
The rest of you, you are....imagined the food? Those places? My facebook? 我臉書上台灣那種食物? 你們在想像? 不是台灣的意思 ! 亞洲?

When you all going back, coming in? Too hot here....you find your way underground, those are all underground structure. You know this store? Good. You are all looking like 2 hands rub itself, you are about to try?  To do what? 

(I turn around myself, and these windy twirl airs.....you mean you reading that Hugh's notes, or he telling you all behind, behind my back on the phone every single day? )

Shane Filan - Back to You


They have some other lunch boxes options. Those...are the in-store eating. You have some local if you check their dining options fine, you can just sit down when you passing it by. 

Its like a maze.

(touch my air)

So it is about the maze, not about those Zombie movies again? Those Maze Runner? They have some near by movies 123? That is nothing like Aqua?

And then the food? Anything in the Victoria Secrets, the Maze Runner? I only watch the second one I think. Can you sit down? 

I know where, no....not those indoor. 

You just gonna guess by looking at these Chinese words on the top? 

I have to go to sleep. You make a plan and you make it happen, not just....staring all these internet food. We don't think anymore here. Just walking it down stair, literally speaking, the freezer session of any 7-11 or Family Mart. The Korean Chicken or dumpling, or chicken flat piece of the chicken drum. Your coins collections to make a meal? 

You need to lose weight before you coming in here, right? 

And your water? Where you gonna get your routine where to replenish all the water from carrying it back home? My mother is the maid, bring your mother, bring a friend, together walking? 

Hugh, I need to lay down or go to eat (4 limbs warming and washing washing washing bathing) 台語 Taiwanese

No, they have no writing.

Madarin = 我告訴你我是台灣人

Taiwanese = wa ga li kon wa shi tai wan lon

Its a street fighting, when you talk like that. Like, you get ready to....go and fighting whatever that language you gonna say.




💥🔥 Somebody ... called the doctor. My heart. Just in general. The thunder is none stopping. Stay out of the road. It’s raining. ☔️☔️☔️☔️☔️☔️💦💦💦💦💦💦💦

I lay down.
We never had this kinda of thunder none stop. Get out of the road, goes inside


Is that what he held = a soap, or a jem.


They have a certain intelligent like exchange, if I were you, one of those wishful thinking to bargain. 

The Bazillion Committee (Westlife)

You open your mouth to tell your father or Meghan why....why that is a Brazillion world? Brazil? Prince Harry?


Happy Birthday


It must be Youtube? Hugh's Youtube. He is 30 ?

3310 That MV

Right (Smile), don't worry about it. 

You are not really imagine things like that could happen? Being a kid and grown up, sometimes just be happy and giggling, and spit those saliva like on a cruise. Sleep, eat, and fallen asleep on the cruise, with a book on your body, and your mother cover your blanket on you. When you wake up, you feeling dehydrate, you looking outside that window the sunset sunshine, you feel you getting up to go to the living room to drink a cup of water. That was when you grew up in your house. If one day you got married and move out, or you have been learning to move out and built a family, then you be happy, with or without the kids the current time or the future, as long as being happy. 


My left side body. My left hands....that Episode 10 - 三生三世十里桃花

W Two worlds, left hands, 5 fingers.

When I wake up, I already ate. When I wake up, the thunder starting, I gradually to wake up, but my left hand start to small shaking. 

Long long time ago, kid, there was a story about a Magallana's mother. The dark magic that Magallana, so there is a requirement how to liberate his mother. From the Buddha instruction to offering all the Sangha on cave retreat, and he must work his sweat to gain 5 fruits each offering on that month or the year when they come out. That time its the water lifting or the wood chopping.

And some of this reality of the celestial or the upper world, they are all type of the hermit evolve long long long years. Be on a retreat, and sleeping on a chair, or a cave or on meditation.

Here they got lucky, someone opens the cave, not far from that time, its to carry through some of those spiritual power. Most people have so many worldly friends or the seeing to what you mean the professional world. The first thing seeing upon opening the cave, not the gate, its where these 3310 idea the 5 Lords Review. 

You have a certain langauge with your mother, I think my brother does that the same. Not when we gathered, but behind. None of these people you will meet, nor they evolve to have those langauge anymore. 

Like Ronan Keating?


Don't worry about it. You have a cute girlfriend. He still has this concert date, you couple and the parents or with the in-law, those are the venture idea towards some of these your heart wish to do, to get near. 

They are too tall for you, those man. They had the family or parenting or the kids before. They have a real profession, the license nature those.

I am not feeling all that way neither, I have been in those meditation mode is called the Samadhi for a very very very long time. To put up some of these meaning....the public conversation, I fallen back to sleep is to rest away from a lot of those noise, so I know what bothers them the most. Those are a lot more mature people doing the mature things in life. Being the friends, or being together as a family, seeing that as a big family picture. 

I don't know if I can make it, but I intend making it ....back to this world, too.

Don't imagine too much those things other than your vocation cruise ship. What you gonna do after the vocation, these run about everyday up or down the first thing in the morning? Eben only reads books in life, so.....I don't really need to be that maid, you think?! 

I used to have only one honey moon.

You want them to talk to you like that ?!  How they got married to the family house purchase, to set the bedding, the hardware store, or the screw driver, or drive to the depot in America, or to ask someone on the paint department, to selecting the paper tag?

You both don't need to grow up that fast. 

In life, like when I live in America by myself, I drink my water, I carried those healthy water, or the habitual living. If I am not feeling well, I got the heating device, or the water bathing. No matter how many times jumping in and out of my 4 hands and the feet, keep breathing, stand up, exercise, stretch, walk, keep walking. Breathing and keep breathing. Watching my posture, watching my spine, watching my heart rate, my blood pressure to the hourly eating, the women's period, the hygienic, or the toilet washing, or the bath tubes washing. 

Not sabotage with the parents, I don't have for decades after decades, I hardly remember what they look like. 

Open the sheet /comforter, get a towel, wash my face, soap and wash my faces again and again, or the boiling water, or the device to boil the water, or to measure my own self the temperature. Zawanna he is a doctor, you know. All of them what the mature person doing the mature things in life. Drive responsible, seeing clear, or talking in English clear, write in clear, description in clear.

How you gonna make this thunder of your phone to your one video traveling to Asia? She is in the video? Your mother is on your own facebook? Your family sibling? You excited? 

I jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom, or on the toilet? What if its one of those vomitting, I get a towel on the back of my neck? You ever put a warm towel on the back of Olivia's back neck? Your mother's back neck? So what if I have to straight up my arm, hold it, tight it up, or seeing the muscle or the ligament move? You see a doctor you doing that.

I mean inside your home, you sit in waiting, sit in anxiety, sit in the bean bag with the blanket cover? England is cold?

You use the Watson alcohol wipe, to tip your finger tip in washing? Per finger, that is 10 pulling. You seeing the chiropractor pulling their own finger, not on patients? The morning wake up time, or the afternoon nap time dehydrated and get up to drink 2 cups of the water? Or when having a fever, you will get a towel on your own head? Not just on the phone.

"Shut up, Shane. You Nicky too."

"Shut it."

Your parents so sure you doing that the morning and the afternoon when you nap get up, and you dehydrated, or they know they dehydrated?

You ever seen my ex bf, nick? Not Nicky. The last thing I want to know was he intend to die on everyone else? You think he has that kind of the look?

"There are the thousand ways you will be dead, or how to die, just not today. Shut up. "

hhaha....I already ate. I eating......I am eating. I lay down and I eat. I just drank a lot of the water down.

⭐ You Hugh is an anchor for them? Or those are the food and the temperature issue for them and the mothers' idea?

You all flying 4 hours to Japan. I was just telling Shane, my left hip hurting. Today is expo, you guys went? No...too painful, something is wrong today. I gonna ask my mother.

Because Shane they are the music business. I thought that is the guy's business, so I say that is the food, and water and the drinks. Every hour, and the air-con, and the bed to sleep...not to be too stressful. Pass the plate, those.....we never talk about it gossips. Brian ! He is the end of the table, I think....Omega those dogs or the wolf packs. Which one first bites....I seen those strange thing.

I suppose to be with Shane, but I seeing this Nicky's face....his side way, his mouth opens to eat, or saliva, so I didn't quit talking to him or them, since last year. Every single day these food I written the blogs. 

There is something normal I look like, or there are the invitation I pretend to your father to send, the presidents whomever host the legendary eat-out, here.....the last time we were on the 7 Harry Potter.

Eat out means how to pass each other's a plate? After COVID 19, its everyone living in his or her own room. Breathing....
I didn't realize now, now I think about it, these things are not normal, right? The guests....the entire bundle, to say, the entirely, how many bundles, together with the stem, wave wave wave or put inside the bags, the reason why I even telling you which bags to sound decent !!!

You all don't look like you intern anywhere .....

What did I put on the website before?

Just the dish's menu, not the raw veggie, the entire night market, pick up from the....saler' place.

Right, now I remember now. None of you living here. You Hugh is not actually represent all of them? Any other Royal Upper house, that is from the King, right?

I seen 2 on the facebook. They might be here jumping Y or K too by the sheet. 

How to install air-con, is that the normal conversation in 5 rooms?

I need to check my image directory....my IPad image gone.


Congee. More soupy rice, with that can.

+ Washed cilantro or the parsley.

(What Hugh ....screaming and yelling)

Its the meat spicy can. The first word 辣味

I cannot talk to Hugh directly.....wash the socks (the short clips)

He probably got the pet.

A bride runs in the car without the top with the best friend, out of the wedding venue. The guy throws his shoe and kneel on the ground.

Me and Shane are fine. I calling him everyday to bug him.

You girls can be more soften to the guys, passing him the plate, the cup, the mug, the dessert spoon, the fork. The napkin, the tissue box, the ....bread crumb those, the pie. That is a red wood table.

"Hugh, your plate."

"Your mug."

"Your spoon."

"This is your fork."

"The cup and the plate."

"Its just the warm water, the tea? for the teeth stain, you drink tea yet?"

"The alcohol gel, the wipe, the spray."

"Its the same."

"They evaporate after expose in the air on your hand."

"Together with the bacteria in your hand. That is why that is the alcohol to wipe, not to inhale."

"We gonna die."

"Its not versitile. "

"It means the lab needs a hood to process those reagent."

"This isn't exactly the cleaning supply."

"Your bought the cake, that is you the whole 6 piece all by yourself."

"The tea, next by, that is 2 piece. Tomorrow run out, you ate the 4 piece last week."

"This is the whip creme. The soymilk made."

"They pressurize or the air in volumn, so they are the creme texture. Its made of the soy milk, so less fat. Not sure. I found it. "

"No, that was my first vegan cake video, the whip creme inside your mouth, you were so hungry in the 17 Again. "

My mother's throat cannot quit. 

Moving new together, inside the same house?

Not the first time traveling together?

My mother turn off the air-con, and clean up these plates, the cups or the bowls. She is going to nap. Walking too much, too old now. My mother lives with me. Your parents living with you two? Together, with 2 cats or the dogs?

You both seen the night market dogs? 8 years....the day I got back never ends these. Right, the 2 or 3 dog shops + the cat shop, and pets food store, right.

No, in the morning, I don't know what time they open, the first time I ask you all moving out of the W, to end up the first thing I tell you were those beginning of the night market. Right next by are those pet shop, and another by its the temple for the incent.

No, I didn't know he or you both have the pets. So, exciting to live together in the same space?

Why are their butt facing nothing but outside? All of them.

Interesting.... I hardly notice ! I never go back.

I found out if they can open the door for 10 mins each day. The smell inside is too heavy. Right now, if they turn on the air-con.

I am not feeling well, so I will tell Shane why I am not feeling well, right. 

The birds doing this to me, he is listening to too many times. I don't really know how to opening the otter's conversation. The birds because its a near by evidence.

A lot of the girls probably imagine the guy a little bit different. I never had those mood, so my tones sounds like everyday....I live above the clouds.

"The sunflower seed, or the olive oil. My dining room door sliding using the sunflower seed oil. "

"The knife to process the meat, or the cutting board separate is better."

"I assuming Shane eats meat, but he might just buy them. I boil the meat, and second time. Not those outside skin things, and the rice wine disinfect them."

"The heating surface will come to your face, you want to grab a chair and sit down."

"The oil will heat it up, and when she or anyone standing long time here, this height to your hood, you all are taller. Me is not that tall, I never worry those height to these hood. This is called the hood, you change this, or yesterday I say, the whole piece would be left right and this top, together is called the whole top of this overall thing."

"When Tina has George, its me and my mother, and Hank sent Tina to the hospital at the mid-night, we both were home. "

"No, Tina....doesn't cook, all right. Not particular, its a lot of the meat, right. She eats a lot of the meats and the soy sauce."

"You hire a chef, or those deliver the baby program, we have here. They prepare all those meals I think. These heat you process your paper works per day, its a lot of the standing here prepare 2 people's meal, or 4 people's meal one day."

"You height I see....this video you re-made them to your own height? My height would be my entire arm going it down to the sink, all these vegetable, the water weight on my shirt or the hands all the time. Most people don't realize that is a very hard work inside the kitchen, all those processing. Most time my living space was one him, or me by myself, I eat little. I exercise a lot and walking a lot, so these standing in the kitchen takes the physical. But Now I have to make the money, so I can retire, and that my mother I support her only. Or that thing ex bf no one cares about it. "

"For the girls to have the kids, they gonna get scared for the rest of their life, any one kid born. The man just leave I think. Every kind of the women. The first 9 months, everyday they imagine things, or they have so many things going on with the body, with the mood, with the insecurity, living with another guy not with their mother, that kinds. "

"So when my mother had me and my sibling, she was just married into a lot more prominent family that time. Every girl has a video of that past like the movie in front of me. She had one time a wedding and all the table treated, a lot of the tables those, including my brother's first month. I was already 7 years old. I actually remember all that."

"What these movies mean to her, probably its nothing."

"She had some of those wedding photo, I have seen it. And she staying with us all the way til my high school, lunch and dinner, the laundry, the cleaning of the house. Waiting us home at 5 oclock or 9 oclock. I remember she stays. "

"So one day I don't bother her anymore since UB time, my entire facebook, but she was on my facebook including my brother. For about 15 years probably, she rarely exists in my life. Right now my heart skip a beat. I never realize that.....but now I think back. It might be the best thing for her, and now when I stable, she get a freedom life again with the stable all that outlook. But those time, it was my brother went out too, and she got left alone 3 kids, just the phone, and i never called her. Not really. She knows my facebook, or my website, so I stay indoor with nick. Home or there. She knows. But my growing up time, we hardly talk. I thought about it. All these movies."

"So one day, your kids when they think for you, or you think for them...one day they got married to, or whom prospect, or you wishing well for them, or another girl, like Carla, like Connie, like ....some people I remembered, the enemy or the wrongful human. They are not the good people, but they are the mother of their kids. I check all that already. Its the Pitch Perfect." 

"The judgement. I did finish my table job."

"I got many aunts too, my mother used to be her high school. So we were walking this Simon's stop. That is everyone's high school trick play, except me. I didn't know that, those are the bad people at. But that is there Star Detective finds the super star from the girls. It was not made like today. It was made just the vendors those carts hanging to the top, not today the physical store all road built new."

"I told her many things, and I put some sense to her. I sometimes asked her. She probably too busy with that two. They gonna ruin their own eyesight, their sitting posture, or anything she feels screaming and all these women used to be, they had a very very brief moment knowing each other, those women are a lot more prominent, at least the kids we know how that felt about the other people's father. And so will that be my mother, not that husband......but imagine. But I found out, the girl has to rely on itself better. Tina and Hank...whatever the BTX, none of that is real. Too many meals he missing, at a home we all land. I made him some dumpling."

"I would have wished all the kids never arrive.....to be honest. Everyone every family all happening something. From my table, its all very cruel news. All the tables behind, not to say if the Death if does knock on purpose, if were all these movies or all these TV has a meaning. The philosophy people live on the regrets or finding that meaning or imagining those meaning inside a TV."

"So eat?! Drink something, outside is hot. Coming home you and her has to keep taken some of those vitamin bottle. Everyone all putting something inside their mind, but but but.....no matter what that was I was running those time....my mother stays a few day or a few glimpse, or few seeing things are fine, I feel okay to keep running. Whatever told me to do, and today everything is file-ing on the way, or will be perfect when the time comes. The evidence didn't show up that time....its a lot more scary when life no one can proven it, and just keep running. First time I ever had to live that life. So now its just me and her life."

"Its the precision rate how much they bet on it. "

"It was very suffering, I am still recuperating at it. They thought...if just one of them like you, at that time accompany me to land, it will not be 10 years today you and me talking not direct or indirect. The people you never know and one day they gonna die out. "

"Yeah, you don't know to ask me if what not they regrets. Right now is not that much. The day before their eyes to close, that will be Ella Enchanted or that BTX ending. "

"Have fun today. I rest a little bit. Not feeling well."

Okay, Flower Thousand Bone

Right. You ask your father first if the mother without it. 

You are a British, the soccer world. Man-to-man. That girl says. (She is the Man )

16th century after, you all no longer has a religion. That’s how we ended ? Here. They, not me, okay.

When I talking to her, it’s very clear she and her master. Both. All of these …garbage. 

You all …it’s the million people’s job, you have a song. 

America, I make it clear, I am sleepy. 

The steam engine or the coal, I don’t care !

This Hugh he leashes you? Not the other way around because ? He is a kid.

I need to find something without these walls inside …all of these, and the day to purchases and when people live in those transaction jobs, my mood is bad, I cannot hear any other things. When his vocation finishes, you all happy together again. I read things here.


美國大使館搬家了,小鳥跟著搬過去不錯。每一個人的個人私事是自己覺得 …

其實你們問你們前面總統比較好,現在也可以,我不想。我想去 …. 我以後再說。你們有些東西中文我很慢看過去,你們知道你們寫了什麼?




Vatican. Hahhahh…. you means sculpture yourself a saint looking with a St Patrick Day each every year

I think for the eternity, he will be the only saint !! Haha…you just not sure what things put in it. All St.

You know why…🦅🦅 the  kitchen side pica pica …today they talk different words…pica pica.

My mother still needs to get up to the trash can. They are not tired of they themselves?

The wall facet on and on.

So what if her son spine doesn’t get up anymore, right …haha…

Don’t you love to hear that. 

That’s not vertical scarf line in bloody faces….you know the last day right ?

| | | 

Define a King a President a million people’s jobs, you making a fun of me or a fool.

Is this Tina, Pang real ? My father’s seeding ? 

When I say it’s my whole strength, don’t be shy ~ Vietsnese prostitutes the fuck up human, remember 1000 man penis in names…it’s a stick like nick. 

Those stick it’s 1 millions roses Westlife buy

Ronan remember how she fuck up thorny to delivery baby…every Thor dare-ing Line.

Understand ? It’s IQ without the public education failure. This TV so needed, these human all needs, you are so needed…when Vatican ever should says V? Valetine’s D

Funny ~~ hahahahha…

It’s not D, it’s F.

I only count on my last day, waiting ….

What Vatican, right ? It’s a Vampire meeting !!! Nothing is real, like you all said!! So ensure nothing is real, right ?

They suppose to be the prayer works ? My facet on neighbor, my mothers kitchen knock the facet to the wall 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 

My eye lid so sleepy.

They are too old?

Look at these every life pope photo other than Katherine from Tesla, that’s a shirt backward? Tell me what do you see Tesla’s talent near by?

It’s not a duck meats ducking, isn’t it ? Laugh a min !!

I tell you how fun these things never wane out the personality. These girls so dreamy where Hugh goes back with those same age younger 20+ everyone a cup + an Ashley…spelling ash not penis the mini skirts a hug of a circle, a waist of the belly dance Lala, land in Ukraine, it’s the doctors without the border ! 

Laugh ~~ 

You taken me a ride ….for fun. 

There are the infinite light like every Lords one hair …Stands. Tell me, whom knew ?

I M telling you her words mouthful was “I am grateful “

A Vietsnese shorty counts on merits bold hair to say…exists !! The humanitarian in Gods mercy…

A Vietnamese 

A Vietnamese, the communists to say Flower spy not 007 on a script.

A Vietnamese …it’s so vivid on TV, why don’t you utter never stop the correct words exactly you were told? A Vietsnese fuck up ABC in rose penis I remembrance ….whom?


Uh ….history history history. 


Oh ~~you must mean you are an Earth so holy, not Hallie 26 ….so many penis ~~ blondie dumb ass fuck up Will, or William by what name turtle neck or turtle boots? What makes the blood works ~~ every otter will tell me their blood is special not the dust at the edge or the corner ?

How special makes a whimp of a prayer mercy works, it’s a brain in magic, your brothers knows that !!

It’s blood related? It’s real? It’s a red hair ? Oh oh oh ~~

The Lords every photo fade and tell me …when the day the Lord will really stand ?

That day is not today !


That’s you, the last paragraphs 🦅 I think you didn’t realize our religion is different by how much.

Every beard race is gear to suicide, when you will finish ? Remember it had to be exactly amused me like the weather put on a show right outside.  Until finish suiciding, no religion discussion ! Forever ~

Anything else ? Hairspray ?

It’s cute ! The time passes - One Fine Day, 1995.


The magic ingredient was the school ex. They all…implied me. The near all around these girls. It’s the classmate personality easy or homey. All these movies are wrong to clash to the system talk.

It’s Dr T and his wife.  That’s the most fitted couple. Same IQ

From the same school best.

I think it’s your mother best. The America is the mother threw the kids outside feeling fine religion ? I am just curious. You can literally wish everyone dead, just not your near by like your parents literally dead in your arm those. No matter what every criminal don’t say every heater battery to purchase, the lamp change hardware store so you PC games or one extra meal, or the trash can tie up.

The day if they dead, the boys or the girls feel….

Why not One Fine Day

A Day in Life inside and seeing through ….the Silicon Valley lay off massive news. Your jobs don’t hold another boring day you image 40 years in paychecks. The day after the day.

All beard race are suicidal. So we finish ? This no more talking 2015. Asian is always psycho you all agree to it. So don’t bother me.

That games you exist with your 9 circle, everyday shouting “ Lord be heard, suicidal that I am.”

It’s every single days games the ghostly realm is not lacking one discipline in teaching ! The greatest wizard of Oz, Harry Potter !! Hjahahahhaha…. Microphone “How many time the public fame to suicide you thought arose?”

⭐️ You get rid of your colon diet, why not just follow the recipe says ~~ I never save that 54 at all if I willing. At all. Ten years you know you’re each worth…how you feel you yourself magic.

Someone wish you and can watch you all be dead dead dead. 

You didn’t mean one thing one word ever says, how amusing …not one worth.  10 years ago, means a word. It must be a lie or it must be so soothing. No one meant an existence. Typing too long, never look. Oh ~~ what you imagine look like a joke of a yarht, driven the tall height of a boat nake to strip tie together a rope to climb up.


I don’t think the mortal like you all will ever find out.

Ten years …pass.

The Tickets to Paradise !! Will is the last to jump. It’s a real film.

Wait ~

I need to talk handle here those stuffs. 


I have a guest, an identical twin Denmark(?), looks exactly the same and his next by.

Zawanna makes the hell of my world and so this Venus lady military. (Maybe not the mother, another women.)

I told Nicky or that’s Shane’s phone, my tears drops to makes a Nephrite’s throne, your Washington DC’s time is 3 oclock ?

It’s a Big brother Big Sister on my resume last lines those extra-curriculum. She was a black kid with the eye glasses. Probably a little bit town boy personality. (They to do, whom? Not UB) my neighbor wall facet wakes up.

🔮🔮 you all literally have this, do I have a make-up?

You asking me what ?

The Flower Thousand Bones requirement ? Babaji train that’s both 3310, a military women, not a girl anymore those age at all. Or they detain both of them “were” the artificial light. 

I close the door today.

I felt so sleepy because I suppose to wake up your 3 oclock ? On 🔮, your Washington DC time ?

“Tell me the story to look like a story on the film other than the medium personal? I like to know?”

I found a way how to get rid of the human, it’s I sleep when I feel like and wake up.

Which the high tech film to craft a better story, and why I would be here writing ?

They will never starting 2006 to say 2002. That was APO next by the evolutionary and CAC after all thar becoming the organic. I actually studied, I never seen them in any library. 

It will never be UB, okay …the red ink next line. I am listening.

I am sleepy again. 5 cm one air moving, one penis one life fumble creation, no education. Eternity hell

Forever. You create the kids for fun I think. 

Seashore ? Burried on your own land, good. Dead around the sea? Cannot tell ? Those invader from under the sea. Those rocks waste line, the fish cannot breathe. They come up becoming the human form. 

You asking me what I see? A lot.  Almost that entire coastline dense, drawing a line, less coming in. That’s very bad. They walk in your office and tell you? That’s very very bad.

The weather makes you do things, I saw it.

America election, I heard it.

Funny … :)

Haha …when my mood is happy, I make my all world happier.  The human like you all not worth living for, that what makes me happier. You can make all of them Suicide on the newspaper and the full blood face whip in scarf to all world all zone all human suicide, I will be ten times happier. Then you will see every step you match up, how much the worlds ought to be. Haha…

No, the small fish. Like about 4 inche.

Those looks dull and the stupid fish not much movement in the water, those. Most fish in the Aquarian are all moving and some kinds the water propelling. We know of the facts. 

Those are the pale fins. White? In the sea water not much sunlight. And that suppose to be deeper water, it’s cold, the water is cold. They breath or he breath the bubble through the mouth.

No, I know. Mammoru, Sailor Moon and Aquatic lady the light blue with a hair …a strip from in between the eye and the nose kind. Something matter this light blue means? Insulting your faces.

More deep hell until these blood spill in river blood every single day.

Happier your brain ? Like to fool me to make me a fool…that ending is always will be very very cruelsome. 

From the sky. 

You have some horrendous things happen …the inept human nature almost like that 91l or

Recently your have these news by the way, those are all very very horrendous the social news. You have a military free protocol, I say tie yourself to the bed whatever not moving not hurting your wrist, careful your knee to that office chair to the door to the bathroom, to the kitchen, all 4 walls barren to your eye sight in which paints you can see? 

I need to turn on the light or my stair…I aging I am telling you. 

🦅🦅🦅 They keep calling this Neo. Funny a altered Ronan sound 🦅🦅

I get rid of them yesterday. Not about Hugh but I told him I was busy.

Yes, I know

Shane and that Prince Harry Olaf no more Opera funny, it’s Kryon …is that a rental property ? Hahaha….

Be away from Irvine, the high school drop off F IQ. Olaf is a Kryon, haha…you have a face, no human near at all? It’s not a human. You all looking good…haha.

Hahahah…. So many these things. The human fool, the human merits, you even have those unreligious words, you worth? You have no worth why bother imagine one word ? 

No, Shane he is a creative artist by his head, he is a guy, but he imagine he is a girl. All of them did. Hahahahah…..oh my God. They try to. They imagine a little bit. It’s like those wild ghost because they no body, they pee is like drop the full den but it’s not real. 

Hahahhh… the guy has no filtration system, every guys have none. The half waist line below color different but, it’s those …wild ghost dump their half body down. They have no consciousness being, you human are. Hahahahahahahahhha………




You are in the K zone?

You finding your way? 

Legolas - On My Own


There is a stair near that junction when you passing that stream (across at 3 oclock), you can sit on the stair 5 to 10 mins, and walk around again. You stay where the people can see you. Before you cross the stream, there is some Fast Food again, you can get the sweet potato fries (TTK), and sit down in the store (right across the stair you coming it down at first) 

Of course its far. If you coming back to the red line, that is the way coming back. 

My mother pass by my room when I search something Victoria Secrets - Black Tie, hurts the hell of me the psychi head space. She hurts her left foot the 2 cutting knife's jobs, I have lay down. When she is around, I cannot work, she got too many incidents. She is a very very very handicap person.

Jean Ma dead, the cancer dead. Its the music hard case.

These have my contact person's sequence all in it.

The down stairs swings doors, they getting that 4th time court paper, whatever the short guy with a very tall lady + a son in it. They were on the TV. 

You want to just stay in the hotels sometimes. You tell her, you just talk to Olivia. You wish to do some of those walking yourself, but right now you and her resting in the hotel?  The Earthquake epicenter was outside in the sea. You stay in the hotel sometimes. Unless they told you to go and walking? 

People's air is very low in life, and some people are very very emotional.  I got told the upper world kids and some people just how they do-little themselves. When they feel like the needle or the drugs. That will never happen here in Taiwan. In America, you got caught, its also no tolerated... how are those 2 do-little? Be found by drugs? The Europe allows people never stopping these drugs and the needles talk?

You are not supposed to put any handicap people on the monitor, or the TV monitor as a show itself. You know that? At all?  I say do you know that Mark is some kind conditioned? 

When the public found out, they make things disappeared very fast. 

Both Taiwan Youtuber, or whichever Mark in Westlife (or any Mark). The public does those things. Do you see my mother and nick on the TV? I would be thinking that too....if my entire family are so talented in talking and handicap, all of them will end up on the TV, before I ever shows up?

None of them are the normal IQ to stable EQ. Pang is normal IQ but he is not very...cautious his own life. When I figure it out, none of my family members are those real Flower Thousand Bones inside to make the money, I have no money benefits, and they are staying using me handicap, or kidnaps me 40 years or the society burden to say...just stay a little bit functional.

Anything the entertainment world, or politics, as soon as someone found out they are the true handicap, the public will immediately tell them to leave. All these Taiwan Youtubers are showing up they themselves. The rating got dropped, or the public response becoming very angry, or telling someone, that will never happen, you killing that person on the public networks. 

You know that, or you want me to remind you all that? How long I have to keep watching.....whichever these video?

You gone to TTK? 


Gone home yet? I called Shane a bit.....something going on with my mother, that's why. July...something she says the tax. 

Hugh, when I got told to stay away some people including wishing them dead, I found out...it might be they are very very bad people + no money, or something they are not part of the American and no money. All that included. 

I will not ...you paying your way here and to Maryland all of the things you doing it on your own. Not this King and Adam's Father together, and I imagine I am the Buddhism to know how to cut System things in all things behind, so there is no such things, a TV plays 2 otters jump inside the swimming pool.

Sooner or later, the people near....that whatever you intend to do, or get close, has to be truely far away from me, I literally saying that. FAR FAR FAR away means.

I just tell them, they don't come in....its Pang takes those idea away.

I think, that is the only thing, in EVERY movies or TV inside says. Here is the outside Mu, only I know these. Here is this princess diary things those say. Its everything here.

Only the material comfort. A lot of the people don't be with anyone. 

Sleep in different beds, in different world, in different space.

Some of these design of the real estate, I know here. The commercial here on the TV. Let's say I imagine a certain thing in my life in my spare time, those have the utility and far away design, like the center garden or those bigger square meter. Those all exists.

I will tell you...that is the only thing in every classify material. Finish talking. The end of those talking. You can have the friends to go and eat those meal, all of these restaurant, you see the price.

Its legal, when I make enough money, and I retired, I can retired before 65. Without a TV, sleep, eat, lay down, rest. I just talking to this Nicky. (To tell Shane)

You want to know a secret. I tell you, you go home and sleep?

Loving the Silent Tear


Keanu, Obama, Simon

L = the wall looking the 9 oclock wall.

Forever will T = those 機關 in every Chinese classify material (Wallace)

rope = S

in pull the trigger 機關

National Treasure (disguise, sneak in); Wallace 金玉良緣 (disguise, sneak in), 錦繡未央 (fake, sneak in),.....

Someone wish to be the England Queen forever will never quit. Its to get behind that wall. I don't want anything near anyone in England to be honest. 

My father used to climb a lot of the tree, incident pulling a tree part of his thumb gone, to becoming Tesla X-ray be found when he was young.

Nick he knock on people's wall.....and every other kinds of the things.

History is the witness.....

Good night ~~~!

⭐⭐ You gonna tell you mother's the first thing? CNN photo? ⭐⭐

All those links from the youtube? The Egypt song, from here? 

Sam Fricker Youtuber Channel

Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol Arm Dealer vs Ethan

Apple TV:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/479qeS6zIe0

Venus:  X 12 Tesla biography Venusian - the last letter (Frank and Francis)

None of you boarding anywhere the ship. 

Tesla boarding a ship from Lica from GE Europe to GE Edison NYC Upper Class, your mother knew that is not her. That is not Johnson Johnson Baby oil since 1943, 20th century magazine to say wife Katherine with Tesla idea. It begins with A LETTER.

Not his best friend John Jacob Astor IV in the real Titanic. 

She understands at least idea, none of that were her or you on it or Olivia? 

Her Home Hotel, you telling her why Anna says there....the A13 21th Century Chicken, or W Hotel next by 21th Century Chicken. You will be telling your both parents, what is more important these 21th Century Chicken restaurant store, its on my FACEBOOK, everyone seeing it. 

When Women is the Boss, written by Nikola Tesla


ITS NOT 21th Century book....its Robert Johnson's 20th century magazine (1900-2000)

They were all born in 1856 those era ....there is a difference.

I need to re-boot my PC. Is there something wrong at 3C store? Everything turn slows. 

🦅🦅🦅 (They laugh... )

ha ,...ha...

⭐ This morning.....I put some food in the 2 containers. Not to be spoiled by the temperature. I didn't feel like to eat. ⭐

Its you and Olivia being happy here, and pretending that is a 3 blocks you walking in the morning, not until Oct? The stove with those gas, its a methane, you watch your stove fire, or you imagine I asking you these details before I trying to be helpful? 

⭐ We Taiwan here, you can ask if they have the electric stove like the America. 

⭐ That exactly the short clip, when you get back to the hotel remember to watch that. I am not joking. People die in the indoor inhaling that in sleep. You will smell the methane. 

The otter did to you??? 


You slap on it, not this...you ruin the entire oil medicine. That's Olivia? That's okay, just kill it. 

Are we still talking about interior design furniture? The wood, those?

Your head design of your bed.  Here

You can get all those link someone whom customized and ask the invoice, how much those costs the label and the materials. And then you get your own bed sheet, all those pillow cases. I care about my pillow. 

You know what these otter turning upside down means?

okay, here is I can tell you in Taiwan....no matter how I used to live in America, I see not too many people on the road when I drive to the grocery, to say light make-up. Or here with my mother. With Shane....

When you are not in Taipei, I don't really wear a lot of the make-up, but I know what is the make-up and here my computer when I take a photo, or the shape, or the diet. So sometimes at home, I don't feel to go out, and its very hot. Just wake up whenever I feel like and the air-con. But, you can easily let's say you get down your elevator, and there is your milk tea, or black tea, or the coffee in 7-11, some people just wear a sandal, running up or down the elevator, with the eye glasses, or some shorts, the t-shirt on the top. 

Here is a city, and I still put some efforts when I if I walking around, I put some leisure clothes, but these one year I got so busy at.....

So let's say you know what's the typical here the breakfast. 蛋餅 that is a hot iron plate, its a sheet and an egg they made it for you, to add the cheese, or without it. So its just the sauce on top, correct. But you can order your milk tea, that one morning you didn't determine to eat anything or less....so you have that kind of the breakfast and the juice.

Me and Shane because I boiling things. I need to boil stuffs, and with a guy next by I just feel safer there is the fridge with the container like I used to believe that life. We can always go out, but....even me living here, I am not that easy at, you mean every meal is on the transaction and generate a lot of the plastic waste, and those are a lot fat chicken nuggets (they have that in those breakfast place) 雞塊

Milk Tea 奶茶

You can try

蛋餅 + 起司 + 薯餅    ( 兩份)

雞塊  (兩份)

奶茶  (兩杯 )

You waiting in line with the students or those early officers workers.

Anytime you seeing a hot plate going. 

So if you decide you walking a lot right now in the morning, you doing that a lot back home? 

I work a lot, so I stay indoor. 

So when I boiled things, the containers I get used to have those habits, to stack up each. Shane just take them out, and put that on his plate one by one, heat it up. Its all the plain boiled food. 

But when I tell you the above those if you are very near those downstair, and you are a guy.....a lot of those guys here, they just sandal themselves wear those....short or no sleeve t-shirt, going toward and coming back with the eye glasses. 

Sometimes put the guys in a different mood, its the elevator going it down and you can shop in the 7-11 all the drink, like if I go there, I pack up 2 bags coming back when my mother gone one week, I live on that 5 days and going it down again. 

In Europe or America, you have to always cook though. Here...unless you determined to be home cooking, Olivia she cooks? I have time to walk one block....I am not sure.

oh ~~~ you care about those elevators and the escalators ~~~!!!!

Its her birthday? The cake and the ice cream cake ~~~!! Happy Birthday. You need anything the women's pad, or the women's make-up, the make-up remover?

I use the baby oil. 

Usually those things in the Watson those kind of the pharmacy looking like, they have the make-up remover.

卸妝棉 + 卸妝水 

The monthly pads, you have to go to 全聯, they have a lot more in package and in quantity. You are near, so there are the bags you carried back to the hotel. 

Do you process the underwear together, the girls on the girls side, and the guy on the guy's side? The hardware store yesterday after your Royal Eye Glasses store? if you were walking a little bit down on the same side (on the left), after the bubble tea, you see all kinds of the plastic containers at the door? You washing yours underwear and dry, and he washed his underwears and dry? In the hotel?

You wash for him? The socks?

I get this, because you are staying until Oct? 

92 that escalator.....right. No, I know what you saw. Next by. 

Right, okay. 

You say what? You going home, you eating the same things? I think burger that is American eating them, right? Pizza Hut or Subway. Right next by 92, there is a 7-11, yes, I been in there. I been to.....all of that. Its a short cut. There is a parking lot structure behind, for ...

No, you are fine here, you two just venture all that structure, right.

Something glows ....After your 3C? Its so hot outside, you can bear to walk for one week, you two done well. Every morning those air is too hot.

Zara is very big across the Eastern Area. You taken the external elevator (Tom's world), you seeing everything outside you coming it down 11th floor? 

Frugal? You mean you are fragile? 

You want to sit down those Tom's world below 2 floors escalator, all the couch, just sit down, both of you. I did that. You don't lay on it, just sit.  All the furniture there. 

Its too hot outside, you don't lay down to rest for the nap? The afternoon ~~~~ chill.....air-con?

Mc Donald fries, which Mc Donald? 101?

Are you imagine the motorcycle?

That is the place something glows? ! oh okay ~ the basement, or that is the Manga 剉冰

oh ~ you love the Mango !!!!! 

I cannot see anything anymore ~~~ something glows.

If you live in the city, you can just two hands hold that Eastern area somewhere those vendor you pass by, the whole case up. And when you peel them, you cut 2 times, and you peel the skins to the plastic containers, you fridge that, and you just peel the remaining the whole case rip mango, for 2 days, both of you eating that. You never imagine that, so I tell you a little bit.

But if you live outside the city, you need a car to cargo all that, those are the bigger space or the interior design, if the real estate idea. The city, its the elevator up or down. 

(Watching these short clips)

Learning the Taiwanese local language, this guy is learning the Spanish at home.

Two girls, 8 years old 2 ball ice cream, 380 NT.

That is...English.

oh okay ~ Mc Donald Ice Cream is 18 NT. 

The birds and the mechanic: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H-IVXHsxp2M

Raining now....

泡芙 that is in Taipei Station. That is from Japan, you know that?  They usually buy 6, I only buy 1. You know what that is? Its a take-to-go boxes, that is a big 泡芙. You eat that, you become the giant fat !!! Its the chocolate or the butter. Its not I don't tell you what....A certain thing I seeing them doing that, next by me. I have NEVER in my life seeing that, or buying that, or eating that. 

(You have to wait in line, its next by an entrance door at the 1st floor, its shining yellow too) 

【beard papa's日本No.1泡芙品牌】微風台北車站店

That is what I see? 3C store glows, the banner top.

oh ~~~Not the mango icey glow, or Mc Donald glows, or 101 basement interior design glows. 
Its this glows?

no, only Taipei Station I saw that. 

Taipei Train Station 1st Floor, you look up where each store has this word 微風 = Breeze

They write in English too. Its every mall almost like ( next by Ikea, diagonal to the ice skating rink, or your skin mode that next by), their branding or the physical mall inside, these Breeze itself is a ....mall. They started it 25 years ago before I leave Taiwan, was as a mall. 27 years ago at least ....

You two gonna separate your two routes? You can always meet back to the Shangri La.

Earlier I saw....he dropped you the Mc Donald Food you staying in the hotel, and he runs to that 3C but its your birthday on the car saying Happy Birthday? VS - Diamond in the Sky. The bed header nick made me Feb his birthday, its nothing like that. He found that piece of the wood. My birthday is April....so yours would be.....nothing look like to me.
(2468, 1357)

I thought it was Hugh's birthday yesterday.

The best ice things are milk shredded made....棉花冰

Not 刨冰

I saw it, the Apple TV now.

Never those things.... I am a girl, not that kinda all these TV. 

The girl got lost, the bathroom? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EQEJqUeNfes

You guys have a baby, you don't stay indoor? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WzyLNnpFoDM

He getting 3C? 

Why this parrots + the mechanic is on this channel? 

The birds?   No, I don't raise the birds, of course not. 

  • The Burger King has the onion rings. That one.
  • You can ask them if there is a cheese fries, I think they all have it. That 4 corner, one of that is across the hotel, has a Subway used to have these falafel breakfast wraps. It was on their windows.
  • Muji has those hand snacks, salty. You get a small plate, that walkway, that City Super, you open all the hand snacks on the plate...that is a very small ceramic plate on your own, inside the hotel. Every hand snacks from Muji, all by yourself. 
  • He is not there, right? So you get next isle, has those bubble bath from Japan branding.  You washing those sink first. With those "how many soap do you have"? From the hotel staff? and you use the whole piece to keep wiping the surface, and wait 5 mins, and rinse warm water, and the cold water. You repeated with that soap, 2 or 3 time, .....keep rinsing. You can just bathing in it. 
  • Every single day.

Wash my hair again, waiting.......warm my feet water...all that. My pillow case, i cannot lay down.

The sky is the Math, the Taiwan Youtuber someone they talking about the middle school math or something. Right...The birds say Ronan. I put in the Shane's facebook album, I think Francis (next by Frank), that is a women like her, or military lady to.

Ronan .....~~~~  Gosglow, right. They...all have an expectation from you, Ronan ~~~~

Sorry, waiting my microwave food.......

You know it for sure, no one finding their food to be ending up here in Taiwan, you just happened to get lost in the middle of the Taiwan, and the otters rescue finds you? Not the Rescue Rangers, its the Japanese otters groups? 

I need them to all going to Maryland like every video, everyone watched like a planning kinds of things, its in front of us. I don't really care about they coming here, as you can see, all these freedom on the escalator, you say or you heard me before that the definition of the city is defined by the population quota. All of them are the strangers on the road itself. We will never be the friends here.

Right, just the birds. 

Since I asked, or I have been wishing to ask you....Hugh about that Maryland,

For a week passing by. How do you gonna survive in Maryland with whom else might be the diplomat ? You are always going along with all of them right? 

Talking the bargain language is not those when you getting near some more experience in both the paper works or the daily procedure they always knew the legal process - in that jurisdiction especially, inside outside they knew about everything around.

Not me touring you in 7 days, yet?

Right, outside the banquet time.
Right, outside the sight seeing those building structure time.

You, Hugh. You know your ought-to-be's jobs? A special restaurant to show up them, and you one person make an agreement or talk through, to discuss, alone or you bring that 1 or 2 alone, finding a way to "agreeing" or "arguing", or something nice on the table, other than the TGI Friday, the first day we got lost between that Hyatt or W, its the same road for that one Pizza hut, all that....

You, Hugh. One you, how you gonna do that in Maryland, you knew or you paying attention this Camilla and Adam's father's that moving their family back to Utah news? 

I need to tell my parents too, that otter got a microphone.....

All these images, they saw it before, but today that I have never sent them and this Mission Impossible clips. Of course I tell my Line App, they already seen these person but I sent all of this looking the same along that CNN photo to show them, that...the otter has a microphone because that below name was a Japanese otter club forming. They just form, or they becoming a club? 

I change to the next post.

It just rained.

When you get home Hugh ....you rest, and you sleep, you seeing your family, you seeing your friends all that. You and Olivia.

You will breath fine, you both will feel finer. Here is all black hair, and you saying they pushing each other in the night market, too hot everywhere. You seeing all these motorcycle cut in the pedestrian on the walkway, or the U-bike, or the road itself so hot...those people speed on the motorcycle. The bus never stop jumping or jumping it down, or the metro. Too many things you are exposing in the heat, the sun.

Like you buying a water in the Family Mart, and you feel uneasy at your phone, or them, you look at them, or they have a helmet, walking in. All these scene are a strange place for you. You have to keep talking, or keep asking with the phone, or the transaction. You doing 5 things at the same time, Olivia holding those bottle water from the counter, the behind people pushing you all that....

When you get home, you will still look at the same otter video (they don't quit), or Taiwan Youtuber, still speak the same English or French. You speak French a bit? ! That's good ! 

Shane is busy, when you get back, they Westlife still in Ireland. You can check, call them. 

You eat the ice cream from the 7-11 / Family Mart those? ...fat.

The bank circle 義美, do they still advertise their cone with the chocolate ice cream? Its the machine behind them. My video those ice cream cake. You know what's an ice cream cake, right? Its an ice cream, not the actual cake. 

(You got yelled at ...)

uh ~~~ My TV my news, my lunch.

Is there something going on?

I wish to know?

(Maybe my period is coming, now I remember)




Someone has the sleeping problems pills??!


Japanese Sushi.


Is Hugh, my sky has this 101 that side of corner got  \   off. You can go to W Hotel or Hyatt. You have something need to do? 

I am the cat cannot be yelling? Hissing ? Aggressive?


You Hugh and Olivia Happy Birthday on the TV? (Amine)


Happy Birthday !!!

You been here for a week now, you two. Seeing, eating, and finding things. You haven't met your other same age friends, or the family for outing. Right now, its not the best time. Philippine Earthquake 7.1 means.....5 if were 100, then 6 means 1000, 7 means 10000. No, its in the water, not at the land itself. When the news say the ocean water didn't trigger what you would known as those the tidal wave = the Tsunami

Now you finish this seeing one week part?

The amusement park? !!!

You will get sun burn, too hot ~~ No. This is not the cooking, its your current time? You guys step out when my eyes were closing. 

About Taiwan's metro

He speaks in Taiwanese language. He arrives here the first year, then the second year, and then becoming the year after the year. He felt the Taiwanese talking is low, but they order the food at those vendor's place with the Taiwanese language.  Taiwanese don't have a lot of the confidence. 

Right, you were just walking in the morning, that kind? Anything in the morning, let's say you went out from the Mc Donald left towards 101, that is not the people's normal routine to "exercise" towards 101, around that side its all banking.

So what they design would be the cookie's that direction, the Daan Forest Park. People walk towards the exercise ground over there. If I tell you a little bit this district, and the 101 don't open until 11:00. Let's say you have your own bike, or those solar generate U-Bike, your height, not me and my mother's height, you will see a lot of the foreigner they riding that toward the Daan Forest Park right on the pedestrian walkway. 

So you move toward the Daan Forest Park direction. In the morning, that will be the school hours, they usually have to be inside the school before 8:00, or 7:30. All those breakfast place will be open on anything the Building Signature on, behind all that are the student breakfast at the local. One of those cafe the students won't go, let's say you going back and forth these 2 big block session, you will find those more higher end the "Peter cafe" after you pass the Sky Metro.

The Peter Cafe would be next by the Vietnamese restaurant, after that, no more. Its all the sportware, they used to have that American Embassy here, that's why. (To go to Japan, Europe or America)

The tablewear

In Sogo or IKea

The stainless container is better. Its more steady. The hot things can go in there.

The chopstick in the night market, you buy those wood, very ugly bamboo looking. Until your guests come, and you move to those very expensive chopstick in another set. Its easy to maneuver. We use those fire stove, meaning you need to look at the flame, that is turn on with the blue flame, not the gas leaking it out and smell indoor. 

There is a reason I am not teaching you this. I have a video, a short clip.

The wood chopstick if you bite on it, your teeth.....not those fork steel.

The wood chopstick if you burn it, its a black on the end. You know you can throw the whole thing out, they all looking the exactly the same color. You just throw 1 out. That burn in the end out. No, just a black looking, not broken. Its not a real bamboo. Its....I think a wood, looking like the maple wood color those. 

Are you on the Peter's cafe? That fast....there are 10 Bubble tea shop, do they open now? Correct, the short block, you have 1 count to 10. Why? I don't know. 

And this is where you 2 from? You guys similar to that next by you and godson's father?

That is a Japanese word you want to know? godson...

Yesterday, your social circle party those?  Your age. Because King those are very old, I forgotten any of that. 

You 2 met Tina?

My family is more conservative. If they are in those night market to do those zha ko 

5 , 15 , 35, I say 22. There is a difference. The local has no reason to bargain culture. 

Simon's stop, those vendors, or....no, not Caser's Hotel that side. That is the First Police Branch Department, that's why. 

No, you don't have to do that. 

"You say 1200, I know better, you give me 1000, I get 5, what other bags looking you got? "

The vendor's culture. 

You give them 500 after. Its just a bill. 

That's why I say you guys go to W that side. We....here have 3 bars or 4 where you walk that Cake store didn't open. Its after 5 oclock they open. On these 3 stores of the mattress store. Pang goes there, or Tina with her best friend (2 kids mom).

You go to near your 6 Star, next by that 92. You know what that was before? Not Aldon. Its Carnegies. Eben's book Thinking and Grow Rich. It was from the 1900, one of those rich wealthy mentality how to generate the wealth. They have a balcony when you walking next by, those are the green brush on the Terrance just a little bit above your head. 

Its all American menu, though. Taco those.

?? I have no idea what they are saying. 

This is.....where you intend to go?

When you two go home, you can look at these Taiwan Youtuber, they will all be happy, you remember to come back next time. 

Right, the 3 Mattress store, the NASA technology, right now are those special made. Even your Tom's world if you use the escalator, you seeing one floor are nothing but the interior sale of the couch, the bedding, the foam, the mirror, the home idea, every kinds of that Department store has. Below that Daiso. 

I just told Shane if were the emergency landing, I tell him, this is the space, and there he can immediately land down and rest, the food, the cup, the plate, the fridge, the electronic appliance. The basic thing, you seeing all that in one week.  We got nothing but those 3C stores. 

oh no, if I do those talking, no, I will not tell Shane that....all these market design, you will have to talk your way through from the beginning to the end.  Correct, 3 blocks you seeing all that, talking. Your whole night could be doing all those talking. No, those vendor you mean the 3C night market vendors those? Its better at Y, you need to walk a little bit further down. If you seen that kind of the small gadget for the phone, right? No, not here. I go to the Taipei Station Y under. That is the best. Its circulates faster the commodity purchase. I just asking you.....

You say you are the home use. Your luggage. 

A certain thing....no. I know a lot more that Taipei Station, I get things because these are 194 exhibiting worlds, and I train them. I told them its in Taipei Station, they have to find their way in those maze. I only tour you the first 3 days until you move more 101 this side. 

If its you dragging your luggage those kinds....right. Taipei Station, still there I go. The expo or China expo those, or Japan expo those. 

See these clothing? Those 18-25 both the Asian girl or the 194 countries whom purchase...and put on them. 

They don't tell them that, but they take the photo, or some accessory matching. These are not the branding. Its from Y.

I buy and I donate, they recycle those fast. I think they recycle a lot to Africa those. We have so many these clothing recycling bins. Its at that general residence outside. Or on your side....it would be... there is another one on your side the elementary school maybe somewhere around there. 

You like Westlife?  You are running so you are not thinking about it. 

Well, I get used to the family and relative near by, and you will feel finer when you get home too. These local won't finish talking, or some of those cult circulating people won't stop talking. I have the American classmate those side on the Linkedin. Too many people, I never stop talking.  You find your balance in life, you put on the motorcycle one time, you gonna think like that? You have to focus on the front of you, or that helmet.  - not this time, but some other time. Too hot, then you get off your motorcycle. You know what that means?

You take care of your physical condition. 

If Shane here or Kian / Nicky here, I take care of them all too.

Next - you cannot walk by yourself? !