
Correct, I remember you told everyone, he invited himself over. You were normal looking when you talking about it. Not this cartoon.


You have a very very bad past, to what I know about the 2 worlds here and white guy's world, they are one of those "eel ...." sounding people, if my face is being effaced without a look.

你有一個非常非常非常糟糕的過去,我知道這兩邊的世界,這邊跟白種人男孩子的世界,他們就是那種 " eel ...." 講話那種聲音的人,如果我的臉叫做沒有一種粉叫做沒有一種容顏。

I live that life til Dr. Bing's eel ... ABC daughter reminds me the Superman.

我活著直到我碰到這炳輝的 eel .... ABC 女兒的提醒我的超人

Until I see I have a photo art, I won't even think any white world human, I can tell you that.


I would personally tell you I don't treat the most Asian different those you keep them as the disciple, if their behavior was correct. 


I remember what I say that video today, yesterday, the last 3 days. I was not talking directly at you. Of course not.


I would prefer you give him something he keeps lust, or he keeps his happiness world around other than, how long I keep this your past down, because I don't need to proven all that, what I see, or heard, and the TV just makes it faint, only hurt me badly.


I believe the European or American they are the a lot more noble race, and your Asian disciple when they becoming some of the paper thin, they sometimes might have nobler idea too, some. 

我相信歐洲人或是白種人他們是比較 noble 的民族,你的亞洲徒弟如果是紙張薄,他們有時候也許也有這種 noble 的個性。

When you talk about sex, and when I make that point to say like that....its not to hurt him. Its where a lot of the old guys think they are just like 20 years old, really. Just like that.

當你討論性或是當我說這種概念...不是去傷害他,很多老一輩的人還是覺得他們自己是 20 歲的人,真的,只是這樣而已。

But the man and the woman is different. If you knew, it will hurt you a lot more.


When the guy and the girl gets together, they also have the fantasy in life when they seeing the movie or the TV or the cartoon in life. The guys often if they are a lot more healthy, they play around funny things in life, the life is just being positive and be happy. So the guys they are very they themselves, are very naughty. 



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