
⭐️ Your going home plan, Hugh?


A comfort zone in the English, it means your subconsciously felt settle. You understand like you seeing your mother, seeing your father, and those grand event with Olivia, or your PC game room, or the same wall interior design your new home, or your mother's home.

I don't need you to push to your limits, you comparing to the royal, that 2 especially having those air, or whom else are on the TV. Just that 2.

A bigger space, a more Western interior design, your own room, your access to your England London is your home? All that near by store you are used to when you grow up. The local slang, the local English speaking manner and you making your classmates the friends you dedicate to your facebook, educating them other than just trash every human on the planet, because Babaji doing those System scale things, too.

You want the things to be perfect, Hugh. I need you to be normal, having a kid's life up to 50 years old, not the tsunami furniture, they taken all my offering to your sea shore on the East Taiwan, all that? You can talk small to your mother up to 50 years old, something nagging, something small, and your classmate and your mother in those PC room.....and the whole world....you giggling, but you are happy. Your family have the money.

You know you push yourself to some correct doing, and you tie things up. I need your parents to do their only jobs, including the money and the business. 

You don't push yourself, then push that Olivia one day, to no one knows you already pushing all your family members outside somewhere, they could have just be your best sisterhoods, inside your mother's house, and everyone having something together. It can be they have a brand new life on their own, but you Hugh....you will feel like your mother is yours, at this stage up to 50 years old. 


You get back to England next summer. You enroll somewhere any the reader's digest, I know you are listening....you could read and write. Then somewhat at home, your floor beam bags and you breath many night staring at your PC game and that decorated room ceiling, laying it down with your eyes open and close.

Then you call Kian.

I tell you, your life chart, Hugh. You want Kian to do EVERY jobs, but your company people will stop you, but you are happy he be there and Nicky. So they only be the name card or the shaking hands stabilize you person. Then one day you get rid of Nicky life.

You for some reason believing he has to re-settling all your company issue, but your company will tell you NEVER that. But because you even doing that kind of the things, Westlife or near by Shane, they have to go near Kian to look like they know what you doing to your company all people around. So Kian will do a decent job if he got told by you.

That is what you want to do. It might be you have a brand new romance, you and Kian finish, but you always wish Kian to be part of all that to even hand what things to him, so he has to fix up every problems. And if he does, you want him to be there.

I do not know why, it will look a lot more......you care about this PC room, how to play the PC games away from the worry, and if he reports, you will listen and check the details. And that PC games room for some reason, let's say your friends all near, you really like that PC room. You wish Kian won't lie, or one person doesn't lie to you, and Kian won't, correct....

You find out in 5 years testing, or I just tell you on the first month, whatever you are up to test.

Time After Time


If your mother has so many issues....

Your first tell your father and 3 sisters, too. Hugh. You and your mother coming here to hurt me? You think? She got jailed, or you got bang on the top of your head, and you went to which hospital, and where is she?


Things I see, is WHERE I am seeing this, what time what year? I keep seeing something just not on the right year? Whom bang your head, the here police, or WHERE?  26 Painting in Da Vinci, Hallie Meyer? I always seeing one story, and that is often a lot worsen story in the real life.

Where? In School, in the party, at your yacht? You have those photo?

When, when you were aging to WHEN?

When, and where?

What is the Africa underground to have an exit door to the sea like the Pirates of the Caribbean, its the black got shot, the American did. Which story is that? Not this Prince William AGAIN?

It is his head, not your head?! 

Seawood packing, the Paradise Ticket, that new movie? Me and Nicky fight so many times, he had .....also bad accident with Georgina, and that is your mother's wiki. 

I was told so I told you its not the years right now. 

Your mother's bag got stolen at Paula 49 in Feb 4th 2014. Steve Do Not Use author.

Each of you keywords the accident.

Its William's photo but under your keyword, you all go searching at it, don't ask me. I am not sure he always ending up on the newspaper. Screaming and shouting. He had or not having any scarf, those?

2014.....before Keanu and Simon...I say to Hallie 26, that year, right....The Google+. I talking none sense, so I say what I saw. At that time, my anything written words are not saying it was all things I see !!! And it was ALL things I see. 

    You are walking on the road, Hugh      . By yourself, or you want to go to the hospital....the X-ray department to which department doctor. The commander cannot let you away from him, nor he can go with you to the hospital....what does that mean?

The police station if they read my Chinese words, they can send you in their car to the hospital, and you don't know where to get in ...its near, Hugh. Or I can just send you to the taxi driver, and going in to the counter where to ask them.....which head department to insert a number without a health card, Hugh.

I have an App, Hugh. Tomorrow morning 6 or 7 oclock Olivia gets up appointment number 1.

You are not actually imaging that, or you want to do that....Its 2:30 in the afternoon.

(Where is my phone...)

Is anything else department, one giant hospital system, to your head to toe? 1 App, Hugh. Every department number 1 roll-call? 

I have a phone company app, used to be.

A hospital app, supposed to be. I never used my phone mins, that's why.

How far from you? Now?

One of those 3C turn right, your taxi would be 5 mins, you can walk there 30 mins. You are not at 3C, somewhat far away.

The afternoon starting at 2:00 pm. 

You running or you and your mother running....its not the hospital, its your brain running? 



She gets up what? 6:30. You have any health card plan here, yet? Or you go there now, and find someone on the counter to register tomorrow morning an appointment roll call. You are not using those high tech insert card method near the doctor's office, ON EVERY DEPARTMENT. 

We are the modern city !!!

20 US dollar. + 10 US dollar on the medicine for 1 month, or 20 for 2 months maybe.

What is this neighbor knocking on my wall again?

Trisome, 2 girls 1 guy, like Keanu's Knock Knock, 2 girls buried him in the ground?

On the back of your head.  Are you eating the raw meat? Those Amazon Forest to go and venture with a backpack....one light jacket in the NYC, and no one imagine that is a sweater means. You doing this winter construction all by yourself.....at your age.

The hunter and the raw meat, you dissect to...tear a piece of the blood still dripping the animal meat like the movie near the bus. Mike is not your name, right?

You don't know the story ....right. Too tall, you fallen in the natural wild, or something else is in the wild AND there is the best part ....something else is in the real WILD.

What is the movie story near the bus?

He has good family starting, with a younger sister and a younger brother + both parents.

What does he looks like?

Eric in Home Alone taller guy. or UB Eric, both Eric.

What happened?

Those meats cannot be eaten, contaminate, and he starved to die.

Is that a real story?

Its a black and white photo story in front of the side of that bus, the bus head is on the left side, and he sits on the middle of this bus. 

And you are the only one knows that story?

.... That is on the white people's movie. Our school class shows it to us.



No one knows I am like that.

You have an Olivia and best friend going with you plan to NYC on sight seeing, you holding a map a backpack, I also didn't think that will be the best time to tell that story, wasn't it?

No one will believe you, I have a perfect room. What is the last day to leave the house, those story?

He came back once. 

The last day would be.....his parents outside the house with his 2 sibling, I think that is the movie, and he left. A commute time would be everything is a strange feeling to that none cozy,  People usually feel the comforting is those city bus very driven none familiar scene outside the bus, he sits on the back of the bus.

Do we look alike other than the air?

A thinner eye. The actor is larger. Its a photo.

You still remember the photo?

Yes, not the actor, the real person's face.

Not looking alike?

I was a kid, those things hurt me, he died with one left remaining photo.


Not this movie, but its that 1990s. "In the Wild."  This is 2007.



The real photo: Return to the wild


What you really want to go, its Chlie, not the Amazon Forest.

In South America, Eben's movie, called the fiesta. And Inelia Benz is where she used to from to end up in England immigrant. She got married 4 times.

North of Chile, where Rubeus should be.


You want to go to...Argentina !!

El nino is every 4 years right outside the Chile North. 

We are on the anti- El Nino. You want to go there on shooting the wild life?

The princess bothering you? Sailor Moon


The movie now: Small Foot

"Its complicated...."APO my nickname is Big Foot, a dinosour's movie in the cartoon.

Good Dinosaur (2015)

In JC Always.

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