
Did they draw this? Or I imagined?






2 Confident gays will kneel, and those are drunk......so psycho.

1  1

1  1

Eben is 1 in Flower Thousand Bone, right?

                     Someone is crying, you all foreigners. (here...we have a case on our ex mayor)

You all just coming near by to kneel, you would hear about this?! 

I think he has some conditioned on the wiki. 

I think....he wants to have more faces. Because W Two Worlds scripts, and so many people around here. He is that type. Like ADD those, if someone is so vola, he also wants to vola, and everyone knows he is conditioned, and everyone knows he didn't do anything of that. It is strange....I didn't really dare to say it.

I think he takes it everyone knows it. 

He can tell some people congregate it, and he cannot help himself ! 

You mean inside I got told? Inside I see that. But I am too scared.....not our Taipei mayor?!

The exact image? Yeah! He burst himself out, he cannot help it. He has ...never seen that many people like all around. That is one thing I got told.

The second thing? Today, I destroyed the whole universe days, and Babaji destroyed the Heaven, and I don't know the hell remote traveler what he destroyed too. No more lights, finally no one in the Heaven, its he and me talks. So dark, behind, looks like the war light. So then he just talks to me stare at my eyes, I cannot see behind. Its the front heaven everyone, every light gone he throws them in the Bermuda Triangle.

He told me that ex mayor, he is a very very very bad person.

Then I start to remember....Its these position our current mayor, or the ex president. In 40 years....

He says, "You cannot wait that long to finish him, he is a very very very bad hellish person."

"By that time."




No, that line vertical, that is where the remote traveler lean on it, to the living veil. That is the veil. Inside....doesn't have a line. 

I was sleeping


Today so angry, my entire body.

They don't think this is normal, right? I better go to sleep.

You L whole lifetime

That's fine. They say the day you got up, you go and use the drugs !

Or you cannot wait to text your phone how to gossip about these.... ! 

I am listening ! I think its One lifetime kneeling. That is what they told me, you think you know, or you think you get told. Its 1 lifetime. They probably just tell me the false things to sound like a conversation. 

 ( I think our city can kill every human that touch their tongue with the drugs. So psycho human. )

They do on purpose to create the underground drug factory? Why don't they use their pets to find every human and get killed with all these news so many gun. Where do they manufacture, why don't you all killing them finished!

The high tech is everywhere...

The outside is all dead and gone, cannot be contact....or else I just so wish all these human be dead. The drug? 18th century we are living at? The opium, the psycho human.

I am the Lords, so here is the things I want to see....starting this first life all inheritance to fix per intch square human trash barried.

No kids will have family will, today on.

All will will be taken of the last 100 years.

Until this planet per land used to plastic barried, to dig up, and re-sort, your first eternity, its only on waste land fix up....

All money goes to the eco, the water/ river, the animal, the air, the factory you all pretend not to stop it....all world zone suppose to move south, only China do that.....yeah?

All 100 years to the last 2000 EVERY will of the money, only re-changed to this plastic bottle, the plastic waste, every trash American doesn't imagine one Taipei, per trash perfect, so ....all the failure of the human crowd in money, you will spend the rest of your life in these trash barried land until all the trash be re-digged, be re-sort, be plastic, be paper, be per line, per waste, per stupidity things, that per household......dare to run....so this punishment will be very very severe today on, this first year, you wish you do perfect.

Triple for plastic cup used.....and if these cups distribution its like special, its 1000 slap on that brain to be dead, so harden in the face, it will be iiee ya iiee ya....and for the rest of that human, its the digging for barried land.

You find a way its manual, or you find a way to high tech sent to the sun. If one intch of the planet, its not perfect, per housing design in the Africa, or Ukraine bomb house not mud, or water line....

Your America supposed to be all moving to Asia, only the system matter, only here is the investment per 4 limbs move speed and velocity, you will lay on the bed only sleep for the rest of every eternity year. Sleeping beauty.

Kneeling cannot stop?!

For the rest of every eternity, there is no sppirituality seeking.

Just be as arrogance as the European and American air to nose, just like this Jordan bad luck and Prince all first life perfect to the second continue the curses.

The teacher's union only know this per church bell sound wishes, per church book opens and nice, balloon to say marriage, to say, great, to say, perfect in look, in talk, in disicpline, I want.....its just appearance to plastic all the eternity, its just knowledge makes the world function and capitalism required to vola tiny bit....continue to this pladge to American citeizen as the vowing wishes only, until ...these Congressman learn all that Sex was great language.....

Money its the man only words, never one girl required to worthy inside their eyes, no matter how that encouragement was a stingy none compassion reason.

Its the church tax reason.....its the brand new protocol.

You will not have one spirituality lineage on this whole planet, to other than

Sex, the movie, the sound music, and VOLA.

And digging the trash, and sleep 4 limbs in warming method.

Until the external someone came in to steal your WWII perfect herbs recipe ....

And make the whole cosmo the only New Age trend on their own initiative. 

You will eternity stare.....what it means you willing to sacrifice they take the lead. That's it. No New Age, no spirituality in it. You can meditate all that yoga pants, yeah...just not the lineage. 

Stare that one beginning, make the whole cosmo through someone else's hand.....

Its always zero means.


Start to suck up trash things from where? Somebody, the gravity wind changed.

Someone is slap Prince William's face 1000 times

And Prince Harry is on cup cup cup cup this plastic to that wooden table?

Okay...Take all these wooden table burn it right there, every table.

For the rest of everyone's life, its a lunch box you carried in your hands to eat. Whomever that is there.....you ask me per degree doing EVERY single time. 

And whom says Shane goes and get married to have the kids? England or Nicky?

That is 1000 whips on that one back starting...Is nicky were in the car accidents now? Severe? In Japan, or in where? The hand wraps the jaw wraps up those severe severe car accident?

Every table you Prince William will show up, on that every day the table cloth and the beautiful all scenery this Hugh arrives with those hollow waist line girls thin outfit, to dance and to twist.

Every world he shows up, that table and the table cloth will perform a Moon light, 

To burn indoor, and every table cloth and the table finished...those flame indoor indoor.

Then everyone sits down on their knees, all these girls must be circle together around that bum-fire seeing every scene.....until the fire was waitor's distinguished, you will all sitting it down with those skirts - remember only mini skirts with those waist line Eternity, every Eternity.

To have your food on your knees legs, to say prayers. Its Prince will lead on saying.

With the microphone that dedicate to the Lords on the "Bad luck....." its our the only says, every single time for the rest of this Prince William's life. Actually every Prince will sit in the circle. Only those will have the meal on the lunch box saying...the trash waste it again.

The girl is not the matter I know

The money is not an issue, I know

The fame and the price, is not great, I know

Every terms of one smile to that great success to that air every face is on slap, one dare ....act.

Humility never run thin, or deep..until this every face must be torn in the sorrow and solittude, its the Capitalism under......you will make a great saying of this society.

Unified through the Pc interface life.

Then, this one person, in front of all Jewish investors, money bank account must be zero

All family be separate the last time you will see them,

All in FEMA camp.

Saying your prayers great......move to Lalla licking all circle Eben world, you will be licked none stop in NYC.

2 eyes, 4 limbs off, they all worship you, every conference new blood coming in. Statue behind their mouth opens per microphone. That is the only hotel conference.

Its charged special.

Westlife have something they do, I understand Shane.

That one door is forever 40 years, no one comes to visits, the legal sign. Anyone try, to enter by not knowing any routing service including that Kian and Nicky somewhere else this country.

Per person its 4 limbs off, 2 eyes off. Every routes, every back up, every known world, must workship this set up, they supposed to be all shipped it to South America.

Every women to near this Westlife, I want the most excoriating pain and sorrow, and screaming of every man fucking their best friend until they suicide, the most cruel methods of the humanity. 

I say first day, not 2 years ago, you all try...to keep it....low key.

My phone is the only phone, you want to keep saying free will.

You want people to bossing you.....this will pay dearly....

One attention is not on me, its per person charged. 

Zawanna says William lives in the dumpster for the rest of his life?

I saw that, he says to say that, oh?~ He doesn't create a perfect England 100 human require per line per height per chair per entry light to his Center of that Giant Room....table to stationary his every paper works + the printer from Adam Ella Enchanted.

Until you deliver a perfect paper works, to that every party crasher and the wedding....it will only be mini skirts of every youth tanning tone, hugging 100 mans there, to sit on the knees to eat the lunch box after the fire extinguish, that bun fire every table and table clothes, together you will all pray.....

This one life.....someone will waiting that room,

someone will waiting one desk

Per.....ink print out, per literacy, of that one desk. Per line dedicate, how much sincerity this England will change for the better.


Nick's only food will be

1) Spring roll, small like Wei Wei's special

2) Vietnamese spring and summer roll

As the only food for the rest of his life.

Remember this fucking schedule its tape, counts, and advertisig this Man...has how many billions sex as her, as him, as the kid's parents to this whole universe, how much that in and out, its....that Tina jojo's bank you all unwilling to flip the table make every window a scene,.....We will continue every 5 years until this Citi Bank means....that every wire is freeze...until this Tina Jojo so knoiwn so known ~~~~

American military will only have one mandatary food and the sex tape and league to their flag

Its these 2 spring rolls.

Until I die.....you wish.....something else, would be.

Blessing 2015 SMCH what a great Holy Tape, you all think?

They say its her whistle to the wind, that couch my mother jumping on the kids trembling playground. Is that true? 25 years? For aerobic breathing I assuming, her breast was too big, and keep jumping on the bouncing big ball.

Yes or no? The big ground, we did gone to as the kid's time here.

Irene looks more like a whistle blows to the wind...haha....is that Tina? I don't know for 25 years or 20 years? 

That at least its one human virtue ....you all willing for your own selfish motive to live and breath. That's fine. When I am not in the house.

At least one human cared for that one parenting, not watching it die at all, what a medical board willing and I am willing for their Capitalism all penis to make like my father, how far I will ever go. Its so legal and well preserve this socialism, the freedom to breath on every party crash car running games.

America, all small bomb tiny bolts India Apple all Indian must keep dying.零件

But then the car will start to that location where to be bomb all over the world with the accident, no more break in the car.

That is 20 bombs every car incident after you sent in. So find out, per factory. You have 20 days. No more Indian on this planet. All must die, and the rest will be in the excruciating torture, you pretend you didn't find them.

Eben and Lalla has 2 time a sex per day contract, yes?

All that indian investor will perform the sex great act with Lalla in front of Eben. and die.

And lalla will fuck the entire American coastline and Canadian coastline of every road block man watching by their wife and daughters

To that every conference this map will show as the only introduction how every business this Virgin Airline airplane drop.....per fuel as the bombs....its funny.

Every single life when she reborn. 

Remember, you will do all your might, she will never be......here. At all.

All these wife from Congress and the perfect daughters

UB 10,000 will half both of their parents legs. In this one lifetime, they will have no more obligation to the ugly and the aging, and you and your mother will be nothing but that Bad Luck and the trash dumpster prince - the only language will be....their food, their water, their temperature, their 4 limbs soaking the warm water, to their parents, for your staffs, for your military that very very special reason to kneel....because they are no longer require to say...why any friend will soon, knowing...per kneel drop per social

Why they UB not willinig to keep writing their big picture to tame that President of yours.

Every big pictures is wrong on those social reason, for this is the first warning, to say the court room floor to meet, per word opens to talk, per text to message

I want the total count per years since 2008. On this girls and friend of Dean and Wing, they will be back leash with the blood and flesh renew and repair, until that 1 billion text per word, not per alphabet...to see how their lips will be saw and eye lid to plastic sewing.

This 1 eye....

The only Power forever will be

Every single life, they dare to come back.

AS the parents will be half

As the friend will be the only look

Everywhere every world, every scenery.

One more word talked, to....

If you all continue as the UB 100, doing on purpose as your IQ low like that Ola, as low as you could chop off your hands or your tongue, to imagine you keep doing it on purpose the low IQ LOW IQ, I have every example supposed to be the only thing, until all truth be find, you keep lying about it....

Its the only copy and paste, to make every word correct and sound.

Not...imagine you are ever right again.

I want to see crying loud voice, as these so precious human, hurt, tears, vent, so lonely, and resilliance, as this One Earth eternity, classroom lesson starting young, to that pledge to America. To that textbook memorize how the heart be pull and pushing......this England one side, to Congress 2 legs SMCH, and Lalla and Eben...coastline per map illustrate, how willing you all say UB parents per legs chop, their per phone text count.....and the pope side.

All staying on this Earth and reborn to learn every language can only be English will be subjected to this punishment eternity, only the tear, the laugh, the vent, the flow, the sadness of every human samara is a giant big laugh...how low the IQ will be and hiding, and how soon your heart cannot be tear, to be warning, your only true reality show of this TV commodity is the same. Just K1-K12 makes it perfect.

Korea boyband and the Taiwan number 1 super model, is your manager my mother's classmate on running?

She needs to be jump on that 6 F 1000 time like that Eben 1000 time for Lalla on 101.

Bounce trembling, and for the eternity year, this Citi bank..and this one lifetime, per month, one day, its all of them going in, punch that desk, beat up their head, and tie up their hands.

If next month they no longer be there, its the 2 legs first, then 2 arms next, then 2 eyes, then the tongue. Whatever this Tina legal to-do, all the judge and lawyers stand there for month and witness, this must be eternity, both the customers and the desk.

Anyone just random 2 legs, then 2 arms, then 2 eyes....its the customers base.

Because you all dare....anyway, its passive to watching someone die, or keep dying.

I want to see nothing but cruelty on this planet, and this per border the whole universe will be 10 PC monitor on every moving in travelers, all their Airplane Virgin airlines, all airline, must be none stop these sex acts as the only Bible things to the eternity of every eternity to this one planet.

Its eeel ya....eellll ya.....makes a great sense.....you all just never passive enough, and we will make 10 times 100 times worse of your heart, from the high tech, every romance story ends as the drama clubs, make push and heart wish and want, no words to verbalize, because this EF, DOESN'T DO enough.

And America, this one 411.... 407, 401...you all dare...anyway, your entire American one lifetime its none stop driving from Buffalo to Moskoka, Friday night and Monday return. 

One lifetime, and those KY, its every eternity, driving from KY to WV, to Canadian boarder, and return, every weekend like Carla never quit 8 years how great this duaghter and tony should be.

This one period of time, when things be sexual, I want the whole humanity die in horror and in the most excutiating pain, you tell  me whom he is, you use me whom I am, and you keep just watching me die.

And for the rest of this Canada border, since you insist it will never open but Mexico.

You will bomb unlimited life to every border cross other than this One TOO big of deal Buffalo to QUEENEY, spell it right.


Until All mankind must be in the most horror dying wish to their face and soul

I will make every Cosmo your only eternity sin karma for every suffering you dare to make me see, through, hear, witness, AND TEST DRIVE.


Do you have 5 or 6 striving for the bigger plans FRIEND? Tilt your head like William?

Remember, they will be joining some torture, because you dare to make one contact...and when I finish these 10-20 best friends, you will no longer have one human face other than the sexual pulling 1 billions per acts airing every airports as the Bible is the only end time, too great too listen. Your driving will not stop, but your seeing will never be a human, you can type to email, but no longer a tilted head.

Or else, that spine of the every maid and caretaker, or the police like this time...

Its 45 degree left or right or front bent....for this every eternity, no more second life.

Any human let me see....this you tilt your head as the best friend, together......because its so easy....this whole cosmo, you will all have one eternity hell forever. 

Together anyway. Find them.

Its the greater works, everyone will applause, except these. Together you will make a strong photo frame, every world witness ! What the best reason for every reason to look like the end of Bible, for a religion to great of La la la. Funny !!!!

The first group vowing forever leaving Buddhism

Second groups are those in the sun here so hot, kneeling.


AI, you have all the fake things, you taken them out...whichever the worlds anywhere else.

American President and the Congress all man.


The original its per person in front of your wife and kids, beloved, in 5 millions times to fuck inside out, timing....per video filming to the next 5 years, air to all world, nothing but stare these.

All Congressman you all get on too.

All groups that is in the punish mode be on the chair, and watching this porn for the next 5 years. Not everyday stare, but you could just stop your own punishment.

These all fucking SMCH for fun all man, will produce another 10-20 rapes them the kids in production in 20 per man, to that wife and kids delivery these baby none stop, to tour that England mansion every single year, until that King dies. (10-20 years old, whichever satisfy) 

And remember, if this wife and Middleton and William is not wiping their mouth or ear, or care to per food ordering none stop mummbling per caring words.

Its their 2 eyes 4 limbs, chop off the 15th years of their birthday, you will wipe them 4 limbs without with Nick pressent in all sphere of these production and those first Vietanese Brother Qouc Haiwaii all rich wealthy man stands there after you reproduce 10-20 rapes on 20 kids, per each deliver year....remember....

Everyone staring these video its changing your karma term.

So get up and shut up.

Take Wei Wei and tony 

Wei Wei mother, 

Join together this raping games until this eternity year, you will repeat......The page second called the sin forever down.


All these bio world people or the Asian nun and the monks, to that vowing forever leaving the Buddhism in all world, shut up those groups......

Every morning your TV its American pledge of the league to your heart. Its only American flag you wish to be the citizen to enter, but you will remain wherever your Capitalism sleek you continue to live on.....

The black hair is being leash whipped behind, so that is 3 months recovery.....

Now....to your one planet delight eternity....to fake every women as the money, keep saying it was not the first day to get everything perfect, because you dare.....

It will be my mood, the day I die, before I die.....what will be you eternity year, One American all Congressman + up.

Now you all Vatican combine all holy man....

I want you to learn something about how to enter the world in FRIEND that more than 5 or 6 or 7 people gathered..as the eternity rules. Just like that Prince William dares....

The best frirend means one head lean next by and chat per tongue on me....its 5 or 6 or 7...together.... You will masscue them like the TV F.R.I.E.N.D. Nothing but 007 jobs, nothing but finding the faults of every coffee shop great groups, nothing but the God envy, you dare the TV, you dare the world. 

Every tongue dare to born, no school public education failure, like their 2 hands not yet chopped.....you will see.....

This capitalism supposes to be......finding everyone a life to continue....but you all mistaken to believe its a chat, or its a convenience seeing no fault with a tongue you keep daring.

Every teacher is so freedom means they never require to beat the students, so aren't the parents....so I must carry this jobs. Until every lawful the extreme punishment will carry to ensure their per word at the court room stop was perfect.....this masscred will continue til the day I really die.

Everyone is on the relax mood...cannot talk, cannot reason, cannot teach, you all willing not to comply any force, or any correct order means.

No books vola, we will continue the whole cosmo I will make it SUPER vola, all teacher's union, you have months, years to ensure, this Asian 斯巴達 education will not have one air leave that mouth to breath....untold.

I want the neck those ring machine design .....

With the things otter bites in his mouth. Its a white round plate...

I want a needle to pull the blood on the right arm.

This kits....

Its every human dare.......one second conduct I see your eyes, I see your eye lash, I see your tank, I see you don't know how to cover your throat, all these details including 30 times per day 4 hands / feet in the warm water for 5 mins.

This kits will be your punishment greatly, every 8 billions all worlds.

Its 4 billions they say.


Ola ...The system data outside the schoolmate.

Any artist making any money its their happy privacy life to that one company, in any world not limited to America.

When the normal kids going to the NY state school, to pay the college tuition through the parents and find a job, before another Master or Ph.D, that is not the students formats, where America has a lot more opportunity not to stay in the school to pile up the debts than in Asia any world.

You as a mild girl on your look, on your seen be other people perceiving, to keep doing the fake things in 3. If you want to push that 50 chat room boxes sound like less MAGIC reason and all you Ola court room paper are nothing but the right business format.

No one cared if any of that is legitimate business, because everyone always thought that was normal. Most people living in a normal society, will think of something as normal

This entire class I run my own facebook only I NEVER check anything around you, you saying I am the only person never stop saying you are a witch to that per statement, today or yesterday I told you, it was nothing on your court room paper.

  • You are fear of something.
  • That something is not on the painting from 500 years ago.
  • You pushing that 50 celebrity chat room boxes to say you are a society schooling girl whom can call a phone, dialogue a schemetic says, meaning its verbal, its not telepathy, its a constant communication, its visible seen you are in your location in America to calling them 50 chat rooms boxes as steady.
  • Look like Anna doing that to Ireland or Anna has that ability or she knew you used to have something telling her, or something magical aspect.
  • You believing in it, Pane Andov. NOT Rudof Raindo Raindeer.....or that is Gandulf. 
  • You had those crystal seen, the crystal necklace, everyone reading that Ice Skating comic book.
  • Everyone taken you are like that, because of my facebook on that 80s something or 90s someone is expedition on the crystal.
  • It was on Cayce Edgar, you went to finding it out the Atlantis, but Anna shut it off that fighting words with Dean or with Wing.
  • You keep silence.

Ola, you keep silence, keep silence, keep silence, keep silence of your normal everyday world if everyone sit in the same space, no one even think of it, why Anna keep proof reading or validating prove, she was doing that for 20 years on her facebook, they knew my personality is like that, you taken me = magic = you almost the identical to some story plot.

Its very very very near per story you thought, you went to deny, or you need that volume less, because that is a medical school, and I say that is the international medical school. MOST UB thought of...not they doubt WHY it cannot be an international medical school,  until Anna doing nothing but killing aspect from the power from the top, real or not real. You fear someone just hear about it. 

You didn't put your magic resume to the international medical school application. Did you open your mouth and say that to Dean or to Wing? 

You try to pretending you are me?

You fallen, fallen, fallen....with your eye glasses on, Ola. What did you have any conversation with your mother, you make her read your paper, or you mislead her to believe you are a witch or a medical student from the international medical school, next by Tamang. She literally reading with her eye glasses on, ANY paper inside your hand, you lie to her, or you writing a different thing only you know to the judge?

Did you check your real grade with Dr. T and UB honor class advisor, MCAT or the international medical school, from every step 1 to 10 until you get to the real Louisiana medical school.

Did you tell them, including ALL my facebook used to be MD 6, per contact you can get....you had a grade in the scores of, why you were on the movie, and what exactly per step or the meeting date in the court room session including if you got charged to every details of the last ten years, you done nothing but to report to them?

Did you report to the England medical school? 1-20 things here?

(tile my head)

If me and Dean and Wing has to argue, and Jonathon running to pretend that was not a piece of the gun on anywhere on the map, that is PER prove we doing this movie per image, they didn't ask me the funny words in "magic".....so on your proceeding hidden agenda USED to be, no one knows google+ it was you gone somewhere, and you went to someone....

IF we pretending to stand there talking, and YOU are shadowy away.....its WE intuitively know you were a medical failure student, the drop off student, the GPA pass grade students on venturing the magic or intend to jump the cliff, no one knows, or Dean never finds out per details. TODAY would be the first day other than before, you Ola never DARE to check your own grade if they slip you in? In the sequence of your last 20 years, you shuffle yourself in life to imagine something bigger?

Hira knows that, Dean knows that, or WHOM knows that, the medical school, or the pharmacy school, WE knew the word in MAGIC will never happen ?

"You try to hide it so hard"  - Ella Enchanted, "Where is my purse?" 

If you burn the bridge, that is the War from Ancient Chinese stories, so you are listening....but no guys from UB cared about that details, Anna I put them their mind on the textbook and the patient cares, everyone knew that to get through their VITA review.

(From the ancient Chinese, from the Red River Manga, from the Lords of Rings, it was 868% error from Anna and Lee's CADS students)

Are we shared the same organic chemistry students? 

You never go and hiding a 868% percentage error, and you were all on my website, that one site made, UB they all visited I bet. Any movie inside, its the FIRST hour you heard, you hear, you knew....YOU do not hire like those people they might have the condition or they might already being honest ! 

You have to be very very clear on every medical school terms and conditions. 

You imagine to take on 50 chat room boxes?! 

You want to look like you know what you are doing? 

With the movie to dictate to the medical profile? That none of them were your patients.

But "I try anyway."

Everyone put an eye glasses on, right side look in the mirror, left side look in the mirror.

With your lip in smile with the 2 eyes squeeze "I try anyway", say it until you understand it.

Its the licking the penis to say squandle the criminal on trying a sheep like you to get rapes. Its the profanity its the zizzling you touching your thigh down line to your vegina....Say it.

To rape with the magic, its not as the words saying it, and literally using it your hands, now....there are the hair belongs to your meals, to cat dance, ola, down there? The hair? Its the period blood on the new moon or the full moon? Not anything else this SMCH how much can damage me with these penis?

They mix up the standard, must per word saying it loud to me in front of my faces without me begging them, to imagine, its per second late since yesterday, they dare to...

I dare even more....

Then remember, its 100 9-11, the human life to my 1 second the mind in rest...its nothing of this Cosmo Heart.

Until every world, none stop crying, none stop shouting, none stop suiciding, none stop bombing, none stop, I say none stop. The court room never arrives here...none stop. Its just words to argue, its just none sense, its all wrong, so wait.....every second doesn't mean to them.

Anyone translate, what does that mean?

I SAY 1000 worlds fire


Next one on nuclear bomb, 1000 worlds, you dare to input the fake youtube per notice, 

One more time. Noticed. 

I say per fucking man Vietanman be clear, that is 1000 new girls on her fronts SMCH fucking with 1000 back leash in nothing but the flesh and bloods, until we settle this 1 eye per human per hand, on this write up.......you pretend we fake, we pretend this movie industry its the money all made of.

Remember every penis less to every border to air the eternity, its her and nick merits, you don't tell lie, you don't need to hurt, you don't need to hide, every new classmate re-make this Flower thousand Bone to for fucking scene and the greed to money,

This time....you have no more chances.


Until every world, none stop crying, none stop shouting, none stop suiciding, none stop bombing, none stop, I say none stop


Again Youtube

You have 5 mins.

You have one more chance, I cannot hear you.

Starting every Galaxy hitting each other, you don't hear me, well...America.

1000 slap today on her skull, starting now, if one more not clear, like this image, her weak brain wave.

I will make everyone weak brain, I cannot hear you.



BEE my love

Russ on drunk

That is jewelry?

The legal idea where you all enter the court room. Anna I say: the half Cosmo ruined.

The only thing that really happened its the court room shut off your case. No more proceeding. That is what I told you, true. That's it.

Can you file another new lawsuit (outside in the Cosmo or here), the money the family? Of course. Yes, you can get to a new lawsuit of a different nature other than me. But my side, that one movie is close off, whatever you presented. That is only that close off. 

So why the half Cosmo is ruined? Or why we aren't jailed just close off?

Right, that is what I said, correct. I didn't lie to you, if that is what you mean unless you go and harming that judge, you get jailed because you harming that person right in the court room. Here or out there, that is a physical assault.

So its ruined?


But not the anything else to the personal life?

No. You just didn't proceed that case. You hate that process so much or what you hear, so you just don't go back, not even the future anything else related to the court room justice, until your parents run that, or until ....you just hate that feeling, so you don't go back.

That is not ruined, that is we get mad (laughed).

Ruined. No more discussion. That's it.

Shane ~~~! Your facebook.

The last update all that. 

Is that your moving in? How is Kian and Nicky. This Ronan dead on his right arm lean to sleep. His head was the TV in front of him, and the words inside his brain, like I Anna's stuffs, what he gonna do. He fallen asleep on his right lean arm, why he cannot sleep flat like Kian on his couch.....that is comfortable couch or he made it very stiffs looking?

Kian covers himself with a blanket in front of a TV, has no distraction on that TV. Meaning he loving it......he is older, right? You are not serious I go with that Kian?!!! He will get older and older, Shane ~~!!

Both, the otter says and the high tech shown. He just dozz off, right?

There is a God ....did a horrible those a doll me very cute but Lana eyes less....that in his office to Thor adopt a kid, and.....he adopt a kid, too. Or that is already an adult. He did a horrible thing~~~on one marriage account.

Its at the court room proceeding. 

Shane ~~~~ when they say someone dead, there is a literally dead, and there are the very little money those, near the death.

Isn't you busy, I cannot even look at it where are you?

Are you knocking my wall? 

Okay, you all listen up ~~~ (not the boybands)

Other people whom you are on the stranger's side, not the fan clubs, just....I don't know where you come from.  The parents and the kids ....the corporates company on the top is the only boss that dictating the whole worlds mostly you all mistaken to call them. They are combine, but you don't need to know other than the main singers whom run all the stuffs without their company.

I did tell the leadership to get back to their company to sit down with someone in their company, just to chat and to talk. But that is how I anna one person running things.

You all need to quit calling them the boybands, you can only be the fan clubs, just do exactly what I say. You are a fan, you like them, you love them, you care for them. Only those words. ONLY.

They are the commercial groups, so they can be above the government such as...they never done anything strange behind, so those power or the networks because people like about them, they are a lot powerful as the in-line zone per country that worship them. That is the fan club, or the networking, or their followers, all combine power. They built up like that, not they on purpose to becoming like that. Including the corporates structure of any monetization you should not talk about them, or criticize them or making fun of them, or mislead them to me, or mislead me to them. 

They may not be the most quality person to say even the husband or getting married things. But they are a soft person and talent wise to create some music world people that like about them.

I don' t know about the family background, none of those things to the independent European or American, you all know your own parents look like to you. They probably starting some funding until they can make it. Be considerate to those street groups, or they may not have or have anything you saying every family cared for their own kids, all that......just don't do those things, don't call them, don't talk about the movie.

If you have mistaken...in the last 2 years, forever shut off that chat room boxes, seriously. 

Next - the half world outside Cosmo ruined that talk....

See, Ola...the debt human very often....just need to keep suiciding.

Your pawn often required your every connection to hear you.....your parents knowing that?

Say it.

My neighbor has to keep knock knock waking me up ....I wonder why?

We are not done this clapping the whole world hear and kneel and flat....its a game, its a dream...its a perfect world game anyone willing to imagine, so much fun ! 

Its no more outside, keep knocking?!

You want more...right? Keep knock ~~

It would be England has only 50 human.

I asked....no one says they did that. Its from your sky white cloud at North. A women revenge to....not sure whom. It might be in the David Jone's locker.

The stupid human.....their own kinds sabotage their own kinds.

Shane's music record company, or Westlife original company.


Are you two working together?

You mean the profession he is in the music, correct.

I mean the Record Company or the Music World leash on him, so its CEO or the chairman to those flag down artists, he is just one of them?


One of those directory staffs names those.


You say you are not working with them?


The Record company lose the deal with the judge power I rule, he will got fired, I just need to get him fired or their company will leash you, or get him fired.


He owns them?


The artists below 30 years old?

I am not sure its 27 not 30 years old, but might be the younger kids like those 15 years old pretending they are 17 or 18. Anything after 18, I remember how I used to be after I left Adam, it is no more the movie world or the novel or the comic book those sensation, I freak it out the day that number was no longer 18. It was 19. As a girl, and then 20 I will be serious panic !

Why you always say Shane? Not Simon?

And why you pretend to lie to his staffs, but you say Simon here?

" You went to talk to him, didn't you?"  On his facebook, everyone can read. That line was in the movie. (or any line from the movie)

Yeah? I didn't see them for 25 years, and not even that stage, so I only comprehend the 90s video and some newspaper, so I got on his facebook to talk initially....initially....everyone has those intuitive initially....he doesn't know whom I am, or whom I was, or I don't know him, those....


Did you lie to Westlife company, but saying Syco or Simon? You mean my facebook I tear it down? Whom else do you call?


Any hotel venue, those 5 Star Hyatt in California North to South, any kind.....

Its those whom hired that Tina Jojo to dance, or sing, or act. Until 1000 times resume to say CV, I never read it, they wish its an agent's name card spot them at 15 years old, not 40 years old without a connection, that time Tina might be 20 years old.

You always know that, WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME?

I did.

He has a news, you cannot possibly believing in it your system data on his facebook comment session, he lies to the whole worlds.

No, not every part, but some parts I think that is something real, correct. 

Its the lawyers and the collectors YOU HAVE to face it.

No, Ola. You went too psycho over everything is the wrong judgement, its everything wrong I told you, long time ago. Every step, everything is wrong wrong wrong.

Nicky will listen to me, ONLY ME. Not you, NOT THEM.

Shane get rids of them in 2012, that's the final talk. He says once, I hear once. He actually shows me twice, or 3 times on that monitor. Too many other things.

Between a guy's perfect one lifetime, its NOT my business how he wish to throw them, dump them, keep them, help them, or reason them or step them to pieces all by himself. He can imagine every love or tale. He is the leadership, he has a brain. You want to engineer any guy to another guy's conversation in that detail words, you need to contact them to where Shane will never find out.....meaning what you tell Nicky to tell Shane or tell me.

Where Justin cannot find them

Brian Backstreet Boy cannot find them

Nick from 98 cannot find out EVERY single word of that chat room boxes....


We never stop saying its only the leadership.

Its the MONEY that investors are important, NOT the artist !

You are so psycho to believe you have a value, or you can sway like an illusion imagination, or my facebook comment I have to type per word, not precious enough? You want to keep talking to Nicky, I just ask Nicky.

You went to Backstreet Boy that side, the same name or a different pseudo name? The American guys?! You find the value, you talk ! I ask Mat, I ask Dean myself that days come, you want me to do that? If not, hand over every thing the best interests for you.

Do I require to?

No, you have no reason to.

I went to SMCH

The contact person www, or the FG groups or SMTV.



I went to Vatican and I tell them we don't accept any conspiracy theory as a public view and all that.

The religious paycheck its when they are in it, like a football coach 400,000 a year 20 years ago. These solo artists are not that a year. 

What is your income statue?



Do you gone to see a doctor, or the mental institution address or the location as the backup, or you got detained, or search or reported too...anything you get up run and go? Any of those the office too cubical, you got to ask vacant, all that....anything of the last 20 years? 

You like those feeling or the sensation?  "Please step off, mamm ? " The t-shirt, the dress, the top, the underwear, the below. You pack and go, somewhere....have you 20 years doing anything other than your middle school were....those reality got distortion right in front of your eyes, an uniform with a voice, or your supervisor, all a voice including that Dean? "Please step off", any of those combine that hurting you per line string is distortion your entire reality, you are nobody. 

  • It was nothing like you plan.
  • It was nothing you thought of
  • It was nothing scene in front of you
  • Everyone faults on you
  • You are innocent.

I only called my phone and Shane, the first 2 weeks, I just say HI to each. 

I finish that CAC with Vartan. 

I told National Archive, they got 2 guards, not 1, its on the movie. 

The facebook I gone back was Oct 21th 2021. All that Sailor Moon.

When the animal starting, that was a courtesy I always tell Vartan, or some other little things I did tell him. I didn't call Eben. I didn't even know you can call from Taiwan to ANYWHERE in America !!!! The sensation I have to finish everything all by myself in Chinese, or any language no one speaks.

Someone does those thing ever in life will tell you.....you Ola is nobody. 

You have 50 chat room boxes open. Have fun?

You never be a leadership in your any eon life. Like the green witch Fatima's new movie, the roommate barbie?

"I told them everyone wants to kill you, that's why, so you want to kill them too, you have no money, none of us, or just debts, I check it."

I say do you feel fun and important over your 50 chat room boxes? Elevating fake air, or the sensation you are such a big shot, and the big fame ! The air floating to your brain space, every thought was dump into your mouth to eat alone per painting, to say...the magazine stand? you feel you are important having a Judge literacy talking to you....the next 2 years, you have no more boxese, no more hope....at least less detain air and flows or you gonna quit your 50 chat room boxes are all fake? The sensation of magical inside your brain?

Any money inside your bank per account other than your eyes glasses to push up, and seeing the money drain per monthly if you open, you know how to open the mail, if that is not in wireless....

Feeling it, per body tingish...sensation per brain reading, per word, per speed, per knowing of your eye sight has to lower your chin down for a mail that is your debts or the red ink, the high lighter if not pink? 

You close your eyes, all these 50 boxes and those USB + paper for 1 month, 2 month, 3 month still inside that room has no more purpose, you feeling it? Just the patients car of that fluorescence light to say 40 years as long as you shall ever be.

Not even reaching to that clinic door, that life meaning if were lay off, your meaning its to be the mommy's boy.

So I am not forcing you......

You close off, let's pretending you close off 100 things whatever that all combine. It will be the meaingless the MD clinic doctors' path. Your parents don't reply your Chat App, or paying one extra bill for you, or some home meal, not much to talk, or yell. The house indoor color is....the sun white light, or quiet. Its not those King or Queen, or the muscial, or the artists interviews they are so friendly. Simon with his lady judge, or Shane with Westlife, the Asia tour you still remembering the last year, or when we started....

In ONE human lifetime, you are not checking you are 40 years old, its the page three hundred Ninty four.....

You will seeing Anna's 20 webspage or the social media feeling someone is there every step the way with the design color. The friends you mean. We are not the friends. You knew that phone app.

So in this one lifetime, you close off 100 things. You grab so hard on.

You didn't.

But if you let go....Let It Go, no one will initially given you one more conversation in the next 3 years, meaning you are not forcing enough to join the convresation?

In this life...in this one lifetime, you could live in the delusion of the phone line app to spell your own physical sensation so the judge to seen, to a good obedience girl wishing wishing wishing.....a tale.

  • Any story you cover up one side, to another Tina Jojo or might be Torus all combine somewhere a story, its Zawanna ! 
  • And waiting.....

You know the difference my facebook and your facebook? They don't wish to be your facebook and they believe my every word to stay as my facebook. They believing in me this one sheet.

You close off?

This week.

2 years pass will...3 years will be.

No, no more voluntary reporting neither. Nothing.

You want to police someone to pretend you are? One of what? The rabbits?

I am not him, I keep saying that, haven't I? 

Who is you old lady smell bad, I need to cross these line, if I don't, you think something else? Darken hair, middle age, fat, no love? Get up, Black frame eye glasses, the skin is not smooth, 9-5 you don't kneel on the ground, tomorrow the American will all die.

Say it, to that meritorious every hand with a pen is the civlization heighten dare, say it. 

You understood that meaning wrong, you will write with that hand 1 billion time "I am not him I keep saying that Haven't I," to cross with the darken highlighter and red ink....with you dare you per second, one more time.....

You misunderstood it wrong.....you are not careful, you are not care enough, you are not moving your heart or head to understand...when the world find you, I have a wish. Your head be excruciating on that wall of where you are, in the most painful and the deathly electric chair....see if you will be found....


I want a tape, sex great black man, and the 10 penis on your mouth, and remember sex need to be loud heard on every room, to that every border be airing....YOU. That day you will seek death to the end....understand? I do not have 1 second patience anymore. No one delivers one job, and your per hand didn't get chop off...will.

You make America proud.....remember every flag like them has every reason to believe....real. 


My turn?

Panda: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/b6yMV7o2xLk

Split in half way.

If you are so political agenda driven, that monitor is saying Magic.....you hiding something knowing this world people are not supposed to intellectually believing in the magic, its not validate prove. When Dean's movie, when Wing's movie, when Iron Man's movie validate that again and again how the industry if forming will never going back to the cloth feet wash in the wooden basket.....like Japan.

You are not sure about your own magic gifts ....Harry Potter is a bad movie.

You cannot help it the thoughts wish to kill someone. Instantly, correct.

But you know I see things, correct.

The judge will not, you lied in your life.

"I want to write the things that matter." and be a useful personality to get ahead so you can help more people, you want to help people. So be a doctor, a correct doctor not the guys, not those gambling guys never failing to prove if they are all the gambling factors.

"If I put all those things away, just all away ...I feel I have no more meaning in life, starting from zero, those elevated sensation....."

Its all fake, you have no meaning, correct.

"No, I mean I know I am good, not those are good, but...."

You want to help people, be a doctor. Never question those before you made those decision for you, not those extreme girls manner the guys cannot take it wordy, or arrangement to say, its at their interests or always will be at your own very selfish interests.

"Just put away, all locked in the boxes in the attic, or somewhere I can see it?"

All the save files, the USB, the paper, the folder, anything the write-up. Put in a box, up there or you have the floor closet ? Anything hidden you put a label on it. 1 or 2 years, be the correct doctors. 

"Per patients perfect?"

Per conversation per sentence perfect and that clinic computer to type or to write, be considerate what you input down, its right in front of typing, or you talking to them given them 100% attention. The things that matter to them, not you think you are, like your own review says.

"Do I need to burn them?"

2 years.

"Do I need to give you a copy to read?"

You are too proud to admit everything you do its nothing but the mistake?

No, those are not the mistake.

They are.

Anyone can write those things.

It just says you gone to the school, and can verbalize a college paper to debate, you are the last one in the class, or the last one in MD, everyone is higher literacy, and you are hiding where to press things to talk about, or you want to tell your own very agenda, all that combine, you read, you see, what that story really is?

Do I need to put down per word what I see, what I done, what I used to do, what I really imagined or threaten people all that?

Its best, so we can see what Zawanna is up to.

They all gonna sue me.

Like the King? You put it out first, the lawyers have the method seeing that, its the movie didn't give the privacy they find out, when I = no fault to tell every degree stuffs, its the movie industry fault.

"I do redundant things then, the judge doesn't believe me, They believe you from these pages."

No, they all know.

"Every judge?"

Yes. What you can do would be when you print out these 150 papers, you do per line, at that 10 years or 3 years, what you cover up your lies, to the judge, if you still remembered. You won't remember it when you are 60 years old.

If you remember, correct.

"What I intent to look like before the judge?"


"Anything the magic is no good?"

None of those things are real, and you are not on purpose to try, you just cannot control yourself. Sometimes, everyone does those thought thread in every insisting pushing it or press on it, like that Simon. Or, EVERY guy born is to kill so they go to war.

"Like Nicky?"

The new movie, correct.

"Every guy is like that?"

Yes. They are the better one and the choosen ones.

"You say they will never care about the girls, we are dirty, we are sad, we are bad?"

You hand it over, I fix all that for you. Not another 40 years. You can just carefully write them down, you spent a several month to write or type at the margin notes line. You know you cannot live in those conscious too far, too long, too careless. You haven't evolved to lie too perfectly. But you do lie.

"Okay, I think about it."

Shane (The music band)

If I Anna used to say about .....$$$, does the people believe in that? You can advertise on it to where the investors input that family money in.

You know Adam next to his brother, like Peyton "reporting" mentality is like many of you the student format. But you don't know what's the age difference? 20 years old. Peyon doesn't work on anything to say, he freezed, or he has to structure his language, but Adam he got a brother, or a father.  That is what you all want to say you grow older in front of all your parents' life and what the words you use on those eating table.  

Shane they, too but they put a little bit different attitude when Shane has to show up and sit down and talk. He meant he believes I sit next by him, look at him, or pass by him none talking, and he sits near them to scream at them.

Me     Shane

                            Nicky / Kian / Mark ...+++++ all that.


You mean I found fault next by Shane, and let's gossips about it. 

I was such an early stage that time, to put everything just dump at the captain, and I show up on the rehearsal only. Go back to the classroom, never talk to her anything about anyone all around anybody else. The phone.

I can have such a school life earlier before that, ending up I have no words talking to my parents, now I am thinking about it.....starting when I becoming like that.  When you are a kid, you never thought about it something only live the way, its in front of you. You see, you hear, you go in between and...have the life on your own in the kingdom garden.  That is what they reminding me, one by one. Henry's first gf. It would be her parents like my parents watching me walking around. The front and the back, the green apple milk the kid's beverage alumimun package, nowadays, I ...staring at these freezer Mon-Fri, on this military all world training whom enter the "Egypt" by their imagination other than "Japan", its the "Babylonian.", I remembered. 

Ronan Keating

Sorry, this post first word supposed to be my air in my room stuffy, the birds are none stop crispy the volumn if the screen door is there. "I Believe I Can Fly...." -the birds.

Okay, what about Ronan? The money chart... no more money chart ! ! ? I think he is famous, sorry, i didn't mention a certain Irish artists are doing VERY well but correct they used to starting about 30 years ago if they remembered. We talk like...we gone to the school table ID entry to the UB building on the map, you all finish your school lunch table, not the professor projectors on the first day walking up or down....those mode?!

So these have to stay in Ireland because I wasn't on Justin their side to pick their chart table, that kind, the female artists, no longer the boybands, those?! From my map, or from all your individual map = you are the center of your map I assume, not Taiwan is the center, and what if that is the only outlook, I reminding you all .....front and the back if we rotate this in 90 Degree.

Does the power from Heaven has the money sign in it?

The precepts 1000. No. 

I was throne at AI, that has the money, right. All my damaged my brain fees.

If all these visible people is not showing their bank account statement, you know for sure they are in debts or fake?


But you would know their per digit?

Definitely not.

The police records.


So you didn't find out all that?

No.  I roughly know, not very consciously know. Too busy.

Busy at them?

I am from America / Toronto Woodbridge, you seeing their home, or the cottage home? You ever been on your grand parents living those?

Not Nick right?

The longer I am staying in Babaji's peripheral, the longer I am living in Indian General those maids service or the young chef too smile-ing the 5 Star Hotel everyday. Its not like that, because.......and I got told it will not be like that, here. But my mind up or down, what these American up to, it won't be the last min to find out. So I glue on the America, like they always know, because that is the Power at all. Money from Heaven is not an issue, but Heaven will be the only issue, I will tell you it supposes to be like that.

You mean the democracy procedure or? We don't have the money.


And you are not file-ing correctly, neither.

Yet. Those are correct.

To us?

No, my own writing those.

But you say those are not file-ing?

The professional has to deal with it.

England King

Can't you use the ghost to talk and his mother to the King, and we are behind those?

Definitely not his mother as the ghost, and, never with you all trash your own language to the boyband or the King, definitely not. I need him to be a King, not just this he trusts his IT, or his secretary, he doesn't even know how to walk inside his own home, I will tell you that.

The same day campus mail ....

His son?

Definitely definitely not. 

How do you know which one like we seeing the movie or the head state those? The bad or the good?

I am not thinking, I don't care about it. But because his mother will have a point, I pretend I don't know the very details, probably his ram inside his own room, or he likes those bottle opens and close it drink those coffee with some ram in the cup or mix that himself, all that.

Too many King's obligation on his desk, or he going to his own home....this entire home, no family around him anymore. You know that life? 

Does the ghost knows, like inside your brain, seeing him, and sad, all that?

The animal and me knows the in between, the future, or the told, or heard. The ghost would be...she has her own life, and other worlds, if she goes there literally seeing it. If the ghost is the cyber networks as the consciousness, I am not sure.

If all the ghosts are sad, isn't you supposed to boss the human not to be the ghost?

She is a women, he is her son. Not this 100 years, that's enough.

So what should we be busy at?

MD + PhD like you are told to do on the first day.

But we are nothing anywhere near?

Last one, right.

And you are the number 1, as we think of it?


I mean the public affection or the law degree we are the born right with the movie....

It doesn't exist. Just drop it, finish you believing this they say the first day and I say the only thing the first day. 




Do I ever thought about how to tell Shane no or Nicky (or Kian)?

No, we haven't talk about it.

I ....immigrant when I was his age to become famous. I moved, I worked, or I got my car in America by myself you can see how the facebook used to be my off school activities even to Canada. If I am not thinking for Taipei or China or Japan, usually its 2 airline my mother always told me, that route I know how to land in back to America, as always on the back of my mind. I do live here, and getting longer and longer like the home feeling but I speak in English you notice ....that is also the same years I live indoor to keep binding to my chair on another 5000 page paper to go.

You can buy the electronic from North America, I actually very flexible on the e-commence usage through what's available to me. In life you prepare the backup road for my mother as well. What if that is 200 countries one UN, and I arrive to America just one of those days required? What if? So I am still younger age, not to say just hand around the city here for not required if I get a call.

No, I like to be in the home, another 10 years I never say I won't. I keep sleeping to get aged one day. I never had a real home in America, you know that?!

Indian general says vegetarian / vegan  (vegetarian vegetarian / vegan vegan )

I don't eat a lot of the rice, or the noodles, or the cereal / milk (the high corn syrup )

The process of all snacks, or some kinds of the too many label with the ingredients, those...I hardly eat. I wonder if you actually know whom exists, or what makes you believe they exist, or will exist, or how far the future you think of....during all these soon your future time to entry Japan or if any further other Party or Gala to go.

Does Ronan need to write?

No, I am a citizen, so I told them I can write, and look at the TV, so shut up...here are all that.

Ronan is not a citizen?

He or they are a celebrity.

And you knew you gonna get together with the celebrity?

Just imagine to lean on, next by. To say the life habitual.....not really.

You want your own toilet?


The AI toiletry with that lid?

Yes, lighter, I can smash that....close it every time I get up.

I go to sleep

I sleep through....sorry

What do you want me to talk about these movies?

1) All women only, and Rachel is the party animal, and I got zombie, not the zombie "recovery" from the drug or cigarette bags. (the fake electronic cigarette)

2) Meeting fate. 

Both these movies are to meet the fate.

You want them all the photo? Zawanna, Kail, Ancient Chasez...nothing but the military behind me, as the women parts, that kind. Nick is no good, Hank is no good. All that?

Do they tell you need to go to Japan, I did tell you and today in Chinese? You all have the people factors to go, the reason to imagine things bigger? Its Japan ! I don't have the people's factor, I have the ONLY the leadership factor and almost everyone....never mind, has one fate to be honest. There is no negotiation, about this commodity driven other than the human, the friends, the touring the relative all factors.

Next movie: Super Women 1984

Did I ever tell (talked to in correction) Shane your future plans never cooked again? 

I talk about the criteria how to get to a future, that has to be a plan, other than that, no.

So its not the cooking?


Like which restaurant is the best in town with Shane, all that?

Okay, I understand it now.

So what if the Heaven comes ...other than this thought through, like I told Ronan, I tie this group up, slowly, he getting them back 1 by 1. That time he houses them with his power when this 8 Billions he got anything else linger all that, exploring the new things, or looking back that this group doesn't know.

I have to watch the movie listening to the sound by sounding.

I don't want to watch it anymore.

The place where not to extent too much 4 limbs moving, so you know...its probably my home, and never going into the people's arena. There are the eating food here, and its my family all around. Some women around that is not so aggressive or argumentative. For the viewer = me, my parents used to fight when I grew up, and same thing we watching all these news, and I don't want to see it anymore. No matter how it sounds to people.

Everyone fights for a point, and here has a Babaji entry point with the super women.

In Heaven, there are the women articulate too, except me talking. I never go and talking to Babaji myself, never show up, I will tell you, if this is what that is about. No, not in thinking, not in wanting to, not in....any trying.

Because I have to tell you the room, that I used to say the small limbs the chair, the bathroom, all these....my home, to where easy access the food, and convenience, I just prefer to stay next by my mother. She doesn't go and argue the last time, she and my father one time, that they walk down the hill.

I don't really like to watch the TV, I go to sleep.

How to let 4 people down (the cake)


You know one day you will be walking out of my power zone, to where a new life you should be, to face a world on your own, all that on your own, similar to any King/ Prince, so Mably invited you all to his world that ligation if happened to what we believe, or he believed....you all used to have no interaction whatsoever other than the newspaper.

That world you already exist in your own England, or the palace near by all upper house to say the first stop on ALL ligation will have a few these unknown world or if you knew them from before, to congregate "because of the movie reason", and I won't be there.

Mably has to learn on his own too, some other I seen the recent film, those young prince or princess. Meaning he already has a place + all respected guests but he is the Kingship or will be.

Me if is the paperwork, it means storage from behind. That is not a TV show like Westlife, or the news or the channel where you seeing the public people coming near by. Its the unlimited works to hope one file that I written, anymore those language on my own, when I will ever finished.....

No custom, no dancing flair like those art / choreography academia, no TV Broadway, no amusement park for a wedding photo shooting and take home to frame that on the visible points to welcome guests. Its a very rigid, flows sound like a thought, the voice of a thousand to wish or hope, that per line or per exit its through these unlimited written another 5000 pages paper. You never thought about that...

How do you know exactly what to write to come close? When you ever file, that day? One day means?

I comprehend and I try. One day I might succeed, right.

I just mean, that is a bathroom, a shower place, a keyboard and unlimited alcohol wipe to clean this desk all around on my PC all here, and a bathroom to clean. Doing nothing but on writing. Sleep, got up, and think or look at the front PC and writes.

So, not the hair, not the gel, not the make-up, not even the "any component" of the make-up before or after. I clean the floor, my room and my bathroom. Get up and eat, or drink. Go back to my room, or washing my hands 100 times per day, press the same soap, or my hair shampoo. This has no gambling if today my public appearance anyone will like me.

Its a paper written words, only require others to read it.

When you choose not a very clear, that is a written job on alone life. You have to face those you feel they are jealous of you, or by the reality, whom get near, and everyone saying a word of compliment. My room has no human, but you all join the party to that one day, carrying that same conversation for a bigger purpose.

You know that day, right now you thinking a lot of the parents are still around, and you are all buddy together to that 1 common enemy. 

Talking here to let you down, or relax, or comfer, or make your life easy, its not limited to you. I talk to everyone like that. But that day of your all alone life to go forth, any where else the better party to that new day, those people don't let you down of your face, or put up a fight, what you all gonna do? Hurting each other or watching each other's pocket to take a guess next step?

Ronan has to stay home, probably.....he will never make it here to live.

But as long as he is staying home, one day you all finding that way....how 1 him, you all approval? Before all his friends he will take them one by one back ....you all got the plenty of the time doing this.

Movie: Crazy Rich Asian

In the 90s, Nick (or 89, 90, 91)

He gone to those seminar to improve himself how to hold a lady, or present himself.

It should be....the red dress but here that is the yellow dress maybe. The exact color I don't really know, very similar to those gala How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days, the ending.

Like how Yuri walking out of the behind curtain, Zawanna goes to carry her out. (Red River Manga).  That will be nick or there is a stair coming it down, maybe. I finally remember what that is.... The middle age not sure which age bracket, not this kinds of the age.

I think....

Its about you girls targeting at England King, so if King Charles III whenever this movie made.....when in 2018. You targeting at anyone as the England King ? III that current King? So you know its the current? That is what I understand this movie, right.

You knew his family background? I can see it and read it in the movie?!

Not him, so its a rich Asian from Singapore? Okay.

His family has a set up from his mother, and you would be probably the age similar to William down....these they have the photo art on the newspaper, and you feel they are nicer, those guys. I hardly think King has every personality other than his son's liking all around if he doesn't have a father anymore.

Next movie: Pokemon Detective Pikachu.

你們想要去找律師的嘴巴裡 『詐欺』 她的錢?

一般律師、特殊律師、系統制律師 !

你們是講合法不是在開玩笑那種? 律師 ? 任何律師跟律師事務所,你們知道不見得是一位律師在那個辦公室裡面的,『那一個律師』? 不太可能 ! 你們是在講我這件事情,這不是你們新聞上面,我睡著一點 ! 意思再找你們的錢的意思 ! 律師自己本身類似執法人員,會把錢變成你們的錢的意思 ? 並不是 !

警察.... 這世界上有些人並不會真的被詐欺,是講合法之下抽他們嘴巴裡面的錢的意思,你們應該是在講律師 ! 警察可不可以,是說你們去抽他們嘴巴裡面的錢,還是他們付錢給你們的意思? 這怎麼長得這麼奇怪的東西....

我知道妳們在想什麼了,『零的執行者』柯南的電影,那是日本警察 (廳),我長大到現在我其實還沒有真的全部看過去這柯南,或是柯南在講個什麼,但是我可以講給你們聽我知道什麼。

台灣有點說出國,很多人其實都不再台灣,在國外 ! 一是一二是二,日本比較是說紐約市、上海、倫敦、東京市,這種人員很多的"歷史",當初在美國就有警政聽的人,像說發現一些犯罪率上的理論 ! 但是實際在台灣,警察覺得一就是一二就是二,大概,你們如果是想寫電影裡面什麼什麼,像說好像啟發很多,那不見得是你們真的會寫的東西 ! 

大約在 9 年前、8 年前,像說我知道這很多東西的總和,可以對著假如,軍事說,『聽說你們很喜歡看直升機,後面寫網頁的人是殘障人士』,瞬間這個網頁或是被欺騙,那時候的十幾歲二十幾歲的人,會很生氣,我那時候 32/31. 那是說有人針對美國軍隊的那些人去斂財,所以當年我剛回台灣的時候,這方,不是說煮咖哩等等等,那是直接在那一年的電視日本卡通上,不是中國的烈火如歌,旁邊很多我電視自己打開的東西,如果仔細問我,我會說...因為這世界上沒有人真的在台灣認識我是誰,或是沒有真的很清楚的瞬間,電視從中國打過來,或是日本卡通,是因為我可以指導一些我已經可以看到的每一件事情,這其實不是電影情節,是如果仔細來說,方方很小的時候有軍眷村,台灣最想要的其實是去抓美國軍事發展,或是高科技,如果好言好聽給她像說不需要做事情,就說三軍的醫生其實根本不是軍人 ! 這樣就可以 50/100 過...人生沒有標準,她叔叔不是什麼事情,爸爸已經離開,等等等!

如果我敘事這件事情,這不是日本,也不是中國,更不是台灣 (因為方方不是被聯絡第一時間,我講給你們聽),所以講說,如果你們知道這柯南的零的執行人 ...然後我尊上有

第一行你們 "歸納在哪裡哪樣東西" (我網頁寫的 800+ )

跟  這一件事情方方,八、九年前直到我在講日本卡通跑海灘水跟 Ku 一樣的卡通~~這整件事情起來,其實沒有一件事情跟日本廳,這個卡通是日本製作他們想要說,日本的錢在哪裡,是一點關係的沒有的。

所以講零的執行人,這故事情節很多穿插的故事,但是她們提到證人,或是合作人 (這是你們中文講出來的 ),但是我其實根本就不知道這是什麼的意思。

那個人是哪個個案之前的證人,好像當初那個女的是他的合作人,別縣來的 ! 這日本整個卡通,你們是真的認識柯南還是用猜的~米花廳在警察的車子上? 講不同市區。因為每一個案子都是只有那一個案子,不是混在一起,我覺得你們很喜歡把所有東西混在一起 ! 我講英文,你們就更混濁的意思,這日本如果講規劃區,這其實我看過理解過的日本整樣東西,可能是有關這哪裡是哪裡,哪邊是哪邊,不是你以為是隨便寫電影,就是合作人,那是一個真正的案件,他們日本有這種誰在誰的旁邊,然後有死亡者出現,那種我其實根本不理解是在講律師必須陪在這證人之前沒死,遷移所以算是死亡證明,之後是第二個案子的證人 ! 

你們看電影是覺得 ...情節照片理解中文



什麼? 從警察嘴巴抽錢?

不是我講的語言,我看到的什麼我寫出來。( 再看一次我寫的,喔 ! 對,不是這樣講中文 )

警察很高,可能是被壓著的"警察" 一個,往三點方向,矮著大概可以抽出來的意思! 抽每個警察的嘴巴,應該絕對沒有這種事情。但是我常常只看到一個的關係,我不知道在講什麼。

通常警察咬的很緊吧 ~ 是真的警察自己的錢? 有可能嗎 ?



水瀨在日本 ! 


You write ...

 ... As a result, the white people taken a lot more Asian people's advantage.

(Because you can conclude....)

And Hugh is the as a result of.

The direction is wrong. He is a British, and he is a kid.

Do you mean you see the movie as to generate one functional paper like the political world how they writing this race color people, to Asian related, to violence, or the shooting or the knife not the gun anymore on the Youtuber, so the disable all that....so they allow to sell the guns?

Can you just go out and social with the friends, no more writing. Get rid of them, put that in the folder for 20 years never look at them, file them, or imagine to keep writing that.

No, you don't use these newspaper people, or the small family youtuber, or your facebook, or anyone else you seeing inside the movie, not your facebook to conclude the family parents and their kids talk.

Its not educational, they left home then they left home. Some people prefer the life only they believe, its to get married or its to get another relationship. Their parents are not helping them, those things are not your concern, its not the movie to write any of this paper.

No !

No more those kinds of the paper, NO!

No, not about Ronan, you are not the professional to say where you write things to becoming a what? Nothing you write means a thing, just go out and play. None of those things are the correct things to write. 

No, not Ireland Brian to Backstreet Boy American

26 20 years ago and that Howi, Full House.

They never talk, they never phone each other, they never aware each other to do their own business deal at their own countries 25-30 years ago for some. You don't put them side by side, NO!

Can you do something else?!

Some people like those cooking, the girls get together, talking about the recipe, similar like the movie. I thought.....

I thought the movie was not real, and its to cook, or seeing the recipe, or the recipe book how to glue those magazine pick up and purchase, and then making your own art book, its not for sale, its a home doing all things with the movie on the TV.


Grava below are the Pentane (short banana)

Broccoli (vegan), vegetarian meats


The birds doing this small sounds outside my windows, I have the air-con from the living room, so all these windows close.

(Birds, are you hot? Go to drink your water, SHUT UP!)

Just go out and social, not those paper. Just put all that aside, drag all those files to the USB, put that in a file folder, leave all that behind forever. Not Ronan, not celebrity, never England those you will never meet, see, or talk to. Don't talk about them. Actually you quit writing, not any of those things.

Hero save the beauty stories...

I am hanging with the head band ....


So if Shane the boybands Nicky them take me down to safeguard, the hero save the beauty stories...all of them line up. Its the new head band to the new throne, the president can pay the expense of his own moral damage from the space.

Just stop writing, you say you are not good enough or born to....all that.

No, just don't write those things. The court doesn't need to know any of that.

Its not relevant. 

Nicky, One Direction, the Weather and the Thor.....

You mean typhoon....OU language: Radiant Beauty as the put together words on Part 2 of that entire OU language, meaning sorting games to make a sentence in English. They are from Ireland, not British One Direction.

Just drop it...they all making it up stuffs, everywhere. The music world including Justin.

MV I don't know, but other things the lyrics those are making it up.


No, you don't need to tell the judge or any court to say beautiful or not beautiful. Just your write-up not the confession to target at the personal details.

Their interview recent like Ronan?

Just close down the 4 points frame in the movie, in the TV, in the music, in the PC. Sleep 1 month and then put your head outside the door to smell the air, anything the airy wind felt, then you walk out. There is nothing happened, they are not supposed to hurt you or hurt me.

No, I never ask Ronan anything personally. not really. You probably mean inquisitive that person, a guy?! And you will be a girl or a guy imagining to do that?

No, that is not what I talk about on my phone if were Nicky (or Shane), then only if I called Westlife or Ronan, then that is when I called them. Just Westlife, I am not sure my phone really get to a real person's voice - they run about the tour, be a little bit courtesy to call them, and I did, including Kian.

No, anything I just wrote.......No, definitely not.

No, I don't communicate to UB. I told Michael Vartan. The basic courtesy I did call. 

Lee ! But I am not really talking to him, he is on the Linkedin, I just message him.

Calling and message is different !

I used to have that real leadership...so I did use the phone.

Probably Dec I called Ronan, just to close off Westlife exit the schedule out of Asia tour, and all that, or next few days I am doing all that. He is in the Ireland time. Not on his tour date neither. 

When something very big deal and I cannot make it.....I called Brian, just in case. 

I cannot make it and the sky was bad.

"The schedule to where....these location ABCD country in our Asia all map ...."

You don't talk like that, "both Westlife and Backstreet's route tour I have read, such as the last year they meet, how they coming from north, one coming from south west..."

You don't talk like that.

I talk to Shane, or my phone, some money parts. No, not Ronan.

If anything to him, I tell the public that religious money, oh ~ I tell the entire public, him and the Indian General. I don't think....I have anything on this planet. Clear thing I told the public, right here. In person on the phone, I never talk to Ronan.

I talked to Shane, if that is Westlife concerning, correct.

Probably Shane better. I don't talk to Ronan.

I know whom Ronan is, Ronin or Ronan. Not as clear as Westlife.

The movie? I don't think I ever talk on the phone, talk to my family member, talk about the emotional run through, the feeling or the sensicle thing. You mean the movie plot, I am not sure I finish that movie if they have so many sequel.

I can tell Shane the food or the pic of mine looking at him. 

So your paper works wrong with the court.

Your phone to the celebrity is wrong.

Your calling to your parents wrong or the holiday table

No one spill your failure in life. That is what you want to say, no. No one finds out.


Why don't you just put all those magic + the cartoon from the 90s or 2018 on, all away.

The water statue and the system files. I keep saying it, already.

Just high tech. 

The Day You Found Out

Mother's Yard

Just all put away. The water statue and the system files

Just 1 you talking rigid, or the political driven every 2 words out of it - how the society needs to shape up, and all that? No one can live and breath to get it right on the legal paper, per written stuffs? I don't want to just live that life critique what's right or wrong. 

I can do everything else than that.

The water statue and the system files

I already said. 

Don't talk about it. There is nothing to talk about it, why don't they just hand the world to me?

Its the democracy world since 1911 here, we are, but our president 1st was in the 90s or that is the mayor. We can complain anything here.

My TV news.