Not sure if he tears them down.
This city is empty now. 這個城市現在空蕩蕩
The Wall of Light: Nikola Tesla & the Venusian Space
The Wall of Light Nikola Tesla the Venusian Space describes his interactions with the Venusian couple Frank and Frances his wife, Deena, in the Epilogue by Gray Barke
It doesn't need to be Where Ronan is...
Everyone got stock at that corner before the entrance the people entering in.
That letter is Francis given it ....
The Wall of Light
2013 TYG is the partner between Google and The You Generation
Waiting a sunrise .... it is a TV theme, a TV theme song, the lyrics in Mandarin.
There is not one thing like the comic book, except Dean dead on the television, whatever that means. You sure that Judge didn't do the worse things as the American, generate a second Dean, and it was side by side to the same first name and the last name on the image directory, and it was a MD, too. 3 Dean actually that time, one dead near Tamang with a different birth certificate, that was a map label, a several bulb to a triangle overal. SD, FL and Buffalo, NY.
Full of the water, only I talk to myself. It has to stop everything.
The birds quack on the onion and potato video (my facebook). The recipe?
The onion can sautee anything, you just stand up there counter and process the dice onion nd the rest of anything to sautee.
The tomato, the avocado, the onion | The carbohydrate
(the bread, the lentil, the chickpeas or the rice)
You cooking now ....its a lot of people's diet. Kate !!
Or the Italian they are known as the Mediterranean diet.
If Westlife's song means to you, you tell them which songs.
Til Monday and Tuesday, some places you can still access this traditional market, to get some 五香豆腐 and Breeze has some sauce the package, you just stew together with the red pepper, that is the noodle sauce.
Frank is too old.
Francis is like 師母 I used to have....those Go Game's teacher's wife, we called them 師母
The tradition market
You can get those green long pepper, and the giant cucumber.
+the fresh red chilly pepper + those rapinni, or the Chinese white big carrots to stew the soup.
+ every more herbs types.
Not this Francis, they talk about the nobility of their planets.
True Love.
A Chinese New Year had a legend to begin those children's story.
Everyone has to dress red, and to hang those calligraphy in front of the door.
But, correct...for our city, if you were all supposed to be at the Southern Taiwan, its when everyone gone home, like Boss & Me.
We are the small world here, everyone exit Taipei. Its always like this? Yes.
What would happen if the city is empty?
You never been here, when ...TODAY. Starting last night Friday, right? After works, or Thursday night.
What do you mean its empty?
Its nobody here and every shop is closed for a week or 15 days, or a month.
And there is a scene when everything is close for a week?
There is nobody in the CITY!!!!!! I say that every time.
If you get to the hospital right now, you are on the Boss & Me, the first episode !
Everyone is back at their home, country.
Well, England military is not limited to those the American military usually should be here, so, they don't usually do anything for Chinese New Year, so their Shangri La doesn't have the holiday as much, those eat out place, its 1 day I think they say they close.
If you look at the map, where we are !!! Shanghai i s at North of us. You look at Japan ~~!!!
It’s just only a Yearly Eve Dinner (reunion).
Ku speaks French. You are all on yahoo news
酷他講法文, 你們全都在 yahoo 新聞上
Testing massagist chair. The elevator warning him, and the outside ambulance warning him, I think he uses the water facet ! (not sure ), I was waiting at the door. Yes there is a video
測驗按摩椅,電梯警告他,外面的救護車警告他,我想他這次用水的開關 (不確定),我在門口等. 有,有影片。
He is using a lower sound at that water facet engine
Can you get a dozen fresh made orange juice?
Everyday, morning, 1/3 of that added to 1:1 distilled water. Drink and lay down. 20 mins.
Noon the same. 4 or 5 o’clock finish that bottle. All 1:1 with the water.
You know what the Taipei supposes to see? Most them or the Japanese or Chinese are like the current news that guy doing a solid business as oversea family. We, or none of us envision anything …until someone input all these strangers materials.
你知道台北的人應該看到什麼?大多數的日本人、中國人,像現在報紙的那個人做實際的事業,我們其實沒有在想像你們什麼 … 直到這有人輸入這很奇怪的題材!
You do know that right ? Everyone seeing through. Everyone got surprised.
So the day before is a holiday for some of the store or the bakery.
Buying the things you need?
You have so many places to go and buying the things, do you get the fruits or the vegetable to wash and salted, or boil has a taste by salted that? The oil to cook that?
If me and my mother talks about the news, he will cut us off in the middle of that floor down ceiling. He doesn't allow the keyboard to communicate outside, or in between us. I think he imagines a certain very stupidity things inside his head, outside his soul. Like a guy wants to control his own of those.
My mother close the window, he will knock the kitchen -main door, that side of the fridge wall, or the ceilings, its behind our living room. The TV news sound emit towards, my back head.
This is not the first Chinese New Year since you all arrive, and he was already here, and why I am not dead, one of those 7 years living on and on? 9 years~~~~~
If strolling in 101 any of this Mia C Bon looks like you never push a cart walking in the narrow length, every products you wish to know the price. You talk to your father or you both.....any this social circle or someone saying a word to being attractive to each other's age, other than the Adult lesson A film set of the old man? You dulge ever in these 7 years over someone behind this chasing, was from someone you hate ? They treat you like a whore you mean as the Youtuber's of those?
So the career set for the money, but you receive any other papers, other than the comments, so this bright light of the shopping mall, other than this 9-5, everyone else having a Dean looking set of life peripheral every photo looks real to anyone else.Its just one neighbor.....
Today is Dean's birthday. I have to take the pain killer like the news said. My head.
Do I Anna think Shane got one of those giant paper behind without telling me, that kinds, exactly like the news said?
One of these days William gonna tell me, or his father gonna tell me, their any paper is mine? The same like Shane?
Since the day Ella Enchanted, meant...I am telling you.
Typing, he is on the table, not sleeping yet.....if not in between the living room. That side has too many car, I know my room, that kinds.
I hide near the curtain window, moving it slowly, he waiting this TV news, or the typing, to say about 2 mins, he slide his chair loud at my behind hair line, the head, again. Its not those wheel, its xeeeeeeel....he knows how to do that with that kinds of the chair. Very squeezy sounds.
Adding the oil on the squeezy the kitchen. Its free noise....the trash can outside that door close. You have to get a bowl, and put 1/2 oil and dump on top of that things, and put the kitchen towel below.
No, I think she needs to generate the kitchen noise, but now she has the options !!!
Try the door, maybe take a day to sip in tomorrow morning ~~~!!!
He sleeps 15 mins ago, before his wife comes in at 8.
Knocking where ….
You marinated any chicken by tonight, tomorrow morning is on those grill machine. Those chulk looking.
Or the chicken breast. You have to cut like 3 cuts on the top, and that cook faster.
You wash a salad, the balsamic vinegar and the olive oil sip through. Oily…something it’s oily means. Add enough olive oil, or you put an infused olive oil with a lot more rosemarry. Forget about a week, you put an ACE bread with it and some tomato sauce and eggplants and basil +oregano loads and baked.
The BBQ stick is those bell pepper washed, some smaller potato or boiled chulk, some cherry tomato, some very very oily buttom mushroom. Very very oily….the whole round but the small looking. Maybe not here. In America.
You have | a salad with the dressing | some ACE bread | some creme cheese | some chips | some boiled pasta + the white gravy | added the black olives washed.
You baking soda tonight some chick peas, tomorrow that’s a slow cooker done in the morning. With some Indian spice.
You make some home fries. Those soaked in the ice water method. The curly fries machine or right now the knife cut.
Our night market has 瓠瓜、 絲瓜、the can mushroom those.
We call that the grass mushroom, this is straw mushroom, you open per wrapping outside and wash the water in the mushroom. Cut in half. Really wash all the can stuffs away.
瓠瓜 with small shrimp recipe.
He does small knocking at the wall, his wife got home by 8. I went back loud at the sandle those in the room. Back and forth. He is targeting at this room.
Get rid of the bad luck ( Pierre)
Like Eben’s website says nick those ? We know what the Mormom those looking like. How come you getting back there so they aren’t talking about you ? You went to fight at the church contact person position? All by yourself.
To refresh the URL link, it’s a roof top a sound.
You had a freedom to choose not to have a kid or they value you care about the movie so everyone all got married and produce the kids? If you stay away, at least you eating with that maid, and tell them where to buy a certain food or it’s cut off before ? Do you want to cut off ?
Right, married to almost a guy, just once of a lifetime. That’s what they tell you?
No, he is knocking when my mother shut off a light.
Again, on the top sound, not the side. Sound like a wind on the top. A lot more upper.
If they tell you, it’s all set, you can leave, that’s what they mean? Then it’s all set.
He is stepping the floor, switch the light on. A little drop of something hitting the wood table, again, on the table, again. Again.
Again. Again. Again.
The car hook, again smaller sound.
Again, a drizzle. 123 and then again. The Wall up.
Wall where.
Step heavy again.
Chair or something combine a drop.
The door balcony slam. Lock it.
Jump, jump, or the chair jump.
Outside has the sound drop twice so he stopped.
At his bed room a motorcycle rides sound away, he lightly knock my side wall.
Again, top, light knock.
A hit.
A water facet, 3 seconds. A squeeze chair foot.
Tw water facet 2 seconds.
Step step.
Heavy walking walking walking away from here.
The water facet on.
A different water facet on 2 seconds.
A heavy near the elevator that side, the elevator up.
You all have to figure it out this.
Its to save Holly ! In India.
Washing the basin ....showering washing the wall, the water.
(My mother washing the cloth, he came back slam the door (2 of them), one metal from the outside, and inside its a slam home door, SLAM. )
Today the night market is the last day, you know that? All the produce products, TODAY!!!
Unsure walking separately in where? 101, or their Mia C Bon, you entering this area so far away from 北投 or that is just lightly said where your parents show you all would be? Far away from the civilization.
Kinda busy...
Aladdin Last
Massagist chair, half. Finish
The bathroom washing the hands, go to the bathroom, and then washing the chair dust, on the keyboard.
Slam the front door again, small tiny metal sound, just the click-in. Slam the inside door (since he is inside all the time, fake.)
Tina's flute room, Pang's room, His sleeping bed (main)
his desk rising up height
Our bathroom shared, Pang's bathroom, and main bathroom
water open close.
Kitchen hood
Main door Balcony (metal all fence horizontal, no, not vertical)
Again, the metal door, and the in-frame door. No, I am on the desk.
Its a whole day pass, he has to go to sleep !!!
He is focus on the ceiling top, that behind wall, near the neighbor them that wall. While the bathroom just flush, or the facet water just cease to open and close, almost at the same time.
Above the cheese box.
He wants to....let's say I put a new on...he is guessing that is LA fire news,, so he will open the door, slam that metal frame outside and the inside, like he goes out, and I didn't hear the elevator. Someone will know he was outside real or he is still inside.
I think when he does these the building behind my wall is he hitting sound like the birds top hit the ceiling metal, he knows how to generate that, was not from the complex below, its the metal frame on the top, as a the part of the building.
He wants to induce people to believe 1) Go out, go back to LA. 2) No one hurting you, it is hurting you, but its threatening you the same time you don't even pay attention any noise come from behind to hit you.
他想要說,像說我擺了一個新聞,他猜是 LA 火的新聞,所以他就打開大門,摔這個金屬門跟裡面的們,像說他好像出去,我沒有聽到電梯,有人知道他是否在外面還是在裡面。
他想要故意引導人去相信 1) 出去,回到 LA 2) 沒有人在傷害你,但是在傷害你跟警告你,同一個時間,你沒有把注意擺到吵雜聲音在你的背後,準備攻擊打到你,你習慣。
Sigh ....It doesn't need to be 10 weeks. You have to convince the doctors while you are inside, or your parents to talk that doctors out of the 10 weeks.
That scenario because Hailey's father is still alive, and still well. It doesn't look like the most useful person but its the foreign land, and its the first baby and all that. What if the baby burp?
If you heard K, because he screaming out loud, I would be inside the Y, and that is the modern worlds those gaming zone included. Its a fortuning table with the stool or those you imagine the cartoon, a gaming zone, be happy. No wind, no snow. Its all indoor. The bright light in the tunnel underground, playing those gadgets. They toy stands.
We have Y and K ....
So is she credit as a holy mother, that kind? A mother, sorry. I don't know. Its a statue you carry with you? I can tell you something scary were those hanging "key chains" in the Y. Its about 5 or 6 from the top to the buttom, you keep rotating these hanging metal made of a stand. You put on the bag or your of those is the sutra with the sutra's name.
The key for this Metro subway, if you read from the top. The music tone, you know which physics instrument this "toning" results in the music world? You turn 90 degrees. That is what I did. If you want to try that.
The top right corner.
How do you usually know this thing?
Right now I have no money to that bar code scan. It was free. The map has the bar code right side down buttom, I told your military here, but now I realize that is not a free app anymore. one competing that arena that time. It was only me, and American didn't really care what I do, or how I was going about this. So it was my free activity that time. I will tell you, you go by your sense, I know you might feel scared if you make a mistake, but at that time...that scenario I was one person in Y, there are about 20 things similar like the first judgement, a piece of the store flyer or their produce, anything hanging on me the jewelry.
Just not me hanging there.
And that K thing, was like you looking at the long long Y, turn around, and you see the clock on your right side immediate turn ALL OVER the WALL when you keep going, you have to turn when the train passing it through, turn around, because that shop was "a hammer" to break the "phantom" Japanese ghost with a little girl cartoon.
I met a bug on the stair, literally right in front of me, for about 10 mins we just stand there. Below the turtle on the ceiling upside down. That time I haven't get to the bathroom yet.
It was the same choice. You want to be inside a modern metro facility with those kids giggling, the gaming zone, the stuffy puppy, or the modern modern hear those things, I don't think so, that dramatic I hear a Will Smith calling K, but that 2 side store, and a head coming out to see...that is real. You would be with the multiple people's head spot out per store, you looking at. Its a modern world.
All right, get busy tomorrow ~~ Its your Feb soon of this physical calendar year.
I only watched and trying to pull down the Youtube video. Not very smooth.
Pierre and Meghan, and Hailey I think they do those content restrict. I thought they coming in earlier, they were a lot younger than 阿滴 or 滴妹 they were?
Taipei Youtubers, you all were?
The frequent commercial Youtuber on the TV, I recognize a few.
Does Wing know Tadashi? (Big Hero 6) No.
Do they know he was Frank? No.
Do they know professor Calihan? Or Hira?
There were many professors other than Calihan, but we were some in Hira's physic class except Tadashi. He takes the Calculus 3.These are like 10 years pass, and 20 years we graduate and depart to our own career....
Is Silas another person? He has a twin brother.
Myra, means Lee ....
No. They just happen to look alike with Ola's high school bf a Vet. Sayer might be too old to retire or not sure how long he last....they talk different. There are those private researchers in these California strips.
Erin was my roommate, she has the habitual things to keep in touch with anyone from Taiwan, around her. It isn't the most people to say the college life everyone gets near, Dean and Silas had a dorm job, makes me now remember Kelly! How we met in UK dorm. I did live in the dorm. It was an Indian girl, those. The Sponge Bob, the Nickelodeon every morning. Its pass through RA watch room front desk.
It is very strange, all these movie....the University?! UK and UB were the campus life or the off campus. They would be in their research lab, so all of them have a job, except me. My roommate later were all Ph.D, they have to have a research job in UB.
I was describing some of that, as to Hailey, or is to her Dad, where they Frank, Adam's father they all had a past from the school to become a licensed MD, the carnival.
( If I break a song in 3 seconds to stop, he will knock knock knock 3 times on the wall; I walk to the kitchen, he will knock to the kitchen once.)
The typing keyboard has a sound.
( Now he has a way to make ...moving sound having an object move, or pushed. My mother comes back from the elevator going up.)
I watch a Chinese news LA fire news, its from the back of my head, that wall.
The shopping bag ....f r a n k
Coming up, the first step, its the first step sound, but here meant, the up coming it down, turn right. Before that orange. I think its beneath the carpet. Yesterday coming up I heard.
上來第一步,地毯裡面,但是這字是講下去第一步在橘色的拖藍,橘米色 beige 是米白色? 暗暗的。
LAC what is that. Chat box, the phone's. He will step step go shopping. Those phone has these ringing sound, ding. Twice, those ding sound.
He does do those step step step sound or a fight with his wife things indoor.
That is not the fashion, that is the supplement, you pick up an order. See, if I type, he knocks behind a wall.
I never response.....the phone sounding ring tone, he knows what message. 我從來不會回應的,這電話聲音是有人送營養品的訊息,不是踩踩踩去買東西 ! 營養品在國外是訂的 ~要有醫生指示單。
I think he is similar to ....stab from the top to the bottom. 插下去 (上 下)
When someone is in the sitting position. (outside sky clouds) 有人坐著
Yesterday he was taller standing in front of Lucy, Taipei Station. He uses the drugs? 台北車站昨天有個露西用藥的,比較高 (敲打後面牆壁,我開始打字很多,剛剛走路很多)
hey, the outside, the birds are
f a s t
him blind 左右天空 kid stabs top to below 拼字母
(left right)
Outside the building across Trio top toward the Air-conditioning company, that mercury, the thermometer. 溫度計的水銀是日本台灣人的灌
My cheesecake is only one piece, its a plastic triangle. My birds in the kitchen says don't eat it, too fat. 三角形的盒子
These soft Winnie the poo is for the picnic .....light weight folded. 2 piece to cover the windows. oh ~ so I understand this birds about the pee and the poo, its like the transcend that messenger idea. I am not her daughter that kind.....
My left arm....I don't even think I was the one doing this to myself with that washer close, my mother that time.
Hit one side eye. Left side.
The southern military or you all marching out of the Europe to arrive here slowly. Its not happened to be this week until next week? The Chinese New Year, means they go to south, where they come from. We Taipei almost like shut down ! Only 7-11 and Family Mart.
I saw the electronic blanket in that new store, the stationary. We only need a functional electric blanket.
You go to the night market its for the cooking purpose, and see some stuffs. Another candies or the Chinese festivity little things to eat its at the End of Y above the ground, you have to keep walking in.
I am not sure you can fit in at these time, though. You cannot breath in there.
No, the main purpose of them is to take things out of the stair room between the floor and check what things they got, between the neighbors. And the idea they ready to evacute.
You need the water 5 days.
Do you like those yellow peaches in the sugary fruits glass jar? Then you make a choice to find them.
Some bagels, some loaf of the bread, some jams or jelly or the peanut butter.
I saw the concept if you all motivate to boil that pot with the 電磁爐 the last time you all prepare to...find every food. I didn't check how fruition that dreams can come true. A lot of the people joins?
How you all making it to Japan in the snow or the rain? Is Kate doing the summer orientation again this year?
If you have to go out with the commander to anyone family home.....not every one of you. Its the sauce. The hot pot = a water, and then everything boiled? Correct.
1) The soup base (spicy) 2) Every sauce you seeing it in the hot pot store. Mostly are salty. I don't think you particular eating that.
But you realize the fish ball doesn't have a taste, the dumpling is not you like the soy sauce or the soy paste that much. Its a food you can eat it.
So if you prepare your French ACE bread those, you get the cheese, the washed lettuce, some slice apple, NOT the tomato, some washed sprouts + mayo. You wrap this up 10 of them in those plastic...wrapping things.
When you ready to eat, you put the tomato + the avocado fresh cut. If that is your diet, or the ham got cooked, or what things you can eat in the ACE bread.You just leave it in those colorful cloth somewhere a basket. You can make that for the commander's their table. Its not wet in there. If you thought to be creative, and the hygienic wise.
A container is also fine, Muji those, right.
Its just everybody keep pulling that ACE bread, how you imagine big or small? Cut in half length, that is....a guy's diet in their height.
If you eat pasta or the container to take see if Paul bakery those they do the catering. It only last 1 day. Eve that day. Everyone has 1 last day to worry about it. The remaining 5 days from 1st to 5th, you all diet on your own.
The gift boxes.....if you do go.
Have fun, good luck !
Except that mail box.
The kitchen that side of the wall.
America south snow. The weekend gonna rain for the fire.
Like I said in the video. When you pick somewhere is so so so far away, its very remote feeling to get home. You don't need to be in any of these area, other than finding the things near where you live for Chinese New Year better.
Try to really remember the calendar day. Stop talking, get your 4 limbs works best, not to be lazy. Talking is no used, get those food in.
The parts where the road if that is even. I actually not sure which things I told you, you did do. If you cannot walk....which William needs to walk because he has too much issues to tackle in England. Can you stay on that longevity exercise on that small tiny room, not moving, sometimes yes, sometimes 3 style, sometimes 1 or 2, but your 2 feet wide open, just breath with the window your nose outside and come back in, if they lock you up?
And please this vitamin C and l-lysine 1:1 every 4 hours, its a bible. 3 days seeing that sour smell at the tongue or behind goes away.
A lot of the distilled water, all the time, always, You don't need to be everyday bathing so much, Shower is fine. You done that for a several weeks. Get your lymph moving means move your waste inside your muscle, inside your per organ out of the lymph, and pee out or poo out.
Jump up ! You don't need to do anything else if they lock you up again. Just lay down, get your white-out improved. Pee, bed, pee, go back to the bed, breath, exercise, sleep, get up, drink the water.
But Happy Chinese New Year.
Your road is not even, that eye sight, you have to wait your surgical cut. The head.
Yep, when your holiday is over. You deal with your white out. Stand up and blank out, just laying it down, and drink the water. You stay flat and horizontal. No, you don't need all that elaborate eye glasses warm water bath, too much. You doing the 4 hands and the feet 5 mins, and get out. The moment the water finish up to your foot, you can ready to get out, and put your hands back in, when you step out, for 20 seconds, and then dry yourself.
You standing and your foot is on the floor mat, and put your hands down at the water count for 20 second, open the door.
You count 1 to 20.
That is not 5 mins.
Do I look like I have 5 mins?
I think she saw me line her that SMCH becoming the grey white hair that video, she decides she gets to Tina faster, might even before May. She needs to go and help the kids or the moving.
The Thumbnail:
You send to your Line, you saw it the thumbnail.
You cannot jump, right? Your lymph and the circulation to move the waste. Hold your chest up breath with your mouth close, again, up to the top of your head, hurt your lung. That hard breathing? Yes.
Jump jump jump with your eye close, at the very small radius, usually people can open their eyes. You walking not straight, right?
Jump 20 times, keep washing your mouth, and get the scrapper your tongue, you mean your mouth has some smell or the back. You take L-lysine 3 days 1000mg with Vitamin C 1:1, every four hours. Do you see blister around your mouth or inside? That is when you take a lot more L-lysine. See if those smell in the mouth goes away.
Doing that 1:1 ration for 3 days, I am not sure you even taken it, Mark LOTR.
Every 4 hours, lasting for 3 days, see anything improve exactly the way I tell you. After the third day, drop the L-lysine, try the B complex and the multi-vitamin, just 3 times a week.
My mother is on the phone with Pang. May. Not now....I got time.
Maybe without the photo print, its black and white. A flyer means.....100 prints.
Re-write this, and Words has these School flyer....~~ every motorcycle and the cars.
Til Tok 他們出家光頭 Ti To 剃頭 monks ???
Their attitude is all very bad, I don’t often see it but, they won’t help me you say I am important, not at all.
電視上那些人, 就是我講的事情,他們無法比的意思,他們不會做正確的事情
The TV those. Like anything I said, they cannot go and compare. They won’t do the right things.
The Asian girls or the boys? They guys the girls do like them.
You mean they all wish to grab things not theirs.
我在看 … 我其實只是想把這些像尚恩我們怎麼去天堂的意思, 很多他們她們,我其實沒有覺得是假的, 我也不會覺得說天堂會不會出現,這些亞洲小孩看到非常後悔。你們說和尚的意思。
I am watching …I just want to take this Shane to heaven to live our happy life. A lot of them. I didn’t really think it’s fake. I didn’t think the Heaven if would appear or not appear, and these Asian kids will see it very regretful. You say to be as a monk that kinda.
The immediately you will lost a lot of the troubles.
Its everyone's future medical costs to stay inside the hospital with the food. That in America per day costs will never be possible. Some women, or they raise the kids, it doesn't need to be the church for anyone comes to you because they believe you raise a lot of the kids. The expense per sheet, per day, per degree the doctor's negotiation with your parents how long you can come out.
I am right here. This is near, and for the circumstance the mayor, or the last mayor team, or the Party Aseembly...or the president has to fix this 588 One Direction they use the alternative right here. If they relocated to this road, for any reason.
The birds they are here, too.
1. They survey the road, they all have to stand there between the hours I told them. 2. They have to find time to get here, it won't be 1 month, this month at all....they just had a huge bill cut, or the parrots says what to call. Both here and America land, it has the plenty time, they realize you are not too far away inside there, for 8-10 weeks or any method you talk to the doctor, or your parents, and you convince them to get you out in 4 weeks.
You stand in the front to welcome your parents, there is a long hallway. Those details are not you talking on the table with another speaking English girl. You have to watch your parents,
"What do you bring this time? Any forbidden chat talk she does with the inside lady?"
3. You imagine to do that on your own?
4. I add the parents session on the top.
5. They might throw me in there to help you 2 after Chinese New Year. It may not, but anyone else can go in.
You don't care about the bill, the internal medicine someone else, or the women they are vulnerable to keep producing the baby and I just drop my mother to die, that is what I mean. That is 3 kids, there is 1 kid, there are 2 kids, there are other people combine, and they all need some aids, to say assistant in there, and coming out of there. In America, any of this is super impossible, its the per day hospital staying to charge.
6. Your bill is up the same link.
What are you or all writing? This Chinese New Year?
Voice memo: Here
Prince William, his tear??!
I am late for my TV and the movie: Hoo. (the bunny). I am watching the Harry Potter memory for some reason. My mother needs to run and an update, I say, the Earthquake none stop, if you subscribe to the online news, and WE just cut off 2075 with 8 zero budget to the entire Taiwan. Trump declare the National Emergency to the all southern border. I need to be on Shane's phone at his dinner. So I told him...have a good dinner. We can only talk in my morning, because he wakes up, I about to go to sleep everyday to this timezone.
我的電視新聞晚了,跟電影兔子,我在看哈利波特的記憶,某些原因,我媽媽需要跑跟一個更新,這地震不停,如果你有訂閱網路新聞,我們剛剪掉 2075 億 城市的錢,這 Trump 剛剛有國家緊急發布在全部南部邊境,我只能早上打電話給尚恩~~他剛好要晚餐 ! 我們只能打電話叫做我的白天,因為他起來的時候我已經睡了~
Taiwan has this kind of the pink box, that is the yeast per package, and the thin bar those flour. It is an All-Purpose Flour, except its not the volumn heavy like the American's, they sell like 29 NT, so half of that, for 1 yeast package, is okay. The half bowl of those smaller bowl water. Here the temperature any time is the pizza mood.
Our cheese is from Australia, it will melt and change to this color. You can prepare the zucchini, the red onion, the shallot, the vegan ham, or the artichoke from the jar, the guys opening those up, the hand strength. Or the olives, its the can open, like 5 cans so everyone has a washed olive, in the afternoon for 4 or 5 people to eat it as a snack, or blend as the salad. The lettuce, or the arugala those looking. 101 Mia C Bon has a lot a lot of those, you soak them in the salt water, and leave them with the heavy bowl, for 10 mins, you can drain that water, and keep water rinse again, soak a bit, and rinse rinse rinse.
I do the extra works, but you don't need to do all that at once. Its tiring, so you go lay down. And get up in 5 mins, to drain them, so the salad is ready with the olives, and the bread is in the oven, or waiting to rise up.
你們過年也要做菜嗎 ? 滴妹那些?
今年是九天 calendar do you mark it down? 你們看過去沒有? 前面兩天跟後面兩天叫做禮拜六禮拜天 ?! 過年是哪一天?
Its is one pot, outside the ugly rice cooker, because its the only one buttom. Up or down.
1. That is bok choi needs to be washed, salted, and soaked and then keep soaking the fresh water or the rinse after. You shaking it the whole giant plastic bowl and the drainer.
2. The carrots peeled and thin cut +
All the white rice if you want to add the brown rice to wash about 15 times, drain those water you seeing your 2 hands inside the rice to rub them, and very 混濁 starchy looking water.
3. + a little bit soy sauce, the fresh hot red chilly pepper. You get that in the traditional market (the night market in the morning)
4. I eat the cashew, so I do add them, just not here. It can be a lot more oily, you just dump in a full round oil inside around the bowl a circle inside.
5. Yeah everything inside the water? You know how to use this steam pot cooking method? The outside is always a cup of the water, outside that in between steel.
6. Your parents don't always need the white rice, 2 cup, because you also cook the pasta for 13 mins that is 4 serving. They taste it, to see if they like it. No salt, no sugar. just the hot pepper and the oil.
Watching the movie?
At a home entertainment unit + the kitchen food, to going back and forth.
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How you all expense these til the end of the Chinese New Year? You called Frank, Adam's father at all, because this year is important to you and Adam, or your parents thinks are important and show up? Like you explain yourself to more than one person, and that person is Frank ?!
How exactly you want to say to him? Taiwan doesn't know what that is.
Do you explain to Taiwan what those Iron Man, or American Captain....franchaise is a word, any of this in combine before you put your father another King mushroom to pretend a talk?
Taiwan I wrote Chinese to tell them, you talk in English to Frank?!
你莫睬曦跟你家長講話,或是你們全部人的食物? 台灣早餐是蛋餅 + 奶茶
你如何花費到中國年開始? 你打電話給法蘭克,亞當的爸爸,一點點有沒有因為今年很重要,對你對亞當,或是你家長覺得很重要,出現? 像說你解釋你自己給多一個人聽,那個人是法蘭克?
你是怎麼想跟他講什麼? 台灣不知道那是什麼。
你有想過解釋給台灣什麼是鋼鐵人、美國隊長....這商業的 Franchise 是一個字,任何混再一起的在你把你爸爸擺到這香菇是王 King Mushroom 的那種,假裝一種討論?
就是呀 ! 我之前在講領導的位置,這是什麼學校以前的事情,關於男孩子、女孩子,但是那根本是在講歐巴馬是哪種領導位置的唱歌跟第一夫人,兩個都是哈佛 .... (我的抱怨這樣)
事情是這樣的,這美國每一個電影都是一種名人、名電影、跟好萊烏的一種 Franchaise, 賣那個主角的項圈、要使圈、明細卡、斗逢、照片、特殊照、玩具、電影 DVD 、拍照、影迷見面會、衣服、手機吊飾、車子吊飾 .....
所以其實這鋼鐵人,你們知道這商鞅可能是壞人這樣,等等等,所以這每一個位置奇異博士、綠人、黑寡婦、這些你們不常聽到,你們聽過可能一集兩集關於鋼鐵人、美國隊長、星際戰警~這就沒有相關 ! 第三個不是這第一個跟第二個合再一起。因為呢 ....那個合再一起叫做復仇者聯盟,有個最後戰役,跟永恆戰役...忘了哪個是哪個翻譯 !
好 ....所以,這合併的一些她們看得懂的人員,除了星際戰警那類,變成跟歌喉戰,這小小台北認為這樣,我覺得哪樣的政治因素,她沒有什麼問題跟我們有什麼關係這樣住在台北,我的脖子還是過去,你們這侯友宜 ....我一定記得這些事情,所以等等等...
有關於我在講中山那時候的排球隊,其實你們是去念書的 ! 很多人應該是要去念書,所以講的領導位置那時候,之後,因為這幾的點,然後男孩子樂團很多,那是我個人的事情,所以是裡面內容變成赤河魅影或是特斯拉的高科技,我其實不是在講西城男孩 ! 我在講全部我記得的那些 90 年代,之後過了這些 20 年她們成就包括女藝人唱歌的,都在 Voice 那種審判的位置,在電視前方,所以她... 台灣之光的 Youtuber....把所有東西當作你們看過你們知道 !
我媽一直在弄這骯髒的香菇 ....
Is this your parents want to say you all behave a lot better?
You didn't plan this trip well, or something happened, the parents arrived.
You never had a menu, or the apartment you don't want to keep the soy sauce or the oil, or the salt or the sugar, its all the in-room when you are all gone gone gone. You moving to California, like those yellow small ducking with the 2 small white cat, near the otter?
You most immediate 1 week food, or Adam was not doing well with other people social all that, or you have the objective goal to go south, or you cannot control your father, or Adam, and you feel burden, some of that? You command them? Sounds like a real reality?
你最需要現在馬上一個禮拜的食物,或是亞洲不是跟其他人相處很好,社交所有,或是你沒有客觀的目的地,像說去南部,或是不能控制你爸爸,或是亞當,你覺得很沉重,有些這些? 你在指揮他們? 這像真實的現實?
水瀨、中國年、日本女孩子居家煮菜 ( the otter, the Chinese New year, the Japanese housewife)
This apartment people, none of them have a life, the elevator broke, the water pipe below, my mother can be home alone one person to slam the fridge or the door, the motorcycle outside and the truck etc etc now, its my life every problems are everything is all problematic, including your father !!!
But if you organize 1 week of this week food to next, and Chinese New Year, someone given this authority to sounds like everyone sabotage each other, having a table to eat, and sit down. Its 3 meals on the same table, everyone living near by. Exactly the same table, the same vicinity, sounds like not you all venturing the metro too hard working to greet everyone, other than the parents, whomever these parents were or are, or will be including the in-law parents.
這個公寓,他們都沒有人生,電梯壞掉了,樓下水管,我媽可以一個人在家裡甩門跟甩冰箱,模特車外面跟卡車等等等,所以現在是講我人生很多這些每一樣都是問題,包括你爸爸 !
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( Screaming ) Hey, this is 9 days calendar.
So they understand the Abigail?
The movie or the singers?
I cannot join any life, because my facebook is disrupted all of these traffic in front of every roads I can see, hear, including the landmark or the metro sign. Not to your parents, not to Adam's parents, not to any boyband, other than the phone. And me and Shane is torture like the movie inside the plot, right at the same time. One going out, or one staying home, and we got hit the Earthquake. He have never thought about a certain invention was real 12 years ago, anything I claim doesn't need to be other than the photo - the actual patent that not mine, but near to everyone's well beings.
Making the Food
They telling me the truth?
Anything I written there, and the food will make the difference? The IRS, the Abigil National Treasure, the Frank from Venus the Tesla biography, and LA is solving this fire, and yesterday where was I. This morning I have no inspiration all of that.
Right now its WHEN the Chinese New Year Eve. Its a big deal.
A lot of the people love to eat, not just this year is which defines the years of the Games.
To share the recipe
To share the eating tips
To share the food photo on the social media
To talk about the holiday and the family tradition. The 9 days on the calendar.
Just when the phone company is on the holiday, or my hospital doesn't have anyone in Chinese New Year? Where is Olivia?
How do you wash, the water filtration, the water sink, the soap has to keep rinsing, or what does this alcohol during the pandemic do? Scrap really hard, the guys have the muscle strength, I don't have.
Prepare a what meal, the little things combine to eat, and the guys trust that thing is baked, or soak, or marinated, or fried? The hygienic reason, not at your eye glasses, not at your nose, not at saying the glove, you watch how you handle your per finger tip touches during the chopping or the standing?
9 DAYS, WHAT TO DO, Hailey?
The tradition market will be close? 傳統市場會關閉,哪一天?
Which days?
You need to get a calendar in the bookstore, and pointing to your family and you tell them, they watch the baby for a day, in one day, you find out all the cooking pot, tonight they will all have the food on the table.