Babaji: Go
Transformer - Rise of the Beast 變形金剛 -萬獸崛起
⭐️⭐️ Get Smart | Kong - Skull Island | Transformer - Rise of the Beast
That’s Annie Hallaway movie Get Smart. (2008)
Must be the Buddhism ten. They are so wide known now. The multi-media helps.
That’s Ankeheseamen and Ay. The Red River Egypt side. Not many photo.
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I go to Nap
Babaji: Go
You just say you never thought about that magic thing that much.
You talk about the modern medicine, memorize a paragraph, the beginning of your chapter. One of those history, the medicine interests. The vaccine science invented since ....its called the penicillin. You all girls might going out together. Repeat the MD together these. The modern vaccum wraps of the plastic folding of that needie, not just the period pad, its for the hygenic reason. Anna one time did a singing with Westlife song or Ronan, that is the period pad everyone saw it. That is the material. The modern science of that technology gives these manufacture to the high yielding of the commodity needs and the trash generate. Its we girl's issue.
Yeah, the pop culture is good. The singing those are the pop idol. Simon has those show, its exactly before the American time, it is the British show title words. You never heard about it? Its in the library Simon's biography. Anna says its in her area that Jewish temple, Bagel J next by, she walks there. The library modern university or any public library this network train can fish a book to read.
The idea of the American liscence board, or the board meeting like the town board meeting for the housing plan, like my parents talk about it, its real. Not just Nick took Anna there in Canada. We ask our parents, we did hear the good housing choice of that city planning, or the urban planning. The modern forclosure, or the court room, to make the profit. The driven of the high society its where the business strive. Like Mc Donald, like Wendy, like Burger King, those are the fast pace of the modern trendy culture. People eating to get sick, right...that is the result or the outcome of that trendy in the bad diets. But overall the business in the modern trending to lead, or the leadership to train. Like UB SA, Anna says gets near that Jonathon or Ayo, or that would be Jonathon's father, with her uncle in that Intern in City of Hope. So the hospital practice iin both City of Hope and Roswell, this modern facility where the patients demands a better senior care, there is an Obama care. Anna step out, she doesn't' know, but in America, we co-pay that service, at least by now, all the MD 20+ knew that co-paid its with an insurance card. Meaning the patient coming in, and goes to the receptionist, and does that bill.
Don't you Ola agree?
We care about the patience care, so we make friend with the billing department. Like Tamang is in SD, no patience care on that money count, but we all communicate to sort the finance economic look down, in case the worse. Everyone has this all loads things. The textbook, the purchase, and the family raise up. Don't you agree, you all that the modern medicine to where that the practice in ethical, the human loss was very sad for every family, and the church or the funeral home, all these service required money, so I did do a sheet how this flow chart, everyone in one lifetime, in case Anna's theory was correct....we all did something before we coming to this Friday eat out, to chill out between the girls.
Here is...the modern trend of the medicine practice. I call Hailey's dad. He is really in California practice, and Adam dad is really in Maryland. I just told him, "We aren't sure everyone location, and so I call you first, and I will call Adam's dad in Maryland. I know we doing this redundant, but we just really want to know, you are on the West coastline, and he is in East coastline. We talk about it sometimes in the gathering. We are re-word this medicine trendy talk when we get together."
There are ..the modern trend of the medicine practice.
Not limited to ..the modern trend of the medicine practice.
Pretending that frugitive speech in the ending...the modern trend of the medicine practice.
You learn how to talk smart, exactly what I told you.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hard to Get (Ola, Frozen), Tamang, Wing, Dean (SD, TN, from FL to TX)
- Mat Do-little, princess sophie.
- You can legally start to make someone disappear, and die.
- Mat Do-little (動物醫生), Sophie 公主
- 你可以合法之下讓誰開始消失,死.
To eradicate the human population such as the baby slaughter, is welcome to those baby blood to drink such as the aneonic fluid. As soon as all the doctors do not stare at Ola practice of anything, be away 9-5, its where the vanish cabin means....the New Age win. Its the court owe to me anyway, they say everything on Harry Potter, no one listens. I won the court room. They just be quiet no one knows return the door and close it.
The dessertitation of the human mind, the human life is not significant to those win the trumpet of the final war. The movie telling you that.
The position where the better world, the better human is where the Mu idea of those whom serve as the better race such as the European special race or blood. Not mud blood, of course (British Accent label)
The Google blogger has this author email sent to, you ready you come up with your group every Friday night.
Its in that one page post (like the top navigation bar), you can edit your page with your plan to tell the whole universe what you up to. You want your Friday Ella Enchanted be honest to each other to start this romance tale.
Is Ola finally relief and happy, the whole UB knows she wants to be a witch with Mat Ella Enchanted, and just like SMCH, that plan step 1 to 2 to 3. Replace Mat and that Old lady one day. She never talks like, never sounds like, never saying like.
You believe in it, that is how the Judge receive from you, and you telling them the correct plan?
Seeing Westlife makes you feeling to push that judge more, and where is that concrete plans Zawanna they say so loud, and you could not just step 1 to 10 telling everyone, all the family, all the cousin knows what you up to. You feeling how to walk from your car to the judge?
這 Google blogger 有作者送 email 出去,你準備好,你上來講你的團體每個禮拜五的晚上
這是一頁 (像最上面的那些按的),你可以自己從寫你的頁數,你的計劃、你告訴全宇宙你到底想要幹嘛 ! 你想要星期五的魔法灰姑娘,誠實的每一個人開始的浪漫故事。
這 Ola 終於放鬆跟快樂,這整個 UB 知道她想要做一個女巫跟 Mat 這魔法灰姑娘,就像 SMCH 那種計畫 1 2 3 ,取代 Mat 跟那個老女人有一天,她沒有講的像、聽起來像、沒有說的像 !
看見西城男孩,你沒有感覺要推那個法官多一點,這每一個具體的計畫 Zawanna 他們講的很大聲,你可以就第一步到第十步告訴所有人,每一個家人家庭,所以表親堂親都知道你想要做什麼,你感覺從你的車子走到法官?
Her hair style, like Ankeheseamen? W Two Worlds?
You think its Eric turning those X Man camera at the President. That is not magic isn't it?
Future, Past, someone has to believing something, right?
Ola to Jonathon's father (Dr. Bing Radiology)
Prince William to an accountant and Chef (like Dr. Bing's wife)
Hurt? Walking from the door car to the court room, breath with the air, today is another day of that 10 years ago, walking right? Looking straight to touch that court room door? Remember that 10 years ago, "Today will be a brand new day" without your parents. Closing that car door, heart beat up and down to that same court room front door. How is this 10 years recall that very day...shi, no one knows, the air at that car door swing? Touch and feel the metal sleek?
她的頭髮長的像公主小妹片尾曲 ? W 兩個世界
你想這艾瑞克把X 戰警的照相機對準的總統,那不是魔法是吧 ?
未來、過去,某人相信這種事情,對吧 ?
Ola 是去強納生的爸爸 ( Dr. Bing 放射科)
威廉王子需要一個算數跟煮飯的 ( Dr. Bing's 太太)
痛? 從車子的們走到法院,呼吸一下這空氣,今天只是十年前的,走過去對吧 ? 看著前面摸著那個法院的門? 記得十年前 "今天會是一個不同新的一天" 沒有你的家長,關上那車子的門,心臟跳上跳下的同一個法院的前門,這十年過去記得每一天...噓... 沒有人知道,這空氣跟車子的門甩? 摸跟感覺這金屬的 sleek?
My lunch, my news, my Saturday TV.
Lose some weight? 減重?
You all like Mark? My windows here got hit by the wind.
你們都喜歡馬克? 我的玻璃被風打到
Like Mark looks like a dad now?
Ronan looks like a dad now?
What if you fear with the judge, just walking in you are not comfortable? A lot of people are not living in the court room, or the hospital. I told you to get near American medical board, so if I relocated, not American medical board, that is European medical board.
You reading some books like Eben suggests its to give you a mindset how you deal with a certain situation. If you live near what they told you to do, that is the medical world stuffs. You take care of your own life, people around life, solid to believe how to make it that life. Not Ola those case, as soon as she gets rid of the American medical board, its get to Mat and say Ella Enchanted with the court room compensates her all that, and then? In Mat's magic group, she sits over that women, the older lady Mat knows for years, and that entire group she gonna claim?
She is what? Like SMCH?
You looking at each other's line here. From a very small office, there is an University of South Dakoda, Clinical rotation, and Wing is Vanderbelt medical center on campus, and Dean somewhere. Lee is at the college space. You all thinking your 9-5 walking zone space you are living right now, from there to your car, and then to your work place?
Just the space?
You are not planning to expand that energy or air, you saying you believing all that, your space all around. The more jobs you staring at from that local to the National Emergency like a hospital, you see how they talk, how they process the bill, or how much it bankrupt people, or imagine your last day, you gone to the church now to ask?
You will tell me, you actually never think you suppose to be the medical profession in another 20 years, you mistake on the beginning of the step? That is your waiting mode.
How long, how long you hearing me saying this hospital thing? Not every year I repeat?
Unless you all believing in Ola those plan, and you have your own side world of the plan, each got a movie to make your own perfect world plan. You buddy every Friday night Ola date for those promising of the future how to get rid of Mat. This guy supposes to be an animal Do-Little, what are those word, Veterinarian. He is the part of the MD program, how the girl like Ola looks, talk, and one day to get rid of that Mat, shift over his entire world with that old lady. You believe she says no, right now?
Why don't you all go and get her alibi?
She might believe you have a world plan just like her, buddy every Friday night til when this judge court room doesn't know you have another game of the mind seeing all this TV. Its not this plan, that is another perfect wanted, Zawanna knows it-all-plan.
This is the movie director has something against you back? You like that?
But Ola believes it ....there is the first step, gets to the second step? Draw on the piece of paper and leave it at home?
I could just talk it all loud to EVERYONE, I used to talk to Shane from Westlife last year about this 50 Shades of Grey, the kid's store, at this Google review one yes, or one no, at the same exactly breakfast name, my cousin Square just right across one street down turn right.
I say there, and over there Dean's Ice skating rink, and then...somewhere else I found, at the end of Y. Funny?
Is that legal? The court room knows you believe in it ....just someone else saying it out loud, first. Taiwan is not China, no one cares one kid store, saying Taiwan even. Not those location even.
Zawanna he tells you a burito true love story, on the Battleship, you all each grab your biggest plan like I used to have this organic chemistry lawsuit 413. All the e-book cover, or the buttom, or the drawing from. You sit each on Friday night to tell each other loud and clear how you word those saying.
When you practice enough to get your words right. My website is just so free you all step over here all over the place to tell the whole universe, what you up to !!!! This guy must be something, isn't it?
Ola case doesn't have a meaning, but get rid of Harry Potter story, Prince has a meaning?
Ola 那種沒有意義,但是解決這哈利波特故事,王子有一個意義?
『You go to court....You go there you know the reason why you show up there? You describe yourself about this case, and where you been. There you pile up the documents with the evidence, and the correct description how you say that on the paper and including to the judge, am I correct? You asking your lawyer how to do that kind of the argument in order to win the case in the end, right? Its to win the case.』
『 Let's say you mean its the movie producer, or the movie director they are hurting you or your image, or your entire family being affects, at least that is one of your claim, and starting 3 generation ago, you might already have those documents file-ing through with your father knowing all of that. His mother, your grandmom at least telling him something, or he guess to, you think? How is you and your father talk laterly? 』
『 There are things bothering you, bothers him, or bothering her. Let's say just your family tradition has been like that. You think you know how to talk to your kid when he grew up, and passing that down since your grandmom, and how is that family tradition, its with your brother in it, or you describe all that to Kate and Meghan too, or in the end, its me talking to that Meghan no matter what, you and your brother looking not that much difference to me, to be honest with the ladies. 』
『Do you want me to just date your dad, your step mother, or your uncle included, this You've Got Mail that is Tom Hank and Meg Ryan. 3 Months each, I might just talking with some information in the future, your father used to ....your step mother used to....your uncle used to.....and with those kinds of the talk, you feeling a lot comfer literally speaking both you side with your brother, or that would be Camila's kid, Parker and Laura? That is his name, not potter.... 』
『The judge may not telling you this, but he and me will tell you the same thing. We heard your argument. And that is what you tell your lawyer?』
『How do you usually talk to your lawyer, technically speaking? No, I have this bundle junks from UB 100, none of them are the law degree even Eric was the science background how we all met, to one day he intends to finish his law school, or he will finish his bar exam.』
『With you, my lawyer, there are things implicate on the TV or the movies, did you watch the movies? What movies?
..... ....
Don't bother with that, today I got in, I have a bad mood, let's sit down and talk everything else other than that.
.... .....
You know, we run about this conversation about as long as you ever live, one day this whichever lawyer in front of me, gonna switch to the youth, or you think I die before you, you tell me that, this is the private time, we have a longevity issue on the monitor, or I imagine you knew that one of the kinds of the argument, and here we sit here face-to-face?
... ....
You got anything on that side, I want to hear?
... ...
(Fold the paper, after reading through.)
Does my father calls you? Any uncle?
No, we are clear, just too many running in and out, he is not feeling well, actually none of us feeling well. How is you feeling? If they all calling you one day? Do you want me to get the law firm, or more law intern in?
.... ....
You know one of these conversation I have a bad feeling its crossing the ocean, sorry, cross the continent of the Earth surface crust, I used to have a major in college, do you know my major? I hate everything about this crossing the continent or crossing the ocean, if our conversation becoming on the radar even.
Do you know what is the animal psychi? You ever seen those cases? Anything move in the water, up in the air, including that every breath I breathing in this Earth sphere was 1/5 Oxygen or else the remaining is 4 out of the 5?
『 Okay, no, I didn't mean here we are 4 out of the 5. But I can tell you if you ever need to get more law firm or the law intern, I cannot do that on my own. You have to know how to pick up those phone calls, when I finish talking the next week or the next month. The human talk me and whomever, or unless you wish to know where about I should tell you how I doing that or suggesting me all that? 』
oh ~ You are busy with 10 photo. This is not one of those talking art included?
No, talking to you Prince.
I was searching Nominji Carter. Nom Carter, Nomi Carter, I think its Nom Carter....
No, I subscribe. That is how I found it....
Pang is..... or Tina is probably psycho with a guy has 2 grown up kids.
Hank is a new wife a brand new life with 2 more kids.
No, just my mother here in Taiwan, or Nick flew in, and 3 of us settle here in Taiwan. Or Westlife we sit in the airplane, gone to Ireland, not to England, that is not the same land, I know that.Being rejected, like someone rejected you, what do you usually do in life? Get mad?
The court room actually is where you talk smooth, and negotiate a lot of things and you acquire some terms or saying through the judge, because you like about this side of the law, or the arguments, or the debates. You pay attention what the judge says, and be smart what you say to him or her. I don't think any of you, including my facebook UB 100+, if not saying the rest of 1000 (their family, sibling, relative to generate one accord court appearance).
You going inside a court, its to coming out with something. So you bring that lawyer to the Judge, and that entire scope of the legal system its where you say, how you maneuver yourself through the court to court, with the lawyer you hire. So you dominate that lawyer or you listen carefully what you lawyer say or found, and through that intellects, you tell him...this is yeh or neh, we going forth, or we step behind a little bit, during the time duration of this to this....because we have the COVID 19, and you say, one of those paper, hand it to me?
10 Buddhism below, Dr. Steven Hairfield has a radio.
What you and your brother gonna do this Star Trek, or the Star Trek Beyond this Pine Chris things? Just because he steps onto our Princess Diary 2, if I related in the court room with the court judge, without these ten photo only human, I say, there is a Star Trek and the Star Trek Beyond?
Without that ten, I still go along 1 human ! Right now, its the script TV real, inside my life I can just say those are not real and land on the ground from here Taiwan 4 Ice Skating Comic book 4 spins land it right at Kian or Nicky?
Obama and Simon its your side of things? Loving the Silent Tear?
Another Lauren, from Steve Jobs, that is Liz, that is Bill Gate near by all that stuffs? He uses to start that IBM I used to have. They are on our Loving the Silent Tear, its SMCH things, or just happen to land there too?
And whom is this Dark Lord, young Keanu?
Max Thieriot Point Break like Keanu Reeves.
and Ender's game, I got mix up, its Asa Butterfield
Here, I got a name: I told Dean today, his birthday.
Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster. He is your landlord. Your dad's landlord.
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I don't know where Nominji tonight ...But SMCH hanging somewhere.
3:18, the ending year book song. Yesterday movie.
Westlife - Someone Needs You (Concert Dublin)
You continue to work on your facebook for next 5 - 8 weeks. There is no rush, just think about.
I regent all this time never end. I just get rid of that Obama. You all can breath back in life, and see if that is important your part of that facebook life. Mark still there, 1984.
Do you know why they keep airing this?
The food?!
This post is a little bit too long with all these video. The Chinese very very fat meat. My grandpa eats that, and one day he got cancer and die.
Today is your date? The birds talking. Friday night ....今天是你們的約會? 小鳥在講話,星期五晚上
Tina got back today, no she stays with that manager from entertainment. Not too far from us.
提那今天回來,No 她待在那邊經紀人演藝圈,沒有離我們太遠
To stabilize your character, you sleep better, you eat healthier, you balance yourself internal. Sometimes you work better, and Tina buys these tons of stuffs every time she moves, she has to throw away gazillion things, I don't know she learns how to keep buying things. And this moving in, going out, flying the airplane, she cannot see that future, or her medical costs lost too much money. Once of those accident, you just pay the deal to hell, I am telling you in America. Today she goes to see 2 kinds of the doctors in Taiwan, one is the foot, one is the previous throat surgical doctor. My mother goes with her.
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stealth | Spider man 2
Jurassic World -World Dominate | 17 again | Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet | Kong Skull Island
17 Again
Oh, the Slam Dunk, chaos red hair like Dean and Wing ! Oh he has a gf ! So these hair color is when they feel like brunette or blonde. Her name is Scarlett or here says Lilly in Chinese. Mike oDonnell. Knick knock sitting next by ! When the ear piece hit the wall, Peyton!! Hailey’s brother.
The beginners luck? And you don’t have the British English says?
像灌籃高手,紅頭髮迪恩,Wing 流川楓,他有一個女朋友!所以這頭髮的顏色是隨時他們想要咖啡或是金髮,她的名字叫做 Scarlett 或是中文叫做 Lilly. Mike O’Donnell !! Knock knock 坐在兩邊~~那個耳朵東西在牆壁壞掉,Peyton!! 莫睬曦的弟弟
初學者的幸運? 你沒有英國英語說法?
No, it means you die before you kids. Tina Hank too. Square’s brother too. Tamang too. Jonathon too. I think Keegan has the kids too? Adam Hailey. Taiwan Elizabeth Youtuber. So, you Prince William use your brain …what’s next ?
No, 你死在你小孩之前,提娜 Hank 也是,方方的哥哥也是,Tamang 也是,強納生, Keegan 可能也有小孩,亞當跟莫睬曦,台灣 Youtuber 莎白,所以你威廉王子用你的大腦 …. 下一步是什麼?
Its more of Tina goes on a date, everyone has 2 or 3 kids. Her current bf has 2 grown up kids.
I don’t go on a date, the honorable superior for Buddhism is deorphanrage is Samolia (Legally Blonde)
我沒有去約會,尊上是佛教處理孤兒在 Somalia (金髮尤物)
I am sitting right here waiting you all finish your facebook date one to ten. These 2 days talks about.

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This looks like that movie: Stealth Loki
這看起來是電影: Stealth 洛基
Today is Friday night, normally in every people they have their life. My world might be all none seen spiritual practitioner at home we meditate. I started at 23 including the tent, the seat at the floor with the curshion on the floor, the blanket cover myself, one hour, one hr and half. Everyday we used to say at least 2 and half hours. But you can meditate all day. The privacy means you do anything indoor, I walk, I breathe, I sleep through, I used don’t watch TV. Now I have to making a living and safe up the retirement. I by myself do my own math. You are not starting on the floor or the tent that kind of life, getting a stainless cup for the group food? But you can see that many follow SMCH has that scene lifes. Their master is where they group meditation together.
Most people shopping, watching the movies, cafe shop, go to pub.
One day I become the Honorable Superior, I don’t meditate anymore. But the meditation quiet the mind, quiet the sensation, quiet the brain or the heart. I watching some ancient scripts, this is for the religious side. I didn’t start working early, now I organize the summary of what I seen important movies and makes the movies connect through the saying.
今天是禮拜五晚上,通常每一個人都有他們自己的人生,我的世界是這些看不到的修行者我們打坐,我 23 開始包括帳篷,椅子坐在地板上跟軟墊,毛毯蓋住我自己,一個小時,一個小時半,以前我們通常兩個半小時,但是你可以一整天打坐,隱私是說你可以做任何事情室內,我走路、我呼吸、我睡覺,我以前不看電視的,現在我要賺錢跟存老人退休我自己算數學,你們沒有要開始地板帳棚的人生,哪一種鐵杯吃團體食物?但是你們可以看到她清海的團體那種生活場景,他們師父是他們共修再一起。