
💕😎 I am fine

England military

There are 2 otters, one at a hidden side corner …with a bite fish in the mouth. You …

Hugh you all arriving to Japan yet?

My head needs to rest like tomorrow too, the elevator is not going to fix soon.

Hailey your apartment…where you walk us not that Wonder Women, your Esther Adam or Peyton not here. Is there a reason none of them be here ? 

Conan has a pistol or the door open tool towards Japan from my room shadow light outside. One of the movie with the nail polish.

Mark LOTR…

Many days pass. You have many people look like you. Or William surface again, can walk better than 2 months ago?

Hailey’s case I cannot move too fast the people at and I have this Shane buried himself in the ashes. He or Justin they are, all at the same time.

Mark, I am very sure what I see. But you keep improving ! You doing good, the holiday passes.

I prefer if Jesus be back. Japan ? Those ?  Or those are the visions, too? The foot in the water, I saw !!

But when they legally defined Jesus, he was dead in AD 0 those time, I understand those arguments. I don’t know anything about these one Bible, that’s Jewish and Christian after the New Testament.  No, I don’t know a lot about …I carry too many things, I cannot go anymore than stays the same grounds until someone has to all show up deal with Jesus or their classify material. My head and my bones (my back, my shoulder. )

I need to try closing this, the elevator none stop. 

Not sure this is Sat or just keep going. 

嘰嘰喳喳 (Avenger)


... .... 

台灣人的台灣這種東西,就不是中國越南,還是日本韓國,英國 ABC 這種東西? 所以你往歐洲發展,他們每一個人用踩的,一個人一個人上帝給你的每一個人,是給你胡作非為,待人很惡劣,你以為你在復仇者聯盟,所以每一個人去做鋼鐵人的幻想,女的?

你的徒弟是自願幫你處理問題,順便給你一腳踹的,我做神,我有說過一句話嗎 ?


 人才濟濟... 四方院 !

你的徒弟是自願讓你有這種作為,傷人傷累傷人之心 ! 西方很多人絕對不是他們臉皮,你覺得亞洲人很醜惡,這西方人順便舔舔~~~你真的相信的意思 !

我有整棟樓的問題~周末 ! 你們大概都知道自己在幹嘛的意思。

SMCH Google image 這 SMCH Google 照片那個 directory. (中文好了很少人看英文, Chinese maybe, not too many understand in English)

She only understands in English 她只懂英文

世界上好像沒有人這樣做事情的,但是擺在眼前,這些是共事的男孩子,絕對不是你年紀 75 這個,壓迫性在所有人的身上,大概你們自己這種 75 歲類似當初還沒死光的大學生是你傳教 40 的時間,我們這種年代不比現在的 18-20 歲,這個 ....
我昨天查的是英文,今天看中文 ! 

Google Search Engine?
Google 收尋的這個鍵按下去,這所有什麼....圖像跟文字檔 !

我覺得你弄錯台灣的本地,原本這種思維,你的垃圾跟外面的人一點關係都沒有,西方不會有人聽,你的這種水管問題是找台北他們自己去吊銷自己的房子,什麼什麼,自以為怎麼洪水氾濫聖經故事是真的假的,叫做柯南的主要偵探事務所知道的,謀殺主題,密閉式殺人事件,就是不在場證明的意思,這整個亞洲都知道,小孩我們長大是以前聽說過你的存在,很多父母親也不是多再意這組織結構叫做,小孩滾出去就好了 ! 台灣~~你不知道這件事情還是當初一貫道,你真的以為台灣是走印度邪門,還是這印度五百歲,是你當初你出家你說你相信,台灣?

每一個人有很多是我之前的年紀,娜些人還沒死,他們是管你的所有問題,包括這台灣政府機關,是公家機關或是總統聽說電影? 整個捷運? 這處理問題不是用強迫他人聽從命令的狀態,這國外不知道,你其實從來沒有把台灣當初一個國家說,香港踩踩,去去英國,現在再馬洛哥,所以奧地利踩,或是 Hungary 你好像沒有什麼地理特質關於,把一個地方法國英國當作一的正統的家,好好跟當地居民,或是國家機關當地的相處 ! 

我是住在這城市的人,你是自己講道講到你自己相信名師的....什麼? 齊心一致的意思? 娜是帶領軍隊你可能還幻想那種位置 !

台北跟台灣....因為這每個亞洲人當長的像,佛教台灣以前跟現在,好像也沒有真的去更改,中國佛教一點精隨,但是這資訊世代講規則,想把埃本給毀了,嘴巴跟他說一聲就好,不是在照片再 Google Image Directory?

亞洲人知道現在,現在時刻,知道這是 Google 哪個 Image Directory?


I translate for Shane...Eben is not online anymore. The guys behind to figure it out what to do.

你的年紀是說把問題丟到誰的身上,故意傷害,拉扯之後,玩親親這樣,但是就是全世界的洪水跟水管問題密閉式....等等等,很多小孩看到你,絕對不會相信,不是你在我眼前,演給我看看,說我沒有跟我媽或是我阿姨說,台北有水管地下水的紙張要寫,這跟你的組織,過程這些,小家庭沒有人需要去跟你湊合這些,自己的家的一般問題,你在講你傷害人,去利用或是就是這水管問題,每一個失去房子的瞬間,是講當初的西湖在雞舍的旁邊,還是全世界的聯絡人的位置打禪的,你沒有買,一定是當地人供奉的意思.... 多倫多小中心。

你認識你自己的越南人,但是利用的是當地的台北資源,幻想是西湖苗栗的意思 ...


你是打賭這西城男孩不知道,還是埃本仲介以前不知道,就是大概所有人西方的任何事業之人,可能年紀輕,絕對不是買房這樣說,房子被吊銷,一打二跳三上吊,這全中國都知道這種講法?  叫做真愛 ?

這是非常瘋狂的事情 ! 
然後你去找了誰去觸碰這網路媒介,這關於自己的名稱的網路用名,這 Google 收尋可以這樣操控是說你沒有任何後路,這是在講中國沒有讓你去宣教,我已經離開了~ 我有事情在忙,你做出這種事情,我一開始並不知道,我幻想我會通通知道,之後這 ....有老女人很垂廢的某種,一整堆問題,是說中國把人擺上去,台北自己幻想,我幻想,你一輩子的垃圾是你自己的事情 !


我在跟尚恩講講話,以前我一天到晚是弄錯 LA 時間,我現在吃飯是 之後睡午覺,他也去睡覺的時間,沒講到什麼話,我找不到 Shane 以前。

Yesterday, something I went to tell Shane or Nicky.

He is banging loud twice when I am not in the room. To the downstair neighbor. The news told him, the hotel got cancel next by the lotto number in Chinese.


You mean, if my original plan, saying both my iphone and ipad is shut it off, no facebook communication, and he will come up to imagine, how I pink to go to Cambodia.....that kinds of the plan? Is this about my look?  I think he sees me dressing normal.

你的意思,如果原本的計畫,說我的 Iphone and Ipad 是關起來,沒有臉書溝通,他會上來想像如何我變成粉紅色去寮國....那種計畫? 這不會是我的長相那樣? 我想他有見過我穿著正常。

He talks loud yesterday to hint, he does things to hint.....like if I wrote to Nicky, that is not to Shane. He wants to control this none stop every single move. If I am in the bath tub, he knocks, means I get out.  He believes those things ~!!! He believes people do what he says? And its very very very serious he keeps doing that !  

Like you know those killing in the Chinese New Year, its per move we make on the upstair, he killing running in a circle below, how fast that should be, he is not eating, to us and to the floor below. Then he stopped. He didn't sleep? Every 5 mins on that water facet. So he only knows how to keep running in a circle, my home below.  His entire focus attention has to keep running in the circle, and everyone gets to bed before his wife comes back at 8, we all go to bed has to be 8.

What does that means?

  1.  He believes those things ~!!! He believes people do what he says? And its very very very serious he keeps doing that !  
  2. His entire focus attention has to keep running in the circle, and everyone gets to bed before his wife comes back at 8, we all go to bed has to be 8.

Is this phone saying my mother yelling, he will look away to that 3 next by us? If we are fighting, we are not on the Wall Street.

He is keep running in the circle? YES. (Westlife song, ? ! NO!)

He is her real life? NO!

他講話很大聲昨天,暗示,他做事情暗示...像說我跟 Nicky 那不是尚恩,他想要控制這整個情狂的每一個動作,如果我在浴盆,他敲,我一定要出來的意思。他相信那種事情~~!! 他相信別人一定要做他說的? 而且非常非常非常嚴重,他一直在控制。

像說你知道這種殺法在中國節,這每一個動作我們在樓上,他殺是跑在整個圓圈下面,要很快應該是,他沒有太多東西吃,對我們還是對樓下,他停止,他沒有睡覺? 每五分鐘再水管上面按。所以他只知道如何跑在一個圓圈我家樓下。他整個注意力在跑在這個圓圈,每一個人要去睡覺在八點前,我們去床上的意思八點。


  1. 他相信那種事情~~!! 他相信別人一定要做他說的? 而且非常非常非常嚴重,他一直在控制。
  2. 他整個注意力在跑在這個圓圈,每一個人要去睡覺在八點前,我們去床上的意思八點。

這個電話是說我媽在跟我尖叫,他會去往隔壁那三隻看? 如果我們在吵架,我們就不可能再美國道瓊

他一直在奔跑一個圓圈? 對 (西城男孩的歌曲? 不是 !)

他是她的真愛? 不是 !


LST the 7th.

Derrick with Lalla looking next by Keith.

In Chinese, Shrek similar, the Sh not the same means "history" or "death"

De = 45 = si wa in Taiwanese, its me.

Mental, or symdrone, no reaction in life. Like 阿呆一族

The Addams Family

3 Lee like our president says? His height !


呆瑞克 跟 Lalla 長的像在 Keith 旁邊

中文 Shrek 史瑞克,sh 不是一樣,歷史或是死

呆 = de = 是我 ( 4 5 ) = 台語

心智癡呆或是 symfrone 沒有反映人生,阿達一族

The Addams' Family

三個力在總統的臉書上? 他的身高 !


How to solve it   怎麼解決

First, you tell you will never be with a handicap human. Someone supposes to tell me, for the rest of the evolution NEVER EVER another handicap human in life. Not just the TV fame and all that. JUST NOT the handicap.

Second, I stay away from the bug time after 8, the birds say.

I call Shane and figure it out ! 



我打電話給尚恩想辦法 !




You SMCH wants to kill Prince Charles, since you were the black hair?

Short? You telling someone about it, just listening to him, or Diana? You were a blonde after you know what those means? After she dead? You were a short black hair, oh, I remember that. Because Princess Diana died?

You said Diana was like a shining star for the planet in England. About 15 years ago.

Before you gone to UN 1995, Kryon was....you were all black short hair nun? 1993/ 1992 /1991... You change your clothing in 1994?

Martian article, 11th was UC Davis, I read it. Adam Davis, or Lauren someone also Davis, you are the Sailor Moon Mars. And its worse than I said....King if were the Earth Prince. (Sailor Moon)


短? 你告訴某人,只要聽他說話還是黛安娜? 你如果是金髮在你們那是什麼意思? 在她死後? 你是短黑髮,喔~我想起來。因為這黛安娜王妃死了?

你說黛安娜王妃像一個耀眼的星星在地球上,在英國的時候 15 年前。

在你去聯合國 1995  Kryon 之前,你是黑頭髮短髮尼姑? 1993/1992/1991.... 你改變你的服裝是 1994? 

火星人文章,11th UC David 我看過了,亞當 Davis, Lauren 附近有 Davis,你是美少女戰士的火星,所以這是更嚴重的講法,如果英國國王是地球王子....美少女戰士。

The lotto, or this is SMCH news? 樂透,清海無上師的新聞

China what....  中國什麼?

Hong Kong Edward Iron, not Erin. 香港個什麼誰跟瑩玉的英文名字一樣,她們很多這種事情,在亞洲

They have a lot of those things in Asia.


She is like 9th = Tim Qo Tu.   我 = I = 05     May, June the middle, she the one, 9th Tim Qo Tu, delete 2, delete 7. (the son or the husband.....)   08.

????  Is she sick? Then that is the suicide news on the Google. Suicide? The cancer like nick has the bone cancer. My mother told me.

她是像九什麼 Tim Qo Tu 的事情, 五月六月中旬,她 the One 久的 這個名字,刪掉兒,刪掉妻 (兒子跟丈夫)   08.

???? 她生病? 不是什麼 Google 新聞自殺,自殺? 癌症跟尼克一樣的骨頭癌症,我媽跟我說的。

Google...... " Supreme Master Ching Hai suicide "

Taiwan's New Age Cults

San Jose | Suma Ching Hai

Supreme Master Ching Hai Speaks About Situation on Korean Peninsula


She is about to die, Thank God ~~~Its a suicide, or its the cancer. oh ~ right, our cancer means the incurable disease those kinds? 

That she is hurting people.

If you agree, that is the word on the left....of course not !!!

Hurting the President, so sicken.

I told you she is those small short legs nun, throw karma to everyone all around, the disease, the sickness, and she actually believes the God, the ghost, the demon those hellish stuffs. My entire life never care about those things. She truely truely believe, by something something she absorb people's chi and get cured, so stupid....there is thing tell me I care about it.

For 40 years, she believes nothing but unlimited disease because she initiated people all around the world to say there is the money in it. I told you about thousand times, why don't you just listen to every WORD I said, there is no karma.....

Its purely stupidity, NO Karma, but the high tech world. She only believes in disease because she was so sick since 80s, 90s, 00s, 2010, 2020.....I don't believe one word of it. The ghost, the color, the hit, the superstitious, the greatest wonder of the miracle vision, or the dream, the dreaming state, the soggy mind, or the superconscious mind, all that.

Those garbage stuffs, I don't believe a word of it. 

Jonathon 2000....the first line. Mummy, she is about to decay and die.

Horay ~ Thank God, the hell belongs to hell, let the wind blows through, every hysterical ghosts awaits her like her master taking her on board. THANK GOD, finally be dead soon.

你們打字查詢,不要按進去,這是她這種惡劣的東西做得,叫你們同意的意思,不要去按 !

這所有照片很噁心,她一直都是相信這種神哭鬼豪這種,天神地鬼這種暗天化日的那種,迷神迷信的越南小尼姑會講出來的話語,這是她這種東西做成,吸收天地日月精華,妲己做的事情一樣,才叫做 37 大概,總統跟我,我媽在給我印心的意思~她要死了 ! 這木乃伊的電影 Mummies 強納生是我弟弟,第一行,2000 年~迷信才會做這種一輩子 ....

我一個都不相信的事情,見都沒有見過 ! 她會人心害怕這種東西,我不看不聽這種東西的其實,廟宇台灣那種,她是越南小尼姑,我講了非常久!


Google: Supreme Master Ching Hai cancer

Sebbie Hall: Teenager's daily acts of kindness lead to foundation launch

Cult Classics: Vegetarian Restaurants With a Religious Philosophy

Saying Dr. Janez is the philosopher....I guess, or Will.

大概是說那個總統是什麼哈利波特的那個哲學家,我猜在講威廉王子 (英文叫做遺囑的 Will 那個字)

Savey is Pirates of Carbieans pirates word.

Savey 這個字是哥倫比亞海盜的那個海盜的字 !


Google:  Supreme Master Ching Hai to die

Is that the word, Crack? Drug?    CCP Cracks Down on Guan Yin Citta and Supreme Master Ching Hai

新興宗教「心靈法門」和「觀音法門」遭中共打壓- 中共政府文件

Taiwan's New Age Cults

Vegan restaurant chain run by cult leader

On Supreme Master TV: Renowned Spiritual Leader Calls for Prayer for World Vegan

San Jose | Suma Ching Hai

CCP Cracks Down on Guan Yin Citta and Supreme Master Ching Hai

More than just a vegan eatery—some call it a cult

'We didn't let anything stop us': Nonprofit feeds thousands after Hurricane Ian

Vegetarians Rebel Against Mongolian Meat Culture

Cult leader behind vegan empire

That is 10, she does on purpose to hurt everyone.


Google: 「觀音法門」


Her photo next by are all these whisky bottle wine. This wine bottle must have a meaning.

她照片的旁邊都是這種酒瓶,喝酒的 ....這酒瓶一定是有意義的。

She believes those, like the wine burn those 符咒 and makes an ash, and eat it down. She is a Vietanese. You are looking at it, right? Scrolling it down.... what is this. 符咒 usually is those yellow and written something from the temple, and some ceremony, and burn to eat it down, or drink it down.

她相信那種,酒燒了符咒,做成灰,吃下去,她是越南人,你在看這個,對吧 ? 拉下來 .... 這是什麼,符咒通常是黃色,寫了什麼在廟予,有儀式,燒起來喝下去。

Google: Supreme Master

The image directory, I saw it. The wine bottle, the green hinge, the Thor's logo, or Megatron.

我看到了, 酒瓶、綠色轉東西、索爾的勛輝、卡通的 Megatron.

Supreme Master in West Australia 另外一個她在西邊的澳洲


Near by Eben Pagan those things.


鎖 locks.

Somebody can operate Google Image Directory

有人可以把 Google 的 image 導覽變成...

Taiwan is an island, the public that comes to you doesn't need to use the internet. Their age and their reading overall staying on their phone, not on the image directory from Google, these....any of these. They don't come near my side, that is a personal one blog. Not even a company page will look like that. So those public will never find their way to understand my website. And my side of the people didn't need to get to your side, because...they don't need to use the internet neither, this.....image directory.

台灣是一個島嶼,公眾來到你這邊是不需要用網路,她們的年紀跟他們閱讀的東西停留在他們的手機上,不是這圖像  Google 導覽這些....這所有任何。他們不用來我這邊,那是一個個人部落格,更不是一個公司的網頁會長的像那樣,所以這大眾公眾人群,永遠不是找到這邊懂我的網頁,我任何這邊的人群也不需要去你那邊,因為...他們也不需要用網路,這個 ....圖像導覽。

My mother, my neighbor, and me..... + this building, we talking, but none of us is....at President. Our elevator is very broken ! 

我媽跟我的鄰居跟我 ....+ 這個建築,我們在講話,但是我們任何人沒有針對總統,我們的電梯很壞掉。

The librarian I am, I use the Google Image Directory, we got train doing that. Most public or these people you nail them on this color and the picture, none of them most time are using the Google image directory if you don't tell them. And usually....they didn't know you are so desparately to re-construct the Google image directory right under Google's eyes....or this is Eben how he looks like?

我是圖書館,我會用 Google image 導覽,我們有訓練做那樣,但是大部分的公眾或是這些人你在跟誰說話,照片或是顏色,沒有他們大部分會去用 Google 圖像導覽如果你不告訴他們,通常....他們不覺得你有很頹廢的需要去,重整這整個 Google 圖像導覽在 Google 鼻子底下,或是這是埃本他長得像現在?

Your name and King Charle III    3

Your name and King Charle   4

Does this have a meaning, matter?


To England King? That is a British Monarchy Royal, staying far far far away....was being respectful. Their entire world to wish them well, whatever going through, and not ....my name to no, of course not. Eben knows how to do that?

Right. No, I don't do those things, not at this Google Image Directory.

對著英國國王? 那是大英帝國的皇室成員,離他們遙遠,這是尊重尊敬,他們整個世界希望他們好,不管怎麼發生什麼事情.... 我的名字,沒有,當然沒有,埃本知道這怎麼做?

對,不是,我不會做這種事情,不是針對這 Google 圖像導覽。

Keyword: Supreme Master Ching Hai dead

6 7 is 

Behind Clinton Fund



Legally Blonde 1 and 2 ?

I don't think anyone talks about anything or this news heading related to....anyone like that. You can cover up, why don't you cover that up?


Mars, nuclear, SMTV show....conspiracy theory.

My mother is a religious fanatic 我媽是那種宗教狂熱

Psycho 瘋子

We are just talking 





Erin's birthday 615 瀅玉的生日

She married to Lee. Another Lee.

The lotto top.


你們好像不需要知道歷史的關係 ....你們的人不是應該是你們自己在帶嗎 ?

兩個法官在吵架,亞洲法官跟美國法官... 我常常看到這種你們在思維的某種垃圾,是講美國的那一群小孩,還是你們這一群哪邊的小孩? 像說我早上起來,有人跟我通常現在會講講話,但是我會睡著或是起來之前某種很恐怖的思維,這個禮拜 ...我其實想躺著,我連思考都不需要思考只是睡覺,我很需要睡覺,我剛好這禮拜有女生的事情,才會非常累。

美國她們很常常做這種思維亂七八糟,我非常痛恨這種討論。兩個警察吵架就可以了,跟政治有關就是台灣需要1/3 的什麼投票在立法院,這台北法官女的講什麼同意不同意,美國是說不需要利用她....

我相信台北的法官,我跟政治有什麼關係? 打群架的意思 ! 那美國說搬家快一點,台北法官說她媽的,誰說她爸爸是用提娜生小孩去控制她爸因為,這當初就是這電影生小孩以後可以控制他們的爸爸,主要是去控制這個人。

我其實每一天可以寫出來一大本,每一天早晨 ....




💝💖💝💖🥧🥧🥭 之 ㄓㄜ .... ( ㄓㄜ ㄓㄜ ㄓㄜ) gi gi gi gi gi ......💖🥧🥧🥭

Maybe I shut off their notification....no where to be found, all my channels subscribed.

Good night, Shane ~~~

I c you.  Good !~ 




 S   Taiwan driving license the car test.

A watch  -  stopped.

A hockey game?

On the beach.

Keyword:    Free Download.

The water just starts dripping before.


Saw it.

1961, 1962 ...

They use ferry from Europe arrive in Canada.

"Come, that's okay. Hugs hugs ...."

Edison moves the NJ to Hollywood current in California. Thomas Edison.

How to manufacturing .....the film production, he started the music box, to step down all those Westinghouse's air break, because only that gets on the newspaper in the 1900-1910 those times New York Upper class. And while....the Tesla oscillator story wiki was destroying the New York City, it was filed in the police report.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla%27s_oscillator

Liam: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ic8yfwe5IMc

One Direction, I recognize their face. I think the panda told me. 3 crossing...黃泉


Per step would be Flaming Daughter TV, those very old saying, it stays in the folktale myth superstitious, the modern we don't really know. Too much ying things.


All Hollywood.

Titanic is before WWI 1914-1917. 1918 the Birds flu Infrenzia kills the people more than the war combine. Its the first time, they known that as the birds infrenzia. 

Robert Underwood Johnson

Katherine Johnson (1855-1924)

They are the writers. He was the same NYU writer, of that 20th century magazine is all the Tesla articles at, Our world Taipei that 21th Plus Chicken.

The Queen was born in 1921. The Bohr's theory, the first atom is hydrogen. 1928....Because...

The external shell of the electrons are 2, 8 ....

Because....this is the beginning of the 20th century (1900-1999). Where the light theory was divided into the particle and the wave (1920) , and to that, this is where Bohr's module in 1921 starting, its the quantum theory started those concept, to pave the next 100 years the science, up to AD 2000. We are 2025.

it was when you define the chemistry the light spectrum and the physics, where the quantum idea, you saying the human quantum leap, it was the concept about this wave and the particle....the light, but its the E as the energy to define, how the light spectrum to absorb or lose energy. To that saying ....

E=hv = h c/ 入

It wasn't simple like that, to meet the 2. It was exactly...

"Okay ....you win, coming?!"

Tesla lab got burn down... he breaks down the second time, probably the last thing to keep destroying that New York City, because that oscilator story was not the public known wiki that time. He just cannot get to the patent office for every invention he coming out his assistant asking for him all the time. Just impossible. The W tower was 1900 -1908 up to....1917 ends, the comet 1908 paper and the patent written. There is in New York City those external island the oatmeal bought it, its the ground not just the top. Where the ground is operating that concept, people only kept looking at the top.

Probably too longer ago before AC arrives 1893, the NYC was ....DC populated, if were not destroyed the human brain. The definition of DC is like 100 meter has to put those motor at. Because only AC is the long distance travel to let the electricity has the magnitude (the brighter light bulb), and without the streets NYC becoming....the magnitude of dynamo. if those are the words.


That is why they drag the AC from Niagara Falls to all the way NYC, but that last Tesla handle, its all on the cliff fallen in the water, gone. No more that.

Tesla's best friend John Jacob Astor IV died in Titanic. Its in the film.

Love Under the Roof Edge.

He was exactly at the Red Line outside Wing below. All the way to China that red line, to England. The bus terminal if the train starting. The Ankeheseamen (The Youngest Princess), The Egypt story in Red River Manga.  Which Egypt, our Egypt? 

Frank, the Venusian, Tesla Biography X-12, you know the story already.

Frank and Francis. 

That might be Frank, not Dean.

You've Got Mail, Ocean 11, Big Hero 6. They are modern. 


2 typer-writer.

My neighbor I need to get out of here.....

我跟尚恩說她有很多問題 I just told Shane she has so much problems in life.

她不是殘障人士,她說她要去買高鐵的票,順便去買麵包,她根本就不會走台北車站,我說我不要麵包,然後說嚴師兄 ( 腳不好) 三個小孩的殘障人士,幫他買 ! 還有這挑時間就傷到 Nicky and Kian. 我其實在聽他們的歌,她要開始講話的意思,常常傷害到我,其實是樓下沒有食物,或是 228 會要過去,在講三樓還是二樓。

  • 這個團體她剛去買了素食義大利麵的素肉醬,99 塊,就是故意在傷害人的意思
  • 越南師姐要來台北,然後這邀請我媽去越南,那是共產 ! 
  • 蒙古的師姐要來,尼克說她們只要 VISA 跟他去結婚的意思
  • 上次我之前剛回來,這是兩個燒掉自己的房子去台北工作的南部上來,跟我們隔壁三個類似,問我媽待在這裡,當然沒有。建軍跟陪格
  • 前聯絡人的太太不讓他上班很辛苦,沒有床墊睡。
  • 後來這太太就出問題,叫做 Kathy 被誰弄不見最後。
他們其實很多人有很多問題 ! 

She is a handicap, and she says she wants to buy the high tech train ticket, and by the way to buy the bread, she doesn't know how to walk in Taipei station, I say I don't want the bread, and said "Strict" brother (the foot is not well)  3 kids these handicaps. Help him to buy ! Saying this time, hurting Nicky and Kian. I was listening to their songs, and she starts to talk, often hurting me, its in fact, its the downstair doesn't have the food, or 2/28 gonna pass by, talking about the 3F or the 2F.

  • This group she just gone to buy those vegetarian Italian meat sauce, 99 NT and on purpose to hurt people.
  • This Vietnam sister needs to come to Taipei, and then invitee my mother to Vietnam, that is communism.
  • The Mongolian sister comes, and nick often says they go and get married with him to get out of the Mongolian.
  • The last time, that 2 coming up from South similar to our neighbor 3 guys, and burnt down their house and asking my mother to stay here. You know their name?!
  • The ex contact person's wife pull the mattress out of the bed, so he has no bed to sleep.
  • Then this wife then has the problems, name Kathy, someone makes her disappeared.

They are all having a lot of the problems. 


Its only 1 my mother has the whole world problems. You guys have the 2 parents, or the sibling or the cousins or whomever dating problems near by you all put it on your plate. Not your money is the problems, or with the local police to keep file-ing online everyone has the problems to see. If my mother got rubbed on the road? 

My mother doesn't even know how to get to 1 more stop is 101, that exit, which direction is going to 101, she done that 10 times we been to 101, she always walking with the human crowd to walk. I turn her elbow around in front of the corner turn her from left to right, that way so we can going forward. Its almost every single time. 

But I only watch 1 person the last 8 years. She had a retired almost to come back here Taipei, that fallen on the ICE for 4 hours to wait for American Ambulance to arrive.  One by one gonna die out.

這其實只有一個我媽的所有全世界的問題,你們有兩個家長,或是兄弟姊妹,表堂親,或是誰誰誰約會的問題靠近你們全部,你們全部都要的意思,不是你金錢是你的問題,或是當地警察或是寫在網路上,每一個人可以看到問題,如果我媽被搶劫呢? 路上?

我媽其實根本不知道怎麼一站抵達這 101,這出口,哪個方向到 101,她走了十次去 101,她總是走到人群走的地方,我轉她的手軸轉到一邊到另外一邊站在她的前面,所以我們可以往前走。幾乎都是每一次 !



方方的餐廳叫做 Plant

P 舌頭 舔   = l 

a NT = 一塊台幣 是 nickel, 以前在 EF 德國交換學生黎我們 45 分鐘的學校,她用藥之後失去整個語言能力,不只大腦能力 !  她叫做 Nicole.

Square's restaurant called Plant

P = like a tongue,  lick like = l 

a NT = like a nickel penny, that EF German girl name Nicole, about 45 mins high school away from us, she uses the drugs after lost the language ability, not just the brain ability. 

How can you use that kind of the name with the alcohol, use their vegetarian center? Next next the vocational school? The American Embassy left because of you?!


I have to go and leave some messages.


147 位位朋友

Wei wei, my nickname, she called me. When we were kids. She is targeting my friends?


I think Nick is dead on his facebook. Few day ago, that is a different look of him, and another 5 photo down is Nikolas, his name. That is not the thief 2F intruder? 

我覺得尼克死了在臉書上,幾天前,有一個不同長相的他,另外五個照片下面是 Nicolas 他的名字,是二樓的小偷?

Is this Jesus back means real, or those ....



Its urban planning,  I think that is. The city built was to ensure that people be less stressful and going out of the rural suburban park, those things, best. 


No, not America. The new planning or development area, the new apartment and the new built more where they pointing at. How many times I said this, this is what it is. 


聽完兩天,我說 voice memo

你沒有下載 ....有沒有病毒,不知道 !

我在兩頭的聽 !  其實我並不需要聽在罵的意思 ....很久的以前並沒有這科學博物館,叫做所有常春藤教授,大照片卡在牆壁上怎麼排列組合。

Speak in English. What they need to hear in the voice memo. You just click from the server. That is not download. Its from Google clouds.  What am I supposed to say?

( These are the religious songs, the prayer's songs, not a lot of people's most immediate life in front of them. )

Voice Memo: Everything you care about (9:07)


  • We have a case. 
  • The first thing I talked to my mother was Square on the TV, her mother was in what TV's Usury. The scamming groups to my mother's money for real.
  • The local case with the Taipei mayor and the president to say hi.
  • With the Chinese police, the Taiwan police, the Japanese police, or the Korean police. This is a case, just happened to be this timezone region you aren't sure the countries.
  • The first thing you talk to your parents, what was on the TV? Me? 


I am talking about a real family household life, when you go to school, and your parents if they are established before or the community settle before...your parents and the neighbors near by some of these community family life. They are knowing their language with their near by to have you as a kid, to afford you to go to school? Other than the school?


  1. I am watching my imagination Eric, X Man. The helmet crown or Power.
  2. My outing to that ring structure in Green at night time, so another side its this Star Ship platform, the military Star ship to take off or to land, if that long structure tall lean back goes down, its all the glasses shatter, and you jump over that front short to hide behind that shorter side. Away from the glasses shatter, or what....imagine things.

Until Westlife, Backstreet Boy, or Ronan they passing by that corner.

That is real, for me? Are they need to run that 3 corners?

You mean Shane is in traps of what? The forest fire, we shouldn't talk about this. I know....I need more help than he is doing what over there....

Something about the King, something about the Royal, I think its the King.....I am at their souvenir shop facebook ~ this morning was what...

They care about the .....FAN, this is a memory.

They probably don't know all that story, was to become the future.

Like these are second time to steal a body ( Flower Thousand Bone & 3310 )

Facebook the similar album. 



To be honest to tell you...aren't they hobbits? Traveling?

(type type type type type )

(type type) 

Like you all imagine a story? They pushing each other in those one after another, to the K or to these corner by that Ronan....

oh ~ 

They know they making these video on their own? oh 

He does complain.

Your paper on such, “When I Anna A to Z like things to do or analyze upon …”

Try to see if I get the English right, people think of you for …

1. If I be with Shane, then his business associate in the background hurting me no one watches. It’s Gillian  in Ireland or Kyan those there are rehouse black gangs behind her that police kills 3 out of 5, so it’s on her records. And she is a fishy type of person. No personality cannot handle her life a bit.

2. If Jesus is back and this head ring means the beauty or the suffering that’s why he is a gay, not with out without the scandle of wife like the House of Gucci / Ode to say she goes near like the essence, we can blame on Anna but it’s in my middle name.

3. Dean’s is Michael.

Vartan in Ailas.

4. If the plot of the movie script is in such a real life, the analysis to each character where place upon isn’t the most coherent to the story because Anna needs to handle all her facebook friends sound like she is friendly to per citizen of her own kingdom like one day I wish to do with mine facebook.

5. I wish that God’s words be more in my mouth to boss the others of A B C D E

The spirituality defines our money and the society value just like the movie says is a gifted watch. 

You all going on this type analysis as your job and felt safe.

You love the movie, you love the play. Per weekend is one extra hour. 

You have so much rubbery in the neighborhood but you sleep on your desk not seeing people coming near.




Finding a method, come down from?

Your egoistic situation and ends up got fired, one of those...or not yet? Got jailed 2 or 3 times within 10 years, they cannot put me anymore this situation, or I am guessing that.....

找尋一個辦法下台 ?

你自我膨脹的我執狀況,最後是被炒魷魚,其中一個...還是還沒? 被監獄兩三次十年之內,他們不能再把我擺到哪個情況,或是我也是在猜的?

VS last year new https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I-xLR1QLlz0

Strawberry https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5ZOa11FSWck

Selena "Calm Down"  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6baWU0DLoxE

世界上有人可以動情動意動眼睛的意思,不是嗎 ?

The world has people can move affection / loving, moving thought, moving my eyes that means, isn't that so?

Selena, is that Andrew looking ex-husband Silverman, I used to like Disney TV channel and...She is one of those child star, with a lot of those some people seeing that. Wizard of some School, Justin is her bro, or someone is their mother. Mexico looking funny lady. 

I am so sure what I am doing, that means. We are the same age. The pressure why to compete and compare?


You know this Jesus thing I don't know how real that is, and people most time has those they are the biggest so knowing when he enters the world on his own, all will be his against forces....but you never figure it out, he was original from the spiritual dimension or the spiritual plane, not necessary it makes easy for us to know, there is a mansion like the Bible says that is his home. The original nature, no one knows. 

We have no spirituality here, people for him to ask for any help for anything, you think, you are too good to be true? Every human has a lot of the guts saying they are the spiritual incline, I will tell you, this planet is full of those mouth. Seriously. How is my photo doing?

你知道這耶穌的事情我不知道是到底多真,人們大部分時間都是覺得自己最大,所以知道當他要進入這世界靠他自己,所有都是反面力量,但是,你們從來沒有搞清楚,他原本的質可以是靈修 dimension 的或是 plane, 不一定是依定要這個我們如意知道,那些住所聖經講的天堂,是他的家,這原本的本質,沒有人知道。

我們是沒有靈修的這裡,人們是誰可以讓他真的詢問幫忙任何事情,你想,你們都是太好太嬌貴了吧? 每一個人類,有很多勇氣去說靈修的精隨靠近,我會告訴你這整個星球都是嘴巴,真正的,我的照片如何?

Your own hands and arm can wave so many times I think.


So this person you revere him as a man, as a successful powerful business man, a tenure hundred thousands ssalary professor long ago, a public lecture many Age, or revere him as a God, he must answer your every whim? Meaning do you think, you can abuse him in the public? That kind?

所以這人你尊敬尊重,是一個男人,還是一個非常成功的事業大企業者,一個有退休教授那種百萬薪資很久以前,一個公眾媒體者非常久的 Age 或是尊敬他像神,他必須回答你的每一種 whim? 意思你想,你如何虐待他在公眾場合裏面? 那種?

Look at these 10 years how to tell people go be dead, what is the definition of killing, it will never the public humiliation or the public being abused right on the television, isn't that so? The definition of the Galaxy, its 1 Milkyway. Then what is near by to say federation, and then,....the whole Cosmo in the quandrin of the universe.

看看這十年叫做叫唆他人去死,那是什麼定義的殺人,絕對不是公眾羞辱或是公眾被虐待在電視上,不是嗎 ? 這銀河的定義,一個銀河系,那什麼是接近這 federation 根說...像說整個宇宙,四個象限法。

If this is really simple, that Jesus taken just 2 leadership out of this world, and quietly, everyone continue a life, and including he just so far away one planet, that....this Titanic ending, everyone just move it, those ships going up....scenery, its all quiet quiet hash business. Then this Indian General of this Truman's Show will never be another Eon or Kalpa or Age during this one time Bible AD 2000 since AD 0, be the worse of all worsen that future intended to say.....

如果這真的很簡單,像說耶穌帶著兩的領導的位置離開這世界,安靜的每一個人繼續生活,包括他是這遙遠的地球,像...這鐵達尼號的最後,每一個人都在動,這船隻往上....景象,都是安靜安靜非常靜聲的事情,那這印度將軍的楚門秀,就從來不是這 Eon 或是 Kalpa  或是 Age 來定義這一個聖經 AD 兩千年自從 AD 零年,比這什麼更糟糕還要糟糕的未來應該變成來說 ....


So, have you got jailed in America? More than once? By offending the judge, or attacks to the judge? No, that is a crime.  In America, or even in Asia, at the court if you pleading to them you usually talk lower than your attitude whatever that you believe things went on the screen because we are "short of the knowledge".  It will never be one you, all of us got screw, if you gone to attack the judge. 

所以,你在美國有被關監獄? 比一次還多? 鄙視法官,或是攻擊法官? 那其實是一種犯罪。在美國,或是在亞洲,在法院前面如果你請求他們,那通常你講話態度放低調,不管你相信這事情在螢幕上變成什麼,因為我們都是很"短視的知識領域". 這不會是一個你,我們全部都完了,如果你去真的攻擊這法官。

I don't really know, because someone else might be doing the exactly the same thing ! And you have no idea whom is in this pool of the people to say side by side.

我其實不是真的知道,因為有些人都在做類似幾乎一樣的事情! 而你沒有太多知道這,人群裡面來說誰在旁邊。

People's confident is required to be developed?


Do you invite a judge to sit down and talk and eat a meal? And you talk exactly like this kind of the sentence with every intend, you wrote to him or her? You mistaken things or you imagine a certain thing, you don't want to be corrected, or you holding up some belief, its no matter what?

Like you truely believe you are very good?

You are very gifted? What makes you believe you are very special, those lines? No, be very frank to write it down and examine, you take a short cut or you taken everyone a ride.  Have you really really be cautious examine your mind thought?

你有邀請這法官坐下來,討論,講話吃一頓飯? 你講出這一模一樣這句話的每一個思維,你寫給他或是她? 你錯誤一些事情或是你想像一些事情,你不想被糾正,或是你有某種被提起的相信,這是不論如何?


你真的很有才能? 是什麼讓你真的相信你真的很特別,那些方向? 不是,像說你很坦百的寫下來,來考察你自己,你不是走短線,或是你佔便宜別人,你有沒有很小心考察你自己的心思?

 Me           |                   The judge, you are on your own, ALL entertainment girls / guys...          

                 |                   What did they do?



I am busy.


                                You all decide this is where you belong?

                           Eben has a TV with Asian this....celebrity lady or Space Ship Indian Boss.

                           You go show up yourself those?

Eben I don't know if he finished his schools, because if it were in Heaven all at the same time, there are....consequence of that first scene, the first year, the first show up overall. I just thought about, not I went to confirm. It may not seriously be like that....For me is not a big deal but imagine the universe or literally get to Heaven. I no longer need to be God, I can tell you that.

You getting help now, its first year trespassing to the doctor's office, no longer that outside people knowing your only direction is keep going to see a doctor, 2 different direction.

What will make you have that realization, you will do 100% efforts nothing but lay low, never look back to all these classmates, famous people and only 1 doctor, 2nd opinion of that life ....nothing in your heart but in fear at your heart, its only the doctors office? No turn your head back?

You think that is a miracle?

And in case the world scene disappear after your 20 years seeing nothing but the mental doctors, or some near by doctors to keep working on your own books or the study, or the notebooks.....you admit your life after 20- 40 years, were small money all squander at the doctor's office, for some reason, you are convinced to seeing no one but the doctor's face severely to get help.

You think anyone can make you?

"It just another normal day."

":) Sad, and cute."

" yeh hey ~~~! Yumpy yupy"

"So quiet....where do they go if were? "

I am sure a lot of this is a free will. The big people must seeing more than me, so others knowing what the TV make it for.

You just never thought....

What if.

Fall, 秋涼, 冷氣 .... 兩個七樓都在講 Both of that 7F talk about it.

在這裡   Its here.

Toast Only, that one. (before it was Tea Discovery), I said they were fix the road like....the corner.

I will tell you, I think there is another girl. Its that name in Hook's video, with 2 ghost ghost 鬼鬼, I don't know what it means. They had a baby. The sister is currently that operating artitech business in the 2nd floor. Hook says...2 chicken, one is with the sugar and got burn, one is a normal chicken.

Autumn like an autumn chill, the air-con.....

I asked my mother about those cable in the video you can see, she says that is not a thing.

What I saw.....

Its a girl that the husband went, and he forcefully like very rough to kiss her. She doesn't want that from that he has a wife, I don't think she wants any of that, 妞妞 has a baby. But he does those very very rough act, she got scared, and I think she wants to leave. She kills 3 of them.

No, that's not the panda shows. Its an old man bent neck behind to keep jump jump jump like nick can do, right.

No, she is a pleasing girl, she figure it out if she doesn't agree with him, what he gonna do

I think she never wants it. He is very very rough and forceful, she learns not to yell at those acts, or refuse too front, but I think she is trying every way to get out of him or his control.

Its a food. 涼麵

動北刁   (Taiwanese...the guy's down there. Up none stop or something....up down up down)

The local those ....Taiwanese language having those expression, not the most elegant langauge, for they how they talk thing. Some lowly those got angry, or sarcastic

No, they say more like rain drop 甘霖.  That is....you need the rain for the drought, so those are the rain nourish the Earth.

But Tina's first ex bf, his name is the second word 霖

甘 like Tina drink, "rise up your cup and toast or cheer"  (which English word : hit the cup that word )

That guy if not going along him, he probably can be violent, but he is literal, she is, too. They told me on the video has a 3rd, I wasn't paying attention that night, but its just the screen, so I remembered then I go and find out. I thought the story was about the thief.  But I think its the thief knows, when a guy like that.....he goes to the 3rd, and if they broke up, he will be loosing his attention. That is when people can get killed. The thief knows that. 

I didn't think this old man will kill them. But that is very scary on the news, I wasn't sure that is all different cases.

But isn't that strange?

I told you exactly what I comprehend. I would not say that. Its what I was....in those ether idea, that is exactly 3 lifes - 1 her. Or the old man sees he lose love that day, breaking up...he will do theft or kills. Its very easy. 

  • 1
  • 17
  • 21
  • 23
  • 31
  • 34
  • 1

2F      妞妞 husband,   her hates      nick   break up year, kill death  Him.

(they don't live here anymore)

Watching Hook's video again, I saw Pierre.



Is this just one case, or added something else, I did see.....yesterday.

In the 90s....I can just tell you, I curse them all, but....there is someone the black hair nun, her was killed. You know that backyard of any asharam, its those back door opens, and 2 Taiwan with 2 long knife, one left, one right, and seeing in that back door, and approaching to that middle with the light that house, the walking of the green, and that door is open. Its all fluoescence light.

Inside, its her on the bed, 2 short legs kicking up or down, then a girl talking to her.

           Her                          another guy sits facing her.

                    She stands

|   Screen door

2 man seeing them.

                 That is very cruel, 2 big knife, just slay on them, I think I saw that yesterday.

I think they 2 kills 3 of them. Those very black, southern Taiwan. If you acquire the classify upper, why don't you just tell them, every address mapping high tech, show up finish all of these.

小老鼠 ....

I already told you its urban planning 都市更新,我講過了

I am not sure this really happened, but having a baby, usually the mother is drain out.

我不清楚是發生什麼事情,但是有一個小孩,媽媽大概 depleted.

Goes away, they don't live here.  他們不住在這裡。

They all don't live here. 他們全部都不住在這裡

Will and George (Prince) and old man and his son's full table food.

The small table. (I lost the video from the facebook)

  • Will tried to get on the car, and George tried to pull him out of the car, both on the ground (panda).
  • The older guy (Asian) move the food to the living room table, the son like K6 moves all the food on his smaller table somewhere else.
  • Big lobster to pull and eat.

I tell Shane to go to sleep, take a bath and tomorrow think about it. 

You know .... 
Can I breath, you all don't breath in ...you want to hire some house keeping to make some food easier or to talk easier, or not to feel everyday is about the kid's life and the food life.

1.  You check the air-quality, are they fine in LA.

2.  You check with your lawyer, have they spoken to the judge. That is always the first step anything you seeing from the TV, or told. You know, no one supposes to keep hurting someone through this video.

3.  Are you fine to stay in LA, do you check if the road got blocked, or clear away. Sometimes a call to some IT people, they can see the highway from the beginning to the end, are they free out that space, meaning south to north was open, or yet to open. 

4. You like your home, can you just stay in your home and you kept all the security around as your overall groups, that's fine when things settle down 1 month or 2 month, so only I deal with 1 Shane I think. 

5. But in case that is anything the video makes me think.....there is the packing or in case in case, what is the most important thing in your life - I said your every paper works. You go where you ship them, you sleep next by them, maybe best. It doesn't need to be sea shipping, a locker, or a U-haul. You just stay where you are and thought about it. Your company suppose to look after you.

Including stay on the phone with you in the morning.

6. At night, everyone takes a shower, drink some warmer water, warm up your hands, and ready for bed, turn on your blanket, tomorrow morning you read about it and then stay on the phone. It doesn't need to be at mid-night. 

7. Right, I wait not everyday with Shane a bit on the phone. When things are bad, we are not talking. But today I calling him more throughout the day.

8. I need to finish this Frozen overall road. I did that 7 years ago.

9.  I don't know anything about Jesus what the Bible or the belief say, so I don't have time to imagine a certain thing yet, but other than that, I have other people's feeling to take care. I work at that 10 years, 11 years now.

10. Any transcription of all of that.  I prepare things, not I ignore them. 

LA time, you read it tomorrow ....get to the bed. Its late.

You want to imagine thing, I tell you what to imagine. In case that one container shipment was 3 people shared, because only Shane is in LA, the rest is someone else. When he Shane got here, I settle his almost every details the Chinese official website I told him the word by words, including the in-line home phone we set up. I clearly tell him, we get this done.

Then we walk outside, 1) the food, the drink, or the gallon water we drag together for him, and I set up some of this easy for him to access the water boiler. Those table mat, the table utensil, the night market, or the regular store.  2) I settle his metro cards, he has everything more in the hands in the fast pace. The food is not the most immediate thing must be 3 meals a day, or get out of the hotel to eat at any restaurant or any taxi. 3) Its 2 of us life. He doesn't eat, I don't care about it to eat. I drink. I get him those dozen or dozen of the boxes the kids beverage or the shampoo, conditioner, with some other scribble easier to do. He runs his house, he felt its where he can see it.

But that's say you all came with Shane together....where I gonna put you?

You will be on your own home phone, that is unlimited US mins to call back to LA.  Its morning / night 12 hours difference.   
  • Your lawyer / Your accountant
  • Your manager / Your agent
  • Your friends / your family / colleague
But here its your 3 meals at 7-11 microwave life. You and me don't have that life, me taken Shane one step per step to this building, he learns how to walk in per area, where we suppose to be. Or the map, or the metro he will learn about it.

You have to have a reason why you few coming together with him, here. 

Normally I thought was in Japan. 

I told Shane, its not a big deal, if things not smooth the first 2 weeks, we move back everything in one shipment container, all his stuffs, immediately in 4 weeks, he is already back in LA exactly like now. 

You guys.....is glue to this Shane anywhere he goes 7 days a week?

He just eats all the time?

If we are in the hotel or the apartment.  To the hotel, you just eat all the time, that is what people do? The resort life? The food in the mouth? 
Well, whatever you all talked about or thought about the real life, seriously, he is not your all height?! 

You all go to sleep, tomorrow you read it again and talk about it. I am waiting to say good night, if he gets in and get out yet, whatever his routine in life.

That is the vegetarian version of the thousand island dressing. The magic bullets.  A full container. 


昨天講的你們可以聽一個禮拜。不是透明篇就是有兩個老師 ....對 ! 

自己問題很多,這些事情算不算事情 ... 你們對金錢的定義一定要是那種非常重要的工作,有人跟我說過我好像記得。女孩子在外面工作如果講給男孩子聽,這我覺得我這邊誰誰誰誰,是說之前就有人已經知道這邊誰在幹嘛這樣 ...我在猜 ! 這邊有問題的狀態,可能是誰死了也是,但是我根本不清楚仔細的事情。經過看到外面不代表真的去裡面問... 我都在看這邊影片,這是 ...背後襲擊,我昨天不是在看嗎 ? 


你們吃很多的地方 ....

不知道在講誰,你們看著、想著、八卦、新聞自己人手一機 !

我再決定,是我看到的 the otter and the panda 水瀨還是熊貓,這是在講賈斯汀她們包括還是好來烏,有時候對著他一個尚恩講,有時候是其他講 ....

你們以前認識這樣,其他偶像,電視偶像劇是演員,這是歌手,男孩子樂團,西城男孩、新好男孩,很多其他男孩子團體,還有女孩子歌手。同期的 !

你們總統 (前總統) 要走這 Frozen 一百次這樣? Is your president (previous president) needs to walk this Frozen 100 times?

My father took us, we walk together, like 5 or 6 or 7....those ages.

Later I watch the Sakura Clear Card (today) added it down. I might need to go down after, not now. That N

Fr O Z E

              N  N

I know....why I wrote like that. After.

新聞說 ...嘿,你們這個兩百個國家 x  30 人,你們如果剛好在這裡 ZEN N 走

News say.....hey, that 200 countries x 30 people, you happened to be here Z E N  N

You want to go to that expo, Jensen gonna go. The per weekend, your.....phone. You are not finished his Iron Man, or 3 corners this Ireland Potato fries stuffs?

You know that ring....

I did gone to ask the last recent Chinese New Year this year at our night market. They have a sealed lotus rings 2D flat in a giant plastic bag. Meaning carved. This is 3D. That is 2D line line line line carved. She let me ....see it.  When I am needed to push out of here, you remember all your stuffs by the way.... 

You don't have those walking sneakers? Payless shoes? (American)

你們沒有那種正常走路鞋子? (美國 PayLess Shoes)

I have to talk to Shane, and I watched the Ep3.  uh ....Egypt?