peyton?! Isn't he just with Owen on the TV, Owen went to sleep....I heard this name in Mission Impossible

If you talk to Peyton now, when you get old, you seeing another Brian like Peyton, one extra person to talk to? Not everyone reject you if you training them slowly, like your father to this younger girl in the Interstellar.

Is Taipei (桃園國際機場) the stable flight?

ABC, they don't go to school, or they...just staying like that Tina, ...its the same airline. China Airline or Eva airline, its on the schedule all the time. Its stable in per weekly flight. Why that many? Taiwan is over dense populated?  You mean going to the United States, right? Both to England too. But I think to the US, its all the time.

Here we wear the sandal on the marble floor, seeing the marble floor.....its a a stone made. They have the wood too. Not the shoes inside the house I think....the space is small. You going outside so you wear the shoes.

The difference?

Mopping the floor, the hair wiping the floor, its a sticker back and forth, all those hair on the top. You throw your sandal on the wall, to jump on your own bed, the man will be the giant size bed finding those bigger space home. 

You don't have a TV inside your bedroom near the bed, to go to sleep. You put the shoe on that sitting somewhere ugly couch its to tight your shoelace. Your Mansion is the giant space to walk with the regular shoes. You can just wear those pajamas robes out of your shower like those blondie, with the fury giant sandal to go to sleep......the air con on....

A lot of the Housing + the President's son, or grand kid

Cooking !!!

In this neat kitchen.

Another pair of the cat and the otter


Your cooking, your kitchen, your cleaning.....etc.



Panda: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FXjZdD71Rpc



Taiwan Uber Eats


Those Japan girls in the different location, food.....


Japan guy dance....Backstreet Boy


The old lady on the ricotta and spanich - Ravioli 


I think its Prince them 2 (brothers) categories, 2 photo cut in half left and right side, share the same frame. No, not the girls. It is a ....cooking category. But the different people probably doing the different things, because that one.....its so so so so so looooooooong almost you don't know where to search. It might be they literally exaggerating to put the giant photo on the hallway keep walking keep seeing the giant faces, and because the search function when you scrolling that ONE panel, was toooooooog prolong, the students just do their intuitive guessing, or find ways to ask, or some tricks they found one thing or another. 

No, no one focus on or knowing exactly where you get yourself up on the tree.

You just focus on something else, don't think about it. No one think about it. You retrieve those steps down, whichever you think of. 

This is what I will prepare for Kian and Nicky... (French Fries? !  )


That's a lot of the washing...Taipei station has those sushi places take-to-go. Near by us has a new sushi place. There is Mos Burger all kinds of the fried food, and Danish breakfast. They need to eat that much food? 

I like this hot iron plate - in the night market.


I am fall asleep....My nap to go. Not just the food to go, really. 

You seeing those ASMR buying the convenience store, its not like those smoking American convenience store. No. Its the regular 7-11

American culture is a lot different than us here. We don't have the drugs or the gun here, not even those Disco, all that stuffs. 

1. The strawberry milk, or the artificial flavor milk for the kids. These are a lot of the use for the kids here in Asia.   2, Tea leaf eggs.   3. The Japan those boiled stuffs.   4. There are a lot of the gifts stuffs, or some Hallo Kitty iron pot,   5. You order the cake on the wall, they say what. 

They can sell the cigerate, but too many people, they probably hide.

6. Our microwave fast fast fast meal, its the store clerks he microwave for you. 

7. Like the stripper clothes design bags.....

Right.... See..... Here.  |   Here   |   Here   |    You google it in Chinese word

台北 7-11 微波袋子

All that food .....usually its the container being microwave about 2 mins, you can eat on the table there too. 

Love you Shane, Love you Kian, Love you Nicky, Love you Mark ~~~~ Get well soon !!!

Ma ko went to the x-ray....it must be for their tail. I can see it. They never stop saying it....I think its too bulky, because without the tail, they can sit, and stand up to digest their food I think. You digest the food by sitting up.

oh no no no, not striper.


You leave your house for 3 years, what the unlimited tax or your money, in 1 years too fast....not like that in life. You can take the new maid back to show off or packing per time per year, for 3 times, or your new gf to go back and show off. Your house and your all around school district where you grew up. I think those things mean to you. 

You drive around? 

You don't think it means to you, your gf go back or your maid going back, you showing up to this one human, SUV van all your cargo shipment to ship where? Not to Taiwan? You literally ship all your furniture here? 

"This is where you go to the school, this is where my mother's house would be, this would be mid-town, someone else office here. This is 407 toll, but curve its where the parking lot to be commute transfer train. "

No, if you buy on the land? You own the land here. Taiwan is not China. You own it, so you ....need to pay that land tax. Its real. But I think its the local resident can buy. But my across neighbor are foreign people. I don't know how he buys. They have the party every weekend starting the Friday night I guess. 

Yeah, you wait. You relax in Asia, not you don't have a home to go back.  3-5  years. 

I coughing so much to vomit 3 times.... oh my God. You mean here in Taiwan? You mean Japan probably. I think you can hospital your or hers reproduction zip it. Its on our wall here in 101. 

Your abortion video on the sky, the facebook under "the President" (CNN saying they had a debate) - its that blonde rabbit boy with a rope play gyroscope. Here, correct...our local games. I know how to do that.

Same like the TV cartoon. Correct, its us.


That word was a part of the Chinese fortunate telling, you stays in the middle keep spinning. Heavily.

4th time

5th time vomiting...

The embryo is not a baby structure form, you can kill lit. 



6th, just water.

You mean conceive a baby?

1-15 2+ before 2- days of this 15th days are the dangerous period time for the lady. 

1st day will be the girl's first day on blood period, you seeing that visibly. It always visible? YES. 

14? Sorry...too long ago. Your period is 28 days. Sorry. 

12 13 14 15 16

Otters (England)


From England I think you have the landing visa, Taiwan and UK has that changed in some years ago for Taiwan, so it should be easier from your side to land here too. Except, its very hot, the moment you land, you get outside, you gonna feel it. You just buy anything here to look like your size. 

That is why I wear the dress, going in, coming out, running the errand. Not anything waist line below with the sandal, but you need to clean your feet right. Those road is not that clean....You don't walk too far with the sandal, then your feet has no problems at it. 

Prince William grab Mark, with that 2 Nicky and Kian, and cut that Shane away.

And he gonna cut that 2 in front of Mark's face sitting it down. (Not sure its that 2 right in front) He is a big shot Prince William in person so Mark must listen. They have to run away from Spain, to left side South Africa to Ronan, or (not the right side, his father people went down). 

Westlife is Westlife because of Shane. That guy so psycho.

I am not vomiting anymore....this is not Mark has to reproduce himself.....

You will never be with Mark


Why don't you focus on Shane?  They got fired if they be with anybody....they are....2nd, or the backup singers !! Hire and re-hired, to do hired? 

Like Brian from Backstreet Boy, also disappeared.....there is nothing right about any of that, at all. I didn't say anything, yet.

None of them.....were they used to be anymore, you know that? They are not those look and not those experience anymore !!!! 

Never Knew I Was Losing You - Both him and Brian is not singing to you? Never gonna be that Nicky? 


Me, not going to have any kid at all ...
You want to call a stranger other than that AGT or TYG.....that is my career.

You trying to put something through to talk to that across the interface person you will never meet assuming its by that advertise says. 

George Westinghouse

This song meant to you, personally?  Brian and Mark.

You want to just say..... "In my life, I feeling it all the time such as this time, in my turmoil time, inside my mind, and outside in my works. "

If Mark response, "What do you do for a work?"

Then you say?

"I create a greeting card like the Hallmark those gifting to people. The local artists vendor."

"I join those local artist festival. Usually on the weekend. Its a freelance job, staying home with my mother. "

"I have a profolio to do just the graphic icons, like those Apple apps graph, the app community those App store 200 dollar or 100 dollar a year those.  A profolio means about 20 pages, I go to those career fair in the community college. North than here.  Its about 20 pages. "

You didn't think Shane or Brian (Backstreet Boy) can fire them?

They say America is in election, none of us here cared about.

England is in election, Westlife they are Irish, and I am in Taiwan.

Hugh and your father likes to travel, how that otter is your father? Going north and he just somehow flip himself over the pillow and the ground. They are royal so don't care about the election.

The space program, or the 194 Pixie also don't care about the election.

You guys are the working royal, you need to care about that election both way. 

You washing your kitchen water sink

I have a different casserole today with the green spicy stuffy pepper on the very top. This is your jalapeno 10 times large size.

+ the sushi without the cut. Its a smaller the hand roll sushi.

The UB Flag Room is ....All the nation flags in it. You eat the lunch there with your backpack to wait for the classroom.

4:07 Turn left.


Of course there is a design. 5:45 That is the flag room usually had a lot of those couch near the wall to sit and rest, and eat.

No UB they don't go there. The Student union is where the SA is. Student Association is SA. They...don't participate in SA.

Shinichi × Ran - Your Best Friend ( By Mai Kuraki ) || Detective Conan Amv


My mother used to do our 3 kids laundry every single day when we were the kids to play, to retreat, to get out of the school hours...she does our 3 meals per day including the middle school to the high school. We never moved, so there is a desk or a light a computer to learn English one day. Today all here. She is the one staying with our 3 kids here, at least wait until I get back all that turmoil in California. 

She just mop mop mop all the floor, or the hair, or the water drainer, or call the air-con, or the water sewage, or the bath tubes. Its just very easy for me now to take down all this jobs, you know. All the grocery from here to the night market, its her 40 years raise us up to today.  It will be very very very easy for me...so she has the rest of her happy life, that is very simple. My mother doesn't have a mother can do much things....other than a location, a house on the top, or waited at home. Not able to walk. 


She probably just wants all the kids home. Fold, wash, hang, dryers, carried all the detergent, and dryer's paper. All the wire, check the lights, inside the house or outside the house. When she was by herself when my grandmom pass away in 2014. Just at the same time Keanu. 



They have the church here. Yeah. My grandmom, my father, and Tina Jojo, they convert their religion long time ago. 

oh, the country itself....I don't know what the religion now. Any kind I guess. I grew up from the city....its not obligate anything.

The fishes...


How do you get from Taipei to US?

You take only the same airport, the international airport 40 mins back....and fly to CA, fly to Chicago, maybe you land back to DC. If they have here to Alaska and to NYC. You fly in to Maryland if that is where you all planning the trip. Because Taiwan has a lot of this straight flight from CA or NYC connecting to Japan (through Alaska) 

Oven pizza? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kulOPbHS0Z0

Night market, the post office another side, go around that 7-11. Its a thin crust though. They just got a new competition across. Their pizza is a big slice 110 NT, that is 4 dollars US. To us too expensive, but for you guys, your average meal if were 10 dollars US, that is not a money comparing to the Europe and you are the Upper class. 9 or 10 dollars. 

You don't need to cook over here.....at all.

Next - Mark again? 

The traveler's information (to enter Taiwan)

We only have one international airport, its design like that, at least you knowing that. You can take the taxi to Taipei 40 mins, or those Metro MRT, just brighter light, and you arrive to Taipei station. All eating anything you ever wanted.....

These...supposed to be European if they enter here, they will look nothing like you all kids looking upper class. They got hired so they be here, or their looks will look very normal to be an English teacher. Sound like, look like, stable like. Some will be midnight oil at CNN (their currency world with the Wall Street), so...its the night market and 7-11. They live at the night time. You don't really find them in those retreat human....they are not like that. The European whom enter the Asia will heavily meant.....the business or the money.

They got hired, will be they are the stable look like my English teacher in the 5th or 6th grade, I remember that. (in a smaller classroom). Of course they are handsome....not your kid's look ever....at all.

You can go to Singapore, they have those keychain looking just like those Conan Blue Sapphire, there is a Neo in ASMR. That is what they eat down there, maybe its a lot more you seeing the foreign countries they selling those Southern Eastern Asia world. Taiwan food is not in any world langauge. Its the Hong Kong oily you eating all that.

Yeah, there CAC Wei she was from (Singapore) or those CAC girls get to Melinda, or Wei, the similar thing, but Wei that side will be a lot more safer. Indonesia is an actually Muslin country. Melinda is not, but the rest of them is.  You seeing these Westlife drawing the Map, I think they got the military to go in with them. Taipei is the north capital, its safer, staying in the range this red line / blue light near 101, all that is fine. There are only a certain ABC they know how to staying here up to Oct, and be back here next year Feb for Chinese New Year until April. They don't go to the school like that Tina Jojo or their work schedule for some reasons. 

No, the food, and the clothing options. Its warm here. You wear any time sandal to sound like you walking in the City like a tourist?

oh ~ the hotel, other than the motel. Taipei Station, Tina Jojo and her first bf. There are some expensive hotel, but you can see them outside, "Resting", that means motel. (I heard that yesterday) - uhm.....Taipei, I am not sure. But maybe you mean Japan girls a lot more those culture, and including their make-up or the contact len's color, and all that. The fashion. They don't like the Japanese guy that much. You are the white groups. They have a certain industry....made for. 4 Hours north east Japan, or 4 hours South West Thailand, like that French Ku went.....those are a lot more Australia white gone too. The giant, and muscle built, they ride on the motorcycle with the small tiny Thai Asian. oh no, we are not those culture, of course not. 

Here to stay in Taipei, you need to go to the school, or having some kinds of the business or the money talks why you could live here all around. The career by occupation. But you are the England Upper class, you can afford, you stay here is safer.

My head still dizzy....I didn' take any medicine, is that normal, the whole day yesterday, my ear or my head a little bit. Did I sleep too long to feel dizzy? 

This otter?

Your King at the north castle door entrance behind?


You don't think every otter their eyes looks......each day just like they look like?

Japan and Korea's food its a lot more....I think Taiwan government limit that. Not those giant fat things, but that north 2 countries, its exactly how those ASMR comes from, but they are cold colder, cold cold cold.....right. 

I think Hugh is traveling idea, but King might be too. He shouldn't because they live in those luxury house, you need to drive a bit out of the Taipei City traffic find those Giant guest house with the car to park somewhere -the Urban planning.

My needs its to literally going down the stair to 7-11 or Mos Burger to get a fries....not a lot from Mos Burger, and come back up to lay down. This high tech on me and I need my hospital near by when I get old. This is already set up best for me, i think.....

What the money made for....anything in 101, or behind or those design shopping district. The youth they cannot afford those housing so they get a car, and urban planning traffic would be the parking lot you exit out of the mall, to wait in the traffic in the red light, and then you get on the freeway, and go out of the city to live a lot more quiet place.

I am thinking that too, except I just hire or Shane, or Nicky /Kian...one of them. I need to breath sometimes out of the city. ~ 10 long years of this.

I didn't say I am less patience type of......this lifestyle, things are the downstair, one click of the buttom to the elevator up....and when I get used to that....

Its 1000 food selection, and its 5 mins....these are 194 countries and the paper works to file, and the air-con, or home to sleep, or the sky and the birds. I got to those mode, the food needs to be right where...

1) The bubble tea, I can live without, but I am happy to see 20 in one block

2) The night market morning and night vendors both

3) 6 Family Mart + 7-11

4) Some easy vendor vegetarian, its my building block. Its for the homeless. You can donate the money, or you inquire the free lunch one time.

5) The breakfast place.....I don't really eat that stuffs....the Hailey those pancake with an easy sheet eggs, but they got the sauce, and some other pork English muffin stuffs put it together including the chicken nuggets or the fries or the milk tea.

I don't live in that America, too far travel. I need to be RIGHT BACK HERE 194 countries computer pulling me.....sensation never stop.

The bank you already know its....front and back. Someone purchase that Citi, so....I need to ask what's wrong with it. Disappeared.....

You walk in the ATM, you walking out. You never live that life other than to enter your car. You just walking on the street to buy the food, never worry about one car, one driver....you just use the taxi to 101 front or behind A4. 

I think those down stair, if they just make their roof higher the same.....not for me. I live here the sky.....but you found out one of those apartment builidng, you have unlimited money, you go and ask them the town, how to eliminate the middle ceiling, and you buy 3 floors, you can make 2 brand new ceiling with a loft. You have to find a way how to put a stair in it.

You all have the unlimited money.

That building not built yet. But your post office is 5 step man walks traffic light. Behind that, its your food 7-11, turn left its the night market. I think its too pricy and too noisy. But that will be brand new. Its right on the road, Not sure if you get up like 27 floor if you hear those noise. You ask. ?? That is a bus line 3 or 4 stop to Niko And ... store that Eastern Area. The taxi similar route 10 mins you get there.  The hospital is that the same direction straight ahead, 5 mins taxi.

I like where mine side here. It was home.

Kerry is online.

The Earth core stopping every 12,000 years? The magnetic pulse shift !!

My uncle buys those tea round looking....that is a lot of the dry tea leaf on one round looking....14 years ago (2010). He shows me. The tea is not good for the teeth right? oh ....my mother buys a lot more this vegetarian shrimp chip, because my face get allergic to the regular fried potato chips. Something the deep secret base? I remember.... They are not those included on here my blog?  Their deep water height is where the pressure sits on their head. Their sea water above their head?

There is a Max? Isn't our TV laterly whom's name was Max? Those Couple Retreat, or Blended, or Click......

You know those milk tea you use for the coffee, those on the top of the jello....the kids eat? Its the tea's flavor I buy those on the TV snacks, the milk tea 500 ml made of the paper. There is 15 NT I show my mother, Tina Jojo buys 75 NT.  No matter what, this kinds of those Hugh looking, Shane looking young kids, we doing nothing but my living room lives on King's movie or Prince.....funny. They keep airing the Harry Potter, so we know the Space Project on their Live TV.

My sky is clear up day light....the birds don't come out as much...or they do on purpose. 

Something genome sequencing.....

Hey there is a website. do they say adductee? My roof......here. Its the birds better, or the thunder better, to say UFO better......next by the parking lot roof  (only one floor ), the basement. Its electric door opening going in and out, yeah across that orange home depot. 

That is where the UFO should land?


I think the police probably shoot a bullet each side. That is a first floor roof, giant.....parking lot plate steel roof.

( The birds called....)

He says primate....those Evolutionary 200. The ape, the Ape for Tomorrow. UB those.....failing class for pre-med. WE never does those embroyic....they are the space program. UB those starting Bio 200 - Evolutionary biology, its only ends up the worms. Like Twilight to Bella. Its 50 station in 50 mins, 30 second each, to 100 score on the final lab scores. 

(film....the birds)

(my warm water, laundry the birds say)

Their....bra, or deep space between the shadow and the light....

Breast, and get heavily or larger too.  Deeper, or denser. 

hugh, maybe you all guys leave......we don't look like those faces....

The Deep Base

Your sea water pressure its define 1 atm on the surface. That + the Earth under crust pressure on the top of your head. Can you lawsuit them? Yeah ! Your head on the....cloud this looking to me? The base in the crust, not just the base of the sea water all darkness? You are indoor in the crust, not the sea, at least you know that.

Probably in the sea too. The reason the brain like you...its you see the AC light, its all world made of the light, the internal tunnel light of the fluoescence light like the Stargate. You never see the sunlight anymore. You coming out of the crust, coming out of the water, that is the natural sun light, for your vitamin D. My brother just took the pill.

Is that Kerry ....?? Be with one of them? 

How do you define that pressure? The experiment in your college chem 101. That candel in the plate with the water undenearth, and a cup on the top. When the flame off.....that is how you determined the pressure.

THE air pressure to that water surface. 


You are the under the sea below the water surface11,000 meter I think? How deep the ocean goes.

They are talking about the DNA blue prints to make a bilateral human like Reptilian and us the same. That is all their saying the last 30 mins? Yeah. The DNA is the program to your every body response including the brain development without the drugs like that Harry.

Because you always insert in the embryo everyone knows that, your DNA is to grow to a full human. They just telling you the details lab to sound like this highlight yellow.

You can just get the transcription

  }   this is the yellow highlight I Anna says.

That simple? Why don't you just ask me? That is in English, I can hear it.

Symmetry is the bilateral, folding to another side to make the bi -lateral like those 500 years 26 Hallie's painting. Fold the paper in half, that is the bilateral.  He says ," The symmetry".

The same thing? Yeah.

None of that can be changed other than the embryotic form. But they talk about it....your belief system. Right...the education.  He went to the church belief, or something they all.....deep secret space people.  I think if they follow the outside those capital human will sound right. 

The humanoid means the homo sapien, in the evolutionary biology 200. In Greek.

Its ...as species name in Greek.

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Gene, Speices, the 7 Greek names. = one worm official title in one textbook to pass their lab final. 30 seconds per station, their "worm" dissection open their GI track to see from the Chinese tooth pick, where you pointing at with the  bare eyesight to see.

How can a worm be dissect and pointing at on the table ? Its a tube....looking.



That is where the tooth picks and choose in the tubes from the worm how to dissect that things 30 second per station you recognize the structure, you have 50 stations in UB final.

X Man

The frog is the symmetry. That is the symmetry means. 

Treaty, and the agreement, that is what that mean. No, abductee I don't think that is the part of the agreement. But....what can be a man walking in the middle of no where....

They are talking about the spirituality? That is without the church......to say the native?

That is the younger guy to introduce to Kerry?! They all dying out.....that Chinese words mean New York. Different tribe, or the star something....they all talking like that. The star seed.  They all talking like that....

My mother got up.

The rainbow gathering, I don't think they know Canadian that side its the rainbow bridge pixie always live there and here. The rainbow warrior for the White Buffalo Women legand in 2012. The tribes talk....the message they brought out from them. The rainbow light body. The human experience....to this world.

I need the warm water, and my air-con......

I am the Heaven. 

I look like more heavenly..

They listening to the spirits together.....there is another young guy next by. The musical being ? They are the musician with the local tribes.

They are not the Westlife......Nicky ~~~ Good morning ~!~~~ I am looking for Shane.

Its in California, Northern. That is where they distribute Bill Gate's vegan meat with Leonardo Da Capri, it was not in the south CA yet, 10 years ago.

Its free.....

Its a Luther's means? 

The soul strengthening. Ronan like those.....

The raccoon Avenger, sorry the GREY has those Laser giant beam, one person use for those space debris. Other than this soul concentrating to say the light being into the body laser focus, I think that is what they mean ...... Sorry, they are the officer's workers. Tim Cook's energy bar on the wall very very often. 

Its a drum....

( I also laugh together !! )

Communicating through me....

The AI control me.... (means)

Bye...bye. bye....done.

Hey, that is the prince they looking for their genome sequencing.  See if their high tech will fix all their problems. The unlimited money means. I bookmarked, in case they ask me.....those England Hugh world. What the High School Musical kidnap me for. 

Their Royal guards can try first.... 




I was on the phone.

Everything looks wrong. I just say.....the band the only thing is meaningful of that everlasting would be - Shane.

I have to send that jailing Panda....to my Line app, behind the cage bar.

The cooking is not disappearing.... 

I will not do that hospital running about to find him Nicky a chair, its MINE chair ~~~ The Shepard's pie is made for SHANE~~~~he design the choreography. I think Shane speaking the correct English too.

I need 194, not One Irish potato, Nicky. 

We have those words in Chinese, the Irish from. Nicky and Kian looks very Irish local....them from. I need 194, not ...one of those potato eating local, not really. 

I go resting. My nose.....I think this my gum were a bit swellen, and inside my nose I need to clean. I quit taking that medicine. Until the weekend. My ear....ringing.

🌟 Maybe all SA and you 4 + kids, move in Taipei all + your guards

It’s warmer and both you and them the Royal guards have the access to the food, the water, the Uber in a very short time. Meaning the structure of this wind, you say the car, or talking to no one …it’s right down stair it’s your access to the food and the human. 

Your hallways, your air, and these America or Canada any building outside wind it’s the continental wind. You either knew what I am talking about or that per degree don’t bother you until the last min. 

I am happy here, that’s why I don’t go there. 

The medical rescue - perimatic ?

Just look at you all, I save only myself fine. Without you guys, without them UB. You guys go to the car would be where the government official 士林, Tina best friends now living at with her 2 kids.

I have that mountain my mothers 15 mins,  the police 10 mins 

10 mins to my small clinical surgical thar hospital in the video, the police 5 mins

You all plan to save yourself. I am fine. 

📣📣📣📣 Announcement to the entire England upper class… China you don’t go, here you go through that international airports, no one knows you are here.

  1. Hire a Philippine young girl, leave and lock up, no one knows you are here. She lives with you, and as long as you flying back and forth, she lives in it or goes with you. You found that whom YouTubers here speaking English ? Right, I watch it yesterday.
  2. He never needs to know you disappear, too many you, he never needs to cargo you.
  3. Ireland was here last year….I lie to Nicky. It was on his wall, right. I say typhoon? Not storm. Forgot.
  4. The food is downstair, the Singapore is too hot. If you walk on the streets it’s every so often the bubble tea, even I don’t drink it, I feel better. 
  5. There is a giant floor plan, right at the night market. Just too noise. It’s 213 坪, brand new. The one near the metro, the police station, it’s floor all down, the ground clean up, it’s building now.
  6. You can go somewhere else to live. I live near the police station, and the night market and the 5 star hotel they have the foreign market for the dressing sauce and the cheese. Mia ci bon on the way there.

Movie: Body of Lies

That’s the Philippine nurse? They speak in English. It’s on the TV

  • The eye glasses store, the sun glasses, the contact lens, free eye exams.
  • The hardware store, the paints and the air con. Probably 3 store near by how to fix the air-con, the stove, or the water pipe those. 
  • The electric store, the appliance. Bachelor washer dryer. New invention. 
  • 7-11 face creme …
  • Pharmacy store
  • Massage places.
  • You go to another block, near 101 behind, that’s another area all of the night market.

It was …their fan. Some like to travel, those kinds. They think it’s funny…those. 

If I make a lot money ? No, here. Everything …I can purchase just like my photo !~ girls. Me and my mother. She got those friends. 

I found the store to add…on my facebook ?

🎉🎉🎊🎉🛍️🪟🎁 Welcome to Taipei ~~~ 🎉🎉🎊🎉🛍️🪟🎁

The currency, when I was a kid, and then I left and now (US dollar)

28, 33/34, 31/30 now.

Have I date Shane, he made those songs ? Definitely not. I was on the girls class (Middle school 3 years) and the high school all girls ( 3 years ). He speaks in English, I speak zero English to say dating ..I had about ten university application trying to go to California, the in-state, but it’s out-state for us. 

Mc Donald is 3 floors, across Mose burger next by the pharmacy store (night market 10 -15 mins walking )

Mia ci bon, that Mose Burger is 5 mins.

The French fries, never use my stove !! Never require to peel, to cut, to soak the potato, and oil all over the kitchen ! Anything those beautiful house video. Here is easy. Next by? Your magic Crystal giant store.

There are 20 bubble tea


Mission impossible - Rouge Nation

My mothers friend from Virginia 

William first son police 

Peter with Catherine, second son IT suicides yesterday in America. He has the anxiety like Adam next by Hailey, my mother says. Just buy a gun and shot himself. Aren’t you the praying groups? You always believes it works …so pray and kneel. 

My teeth gum so much issues yesterday and today !

We don’t have here, oh ~~ that next by Mos Burger has this dentist …many name cards.

People have the desire to die so I can live forever !! 

If you coming here this summer ? ABC back…  up to Oct like that Tina Jojo. 

Feb is the Chinese New Year. Some do those things. 

Panda got …caged 


The sewing place is at the oversized next by the old American embassy place, the bike selling next by across that same forest park. The pants. Those are the talkers guy’s bike. My middle school there. 

This go to the library too. The school places is the food and breakfast for the students, can pay ….10 tea places. Yeah ….the same bubble tea. 10 store of them. Irene/s brother owns one there. - 4 school, the Daan Metro or the Forest Metro. How you walk to where to eat ? You go after the Noon time, outside says the “oversized “ in English. I cut like 4 or 5 pants to shorts. For the summer. 

You can keep walking and keep eating, the spring, the autumn and the winter time. 

Okay, so the normal hotel breakfast? The correct hotel, you walk in and pay, you eat there. The upper looking one. They have those buffet everywhere ~~~~ you eating the meats right ? It’s everywhere. 

You look inside the windows, those are the food !! Just …got lost and walking out sometimes, it’s your food. You don’t go away from the city. 

101 is one kind

A4-A7/8/9/11 is another kind.

Breeze…somewhere hidden evaluator …you have no idea how Asian they eat. We walked…it’s nothing but the food here.

Austin, he does that, he wishes everyone keeps telling him the good world ought to be.

He does those irresponsible things, but he wish the world is good.  His mother dies he gonna die. His father is much older than his mother.

No, he just …thinks …probably similar. 

No, he …no because …because he is conditioned so just his mother. He has some other family relatives, too old they gonna die. 

I don’t think…but he had the phone contacts every girls love him waist line below like his mother says. But no, he needs the world to be good, not those movie. He can do all the bad things except the worlds turning inside out or outside in.

He freaks out because he gets old too.  If I tell you because he really cares about it. 

⭐️ You don’t have the common room. You 4. You know how each you live, all days whom you talk to ?

⭐️ No, the stair is not turning all around, no.

⭐️ No, not those face painting on the wall. You have the art collection. Not your hallway those, no.

You care about the stair turning all around ?

Tamang is left, west wing, not going out of the hospital wing or that arm structure. Into the wood, someone tie a rope to his waist, walking 20 feets, come back, don’t touch anything, just come back. The forest, the wood. I don’t see anything like that, don’t bother talk about it. Or this is Wing spinning in the middle, someone figure it out that drinking wine bottle?

APO or TV Friends (they did). The wood cabin, the bun fire.

More than the first degree? Genocide. Not geni cide.

Your PM, no, not you. 

I? Never, the UFO stops them. The upper they know that.

No, not me. No, no thought. No, not even responding, 

I can have that language but not emotionally trigger from the back of my spine anger all the way rush to my head fists up to beat, NO!

AI? I am the best thing they ever got here.

NO! Of course NO!


It will never happen, but …since you ask, if me imagine …technically the Heaven knows it will never happen, but the human talks none sense because I write them. The natural force has a co-exist reason, I tell you it will never happen from me, never.

You will get warned, not just every this show up guys, the voice, the birds the sky or the clouds your PC, your alert clock, your ceiling, your building. It’s all very high tech those transformers stuffs. Every second. I say thousands times no, not with me, no.

Why don’t you press one time correctly this kitchen common room soap one hand to that plugged sink, keep the water running on your hands, and wait the sink and bubble foam up, washing your sink or the few dishes once correctly.

I say it will never happen.

Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

hahahaha........ that is the last name means. Wil Son

That is the Steel Man (Super Man), that same lady looks like Taiwan Youtuber, that Elizabeth.

That was when they were younger....

No, I know where London is. East England. No, I say Shane goes to the North castle door in. Right, I say that, walking in. Sorry, not the phone. I am so mad....I type 1000 words, he plays fool. Now, since you say.....oh I c. Its not the vision. London....its at the south East, warmer.

The vision is more like the momentum you go with it. Your entire body is the vision, you are the energy forward with it. I hate it. No, if I describe to you, I remember its he goes north, I know it looks like he walking in North towards, but its more like the map with short leg gimmie, he go straight up North into that black door castle behind - How do you animate a gimmie short leg up to north, and in short words, he entering the castle door, King called him.

But Ireland its not straight up. London is not straight up, East.

oh ~ I just so angry.

No, I don't know if that is Scotland. I think they are in London. In their location supposes to be, not Scotland.

   That entire 2 or 3 lines, how to make a vision, looking.     Vanished.  Behind its the England map.  I keep saying England?    Yeah, I keep saying England? The vision...England. 

What is the gimmie? The Christmas ornament, but its a map, running up the short legs.

This Shane....is very very often short legs, same as Kian. He jumps his steps 1 and 2 jump, and he is gone ! Short....gimmie.  Maybe in my dream, I was shorter, folded to meditate, so shorter means. The house with the cotton, you put the gimmie all around, with the lights on the desk, the Christmas display. Not on the tree. On the table all the cottons like the snow.

This is not Thranduil told Legolas, you go to North (after they final war) to find a ranger, and Legolas is Thranduil's son? Shane would be......The singing, this is about the singing?

Is this your father thinks, we are all very short shorty?

I will tell you that, your father will tell you that.

What you should be doing, as the prince, as the crown prince...not my brother does that too...you will be the England King, that is the Great Britain King? 

Its.....NOT to make the friends with any of us.  NEVER my YOUTUBE those.

So 2 posts ago ? (?)

I was on the progression to tell you, through your father.....the moment we talk like that, somehow my vision shift I got mad. It was, you use your father as the middle man, as he to go and relate that well wishing message. So only your father will know where he sent that message to, landing on whom's desk. The correct conversation would be you Prince William to tell your father,

"Can you represent me this time, to send Mark a message through your finding. No, I don't need to know where or how, things happened in everyone's family life all that. I got enough on my plate. So if you can do this represent for me....you find the Westlife or the hospital, some gifts some nice card, you greeting him as the Royal family overall....that shall do the best part from all of us."

You want to say that loud?

  1. Sad is your nature
  2. You seeing the sad and permissive on life.
  3. You itch your way to push your agenda - its to kill.
  4. You roar to someone near you, it can be Riley or Middleton, and they cannot get near you = you have an agenda, you always up to something.
  5. You are similar to that Tamang, that is why that is Tom Hank's face.
  6. You wish not just to be friend with either direction of SA. You can only hold one SA.
  7. The Ireland SA or American SA.
  8. You wish they are the combine SA, its actually only the leadership is their band leadership. It always like this.
  9. You have an agenda, what's that, the permissive side of life on re-write.
  10. OU language.

Movie: Da Vinci Code, has this Roman Catholic. 

The secret cult, the secret society. You believe the satanic practices. I tell you the day I drew that Tamang's faces out, I knew every plots in his brain.....

You seeing so many people and you can carry that conversation out more and more, and that should be your only agenda, its to keep going that trajectory. Its not everyone leaves you. Its not someone together it will be always be together or fall off, here or real, or not there, all that. whatever between me and Kian or me and Nicky. You don't need to close gate, you just walking more focus straight ahead. You never think that walking down your isle its when these applause noise wane down a little bit. The walkway. 

I don't really know.

When you are home, you go to sleep, you go to bath, you to wash your hands, your face, get your warm towel on your neck, on your face. Make yourself feeling good. You seeing too many people, those trait of you, should leave you a bit. Any trait of you whatever you putting these thinking inside your brain, one person alone walking in that giant room, to do your only thinking. Don't stay up too late, to do those thinking, go to sleep all the time. Just keep taken some medicine, tell someone, or say something to someone, and be restful. Don't think about those movie all the time, you think you got scared? You alone by yourself? All those good vs evil, evil vs good? The white and the dark? And you seeing the darken side of you yourself?

No, this world is good. You just tell the police, everything is solved.  You know yourself, of course I know you yourself. Listen, someone seeing anything of that, will stop you. I will stop you...whatever this things if someone saying to me. Someone will watch you that side, with or without me. Is that what you thinking? Something you try, something you poke the wall? Touch and see? If that is the magic? 

Okay, we talk about your ice cup drink. You know that. You go to the party, you know about people like the prince thing, and ...you didn't tell that person to stop drinking that cup. The boy or the girl, those innocent face like I say. You got scared when I say that to you, or you found out you yourself having those negative thinking, or thought about.

Or these movies, or Harry Potter all that. You are passive, and you are on that side, no one go and tell you no, don't drink, don't smoke and you get to the habit, you know all of that trait. You know its not good. And one day, you seeing something more collaboration people coming out ....you try to tell me Kian or Nicky smoking free, that is what you mean. They think they aim the heaven's price too high, all that? So you start to believe we got some faces to look like the nice people, except that Simon or that Keanu. For some reason you know that.

Middleton to a certain thing, she will tell you NO! She does that on the TV, I can see that.

But you went to read something, or find something, or ask someone.....in sometime in your life, to only you talk to yourself, or you only think in yourself room, alone all the time. I tell you NO the thousand times, you tell the police. There is nothing evil going on.

When you are outside, we watching you.....you seeing all these faces, you trust that someone will look after you, and you put that story 2 and 2 together....side by side, tell me what's that? That is not true. They will always watch you. Not like that.  No, you got scared. No, you know what is the things you got scared, so you don't always say that. You need to keep in for yourself. No, you keep yourself alive, and you run off to tell the police, and tell your guard all the time. 

You are always with your guard, or anyone looks like the police. You need to trust the police, you want to go and ask someone very very very clear on this one?

Trust the police.

No, not those Dark Lords stuffs. NO!  I know you have those swaying dark thinking, or night thinking, or seeing all these movie, you go to sleep, you go to rest, you go to bathing, you put some warm towel on your nose bridge, on your forehead. Quit all those substance. When you feeling a lot more warmer, you go to sleep, you go to bed, you sleep on the massage chair, you just go to sleep. That is the only thing you do. Bathing, 4 limbs soaking, washing your face, washing your hands put in the warm water all the time. Warm your nose bridge, warm your forehead with the towel. All the time. Go home the first things, take a shower, put something lighter, warm tea, the warm water, the bed, you go to close your eyes for napping, any time you coming out of the car and tired. That is normal.

Every closure of that car, you go to sleep, that is not impolite. GO TO SLEEP. All the time. Any thing darkness, you go to sleep, you wake up and we talk about it. Just go to sleep, go to rest, warm your face, wash your face, wash your finger, get your doctor seeing all the time. Start telling that to your doctors. Me and Shane is not fading it out. You can tell your doctors, in that palace. We are not going away yet. So you hold on us, you go and tell that doctor....you thought about the world and dark things, and you went online to research. You wish the good people stay. You say that to him. That palace doctor. Me and Shane still here this week, this month, this year. Go and open up your mouth. No, he doesn't tell us, no. 

Will we got told? NO! 

I go to sleep.

The business talk - is that you bribe, or that is the business talk, like I say Hugh and Kian, one of those combine FOR THE MOVIE - Anna I say about the water pipe?

Just that, or anything else included all that differently?

You pretending to be the Baywatcher, the surveillance reason to beat and run away?

Say it....every account.

Did King and Shane talks one word....any conversation and one phone call

Did    you

         Hugh all bribing


To kill Nicky......Hugh is the serial killer

Camillia say I cannot land in Ireland she is too pretty hell ish of the Queen Crown, tell me Asia whom's power is the most....you visiting that President Xi, its no longer his.......

Any more words?



Anything else? 

The Europe is full of the wars, and full of death.....I am sure you all meant that well.

When I spent daily time to type key in per words....

Remember your hands do not stop typing.....per key in sounds like you respectful knowing per key note of that Apple phone. Its me, all world bankcrupt, when I say....34 Trump must be Water Gate the felony, its because the human must seeing the real reality in front of the current time.

They surface only the correct things.

And you all will....too.

The only correct thing....Mark is all red means. Understand?

All man kinds with the beard like Keanu Reeves, like Simon....so?! All Mankind fail. Everyone claps a mins.......its the beard full of Eben or Craig to determine the mummies.....its my world, you dare to fumble one word, when Shane's facebook its my typing hard 1000 words on top, and he dares to do one thing without one word clear.....

Including the deal one word with King.

He will be together with Ireland and any place he dares to land that Thailand King and you prince william entire family head hanging on the England Public televions wall, all together, seeing the greatest history of your per voice message, per text message, per phone line opens, including Shane's per talking, do not remember me....

The only phone number to answer...


Its your eternity becoming the whole humanity witness.


Camillia, you got the kids? Your 90s TV....you remember how you look like, you will remember if I care one life.....key in per word like your 2 kids better start....per alpheabet correctly....or the rest of your life, everyone watching you typing until you finish, so they will have a meal that day.


What it makes the precious Ireland and the England public TV precious......Middleton next letter?

Military soilder is only my command. 

Shameful life, of every shameful moment...like Westlife concert, it is my night time Me and Nicky fights....be on air...the TV monitor screen.


So answer me.....how far you all willing to get the things clear, one more word talking?

Its the Live Concert, fun fun fun......you all suppose to do 1 millions kneel, bowl, flat exaclty how it should. Every word clear.

At this time, never will be anymore time with this at all.

Tell me the girl, 2 twin do little + Hugh, hold on you....not that OU lady

Bring her out.....

Everyone willing one more....only the felony of all kinds until every humanity falls. Remember medical board your only vow, and promises. FOREVER.

Sad, gloomy, sick, FAT, the giant FAT FAT FAT, disease, die, die die die die, cancer, old, monkey, old monkey, old old old. dead dead dead.....only wilshing the whole world in ill.

Dead dead dead.

Repeat the only mantra, until every word finish typing. No meal eating.

Remember....the real crown means. Looking at it straight ahead. 

Did Shane gone to North into the palace? I know where London looks like?

Not the phone, he enters the palace? You guys are drugging the public drinking fountain !!!!

I also wonder which Shane that is....

Which Shane, which Mark all that 如假包換 ....What a newspaper says, the Ru Fake, Wrap Replace......

Do you Prince William, your butt splits in half ?

I hate EVERYTHING I ever see. 

The Middleton in the car driver behind cannot stop talking to you, to keep her places... Does 5 of you learning how she talks? Get up in front of her face, show your talent to each General officers....Tina learns how to speak ill to Hank all friends, guess what Hank did.......

Proven each other worth like the newspaper values.

There are only 3 you......+1 New faces....

3 brain dead yet? If not drugs, its 1 smoking ?! So this....new blood, will be? Just like the TV?

The father does things on purpose on himself, having you 2, he got sue yet?

You smoking none stop, Harry's brain is a hole

So George....they...without the mom soon? I tell you the money here....I got yesterday why you are 6/7 to Mark?



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You are the 111 money at.

You know you leave the palace, you gonna die?

+ you poking your 2 fingers at your own eyes back at you, whom is this "you", you looking at "me", my internal vision?

+ You and Middleton never spending time in your room?!  And....you were telling me or these 2 do little 4 arms stopping you to go to this girl, with the Hugh next by...what are that 4 hands with 2 mouth opening to say? Yeah yeah yeah, wait, ~~~That 2? That is 4 arms....


+ I say to you, how about we saying your dates on the table what you talk about.


+ I look at that 2 + Hugh, I say, You have never spending anymore time with a women in your room, this lucky girl you found, many days later on this conversation.

+ You gonna bring that girl to your room, not the Middleton's room......She also in that giant room, don't tell you, cannot talk to you. Tell me, what I think she wants to ask me?

+ Do you ever bring a girl inside your own room, inside on your own bedding? You can smell your outdoor when you were young, those laundry without cabin life with some other guys, so smelly?

+ go back back back back one of those this new girl if you found, not that one....its you standing with her in your room.

Standing.....Not the bed.

Its standing in that giant ceiling room.

That is when we finish talking.... And now.....??! Mark?

She never cooked, you never cooked, and now its joking on my monitor screen Youtube, everyday wasting my time, its on 6 out of the 7 kids.

Youtube is from America, its not from England, you all abide to? That is the American says? Or that is just a suggestion to keep wasting my time here? I give you 1 day on my channel, but its airing 3 days none stop these 6 out of 7 kids. When you telling the US, you will never leave the palace life?

So they can quit doing this on my side. My patience is very very very very extremely low low low low low low dignity. Seriously....


Your citizen is encaged inside your UK line, only that line, so none of you will be moving out, to the America....all of these things say to me, you better dare to say to me, you better all already been moving.

You joking dare to use my eyes sight here to pretend I tell lie, I tell you how the entire universe I will wrap up anythiing but lies, understand?  Don't tell me its a suggestion....don't tell me....its just being suggested. Not my channel......

When you cancel the King's Australia's tour, that means its Japan enter there to greet, they staying there UK permanently? 

You all don't bother to enter here to bow, kneel, flat and blood.....remember....nothing but blood. Not you as a person in any ETERNAL sense,...I care you exist, not you, not public, not one human in this universe.....really.

You care you be that great looking, its nothing but the Monkey and death in red label, that Camilla crown crown crowning moment, I want to see worse of everything on the TV monitor EVERY SINGLE DAY.

So many secrets these Otters and Panda says.....the cancer is the great moment to flirtious.....Middleton, why don't you all send to the dungeon jails...no more interior design

And die.

And that Harry and Meghan, supposes to be in the detention center many weeks ago....whenever I pushing pushing pushing pushing none stop.....not the battle field, someone takes him or his ship out for his....fun?!


Only the correct things I say, per degree don't waste my time and energy.