
Mark - they grew up. (Westlife)

You imagine to meet again, or in years you getting near to them? In thought, or in the newspaper presentation? You need to literally tell that Mark. He is not that bright you hinted to him - that girl, in their concert the audience seat (My Love, the Westlife Concert).....you need to literally go and adore that Mark to do every maid jobs, that is what you mean you like about the star.  Not your reality personality in that palace. That is the true reality of them.

I told everyone, ignore you everything from Prince William for the last several years. Coming it down from that tree.

You re-do? 

They are not the rap music, you are listening to that so loud everywhere your ear drum fine? 

The real fan, they clap, clap, clap, clap, the flower, the flower, the gifts, the gift baskets, the flower briquette....

Mark has a lot of the options, over 25 years he seen what is the fan supposes to look like ~~ Talk to them initiative, not like you don't answer the phone for one full year? 

Movie: Something Gonna Give

Yesterday I saw.....Your science museum 25 years called into.

Think about it one peer review journal to delicate that to the monitor screen, Shane or Mark may not walking into your categories the science subjects or the geography. They will be in the music side. The same building stairs. Its an open concept. They cannot go in with you, or you gonna wait til your call in, you wish the UB all of them got dragged in the freshman for the military orientation table. That would be Harry's Harry Potter groups this year class 2024. The fall season.

No one knows, what the time roll on means. Mark's song.

Is that to say Goodbye? (Facebook video)




Next movie: Interstellar

If you saying the goodbye now, you can message to tell Mark the last indicator he found you in that giant map, the various building. You 2 will never meet on the same road like the song?

Which categories you think you will be in? 

The standing panel, 『Please choose a category. 』

The City Rising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-zEvdCdAUY

『 You are not attached yourself outside the building structure..... Thank God ! 』

In 25 years, Mark. You saying that to him, or waiting ....to say that to him.

Kian, Nicky .... Shane? 

That will not be your going neither?

Westlife Picture in my head


Doing that 45 ....the public education in failure? !

They are the business partner, and you wish to separate them in one month, in one year, last year? That is the same Last Year? You don't talk like a leadership because that is how you talk to Riley, or 2 fingers pointing into your 2 eyes balls for real, on your own? 

Brian ?


Then I tell you I didn't talk to Peyton?! Isn't he just with Owen on the TV, Owen went to sleep....I heard this name in Mission Impossible

If you talk to Peyton now, when you get old, you seeing another Brian like Peyton, one extra person to talk to? Not everyone reject you if you training them slowly, like your father to this younger girl in the Interstellar.

Is Taipei (桃園國際機場) the stable flight?

ABC, they don't go to school, or they...just staying like that Tina, ...its the same airline. China Airline or Eva airline, its on the schedule all the time. Its stable in per weekly flight. Why that many? Taiwan is over dense populated?  You mean going to the United States, right? Both to England too. But I think to the US, its all the time.

Here we wear the sandal on the marble floor, seeing the marble floor.....its a a stone made. They have the wood too. Not the shoes inside the house I think....the space is small. You going outside so you wear the shoes.

The difference?

Mopping the floor, the hair wiping the floor, its a sticker back and forth, all those hair on the top. You throw your sandal on the wall, to jump on your own bed, the man will be the giant size bed finding those bigger space home. 

You don't have a TV inside your bedroom near the bed, to go to sleep. You put the shoe on that sitting somewhere ugly couch its to tight your shoelace. Your Mansion is the giant space to walk with the regular shoes. You can just wear those pajamas robes out of your shower like those blondie, with the fury giant sandal to go to sleep......the air con on....

A lot of the Housing + the President's son, or grand kid

Cooking !!!

In this neat kitchen.

Another pair of the cat and the otter


Your cooking, your kitchen, your cleaning.....etc.



Panda: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FXjZdD71Rpc



Taiwan Uber Eats


Those Japan girls in the different location, food.....


Japan guy dance....Backstreet Boy


The old lady on the ricotta and spanich - Ravioli 


I think its Prince them 2 (brothers) categories, 2 photo cut in half left and right side, share the same frame. No, not the girls. It is a ....cooking category. But the different people probably doing the different things, because that one.....its so so so so so looooooooong almost you don't know where to search. It might be they literally exaggerating to put the giant photo on the hallway keep walking keep seeing the giant faces, and because the search function when you scrolling that ONE panel, was toooooooog prolong, the students just do their intuitive guessing, or find ways to ask, or some tricks they found one thing or another. 

No, no one focus on or knowing exactly where you get yourself up on the tree.

You just focus on something else, don't think about it. No one think about it. You retrieve those steps down, whichever you think of. 

This is what I will prepare for Kian and Nicky... (French Fries? !  )


That's a lot of the washing...Taipei station has those sushi places take-to-go. Near by us has a new sushi place. There is Mos Burger all kinds of the fried food, and Danish breakfast. They need to eat that much food? 

I like this hot iron plate - in the night market.


I am fall asleep....My nap to go. Not just the food to go, really. 

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