
⭐⭐⭐ My DVD player broken ⭐⭐⭐ I used to seen it Pitch Perfect 123, Fat Amy has an ending with her father. Me and my mother now.


No, most KY or UK univeristy sport team, or UB football team those has the teacher or the coach to go on the field trip - not on their own, no. The America since what things going on and on and on, they watch tightly on those sports world I think. We....our high school. That will be no boss, the high school, right. My high school here in Taipei, those kinds.

25 class fix number 45 and 3 Years = 3 Class Year (the Year book)

The 25 Perfect and 25 Class Representative.

The volleyball team captain, and the vice  + PR   |  Previous Year captain, the vice + PR  | Lower year

The basketball team captain and the vice  + PR |  Previous Year captain, the vice + PR  | Lower year

The Gun and Appearance captain and the vice + PR |  Previous Year captain, the vice + PR  | Lower year

The swimming team, the pingpong team  all leadership, because we are all sharing the gym space, everyone walk up 5 stone made stair, its all stone made.

The roller blade team captain and the vice  + PR |   Lower year

It would be we are the Top 3 school.

1st lady school 1000 students                  1st boy school same

       2nd only 33 girls  + 700 guys maybe

3rd we are third lady school, 1000 students       3rd lady boy school same

There is a 4th lady school 景美 (one singer, major made Shane those Facebook seen model)

No, there is no 4th boy's known school. Not I am particularly know that. 

To 聯誼 that is what the freedom means. We have the class teacher, the coach and 2nd brought me volleyball team instructor.

聯誼 will be the first year (10th grade) to meet the third boy school. The original class.

The team, no.

I personally don't know why those things happened.....right. Any of....outside the school wall those.

No, its the roller blades we put together the girl + the guy's school to have the final performance, the 2 school joins. There is nothing for the university sports team. That was a club, not an university team? 

I have some other friends as a group, the ABC perfect she does those thing, I know that basketball team someone, about 10-15 people probably, with the Representative in Westlife Lee's video. That will be the original class in the 10th grades. 11th and 12th are all re-sort. 

We each has a big and little in the same school. That original class from 12th or 10th grade big or little. (we called them the 學姊 and 學妹 )

Love to cry Little, in America, if you join the fraternity or the sorority, they tell you that, but they make it....more like its together. We were not. My entire schedule have nothing but the people, probably one less thing to worry about it, its the big or the little.

                                                                     Previous Year captain, the vice + PR 

Our umbrella the first day we enter the team, we have 100 walls to stablize with the posture, and screen it out. 

Probably you seeing enough human too crowded....I will tell you whatever I will tell you, most people have no people around them.

1st semester Perfect changed.  (ABC)

2nd semester Perfect with her best friend is the Representative (PR probably similar) 

4.0 that girl I think, in Lee's video (Westlife) 

I would be.....in the team, and the classroom to go to school, and go home and sleep. That one street I told Hugh to go. We eat there every practice night. 

On my desk to sleep or studying.  They go to the cram school, I have to study?

The roller blade team captain and the vice  + PR |   Lower year   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyCfCl46JSE

Me going with them to the Southern Taiwan to field trip, they asking me to go with all of them. I am thinking which team, that is not the volleyball team, right?

The EF Jackie that will be the volleyball little or there was EF Helen, and Sophie (Eric's 1 gf or knowing whom, they were 3 from mine school, all little age with Jason and Vicky, the same age)

hmm....those are no relation to be honest.....you get on the field (volleyball) and the final performance (roller blades), or on the weekend, the guys are on the metal bar with the roll blades, those are the real time. The time the ball didn't hit you, every second landing on you? and on the wheel....

If the teacher in class, talking and memorizing, those are the real time, too. Not the friends, but I know whom they are. 

No, I was the guest performance, the regional finished with the volleyball team. The roller blade captain asked me so I join the rehearsal. The other captain volleyball she....went to the bf, or having another this her music instrument rehearsal I went to visit.

=  My grade 3rd or 4th or....6th Perfect. K3 -K6, that one perfect, I met him on the road, 2 direction stair apart, I going up, he was behind going it down, 2 different far away stair. 

She was in one of those classroom, the volleyball captain her rehearsal, that Liz (Loving the Silent Tear, that instrument black silver, straight down. )  O-ball? 

He saw me, he called me. I turn around. 5 years.

2nd grade? Not the 3rd grade that was behind building?

He does those you seeing the video, that little kid does.  He was the Perfect.

You remember when you were a grade school, everyone live near by, and those school kids home address or the phone number. We talk on the phone. That time Daan Forest Park just building at it. His home would be in that direction I don't know where.....there is a big giant tree. When we get to the high school, the social events are also there.

But his house...I was just a grade school. They plant the short tree that time, but there was a giant tree that direction. The same 235 the tax building, its diagonal. I know that is the direction.

The field trip probably 2 or 3 months later were the Boston trip for 2 months. We come back, and that Christmas, everyone with the TA Eric + his gf, we together to watch that 101 firework, everyone. 

W Two Worlds, them.

okay, I can tell you the mess up things were...


When we just enter the team, the short vice (previous year), she runs on every Wedn physical. She is the shortest setter they got in their year. None of us coming up yet. She runs very fast, but she is shorter, she partner with another taller spike girl. But....this girl, well, next by our field, all outdoor when sunny, its the basketball ball court, we were all next by that same swimming pool and those straight bathroom lower wall, the higher stair. We change the clothes in it. The external wall, its our volleyball team station at 100 times hits. 

So the big, their captain, and shorter PR, my Class year, they were all a lot taller too. I just look at these height......I am taller than her, right. 

The basketball team was that, we all getting not enough the team members to imagine how to stay on the field, so we pretending, or they did....whom guest practice for each other. Talking none sense those.....not enough people. 

The big (the captain) made us the heart shape cake, or telling us, or something....same as that shorter Feb 14th PR. Well, the lessen they telling us were.....well, the basketball team has the big or the little too. I don't really know why these things look like that, coming up....

But the basketball little that time, were my classmate, we both were near the Perfect ABC in the 10th grade, we were in the same class. She got a gf later on. She and me, we both rises up in the team the next year.  My birthday cake that Perfect or them 10 together, we well wishing.

Its probably one of those, someone telling me something, that Perfect from the original class, or that someone, anyone but that Westlife inside that girl, I get rid of her for the bathroom, the best friend buddy but she knew the basketball team girl, but two of us has no relation, we come up in the next year in the volleyball team and the basketball team. 

We have the social event from the original class, that's how everyone ends up in the Daan Forest Park, the Perfect and the Representative (probably similar to PR), we were the little in each team. I don't really know I forget.....maybe those raining day in the gym, the Gun and Appearance Team together. She Perfect ABC, she is the tallest, not the gun, its the Appearance team. She hold those flag and keep walking those. Not exactly the same.

WE suppose to go to the class in 8-4 or 8-5 you know? We have the classroom volleyball groups friends too. That will be the basketball short hair team, that girl with us.  

She was from that red hair - Sakura Cards 90s, that school, next by the Bank Circle, Hugh talking so much this Bus sit down, that Bank, next by. She and my mother both from that school. Aria and George used to be living across with Hank + his new wife.

Well....that is 25 original fix class x 3 + 1 military office the entire military teacher uniform. 

What was that so interesting about, we wear the uniform, and they are the officers at the entrance door. Not the sports pant wear. 

Probably just meant I go home, that's it. 

You know how long long long long time ago, that was.

One more, it would be....the darkness we walk on the mountain - the roller blade clubs finish the final performance, we SOCIAL between the girls and the guys to camping trip somewhere up there, there is a PR in Hank's video. The True Love Black and White, one of those.

Correct, I had a guy near, right. Its walking up no light, uphill, everyone walking. Its not just 2 of us, but it was similar to 2 of us. I think his jacket has a pocket, one of those.

BGT, Diversity that.....you all remembered.


That's the captain + the vice (the 3rd boy school the roller blades )

That is our captain in the roller blades, her eye glasses maybe.

Our PR :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzqOVKYalqQ   

We had the group activity after the walking up the hill next day? The cabin we living at. Squeeze the chair those on the whistle count those. Every social events in the original class or the club events. Only the team we don't do those.

That's the Bii guy in singing.....



The military class 軍訓課 


Our... Maybe its the graduation performance - the choreography. 

What is the idiotest thing ever happened? The indoor light, I cannot see. Because no one told us, there is a difference the outdoor light or the indoor light. 

The Princess Diary 1 - that would be the elementary school, the ghost? I was the black hair, right and the ghost in 3 different schools = K1-K12.

The stairs scene. I think they keep mixing it all kinds of the story. 

Maybe they just meant something else in the future?

This looks so messy all around.

Before.....the big their class year, we were still in the training. None of us can get on the field. Maybe this is all about them, the Big, in the year before us.

The regional.

Maybe they talk to their captain, or the Big above them, there is a Captain too.

Maybe they have to find that captain, she and the PR knows the guy's school, their volleyball captain or the PR, because....I don't remember I have any one connection with them at all. Before they rise up too, that will be at least 2 captain before + the vice + the PR.

Maybe they get those gym, inside when we were in the raining mood, because everyone using that, or whom we team all together in the gym teacher's office, in front of the swimming pool (tear down). There are the swimming team. You find all the captains before us + the vice + the PR.

The otter says with a dog.

There is a book that dog name is 萊西

"Come West", come and inhale, or that is a real dog story.

Lassie Come-Home

In England story, the owner name Joe.

這是一個發生在英格蘭的真實故事,萊西是一隻聰明又漂亮的牧羊犬,牠有一個心愛的小主人,這個小主人的名字叫喬,但是有一天,萊西卻被老公爵買走了,於是牠努力的逃脫,想回到小主人的身邊。 萊西逃回家的旅途中,經歷很多困難和危險,例如,從狗欄逃跑,還有遇到賣藝人,都很驚險。

I think....there are many incidents in people's life, seriously.

The stairs, or the tree lane, a memory ball in Harry Potter, its a memory lane.

Our school, yeah....a lot of the design in those walking. Seriously.

You do your toe nail, your height, your finger nail okay?

Your eye glasses to see the nail? Both hands, or you need to wear the eye glasses too? 

Can you bend on the bed to process your toe nail? 

I don't know.

Maybe I guess ( I went to sleep)

The boys !!!! In those age, or they gone to the university, not necessary my Class.

16, 17, 18 years old. 

My middle school those comic book, or they reading the novel, and the girls are a lot liberal, or they got the extra spending in the college time to buy a lot of the candies, to gifts and visiting someone else. Taiwan university is very loosen. Its the opposite away from America.

These gonna be anything 5 Lords, VS?

And these 5 Lords to eat and the cooking, one of those arguments?

Otter says

You want to trap the guys? They are the flies? or they are the fishes?

You want to self-keep circling? 



My phone, I go to sleep. Sat~~~~ clean up !

I eat happy, I sleep happy, I change all my bed sheet, I am happy ~~~ I cannot really move away all these natural force, or the natural kingdom those Greek 7 names for one specie on Earth: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Gene, Species.

I try to be God's will to be done, and I will never be a God in this case, they are. So....

A human we, have 7 names in Greek. That is what it is.

  • Kingdom - Animalia.
  • Phylum - Chordata.
  • Class - Mammalia.
  • Order - Primates.
  • Family - Hominidae.
  • Genus - Homo.
  • Species - Homo sapiens.

We are animalia chordata mammalia primates hominidae homo sapriens

You hear the most would be: the homo sapriens, as we are the human not apes.

Our name !

That is the Bio 200 ~~~I hate that class. 

Hugh, monday is another typhoon or they called that a different name.

The degree of the wind, or the rain defines that.  

95 W, you don't need to go too far of the places. You get a taxi, and go to the bubble tea, and wait there, until you all pick up your order. You call from the hotel, and just pick up and pay, and then get in the taxi, you two. You ask the front desk how to do that

You can pick up the Thai food restaurant, and then the bubble tea, and then the cake, on the way turning around back. The small container cake. One small piece each, or you want the toast too? Let me see the menu....

青醬野菇燉飯  The green sauce wild mushroom stew rice (rizotto)  160 NT

青醬培根義大利麵 The green sauce bacon spaghetti   120 NT

白醬培根義大利麵  The white sauce bacon spaghetti   120  NT

蒜香厚片 The garlic thick toast    50 NT

巧克力厚片  The chocolate thick toast   50 NT

The cake is what is right there. You ask them to add in right there.

百香果綠茶   Passion fruits green tea  (Ice )   80 NT

Can you see the menu? Here


The middle called 菜單 (that will be your 2023 the nearest menu they got Oct), its in English, you can drag bigger to view it.

I think that's the pesto sauce. 

五桐號 通化旗艦店

The same menu

Right, the Family Mart is a lot more selection in front of your eyes, they have those too?! Yes, you look for the same words the green pasta, that will be the same. Right, a very different price. You tell them to microwave. 

鱷魚也出現 (台灣新聞)

你們知道有巴黎奧運對吧 ? 在你們台灣前幾天的 Youtube Lewis 他們來自? 

我媽給我看 ... 台灣嘉義還是台中之後的地圖叫做一邊不見到屏東高雄 ~你們一定是自動覺得我知道台灣整片面積的每個成大開始的吃東西地方,知道有什麼?  我去過高雄一次 ~我媽拖我去的 ....加拿大美國回來,你們知道我講英文多久,因為變成金髮,反正是亞洲人那種自己覺得我人格的問題的意思 ?

你們有幾個新聞我有看,你們有在看?高雄以前有治水?福建他們人附近去抓海鮮那類 ~跑 ! 廣東,我知道邊邊那邊是福建大部分,江西之後就沒有新聞了 ! 

我以前 ....在學校的牆裡面大部分的時間,我沒有補習,高二 ,然後 EF ~拿到學校之前高三二月玩四個月,我還生過病一個禮拜 ~~高三補過一個化學 ! TOEFL SAT 1 and 2 要考 ~我可以一個學習考非常多試 + 申請很多學校~ 

泥巴的水很難清,而且是用泡的 ...不是拖機器拖走以後再說,是黃泥 !

江西之後應該是往山西,但是陝西在黃河暴漲~~聽說 ! 但是以前...應該是山西黃河真正在氾濫叫做千年從來沒有變過的關係,地形一點方向的那個灣過去,一天到晚氾濫的那個位置應該是在山西,陝西是老子道教的哪個關門出去塞外? 

南郡北嶺? 我哪張畫畫錯的關係~~水在下面,因為四川那邊也是盆地,出不來,很久的以前。

戰略位置 ~~四川吃辣 ! 台北也是盆地 ~~汙染就是熱氣出不來的意思~你們不會有海水倒灌,遙遠無極的海平面 ~~~柯南 ! 不可能~淹到四川,中國就沒了 ~

雲南在下面~~~什麼石灰那種水滴,在地山岩洞大概...CaNCH3 這樣東西 ~


台灣南部是機車,中國只能開車~~這我知道 !

陝西在淹水也是,我有看到 ! 颱風是輕颱現在,還沒到吧 ~~是往北京的路線 ~那是山東? 河北?

以前我背地理課的時候有河南、河北、安徽、南郡北嶺這種,之後就是湖南湖北, 3310 那是在湖南我記得拍攝的 !

河北在上面~跟我想像的一樣湖南在靠近我們這邊~通常山東之後我連想都不會想 ! 山東聽起來像東北的關係 ~北京這麼遠 !

產地,小麥是東北作物 ~~~水資源 ~~畫湖水那種,河流匯集才會是湖,這基本你們知道 ~~河流的上源之後下游等等等進入海洋~~~常識 !


輕颱,我們這邊是強烈颱風~~有點不太一樣的風速跟降雨的關係 !



淡水,台積電用的水~中國有其他工業那種也是純水開始~淡水,不是海水 ~海水淹進來的東西,就是現在個高雄任何重機車,或是機車、車子泥巴水~海洋進來的鹽巴水叫做什麼 ....越喝越渴的,鹹水?!

淡水資源跟鹽水資源? 不需要鹽水資源,對 ~整個地球都是鹽水資源。只有下來雨水人類動物才能活得都市規劃,淡水資源,變成家庭使用水,忘了,中國要買水,我想起來在上海有一次 ~我不可能再去中國那種,你們這種電視做出來的事情~

我喝純水 (不是都市規劃水洗滌水~我媽暫時只喝煮過的水,大部分用 Brita )

我喝搬來的水~她搬 !

文物是不是跟台積電一樣? 工業? 不清楚,有漬,那種水洗會變成那種漬,千年保存,你們現在開始變成歷史以後的千年,是你們開始的意思? 有漬的意思~~~~~

塞外就是中國領土之外 ...塞外民族北方匈奴那種,太冷了 ! 人跟動物一起死的關係 !! 太太太太冷了~以前還更冷的關係,非常非常冷 ! (鄰居打門,我頭痛 !)  這些動物沒有停過的意思~~剛剛狗在叫 ! 附近的~~你們跟他們一起做這種事情的關係?


Today is Sat, we finally no more rain ~~~

Hugh, you and Olivia can go to the taxi to the indoor 101, all that not walking on the street where the things hanging those outside street. Wait until they be checked in a several days. Its very bad in the Southern Taiwan.

Walk under the building, inside anything you see, than anything outside those pavement road.  The south they all got flood up to the first floor all the mudding water.

Next week, has 2 more days the other typhoon, Hugh !!!

Monday and Tue, its called 95 W, its a diagram.

Here news.

You want to move out of the hotel...its more comforting inside all those bedding. You can organize all that in-room, I just don't know in the end of these time, you thought about Japan or America, maybe.


⭐⭐⭐  Whom suppose to be here? 誰應該在這裡? ⭐⭐⭐

Intern?  實習?

The first typhoon like that comes by, by Monday, that is 95 W ...you are losing the typhoon since last year, it was from Nicky's wall. Those coming in they just left to go home, I guess. Now, they are venturing these metro subway, by command? Anyone intern, I am asking? They don't let me saying too many things here - why I cannot talk about the typhoon geography reason?

第一個颱風才剛過去,禮拜一就是 95 W,你們現在是失去颱風自從去年,那是 Nicky 的臉書, 那些來到這裡就回家,我猜 ! 現在,他們是去探險這捷運,用這些寫的? 所以有人來實習,我再問? 他們不讓我在這邊講太多這事情 - 為什麼我不能講這颱風的地理原因?

The military girls? 軍事的那些女生?

The cooking? 煮飯?


Do you guys gone to Google Search engine? Usually that is by default? They have those graphic design?  It means the pacific ocean is saturated, is that what it means? 

What are these cooking to do with you stand up in Taiwan somewhere apartment lock-up, for every year doing this weather, the news, the Mandarin typing, or saying things, or going outside geography these Y or K, and those Amazon you purchase just that red book or the blue books from Yogananda? I saying that too many times? 

Hugh doesn't do those jobs, he got too many other jobs. I have no one near by, so they becoming? Speaking to the Chinese, or Taiwanese? How long they stay here? That parrots birds? 

I am talking about the girls ~~~~~

Shane ~~~~ Its Shane ~~~ only him will have that kinds of the personality ~~~~

I already say that last March (the end of Feb) for 3 weeks, until my phone til when before Christmas, I got to the hospital...I AM STILL SAYING Its that Shane ~~~~

I don't need these video....

He design those choreography, not Nicky ~~~ those thin jaws, I don't know what he does for a living !!!

Right, they are all the guys in a group, every groups.

Right, they are all the guys, each has a voice.

Right, a character included. GED. 

(all the bees on my faces) 

(I have to clean up my mother's entire dishes, re-arrange these food on one single round plate, all these bubble you all generate in the water sink, per hand touch squeeze that soap bottle, and? )

The pasta yesterday and those noodles are too soggy cooked in the trash can, I don't bother eating it. 

No, you put the guys as a group, they will come out something, so are the girls if you put up those 16 or 17 years old, I remember what we were. They are 5 6 7 8~ 10 20 groups if they wanted it back in the 90s. 

No, not 1. Many, everyone. Taiwan is liberal, so should be Ireland, all the American are.

I say everyone, right. All of the members in the boybands, right.  Together ! We used to be have no boss on the top.  We live and die on our own, I say that too many times.

16 years old.

Our high school started at the sophomore year in America, we have 3 and 3 years.

Yeah, Jason Vicky, Henry Eric all they met those time. They aren't in their school activities, aren't they? ( W Two Worlds) 

"I wake up to go to the cake store to pick up an order, and get to the bookstore to buy a poster, to say how much missing you all per name, with the highligher marker to paint and to draw. I draw." 

This city we walk ! 

"Buying the body wash, or the handmade soap and the poster cards.....and order the 10 flowers from the flower shop in this same one city. I get a haircut and hair washed."

Not them, its every PM or American Presidents any Class, their kids - the girls especially. 

You all want to drop your father for the next 25-30 years, don't call, don't ask, don't talk to him unless he calling you? Before any boyband, and any more this one more Hugh staying here?  I know he got some other normal jobs, too many too.

Lisa - from Korea Black Pink


She goes to Justin Timberlake that side ...where they will be, the guys?! 

You coming in when, to keep in contact with Hugh, he goes everywhere his personality ~~~ I don't know what he talks to his family, or the in-law, or anyone else.

3310. That is Nick I know. Loving the Silent Tear.

You come in and learn and play with Hugh. Running his post office mail sent him those UPS boxes? Similar to Fedex?! Not sure which words in America uses ...UPS, right?

No, the guys are too many, so just one of them....Joey were here, he even knows what is a stingy tofu. You cannot stop 1 of them, whichever they combine. It may not come from Shane, its just....some people travel and stop by. I told you my bone doctor married to a Taiwan lady here, they are in Buffalo, NY.  None of them might have anything you have, any connection or the networks and you are a girl. They are random, but they kept inside their business to stabilize, so I say okay, like Hugh

You girls doing these for you yourself. 

No, it doesn't need to be the local Taiwanese slang those only the oral language exists. They promote that in the politics. Its until Hugh shows up, I thought about to tighten him up, just in case what he ever done, so I say something about these Taiwanese local language. No, it doesn't have any substance in the international stage, I am thinking Hugh thought to go to America?!

The motorcycle, that's why has the substance in those language.


Anything outside Taipei line zone, starting that blue line Simon's stop (anything on the left ), all going outside to the airport, already is where these culture.


Taipei outskirt (here already)

You get here before Mark from Westlife? These song or Brian means to you?


You only heard about 3rd times.....

UB hear about this since 2021 Oct 21th.


Wedding dress: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ndPRfwcCsN0

Me and Shane is too old for these, you think?

I left that school activities too long, maybe you only heard about the medical school, PCAT too for the pharmacy, you sleep those classes on the table with your bag you hold it in the library. I didn't participate those leadership in the school in America. Growing up time, they are liberal, so the school just how the students doing what they want - not everyone wants to take that responsibility. 

You have to have some business or the commercialize concepts or their major to be the business and find a way out. Eben is not a thing when he was those age the other people exists. These entire Cosmo, I figure it out all by myself when that days come. 

You make a plan and you imagine a little bit.

My TV, my news, my Lunch ~~~~~


Trim the 2 ends of each of these garlic


I don't eat those things, so even if you get that from Canada or North America 2 side coastline you have the Vietanese Asian or the Chinese store, one package full of those fresh peeled garlic, those guys have to be one person finish all those heavy lid on ceramic type of  "small baking lid on things" that cooking these  1) Olive Oil + blended to rosemerry 2) or added the cherry tomato, you blender them in a blender (traditionally nick's mother's time is a real glasses, today....you have to ask them each and every saler every single time.), the rubber on top included, those lid the heated (a) the pumpkin soup or (b) any of these boiled baked paste form made.

And you freeze them, lasting 6 months, I don't think they last that long.

...........  the magic bullet, mince that  (A) the garlic 2 ends cut   (B) Tomato, all together is fine.

In the oil, those infused oil in the ends. Similar to our public vegetarian soup (before the COVID 19), it has to dice them small. The surface area to infuse that oil and drain in the end.

Just the flavor, you have no GI track digestion problems. Nothing but the oil + anything you put that infused oil on - I guess the bread. But these probably are the food industry those chemist ever doing that.  Concentrating the flavor of that olive oil called the infused oil with the rosemary, (Most time people seeing it in the picture and understand.) - you have to make it to imagine looking like that.

The hash brown - you buy them from Wal-mart

The shredder potato those, your skin goes in with it? Your finger skin? Those ladies wear the red nail polish - the Pasta Queen those? The tapioca flour or the regular flour when you mix it to fry them both side, with the oil undernearth at .....cooking them, means they are done and being cookes.


Being cooked means "So there be the Light" from God, the first Word in the Genesis, the page 1, after the book cover spine in the middle of it.

Being done.

.... shredded zucchini (peel them), and the carrots (you always peel them), sometimes they used those 2 eggs, because all of them have the water. But the flour I found they are fine. Polish they have a name for those, or even the Italian have those recipe for that kind of the mixture. You 2 hands work that 3 things mix + the flour, and heated the oil 2 mins, and so you put each small patty-looking to fry them both side.

Is these the 5 Lords reviews, with that parrots the kitchen counter he walking back and forth and be film, looking at you? The hand touches all those  ......

  • When you have the face younger skin glow
  • Or the camera spotlight as the fame now known.
  • To when the hair still the same color blonde or the brunette
  • So the shape was not the aging and the wrinkle

Those 5 Lords review in America?

You all have to cook for Obama? The Haiwaii grown up diet near the sea, and that would be Harvard Law cafeteria, Boston, I mean the Eastern coastline their cafeteria ...you all knowing each other in the school from? Alumni? How nice.

Do you call him Mr President after he leaves the offices? 

You cut thick zucchini +Wagman's those where they got their cafeteria firm harden Q Q type of the tofu with their branding that Smoke Black Pepper, like they told you when you asking them.

Those big grilled vegetables those, the red bell pepper, grilled them all together.

Not these, right. But thick width when you process them. He can bite on it.

Kerry is on air.

They too?

The Granny's cracker coating the chocolate....I never ate that, or that. but the granny's cracker can serve as the crumble base ( some kinds of the base pie or something) or the tiramisu, most people eat that.

Why you need to make a vertical flat fish ? Salmon? From....Costco? Those giant big fish, a piece of all that for everyone?

Its for me? My Heaven Throne front a desk? I have a desk where? And.....an apron on my neck. 

A fork and a knife, for this fish?

It has the eye and the head, so I know that is a fish on my image, so I say probably its the Costco frozen session long chulk of the meat, the salmon. 

I need to call Shane ~~~ Love you ~~~ Shane !!!

My sky facebook ~~~~ Good night, Mark !!!

The otter has a rainbow too (other than the sky). Coco Club: Tesla through that ...living veil bridge, Canadian border police ! 

(  Can otter win over classify case? YES!  )


Something Peyton?!

Dean eating alone, or Tamang in the surgical room, very often after work.


I don't think they look for those Buffalo near UB those green house to drive for their grocery any place they re-settle. - the geographic reason. 

UB you need a recipe, one trip to Costco near you, everything you buy + the recipe + the expense, in one shopping cart?

Hugh kneel in his hotel room, wearing the eye glasses, he has the laptop.

Nicky ~~~ Kisses and hugs (down there)

I have to pee.....

You all have a human will how to study better, stronger your character, like stand like standing, talk like talking, describe something in a normal sense, and one day to those Pyramid Top would be the worsen of these bliblical description story. Its not the pinnacle. Its the central surveillance on the planetary eco crisis - such as the ocean waste, the turtle cannot breath, or the weather abnormal, the plastic all trash burred land or even the nuclear waste from the electricity generating per world that becoming more civilized and staying all indoor.

You rise up those hunger game white uniform to the standard of my Pitch Perfect singing that jacket greyish white color and a hat. Sitting on the top near the pyramid. That will be your final of every situation you will ever imaged, not just the 5th Age, everyone dead. That's what it means.

台語,這寫的是中文 Taiwanese, this is written in Chinese

可能是 Ronan 再問誰話                 

還有美國 (居禮夫人,叫做 Nicky 救我的 居里夫人的丈夫死在馬車的後面,輾下來)  - 昨天我看到的 ! 

聽起來像英文名字, Isisah's 的女朋友

Might be Ronan is question someone.

And America (Mrs Currie, called Nicky save me, the Currie's husband dead behind the horse carriadge coming it down behind, pace over ) - yesterday I saw it.

But it sounds more like Carla, Isisah's gf.

Carla in Pitch Perfect

電影的那的紅頭髮 ( 絕對音感還是什麼 Pitch Perfect 歌喉讚 )



大概迪恩他們  Dean they are



Taipei is still a city, has those artisan bread, than those sour dough looking in the regular grocery store.   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kbCCZbmyRUg

Probably they meant the girls to go on the television? Not me, I have no idea what those things are. (The make-up)   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gOTBmK32GMo

They have no chef, they keep airing they need to cook, those Royal human:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ApV_Pa9deD8

Any meat is very very dirty, so that kitchen sink its the meat process or the cutting board or that knife, or the all around mops. It can be replaced by those SMCH cult human their soy meat, or another Buddhism under, someone smuggling those mince soy meat in a plastic bag. In North America, you have to drive very very very hard. Those are you seeing a human, they hand it to you between the Asian, even Nick can acquire those time, but those are all too far away driving by now the age. 

You have to use a lot of the water to rinse all around, and seriously disinfect any of those commercial kitchen. Even you yourself one personal space, you cooking for yourself or that house you keep that water facet sink clean "under" all that grounded pipe line, still....the meat is very very bacteria filled. 



The shoes too tall for their height, you go down. The shoes are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very dirty. Any tooth brush can brush once of a year, your time. My mother does that for both me and her shoes. The sneaker. The lower pants too. Very dirty. Their mouth or the eyes need to be wipe all the time. The baby wiper.




⭐ Cooking ⭐

The white long grain rice (you can buy the rice cooker, washed it all the white long grain rice)

The white gravy = the flour, the oil, and your flavor in the beef bullein. I don't use that. The black pepper I use it. (The spice department)

6 cans yellow beans flavor almost very very similar to the American those tomato mix some flavors + fresh all tomato dice fine, and boiled them  = 6 bowls of a dipping soup / 2 slice of the bread

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐The white chocolate, the black chocolate melt each, those pot with the water, so the glass bowl on the top. A very basic standard of the chemists would ever seeing that in all the cooking department to melt 2 colors of the chocolate.

The chest nut can, the fresh brocolli, and the baby carrots or the baby corn, washed, salted water washing it, and all boiled. That is just salted on the top.

The hard tofu skewer, you use those tahini recipe or the sesame paste combine, there is a flavor on that skewer. Amazon those panini machine....all those line on the tofu.

You marinated those tofu overnight (the sauce to sip through), but you need to oven those 2 boxes of the hard tofu, like my mother's these pan in the smaller oven, to emit all those water out. 1) It can be this recipe or the dumpling filling  2) Deep fried 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  When you grocery shopping, you get at least 4-6 the firm tofu boxes. You ever grab 6 firm tofu, cut open, and throw the container away? Ever? ⭐⭐ Literally speaking, ever?

⭐⭐⭐⭐ You would be that dedicating to 4-6 firm tofu boxes, cut open that is 4 side one container box a knife cut = 4 x4 = 16 or 24 cuts, to stack up 4 or 6 times the tofu plastic container to wash out the water, to the garbage dumpster those waste? ⭐⭐⭐⭐ That dedicating spirits in well wishing, or you literally hard labor that much inside your life? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Its the smoking paprika or the paprika to that lemongrass ( salted water washed cut the based?) + the coconut crème can, you buy a dozen in case in America. They will look exactly those boyband or the celebrity in America ANY Hollywood, they ever eat it in the restaurant. They are called the green curry or the red curry, except those are very very spicy. This is the home meal, so...just the coloring, so they eat it down.

The celery seed is those package already made in the freezer session, Coslaw. (KFC)

The Italian seasoning, that will be the pasta, you blend in the peeled cucumber, and the dice tomato, the parsley, or the basil in America, you can do that. Not here.

The dijon mustard + some piko idea will be the devil eggs. ( + the mayonnaise)

The potato salad included, other than the pasta salad.

Is this the dedication to change the fridge entire right side column those things?

The veganaise will be less fat, and you can get the Tofuttii a dozen in a case. 

Is that the Costco America, here we also have?! No, the different membership cards.

2 dozen black olives, 2 dozen green glasses jar stuffed olives, 2 dozen chickpeas can, 2 dozen the chulk tomato (its the whole tomato inside), 2 dozen artichoke glasses jar.

You make your red sauce + washed the rest of all that in the facet water. Not the filtered water, a different looking things inside the kitchen sink.

I probably meant I buy 5-10 dozen in a case and all put it in one storage room here.

No, I don't buy the case chickpea, maybe 1 dozen for back up. I buy those real chickpea package. I do dump those things in the baking soda soaking overnight. All of it.

Next day I get up 4:30, rinse all that out with the water, that is the slow cooker. I tune up a little bit, in 3 hours that is done, just some salt. And before the morning noon time, that is Shane's 6 months on hummus in the freezer. Every food industry process those things. Shane is in Asia, that is all he can see things. In America, we buy I guess.

Those are the Pizza Topping

Here our yeast temperature rise up very quickly. The extra charge on every home restaurant pizzaria in America.

You just buy the purple onion + the cheese. Those kinda of the topping, you don't use a lot of the cheese.

6 Plastic bowl, you washing and leaving in it those topping 

Olives, the green Olive, the artichoke, the parsley, the cilantro, The raisin + macademia nuts

6 giant plates, you keep scooping their one day, that is all you have morning to afternoon. The evening don't bother eat. Their office, or their PC room, the play station. Don't bother coming out......

With the dice tomato, you mix all that, and some corn chips next by.

+ a piece of cake and some warm water / or the light tea.

They can put a piece of the cloth on top. They finish their juicing or the fruits, that is their...daily seeing it, or they coming out, those are the same things on the table cover, or in the fridge with the lid on. They go to the fridge to scoop them each on those big plate they can see it each items. Its the same on the white big giant plates.

I clean up so I can go to sleep or my phone !

I go napping or I go cooking idea ....

You put 20 potato in the big oven, inside those big container 3 + 1 that all those garlic, the olive oil, the rosemerry + cherry tomato. (You save this in the storage jar).

The lunch is not that filling, and people can always keep eating on the kitchen counter whenever they come by. The bread or the dipping those. Yesterday for some reason I cannot count, or I cannot finish that entire write-up.


That's a lot of the carbohydrate. Yesterday ...supposes to be the boiled vegetable somewhere.

Today is 26th, I know what date today is, right.

6+1 meets 4 +2  +  14 15 16  (me, my mother, and nick)

I tell your mother. Why don't you ask me? I didn't know Mat and that Wing's another Pharm D students, and Jason and Henry in Japan didn't count in yet.

All right, with Shane's kitchen

People gather in the lunch and the afternoon snack time. When finishing the baking 20 Potato + one container the olive + garlic idea. Everyone is ready to eat. That oven is free. You can just put all the tomato + olive oil + the salt to bake. The tomato sauce for 1 Shane, his dinner time, anything he eats with the pasta.

If you plan this well, Shane will always by himself eating at night. I don't eat the dinner. 

No, that variation has the 1) soup 2) the dipping + oregano (here has a taste)

Technically that garlic was an infused olive oil idea... +the salt and the rosemerry. You can just cut a half avocado for him on one bread / those garlic infused paste.

With this tomato soup.

or that can be a dipping with one remaining friend in the house.

Yeah, the dipping or the paste for him and staying for the dinner friend.

(or the pasta, the sauce on the top of it. The pasta just boils. )

  • Pitch Perfect Training
  • The volleyball the simple they American training
  • gi gi - gi gi (Ancient Chinese poem - Mulan)

All right.

I have some personal crisis. Inside my room, I need to a longer nap, I don't want to get up. My head skull behind the middle point up is hurting ( The alligator's clamp ), I usually recently used those be washed cloth in Y or K like....or my bookstore here. I am in my ram cycle....a longer nap required. - I have a loosen bowl movement, my colon all hurting every time.....but that is the noon time I go to the bathroom, it wasn't the morning. Now, I feeling this diarrhea again, it must be the beauty treatment. I am still in my ram cycle. I need to be inside my bathroom...The toilet or the bath to stand, to washing it my hair growing longer and longer, the darker and darker. Because these girls, have never seeing me this dark of the hair, it was a lighter shining blonde. Always been.

(Legally Blonde, or Ms Congeniality, must be...if not the blue book. The Conversation with Yogananda.

Tell me, what's wrong? I can be inside my room doing all that all at the same time. 

  • Shane is a raw food (my alligator clamp) how that guy dead, the back skull slam dunk on the floor. In Steve Job's biography, that Dr. whom.
  • Shane is a cat. A beautiful Japanese cat. I woke up in a dream. My escalator are full of the eggs fluid liquid, the entire escalator. 

Something can be a CAT, that will be 小叮噹 ( my brother's all comic book sitting on the piano for over 3 long years), I have never read that things. Its a magic pocket. So...he has been married to Nicky forever....now I remember, what is that treasure island. Shane married to Nicky. All right, That is Kian, and Mark got fat. There is a blonde. 

To the treasure island ~~金銀島 


okay  !   I have a diarrhea ....

What is this Panda again?  

This,  this otter's peanuts,   this would be French....Why the pizza is on the top of the roof. SMCH Real Love? Her past gone to the mud house roof to sleep. You mean our south muddy flood disastrous relief? 

Okay - the piece and bites from Pitch Perfect during the training.


Right. Most of.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az1_EK-5Wvg

Similar, its no coach, no teacher. Just the Captain or the vice training the rest of every year as long as we ever lived.  But that is combine that to Madrigal. Justin Timberlake - Stop Feeling?! Says that words, right. I don't really know what happened in there. Terry. She was a black hair, very fat though. By now, their shape and the age line.... Those were the student activities. 

That red hair looks like Middleton, she was in her students activities I remember I read.

Justin has a MV and a group people in it. or maybe there a concert version on the Tennessee kid. 

These are the music !!!

The top 3 school all design like that, maybe all similar, any team. Most students go to the cram school, or going home, some family finance are not well, so they need to study, and not joining in any team, and far away from the school.

The captain or the vice is the only thing left from the Last Year Class, any team. Its by the tradition just the big training the little, per Class year to the next Class year. We had a coach but ....they just let us live or die by ourselves, because we need to go to study, and not be in the team I think. Like going to the school and take the exam and be assorted with the GPA. Most students going to like 3 kinds of the crams school, after the school hour, and eat on the way there. They never move, so we had a design gym class. This movie meant or the songs, meant their shape. All of them just sitting in the classroom studying.

Most kids need to study, my mother is the only person in the house. My father is not around. Both of them ... don't care about any of us the grade I think. I never heard about it. 

Legally Blonde 1 and 2, Monster-in-law....

Kevin ! 

Murphy & Murphy (vertical written), that is a law firm? (a 2 years ago TV entertainment, the black hair though) 

(The birds quack, okay I share. The military girls, no. Demi Moore, that is ....)

The Top 5 Lawyers movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExA40QKqSs

oh ~ Right, you mean me.....Me Anna here, I say none of those exists, those arguments? No, that is not.....how you becoming a lawyer, but I understand, correct.

No, the real lawyers carry those suitcase has a reason?! The Conan Detective, if you saying that, every lawyer understands. I am a celestial, I have more than the whole sphere lawyers I don't need to do any of that. But....what I can do its to tell you, a girl coming up in the laws, the students, right, because I am the celestial sphere leadership. Well, the throne, so I don't need those nervous-wrecking jobs, other than the education. I didn't know if these means good or bad, to be honest. = in 25 years, someone is coming up. I am not sure if they used "us", so they are just too lazy to say, it continue. From the Harvard Laws. 

I think that's important, right.

I would say I wish the world to gear more these law measurement set-up, I wish to see the world evolve like that. All the outside are all nothing but that. I sent my well-wishing?! And provide some guidance, right.

I assuming the citizen like to do that, but they are very costly....I don't even know. 

I already say that before, the medicine, the IT and the laws. 

Looking at the typhoon....right. Maybe the system = the IT parts and they go to the laws, they are not at the current those rigid laws I assuming. 

But they are all under the modern education world, they allows the human population all gears up towards it. Never that Ella Enchanted ever those backward civilization on the potion imagine, those vials idea.

I just check that, that's fine.

No, there is no mistakes. The society continue, those are all fine after AD before or after. These set-up are fine. The education equip in every society to grow the kids up and input in those measurement to gear toward the IT (High Tech), the modern medicine (beauty treatment or fitness or wellness) and the laws (You all like your next by seeing what the politician talks about or the nation lean towards, all that)

I just happened to be in the students activities all by myself, so I already know all of that. They are all fine.

No, I don't think there is anything complicated. It might be becoming very simple, to be honest.

Cooking these....



No. I am in Taiwan, away from America for 25 years I told you that. I eat the garbage until I gone back, that time I decide so at the moment I don't even think about it. I saying that for a reason, I don't care about the reason, just like that. Here in Asia, I just boiled the vegetable, or all the utensil here, none stop. 

There are a lot of the things are not a super big deal, definitely not. I just do what I feel like, right. I don't go and imagine what?! 

I tell people what I should be doing, if I forgot, they remind me. These otters do that.

Right, I always change at the last min, I sleep home, so I keep sleeping. 

Where you all suppose to be going, and why you going there to imagine "cooking"? I don't know. I can cook here, but I just eat whatever my mother bought or the downstair.

I tell the guys, its only the boiled vegetable, most of those talking everyone can hear that.

Never those fat meals or too many those....I don't care about the family style, nor cooking for 10 ideas, the heart not in it... plus in it. Its only the vegetable, and not the can beans, I know what the people only eats with the cheese. The boiled green beans. No one ever sees it the vegetable.  I am not sure you can get rid of the guys just those saying, but I might just be very successful for saying that out loud, and get rid of all of them. Its the overseas, its the green vegetables. 

Its far away from home. 

Why is it, my recipe has to be on this post?

Hugh, no....one more day, let them finish clean up. Too much these flood in the south.

There are the pole coming it down. One in the morning market. My mother saw it. 

I keep seeing the moisurizer, the syrup? You mean the cosmetic that protected the skin or watering the skin, nurture the skin? The moisturizer, those? I have not really using anything I know of in my life. It would be inside the mall those? A8 I think. On the receptionist 1st floor - the customer counter, you can ask them the children's floor and where is the elevator to go up.

Using the bathroom, or your kid all around to look. (Its in the same A8 ). Where that customer counter receptionist, that is where those make-up place like the regular American mall those.

I use that Waston place next by the Pizza Hut (the same street near the W hotel that road, I like that Watson) 

The typhoon, you want to watch a movie: Mad Max: Fury Road

Its made by Australia !



你們知道什麼是白雲是怎麼來的? 我教地理的 ...兒童百科 !!!!   海水太陽照射,水氣上升變成一朵朵白雲,烏雲就是太深層才是要準備下雨,但是在菲律賓的外海因為....?? 緯度,這種氣流上升是非常旺盛,意思水氣蒸發變成雲層非常非常快速,所以講夏天是 ? 太陽對著 23.5 我們是??? 台北 ~~~然後講完這高雄有水災,台北我聽過太多次長大,我們是盆地有個詞叫做海水倒灌 ...是講蝦咪? 那換個地方講,高雄嘉義 ~~~

You know the white cloud, how does it come about? I teach the geography....the children's encyclopedia !!!!  The sea has the sun reflects, and the water vapor rises up to becoming one round round round white cloud, the darken cloud is too deepth idea to be ready and rain, but Philippine's outside sea because...?? Lattitude, these air layers coming up very very strong, meaning the water evaporate becoming the clouds layers becoming very very fast, so if we speaking of the summer??? is? The sun is staring at 23.5 we are??? Taipei ~~~ and then finish this 高雄 has the water flood, Taipei I heard too many times as I grew up, we are the basin, so there is a word: the Sea Back Pour into....that is talking about what? Change to another place and tell me what happened, 高雄嘉義 ~~~ 

What is I cannot talk with my phone in Line app, typing (Zawanna and the birds say?) to my mother ever?

This is...? "See each other" with a code, then meet to talk? 

I specifically say, just type on your chat room box, or Line App. Email right, phone right, talk right, text right.

Here  (6:26)

You want me to say it again, IN FRONT OF SHANE or Justin or Brian, or Nick. 

They are too professional sleek ~~~~~~~the leadership, cannot fail, not even the agent, the diarrhea that day performance !! Its to the public ! They finish that life 20 years ago?

To the FURTHEST away from the swimming pool, you will find that love that cuddle exactly like the Titanic ~~ I sit here looking, clicking, bell ringing.....I have a seat, no one will CARE ONE THING I EVER DO!!! At all.

This is about the leadership 

Here  (6:31)

They just happened not to be in any leadership, so they becoming the romance partner for real. The American movie is too sleek, or the actor or the actress they will never fail, so I only talk about....a city where their pride to be the high educated girl, the material science side, and how that ends in the end of the swimming pool.

I go to my TV.

I already understand a lot of things when I first got informed. It’s none of your business.- well, they say …

Hugh, don’t go (outside still raining none stop. Another raining holiday - I didn’t know you don’t know what the typhoon made of: the water and the dust)

That’s his throne Zawanna says per words here I type, anything sound like me? You didn’t tell them where  🦅 you sits bending knee or her and his correct title or Throne is a forever everyone knows he or me or Babaji. It’s not you think how we describe our jobs in description but you will come in terms more and more. 

The rest of you none concern you all …me Anna talking those. Why don’t you go outside the house where your family, the middle school, the high school, or anyone more the friends or the cousins or the near or far the communication to associate with the real faces of the people seeing in front of you, buddy together and hang out ? Yeah your family included, they are not going to stay on that age disease free forever. 

You make like 5 hours more per weekly on those hang out than hanging here. Not in room, scribble those Sitesell idea, or a business concept or John Hopkin those science museum, no. Go out more. Go out to eat, fitness together, gather the Bible groups or the yoga studio or dancing what do you always do before with your friends and you invite your parents to stay the outdoor activities more.  Just stay in the norm conversation - get to know them more, what’s going on inside their life?

You are not going to pretend a camera life with all of them, they will tell you “of course not”. You participate now more and more with them. Your head putting those thought clusters at your forehead to play a big running left and right stuffs. You have a fix salary and finally stable, so now you spent more money and time with them in picnic, in the living room talking, in the home chore carrying a pot or the jar water, watching them, or sit there they are on the phone. Engaged to those conversation like you seeing those family get together to eat. And your phone …when you go home. 

You have a political event til the end of this year and next year seeing it on the TV? That is the family time. We are in a different timezone and some continent we have our own small world their city planning things, or the politics too. (From our news), but none of us required to speak in English to say the public opinionated views such as me and my mother. We talk about the typhoon because that is right in front of us, and Hugh is here with Olivia. They go back to England, then that is where they dealt upon their new world PM.

Just go back to your family all around, spending a lot more time with them, your friends to join their local these TV political things you are interested or just simply carried a simple English conversation dialogue with the TV news, it doesn't need to be always on the political, the sports, or the church. Your parents watch, or your classmate, or some facebook hang out friends, you go tea, eat out, join some carnival, going on a date, talking, hanging out, associating.

You go on traveling ....with them. I heard those things people like to go somewhere to eat, to buddy, to venture, to vocation together in FL or in NYC, all of these sight seeing places on the tourism, or you all go to Europe. 

No, I am not being with Mark. 


Don't keep talking about these things, not about Kerry those or anything with any word in it. Be smart to wishing them well inside their very life. Your life is not their priority, or they make it so they don't have a life. Put more focus on your family, your friends, your facebook, or your near by those Line app, or What's up App, or the Facebook Chat message box. Spent the time correctly with them, and don't talk about these things here anymore.

No, not otter these they pulling other people (the whale toy), just go on your daily how you used to hang out. When Mat becoming a correct doctor, then at 9-5 those doctors office paper desk, you process those paper works as your profession. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ihH4prbhoKg

UB has some other people they are not in your program, they can process on their own things when they like. ( and the birds say hi, too) 

You talk to these people, inside the video those bakery, to find out the bread or the pizza special? A counter to lean to ask, to see the menu above their head, to talk and illustrate in English, anything to write it down, to talk, to push that bell ring? You going with your mother, or someone near by, you talk for them? You and your friend's order? The very very simple things, and go and make everything a lot more smooth for everyone's nerves crack it down?

"That was a nice pizza crust machine you got, that makes the process easier? "

"oh ~ that is a pasta machine, they are the same. Right."

"So do you have any special on this week, or this month you put on the order menu?"

Or you want to clean your room? A day outside drying all the sheet, or buying these home supply, and telling your parents about, or your mother? Asking, or talking, or inquiring? How to organize, like that Korean Youtuber girls, did all that? Your laundry, you living alone? Do you ask your mother, she done her laundry, she drinks enough, takes the vitamin at all?


Put more efforts in those conversation, "Do you done your sheets, your winter blankets are they feather, your feet cold? You want to move here?"

"You check your mail? Your physical mails? When is mine birthday....!!!! Your mail box !!!"

"uh uh...nay, the last time I say this very clear....we say...."

"I have asked the near by all vendors all around here, their shipping rate all that...."

"Do you always get nervous when you do that talk? Any talk? How long you usually rehearssal this per classroom? "

You used to have your friends, where?

Where you go and hang out? The drinking bar, or sit there waiting, those things, alone? What did you do in your life, you know how to social great in America? Not one person office space like me Anna's determined life on the internet?  You got married and have the kids, so the kids' life, to go on picnic, or go on touring or planning a vocational spot, or somewhere the museum that weekend, you taken all your lunch boxes next by to go to the near by Park to hang out?

You live in the car driving and planning the traffic life. I live in the subway we called that the metro life. You like those drinking bar light no one can see your faces? Those yellow light interior design, so why don't you save enough money and to go to the home depot and learning some of these things with your parents, or asking them, or what things you all do inside that drinking bar table?

No one talks to Jonathon, all separated apart, so do you have some other your own life friends, other than these Aqua? You have other momentum of life, other than the TV saying about you or someone else's life? 

You like to eat anything different away from your parents, you have to learn the recipes, and cook it at home? The meat, the chicken, the beef, the package reading and the recipe buying a pot and finish washing at it if it got burn? 

No, you don't have to be a vegetarian if you don't want to. But those diet is fat.

He looks like 7 Heaven ? Zawanna says it not. 

You all care about these looks, you do the plastic !


The mindset I should not share anything from my monitor? oh ~~~The last one hour, I have no food, no videos, everything I see.....its for these mind set. (My mother cooked the fat wet pasta again. ) The fridge has the take out.....this Zawanna none stop saying no nononononononono....since last night. I can only lay there and sleep. So angry.

Show off and I gonna lose the guys?  All right, anything else?

Talk - Voice Memo



  • The medical program, some other people finding the jobs. America is in debts.
  • All these video (here on the blog), everyone talks about the Asian. You jealous at. You care about your expense.
  • The maturity to be a MD for the medical students through that medical interviews, you are not careful, people watching over this entire situation.
  • Your middle school friends (or the high school), no one knows what's on your Line App.
  • I show Kian and Nicky to my mother at that lunch time right to her.
  • She never knew I will be talk about the boy, the meat diet, not even my brother would or my sister would.
  • Per liter air you breathing wrong, you will be going to hell. You didn't know the standard.
  • My mood happy, so then I say this. I try this, I try. The far away interface ...
  • If you are the rural human, the middle school friends to hug, or cuddle together if found to be favor........(2:40)

You and her or him needs to go to the furthest away from ANY leadership in any name right now, the UB group activities, to the furthest away of the swimming pool, I never talk to Shane.....how much I miss this scene of the past leadership life.




That must be sunny there, commander ! The starry night ~~~is that Aladdin arabic idea....?!

.... okay !

The Cooking

Like they sell those frozen Japanese beans. On your American menu I think its called the edamame like if you gone to the Chinese restaurant, the dumpling is the gyoza.

From the frozen bag you take out, and you heat it up, that is done. A fridge + freezer + another big freezer. Sometimes you just staying in the apartment never gone out

Is the dumpling considered as a food? 

The banana pancake?

The coconut creme + the lemongrass stew chicken + the cauliflower + the mean beans crystal noodles?

You need to know the home cooked fried potato fries (the war time), the straight cut. Not the curly fries.

You don't have the money, your father doesn't have the money, those.

The expense.

We have the garlic bread those ACE bread, I have to change the store now. They don't carry that. The TV, where in Canada or if the big city the Asian store in America, has a whole package of all garlic peeled. These TV you all love it so much....the olive oil + rosemerry + with the garlic bread? Or side by the cherry tomato in a different color?

You get those Babaji's cooking Channel he shaking his dressing jar, or bigger than that....= your entire garlic paste form. That is the you, or that guy everyday live on it, the ACE bread only lasting 2 or 3 days? It gets harden, you make a soup to soften that (I think you re-baked them in the oven, they soften?)

To us, here don't lack food, just how lazy never getting out of the door, seriously.

(Think for 5 mins)

(Washing my hair for 15 mins + soaking, change my pillow case, hair dry....)

sorry, opposite.

All the potato item listing.

1) The baked potato, side by the sour creme

The cheese on top, the bacon on top, the green onion on top.

Anything the potato made.

The big oven (stop)

Next page, "I want....without the green onions, anything but the sour creme or the green onions."

Its not the potato. Its.....the tomato beef soup


You need a pot (I cannot talk)...

The chocolate melted ~~~on Westlife's Mark and Nicky's mouth !

Every heart shape pouring to refrigerator and solidified. 


The soup, the cake, the cornbread, the pizza, the pasta with the veggie and the soup !!!!



Hugh, got bored?

The wind is still splashing with the rain.


or here video /audio

Because....the arm is the counter-clockwise 3 to 11 oclock direction - to the red line that opening of the water exit, flush the entire sea water coming in. With the wind splash the ocean water in. But you don't need to learn that just by looking at it. (similar to the milkyway arm, arm arm ....circular in, circle in, spiral in)

Because it means the Taiwan channel you cannot see the map, so small tiny width, its the wind, rain gather to becoming the new cloud, strengthen the typhoon becoming "stronger", before it lands on the China land area. Landing means the coastline touch it, that already landed. The width of a Taiwan channel might km long long long long long sky and the water, with the humid and the sun bathing, the water steam becoming the clouds....becoming the part of the circle (the typhoon), that's why.

Why before 凱米 land in Taiwan the yesterday or 2 days ago....spinning and then....


The citizen comments that, I didn't say anything of that.


Everyone has the heart cannot pass its hill, the typhoon the same.

Thank you the middle ridge of the Taiwan mountain ridges.

From the south Australia (Meghan looking like migrant to Japan 2 years ago, youtuber), the middle mountain ridge at the beginning.

Really should protect the Central Mountain ridge.

The Central Mountain ridge, the west side is the solid firm back bow (bow and arrow that bow)

The Central Mountain ridge must be the beginning of the absolute field. 

Gratitude to the National Thankful The Gods Diety Mountain (TSMC), Taiwan natural shield, cannot be invaded place.

The Central Mountain ridge, after all, its one person stands for all of this.

Don't talk about this National Thankful The Gods Diety Mountain (TSMC), the eastern residents got protected at all?

The motion of the white cloud = the wind pattern splash the physical water surface, the sea water surface into the pier all around, and the river inside...all the way to the England Lord, that Green line end.


Just the opening pier all that tourism places. They have no fence on that.

He is the higher land, the red line ends, that is the lowest points of the land to touch the sea water ATM= 1

The jelly fish massive military invades the island next by Taiwan main island

You know that is inside the water?


You live on the land, the typhoon is from the sky.

All the ladies

Right, these guys' (used to be the boys), they are very very quiet, no words type, all very similar to Hugh, no talking that much. That days come.....I didn't set them up yet, but I can. They guessing most of the stuffs, so I will tell them true what they in mind to aim or hope to see, all that intended + some other things.

I give them like the personal space, so its not we will be together anything like that. The time or the space to breath, to put their contact on, to call their manager, the company, alone alone alone, + their partners' any ladies, or the girls or the women's celebrity inside all your world, every world. Every kinds of the best friends girls.

That day they will all find out the cake and the cheesecake and the fitness jumping around these bus or the taxi. With not complicate Chinese words language, just the conversation. 

If you do your daddy, mommy, all says, leave everyone, exit all those world scene. You will find anything on that TV or known daddy, father, mother, or near by uncle. None of them matters anymore. Not 3 weeks. 30 years on...

The Russian guys + their girls, very tall, probably Hugh's or younger's age. Ryoya time? 6 years ago? Probably thinner, taller than Hugh, might be too thin, looks like Hugh's height to me. This is a city, so ....

All your father can too, its a door slam + a younger girl anywhere they found it and flying in.

The local girls, probably not. 

The Korean girl in NYC


The youtuber

The new otter, I think, there are some other ones. I can give you all the links.....


They were the ... + Crawlstrike....


This one, no, not talking yet: https://www.youtube.com/@muchichan-d5q/featured

Not about the otter....this is about?

The line before the Korean girls Youtuber? Ryoya, I don't know him, he is my age, but I think a lot of the feedback the lady likes the 20+, that is what I say. I found out, right.

The personal space those guys? Shane, you mean Shane or Nicky Kian them? They coming here to get married, I think I say the money reason, so they go to their room (the apartment). I cannot fix these walls, my room....they do on purpose, or I purchase is not my free will.

I found them a keychain easy like for my mother, its a telephone cord wire, the ring structure on the hand wrist, to coming out the door to wear the sandal and step the foot, and turn around, lock the door, those swing easy for her. I cannot find the keychain, I found her junks hanging in front of my faces !!!! (The night market) 

The first one, on the very top. Not even in the store where the air-con blows to my faces.

(The birds are calling.)

The Spain too, the birds say (The Facebook, the sky... uploading )

Ugly, right. okay....I found online. 


Want a correct word?  鑰匙手環電話線鑰匙圈

You want to guess which one she buys, or I do on purpose to show you these simple colors to choose from? 

... The day you standing on the witness stand in the night, under the starry night, the night market, the outside store vendor, you standing on the piece of the steel without the air-con, without the indoor store light, stands there, looking at it. The first one. When did you shopping to pick the first one to buy? Niko And.... that I did !!!!!!

That time, every single day when I got back was a horror, all those photo time.

Right, Tina probably those girls....tiny friends. Maid...to all of them. Not good looking, a little bit family background, local. You seeing all these French Youtuber, whichever one girl in there? All maid? (Inside the video, the passing by, or seeing it? ) 

= ?

Every night market plastic wraps food, they taking you back that those food + the drinks + the dessert, the fruits or something extra. 

No, in America. Near Tina. 

Me, no. I don't have the tiny friends. 

( Look at Shane )

Right....she and Tina, probably.

hmm, no. Not the first day I know that, she baby sitting Tina's kids 2 years ago or 6 years ago I heard, that is when I know. No, both lives in the NYC. I don't know how.

They go to the court room here, that will be legal, right.

The nap time ~~~ You all going to nap, I can go to sleep.

?? No, stay indoor. Tomorrow, you check the news in the morning. Its just the rain. 

Next - cooking.