Babaji: Go
Your Past and the Future things? 你的過去跟未來事情?
Stargate Atlantis opening
You ever think what they think of you? Getting their approval? That will be all the System Data how to maneuver don't you think?
你有沒有覺得他們怎麼想你們? 他們的認同? 那會是系統制的如何操控,你沒想過?
Lynda Carter, oh !
Its also a beauty pageant ! 也是選美小姐 !
So do you like the movie: In the Heights (2021) and On the Come Up (2022)? This is not the part of the Real Love or Loving the Silent Tear? You want to literally inside your life to learn that lesson? That is what you are saying.
所以你們喜歡這兩部電影? In the Heights (2021) and On the Come Up (2022) 所以這不是關於真愛,或是沉默的眼淚? 你想要真實的在人生見過那種教訓? 那就是你們想說的。
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I say something to that UB 100 human.
3 People you meet on the road. 三種人你在路上碰到
Dinasour lady gains weight? 侏儸紀恐龍小姐增加體重?
oh ~ The Titanic lady is name Kate?! 喔~ 鐵達尼號的小姐叫做 Kate?!
You know, in the Height (2021) that movie, is that ending the girl looks like Miss India?
你們知道,那電影,這結尾的那個女的長的像 Miss 印度?
Is this lady.....anyone they looks like "On the Come Up" (2022)
Make up
oh ~ Miss World\'s crown, not the Miss Universe!!
喔~ 世界小姐的皇冠,不是宇宙小姐?
Motivation 起動力
I think every 20 years, they coming up the brand new make-up tool kits. I have never seen this things before.
我想這每 20 年,他們出現這種新的化妝品工具箱,我從來沒有看過這些東西
The human world is the Light and Dark world. 這人類的世界是光明跟黑暗
This is really really really stupid, you want me to say that again? 9 to 5, you have only the handicap psycho, or mute or X people walking on the street. If you detain those motocycle, they kill the police with a very cruelsome manner, the felony, the previous records, the drug carrier, driving without the liscene, so we have the law decree in Hunger Game, those Central force file-ing into the court room. You want to tell me this is the fate you meet if the finance freedom or the Youtuber walking zones to find love ~~~~~
They all are....inside their soul, outside their mind, everyone has to feel the love in the air. I say the table delivery, Andy.
Put all the keywords back to the movie title.
Its a very very very stupid scene in front of my face, how to keep a magic book, L La la la INN Chanted none stop. Every year Every Class, by the time of 35 years old you lost 50% literacy, line and square, by the 45 years old someone in the Class of that same age die, the classmate getting fewer people talk. Their Movie: Intern Old age will die out. Most people will tell me they like the old stable human every 20 years to Intern movie. They pee, or their urination start to be loosen, they need the diper.
Every 20 years late, people die!
This is really really really stupid ! And I am so sick of it !
這是非常非常非常愚蠢,你要我在說一次? 九點到五點,你只有殘障瘋子,或是變形啞巴,或是X 人類走在街上,如果你逮捕模特車,他們殺了警察非常殘忍的方式,這重刑犯、前科,藥毒科,開車沒有駕照,所以我們有這種法律在飢餓遊戲,這種中央集權寫出去的法院法令,你要告訴我這命運,是你如果有經濟自由,或是 Youtuber 奏在哪裡去尋找愛 ~~~~
他們全部都是...在他們的靈魂,外面的心神,每一個人都要感覺這愛在哭慶,我說桌子 delivery 安弟!
這是一個非常非常非常愚蠢的每一個場景在我的面前,怎麼保持一個魔法書,拉拉拉淫欠踢地,沒有停止過,這每一年,每一屆,直到三五歲的時間有百分之五十的文學失去,線跟方塊,到了 45 歲之後,有人多少再那一屆那同一個年齡死了,這同學越來越少講話了,這電影: 實習生 (高年級)老的會死掉,大部分人的人會告訴我,她們喜歡老的人穩定的這每 20 年的晚了...如何實習生電影,他們尿或是他們的尿失禁開始鬆了,他們需要尿布。
這每二十年晚了,人死了 !!
Can you get the psychology department from the university someone with the brain, and a database, get the movie producer
RE-WRITE the entire title of every movie things I say. Ella Enchanted!! I just didn't vomit in front of you all faces, never stop vomiting !!!!
重寫,這整個名稱每一個電影事情我說的 ! L 拉營欠踢地! 我只是沒有吐在你們每一個人的臉上,從來沒有停止吐過 !!!!
Million years in hell 百萬年的地獄
cross out
cross out
cross out
Give me a reason you as a human has a value? You have to really trying very hard to convince, you have one value exist at all. Try....This forever and eternal, its every day I am trying hard to ensure the entire human population die in the hell forever eternal, dont' you agree?
France, Karen’s house in West Seneca got bombed looks like TV 法國
Her parents came back and found out. It’s …they practiced that, the American military. Not limited to that one incident. I think it’s a I-20 toward West Seneca, going to Hamburg, that will be Dean’s home. He got moved from FL to TX. It’s exactly like the TV says. All these movies are very bad.
Justin Bieber hand feed an otter, that one told me.
There is an Asian girl in a residential area, she parked on the side and walking toward. It might be that Hive things in OU, Sandra in 2015 got a crown. Karen = Beast. You bomb the beast home.
But it’s Simon = Bible, the beast. The wiki with SMCH, the biblical end time. It’s everything I say on the earlier channel.
- You have 1900 GE and Westinghouse history event til Astor 1234, and JP Morgan (Past), Titanic. AC DC 10 years War. I got exhausted. Kenshin Himura. But they are psycho profile - nick, my mother and I guess Tina.
- 2000 years AD timeline reaching to Ronan.
Because when you look at the movie, you lost yourself. You need to extract yourself outside. (I am pulling you outside. Your shirt behind guys, your eyes are glueing on the TV straight ahead. It’s everything wrong in the movies.)
當你看著電影,你會失去你自己,你把你自己拔出 (我在拉你出來,你的襯衫後面,你的眼睛在前面黏在電視直線,這所有電視都是錯的!)
Before the prophecy reaches, 500 years, 200 years, 100 years, 40 years, everyone staring at the TV and sees what’s on the TV, Little Buddha, Speed (1995), Contact (1997), Matrix (2000), Digital.
Everyone moves out, clean up junks. Want to re-write that ? They are junks.
You start at 2014 moving everyone out.
在預言抵達前,五百年、兩百年、一百年、四十年,每一個人都盯著電視跟看電視,小佛陀、超速(1995), 外星聯絡 (1997), Matrix (2000) 數位。
你從 2014 所有人移出去
一個全新辦公室,全新的一整組,你有楚門秀他長官,公眾電視房 『她的龍出現了』
你不需要垃圾,所以警察部門看管,你只看著十個人照片照片照片照片照片每一個位置,那是我只能看到的東西,要不然,我是瞎跟沒有舌頭 (眼睛跟舌頭 - 電視劇本 舌=tongue = 🐍= Sariputra =佛畫的後面他媽的夢,金色大蟒蛇)
你不需要受傷,靠近,個人化因為我不會跟他們見面真正生活,我的路程這邊到法院,或是愛爾蘭下一個,你以為他們很多人,你在講富翁,那已經很多人就算整個 SA 更改位置做一個客人,如果不是愛爾蘭,就是台灣這裡,Zawanna 說不能走到那裡 HSBC,現在,如果我要去那裡,我搬到不同住所,有一天做完所有事情,開走。他的意思是樓下哈利坡特的把租人離開,我住那裡, 一樣的銀行,我媽住樓上。
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Ghost film
- They are the old ghost not anything new, million years or uncountable hell years before they return as an Earthly their highway, their home to look.
- Wild ghost : King Charles, Eben child format, Nicky, lost human form that, the longer the time goes, the longer the humane parts gone. The system people will go back to the ship, this part you can just ask outside. If you publish a book, many books, that existence of all knowing its forever helpful. You don’t get a human form.
- It affects the System people that time. The hysterical ghost.
- Women number 1 suicide : love
- Man number 1 suicide : money gambling.
- Hair changes Grey at 40 online (?), that’s that Rochester 2 times scam lady.
- Wait til they all go and kill themselves and those kids die before the parents.
- There is no value, they cannot generate any data.
- 他們是舊的鬼,沒有任何新的,百萬年或是沒辦法數的地獄時間直到他們回來地球他們的高速公路或是家來看。
- 野鬼:查理國王、埃本小孩、Nicky, 失去人生的那一天,時間越長,人性會失去更多,系統至的人員會回到船上,這部分你們可以問外面,如果你發現一本書,很多書,那存在的那種情況是永遠幫助,你不在有人身。
- 影響系統制的人員,厲鬼
- 女孩子第一名自殺:愛情
- 男生第一名自殺:金錢賭博
- 頭髮改變灰色在四十歲,網路(?)那是 Rochester 兩次被騙的女人
- 等他們自己去自殺,或是小孩在爸媽死之前去死
- 沒有任何價值,他們沒有任何數據
Outside Sky and birds
1) Sariputra 2) Keanu 3) why this is a smurg, medical board ?
1) 舎利弗 2) 李維 3)這為什麼是一個痕跡,醫學院?
Human Samsara only has few kinds
- Women number 1 suicide : love
- Man number 1 suicide : money gambling.
- Taipei Station which coffee scene people have to sit in 4 table long table ( The Day You Found Out sandwich jobs. Everyone table) and one of them is red ink on the top number ocean 13 ending. Their bank account
- Cross all out. Only Digital Era only and Digital photo
- 3 Worlds laws I tell you in the lawsuit after lawsuit 275 Prince Harry after.
- It’s forever and the eternal time
- 女孩子第一名自殺:愛情
- 男生第一名自殺:金錢賭博
- 台北車站哪個咖啡店人們喜歡四個人的桌子 (偶然發現的一天 三明治的工作每一個人座位)其中一個是紅色上面數字瞞天過海 13結尾,他們的銀行
- 全部都劃掉,只有數位世代跟數位照片
- 三界法律我告訴你了,法案在法案275 之後哈利王子之後
- 這是永遠永恆的時間
3) why this is a smurg, medical board ?
Hailey’s Dad and MD at hell, a cloud monitor sorting this data. Ola curls clouds hair grey hair human form old making bread for them. Those MD are light, the white lighter?
Hailey 的爸爸是 MD 在地獄,雲的螢幕處理數據,Ola 捲雲的灰頭髮老的人型做麵包給他們,那些 MD 是光,光的人??
Me and Nick met Andrew with Maggie in Thailand island, go to Da Vinci 512 SMCH birthday, behind, there is a girl holding waist standing ? That’s Maggie is a waiter I see with Andrew, swimming suit. They are from German. Second aunt Shen is Maggie, pull out my grandpa bank mortgage for her use.
She, my mother ask her to get my seal that time because she was oversea, she got no help. My father is completely cannot do one thing, not even to get a renter so she has to fly back. He is very very incompetent, suffer my mother a lot a lot a lot a lot.
我跟尼克見過 Andrew 跟 Maggie 在泰國島上,去達文西512 SMCH 後面,有一個女孩子叉腰站著?那是 Maggie 餐廳服務員我看到跟 Andrew, 泳衣,他們從德國來,第二個阿姨沈,拿走我阿公銀行的貸款給她自己用。
Tamang is a hysterical ghost, Dean and Erin in the California hospital Mel-practice wrong dosage, hell.
She cannot speak English or listening.
Dean and his mother is entire family hell.
Tamang 是厲鬼,迪恩跟瑩玉在加州醫院,錯誤醫藥用錯處方,地獄