
You rehearsal with your mother, and then you do one in Japan too (your whole family in one table)

You these few days, you go and see and imagine that a little bit.

No, you give them the cheat sheet - the print out (not that 21th century chicken), some of these commanders can read the Chinese, the logo from the very top. 

No, you don't tell them that Y, or the 3 ways choice, or U-turn, of course not.


Not W hotel, not W Two worlds, of course not. NO ! Not even this Hallo Kitty mountain fold across the police station. NO!

You didn't even learn the indoor or the outdoor, the Station or 101 ( Breeze, A13 A11 A9 A8 A4....You read the Chinese? NO! 

Some of them can read the Chinese, don't get to them anything of that, NO!

No, not like that, you talk differently with them around.

1. You never say clearly, they might be on the tests, or testing others.

2. You maneuver them one day to end up there, but never clearly say, you see where their eyes sight look, and not talking too much, or talking much to social. He is blind, not seeing, then NO, no talking.

3. If he found out some of this written things, or something funny, you talk differently, not straight like that, NO!

4. You don't go and behave like a kid, you are just a friend to that Prince William, everyone knows he is just a kid expression in any talk, same like his brother, they 4 all looking like that, no one can talk, not like that.

5. You happen to go near that vendor, or something drop....or something talk. You don't get busy to shop, you need to be 24 hours that every second on where he puts his eyes and see. He knew why you suddenly suggest him to go. He will be watchful. 

6. Talk smart, not busy shopping. Look smart, talk smart, language smart.

7.      "Its interesting, you read the Chinese, what does it say? I learn...some left side its...one of those symbol idea then right or they separate." 

        "No, I haven't been this side too much, however....." (turn around his front sight)

        "If you look behind, see..." (you turn his body around)

That is a very visible sign, turn around.

8. You are tall, I cargo my mother to move it next by the high speed train. You and your mother? You 2 arm hold her 2 arms, or your sister, 2 arms...hold up and cargo.

"Move it !"

Tokyo Fun?


Bye Hugh ~~~~~~~

Your Japan music teacher: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sZ3sDWArKcE

A lot of this Japan food: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZDv-P5qA044

You ligate with Japan too? The royal family last month?!

Same, you go with your military idea to Japan, the Costco, same.


If I help you writing your homework, is that legal?


Sounds like Shawn: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ytZelKOp2j8

Your age that Bieber....speaking of Bieber !!!!

That is what you cared about it? Yesterday? 1-4 F escalator A13, that is....outside, the Terrance, not like that, no. 

You go to Japan Hostel?


Do you know why you ligate right now? Everywhere? To next step? 

Are they serious....

The Japan vendor's food :  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iPW1TKLlQHs

You cannot find a decent seat, or the hotel venue to host 100 people in, the ligation and alliance means? 

This is nothing but the food~~~ where you suppose to be going this morning + your brother?! He looks younger than you are. You know each other? He kicks his check-in hotel the lower cabin. 

Everyday I am writing you a map, when you arrive. One day is Y, one day is A13. 

I got this bag in Y area, "Carol" on the right side. I sew that on the left of this picture, my right side mouth 1 dot.

I saw about 10 beas on it, because that entire bag is an image, your hand touch its on the right. 

Sometimes these kinds of the cloth, its those garbage bag you don't need, even the grocery as ABC looking one of those. Taipei they don't really care what I look like.

1) The shredded 5 bamboo based (someone clean for you)

2) 4 Parsley  3) 4 Cilantro  4) 5 Carrots   5) 3 giant white Chinese raddish carrots.  6) Another side bag to some mango 10 + 5 tomato.  7) Peas a bag, the green beans a bag (they are all small compact), and 2 boxes cherry tomato.

8) The broccoli 2 big bundle, 1 cauliflower 9) 3 rapinni

You use a giant cart + a bag like the photo.

One week I don't need to go out. 

You learn the Uber, they cargo it for you. 

10) The potato bags, some peanuts local, some those taro small, I don't know what called it. Similar to purple yam but very small. 

11) cargo 30 vegan small chocolate or Oreo ice cream. I ask Shane which kinds he likes.

All these thing is a routine to build up, so I don't need to even get out of my house, just everything to my front door, and this is every City in Asia near by they all doing that. Not the long distance, some are the long distance.

No, i have acquire the entire vendor myself, that is one vendor, they cargo the entire truck or the car to your place, the more you order that, right. Like the whole containers of the fruits, what you gonna do? 

We here have the coconut water too. My mother cargo those back. 

Hugh, you and that Prince William the same?

Poking your 2 eyes watching me, every time you leave Taipei? 

The Buddhism have the people can afford the fruits and the bamboo, the carrots or the white big carrots, I cook my own soup, they have those wish to know what I want, I will tell them what I want. Right.

If I hardly going out of my door....its like the last 6 years or 8 years....you all hear me talking on the blogger, but I haven't going out my door yet, the COVID 19. You going out you like those things or you getting hungry. My www here is none stop.

One of you need to.....come in right here the center of the radius of all military including you yourself travel to Japan or Korea, or even including china, or Singapore. You can imagine that, not you literally thought....you running these Y or 3 ways choice, or The End of Tunnel, can you walk?

You walk with your sneakers? Do you get those better sneakers not those mud in Southern Taiwan? 


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