

你們知道什麼是白雲是怎麼來的? 我教地理的 ...兒童百科 !!!!   海水太陽照射,水氣上升變成一朵朵白雲,烏雲就是太深層才是要準備下雨,但是在菲律賓的外海因為....?? 緯度,這種氣流上升是非常旺盛,意思水氣蒸發變成雲層非常非常快速,所以講夏天是 ? 太陽對著 23.5 我們是??? 台北 ~~~然後講完這高雄有水災,台北我聽過太多次長大,我們是盆地有個詞叫做海水倒灌 ...是講蝦咪? 那換個地方講,高雄嘉義 ~~~

You know the white cloud, how does it come about? I teach the geography....the children's encyclopedia !!!!  The sea has the sun reflects, and the water vapor rises up to becoming one round round round white cloud, the darken cloud is too deepth idea to be ready and rain, but Philippine's outside sea because...?? Lattitude, these air layers coming up very very strong, meaning the water evaporate becoming the clouds layers becoming very very fast, so if we speaking of the summer??? is? The sun is staring at 23.5 we are??? Taipei ~~~ and then finish this 高雄 has the water flood, Taipei I heard too many times as I grew up, we are the basin, so there is a word: the Sea Back Pour into....that is talking about what? Change to another place and tell me what happened, 高雄嘉義 ~~~ 

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