
The content

You just say that was a compassion story because that’s probably the judge would say. You cannot see everything. Like adopt Westlife that time or Ronan. But we are the similar age.

That’s the answer ?

Well, the heart ache the loss of a father, an enemy or a lover or a brother looking or including the crowd….so finding another exit way.  It’s everything you hate and everything you toss away to a New Land, that time …what a New Land story at that those years, right now would have been very very special. I mean, no one understand that, and the life karma people can claim was very very heavy, the life burden, the students to afford and no future immediate seeing a result in any kid, to gurantee a life other than a movie was a fantasy ….fear or afraid, and lose the AD 2000, there was those ancient Chinese 母儀天下, meaning Mother Pleasant Manner Covers the Whole World under the Sky. (The Queen idea almost idea, or the upper women.  )

No, I don’t use the hair brush.

No, I don’t play those bounce ball in the room.

No, not those click sound. 

I shut it all unit sound lower lower lower. The elevator does go up, and he uses the chair badly to the hair line. Facet water, or the balcony door the moment the phone close it, no more elevator.

You do the scientific way, and keep reduce it every 5 mins whatever those hrs very badly. 

She is a very very ignorance women so …long time we never interact, soon, she won’t even remember what a life no breakfasts, no lunch, no dinner to eat a meal.  She stays on her TV side, I stay my side. 9 long years. We separate, there won’t have one phone call, to a disable psycho handicap like nick, their memory will never remember like they promise and vow hatred endow to. That’s a good thing about them. After few years, that memory is, “Whom?”. They are all like that.

We are not the family anymore since the middle school or the high school.  Never see, never know, never heard. 

She gonna enter the court to ruin ? You mean Oscar ? They all doing that starting ten years ago, but she knows how many junks in her life, too. Like that SMCH.

If she doesn’t know that was an adopt story …..?

Westlife sphere they have those adaption culture. They input the education. 

And she …

You listen every recording on her phone interaction. It’s how strong and fierce she can make a receptionist table s perfect chat except using the excel sheet. It’s per square input her hand-on calculator, one by one. 

She just put 3 black hair on the kitchen table and the green scrubber one black hair. My side in the sink. The ignorant or those Bramha caste 2500 years ago, her son if not those LinkedIn psycho writes in his English. 

Can they stop her doing that ?

She loves the meditation ground as a vola source - that’s her parents home sold. She grew up near. She likes those area, make-up full, the nice outfit sound like the yogi, the body hot hot hot, agitate on bursting the meet-up a homeless K6 if graduated guy. Worse than the 10th grades. She doesn’t bribe them the food, they have no friendship and she looks down the guy or they use each other for the friendship. In the name of the Dharma guard, was the seek of the center food.

Is that super important ?

Like the genuinely of none steal theft was everyone accord ID means they are the flair air perfect yogi (chair), the celestial clothing, the blessing candy, the good air of the God’s light and sound …she feeling it feeling it feeling it….”Let’s talk about …what the fate of the mate should chart to that fortune and the bad luck comes to life affecting factor was indeed these 9 squares of the Heaven Earth birthday number to make one lifetime so worth to study, that auspicious of your character was like me, I am the iron fist of that chop pieces to-be general, the fearless of mingle people to all that saying worshipping this Master or the teaching, it was from Buddha time you ever heard of Maganllona. …”

Sorry, the elevator, I need to call in or which …I delete these things Best. The facebook….they told me to attach you all those photo, but I got told not to. The blue and yellow phone number. The group say. So I add the facebook back to upload but I stopped. 

Hook video

She is a low grade human, damf or mute. Those very low act, it was a knife in the sink. I think he caught those flu like the news say. I remember long time ago if I could leave, she play this psychologically manipulation so badly in my life. All these years, no one obligate to handle any of her problems. She believes that. See what I will ever do. 

Nick hurts me and she keeps hurting me every few days like Tina plays the games none stop at AGT. Everyday like a hell.

You have your family, your immediate family, your staffs, your personal near by people.

Your immediate family is someone whom you should contact with.  The sky says Vicky and Jason those issues, or a lot of them got married, Henry and Eric.  You tell your parents what you are doing with your life.

You listen to here a lot, or you seeing the photo like unlimited, and you put your thought process, someone having a life together on this personal blog, that is not a full function website. Not the org, not the gov. Sometimes when you getting your profession world, those suit up, or the doctor's rope up, or the telephone receptionist jobs, Nominji will be similar to my mother volunteering jobs.

People in this world are not those like me, you keep getting your premise wrong, they might be harsher, they might be sad, they might be less tolerant, more aggressive in their language use, and I put up some of this Family image, because....there was a movie, there is another movie, another and another....but none of those were saying you are my family. Or I say you are my family, here I look after the junks? Not like that.

2F review

Contacting Toronto center. Jia/ Fan. Their master and nick and my mother had so many problems. +Hung.

Pang and Tina problem. I tell DKNY aunt. 

Now maybe my aunt …square and Tina’s best friend. But I don’t feel to tell her. (The review ). I already told her. Maybe their high school or the tri-military hospital find her father ?  Long time ago I left their review, this is the second time. No, I told her so many years ago.

Yesterday news was Adam Hailey issues ?

Today is Sunday.

Emailing Toronto Fan and Jia like the reviews says  ….her SMCH problems! 

I did contact Citi bank front and the back. And Pang’s last company. My mother gave me the new company where did I save this at.

Maybe Dr Bing has the issues I am telling you. He travel to number 1 Shanghai university to recruits thr students each years at these City of Hope. There was a phone number ….not yet. Tuesday.

And that girl’s father. 3310 movie version. 

What is a radiology department ?

My PC problems never end.....his in-laws issue or where Alex'a parents at all. His money, or the court room paper's issues.

Oscar blue dress, its my Frozen issues, or never that Katherine's main page issues. Where is her host parents, if those are not her real parents issues?

Wendy, Swallow and Nancy were the Charlie's angel (2000), that Madison, is Sherlin, she does the business to end up in the jail.

Nancy, and Berry and Leo uses the drugs. (Miss You Already (2015). Drew Berrymore I know her name.)

I don't need the fan club, and the least things I needs are where they finding the Kate in Japan at all, her fan clubs. Where are those fan maid used for.

I have to re-download this Facebook App or Facebook messenger App. Everyday Shane looking for me....must be somewhere he burried under the rubbles.     My PC Facebook cannot be access, only the iphone or the Ipad. It doesn't connect.....why not authorize? Facebook Mark? You have an issue with those SIlicon Valley Giant?  oh ~ Mark, the same Mark name. 

Bill Gates started as the software company, so was Steve Job's best friend, that nearby Steve Wasiniac. I think that is what the software to triumph....because he Steve Jobs got out of Apple, his Next step up was the education sector. Probably those graphic design, if you listen...most university are just getting the Microsoft, because I went to the UB that time, with all of them getting the UB Micro.

We....don't have a separate room to keep those Apple as we know of, but I think some high school, they do purchase Apple computers as the education sector those time begins, that is 20 years ago. 

You were the youngest, my sister's year....she has 2 kids name. Aria and George, that is Google Blogger font department session. Hank is the IT.

I have never talked to them, since 2014. They are all about to die....I usually just read and listening to their Digital Conference. D8. Nick and Hiep. Not Lam and Hiep.

OU Language

Lan gu = bone, age.  Gu is running the Toronto the Loving Hut Chinese guy.

He is not the Flower Thousand Bone, of course not. He got a baby daughter that time with 3 generation living in the same house roof in....I forgot where. Lanh would know, probably Scarborough, Easter North Toronto.  No, just all Asian goes there, the end of Highway 7 toward the East from the airport, you keep driving, after the airport landing it down, 1 highway 7 will pass Vangh (Vartan's name), keep going, that will change all the color of the community, nothing but the Asian stuffs. That is the Scarborough. 30-40 mins driving down. You need about 10 mins from the airport to highway 7 I think. Turn right after the exit., keep going.

Yes, pass the Woodbridge, (smaller town in Vaughan City).  They eat there.

No, I don't think there is anything to do with Michael Vartan, not really. But he knows Drew Barrymore I believe they had a movie together, on the baseball field. None of these people are my age, you know?


Do you need to get a PC, not the iPhone or the iPad? On your hands, other than?

A set-up giant monitor to hand touch, and to key in, or to sit down, and work out your laptop, other than the phone ? Do you have a giant ipad?

I got in....there is the below other message options !


Good morning, other than inviting myself to the 97th Oscar Party over my mother's dress, she has so much issues before...our immigration 3 kids, to ends up North Korea, not China....in case you wonder which one of the 2 were the communism to starting. In America, but at the moment, we have some System Breach issues, my PCAT was 97, or they have the mental hospital bill to cut down 80 billions on the budgets, per yearly. The invention other than some other invention 12345. But anyway, let that myself to accord to thy you youself all that Jesus might come back or the Princess Diana in my mother's time, this King Char, or Charlie in Ella Enchanted, to introduce myself over these bad English, it was we have this MD 6+2 meeting MD Mormom 4+2, on their Mormon's service religion other than after Jesus later the resurrection, that is not March isn't it? The Easter 3 days after? Not that I am so endow to believe, this present of the showing up to when this accord mechanism, was this Mummy (1999) to Mummy (2023), the old fades out and the new pace the road ahead. Its my mother's issue with her 2 best friend, and 4th got sent to the jail in the business format. Their names on detailed on my website, today's date (your archive to the right column), and to that note, for Kate, if you all could find her the host parents, that issues would be landing in Japan other than this Hugh and Olivia, whichever sent themselves to jail or just the mental hospital, 20 dollars USD not 4000 USD dollar in California, I would be truely appreciate, you are using my Taipei resource, that no one cared about this land, is over that China. And to that seriously asking, you all did, and behind, or more China did....there is no such connection from me to them, that let that conversation took place earlier, again, you would know....they are like the Cuba Communism, to where that indicator other than the WWII interface line from Japan, Korea, Taiwan to Singpaore, were not these Md 6+2 meeting the MD 4+2 System breach the Earthquake on this Pacific Rim, isn't that right? 6 long months, I about to die, you are all about to award.....the annual Oscar on my PCAT scores, that is un-cunning to say, how we meet here for Kate's and WIlliam's issue, or not his father had any volunteer service to adopt that Kate, her parents coming back the blue or the yellow beetle over my side....one of those singer in SMCH group, she got a mother...none of those none applicable, but assuming, I am the only one in writing and notifying this betrayl of the act, acting to that forward kindness, please clean up all these junks, other than her mistaken misunderstood, the Timerberland Shoes in the cold water like Britain, as she benearth that shoelace at 2000, growing it tall....she did grow more taller, was not that my mother's 4th Angel Madison on this Oscar, aging, it was Sherlin sent to the jail, and she got a daughter, and Mummy (2023) was Eben Pagan and Charolette green, right? And to that not so immediate prince and princess tale, all that misunderstood was the Charlies' angel beginning, Zawanna of the Bomb, its not the Chris Pine. The only reason they doing that....how the bf, to spell the Disney Zombie 3, you oculd see it this Zawanna everywhere, and let that one love, wouldn't be trouble you, I myself, don't need any of that, Capish?

Pitch Perfect 2, now.

My neighbor on the second floor? Today is Sunday, their Saturday, Mon morning tomorrow nothing is in the office. 

Obama is in this with the Michelle. And my news at Ch 51....its my neighbor's last employment places.

"See 2 shining sea....."  funny.... how everyone sings those.

Cancer, to eat meat ....they have more than one frame on that Obama and the first lady.

(the news. Whom's cancer, SMCH eating the meat? )

The England military 台南 you are not leaving yet? The France leaving it yet? You are on the news. My virus is not going to disappear that soon. You can call some people from England to help with all of these. The Boss (the news say).

Nominji has a mother, that is not her....she is a Mongolian. (Pitch Perfect 2)

The news say the Mandarin, our Taiwan foreign Youtubers, speaking what mandarin to sound like speaking in English native?

Jesus is in the singeing lyrics (the guy's, Bar's university? Obama's Law Bars Exams before he becoming a full license lawyer? How amazing !)

The Japan ban whom on the traveling there?

Emily Junks on the audition....the New Flash Light. She was married.

(1)  The Baby AI knifes slays at the committee chairman those, (2) the old man drunk and wave the chop knifes, and again (3) this Simon 54 drunk or wave the slaying knifes. Those Chinese Cooking big knifes. (4) A guy drives the cargo truck on this watermelon chop knifes. 

Only Adam Hailey's video on every Wal-Mart knifes.

Right, I think they both are married. The definition before a widow or a divorced women at the middle age turning? One is at the judge the formal paper, another one is the audience crowd with a priest at the eating ceremony, that is legal. Hank did that, and then he got into the divorced procedure. Tina went on several dating, 6 or 7 ....with the guns guys, the causal, or other than the current bf, of that time.

That is way before 2024, or 2025, or 2022 Christmas, those Westlife or Backstreet Boy shows up ! 

The German competition, that is ...the Sound Machine. (SMCH's ex husband, or the cancer comes from when she was young and invincible. )

Adam Hailey, and Elizabeth's father (Taiwan Youtuber from Mormom). Its not the knife, its the guy knocking the car windows, and the bus drivers bad langauge over an incidence. That is 2 incidents on the 2 different news. 

The Man of Steel  (the Superman and the journalist, Elizabeth looking....)

Do they tell me, that is SMCH stolen that Indian 500 years old lineage for Quan Yin Methods, I wasn't even born yet.....

SMCH included....King, and Kate.

Okinawa....is that the cancer places (News). Then you all asking Prince WIlliam to give his staffs a call about why they keep airing the Okinawa some Pharmaceutical products advertising, the vocational idea, these car rental, because....sometimes, some places the magnetic on the Earth scale, or the vocational spot, they meant the cancer relaxing idea is faster to get heal. I seen that on the news, not necessary to do with the cancer, but they can ask.

Okinawa belongs to Japan. Its...on the way from us to Japan. North East.

朱立倫 and this electricity, 4632 8 zero or 1110 8 zero electricity budgets...This is not about you all Eben Pagan looking legislators. Him and Him ? 蔣萬安 and 吳儀農  How amazing, I can just guess without a brain to think.

You mean my profile here on the top, that Frozen? 


The Taiwan youtuber bubble tea 阿滴 his sister, plagirism, 滴妹 over Justin Timberlake their singing material NSYNC "Gone."

+ the ASMR Taiwan Youtuber, eating competition how much you can eat it down. That is Neo in Singapore, not our youtuber. He ASMR Neo is in Singapore. 

oh ~ you mean the Mummies (2023).

This movie is not clear, Bashar Communication ....the real inside entity is the issue.

The Flower Thousand Bone inside, one of that seat. The psychi communication like Kryon.

I need to be on my phone.....Shane ~~~

Hailey gonna go to China by herself, that is 3 couples separated.  (2 couples from China entertainment).

England pipe line.

Hugh's taxi card is the metro card.....some. If you seeing that looking, that is the metro card allows or you using the cash, not the credit card.

We have a female president for some reason I keep seeing her from my side.

Can you all that Kate, or SMCH issues, calling the current president, or she was the one long ago for 8 years presidency, fix you all problems before this president, and...she would be calling you all from our side? 

Actually, none of these are my issues, you know?! 

97 Oscar - that’s North Korea

When we try to immigrant to America to go through the green card, she gone to North Korea.

Our number 1 model, 林志玲 married to exile, her honey moon was flying to LA.

Tina’s new road block the new best luck she says, was this super model ex-manager. Fighting the women’s right in the industry. She the super model is know as the sister sister. Me.

She is the university of Toronto, double major. The last line of the OU, when you left right alphabet like Leonardo Da Vinci.

ADOPEN = AD open, Australia Tennis Opens my mother watches.(AO)


BEL = Bel




ATUV = 80 UV

B IF = beef Tina father 

PEN = Pang 

UXUN = U SUN (my mother’s last name Sun, with this new guy Paul new business in the photo. )

NED      7

OBOF    6 


7 D EN means cheating ?

Den would be …God Original Wisdom (part 2 OU )

Opens, he is open.

My mother’s name is Wisdom.


I am checking …our renter put our floor to sell.

I think. He doesn’t know our apartment cannot be separated. Last year. 

They are playing a game Nick’s facebook he dead, that guy + Lalla looking doesn’t know I exist I think. So nick panick why the radio interview they met does that to him. My mother doesn’t know why it’s targeting  Yeah, I read the CNN last night.  - Nick dead, SMCH, king yellow search the keyword number “SMCH and King Charles “, my mother up, and ….that’s targeting 123456789….

Let’s say me and Shane is rambling between this China Airline or Eva airline or Japan airline. These are one side or another. You all understand that ?

No, you don’t.

UB has a system meets MD 6+2 to MD 4+2, we say that or me and Shane on the phone : it will never be what 2 phone numbers my mother abuse our name to ends up Ukraine flags to talk about the white flower shop on the 1st floor to volunteer the 3 blocks away, an incent money to SMCH for a various food to purchase. It’s a volunteer service for 10 teams, the merrier of the 100  people talking ID, coming from China, coming from Asia, Vietnam, whom dedicate their money to SMCH. A lot of chat and talk, and both my mother and Nick loving it !!

Except …💵💵💵

UB doesn’t speak in Mandarin, and their world are fighting against the moon light.

It’s not Elon Musk on 97 billions, to 97th Oscar, to my PCAT 97, to our local news minus 97 billions.

Me and Shane rubble covered from the ashes, the roof pieces or the rain …

We know how to luggages check-in and the passport every 2 weeks run about this LA, here Taipei or Tokyo, or he runs away the LA fire or the luggages or our renter’s here situation me with these pressing news. Pretending we have to run, these 3 places airplane. We check in, we passport hand in with the tickets …it’s all around this Pacific Ocean.

He has his music business.

I have my own world speaking this English or to ABC or typing the mandarin, 

We both have to stare at a certain sheet. vs   their next 40 years about 50-100 meet up, toss trash per meeting or the donuts free church service, for 20-30 people if they make their time to show up.

Me learn Japanese, Shane learn Mandarin. 

We have a metro on the road…okay, we go back to LA sorts his luggages or his property

I settle mine here. My Japanese isn’t the worse of few words I cannot say. 

We only got 2 people. Nicky Kian is too far away, but they got a phone. Mark, too.

Me and Shane if in 2 different place, we cannot be fighting.

                                                                 vs       80 UB+ the local college + the sibling 

The next 40 years outlook. 

