When you becoming a leadership on the very top, you start to care about your own feeling, your own position, your own image, your being popular, or you being pressing down, and you make sure these feeling is accordance to your happiness in daily life, no one go and push on you. You tell them to stop, some of this if pressing onto my head. For example.
You seeing yourself important, and that is good.
You seeing the organization that is none heard of, that is good.
You seeing the new popularity if gonna happen, you hate that, that is no good.
So you working on something that you prevent you yourself having those feeling or the crisis when that days come, you prevent that. You go and talk about it, you go and work on it, you work on yourself, and that is a lot of this Eben they doing that. He just too expensive. You can ask him the coaching hour per session fee, you can afford it, or even Craig Ballantyne.
You doing this for you, and for the organization. That is including a lot of the people you work with them, or the disciples, you probably make them your enemy by yelling at them a lot. I never really know how these Contact person all over the Taiwan itself, when you come back, they know you as the Master, or they know you having a mood that day, and everyone got yelled at, or determined like this is the day to go and or stay.
In life, you don't let other people to push on you, because Anna I won't be right there seeing you or her. This entire organization belonging will be you 2 getting alone after that, all by yourself too. Not just the Youtubers they get along each other that one day, without me here, without my gossip, or without me input anything anymore. Taiwan is all by themselves effort.
Sometimes you hire this coach
Because you talk out, let's say, you are too exhausted with the SMTV. You feeling like no one is watching it, or too long, or too much the same thing all the time. You tell him, to complain about it, he is not the doctor. He just someone there listening to you, and have some life experience, you understood he is there to assist you in life. That is called the professional help.
You do console a big thing for the organization at the transition time you wishing well for everyone, you implant, you input, you implant something for the entire mass of them to feeling it behind, the backbones, having someone strongly to put something in the solid foundation. You putting that efforts in, you will feel a lot different when you say that yourself.
How do you let go the organization?
You input, you implant, you implentation, some of these solid from my parts, I stood firmly, and not to wobble, because it affecting me, so it affects everyone else as my disciples. No, I need to put some foot works, for myself, and for them...so here is what I did this far to complete that.
That is everything you do with your life.
How about you just note it down, think what I say. You don't need to right away to change anything, but you understand you carry yourself that life in front of you, you have the words, you have the plans, you have the professional help people, you have someone to talk to as the doctors......
Eben Pagan, Craig Ballantyne, Adam or Hailey's these more family sounding doctors. All near me Anna, its your past of something, or the organization, seem to be mild to each other at least professionally. You feeling it, there is a structure, you seeing them on the TV, you seeing them on talking Youtube, you doing that yourself, you feel its not that difference. So you get clear with your life with some of the foreign family, you probably meant, you had all the Asian disciples, and no one as the foreign groups to help you, at this one time if that is a transition, or at least we all know about it, if you callibrate in 1 year, in 2 years, or later on.
When you die, you wish its a good possibility, yes?
You didn't start good at that 40 years ago, or whenever these whole things take off.
You don't know how to deal with one things. Not the Bible end time, someone might already say to you, not the Jesus in Iseral or World tour 2000 Europe, you care about that image in Europe.
Not so much Taiwan, or Vietnam, or England, or later this China.
You have absolutely too busy doing SMTV, or some of the things when they call you. Do you have a friend? Your sister?
When you have money, and you cannot get your wound or hurts or woe things say it out loud to someone?
You have a transition, for the first time, you wish this is you are the Ana, and I am the Elsa, because this is the Open Gate scenario, right?
Its in their song .....You use those name when you pretend traveling, remember?
You are bringing a mass of the people through something, and you know they like you better, not the new successor. Right? You want to sincerely wish to move all your disicples' eye sight to the new successor, so you doing it for real.
At least for me. Taiwan is Taiwan Youtuber, I land in Ireland, I figure it out what to do when I get there.....
But I don't think when you putting into the same test, you thinking its you keep the public eyesight on you, or on the new successor, you understand?
That is not the right things to do, and when you plan, you talk loud to Eben, so he knows you aware of that, and you jealous that new successor if she succeed, but you wishing her well, so you tell Eben, you wish something moving along that line, its not hurting on her parts more than to me. Because I am too old, I can die.
You understood that part? Not one slightly subconsciously you wish ill for her the new successor, that is the way of Tao, understand all that?