


You use a tower folded up to her eyes, she will understand you every time.

Dean you looking for me (Linkedin) 🦅

I sleep 15 hrs, that my problems, Will. I think your father gonna die. All these newspaper coming out.

He did something to himself 15-25, those Barbie time. Not sure takes your mother’s throne and got throw out on the street in 2014 again. 

Bill Gates just pass by you.


Every time you see a taller guy on the stage, those kinda, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs long time ago, they had those question answer, Steve Jobs were the microphone MC, you need to tell them, “When did you fly here, you just get on the stage or you were somewhere else? You want to go to your room lay down 1 hr?”

All the time. 

Steve Jobs always been more popular, this guy Bill Gates used to fly from Seattle to join those Apple retreat in CA. Apple used to be a rainbow color, the pirates of the Silicon Valley film, you watch it?

Shane they had a lot more stage background, those guys 4 limbs cleaner. I tell him to go to sleep, he goes to sleep, with Bill Gates you need to order the food say “When you get up and take a shower… you don’t drop dead on me.”

“Nicky, 2 tubes go to the throat, never liquid pop, never a solid round like those Otter did the BB ball. “


“Only gas goes to that tubes, it’s very very very painful if the liquid goes in and if that’s a bb ball, you choke to die. Stop doing that, Nicky. “

The public like Steve Jobs better, same thing, they don’t like your father. The public knows about a certain thing, I don’t know what they know.

Will, you need to find out did Queen throw all of you outside on the street in 2014, ALL of you.

That’s how she lives on and on. She goes to the priority first, her jobs since WWII.

Did you find out what she did to your father or to Harry? This Meghan Markle 2019? Your Father is drugging the public drinking fountain, or hide things behind that wall, with a round diameter thing. Harry he hides in the ground.


He helps Harry to make a mess in the United States so he goes to the jail. You don’t care it’s dead or for the rest of his life - 50 years. Did you check ?

Did he go to the jail when Steve Jobs dead?

Did you all get to the jail when Tina hurts me, I am one person running in the Silicon Valley, someone saw the screen saw me, saw me running…Frozen was on the TV. I never look myself in the mirror what do I look like !!!

Tina and Hank and me went out to eat, I am the only blonde, they had a baby, did they go to the jail the moment the public of anyone pass by including those police? Seeing me keep running and running ? That Frozen was so giant on the TV, I didn’t even look up at the screen? Not even the mirror. I had no make up, 

Did SMCH goes to jail since 2018? I went to public, the comet things. I had more than the comet things.

Did Shane throw Simon in the jail since 2013, or 2014?

Shane is a guy, that’s does mean 2 people trust each other the moment we get together. His Irish food or the street scenery or his parents mean to him, that’s what I tell him to stay close. And where is this Shane ? 

Every kinda of guys you need to manually stuff those vitamin C inside his mouth or hand it to him, or the multi-vitamin. The distill water or more hydrate food. I don’t cook that much anymore just the soup, but I will have a routine more set up WHEN he finishes his tour? NOW?

You want to be with someone, you know what “care” mean? Not drop a door a light flare things, everyone chasing you? Meaning did Shane put Mark in the jail ? That’s a European tour on a YouTube label? I say I am watching per label, per word, per song, per increment slowly, English is not my must fluent language in MUSIC?

I get Shane and where are the rest of them? A band means 4 human !! Talk, listen, interview, per Kian or per Nicky? Grab their back waist line shirt ? “I can see on the TV, I am not blind.”

You care that thing, or your giant panda ass waiting …when you don’t get shit ? So their attitude is as passive as you ?

I did that, I told Shane. Nicky’s wall. 

I move the entire Ireland. I was told a certain thing so I did that. But I didn’t know literally they show up to my faces - they literally will go to a country they never heard and be inside the capital exactly I was told 1 or 2 years before Nicky’s wall. No, a lot of the people is a venturous type, they die in the Earthquake, but they left already the first quake.

They like to die in the Earthquakes and the flood those people but they imagine those climate change refugee, no, we are the capital, it’s the bank, the foreign bonds, the fashion, the eat out luxury restaurant world. Here is not those ocean wave they gonna see. No, not Tickets to Paradise. No. They land so they realize like Hugh, we are not the South America.

No, we are the capital sleek, the high speed train, the modern MRT, the modern. 101 is the finance district, Google is in it. The laws, the politics, the finance center, the medical students on the metro watching that train because that’s going to the First University Hospital before the Taipei main metro station.

It’s a public hygienic and the vaccination world. WHO. The World Health Organization world.

They vaccinate people at the airports? That’s what it means to enter the capital ?

And where is Hugh Grosvenor ?

Why are we the finance district ? You want to find the people first …not questions where I grew up. No, we don’t keep the otter, nor the birds. That’s all they see? The otter and the birds ?

They land here


We are the high rise the metal building worlds…not the backpack worlds. They vaccinate them, be found ? Did you check?

Did you check if the otter or the birds suppose to talk to like the human ? I am responding back because they are 100% on the accuracy, is that normal? The capital people don’t do those things? I am from America ??

My parents don’t yell at me, you have a bird hanging on my roof every so often yelling at me.



That’s a women in pain/tiredness, in dehydration and all the smelly since delivered a baby. You can move all the baby to a darker boxes with a neat blanket, put them on the higher table. They don’t move. You use a warm damp paper towel from the kitchen, wipe her below, where the baby lick. Just massage her back, and you leave the 2 boxes some distance she can see them. On a higher 2 table. Cover her side the light when she sleeps, like we human sleeps. The curtain on.

Is that normal the otter talks?

No one knows me in this city I had a title in China? WE ARE NOT China.

Is this Hugh with the pink ball he got married ?


Panda on Troys? That’s Simon or that’s you ?


None of them suppose to behave like a human !!

Capital means we don’t raise the animal? NO!

I need to call or tell American later or England ?

Did Shane do this ? I believe he has a lot of talents !!  

I go to sleep when I wake up, I live in a dream.  You go and find your Landlord !

Can you go and call Mark? I need to changes the sheets and take a shower to go to sleep, my air-con and brush my teeth …

What’s the difference the COVID 19 and a regular flu?

  • The X-ray at the chest. COVID 19 is a pneumonia.
  • The regular flu just the body sore. The whole body feeling the muscle sore. Is that the seasonal flu included? Yes. Every winter? YES!

Are they the same flu shot?

Of course not ! No!

Are you supposed to have COVID 19 after the vaccination ? 

No ! But the virus got mutated, you go back and ask for the new vaccine.

Are you Hugh?

We don’t travel with a backpack in the modern city. 

You eat the French baguette, the tomato, cheese, lettuce washed, the organic sprouts and apples, mayonnaise ? The regular pasta or those Italy branding ? They just look different.

The Italian seasoning its for the cold pasta salad. We have those white vacuum chicken in the wrapping bags. Boiled to heat it up and tear them in the strips. Your pasta and the cherry tomato or basil, avocado? The American chips? The salsa, thr cheese sauce Mexico those nacho ? You got your emergency contacts from your mother or the in-laws, her parents? To be on your luggage and at the immigrant cards. 

We use the international airports and the passports. 

I haven’t known one Asian here, Wing was second grade in Hong Kong, Tamang you only call him American and Melinda is a Christian in Indonesia. Wei is from Singapore. Karen knows her then. 

I have zero Asia one human here I know.

🦅🦅🦅 they laugh. I am not supposed to have the birds outside laughing every two seconds. That understands the written English.

Are you planning the pink ball traveling together, dining for 2?

With your in-laws? Are we supposed to know you traveling to South America any time soon?

Westlife left ? You coming in? Nicky laughs, my birds laugh …


SMTV used to have some Asian from here…long ago on my facebook before Simon shows up, 

They going to London, your way? Half pass 2, my times …shut up, birds, 2:23 am here. We are the morning here.

You talking like them?

:) I mean Nicky’s accent like on Brian first and last. 

You leaving like the otter says? Good luck traveling back and have a nice trip home. Go home and eat.



We don’t do ASMR here, that’s a Korean. 

Japan ABC they do fashion


ABC so they speak in English.

We are the high rise means, we use the elevator and the escalator.


If he becomes a YouTube channel because we like they dress like that. We don’t have the Royal concept here. Japan has …

That panda is not supposed to climb the trees.


We don’t do the ranch here


I don’t raise the dog - you can call your animal department!


I go to sleep.





Inside your life, you have never never never seen so many so many so many guys in your age time to present the whole world - the full profolio cooking menu including Office Depot print them, the very formal flyer, or with colored and printed per item choice. 

You wants to list the guys name first and you have a target search, the menu option ? The Valentines Day chocolate 💝💝💝💝💝💝

Something like you are 9-5, 5 days a week. A 4 wall room home, after the jobs. Looks somewhat this girl or the guy included ? And you decide to eat more organic and healthier and you improved that parts of your life ?  No, no effect, everyone wishing you well. Continue the rest of the jail or on the street life. 9-5, only that life. You cannot adopt life, so you accumulated debts before 2014. You becoming on the streets because you don’t bent your life playing the big shot hurting everyone none stop. 


You just want one praise word? There is none. 

What is this I should just go with Nicky ? Shane is whose ? Nicky is dying on the stage and Shane on debts Fatima you doing a lot 45 and you say Shane is Ola’s? Or you supports indian to stays in England? That 1 and 2 and 3 none stop …your brain big shot. 

Shane is Mine. He is just like that Dr Bing Shen, he will kill all of them Westlife. That Simon, that Keanu Reeves.

Movie: New Year Eve

Hugh is dead, too stressful or literally dead. I see that more than 5+ times, that Nicky imagines….a finger touched, that Shane gonna use those kitchen knife on every single one of them. So I say I be right here, you make it here if you are real, Shane. All the food.

Shane has a lot of quality, he treat people good, especially the girls. He is still taller taller than me. You never met a guy it’s you 2 split the lunch costs best friends ordered together or you treat that guy the whole meal on your check. Just one meal.  Like I take my purse out, “Don’t worry about it, I will be right back.”

He is exactly that Dr Bing Shen, a kitchen Chinese width chopper to their each back, the Chinese saying. Those guys are his team friends, he kept them fence yard in Ireland, that’s fine. I ensure I married all of them out, except Shane. 

Simon’s head 1000 times stretch up, down up down up down, someone animation that …eyes with the mouth opens to see far, because he is too occupied with the projects.

Me and Shane ~~🥰😘😍🥰🥰💝

Shane’s TV wife like you very very much since 2013/2014, it’s an Ireland culture, she made you a heart ~it might be a real script!

Bye Simon ~~~~together - it’s where the family make stronger ~

She doesn’t know, you and Steven Hairfield swimming in the ocean til the seashore…you wonder which shore at, right ? Join the family together ~the helicopter will drop you both off. I think you want to call her up ? The gifting culture a box with a heart in it. She made it with her bare hands, 2 hands chopped chopped ! Transparent …box.

No, I go back with him to Ireland, clean up. I already say his parents both and I settle everything else after. He never had a women what it means everything settle they just land ?

Zawanna says you read the newspaper ? I read it too. Earlier.

Interesting another countries read in English but it’s Irish all the cookies on the website. Irish news, sounds like another world full scopes of the newspaper. They write different than those Hollywood news.

Shane has a beautiful voice I think his voice …you didn’t listen carefully ??

Shane is very very right brain. The right brain means he roughly says and that’s the conclusion, I think he meant the Mission Impossible

The day we gone back, the day he travels in we are and leave Ireland again, I make sure I hear what he says, we say to Ireland this time …we leaving newspaper sounds a conclusion with a storyline.

Nicky is an extreme no patience human.

He eats the junks. He goggle those pop drinks, swallow.  He raise up his head behind, goggle, the pop, swallow. However you write it. 

A normal human normally don’t lean back your head when you standing so your eyes look up the ceiling.

Goggle the liquid in the mouth.

Usually those vending machine where is fluorescence light up there.

He does the chocolate on the TV those blows the air from his mouth on the Ireland stage, it is strange. 

You know they are the musician, not the movie those Hollywood or the TV stars. So it’s not news everyday, I see them next years newspaper. 

Next movie: The Flash

I remember now, maybe they are too the pop culture in Ireland !!!

When you gear towards, 1000% close gate, it didn't need to literally closing the whole gate, you have to walking it down that long isle with your FATHER right now its going on, you follow that same track next 20-30 years, he is doing these 2 years... + ???

You write it down the schedule, someone took you per step to observing him? What is the walking down the isle looooong hallway til the end of the mansion castle, FAR away from the media noise at the door, anyone HAS that langauge anywhere?!!!!

Not Nicky, not Shane, if that is APO Mike and Sammy ~~


You decide what is the media focus, not you running out for SOS? This media one human or all turning young the damf ears, they gonna be in danger??? You never question of any of that !! So THEN STOP THAT.

I only know my jobs, and I already drew a lot of those image, not my brain has any of this fantasy, if....any of your literacy, or your academia, or for the rest of your life, you brain dead no functioning so just the soccer freniac, or the concert living in the song and the lyrics.....not to deliver your ought-to-be your jobs, one whole lifetime, you better really sitting it down, someone professional walking you all through the normal lifestyle how you get on your life A to Z.

I have my nap, wake up on the Ireland morning time, and my movie time starting in the afternoon, too. 

I personally think you are too busy, and excited over the "outside" court room activities.

You don't get along with anyone, but you are angry or you are excited to open your mouth when someone else around you, initiative that conversation to listen to your own big ego opinion views since 3 years ago Thanksgiving.

You could personally handshake 1000 people per yearly.

I one person, one governmental clerk, one customize home company profile to their demo smile faces to sell one package. In 1 year, that is one empty home, with all my empty furniture, 1 person breathing without any human existing in front of my faces.

How strange, someone's life, doesn't have one human in front of my eye gaze. I keep describing to you something, you are not learning yet.

The hand roll sushi

The smaller seeweed sheet + mayo + the asparagus + white rice + raddish

We just buy here.

Its more of that Magallana and his mother's story. 

The Jesus was in the dessert for 40 days. That is human labor impossible, psycho uncle (Prince of Persia -Sand of Time)

I remember now, what I was told.....Queen would be that uncle's mother. I c. That is the human labor, it doesn't have any meaning in the modern world in the religious practice of all that.

The hell is the jungle laws, everyone knows that, it will have no sun, too hot to burn on the skin in the day bright light.

No, that is the post-trauma war

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects countless veterans

His memory recall.

I finish watching.

Comment: Its part of their closing gate, one of those that 2 are exile long time ago. They are not the throne line. Close gate.

What the body head is to lay down, keep the body laying it down. Me

That Jesus dessert story, keep your mind in peace, they are not calm down enough, any of those 8-10. Sleep enough, take the medicine to sleep enough, quiet enough, solitude enough, or less noise enough. Find that judgement with their head intelligence. Not the swaying its your favor or not favor, all those garbage things.

None of that, EVER, forever is the music worlds, any actor, or the actress to do with the battle fields, the literally heat in the dessert, and the gun wound, or the gun equipment to say suit up your military uniform to marching your tank in somewhere.

NONE. None of you have ANY music talent in you. Period. NO talent in music whatsoever !!! There is no discussing point !!!! It doesn't matter what they talk about it, none of the people's name or the business has any one connection relate to any of you. If that is my personal life, that is my only business with that one person !

When they were talking normal 14 years ago......Mark interviews Shane, the hair normal too.


In Ireland NOT in Asia. 

I don't know one word in his ENTIRE flag world, Ireland Nicky keep held up that flag in the soccer, nothing but the psycho human with the football.  I don't know ONE NAME in the Ireland entertainment, I lived in America. I don't even know in that Barren Land, they have the venue where they got interviewed.....2 worlds totally in the tempament of the human nature, those are so barbarian human in any air to breath on it.

Sammy was the psycho human for that European soccer. He is from Swiss, one of those unifying church in combination to say peace. When the soccer season comes, its VERY psycho. Like that Nicky ~~~

Ireland local TV has a show name...Loosen Women !!

What does Nicky says?


Ireland is NOT England. Even Michael Vartan knows that PETA top was a women !!! That is 4 guys on the panel, one of the strangest show, sometimes is all the women, and this is the entire 4 guys all from Westlife sitting far away, the whole panel are them. ON Ireland TV local channel. The audience will look inside a TV called "The Loosen Women", and the MC supposes to be the women weekly .....and one day its 4 guys, and its the musicians like the boybands, on the local TV wired camera stream on Live show per weekly in film-ing? You know what they talk about? That was in English, that was not in Irish ~~~~!!!!

"The consideration of forming a family with the reproduction ability to say fertile....."

"Its one of those chance to say the future likely or the sperm freezing technology to make both man and the women nervous when that comes to the union in the test tubes, not just from the surrogate mothers went through the unfreezing sperm to say how the delivering a full grow baby in a live womb that called for a legal grow-up a healthy baby was not the entirely anxiety-free for both party of the parenting ..."

I have never never never hear those barbarian human language to sound like....anything coming out of their mouth, was an easy going talk like the European culture - freely open !!

The Hunger Game / The Catching Fire (with or without the US-UK UK __ ------ US Ligation in preparation annual year after the friends per holiday season BBQ, one lifetime friends)

Per couple each.

You cannot live in Taiwan, unless you have the Visa similar to SMCH 90s, she was a Vietnamese, she goes to Hong Kong to get her visa renew.

You have to drive far away + the gasoline money + the car insurance + the vision exams + with the dependency to the friends or the family or the AAA as part of the automobile industry how you consumer your index living in America the capitalism world.

Taiwan since 1911 is the ENTIRE China with the military + some citizen like my mother's father, when he was 12 years old, to move the entire CHINA down to one small tiny Taiwan, so we do have the 10 infrastructure to build up a civilized world. Now its the dry cleaning service, the post mail box, the 7-11, the copy machine, the printing shop, the seafood happens to be ALL around my houses, I happen NOT to leave my home even the building is older !!!

He got married I think or living in the same house, he doesn't have a job and was divorce half of the debts on my brother's.

All the TV to say...MARRIED HIM 6 years ago. 

Whatever he looks like to you each....really. 


Like the Otter yesterday? They are south than us. 

You want to stay a married life, you need to cook, serve the tea, imagine the second or the third stage doing nothing but serve the tea, the tea cup, the tea cup spoon, or the tea pot...if you have the guests to be home. I used to don't require to do any of that. If coming near, I will be thinking about it. 

These entire cooking video doesn't give me a full menu. That is 7 days you spend together, that house have to provide 2 or 3 days the guests staying in the room together as a couple, and that will be 3 meals a day lasting 9 meals til departs?

You have to drive to the Costco

You have to get tired in the car, and walking in the Costco and home without the food or the sugar pop drink, to wash yourself and go to nap, and get up there is a food on the table. You want to buy the Costco big giant pizza home?  The long distance traveling and especially if you put the weight on your body, it will get harder and harder each year doing all of that works. I told everyone else to move here, you need to finish these 7 weeks or 7 months ligation period, and the next 7 years or the rest of your life to keep those friends continue in dialogue, that is what you mean one side continent to another side of the UK-US ligation.

Its Sunshine Monday morning

I have a small bowl of congee. That is the water and the white rice + mix a bit brown rice. My mother does those mixing. I used to only have the white rice.

You literally imagine you are Shane or you are Nicky to imagine one meal per morning, lunch, dinner....because some people only wreck that kitchen for one chocolate banana home-made mini muffin, not a full meal, to last 1 day.

That is the Harry Potter small tiny trophy, the ending ?!!!


Shane talks like that.

Without him or without me, that micky mouse Nicky will die. I can guarantee you. They called the teacher as Frank, or teacher's wife (in chinese teacher's mother) Francis.....That Wallace movie. Nicky is that Wallace. Without that parenting looks, he gonna die. He and my father very similar, lost everything and has that attitude of Brat Pitt acting. Turn around with the nose and the mouth together "poke".

Whenever they finishing......whatever they have to do. All of that.  Kian and Nicky is not that much difference.

The senior diaper, the senior walker, the allkaline (sea water idea) to wash the wound when they are in Taipei, watching me, Shane watching me.....both Kian and Nicky cried.....

Literally Kian and Nicky CRIED.

They both are softy, and bragging type.....going outside to vola, and fallen out of the stair, lost half of their life force in shock !!!

They are no long young anymore.....

Is fun, what's this everyone gets to hide and seek behind each of your own thoughts and the head space in this Hunger Game or Catching Fire year?

There are the people regrets, there are people on their own calculation risks, there are people chat more, talk more, running more, those 40 years in loop your life to that 4 side wall.

Think back, think now.

Very few people will get to those science museum side, you could just seeing the China expo 2010. What is the regrets, what's later, what's now.




Its fun, keep doing it.

Westlife - Never Knew I Was Losing You   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz5cq_gEJp8

You assuming there is no road being cross on the upper world, or the middle world like your own parents. 

You all taken for granted over something just looking at me, seriously. Its one her handling every kinds of the EVERY situation, every new place, every new capital, every new airport, every new GPS, every new official governmental.

You are a group, its very excited if you can groupy together to be exciting to see 40 people, not the million people in front of my eyes below my stairs here. And when you did find a way as a group, you got so so so so so occupied in the groups meeting the guys or the girls - showing off to your parents.

Its 1 person - 1 court room door to entry.

Like that Mathrew and JC chasez, 2 people together. One cold room.

Not one celebrity whole building, arm-to-arm.

None of this, its the Judge on that table cross hand you one dollar, isn't that amazing?

You got so nervous with the friends or the groups, you just gonna be original when the court room opens on the roll call, each you seeing your court room session with that 1 judge. Its original, Question & Answer when presented. 

I didn't think that page 3 or page 4....2 small tiny page these difficult. No one repeating to you the heaven road harder, so...its only page 3. No one pushing it, so....its by passed. I am very sure you know that is not dollar sign to go there for.

Movie: Guy Ritchie's the Covenant (2023)

My mother's those type of the movies. Yesterday too.

Many weekends, you been to your own parents home, or you remembered. Not that near each calendar year of the months. At least not every weekend seeing that many family members. Your facebook, everyone fighting a common goal.

You never get a license how to build on a land, saying a Canada lot, to tear down the house, how to re-build the brand new home in Toronto, mid-town, its a very popular among those people's real life per yearly.

That is one you, walking in somewhere to find a way to get that done.

That is one you, walking in the customized home company, with the money, to talk. 1 person.

That is one you, walking to the city town meeting you finding on the library. Driving, I happen to be my profession to find those details inside my car, driving to the post mail, or the governmental building, without telling you.

1 person

I don't think we know each other too well, seriously.

Copy, paste upon, has many different forms. A servant poppy just drive....and mute handicap open your mouth and talk.


Cooking (with Shane or ...the backup singer? It was the teenager time, a little bit those impulsive sensation. Now I don't have those internal feeling as I just gone to adolescence.)



Shane is the main singer: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pmsC__cRaF4

How do I run those schedule, once I move my mother down stair? She be happy her friends...I don't really know, but let's pretending its a kitchen. Its not natural feeling so it may not be real. Even if Asia we have a load of these food, you don't mean every single day, you go with the taxi to eat. You can just go down stair to buy those cafeteria like Nicky or Kian.

But let's say, one girl and one guy schedule, every time saying together, you always always put a several container in the fridge just in case. Anyone opens that fridge its a plate, he can just scoop all that in the plate and eat it, including myself.

Taipei is not those Japan you say Tokyo or China International that kinds of the capital. They put the small nucleus family, some people just wear those ugly sandal or the pajamas down stair to say the breakfast fast.

Nick cannot afford, but I can afford. So to our distance, the regular citizen, they don't even use the night market, my mother does, to save the costs, that is a hard labor doing. That is why those ABC still spending a lot of the money when they return, its those restaurant dining options, and these restaurant are targeting those ABC they spent 9-10 dollar to US, that is not a big deal money? It is here in Taipei local their salary to any of those 250-400 NT dollar, you can just buy 15 NT for an egg. And they are still hungry those type. 

Taipei is not where you say the America home recipe, or Ireland their home recipe, you gonna find that in the restaurant, let's say me and Shane lives in America for a small duration time or Kian / Nicky. Whichever why they are tagging along.....still, its the same exactly following the food schedule, the container, to ensure you have something washed, something boiled, something dry, something herbs prepared / other than the green veggie. A lot of the guys do those Super Food? I told you Nick or Eben they do those, so I watch these kitchen counter, I told them to re-stock, if I am using it too.  Because the girls manage that kitchen counter? You stock up the things on the lists.

Meaning, the container, the container, the container, your eyes or your hands get used to seeing that, touch that on the kitchen counter space. You doing that for years.

The birds say, you are all too fat....

So its not the cooked food, just the exercise and the light food. The salad or the single food without those chips or the potato fries.

The cat none stop talking (a bird got on)

Its very very loud, yelling. You all taken the birds should talk like that?


I put each video on each album (prince included)

If you stabilize that guy's meal schedule and the daily routine....kinda like my mother and me here. I stay home, she goes out, and I don't have any social other than here social media uses.....so when she knows her one day full schedule is always stable.....you do that to a guy, so the exercise I think he takes care of all that by himself.



With the gay's idea....pretending, you still need to fold each other's blanket, the bathroom towels, or the food container washed - the cereal bowl and a spoon. 

I think Japan bento box will look a lot better than this girly....thin lunch box.


If every single day you literally seeing the food stable, you have never live that life, the stable means.....in front of your face, at your mouth touch every single hours including the snack, you will take care of your own exercise degree, and that is 2 people indoor, someone is watching someone, or you saying that is a romance, or that is saying you and your mother. 

No no nonono no no, the dad says no cats.


Second video (upload fine)


The birds screaming, just 11 second. Very audible.

Cooking - Let's say your husbands have the friends

The first time you cannot do this Hunger Game, you can only give them the frozen Costco those Garden burger, and the big jar piko + the flat iron (traveling), you use the butter on top, and put all those bun breads 2 side to butter that for the guests. Its indoor.

You do it once, the second time.....immediately you feel by the 5th time the family gathering, you get somewhere. Yeah, the burger + the piko + some potato frozen wedges baked + the catchup / mustard. That is each person a plate. You starting the 5th time they gathered, they will see something different other than that !

※§★ ※§★ ※§★ ※§★ ※§★ ※§★ ※§★ ※§★ ※§★

The facebook had that Mexican guy 24 hours only, to marinated 2 dozen eggs in the maple syrup grade B + BBQ sauce? First, you ask the guys if they allow to see the sugar in home. Some guys allergic you as a girl ever touch anything sugar. I don't...eat that kind of stuff, and probably the maple syrup, you mean the American pancake. I hate those floppy stuffs. He has to finish all those maple syrup grade B stuffs, in the fridge for a long long long time, next by.

The store here are all pre-made sushi, I don't need to do that anymore.

But I cared about the parsley and cilantro, and some lettuce green other than the romance lettuce. Some guys in their life, probably have never seen those things + a clear fish stew soup (Its vaccum process luxury mall frozen session)

I found them out 6 years ago.

Sorry I drink that, with the ginger. 

No, I have the money, so I do those presentation. You boil the pasta all the time for the Western world. We have those Italian pre-made sauce, you at least heat that up, and add the herbs next by. Its a food.

Your first time doing that, or your second improve doing that, or you third time adding one more dishes in it.

I would just do the 6 bento box + 6 sushi long bar (not open, purchased here)

+ the mayonnaise (small dishes 6)

+ Some baked bread (in a basket)

+ 6 dishes (small butter)

+ Some washed the grapes + cheese+ the crackers

+ 6 ranch sauce, or 6 honey mustard

+ 6 bowl pasta + the pre-heated meat red sauce

+ the parsley sprinkle on the top + chop tomato, chopped red onion, chopped black olives + the boiled chicken 7-11 vaccum package. Its just a boiled, tear apart thin.

Is the bento box, the Taiwan's diet? No !


Your brain IQ is very very very low on multi-task. I just saw that banana pancake I thought the recipe. Its a chocolate home-made banana mini muffins.....

The asparagus can be washed + salted + with the black pepper to the aluminum foiled as the small oven by itself, no one using it.

The green beans washed soaked in the salted water....and rinse it well. Boiled them in the boiling water.

Those certain slide almond pieces, to sprinkle on top.

I getting a very long far away 6 people table, each of them have the session of their own food all around them + the take home (near the door), their yogurt, their Taiwan train bento box, the fruits cup, the Paul bakery bread + sweets cheesecake + a Mos Burger small tiny French fries + some fried goods. 

You should check the Mos Burger's menu, a lot of the small tiny fried food catalog.


Technically, you going through this Hunger Game / Catching Fire, on your own

American standard casserole life in the American home with the devil eggs. I already help you this one devil eggs never stop.....

Do you plan to make it this Hunger Game / Catching Fire?

Write it down, plan it, or calculative at it? In the next 5-10 years, you doing once table? You are not going to live in Asia. 

Paul Bakery - Bread




See, they have a customized lunch box.

The catering venue + at the location, + all the kitchen appliance


The end of the Bank circle. Westlife - Amazing !!!

Next - You cannot live here in Taipei unless you get married.

Today is monday.....is that bye bye bye means?





⭐️ Wonka

Korean Grandmom made the food


I seen this commercial. It’s a singing to movie.

I think James in Real Love, name Cloud, my landlord. Lovely Bone that bad guy, next by the Mission Impossible Fallout, someone looks like Michael Fassbender = Adam Pascal next by. But…I am the one given your mother’s best friend psychi’s book to him. 

Funny 2 Japanese girls eating


Pasta salad


  • You sit in the kitchen to wait that pasta. You drain 2 cans, the beans and the olives oil. You cannot leave your PC like me.
  • I chop the tomato, or the herbs. That in the container is a cold salad. Anyone near that fridge can eat it. 
  • We have the seafood here, put in the soup, the ginger or the green onion. Stew slow makes this Movie soup? I drink that. 

It’s a family business.  Eben 70 (2018) leadership business until another 30 years later, he trains them.

  • Me and true love retired.
  • Kian and Hugh
  • Nicky and Patrick.

None of them will ever be those team leadership like that Eben, dead in Flower Thousand Bones

You William says why don’t you all quit 30 years ago Avenger or Iron Man, any Hugh Grant talking to this Wily Wonka, like any business in the far remote sea and got exploded. You cannot take it any group theory Struve on the business model, Avenger leadership as a real business admin team work, the team project, the team meeting, the tea offices, and the profit to Wall Street. Roaring David Jones graveyard why why why …psycho real love 2015 like you are the King decreed the whole world no leadership to strive on any business …as long as you shall ever lived.

Me and Shane flew in America. Eben flies…Europe with Craig ETR 3, that flag thing you remember the indoor business talk. It was 2018 70 people employee. 

The family business, the team leadership per team organized. 

These Avenger leadership don’t bother you, like you said? A smaller man Hugh Grant talking in the remove sea to a younger boy to seek a business advice…it’s not us. It looks like none of us.

Bothered you ?

Matrix is a story of a Mr Anderson - Patrick my side the office cubical movie, the CD download for a rabbit chasing meeting Trinity. It ended…to a group of exit scene, no more stories in the office building. That’s not a leadership talking, don’t you think ?

Lake House, this Mr Anderson went back to his father side, no more business return back to the city life Happy New Year. 

New Year Eve, that’s the Bolton Boy and Auld Lang Sync only I say it was the night Atlantis sunk song similar to that Titanic, Halloween comes from. All these 2012 how can I possibly read that anyone just believes me says, by now in English -the old women psychi. 

Valentines’s Day, it’s Steve Jobs Apple ought to be….no one goes to Ireland or England side. Everyone knows that. Whom you say you are, whom I say whom I am. Re-watch this family chocolate warm movie as Willy Wonka 

You don’t care about the military or those pixie terms. You already know we are not really connected. The military leaves the science museum every 5 years, you will find out ? Things I don’t keep, just how the Samsara means. One Shane and one me living and breathing and airline will never be England or Ireland those convention center ground. Itune business is an account, not the Team Leadership, the Team Groups, the group theory, the Wall Street stocks, the Team under you to boss or re-direct, like Eben ?

Next movie: The Super Mario Bro’s movie

Asia food food food - hot pot beefs.


Westlife - interview


They don’t have the family business, they are the low air musician to marrying in the director actor business card to shake hands.  They are not going to really operate the team meeting, of course not. 

Waku otter is online - are we going in that chat room box? 

I say hi ?? You think ?


They ended. The birds call them that started ….wa hahahaha…

That drawer is …NASA, my mother clean that up I don’t know. It’s an astronomer pattern bag. It was for some 7-11 recipes those. No more. No I don’t know that. I told my mother just now, she says she cleaned it up. Just the organizer bags. 

The otter link

15:45 they then stay on the stair, the birds told them. 

You want to tell Mark, starting all over, the first sentence conversation ? Or you already finish that yourself before ?

“You have a beautiful concert stadium interview how you all saying the ceiling that Nicky did and 4 you below saying the location name. Mostly I saw was Wabley, or Gosglow, Crok Park. Dublin will be your North Ireland capital, North East, toward the Scotland. It’s not the same latitude to London, but we are in the same Timezone. “

“The interview comprise of your current concert last year where you been to one full year 2022 to enter Asia 2023 and back to European tour and you got sick, a few turn around before their Christmas break, and return to Toronto and Asia re-enter, and now your website is similar to Backstreet Boy? They changed between the last year I thought was the concert ends because they hide everything at below. All the way below.”

“The actual interview takes places would be, as my memory recall you be on the left, single chair to Malaysia Asia style of these outfit and the internal furniture like a hotel proper to be interviewed. Like a proper conference to the media meeting and you done some. 4 people in front too many microphone wired to draw the camera near. As my memory recall, the Christmas quiz, to outdoor scene, background windows, the fun vain personality, to these foreign words you answer and question to mock up a sound, you all hold a microphone on those separate chair you Mark and one bench lean back chair. How is this return to Asia since 1999-2004 those years? How is the experience in Asia, south those region is very hot. It meets the baseball season in Asia right before in between the school academia semester.”

“Do you want to sit down together to watch some of my history sent in video, I tell you after the video ends. The main points as you craft the story - like you want to know the feedback if this per video, we watch all of it, or we done one video per time, you remember each this question you speak after 4 rotate and the journalist younger than you used to be more and more ?”

“I did watch, but I forget.”

You talk to them already after the family crisis exactly I was told ? Or yelling at ?

You just brain blank ?

Did you try BGT or AGT me used to….that Simon? Other people have to go through. 

I got nothing else to talk about it’s so it’s just a fan saying hi ? You gonna pretend we are the best friend and next line to say …the money or the business part ? How you imagine doing that with or without your dad watching you? Talking to a stranger?

They say anything but the money part.

So you describe anything of a circumstance without the money part…

“There is …a “ (scanning their faces around to talk to them ) …

“The schedule fit into the season of a physical calendar, you speaking English fine ?”

( I change to my PC. My mother went to sleep.... )

There is an otter on the big wheel for her size.

Westlife song Brian / Mark - Tonight

or Mark Never Knew I was Losing You

Babaji cooking if were.....and these scene.

Should I tell Shane in advance, those 3 are not invited yet.....until you done this to Mark with that 2 in cases? Kian and Nicky?

You use your entire family 2 kneel with these Kian and Nicky if were the mistake to that hospital every night I live on that flashlight on my eyes...to one Shane you saying that is to harm me.  Your entire family born with handicap eternity this court I will sign. One mistake.

This life, until ithis one million people anyone ensure they got a job anything to do with this Royal Family Cinderella its 124 Forever eternity. One mistake....you random to tell me mood....that is the back up singer, for fun.


I want to see nothing but blood, until you all kneel two legs cut in flat. This court will only answer me...clearly when that will be done, one millions people on that jobs, all kneels cut in England. You will all have one lifetime staring at them with you all 13 human half in knees.

Understand?  What is one mistake hurting me, and you all very in daring.....I want to see all thing in England blacken smoke exactly those military uses...for every land, every house, every bomb dropped, until you all kneels be cut in half one lifetime....

MM = Markle, that is one million 2 eyes ball screw it up before your 2 kneel cut.....understand?

Big MM on Bible, to say....EVER do....that curses is not enough, every day on that public TV, your only England flag til every household witness, 1 million people Cinderella half kneel cut in jobs operation and 2 eye balls cut.

Wipe on that 4 limbs Markle....one time 1 million people full body massage wet and dry clean, demonstrate 1 month, you will see.....that is a continue jobs without the 2 kneels, or be lazy....

All Asian country, pull out of England.

No more paying the tax to that land.....sorry, no more Asian on time paying your per season revenue....any on time, any full payment...England, for the rest of your Nation time left.

I want 10 whips

10 blood seal, court room stamp

10 TV

10 guns,

10 electric chairs, burn.....Mental TV movie for fun.....

All your Taiwan so delicate one daring faith, open your eyes and staring for 24 hours none stop sleeping......remember....what I meant well wishing. Never.....

I want a very loud microphone, only the cry of her throat none stop...none stop, you all delicate your faith, I want to hear nothing but loud cry, and hate, and curse, and blood....my blood...for you daring to sit in any meditation for a fun TV venture, you could just blooded the entire world......this blood debts, I will use the eternity put on the whole Cosmo, you bet, you know whom I am. 

You didn't do one job correctly.

Say it, "oh well, darn."

Everyone million people repeat....

"When the bad mood means oh well, darn, its a sad face emoji AOL Ding! Funny~ haha..."

: )

Me and Shane, none of these people are the leadership, you took it wrong. That is per female judges or the female educator, the female whomever got hired with their correct jobs description.

Say it, "Darn, its a sad face already. oh Well" Sound just like Funny haha, Tamang. Say it.

A British leadership pretend its not their fulliest jobs to do it right. None of us needs to carry one job, so you listen, you hear, you taken for granted, we stand in front of it or the entire SA people hanging on the city rising to mark the timeline this year, last year. You still don't feel it, to be the part of the audience, what that mistake piles up on that piece of sheet from the female conselor.

1000 lists you are wrong.

Tell me, I went to drag Shane, I went to drag that one hell of Nicky, and not one knows...they are running around to that tour other than that otter panicking when I was gone, and I wasn't even checking the otter to care about the Harry Potter.

So people whom isn't sad, or darn, isn't the islander's mood.....Not even my faces will tell you, how fast I suppose to evolve with this headache of mine. You don't know what that means? People didn't need to evolve like me or Shane, the original from. Its the American and the England's job....so when that in 20-30 years all these family business will be affected, again, its Anna saying to Shane in the page no one else listens, they go under the water, not under the weather, so for you William, not that David Jones' side, how come the entire England or near by Ireland don't bankrupt all of your starting your grandmom 2001.....Its Eben Pagan in 30 years will no longer only refrain to 70 employee like his interview 2018 on, the art on his left side, one of those purple dress shirt.

All these movies are nothing but the family business, no one checks, or I can only staring at TLC, the recent lipose, that Anna Marie on TV? I just saw it. The doctor's job will not be the family business, in 20-30 years to see the Death in Harry Potter means....evolved. 

You William is the Death.

Strange, what I got told.

How much you screw it up, you and your brother or your father, its all on that sheet....

Your idea is....whom don't make the mistake, let me try. "oh darn." - Its someone else life as long as its not connected to you, "oh well, oh darn, oh goodness, it wasn't you?"

oh, one of the things not on their sheets.

In one day, the birds Power, and my Power went so high up, including all these otters (the animal kingdom), you didn't know what that means. I didn't think the humanity need to know what that means, how to explain that to them. All the animals whom if show up, right now I got a Red fox Paddington on my new subscription......


The birds are higher, of course, or that is the loudest I can hear it. When I am so soaked in these saying, no one telling me......why these video has to go to these cooking at all?

Are they lawsuit means? oh darn.....you didn't specify to look into them, do you? bossing at?

For the rest of you all life, how to live inside the jail with those clothes.....how soon that will realize the reality...only, right? One lifetime jail. You think, its worth fighting for? 

My phone and my night time sleep. Its the beauty how long you keep it....on the faces.

⭐️ Facebook

When you use to like about Mark, you tell your father at his room door right there says. 

When you coming back from someone ride ( 1 or 2 or groups friends), that’s a Kail ?

Your father has to give me data in front of my hospital room, now that’s a Mark at his door, Kail at his front door, you don’t even tell him you got back (?).

Now this data wrong, where is your dream Nicky at ?

A group of friends, that’s Good Will Hunting ?!

These names someone knows ? Nicky at his Facebook Sky ?!

Did I know Shane as a leadership when I was the vice? No. 

(Look at you) No, don’t know Mark, no. We had a public relation so I guess Kian is a bit older than his look, he was on 4 bands, he and Nicky may not even finish their GED. I meant when Kian got recruit as the Westlife that time. You cared about Mark, not Kian?

So no Nicky ? So Austin is not his mommy spent on his daddy Sky per monthly ?

Nicky after it’s Brian, that’s Kian’s goodbye ? (End of Time)

I like Shane? I was going to ? I think he treats people nice. I remember if I recall….when I was young….I wish all the back up singers disappear because they look ugly, their t-shirt, and their look, and their hair. There is something wrong on all of their look, the backup singers. 

So I only dated Nicky ? Not Kian ?

Nicky on the phone good morning and good night.

I think Shane is funny. The first aid is Shane apply them 4 Westlife. The choreography is Shane says …the maid service dinner, lunch, mid-night oil, it’s Shane says. They don’t speak in English. They will never have a family. And they will never never be a parents. “Shane, where are their diaper, the senior cares ? My grandpa left to give to my grandmom, my mother takes her mother. We sent them the diaper from Taiwan ? Shane ~~~”

“Shane, I take you to see a store …together !” (Right across the hospital )

I think Shane is like my uncle, he cared about that wife ! Me, he kills all those stuffs ~~ Shane !!

Nicky is very similar to Brad Pitt after dating 6 months. He lost the phone, he lost the luggages in the train station, he lost the keys on the front table  - Ocean 12. Everything on the table: the key, the photo, the phone and the contacts. He falls off the stage in front of Shane! 

His faces looks like Brat Pitt when he lose the items all, you scream shot that movies split second and put the Nicky’s stage cloth - Elsa Blue. He can lose every pocket items to think he is that handsome ~~~ his jaw, we Chinese define that type ~~”handsome free caring, easy going “

I think Nicky likes my meditation time with nick, I live in Buffalo near UB those pillows my mother bought. I tell my mother to find them. It’s a case outside he tear that down to wash. When Shane arrives and we settle his parents and…when he needs to go back, I go with him, I found this settle Nicky’s living quarter like his ex wife ~~

He likes those blonde Barbie girl those …anything kind. 

Be with a girl, he will find out all that~~·~~ many guys do that. He doesn’t do that but he likes that.

He cuddle those pillows ~~it’s for the back, the bigger pillow. It’s not for hugging. 

I go to nap ~~

Do they believe a word I say?

"They cannot possibly believe one word she says, can they? " To ear by next by you? Riley or not Riley?

You were guessing if we talking about were on the money? 

You like them, similar the white world guys has the hair, and vibrant and happy on their own? The shootman loves to stare at a certain perimeter, or the radius of some target focus like his eyes, to say, the shadowy of the screen will shade or darken.....you saying the TV effects?

Not necessary a random conversation near by, next by...any military uniform will say that ridiculous circus, or the pamp of the boyband to say the sex pop culture. A gun man like you shootman has more dignity than that, every military uniform with the hat knows....


Being a quiet, or being a rap music so loud at the ear, you need to think. Life takes the philosophy how to think or write included. Not necessarily its a philosopher take on the life views, tell me why that one thing to write will be part of the brain coming out of the literal words, that is not from your mouth to say thinking? Its to write it down?

Say it?

See how the otter eats?


See harmless my voice, my look, my sunk sleeping, no useful human to make a useful history place. Say it.

Not the boyband to say meaningful, not that middleton to make the Royal image, like they the outsider always say, if I were them, haha....self making fun, its a funny hu hugh, humor than the color on the huey hue painting.

Say it.

Tell me the annoyance of the shorty....were not they laugh, they joke, they talk, and chasing each other behind, Nicky left the seat the last.....Ronan hanging his belt on his low waist belt, no one paying attention behind them, other than their guards.

Certainly your Royal Guards is behind you all. Say it, "haha...."

Usually I say that, right? Say it. You usually saying that, "haha." "right? "

Feeling it......your chest fun. There is no eyesight staring at......

Tell me your true love Wife

Between that Madison (Charlie's Angel) and the Top Gun Thinner eyes, and Ola, tight 4 limbs, its one shot in your control, you must must must must in every air in control, your sickness psychological gun man in instinct, at your eye sock.

No, Middleton she laughs, its relax. Not thin eye. You think her eyes are thin?

No, not your mother, laughing like her psychi friend to say psycho school teacher.

Thin, thin, thin tight eyes, tie tie tie tie tie, conservative women crowd, the eye glasses on, the black frame?

Most TV brought out women, none of their eyes are thin, and more flair, to say dense. You really really want, one type of the women, never have their mouth curl up to smile, because if she does....you will gonna lose control. She screaming so loud....every novel writes.

A certain type of the women, they will never put it on your side, to say the public staring at, they will never make the public to feel the girls are not relax or flaire, or say the light mood, fun, or loud laugh, or like that Top Gun, near Tom Cruise, the party wine bar.

Under the Moonlight songs. Those girls no and no.

Never....one moment of the lost control in their voice, its your whole life plan in ruin.

Tell me....the ideal girl in the description. Never laugh like Brian's girl in Westlife eye glasses, that is tooooo big of the mouth open.

You think?

Its stain your dignity, ego issue.

When you met Mark, Westlife, tell me the 3 stages of life....

Tell me about Lalla......

I have to go out....all the SA has to learn your new tricks...seriously.

Your 3 stages of life. (lie)




Today is Sunday June 30th?! oh ~~ That is the Russia's day.

I am dizzy, so I go to sleep, and the birds agree that is the Russia's national day.....they cannot quit doing this.

Something about Ronan

Something about Westlife - Pictures in my head.

Mark ?! 

The science museum.....you know, there is not one thing is on the agenda. It can be all on the agenda, or all nothing needs to get done. Just go to your bed, sleep, and warm your 4 nerves ending hands and the feet til you get to the old age. Seriously I say that.

My physical body exactly looks like that those 2 pictures. I don't think about the guys, I need to lay down to sleep when I feel like, I need to be home, watching these handicap, my mother. The rest of them, they just live or die in America on their own. One her is too much already. 

As a guy or as a girl, you like.....those mingle or the chatting, or associate with the people. With the classmate or you try with your classmate, or breathing air or all that.....they say Westlife Kian or Nicky, so I took it, it was like that, going along with the hospital says. I cannot just throw that Shane somewhere else.....and I am not sure, what garbage he told me. 

We have never met in person, to spend 2 hours one morning. I don't need to care one thing far far far far away, you are on your own initiative to do things in life.

I have not talked to Mark at all. Last year, the first week he heard my voice. It is also the first time I heard my own voice with Brian. I talk like that...I sound like that. I think you all just leave away these boyband things best, overall your England Royal prince or near by chatting all around. Not Mark. 

My left shoulder arm joint is very hurting ....so I need to apply for the medicine. Its all used it up, June 30 is to throw the garbage out I think....the sport creme. Very very smell strong, so I have to wash the entire left side of my shoulder and arm and my eyes are closing. I need to lay down and sleep. 

63.90 Kg

You want to meet yourself, maybe he is a little bit older? He looks like that. Zawanna in Mission Impossible those face kinda of like U.N.C.L.E? You ask your father. He is shorter than your height. Did he broke? 

Everyday, every hour, a drink, a bathroom, a sink to soap and wash wash, bath, bath, and eat eat eat eat eat per hour, and literally 5 mins, its where the unlimited food to the unlimited money to go and generate the entire garbage out of the sight, to feel per hour something inside my mouth to chew.....

I have a low blood pressure. I say that too many times. 

All your cooking house is unlimited video here.

6 Kids out of the 7 

Stocking inside the home (Western World): https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0dT0L-QYiNE

Otter - I am sleeping.....


You like Ryoya?

4 Panda  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GjfXA_w3xjY

I always wonder how they feel like,......seeing themselves this giant in the reality, to how being hang from the back to throw a bundle small tiny panda baby all together. 

You think the otter looks normal in these video?

That is Brian, or that is Peyton?

Shane shows up, I ask him ....including telling him the hospital stuffs. 


You gone to college?

Panda ?~~~

Do you know what the student live off campus like you with Kate? Not your palace mansion life as you grew up as a kid. So you can deal with 100 people or 1000 people in the scene and go home, and cheer or relax, or sleep, or rest, or bathing in your spare time. No one bothers you. 

Right ....

So In Asia, all the housing is too small for a lot of you, unless you get out of the city or even in America, the standard ceiling is not your living quarter to feel breath, but that entire world has no people, just when you go to your secretary desk so you talk. That is not a youth face.

The regular couple, between a bf or a gf, in the real world, as the students like you and Kate, its on their purchased furniture to stay together on the same bigger bed. I don't know if you 2 live in the same room even like right now, you might live in 2 different floor or the 2 different building.

A lot of the people cannot afford to have a relationship between a guy or a girl, to say, they get to their 9-5 jobs to pay monthly one bedroom scenario to keep all the junks they buy or they eat, so they keep the jobs and that apartment, not the same bed, another intruder going in the house to live there.

There is a tax issue, there is a visa issue, there is the climate issue, there is the food issue.

But whom live in the same world zone, not your ceiling height, they stay near the bf or the gf idea, they know what is getting near another human for saying for a short duration of time, to make it that week, that month, that year being together, in the same house.

No, we sleep in a different bed, but I go and talk to him in the same bed. 

None of you can afford to have any of that fantasy world, that doesn't mean you go out and ruin everyone else relationship, if that is one day to get, one day to ruin. If you want to get something, then you have to be practical, why that is for your best interests. You know its always your best interests. 

I really care about my food....I know all that.

They are coming near or near to my life, or they screaming, or they resist...I for sure resist the most. I need MINE food.

You go and ask your father where is that Denmark prince looking in the movie: Prince and Me.

Everyone is trying to solve these movies, I heard, and I see, so I tell everyone.  Its not a fix rules, you just want to go and separate everybody or just anything on your face to paste and copy?

No, I think he exists.

My mother's entire mini pad is where they gone to the world traveling. My brother and her. They will NEVER NEVER NEVER spent those money so they have this pin on the map she can see and show me.

Exactly the movie: Prince and Me

And I saw him. He has the blonde darker hair, and he is not your height, but he probably taller than Lee. He looks younger, or his behavior looks younger, but he might be older or younger than us. But I think he has those Power, that is why.

There is a significant why he exists, that entire zone exists. I just don't know where.

You hair is because you don't have the money like your brother too?

He went to jail before the book or after the book? The public let them sell those stuffs....you coming here, we never talk about the money parts, so this is you saying Mark from Westlife. You think you making the money more than they are, or Mark is the second singer.

Middleton's family doesn't look like the furniture worth any money....

That is how you talk? So change every word to I say here, and that is the only conversation you and Mark to imagine he will exist for the rest of your life. Every single words, this line above.

We are all very similar age, or someone says, someone is younger aged, so that would be the High School Musical those actor's and actress's age. You talk like the friendly to the classmate, yeh or neh, why they are or why they aren't, those negative talks? The very negative aspects, not necessary you go ruin or not ruin anybody to learn the air flight. I have no idea what you all making the money, your father's hair, or your hair, or your brother.....every girl looks normal and now these cooking, you all literally moving out, or cheaper in America.

Those human will never be the classmate. I don't want to keep my classmate neither, but I leave them on the map, someone else did, so I look at it. It bothers you, I talking to them too? 

A lot of the people don't have a place to live and breath, and using the free utility inside the affordable housing by the government. Keep a wife and keep some kids around inside your life, or those 3 were fake like their name I can read from everyone else's TV to hurt you guys?

Things being affordable, that doesn't mean, everyone else is doing things affordable on everywhere else the world zone.

Stephen Tamang was on high debts, to keep that UB one bedroom, with his own bathroom, with the enough heating to go to the medical school in UB. He planned to.

His talking tones, his talking attitude, his zealous life points of views, or his degradation of the life hope to keep fooling around those high school girls, or the same town girls until this one current wife, with 2 kids, as long as he ever lived....life. 

He carried a gun because he is a very very very low air human, very smaller words, dense, and looks fresh, but highly in debts. His eyesight suppose to be the same like you....

A gun man how to carry a gun and every indicator is the gun on the massive shooting, and no one knows per indicator sight. Per move, that Middleton supposes to report like that Michelle Obama. Every single things you say, you think, you look, you wave, you raise up your elbow, any any any one tiny move.

This is the jurisdiction, I look blind, cared about you are the light ADD or super ADD or psycho, or not co, all that.....the air chest things decompress on top of your vertical front, up. 

No one sees you carried a gun, on every day massive shooting the shootman.

Those eyesight, I can drew drunk, tired, burden, the high debts burden, more burden, more less hopeful, the quiet noise, you find the peace, looking outside the windows......no one.

Inside ....no one.

From your left ear sense to your right ear sense, you just move your eye left side to right side..... Tell me.....we know each other well. haha....

You can try...close eyes? haha....

Prince that guy, says....none of you were real. That is his claims.

You 2 are nothing alike. Tamang and you.

But when you two talk, side by side, some facial expression very similar.

The gun man in your eyesight, its those very hatred, and resent, resentiful, to despise, your chest curls up, that curling up, uneven feeling. Its every single second on kill kill kill.

It must be your computer games?  He is a little bit like Husky, Max. Connie's husky, the indoor wolf doesn't know he is a wolf hybrid.

But when the gun man really staring at something eye sight hatred to get get get, and put a bullet per indicator inside a gun slot, its a chewing gun focus eyesight, like you to make an animation straight ahead of your computer.

Like those Conan Detective. We will never think....those darkness mask man don't show up the story, it would be the main character Shin yi. We will never never never thought....

They collect 10 scene like those darker mask guy, how he leaves the room, to listen, to coming out of the curtain light, one by one scene. 30 years Conan, the 30 mans re-make exactly your too fat face of the current Prince William.

A fix head skull, its a fix head....true.

But a fix skull has a very fix eye sock, where your eye ball fallen off....to say painting right.

You never look at yourself long enough.....haha.