
聽完兩天,我說 voice memo

你沒有下載 ....有沒有病毒,不知道 !

我在兩頭的聽 !  其實我並不需要聽在罵的意思 ....很久的以前並沒有這科學博物館,叫做所有常春藤教授,大照片卡在牆壁上怎麼排列組合。

Speak in English. What they need to hear in the voice memo. You just click from the server. That is not download. Its from Google clouds.  What am I supposed to say?

( These are the religious songs, the prayer's songs, not a lot of people's most immediate life in front of them. )

Voice Memo: Everything you care about (9:07)


  • We have a case. 
  • The first thing I talked to my mother was Square on the TV, her mother was in what TV's Usury. The scamming groups to my mother's money for real.
  • The local case with the Taipei mayor and the president to say hi.
  • With the Chinese police, the Taiwan police, the Japanese police, or the Korean police. This is a case, just happened to be this timezone region you aren't sure the countries.
  • The first thing you talk to your parents, what was on the TV? Me? 


I am talking about a real family household life, when you go to school, and your parents if they are established before or the community settle before...your parents and the neighbors near by some of these community family life. They are knowing their language with their near by to have you as a kid, to afford you to go to school? Other than the school?


  1. I am watching my imagination Eric, X Man. The helmet crown or Power.
  2. My outing to that ring structure in Green at night time, so another side its this Star Ship platform, the military Star ship to take off or to land, if that long structure tall lean back goes down, its all the glasses shatter, and you jump over that front short to hide behind that shorter side. Away from the glasses shatter, or what....imagine things.

Until Westlife, Backstreet Boy, or Ronan they passing by that corner.

That is real, for me? Are they need to run that 3 corners?

You mean Shane is in traps of what? The forest fire, we shouldn't talk about this. I know....I need more help than he is doing what over there....

Something about the King, something about the Royal, I think its the King.....I am at their souvenir shop facebook ~ this morning was what...

They care about the .....FAN, this is a memory.

They probably don't know all that story, was to become the future.

Like these are second time to steal a body ( Flower Thousand Bone & 3310 )

Facebook the similar album. 



To be honest to tell you...aren't they hobbits? Traveling?

(type type type type type )

(type type) 

Like you all imagine a story? They pushing each other in those one after another, to the K or to these corner by that Ronan....

oh ~ 

They know they making these video on their own? oh 

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