Babaji: Go
我打錯了~ 關於減肥,這個人身上有很多 刺青,然後這個人怎麼長得像你們中國的習近平?
中間是講女生的瘦腰部,對 ! 這是在講我? 還是全中國女生要減肥? 其實我看過很多男孩子他們其實注意自己的身體體態、體型的意思,在路上健身比較多! 對,我每一天都會在努力減肥了,我的每一天 !
我走了快一個禮拜,我感覺怎麼樣,我覺得是飲食跟時間,就只剩下這樣,一點一點瘦,好像沒有那麼快,因為要吃東西才會有出來的情況,所以我還是有吃 ! 但是現在過節,我媽最快樂的時間 ...會是有時候我們有事情這邊弄弄,那邊弄弄,所以我健身來說每一天走 !
Want to talk correctly?
There are a lot of the noise when you go near the mall. A lot of the new couples, the new things, the new generation of our own planets, that youth that they get together. Same is the technology, same is the hospital staffs.
Your parents at the moment is the closet thing you got, you got nobody else anymore. Not even me, not even my facebook. They are going back to their family, or their current environment continue to their life journey.
Some one needs to provide the living, the money, the career, and one of us has to grow up.
The way you talk, the way you perceive things, the way you find your living, because right now as if I put on the back burner, and looks like I am the victim of all this, but the life is not you seeing yourself as the victim. You doing things to make sure what points you say - and I told you, its the medical practice business.
I go along with the guy's saying.
You want to talk about my material science thing, you think as long as people steal, that is why I cannot get going that invention?
False. We are figuring out the way. They are.
In America, there is a TV show, just when someone has a delimna, someone already has a solution in the audience seat, that is how people passing on the good deeds. You are the Chrstian worlds, how come no one coming up those belief, the positive aspect in life, you seeing me too often, or you seeing me too long, as if carrying the positivity, in take it for granted, until it stops.
I learn per food, per time. He has of this mentality he does whatever he feels to do, so I never get the mood what he likes, or he says just that moment.
Meaning some guys also like to cook too !
Maybe that is true. That is his kitchen ~~~You need to clean each and every time, you know that. Including after the dinner time. The entire wash up.
Being with a stranger, you mean....per day, per month, per yearly you learn.
But I say that before, I don't think you will carry any more of those relationship in your life. A healthy relationship anymore. You have a job to attend to, not the relationship.
You mean I don't share enough things with you from the hospital?
Dental ! You know how sometimes people in the minority, they cannot fix the teeth. That is the point or their face. They tell me Eben.
You just meant the life in front of you right now ....
That is not it works, I am afraid. Things you do with the responsibility, and everyone in the society shares that responsibility. I wish you understand that.
So does the guy feel you invade his personal space.....?
If you share the house chore, or the house responsibility? You never have some lift of that....I don't know, I never ask nick or my mother. How many people we really do know near us. Pang and Tina has a lot of the friends. They need that life.
Me and my mother back up here.
You cannot wait to tear apart anything I have, that is fine.
No, I never think of that kind of the life again.
My parents getting old.
Its my cozy times ~~~ I feel a lot of the negativity from many sides, and I am the one putting things in the public. You know how that goes. You trying to say your language or your attitude towards solving something together, you all tend to run one person's show. That is not I think it supposes to be done, and I share with you what it was in the hospital.
You have a medical business.
You never imagine you will be a very confident doctor. But that is exactly what those confident people do in life.
The guy's mood, many of you must have seen them...impatience.
I mean right now, you talking to what guys, you all share the rental space, or you planning to live in the share purchased property?
How do you imagine to run all that? He already has his own schedule. He decides to add you in?
Normally, I purchase the food, you know the label, you ask the guys like the dating 3 months, you built up a scheule?
You have a schedule how you run outside inside the home, or the errand, or the cooking recipe, or standing in which side of the on so forth. Even a box of the orange, you don't be careful where you leave it at, and you check per orange, he checks,
or I squat down, just doing those tedious job?
If you seeing things gone bad, you tell him?! So there is a lot of the maintenance of the home chore, you saying that is what you do.
I can stand in the kitchen a lot longer than a lot of you.
- Boiling the pasta.
- Other than marinated that in the early morning.
When people know their instant hunger didn't run out of the house, you just get to know that person, you organize things right in front of his eye, or your speedy of doing something in the kitchen....In his kitchen. You mean in 1 hours he knows he has the food inside his mouth, as soon as he is hungry? He will motivate to find a schedule how to run that all by himself smoothly.
How to make the crispy potato? with the Rosemary?
The guy's mood is not good, if they are I found out its best if you are too tired, the driving he can go along to do something faster, you can rest home, and you create all the dishes before he comes back. You ask the guys, what do they wish to have, the back up food, when they step in.
There is soup, there is the bread, there is the butter, there is the jam, there is boiled green, its in front of them.
When you are holding hands, not in the reality of the living a real life....
People get hungry, they will be mad, if nothing is prepared in advanced.
So the top you say those herbs are called the rosemary.
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I am watching the movie: Transformer, too scary ....
Then I watching the cooking show, I know none of you have the patient doing any of that.
But this is Christmas, some know I watching so many of this movie related to Tom Cruise.
The military formation, and no one home cooking for them?
One time he is the aviation, flying too.
These people are not that super super super super important? So the wife must have to come from somewhere to provide that meal, and the organization of the house when they get home? I keep look at the movie and thinking, that is not some parts of the world, you can speak of your own talents? One guy and one girl. You don't stay in the public all the time, like me. Do I think?
I didn't really think, I tell you the Truth.
Because of the things ....I kinda of stop the lawsuit at the mean time. You all make me feel....
I am not on the right points. So I stop. Maybe later on I go back and read it, what arguments I put in there, and I also get nervous too if I didn't create that correctly.
But right, that is why its online, not at the file-ing, I got scared too.
Do I ever think the cooking is time consuming, ....the way how you all built up your career, I never think you will care about the cooking.
That is probably what I would say. Because the resume is a very tight schedule, so you don't think anything if you lack one time slot, and you didn't find a job?
I didn't live in that mentality from the beginning, so I don't know how we diverge that thinking, correct....if I was more educated in that sense, long time ago....somehow I like to cook to, so I learn that when the opportunities present it.
一個人的人生裡面,講說在這邊買房子,或是國外,這每一條數學 ( 不要講職業是 BTX 還是 W 兩個世界 )
你真的很愛那個誰誰誰,我一直覺的小孩跟著家長是她們最愛,不是嗎 ? 很常常打電話回來的關係,你們在乎你們的家長 !
Ever think?
有沒有想過? 你們是說有沒有覺得自己有條件,但是我自己也沒有很高呀 ! 你人生只能跟一個男孩子再一起呀 ! 邏輯裡面,你有沒有認知,你一輩子是說在你爸媽還在的時候吧 ?!
我跟西城男孩有 Nicky, 有 Mark, 有 Shane 有 Kian ~~~
當然不是長那樣,只是講講話 !
就是你們要融化一個人的心,有沒有想過打掃自己的房間,穿戴整齊但是乾洗沒? 某種衣服只能乾洗呀 ~
If cooking have a lot of the money, and the material.....when I was alone, I do a lot of those juice fast. The Orange box.
With the whole sale, you only learn one thing.
Just the orange.
Like a trolly, portable like from Canadian Tier, and bring to the organic store to carry the Osmosis water. And learn the car drive to the whole sale where they sell you the orange. You calculate that costs, I don't doing a lot of things, the costs of all that to those years, that is what I need.
So its almost just like that 3 dollars booklets?
Right !
I was very into.
身材跟健康跟電視上說的是一模一樣的 ....只有我增重所以我在減肥,有沒有想跟尊上一起去外面走呀走~看好時間,動一動 !
我吃南瓜跟香菇+乾絲+湯 (她不加鹽巴的,我自己加好了)
我早上喝湯,我現在吃那些,中間吃乾絲 ! 如果我睡點午覺,在起來走走~~我幾乎不吃,講說減肥,對,差不多! 那二號怎麼辦? 所以會吃,除了澱粉之類之外 !
新聞有很多,但是講廣告健康,我同年紀的是女孩子應該吃一點維他命沒? 女孩子的! 女孩子當然講女孩子,那有時候我看一下你們的 7-11,她們會擺出來,所以我買過 ~ !
現在是在講過節,一定是說過年快來了 ! 幾乎一年了~~我怎麼還在這邊你們還沒有佔領我的名稱等等等,包括外面呀 ! 佔領我的什麼什麼,講話、歌唱、演講、講英文、講花千骨 ! 女孩子煮菜、自己身材、照片、職業、她們可能也有人要講 MD 6+2 ...哪年回來呀 !
This morning I just telling them in Chinese, a little bit details on the cooking those....
Some details about life, if they marching in America right now or the future.
The health aspect of life. In America, I heard they gain a lot of weight since this Ella Enchanted too. That is what I heard. Some kind of the diet like that, you need a coach and someone exposes to that lifestyle to sip through your lifestyle and you get the hand of it. Some guys are very determined, if you change his life, your life is finished. That is one of those I got.
現代不講什麼靈修思考對不對 ?! 那正面思想、就是人生裡面有沒有太難過的事情
方方很多那種詞彙 ...台灣來的 too.
對你人生裡面可以有很多信念呀 ~ 但是我在說你真的在做事情,像說搭計程車去機場或是公車,這種移動,你還有思考嗎 ?
早晨來了~ !!!
湯匙要小心 ! 你們是希望怎麼 coating 在上面不是黏到湯匙呀 !
對~ 有很多小小的那種動作。我好像是用兩副筷子,那如果燙到呢? 你非常確定才去學這種煮菜模式,眼睛要小心,你們應該知道是什麼意思? 你的手 ~ 這東西也很重呀 ~但是如果你用技巧,不是肚子太餓,就是耐心不夠,講有點靈修你的心思不是這麼跟餓的感受連在一塊 !
對 ...
像說你弄一個像自己的一個窩,但是要打掃 ! 要煮飯,要支出
有點像說你們決定怎麼獨立生活的其中一項! 你不是去喝酒亂性。
不是 deep fried. 不是,那個叫做節瓜?
美國的 Zucchini? 你在準備的時候沒有水分,你切大條,你吃下去的時候都是水分 !
對 ! 我用那種很 thick 的 batter, 台灣那種 Baking powder 有的發酵粉,不是做麵包,做比薩的那種叫做 yeast. 油不是 deep fried, 我以前有照片 ...
你們其實有皮膚問題,我想起來 !
吃沙拉是太冷的關係 ! 說以前我男朋友吃這種東西,當然不是,我們吃全素呀 ! 打坐的原因,但是我在講你們花千骨的原因,這是以前的照片 ! 2019
今年 2023 的照片,這些 ! Zucchini, 其實只有水分 !
如果你仔細看 ... 你有沒有覺得你每一次下降到哪個國家,你的 utensil 自己開車子去哪裡買 dollar store, 也不是你不知道美國哪種比較高檔的餐廳,錢的意思 ! 尊上不是中國來的,如果這樣講你不覺得錢要自己想辦法,跟吃東西,那旁邊多一的人? 我媽? !
在台灣非常好發酵,這剛好因為台灣天氣長這樣的夏天,就算你們照照片,留紀念 ?
其實我們有布,白色那種布條,那你們懸掛在哪裡? 就在椅子上面呀 ! 這個區域其實我們也沒真的站著吃東西,坐的吃東西,就是軍事來說,你的人格,站著、動著、準備東西,這妳們自己條件這麼好? !!!
蓋在上面像下面的照片,不是貼著面皮 !
飲食跟健康 (從國外回來的時候)
我很久才回來台灣一次,所以不是跟我弟或是我妹這種比較隆重的 ABC,加上我跟比較老的人再一起,男生! 這種飲食假如說回台灣,我媽會買這種 Parsley 或是香菜 ! 還有那種義大利長相的類似 broccoli 那種綠色,就是農藥比較多吧 ?
這種自己在家裡洗,就是泡水,到水,甩水甩水用力在水裡面清泡,沙子很多,這邊台灣自己我回來有點像在美國我自己以為我是美國人了已經,是移民對 ! 所以在美國,你們以為怎麼省錢跟吃飯? 不太可能像我弟弟跟我妹妹這種隆重的模式,對 ...
所以加上,這在中國大概不是准許的事情他們打禪等等等,學習有點像逃難我會這種說的,有些自己一個人要獨立自主,不再是爸媽的貼心寶貝 ! 所以,尊上業障剛好長那樣 ...
自己在那種 dollar store 買碩膠的盆子,假如說你抵達哪種地方,這是台灣是我家,我其實就已經再也沒有這種 7- 11 或是高階一點吃飯群體的餐廳,像說我弟弟他們比較隆重的模式,以前其實我們沒有用微波爐,身體健康那種講到某種吃綠色的東西,這美國很多友人會介紹產品,保健食物,然後我職業雖然不是跟眼力有關,但是在美國要開車,這...我自己要注意什麼飲食,其實講電影講電影,說哈利波特,那種家庭模式,對... 我其實也沒有說什麼。
都做尊上,尊上要有點自己知道自己在幹嘛吧 !
所以說如果是我媽自己有個地方我在這邊,我洗菜洗菜,她出去忙,可以問問她,因為我台灣什麼餐廳哪種模式,高檔的什麼人生已經不再是她見到,門打開,你要去哪裡呀 ?
所以假設你們是要去國外學習健康,跟一些飲食,大多是說,你們哭的想家或是很難過男女生,交男朋友可能是亞洲人,或是學校課程跟不上,不知道怎麼跟爸媽說,我以前可能就沒有那個樣子 ...
意思 ?
我有點格格不入台灣的意思,因為只是一個 stay 在我媽家,我洗菜,我自己做比薩,台灣熱,發酵,有點超商那種比較昂貴國外的蝦子,然後我媽搬一點蔬菜水果,你懂我在講什麼意思嗎 ? 假設你們要想像哪種模式 ! 你們見到的某種煮菜 !
Right, I went to sleep early. But I tell you, I didn't keep sleeping on and on .
When they re-examined this Frozen movie, even in the gossip of that Hollywood Mountain, no matter you will be charged or not....
You know people less be found how the Prince comes about, were not limited to the configuration of what it is or how it looks, though might be true. But I am very surely to tell you, that will be your almost identical to your future Hollywood Mountain be known all around.
If were not from that ten years ago.
In the real world, where you reluctant to help to anyone, because of your own self interests....
There is a reason the legal worlds have those cases. You are on the case.
Ma'am Ching Hai has these 92 time video about someone looks like that Vicky testimony about these Bible end Chapter of a women, chasing by the dragon to produce a kid. You don't seem to pay attention where the evidence else where, it must be saying its a girl, not yet a Return King.
How is your kindle of the Romance?
Do you guys watch the Rush Hour 1 2 ...
The biggest mouth of the universe, its in the poetry, Loving the Silent Tear, that Dark Lords.
From Russia, there is a beautiful agent, looks like crossing the Mummy's lady.
Because Jackie Chen is behind this Loving the Silent Tear ( the image you see on the booklet, right behind), so the biggest mouth of the universe, its right next by. Its the Black.
Keanu Reeves Sexaul Harassments 2014 (I didn't know much about this Frozen movie)
I think he is one of those dark lord in Loving the Silent Tear, prior he has asked someone how to kill if he becoming in the Hollywood, that person dead in OU language, is River.
River Phenoix.
He has sister.
Sep is Berny's wife's name.
(the bird agrees)
I have the otter and the bird now and the clouds outside.
A Bed
EF A ( = Rebecca, Loving the Silent Tear, the Crown Lady)
Keanu how he makes his wife and the kids dead on the newspaper, that the One in Matrix 2000. JW John Wicks, is my initiatl, everyone heard that, and that movies continue to spin over 4 times.
You won't feel how burn to feel to die, Keanu.
Those evidence in the last line.
Your Sweet Nov would be at
Remember the paintings, or else I won't be saying it .....