
Mormon, or those Taipei this you all together as a group in the church. One 松德 hospital's bill....

Sigh ....It doesn't need to be 10 weeks. You have to convince the doctors while you are inside, or your parents to talk that doctors out of the 10 weeks.

That scenario because Hailey's father is still alive, and still well. It doesn't look like the most useful person but its the foreign land, and its the first baby and all that. What if the baby burp?

The last time I done.... Running, I probably slaughter the entire galaxy, not just the entire human race.

I have these BAZZAR magazine. Its the Asian edition. I read it with Annca in the hospital. My mother brought to me. The same month I was in there, my brother's birthday even. You know how I feel about my own brother. 

There are many couples of you, not all of you starting these 8 years ago, or 7 years ago your first video was? All together the Ella Enchanted drama running away from home, to meet a guy and gets married?

We have to talk about this before Chinese New Year.... Me and Shane live and death scene. I have a mother hanging here.

"What are you doing with all these...."

Merry Christmas to you King and Prince William, and Kate. The Happy New Year first. The Happy Chinese New Year Eve.

The otter touches the... "line."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7BuDRKzWlk

The Roman Catholic, what is the signature of the Catholic. The Virgin Marry? VM? or TVM

Tri bien, Tien? That is a Vietanese word, a guy I know his wife.

Bien? no, not Biden. Bi  en... What is my Gift box here. Bon appetite.  (The French I cannot learn !!!)

In Y, I think I did hear something. Not K. It was Ola, and those clock? 7 years ago.

If you heard K, because he screaming out loud, I would be inside the Y, and that is the modern worlds those gaming zone included. Its a fortuning table with the stool or those you imagine the cartoon, a gaming zone, be happy. No wind, no snow. Its all indoor. The bright light in the tunnel underground, playing those gadgets. They toy stands.

We have Y and K ....

So is she credit as a holy mother, that kind? A mother, sorry. I don't know. Its a statue you carry with you? I can tell you something scary were those hanging "key chains" in the Y. Its about 5 or 6 from the top to the buttom, you keep rotating these hanging metal made of a stand. You put on the bag or your pants....one of those is the sutra with the sutra's name.

The key for this Metro subway, if you read from the top. The music tone, you know which physics instrument this "toning" results in the music world? You turn 90 degrees. That is what I did. If you want to try that.

The top right corner.

What is the key means? Not a sutra?

Well...  you try the physicals universe method, or you try the religion methods, when you all sleep better another month. 

How do you usually know this thing?

Right now I have no money to that bar code scan. It was free. The map has the bar code right side down buttom, I told your military here, but now I realize that is not a free app anymore.

Well.....no one competing that arena that time. It was only me, and American didn't really care what I do, or how I was going about this. So it was my free activity that time. I will tell you, you go by your sense, I know you might feel scared if you make a mistake, but at that time...that scenario I was one person in Y, there are about 20 things similar like the first judgement, a piece of the store flyer or their produce, anything hanging on me the jewelry.

Just not me hanging there.

And that K thing, was like you looking at the long long Y, turn around, and you see the clock on your right side immediate turn ALL OVER the WALL when you keep going, you have to turn when the train passing it through, turn around, because that shop was "a hammer" to break the "phantom" Japanese ghost with a little girl cartoon.

I met a bug on the stair, literally right in front of me, for about 10 mins we just stand there. Below the turtle on the ceiling upside down.  That time I haven't get to the bathroom yet. 

It was the same choice. You want to be inside a modern metro facility with those kids giggling, the gaming zone, the stuffy puppy, or the modern modern modern......to hear those things, I don't think so, that dramatic I hear a Will Smith calling K, but that 2 side store, and a head coming out to see...that is real. You would be with the multiple people's head spot out per store, you looking at. Its a modern world.

All right, get busy tomorrow ~~ Its your Feb soon of this physical calendar year. 

I only watched and trying to pull down the Youtube video. Not very smooth.

Pierre and Meghan, and Hailey I think they do those content restrict. I thought they coming in earlier, they were a lot younger than 阿滴 or 滴妹 they were?

Taipei Youtubers, you all were?

The frequent commercial Youtuber on the TV, I recognize a few.

Does Wing know Tadashi?  (Big Hero 6)  No.

Do they know he was Frank? No.

Do they know professor Calihan? Or Hira? 

There were many professors other than Calihan, but we were some in Hira's physic class except Tadashi. He takes the Calculus 3. 

They know Dean was dead?  No.

These are like 10 years pass, and 20 years we graduate and depart to our own career....

Is Silas another person? He has a twin brother.

Myra, means Lee ....  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ImRwu5jLno

No. They just happen to look alike with Ola's high school bf a Vet. Sayer might be too old to retire or not sure how long he last....they talk different. There are those private researchers in these California strips.

Erin was my roommate, she has the habitual things to keep in touch with anyone from Taiwan, around her. It isn't the most people to say the college life everyone gets near, Dean and Silas had a dorm job, makes me now remember Kelly! How we met in UK dorm. I did live in the dorm. It was an Indian girl, those. The Sponge Bob, the Nickelodeon every morning. Its pass through RA watch room front desk.

It is very strange, all these movie....the University?! UK and UB were the campus life or the off campus. They would be in their research lab, so all of them have a job, except me. My roommate later were all Ph.D, they have to have a research job in UB.

I was describing some of that, as to Hailey, or is to her Dad, where they Frank, Adam's father they all had a past from the school to become a licensed MD, the carnival. 

( If I break a song in 3 seconds to stop, he will knock knock knock 3 times on the wall; I walk to the kitchen, he will knock to the kitchen once.)

The typing keyboard has a sound. 

( Now he has a way to make ...moving sound having an object move, or pushed. My mother comes back from the elevator going up.)

I watch a Chinese news LA fire news, its from the back of my head, that wall.

The shopping bag ....f r a n k

Coming up, the first step, its the first step sound, but here meant, the up coming it down, turn right. Before that orange. I think its beneath the carpet. Yesterday coming up I heard.

上來第一步,地毯裡面,但是這字是講下去第一步在橘色的拖藍,橘米色  beige 是米白色? 暗暗的。

LAC what is that. Chat box, the phone's. He will step step step...to go shopping. Those phone has these ringing sound, ding. Twice, those ding sound.

He does do those step step step sound or a fight with his wife things indoor.

That is not the fashion, that is the supplement, you pick up an order. See, if I type, he knocks behind a wall.

I never response.....the phone sounding ring tone, he knows what message. 我從來不會回應的,這電話聲音是有人送營養品的訊息,不是踩踩踩去買東西 ! 營養品在國外是訂的 ~要有醫生指示單。

I think he is similar to ....stab from the top to the bottom. 插下去 (上 下)

When someone is in the sitting position. (outside sky clouds) 有人坐著

Yesterday he was taller standing in front of Lucy, Taipei Station. He uses the drugs? 台北車站昨天有個露西用藥的,比較高 (敲打後面牆壁,我開始打字很多,剛剛走路很多)

hey, the outside, the birds are

f a         s                       t 

  him blind 左右天空      kid stabs top to below   拼字母

      (left right)

Outside the building across Trio top toward the Air-conditioning company, that mercury, the thermometer. 溫度計的水銀是日本台灣人的灌

My cheesecake is only one piece, its a plastic triangle. My birds in the kitchen says don't eat it, too fat. 三角形的盒子

These soft Winnie the poo is for the picnic .....light weight folded. 2 piece to cover the windows. oh ~ so I understand this birds about the pee and the poo, its like the transcend that messenger idea. I am not her daughter that kind.....

My left arm....I don't even think I was the one doing this to myself with that washer close, my mother that time.

Hit one side eye. Left side.


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