
I would be ?

The stupidity of the humanity to play fool with me, that’s how we talk? I don’t know where these sounds from … 

The first Christmas to be with which Shane, I have to look at it. Nicky is at the terminal or that phone is not him answering it or they both were dead.

Because that’s the glass the legal issue so he was dead. So that’s not the phone Nicky.

This freedom society means what’s in front of my immediate life. Most of you aren’t ever in my life.  UB I finish given them the 40 years. 

Today we didn’t talk about the Heaven, just 

Heaven this word is the elevator. 

Can you stop the elevator ? Seriously. 1000%.

Those people monks or the nuns are 50 years, 500 years, 5000 years close their eyes…in these brand new same sphere of their living other than staying in the hell.

The elevator up.


But he went horror. And the outside. 

You don’t have a meaning. How far you think this pope or all these too good to be true, Nick’s words of…the cloth human to say wonderfully holly.

The first day the first I say once, it’s once you get. 

But you are not trying 5000% to get one photo with one “good.”

You burden me or you trouble me. So we explain or I explain, you wasting my time, we keep playing the good heart practice you thought you have a meaning. None of these have a meaning we keep wasting time and playing fool all together. 

But see, we don’t need an audience 

The pixie line is their own power, so are the police state and so are just 1 guy whichever these playing fool to hurt me just like that Keanu 10 years ago, they knowing that or they clear that. America might did the 100% and I will be very happy.

Other than living there just because … I have no idea they can build me the same comfort in America, for 50 years don’t bother us. It will be a permanent forever goodbye. The two parallel world. We done talking ? Not too many days you will hear what’s a normal life in your life when the chosen things I say so. 

When someone 36 til 50. 1986 to 2000….that’s a clinically pronounced dead. That’s how she goes to America to end up 2 years in Florida the barren land in filling the unpermit ranch with the soil. 

18-25. Not the public media, it’s when American land is my own world the parallel universe to the rest of the humanity. Until that’s done built we keep playing the words. Sound like there is an audience. My age.

It is to exit the scene, I did tell you. 2 years ago.

Everyone else kept the same freedom. It’s fine, the same perfect world. 

You see your world when you get down there. I have zero word to say to you at all. We finished. 


小孩這是一間很小的房間製作成 ... 我最近常常看到,我不知道在講什麼 ! 

是不是你們那些小孩要上前,誰誰誰他們軍事統帥,還是一山比一山高,之前講的,那一天講的! 你們如果有中國軍事對立,這個時間 ...不是講漫畫 :  一個女的被中國救丟到你們彼此的中央。

赤河魅影的故事,中國真的做那種事情嗎 ? 前幾天在新聞上 !

埃及  跟   西臺 !

我現在想起來,是我去砸了所有人的網頁,我頭痛 ! 弄錯了.....

花千骨也是兩邊  喔~  對,我記得。

有埃本的那一邊 ! 好像不是這個回英國那一邊 ~~

我的肚子 ....痛 !

你們為什麼會挑在聖誕節前有對立? 韓國剛好在旁邊 ! 男孩子樂團今天出現 ...煮菜煮飯,麵包 ! 你們的飢餓遊戲是什麼意思?  身材,皮膚保養 ~我頭痛 !

食物 ...是不是你們舞會的意思? 面對一些比較多軍階的人,你怎麼介紹你們自己上去?

就是你們是對誰? 巧克力?? 送禮?

頭髮就是你們出席,有男伴或是女伴這樣 ?!

我怎麼有這種我上次 CAC 去的舞會,一定是漫畫,大學有什麼舞會這樣 .... 你們主修什麼,所以你們喜歡就是鼓起勇氣,或是上前講一句話? 很好呀 !

如果你們現在鼓起勇氣,像不用告訴你們家長在講哪個 ... CAC 大學舞會,老人去的 ! 你們 20 年看漫畫以後?


不是這種...真的,我在看我手機還是電視 ....我在想




我有同學那些人,因為 ....電影很多自己觀看,自己認為的事情。

有些女孩子覺得榮耀及其一身,毀了他人每一個人 ! 或是有些女孩子,不只一個,可能都有些問題的女孩子,她們覺得做報告,很辛苦,然後呈遞給男孩子,一個或是兩個,或是這些女孩子很多這種,只要有一個男的說 Okay 就成為別人的老闆,這星期五或是周末,你們知道你們上班幾點,出外然後很辛苦的周末,抽一點時間,然後,很久以前,不是現在,會做那種報告,等時機成熟,會去問一或是二,直到他們心情好答應這樣。

一兩個問題及其一身 ~

我是低階的意思 ! 嘴巴講話那種,不是寫報告那樣~ 每行每字,然後.... 

但是還有就是可能,有些人命令呀 ~ 我要先回來注視這裡,我也不知道是什麼,就是一些年輕通通要上去做事情這樣,我也不清楚。 所以我現在先通通不做了 ! 頭很痛 ~


但是可能要先哭,或是看東西,給一點沉澱的時間,哭有哭很久的那種 ....要幫忙多問一點衛生紙大概,就是大雄歷險記。假設就是說,頭很痛,一輩子,然後就是臉很曲折,很痛的關係,跟醫生聊聊,但是如果東西突然不見,這樣 ....有原因為什麼是一輩子的聖誕節。



其中一個就是賺錢,有些人喝酒,這意識體就說一杯酒都沒有喝過,就是 100% 腦力激盪的意思 !

但是憂慮什麼,人生不做壞事那種 ...等等等,撒謊就是要編一個更大的謊言這樣 !

下班的時間在台灣,我剛剛講的,我記得長大,從來沒有想過國外,學 TOEFL , SAT 然後加州要 SAT II, 我做人很累的意思 ! 我有繪畫班,小五的時候,見過外國人,正常的外國人。

台灣有台灣她們有自己的朋友,給出來的一個氣息,長大的時候 !

我去了國外才知道她是越南 ~ 她年輕的時候很年輕像小孩一樣 ! 所以在他們群組都是出家的,她會猜是中國和尚還是台灣和尚,因為這所有東西在真正出家世界...就是你看她,她看你,然侯如果只有在台灣,真的只有幾派,但是她要常常跑香港,那時侯 ... 閏八月之前 ! 

所以你們攝影機其實是擺前面講話,印度的麵包叫做 Chapatii, 我小孩的時候,絕對不會吃那種破爛的東西 ! 在你們西湖,那是 ...應該不是給公眾看的,垃圾場在後面,這個垃圾場 ....有 巴巴基要看恐怖片嗎 ? 長的差不多,不算他,隨便...

這水泥是彼此蓋的打坐,安靜 ~回音那種 ! 

還有很小的黃色木頭,類似她住的是日本和室,其實你們通通出來比較好,離那個垃圾場多遠? 去有人看到你的地方,有點靠背沒有什麼太多關係,去有人在附近 !

給公眾去可以進去的,我都知道 !  對 ~

台灣有巴巴基這樣東西嗎 ? 喔 ! 這種東西變來變去,你們永遠不知道是自己一個人死掉,走自己的路的意思 ! 但是講賺錢,這有很多現實,關於一杯酒,思想清晰,你們賺錢清楚,不是玩賭博,叫做家裡一個鍵。

你們以為所有人走出來,嘻嘻哈哈,你們非常確定這個早上不是....發生什麼事情的男孩子,非常痛恨 ! 你們幻想養小孩就會絕對知道,個人隱私,這電腦不是接線,就是上網,然後呢? 哪裡? 所以出來嘻嘻哈哈是做樣子,那如果? 絕對不會知道,你們會嚇到人性,其實不需要講打坐,人的隱私都在後面,非常恐怖,我告訴你們 !

這種真實場景,你們相信的朋友 ! 

可以問?      要看到 !

胡鬧很久看到?   甩頭就走,不需要問 ! 我不是你們需要朋友的東西, 我有事情 !

唱歌韓國 ( Butter, Korean Band, BTS 唱歌的 )

我不吃很多東西,習慣,其實出來吃這些 ....我其實以前沒有吃過,你們覺得我做的很自然這樣,這些東西很肥 ! 

(我其實不會對著男孩子看得,沒有太多禮貌這樣! 我聽到音樂 )

我以前做哪種事情,蹦蹦跳跳,其實現在很緊 ...四肢綁著躺在床上,真的,就是要變肥,但是我不知道為什麼我要變肥,頭很痛 ...然後膝蓋因為變肥就是滑到椅子,然後到廁所,我之前更肥那時間,現在我掉了一公斤 ! 我的頭 ~

你說我沒有覺得出去,這樣炫耀去打坐的意思? 沒 ! 

以前也不我自己去走路,是要出去,所以我去走路 ~之後就不用走了 !

你們說我人身用步伐算我房間這樣?  暫時這樣,我去拿一些資料,你們館我幹嘛 ! 吃完,因為通常要躺著,就不能真的吃太多,睡午覺之前,提前咬一咬每一個小時,就過了一個早上,下午吃一點,就很早睡覺,我的手機是時間區域 ! 


尼克常常鬧事在聖誕節 ...我們沒有真的有那種聖誕節氣息,大概知道 ! 十年過去,我生日很久安靜躺在黑漆嗎嗚有一天張開眼睛 !

打字其實不需要講話,聽到聲音,所以對外講對人,是脖子受涼跟咳嚋,我不會真的去做這種事情,你們看影片就好 ! 我在就我自己的影像 ! 先不要,太多事情了~ 

她的敵人 ...是素食產業當初,你們很久以前是迪化街,日本很多那種產品,現在是桃園還是哪邊工廠之後,開餐廳,其實你們每一個電視上的 ...付過錢四個小時輪過去的節目沒有人看,我都看了! 講你們產業的,台灣沒有那麼多,但是我有看到~ 她很多東西,我絕對不會做這種事情,身體髮膚受之父母這樣 !

15 年前的時候,剛開始一段熱絡的事情 ~ 但是其實這已經過去的東西,她年紀太大 ! 2000 年就已經很晚了! 這世界有些趨勢,像說年紀,像說退休,像說職業,像說金錢累積,像說事業發展,然後自己人生,別人聽到,小孩長大,下一個 ! 

所以你們付了很多錢,沒有那麼多的效益,這有世界高科技講說,我們其實不是外面講永生的意思 ! 會有很多很多企業氣息,這些東西,腦力更上這樣,但是如果你們金錢累積足夠,就是看醫生,吃飲食,自己快樂就好了,很多人修行不修行,其實就身心愉快,朋友見多,自己比較快樂 !

我因為是最上面 ....我需要準備,我不是你們,但是這種精神能量體,你們說飲食,然後退休,壓力很大,就躺著,然後退休快樂,這樣 ! 跟社會體制一樣就好了。


因為我在弄醫療的事情,跟有人搬家這樣 ! 我頭很痛就暫時沒有 ....


所以資本主義是說,你們共修完,回家,有時候兩次一個月,跑道場,你們穿著呀 ! 比較炫耀~體面,去參加會議,去重要事情,拿個麥克風,我在哪邊拿這個麥克風?

這個時間,我的年紀,是說醫學委員會、醫學發執照美國每一州是五十州 ! 你們沒有做過這種事情叫做大約在某個年紀的時間算法 ...這個時間有很多 ID 進出入,那可以有律師委員會、律師五十州執照機構,你們絕對沒有想過這是什麼東西在美國,然後科學籌畫當初 1893 或是 1900 每五年,不是宗教領袖大會這樣 ....你們看過照片這樣,你們如果幻想一種....

我其實走那種幻想 ! 拿執照就是課本被完一到一百包括圖書館,所以有醫有法,這樣 !

如果講科學,那是我化學一直都在,其實他們只是考 GRE。

不需要行醫,或是真個講訴訟辯論這樣 !

執照是說考得像存在,寫的東西跟回答只有 ABCDE 這樣 ~

但是因為電視給了一個名,意思就是說,不需要考試,全部念給你們聽過去,但確定知道啊 ! 因為真的考試可能很難,我沒有時間,或是我就自己在後面一到一百 圖書館翻書的意思 !


是 !


他們 ...精神寄託的東西不見了,唱歌你們可以看到的,很恐怖的東西,從小,所以在哭,然侯走不動,就是大聲聲音音樂,可以直線走,樓梯 ! 但是其實其他醫師進去現在比較好,所以講完了,找了一些醫生給他們,只是兩個人,其他是 ....他人去找了幾打這樣, 小孩早一點,會很快回到社會體系 ! 還小的關係~突然很安靜這樣 !

讓他們哭吧 ! 他們喜歡大型購物中心,場景很漂亮 ~~聖誕節這樣 ...

我做這種事情,沒有什麼假期大概,你們真的是醫生還是真的是辦公室,很少人想過這種打字打字,這沒有什麼關係 !


他們多餘一件事情看的到,聲音聽的到,細細小小黏在旁邊,不知道是 50 %不見還是 80 %真的知道還是大概講一下這樣,沒有人知道,我就順便出來,我就不用知道,你們就打到我了~


從小的關係。可能不是一件情這樣,但是很少人真的講得很清楚,提醒之後,現在就多一句少一句,提醒,不是每一個人希望每一件事情講清楚這樣 ~~我說右邊,他一定是要左邊,打自己的頭,嘿 嘿 嘿 ~ 停止 ! 絕對沒有 手 !


比兩個禮拜之前好很多了 ~

右腦,左手左腳...這樣! 剛好你們因為有誰,跟你們講一下好了


很多,大概 ..吧 ! 有些不太可能 ~  但是台灣有一隻假設 ...美國很昂貴這樣 !

我剛剛講 (臉書上貼過來,打中文的)

You ask me a question 你們想問我

Oneness Taoist 一貫道

你們想看英文?看手錶兩天叫做我救你們的意思? 瞬間馬上這樣 48 小時,我快死了…

我覺得很好笑 哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 ㄚ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,其實這些電視可能是很好笑的,啊 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,路上?其實她們是ㄧ直都在,後面是十五年前在。並不是她們 是台北車站那邊,我非常確定,對!

台灣修行文化是講電視那些人,聽久了,小孩的時候是 10 歲,說一直之後聽著,其實有些是他們台灣自己在共修,和尚尼姑帶出來,穿便服或是,影片剪輯,站在那邊 1000 小時。 算 23 開始,但是我們十歲開始。
你們破戒如果就講飲食不是撒謊,你們不是講十歲! 剛剛講的哪個她 她們 什麼什麼,一貫道,他們站起來講事情是 90 年代,幾歲了!她去西方好像就講英文了,以前很多一貫道講事情討論就算在國外。
但是台灣… 台灣當初有素食產業故事書,茶日本合室,你們知道是下雨茫茫那種很濕的感覺。國外空間大,沒有想過台灣什麼什麼,但是影片只要對著看…. 好像你們不知道你們自己講什麼嗎?
「做水池,我十歲…. 一塊一塊貼的垃圾,是小孩的步伐,彩虹橋,這片烤肉是倒場常常賞月,磚塊,網子、這個不是巧克力,是台灣器具行的燃火的小小的,網子下面,其實體育用品不遠,有沙袋,綁腳的,我帶過三年,排球的時候。」
你們打坐是對自己,對,但是如果有金錢,把自己身價提高點,就是,真正在賺錢者,不是你們給的,在外面你們見過就算吃點肉,他們現實層面的態度是…. 正常一點。
我看到電視回到台灣… 越南洨尼姑當初的敵人!
什麼叫做寺廟比的敵人,矮子,聖嚴還是慈濟,他們有電視 2010,我常常看。

(這是我剛剛臉書一個手打 )

她們當初就她比較小,十幾個坐在前面的和尚,珍個光頭,都是黃色袈裟的影片 ! 她當初敲宗灑水的寺廟,但是你們知道幾年在印度? 兩年 VISA 所以那不是永久居留的意思? 德國 ABC 英國歐洲....

她講得像她做很久這種事情,來台灣發展,尼姑五百塊一個月是一個越南師父,在台灣給她剃度法號,第一集就要講很久的意思,都是她當初的敵人 !

台灣當初幾派的意思 .... 你們知道什麼叫做上班下課是五點之後,跑大直? 大包小包我媽做的事情,跟提娜她們同學一家人這樣,都變旁,月光之下烤肉,是她現在坐的地方,吃你們現在看 Youtuber 喜歡吃芋頭的,台灣才有素的芋頭淺紫色的冰淇淋蛋糕,是要訂購的。



我只是沒有把帶子,每一行念給你們聽過去,台灣製作包括外國,這編輯等等 !

我想換一篇 ~~文字大小





All my UB related movies. The best friend position it’s to get rid of.

Chris Pine.

A high note pitch, ding ding ding those to China brighter look-out scene. She doesn’t know NYC is the neon light life. She is from a surburban. Off west 20.  Her family never had those things, all simple people, she never been to a city

Adam was my best friend. Ella Enchanted.  She is a brunette. 

You have to re-write every movie, the best friend is the opportunity next by.

Tiny 4.0 小時代

Billy, they all look like. Traveling like she is not far from Dean from. Which Dean is there Oxford so….he lost his money not the passport in South Europe. In Europe, you need to use West Union. Her parents or any parents. 

Probably Shanghai, most people know that from. 

No, it’s not like here, they drive. She been here knows it’s a bus or easy method. We are not China.

She is probably waiting for someone hand her a passport. She has a script how to tell her mother the last goodbye. Think ahead, draft a speech, like a preparation in life. And walk out that door.

She never seen a neon light of a Hollywood those nature. She is just a little bit taller than Adria or similar. Taller than me 4 or 5 cm.

She doesn’t think the fame works up from a ballet studio or a waiter.

She doesn’t have a contact ! But she is so so so so hopeful maybe she understands all the movie. 

She doesn’t know they smoke. Like my facebook Dean they don’t smoke. Her family doesn’t smoke.

She drives a lot, not she flies a lot with a passport + 2 luggages and a carried on.

Boss & Me, it’s about the rural girl moves to the city. Tina and her - the bank. 

That story 楊冪 2 of them in the office cubical jobs, that’s a metal frames. The sleek skyscraper, she has never seen those building in her life. She would be with her brother or Melinda living that house as her only job. 

Maybe somebody sits down talking to her with her eye glasses on. Ola does that with her mother, too. The eyeglasses home language would be

“I don’t care, I want that.”

She works for the bank vault. You all 400 million dollars in China without a contact. 

Those UB classroom most of them are all taller guys, 5+ like 20, so she doesn’t dare. Her practices with Chris is Tai Quan Tao.  These Tiny 4.0 does have a fight. 


You ask Chris or Billy. I never talked to Billy.
If she has those years ago proposal and these 2 guys wave her off. Any profilio she prepares to do something until these movies up. Usually the guy brush off her on the first sentence because it’s Chris runs that business.  

Olivia uses her feet often. 

I think if Taiwan police wrote those for Olivia. She goes to exchange she does everything if she will kill 123 guys right there with the police’s to … …?? But I don’t think she was that normal her plans that will never go through. Like you know how you work very hard to write a serious 9-5 or the weekend those write-up ?

Like me, would be those lower class, talking none stop, every job is a serious sleek office to get in and moves one title to next jobs to the next title. I think both of them know that very deeply. 

It is like MS Word, and Date, 


A line

And then these 10 pages proposal was a weekend working hard in-home they read, they study, they pile up, there is no shortcut in life those serious job how to get on one responsible jobs with their idea and succeed, they will be reward and move to another bracket or the offices to let’s say managing and then the title and then to expand the business, it’s all started by writing. Not very proficient to talk.

( I re-fresh the url, that’s downstairs the chair pushing back giiiiiiii….) - Ipad

Try again. No, that was almost at the same time. 

Now the table move noise small.

At night time, shut it all off better. Move the table again, just typing. 

Try re-fresh

Maybe it’s at the Time.

Air vandalating …stopped.
The airplane.

No, just tell some friends near by her, not going to China, she gonna buddy or try or step off to come here the last time. She gets mad like, it’s a giant fame from the movie and she can understand everything perfectly and she imagines she is someone she is not, and what if she is SMCH those seating to play the disciple with a loads of fames.

No, she doesn’t think there is a case closed scenario probably anything I say. The water and the home maintenance. Like a family home girl that the both parents are nice people, nice schooling, a nice community to grown up, a stable match up, an arranged almost a lot of things to ensure her life is growing up in stable. Every step the way. 


Just ask her per point. 
Their family or the friends talk opens near her. Everything I said. All of it.

Are you loving it that one luggage to land in China for something you are not telling, that hopeful fame China anyone willing to give you? Our name lists or the LinkedIn profile or the UB everyone movie. She wants 12345, in which she not 60 years old, if it’s now or next year.

The popular platform the Super Star like Sandra Bullock.

She is the chosen one.

The movie guy is short. Billy. He is not super tall. All right.

Love and hate, drag and pulls. With a last word that kind.





Your luggage, you just get home that easy, you have everything at home, that's good.

You like coming out, you go shopping for Christmas? You visiting any place, or you like your bathing tub, you tried the towels, you like these set-up, help you?

We got cold here, so I got hurt my head, so its a bit anxious, when the weather is cold, everything feels the family that affecting by some monitor, I don't know whom they targeting to talk to, and hurting me and my mother from downstairs, and my head.

No, just the elevator, and the neighbor poking a stick to the floor ceiling to us, my room, or her room that side.

They aren't exactly close family, but got label I count. 30 people...my stomach goes up and down. It won't be the most sweet to say our location got affected the metro lay out. Its a flower.

You know what the flower means?

I just wonder if you pack everything you luggage needs. You coming out how many days, you can walk fine? No. You thought about the medical team behind, saying...or communicating, and you ever imagine you can see clear, a stable road to walk?

I walked, yes, I metro.

Your 2 hands, you washing them? You take your eye glasses out, you open your frown eye brow, ever? You put your head inside your 2 pawn, open your face a bit. Pulling two side.

You have those....some ideas, you got nervous?

The fear. Anything coming to you, it wasn't always bright and shining light, those.

Did you see you yourself got ashed blackness all together in the dark backgorund?

You everyday living in the red dark background, you always thought you gonna die all together with these dimension look out, that is your physical eye to see when you close that eyes.

So do you like these LED light the PC monitor they make you these more people you seeing everyday inside the screen?  Inside the PC, they are all the beaming light at your eyes, that is what I am asking you. 

They are fine. 

Everyone has some darker past, and those negative trait might all die out to manifest to your dream, and you never knew if that is real, or that is still part of you, or any dream, or any warning idea, about you, or how you yourself feeling about you yourself. 

That is.....

Okay, the details you remember, or I seeing a different idea? That is not.....the ashes. Its the stone pieces. That is a Bible story, not looking back. You looking front in your dream. Its hurting you?

You want to re-think that, the details.....what did you see?

Hi !

The panda and the ceiling


That is wood chip in the eyes, sir.(someone has to get the panda helps? 熊貓的眼睛插到了碎碎)

Christmas food:   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/igrPyvBvuvU

The native color panda, cloth.


The juicer, any of you to keep.....


No, we didn't do anything about your eyes, you are right ! 

You might have about 10 things seriously inside your life, at your immediate reality, you talk to someone, writing them down clearly. Not get scared if they found you what, and you fix that one by one.

It could be more than that, it could be someone touch an edge line, you get to feel something.  But the juicing is a constant effort. You have to be very strongly to believe that, and to keep the diet. The nutrition factor, the vitamin content, you like the knowledge parts someone told you and you repeat to someone. 

So you ready to go out, walking? Your Christmas Party, that is what you mean, I sit here doing nothing? 

I have to think in my head, these panda, doing?  What is a native cloth panda walking means?

My city has these built ...you all on the other side England, too.

Here your wife is here, Adam Hailey is here. Everyone Asia is watching the movie, or their kids have to come back here.

Nicky and Shane is next by you in Ireland, for their own Christmas!

The homeopathy, that is more like New Age, it doesn't need to be a native American art. You talking about the bathing. The steaming water would be similar to sauna, so some facility in the gym has these water stone to put the water, and they generate the steam.  In UB, I used to talk about this, the wet heat, or the dry heat.  A bottle with the warm water, but outside has a dew.

No, none of that is the native American. That is the 5 Star hotel sauna room if you go to the spa and the massagist place. 

You prepare some Thank You cards, for Christmas? Some gifts to your father / all near by? 

All these people putting some efforts, you sent out a dozen, its the dozen people receiving your cards and the gifts baskets.

You just issues it !

I have this my stomach going up and down, myself. Hurting my head, every night, and my mother, all these down stair....

I process your England, that is SMCH, you mean our map here. I went to tell them about yesterday, I got so angry my head keeps getting hurt ! 

Your daughter and Eben's video, the Mummy (2023), Far Away.

+ your aunt Princess Annie.

Your England military is in France, right? We.....here?

So your schedule, with the chiropractor, that is the same MD license like in America MD license. The physical therapist like your walker, that is not exactly how you say MD, when you book the appointment and the physical therapist is walking next by you all over the mansion walkway. One step by per step. You want to try before the Christmas? 

How do you know that?

They come to the senior home, per book appointment. The each residence living there. 

Do you own a senior home?

No. Erin, she used to work for her Ph.D thesis, me and her in this Princess Diary. The best friend parts, she was a nurse, and then she finished the Ph.D with some thesis, you cannot get on right now, if that is very serious. Its an in-room play some high tech games on a board, walking in the scenery. So she has these testing participants, the pilot study, and the regular studies, in 3 senior home.

So you live there?

Nope. We just gone 2 of us, or some other girls. I met all of them.

And there is a physical therapist?

He walking to those residence individual room to work with them.

And you know their procedure how to get in a senior home?

Yes, you just get to the front desk and asking them the question.

The billing all that?

I did check. Its per facility, that is more out of the city, more deer near the forest, they have more activities, that one facility people are tend to be more happy. You live in the mansion, I don't think you going that way.

Its good to know. 

You know this city is that one giant flower metro on the whole Taipei city, we only have 1 city, you know that, right? Its not we have anywhere else to run to.   That is why I am worried? My stomach is up or down. Our Earthquake was 6 months. I did check this Shazam, that is 2.....you know the movie content, where your England is working on one near your Palace, is there another 2 site?  Its side by side, what does that mean? He is testing his electricity power ! 

You squeeze one day for 2 hours the physical therapist walking next by you with the walker, you never know what he will say to you before the Christmas.

He can help you walking better. Yes, he is the modern medicine. The exercise, the physical therapy. No, not neuro linguistic those things. I believe you truely getting rid of something to the root, and someone evaluate at the mean time. They need to step in.

They will help all that?

You talk to him opens, both him and the chiropractor. You never seeing like 3 doctors all at the same time, so getting a second opinion view.

If you get a physical therapist, you know he carried you, his height, whatever exercise he asked you to do? Both him and the chiropractor. Seriously.

You can just ask the palace staffs to find them, 2. You can ask them two together, if they carried your weight, your physical weight. You seeing those held up from behind? I done that. So if you hold a wall on one side, the physical therapist, probably has to be your height.

They doing this bone, like you press, or you didn't do anything, but you are not in fear?

No. That is very elastic, that is why its a legal study. Your emergency jobs anything to press the chest down up down up, to draw people's mouth air out? That is the elastic parts. 

And they are very sure about it?

If the patient doesn't have a broken bone, if they do on purpose, the doctor will have a problem.

They cannot press down anymore?

Its broken. That is...the patient usually will tell the doctor, so the chiropractor will tell him to get an X-ray in the office.

They all know these procedure?

I believe so, they got train in their special field, I never get in the medical school, but I understand the basic.

I feel sleepy.

You done your session, you warm up your hands, you go to sleep, take your shoes out, or you use your furry sandal, softer, and you tell them you cannot walk, you fallen down. That way, the chiropractor is working on your 2 foot without the shoes. That is a lot better, your entire skeleton got stretch a bit.

The longer and the shorter legs.

Not just that, you know some foot shaking machine, some invention is the shaking of your 2 foot end when you lay down, shaken from that side, it will shake up to your upper body. But there is another like upside down machine. I done that.

It will help?

I think it does. I always know, I found out someone has it. I use a lot of these equipment, because I want to fix my every skeleton problems. 

You are very persist doing that?

Yes !

You can always ask Riley how you should talk to them, per line?!

"I have some alignment, I wish to use the physical therapist service, like to walk better. I cannot walk very straight right now. To the stair coming it down. I used to have these too loud noise like listening to the music, so some of that got eliminated, and affecting me emotionally, I was wondering if you can walk with me to the stair." 

"Here is the stair, should I tell you when I gonna get up, or how it might happen?"

"My head for a very long time has these loud sound, so I never think it might reduce the volume or to rid of completely, we are still observing, but it affects when it got eliminated, or some of my head conditioned, so now I cannot walk without these noise, the head set phone on. Like I just need to walk without the noise to straight normal again. My 4 limbs are okay, just the loud noise was near my ear all my life. You know how to solve some of these."

Do you tell him about the panda upside down?

NO! You doing that at your own bed, and hanging there, but every time you doing the physical therapy session, you see if those tips the panda told you did improve a lot more. You only practice that at your own bed, spent time your head down more.

You think he understands me fully?

Yes. You doing that for 5 -10 session.

The Christmas is in 1 week,

So you better hurry up, squeeze in 2 days. You ask him that is 2 hours fine, you are in a hurry.

And you can tell people, you are in a hurry?


Both of them?


You are fine now? I go and talk to Mark a bit. His video or his luggage. Have a smooth week before Christmas. We don't have this here.

神力女超人 1984

講這邊,台灣?! 20+.   女的,但是加沒有出國的? 跟哪個講話?  我以前有工作過,學校。

I didn't really talk to Peyton a lot.  我其實沒有真的去跟 Peyton 說什麼

Because UB has some other sibling. 因為 UB 有其他的兄弟姊妹

Tina 通常在中國台灣公司上班就講中文最好,她的英文我講過,對,這...她喝酒! 我聽起來不像跟這應該你們全部佛像給我下來,我快死了....她們很多人喝酒,幾歲開始?   

Tina drinks a lot  緹娜喝很多酒

嘿,這樣東西 Masterson, 是說寫中文,寫英文?   Craig Ballantyne 上面就是 Masterson.

樓下敲我媽那邊樓下屋頂,很多次這個電影?  你們要做媽?

你們繼續看電影,我有熊貓 ...

⭐ 我頭擦一下藥,青草油 (我知道是運動的),壓到了睡覺躺著! ⭐

我媽是那種 syndrome, 我想結婚的意思? 我又要開始講我全家荒唐的是事情,通常,家裡有一個不是四個+ 以前這個誰,有些人沒有想過一天到晚結婚,賺錢也是自己這樣。

當初有情況才變成這種.... 我根本就沒有再看漫畫,我昨天前天看了幾頁 ! 我現在想起來... 我八年級的時候,以前知道 ! 我的左邊下面,英文有講到,我清完身體就很久沒有這問題,包括左邊上面,這一整排 ! 一整個左邊。鳥在叫,我去年其實很痛很痛很痛,重心只要不是在中間躺著,每一天都很痛很痛很痛左邊,一整排。
那時候小鳥跟蚊子在弄貼布,好像有用 ! 我後來停止,補充維他命,我只貼了兩次我的頭現在,我怕共業,貼一下,我還是補一下這維生素 C,這貼布,頭髮會掉的 ! 很痛很痛很痛很痛,你們現在打水跟電梯會痛,累積的!

不是去年的,頭會很痛很痛 !

我現在摸到,但是我不能側著躺著,我每一次要動身,你們電梯也會動,我打到旁邊皇后枕頭,也會這種上上下下聲音,小鳥常做這種事情,身體要直的,女孩子,跟月經也有關,直的就是...很筆直 ! 

我摸到在下面左邊,好痛喔! 跟這個其實不是我的  profile 長得很像的位置,左邊! 頭髮跟脖子,沒有到上面,裡面有一個,我一輩子都那樣,最左邊的最上面裡面,左眼後面之前有,現在都沒有,我現在摸到很痛是大概兩公分=兩個手指在左邊,頭髮線跟脖子上去。

對,不是腦殼裡面,現在摸到,很痛 !

我人生其實沒有吃過止痛劑,我有講過嗎 ? 幾次算得出來,一輩子,去年前年貼布,月經也沒有很多這樣,所以我身體沒有這種止痛劑,這其實應該是沒有關係,我覺得。

一輩子沒有,吃下去的,很少,一盒你們買,斯斯那種? 一罐美國那種?

現在講共業,我有要吃下去,我貼五分鐘拿起來,十分鐘,不能貼太久 !

我兩年前聽說共業,我之前知道,沒有,因為我沒有吃過那樣東西的關係 ! 一盒這種,用算,我可能吃過一整盒一整片,我可能沒有,這要講對不對?

有些東西我一輩子沒有見過,講過有吧 ?


維生素 C我補完之後,就沒有,我之前他們不讓我吃的關係,我以前就會吃,我以前捕的是美國草藥這所有東西。免疫系統的,固體食物沒有太多傷害,就那種我要花我的錢買的,我會很難過我的錢,變成的食物的關係,我每一個湯匙下去的,每一劑花的錢,草藥是一種吸上來,喝下去,某種外國有的,這所有保養維他命跟草藥是我,非常辛苦找到的,我的眼睛,這全部都是時間跟錢、打坐跟曬太陽,太陽者還有呼吸者,每一個呼吸出來,走路四個街來回,省錢買到這些,我很辛苦....買到一瓶一瓶,累積的每一個,你們現在以為是十年苦讀的意思! 



我躺一下,毛巾 ! 我以前常做這種事情

這個電影有三個媽媽,每一個都絕對知道,我有問到 !

Charlie Angels 2: All these mothers know. The color what they dress. My brother, light green.

He says those very bad words.

提娜會跑到馬路中間,被車子撞,跟 Hank 爸媽回台灣請吃素食的那時候,2008-2009 哪一年她結婚,我弟弟跟我媽說,那如果她在路中間,那就推她一把,推死的意思 ! 


這些 ABC,因為提娜官司很嚴重,饒邦講話像當初我聽到的,誰的女兒,炳輝,就是競爭只要那個人不見,自己就是最好 !

我剛剛跟我媽說,沒有沒有要做那種事情,沒有 !不是這樣


這所有小孩的東西都要摸一下 ....我弟弟吃維生素 D,太陽製作的維生素 D 是自然的

那是一個製作的維生素 synthetical 的意思,我走比較多草藥,我其實不吃 Uber,他非常只能吃 Uber 回台灣的時候很多很多這種味道,湯麵,碩交很多很多垃圾,我通常吃那種黃瓜削皮,我很在乎皮削掉,青菜要洗,蔬果,在國外,他們倆個在國外+ 這爸媽我講台灣的電視的小孩,這是我媽媽的好朋友以前的小孩。

我媽要一個動作一個動作,切東西,衛生紙呀 ! 地板呀 ~討論也好,誰擦過這地板,這兩個都不會,討論手把消毒,窗戶,自己講出來,洗我位置這些布,你們講了這麼多年之後,意思他們自己想辦法在國外? 

( 我有看,沾水的所有戒子 .... )

我講現實是食物,狠辣很酸很多麵食、飯類,草藥不可能,幫助自己或是幫助自己爸媽,因為 ABC 在國外不見得多 ABC 有更 ABC的,但是講英文,書寫英文,或是長相,身高等等,很多適應不良,我弟弟絕對不是這所有電影哪個,不是楊洋那種。


養爸媽,我只能養一個,我媽 ~我說一句一句帶,一個維生素一個維生素帶 ! 

我說 B 群,或是綜合維他命,她知道我吃,她也會吃下去~ !


她們全部態度都不是很好,太多他們了,因為自己壓抑,外國人很多威脅性,寫英文,或是表達,在台灣叫做電視有臉,回到美國就一個人自己吃飯這樣,面對牆壁 !

你們叫我,我就會想,我通常是看好我媽 !  她這麼尖叫,提娜的離婚很久,Hank 也不太好,很多小孩要養 ! 邦不會做叔叔那種。 我沒有很靠近,但是我有想過作準備,教育基金,緹娜是女孩子,有月經躺下來,等等,但是她講話很難聽的英文,真的很恐怖,我其實不知道發生什麼事情,要一個一個走過去錄音,貼在牆壁上,每一個她們,她很習慣做這類事情,或是她相信,很多髒話英文耶 ! 講給亞洲人男孩子,自己閃,如果是外國人 ...她現在在演戲的意思?!

我有沒有想辦法? 沒有 ! 我送出去,可是我沒有給我媽,我有講 ~


樓梯 ~ 不能樓梯 ! 不是 (電影)

台北這些建築,這邦不能真的,亞洲人比較矮 。手把你們知道走路怎麼走? 這邊他會自己掉下去,我們這種身高不會想,因為是一輩子,但是他身高跟他男朋友,這邊不能住,太小了 ! 都太小了,這樓梯或是這整棟樓都不行,我們看過很多次,很久我就說過。


所有 ABC 加起來,我算一下 (不是台灣的) 

8 個不加方跟怡君,13 包括媽 (我爸朋友),電視上的加加減減,我只能看好一個 ! 我媽 ~電話像有個家是講動物,只有幾個,跟 W 兩個世界一些以前朋友,好像存在那種。

我同學幾打這樣,一打是 12 個,他們英文可以強,是資優班,所以他們可以,就可以自己照顧爸媽那種。

西城男孩講尚恩一個,現在兩個醫藥+ 爸或是很多人可以幫忙。

我就躺著不動的意思 ! 我管這棟水壓還是水管,黑色東西,我要看~~一打開 !

你們知道這水管方便是要洗的? 裡面跟外面? 站在這邊看呀看,他們很喜歡跑出去玩,兩個都是 ! 台北做快樂人生,我有擔心,這未來在哪個方向,跟閃耀暖暖講的一樣。

台灣應該是講垃圾袋,你們會買的意思,但是女孩子要買 ....垃圾桶,收集,所以一個家... 說垃圾袋一個一個買 7-11 用台北的薪水,在國外比較有自尊心這樣,我應該怎麼想這件事情? 如果跟台灣同學有聯絡 ? 我一個都沒有 !

這樣東西要怎麼分配,廚餘在家裡洗蔬果,這細節,那台北很多細菌外面,天氣變遷,太熱太冷國外,我也不知道,一天過一天 ! 看好她,我只能綁在床上,動不動這種,幾步去椅子,己不去廁所,這不會摔到,因為撐住牆壁,我滑了一次在裡面,手撐住牆壁 ! 因為小 ~ 

這樣就過了 8 年~ 

牙齒,肥,或是看醫生要媽陪,我媽 ! 所以家裡有人我看家~ 看好這鄰居,你們有想過這件事情? 真的情況,她們很需要看醫生,哪個年紀到死之前 ....自己害怕的意思?! 眼睛視力 ....很誇張。


有,這是這兩個女的兒子,在國外自尊心比較高,都很需要自尊心,在地板上拖著這樣 ....

身高呀 ! 長像呀 ~有點比較好看的外國人長相,就是....

那自己回台灣,你們... 應該不是做這種事情,我有看過捷運是講 Aria 回來念高中? 怎麼回來念高中? 我看到不代表我知道怎麼辦 ! 

她們全部加起來很多自尊心,就是誰要去問話,不是自己講,四十歲就是 (三十三/ 五),帶 18-25+ 源源不斷的意思 !  你會講一個邏輯,對方要聽得懂英文,這個人整個大綱,大致情況,彼此聽到每一個人的點在哪裡,人生方向 ! 

== 對外國人 

我現在其實覺得最重要是醫療 ! 真的,自己在美國一個家,很孤單,一個人抬水 .....

手拉到筋怎麼辦?  頭昏有點,怎麼辦?  年紀變老,怎麼辦?   臉色蒼白沒有食物怎麼辦? 

台北醫院叫做瞬間,這邊 ! 

這有細節叫做你自己的 ID,皮包在台北,我發現我要講人的時候,自己要小心在台灣或是國外,自己肚子呃,因為是真愛,就是自己顧自己吃東西,這一次的時候。

看下一個電影好了 ! 講夠了~

我有看新聞 (我剛剛寫訊息,講動物跟你們台灣總統)

警察不能講、蔣萬安不能講 ....

其實你們有自己台灣的 youtuber, 有些其他中國、日本還是韓國交流 ! 昨天我們講的,你們講給誰聽聽看,你們爸媽這樣? 抱怨或是疏導自己的情緒,因為這中午點是講軍售或是稅務、或是立法,跟你們自己真正的 agenda, 有點出入這樣 ....我一直以為是台灣 Youtuber 跟 Google 101 扛再一起弄到什麼我會弄對這件事情,我想都沒有想,你們其實都很上進,除了新聞講的任何其他事情。不管今天講了什麼。

你們其實努力上進很久 ... 時間也過去尋找他們心情愉快,媽呀 ! 爸呀 ~講話找時間講。


你們爸媽會說 :  什麼是不是現實狀況?



其實我也想知道是什麼事情。提娜跟她媽說,朔身內衣 ~

或是動物的衣服,台灣可能是製造商 !


我以為我們都在電視講,可能很多人聽到,是 ...對上對面,警察、軍事這樣。




所以英文你們爸媽應該是用猜的,有人經過路過或是,之前,現在,或是 6 個月以前,兩年前,等等等,有人自己講的很快樂,然後有一天附近事情,現在是你們無法穿插,我有這一件事情,所有事情卡在這一件事情,是要順便叫你們的時間是現在 !


喔~ 是現在,但是你們也不是講我需要處理的事情,你們自己某些穿插朋友,朋友投資的事情。你們自己很忙,我也知道,然後呢? 就不需要幫倒忙這樣講,所以我重來就沒有講,這要寫中文的,你們電視有帶過,我太忙的意思 !

所以現在,該你們順便一下,過年快到了,新年之後,這你們拖地板這樣,因為一定要越過我的事情,現在你們要不要埋伏伏筆,這樣有事情就跟你們爸媽說,不用等過年? 越過台灣一堆事情 + 安娜 兩千件的事情。

Hugh, you are fine?

Not my head, right? I thought your father is here, or her mother is around?

I did see her Korean cafeteria video, a real music behind, she happy for the food. The local Chinese food, the meat, the fish, the chicken with the white rice?

You guys didn't eat these meat, the fish, the chicken big frying stuffs, or the soy sauce.

2 or 3 times, or 6 or 7 times not those too happy music.

You and your father's conversation

Its all private, no, I don't do those things.

You know why you telling your father some stuffs, when he is right here? Its not just you 1 person running everyone's life + a wife + a kid. He lives all his lifes, he knows what that is.

No? Okay, just a wife + a kid yet. Her new prospect to the future.

No, I don't go noisy those things. Not really.

But I set a measurement, he heard something, it wasn't clear, and then, all things blurry, up to him, but he is not sure which things, and so you decide to tell him, what was on your mind, and everything going on?

Did you actually talk between the two people?  No, I don't really know you, what you do in Europe, to end up here, its me me me, I understand that. Some other things, your school, your friends, or you go to work, somewhere.....and you run part of his life, or his business and you have 3 grown up sister with a husband. All in VS, you told him, all in white? You cannot assume he understand what is 17 means?

No, not the music, no, not the song, no, not the model. 

He has to literally hears it, from you. You are his son. These 1 week, he heard nothing?

No, I don't want to talk about the movie. You all were about to sit down to eat a meal.

Continue. I cannot be there.

You thought about these much things, you tell your mother like we talked about it before, that was every single day, or were every next days? Including to trouble them, BOTH. Any of them be troubled.....I don't know if you guys are close. But you trouble your mother or you trouble your father. 

You decide to stay here....and you try or you want to do something, all of that in combine.

We try to pretend none of your parents, or her parents were here. But I make it blast on the internet open and wide, and I said, you need to communicate with your mother. You decide to run off your own hotel.

You got tired, she got tired, she has no shoes, or your own shoes.

I say, sit there, sleep there, the typhoon, stay there.  Its not a big deal just 1 month to move back anywhere. You telling your mother I assuming that time. 

Are all of these inside your head every day? Its how to talk to your mother better?

The 6 months. You got married for the 6 months, you asked them if they ever got married before, they know how to run your life, or seeing you running everywhere else life?

Your parents don't know why I have any police I go and tell them. Nope. I don't usually call the police or going near to the police. But here we have the police station, you all ending up talking to them? In English?

Did you tell your parents, you read that book, the Red River Manga. 

That is a comic book, and you cared about it. 

Do you tell your mother or your father, "I really care about it, this book. It has something in them, and some other combine the media they air in the public sight, I cared about 1 2 3 4 5 things, seriously."

They both heard, these 3 lines in their front

I think there is that book to the police, right? No, I didn't know. Nope. Your parents will hear everything except a comic book.

Your father can find a translator, a butler, a luggage carrier.

Today you want to start with your father one week, what you telling him, or just this one book, you telling the police here. In English, he understands everything !

I didn't read them since I was the middle school, seriously ! I didn't really go back and reading, too busy here!

You ask him to eat, now, and you want to tell him about a book.

Every single time.

Every time you got something going on, ask him to eat a meal, Use him, and sit down there, using him, and tell him, I need this meal, and can we talk.

Every single time.

You ask him, to go to ATT building. "Its a date, me and you." You tell your father?!

"If you don't mind, I want to start here. You pay."

"I want 5 chicken drums, we don't eat, but we gonna walk, and talk, and we take the escalator up. I hope I can show you correctly, then we...might eat."

"So, that day, one day.......this happened, I got lost right around here. She decides to say, we both go to the next by building to eat, so these 5 chicken drum won't be eaten, and we gonna go straight up to somewhere to sit, doing nothing, and that day plan is ruined, We just go down 1 more floor, or these 3D glasses, sit there the movie cinema. We didn't walk anywhere. Its next by building."

You want your father to ask you to go eating?

No, Hugh.

Every time when a parents show up, and you realize, he is in front of your face. You will show up yourself every single time, asking him morning or night, you calling him first.

Can you do that? You want to try to do that? A little bit.

Like "how is your day, you got anything plan today. I didn't eat a lot, I shop the food home, so ...without you being here, I thought I might throw them away. That is why I didn't call you. I got tired walking up or coming it down sometimes just in thinking where that is. My life."

Then you tell him.

You always starting your immediate in front of your life, your room, your laundry, your fridge, you seriously doing this, 

Then, you say the other things.

Yes, go ahead. We finished.

I have some other news stuffs. 

Kate, those buying things....to one van, or one car.

Is all these things you require to report to palace, like your heart doesn't go up or down, those? They say fine, or its they make you suffer, you cannot do these, the car just pick you back and forth whole day, the money reason? Or you can always ask and get nothing back?

You want to wait a day, tomorrow to rent this van or a taxi car for 5 hours doing nothing....

I think you really need its a comforter and a jacket, a glove, and a hat, seriously, whatever you are wearing  + a dozen girl's socks. The warm socks.

+ you got those white towels, one load laundry done, those?

You didn't get anything in the kitchen, but you had only 1 pot can cook or boil the water.

You got your 3 carts that day, with the water? I cannot see everything. My life is horrible here.

You just eat take-out. I need you to put a jacket on + the socks, I cannot see if you have the correct socks. 

1. A thermal shirts ( 3 )

2. A sweator outside ( 3 )

3. A dozen girls socks (12)

You want to get one more pair of the sneaker? You can get 2 more not just 1 more at the entrance those ?

You like the longer bottle water, at home, easy to drink sometimes until you get it, you really  need it? 

There are the things you really really need now !

Can you shop these things clearly, put it on every single day at home or going out.

You get tired when you shop all of these. You go home and lay down

Can you carry 1 comforter  + these shopping bags.

Can you focus these yellow highlight things til 1 or 2, if they open at 11, you eat over there, and you come back to drop all of these, you go to the grocery store again at 3 oclock, if you lay down rest a bit.

You can carry one more small oven back, YES.

You shop all these shopping bags, the last one, you go to the cruisine department floor, you told them, if they have a staffs to help you, if you can get 10 things, so you pick 3 things today for them to carry with you to the taxi.

Tomorrow you carry 10 things, today you carry 3 things.

The small oven, the dozen plates (white, or any color), cup....if they are 30 pieces, and 1 more, the other day post, you pick one ! The utensil, or the knife set ! You can take 10 things if you want to, or 5.

That is good?!

You can turn down a bit the temperature your indoor room, yes.

You want to do something else by yourself?

Okay, you have a jacket, put more stuffs on you?!

I have a news and a lunch !


Westlife When You're Looking Like That CDUK 2001

They make it up that stuffs. Shane does those things, all of them.

Your winter that is where you staying? It rains? I have no idea where that is. You fine to go back to a different house this......I am trying to relocate a Shane looking just like you, he is very painful at his head, to lean on the white wall, and got up and running for his life with the military, too.

That day immediately?!

Go The Distance - Hercules Soundtrack | One Voice Children's Choir Cover (Official Music Video)

That profile when I wrote it....it was Kate them were here for 2 or 3 months, with Hugh. During that time, they given you the Belt, or the real diet like that Citric Belt Fruits, exactly like the booklet. So I didn't catch any of those, too many things happened.

Its known to MH and me. He is at Ohio.

You don't really have anymore modern herbalist concept, but those college do exist. Some people look a lot more...Ella Enchanted, they do those herbs. I am not that super extreme. 

That is a diet, that is not a herbal concept at all. 

There is those concept, you are all a lot more slim, but your one cut is on the video.

Your luggage, you want to get more things with you in the house? You get everything in the house? That is a different place I saw, there is another Shane? The drawing artitech, that one guy, one circle, 2 circle those, and they are all behind him. His head is like the 1000 pounds every time he lays down.

You got the sweater, the socks, the long sleeves, you guys underwear, anything you can put in that suitcase. The tissue paper? You go and buy them, you tell them you wish to get some toiletry tissue paper. 

Do you have some lotions, for the winter, for the hands, for your back head near the ear.

For your knees, you get old, your joints.  Any pharmacy in your country have those thermal shirt, you get 2 like that, its one inside any time to dress up, or just the pajamas is good.

Your eye creme, if you put any make-up.

Your skin any medicinal creme other than the vasiline. 

You have anything on your skin, you taken the vitamin C enough?! Not the pain killer patches, they run out of my vitamin statues. The multi-vitamin, you getting them. The B complex is for the women, but you can get that.

You go outside for the sun.

You get L-lysine, for the mouth blister. Its your liver acting up, too much of some spicy or...the body fire up. 1:1 is fine Vitamin C and L-lysine, (1000mg, 1000 mg)

Yes, together.

None of that is the drug. Nope. They are the synthetical bacteria free supplement. Your body needs that, if you tear a lot, you got upset, and the juice too cold, you want some warm water, or you didn't eat, or you didn't get the green nutrition, you lock up somewhere, you take some supplement. No, it doesn't need to be everyday. 

You eat heavy things?

You check your face, you check your skin, every week, once at least for you now. They give you any belt, someone has a belt, what does that mean. Conan Detective.

No, if you get a flu, you take every 4 hours, both 1:1. The worse thing is the diarreha, but I won't really tell everyone to do that, but I test that, its fine. + the oregano oil, that is the more immune system right at your throat, those. 

So once a week is not a lot, definitely not. 

It probably from a doctor pays at 500 dollar per hour those, by now, not sure he is living or dead. From Florida.

Go to sleep, rest well. You doing fine.

Kate has a schedule, or just someone talks to her a bit.

I have to talk to Shane, pretend I have a husband ~~~ I like Shane, Nicky's voice just like Nick, I cannot take it my head.

Its hurting none stop.

I am talking to you Will and Mark LOTR, good night. Good morning, Kate, toooo cold last night, I have to get up and adjust my electric blanket, what is your schedule today? 

1. Your brand new outside color which...jacket, the coat, the glove, the hat, Kate !!!!

2. They have those warm hands those pocket warming things indoor, or outdoor, you buy 2 dozen, its a package. Lasting about 8 hours, the students use it.

3. Your electronic appliance + 3C

4. Your spice + grocery shopping, do you have the kitchen towel, or the toilet paper?

5. I still to get this feeling, anyone near you, they can drive you to finish 2 days jobs, 1 car, going back and forth? YOUR jacket, your bigger screen monitor its a PC monitor, flat or mounted, you can touch and click, the Japan has that technology like the America. The citizen groups any human contact you?!

See this?


No, you don't have the internet yet, I know. You need to be home one day, that those cable and the internet guy coming in. How do you gonna zoom back to England, your royal duty is you migrant and are they coming to Japan, for any reason other than your head reason the last 2 weeks?

I thought about it, last night....KATE. Asia is nothing but the technology giant manufacturing center, it won't matter where, its all taken into these countries their electronic peripheral !!!  King prevent you to hire a truck or a van guy, just driving whole day, none stop driving, til all of these things inside the car, and waiting for you in the parking lot. Do you have a comforter yet?

You try the crab meat with the soup, anything else, other than that freezer thing, you like it?!

I am happy you like it. Do you feel you got poisoned? You never eat this thing?

Do you want some Mc Donald's breakfast? You like those breakfast? It up til 10 oclock, its your time already, you are 1 hour more than us. I got up late. I doze off a little bit.

Will and Mark should be set their evening. I got too occupied, their near by, or their head need to get well on their own.

You did buy this jacket, or you imagine around your neighbor, you wear "this color" jacket, does it have to be "THIS" color?

What we can do is we collect these item lists, and you don't have a notepad, small even....This van guy, or the car guy you can boss half day, you get your stationary, your detergent, your grocery shopping not in a hurry, and.....you can request if you can just do that, so in next 6 months, you have almost everything you want, a comforter is on the top of all of that.

+ some blanket, its tooo cold for me here. Imagine in Japan, even you have the heating.

You think about if you want to do that.


Will .....Mark has this they turn glowing white to almost powder white, is that true? If he pokes his flower behind, he thought about or he tried...poke, all of that might be powder down shattered pieces. Our president here is a doctor. 

There is a different thing I see, or he saw, and...that was yesterday, my head is hurting, its something you wish to tell me? The left side when someone hatred......I taken is you, Will.

I don't have all the time to see the otters anymore.

Its still tearing hours coming near to Christmas? You don't have a Christmas, you have a crisis in England ! You and Mark two showering bathing water. I know, it was on the TV, I know, it was in the Red River Manga, Kail. It was in this new drama their opening trailer, too. Ch 26, they usually air 2 hours in one day, Mon - Fri. 

He talks to you periodically, the same constant voice, or that is I imagine that fainting back away, echo? You have a motion really love to hit your head, they talking to you to ask you? It means he coming back?

The Mockingjays Part 1, I saw it trailer. 3 or 4 days. You Will and Mark LOTR.

The protocol means your head, or your money, Will? 

These otters considering to be the supporting causes, starting the 1st video. I only saw that to believe, its too alienated I could literally see or imagined that, there is a difference.

Tina has a lot of the issues, Will. My mother never really requires to scream, and playing these games, and Tina does that 2014, none stop to get her way, all the time of those something so wrong she made the mess of everyone's life.

Her language is bad, her attitude is very bad. 

I literally seeing these issues, run about, its very bad. 

You know you and George on the first week was normal. Right?

I didn't think I need to worry about your part, they go and digging, you all both relocated, by your brain power, so your father is freedom to run. Kate was somewhere else.

This is a weird thing, whom I see here.

The last 2 weeks. 

The otter or the panda telling me things.....so you cannot walk now, you want to go to your Christmas Party, all that is real? Exactly like that those panda say hanging upside down.

( I breath deep ...... )

Is there something worse than I said, or something extra more than this Mark LOTR looks, its by the A Living Hope & that greek scenery of Mark and Nicky (Westlife)

I trying to believe someone looks very much like Shane, his debtors were looking for him. He and Mark has the vision issue or the head issue. I worried about that Shane. So I saw a giant fat Shane in America. I am trying to relocate any human in the correct location.

My head got hurt here.

I have no patient with my president here. I got injuried and he is a doctor, and I have all of you and 2 video, to becoming the Mockingjay Part 1 trailer ending....that is 2. 

I have a Kate issue, and a super giant face Tina Jojo what issues now. Its a divorce I think. 

Where are the regular human citizen groups, they cannot just having someone settle this one Kate, right?

This new panda video has a halo, that is your father, or that is you?

Anyone explains to you, a panda knows what is a halo, it went down, coming back down, its a bamboo made of.....halo. They know what it means, your father knows what it means, or you know what is a halo?

Since these ZOO...... I cannot breath, starting.....

The water temperature and your body temperature in your room temperature is different. Your 4 hands/ feet warming methods keep you lasting about a day, morning or 3 hours in the afternoon, sometimes just 2 hours.

I invented that, correct. I told everyone that method from myself because I come back to Taiwan. 

You are not legally normal to generate any legal argument yet, you can wait until your entire body got fix up, your brain power, your vitality not to succumb if you aging  or the metabolism went down at ANY junction of the age line. 

Any human medical teams, never never never touch your head, not your pawn hit, not any girl flip back of your head, not any guy. Not a physical touch like that, understand? You need to report to anyone near around you. That is a common sense.

People gang up they themselves to put up a fight, starting 2014.

You right now, can be 1 person ascending throne, how your father kept that halo, is there a meaning? I can say anything I want to the public, you mean.

When a patient improves their home chore life, the home maintainance, like washing, bathing, or the mindful state to sleep, those are at home, you take care of yourself. So there is a name called the homeopathy.

A lot of people in the society doesn't trust as much the doctor anymore, so they hide in their own home, or doing something hola hop to wish their hidden secrets are kept home. If they got found by the doctor, maybe this or maybe that.

I didn't really care about the human that much, so its blast on everyone's facebook.

When I saw the otters, so I will comment further and these A Living Hope, or Children's Choir, or Mark LOTR another one cut surgical Shili at cases.

I saw it, I immediately act up. They do put my torture states, but its not I literally use a knife, if they stop hurting my head so worse or worsen states.

No, I am not intuitively to see this is your subconscious mind, or your conscious more stern look. Is your things disappeared, how these entire things went up to the roof, has a stage in the video, I didn't plan that, but I am seeing through that.

You didn't think anything will improve, so, these about 2 weeks. Kate is on her own 3 days, its not the most intuitive for her, but she puts up those light black suit jacket. What if this, what if that, starting 6 months ago, I didn't know she might come in earlier if were Okinawa, or Japan which ranch place with those miliitary. She did venture out, so I will explain to her every step the way.

Do you sleep better, anything Mark side, having so many vision inside, all of that. I don't know if they are real, so any 1 thing disappeared, or vanish, or improved, its 20%, to 30%, to 50%. Its before your Christmas, you and them have a plan?


Then that's good, its not a real plan.

I didn't think you got those temperament but I tell people exactly what I see. 

That's fine. you got your own diary book, you watch yourself, or you do talk to near by, or you got angry, or you got throw here or there, so before next 5 days, you seeing yourself to improve 1 more things, all that? 

Mark LOTR is doing it.

Those are the classify materials, it will credit to them a lot more. I didn't come out all that. I saw inside the video, I figure it out your ear and that mint oil....

I do hope it did work, not every vision I see its in another facility, its in THOSE kids' life, or the New Age guy has a dozen or 2 or 3.....all of that combine, and this Mark LOTR, he really improves, or he used to look so much like that Shane in the doctor's office, he has to get down somewhere to run, or to hide, his 2 debtor immediately show up to kill him in the hospital. is that real?

But right now, its this Mark with the military caged in. A different house. Not the artitech drawing the circle, I keep saying to which Shane.  His suitcase, he went back to get everything in 1 suitcase. Does he feel a lot a lot better, everything sweater or the winter thing, for the next 3 months. The socks, the things he needs! He happy he got his suitcase, not a backpack, and someone helping them, if there is another Shane? This Mark looks different, his head, or that is a different head, so heavy. He felt different than 2 months ago, 1 month ago, to these 2 weeks....

I have no idea whom and what being seen.

I am not a real doctor, so anything 1 thing improves to that 1 person life, its 1 thing, any stranger can pass by and do, then 2 things, or the 3 things from the public citizen power, he can get one more trip to his luggage. 

Yeah, just 1 thing starting. 

I am not scared if I got it wrong?

If you improve, that's good. I am glad it works fine. So you continue.

A lot of the people cared about you, they all will try on those water temperature for you. For the girls longer hair, because these bath tub to us....the girls we are....

It wasn't the most beautiful thing to imagine how to turn upside down the head is in the water those, my space is too small here.

The crying part, my mother's nose....

Some people probably didn't think that is so real, isn't it?!

Its late, go to sleep, rest well. Another day you are both on your own, you like what you decide to do, you thought about you being your own doctor. 




I am trying to....

Never mind. My mother got back, today she is none stop screaming. Now she knows the elevator is fix. She is so syndrome to know what she is doing, or she is truely truly handicap and no one knows how much she is that pitfall state of the human degradation to see her wither and be dead, I am telling you.

She is singing, and metal clinging in the kitchen on every those bottle, and the dishes. She screams all her food in the morning, and she is eating them down.

I throw some of those away.

I am reading. 

It might be Tina's issues are so bad, she does that at home, that time, horrific. My mother deals with her all her life since the high school. She reminds me those things today. She just jump up the sofa, or her bed, anything this Tina ever does. 

She needs a bath tub

They are not twins or anything.....right? I remember there is a screen.

PTS What is.....I remembered, I think she has ....

I have heard some common things when they inject that vitamin C. I wonder if that is true.


You want to write, William, the charity pamphlet?

That is the modern technique, it is. 

You supposed to ask me, "The next step."

I will reply you, "They have to make it into a protocol, that will be a step-per-step. Meaning like a restaurant guide, per measurement of the spice used in per box weight to make one dish." 

So that is not the homeopathy?

No, if that works so well, the hospital can mass create a perfect formula step 1 to 10.

That is what they need to do, or that is what they aim to do?

I am guessing no one thought it can be a step by step to end like....the additional, you are the multi-talent, you know that?

Just means the clarity of the brain can help them, let's say, be more brighter what they see, what they hear, what they less be disturb, and the girls and the boys in their growing up to get old, it wasn't always frighten on their physical or the mental health. That is all it means.

So its just all in the brain, that kinds?

Of course.

oh, I watch my mother first. No, not Tina. Too many peripheral I can only observe 1. Somebody has to watch them a bit. I can only understand one thing that person in front of me, she is doing that on purpose, or she is in which direction what she hears, sees,  understands in Chinese. All of that, her analytical, or her liking, or her explanation, or her on the road walking, or anything when the home chore is half on me, she goes out okay, or she tells me what?!

Her head if moving with her eyes, she can see far away, or she lies to me, like someone told her, all that. The animal, the birds, she told me is right outside, next by that. So I can see all of that. 

She is talking in English !  And those dog in which superstitious than what something the local slang the bao zi to eat down, against the ghost, those stuffs. She has some other those local saying. She is talking to Tina that.... Whatever I heard the last time. 

A brand new slang. She is serious doing that, or there is no Chinese hears her talking anymore.

⭐⭐⭐ William, I have 2 otters none stop in the rain. They gonna get cold. My birds chips...⭐⭐⭐

You and Mark not finishing the tears, anyone told you any day, you never use your hand to touch your own head, like hitting it. They react on it yet? Any brain image scan and talking to you?

Hi Mark.....I have an Shane original...I always do that, whichever Shane ~~not you, man. You speaking in English, your bath tub finding someone right next by you, when you dip your heads in those water, you did very well, if that is too hot, you put some colder water in the bath tub, can you turn around?  The back is where the relax things at. I am looking at your right head.....ear. 

You dip the half face, the eye, your right eye, Mark LOTR. Not your forehead, just your eye below, those face cheek area to the jaw line. The face fissure. You may not need to put your right eye down, you cared about this eye glasses, you take it off.

Not your eyes, not your ears in the water, you feeling better? You got scared if the eye or the ear is in the water. I mean your face just sip your cheek down, jaw line, soaked, not your head to get used to that, your ear gonna get wet.

Every single time if I tell you something....you gonna look like those zipping lip, with your head down.

William cannot use the warmer water, he says he got stroke, so the palace entire water pipe line is the colder water only. 

You two inside the bath tub side by side....you know both know what you look like, something wrong with these bathing water up to your chest, your hand so hard to raise up your arm, coming back down? Mark doing more, just these water bothering you? They are all the process water. 

Imagine the girls how to wash the ear behind, those long hair.....the finger through. You feeling different, that entire head? Only the hair, not the ears? 

Your 4x folded towel soaked with those water, at that area? Near the lymph node, anything feeling different? 1 day pass, 2 day begins something new?


You didn't buy any food on the first day?

You did, or something? Your jacket, that is the business attire, you do that in Tokyo, you didn't buy that jacket, but you buying this color, you do gone outside, or you are still thinking which jacket? You cannot keep yourself entire wrap up, seriously up to your neck, those hold it to your neck, cover it up and the hat to your ears. 

Near you, any Ramen noodle places they told me, but its kinda late. You don't have the instant noodles last time, or any pasta box, any left over, you take it back? I don't know if you eat the soup, some seasoning, some spice you all purchase on the first day, and one day I miss, you get anything else other than the laundry?

The elevator still going up and down, but I don't heat it anymore, the audible. 

They didn't buy you any cloth in the palace, and where are those boxes to ship in? Tomorrow?

A thermal pharmacy cotton, inside
Second is the turtle neck, like the White Christmas sweater, and then those giant jacket, and then the scarf inside that jacket, cover full at your chest and your neck.
And those soft hat weaver pattern, without those 2 hanging things.

These are the thermal shirt, usually its wraps up in a rectangle seeing through transparent, a bag or a wrapper, those. That is the linkNot pattern, I cannot tell if they pattern in those weaver stuffs. You put a white sweater on top like the Christmas, you don't need the business suit, with your sneaker, you are fine, you have the socks, right? The furry those type?

No, not the stocking those. 

You bought the eggs, and you never cook these in your life, or you got some salad, the balsamic vinegar? 

When the water boiling, meaning you seeing the whole steaming coming up, the bubble keep rolling up and up and up, fast, those are boiling means.  So you put the 20 eggs down. 

You have to tear the outside, to marinate the half of them. The sugar, the soy sauce, and the red pepper, you may not have any, but you can get that later. 

If you break them, those you need a chopstick or a fork to stir them, you add some salt, and then some milk, dilute a bit, then you scramble those, just keep moving back and forth. 

You lower down heat. You want more fluffy and the golden looks. 

Tomorrow you want to use the lists to get the real food, the rice, the pasta, some seasoning, you just collect them in 2 bottle each. You got the cabbage right? The salt washing them per leafy, in the water. You haven't got the container, yet. Just a few leafy you can eat it with any soup, you get something you like to eat to combine them.

You see your own schedule, you write them down, what you wish to do, you keep eating outside is fine. Breath a little. That was horrific you all running, no one has a clear agenda.

Yeah, the cabbage with the boiling water, with some scrabble eggs, its a soup. Next time, you get those white vinegar, similar to the Chinese those take-out soup, they go with the bamboo, those, or the black ear mushroom. You are not going to do that. 

You can write it down, right?

A container to close the lid, those. + the white rice (its almost like a sheet, they vaccum it, so its not a super giant thing for you to carry whom) Some volumn, you hold it at your chest in your cart. You get 2 container maybe if too much, you can only keep it in the containers, those wrapping package.

Then you get those 10 pasta boxes, 3 in the fan shape, 3 in curls shape, 3 in straight line or something else you eat regular or you like.

Did you buy the cake that day, 3 carts, other than the water?

That is like 13 mins, you put about 2 pawn hands a little bit more, you make it that soupy if you like them more soup, soft to digest at night. Not too many, you can go to sleep early. 

You do eat outside, did you take out? You want to order the pizza home now?

You want to stop the cooking, and just order that phone number Pizza Hut? You eat a bit, and the pizza hut for today, tomorrow and next day, you eat 1 or 2 slice, those with anything you are cooking now. You order 2 pizza.

One is everything on top
One is the cheese.

How about that?

I turn off my broswer.....where are the cookies.

You just call the telephone, your location, and they take your calls.

1 box of the chicken wing, 1 box of the dessert, 3 pizza if you know what to order, and 1 bottle coke. They have the pasta, too.

You can order the 3 chicken wing boxes + 2 dessert+ 3 pizza, and 2 bottle coke.

Tomorrow you got the rice or the pasta, you can eat it with the chicken wings.

You eat, or don't eat, its just all leave it inside the house. You throw them all out, if you don't need it !! No, they last. 

If you have to go out, anyone calls you, you just throw them all out on the 3rd day. 

You seeing the food, you feel safe? !  Tomorrow lunch you have something to heat that up?

If you ordering them, you just wait to eat. We are the eating time here, too. 

The cabbage you need to soak them in the per leafy,....in those filled up your sink, those water, if you wash your sink already. With the salt. Like you pawn hand size those salt, drop in the half filled water sink.

You don't eat the whole cabbage, I guess you just rinse them two side, like 2 leafy, those?

When you get the container, you eat them.

If they got spoiled, you just throw them out in one week.

Tomorrow you shop in 3C in the Department Store, the Air Fryer + the regular small oven !

You can heat up your chicken wing, or the pizza.

You got your 2 hands full, right. You can ask them the front,...if you buy those bigger bag, someone like them, to go with you to the taxi. You do that? You get 5 things in the store, not 2 things in your hands.

1. The air fryer, 2. the small oven, 3 the magic bullet. 4  A food blender regular looking  5. a Cuisine set of the 12 piece.

Before you buy, you ask them, if you can have someone goes to the taxi with you. 11:00 you be there, 11:30 you got home with 5 stuffs in the trunk.

You go seeing that floor, those 5 things, you go to the counter say:

Su mi ma sen,  can you 5 ( 5 finger), you go with me to the taxi.

You turn around, circle that area with your arm, says 5. 

How about you just focus that YOUR dinner tonight, if you order that, or your pot tonight anything you wash, you can throw that in the garbage can.

+ Tomorrow, these 5 things. If you order tonight, tomorrow you can eat that !

6. The slow cooker
7. The paninni machine or the sandwitch pressor.
8. Your plate, the glasses, the cup, the small dishes set.
9. Some cloth, or the chopping board, and the knife set.
10. Anything else you see.

11. Do you buy your tooth brush, and the tooth paste, or the dental floss?

You drop those things home by 12:00, you eat something, you go to grocery store again.

You buy those soy sauce, the sugar, the vinegar, a dozen tooth brush, a dozen dental floss, and 5 tooth paste. The kitchen towel ( 3 in a roll), you get 5 of them. 

No, I cook something to eat.

Any Christmas cookies, you have to make it yourself.....I don't know if Japan where to buy them. Here I know. Do you care about it? They show me a lot of these.

These are the pastry sheet, these....America selling them. You might finding those food court, and you buy anything you see as the dessert better. You buy like 5 boxes, those small tiny things you carry, you need to stack them up in 5 and put in the taxi.