Babaji: Go
Tomorrow I sleep.
When they close gate. The lawyer will handle all that. It’s me worse here.
If you keep talking to “me”, you want to go and talk to some more professional ? Those called the Power of Be or Cabel. It could be the entire clubs jail, one device means. That time not the 4 funeral 1 wedding continue. Someone has to see inside that high tech. If your grand mom was a nun….earlier days, that’s what she works up to with that entire England parliament 1999. Just no one knows.
Audrey Hepburn - the Nun story (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany (1961)
A kid like you never get to jail, you know what’s a jail looks like? Europe is a lot better.
In these street people/s getting rich quick by forcing the judge so they can killing people around with a mask or a magic. Tell me, what does it sound like?
( What kind of the profession you like, a doctor or a lawyer ? Personally. The talking tone or the problem solving )
To gain wealth to join a club so people gossip to wear a mask, they only care their interest whatever the charity they do. Your grandmom has 100 charity ? So these UB new imagination they want to sit a wealth to do their betting to hurt me or the modern court room. The jurisdiction of thr people? Is that lawful? No, it’s not. You are right.
Are they getting the throne?
I think…they investigation to 10,000 people. You believe those things?
You should.
But it might be let’s say 50 people file and theft…
It’s 8 billion people be on the investigation, sorry.
Say that again?
8 billion people be on the investigation.
But the reason they file…
To get ahead and killing peoples as fast as they can on gaming people life on blood? That’s a crime. It will never happen.
So if your 50 out if 100 UB file that…
They investigate their sibling, family history, relative …all together.
They know that?
What did I tell you from the beginning ?
It’s one file, 9 generation or…
One file 8 billions people.
Do they know that?
Do you know that? When ? The life review when dead crossing the living veil, what’s the truth set you free?
(No battery )
They are making friends with the judge by…
So it is not how the judge thinks?
Of course not. It’s an investigation conducted.
I shut it off.
The organization people don’t really like …us.
You mean you and your brother or just you? You have a lot of those problems, I will tell you that.
Otter - lightning flash
Hailey’s baby says Howard at the ending. Yeah, I saw.
Shut up ~~
The birds loud ( “being part of the family”, on the phone in the airport. )
Half way through movie.
They are going to the Vegas, need a miracle.
Meaning, in life. 意思在人生 (facebook next by current time 臉書旁邊現況)
You want a life everyone trusting each other Ella Enchanted. You will be happy for me too with my UB or Kenshin Himura inside you outside you whatever you did right now.
你其實想要一種人生相信彼此像 L 拉營欠踢地,你也會為我快樂如果是魔法灰姑娘或是浪客劍心,你的裡面你的外面不管你現在在做什麼。
Teenage Mutant Ninji Turtles - Mutant Mayhem
They all have a very ancient old language sounding and speaking it out loud, all of them. I don’t think French is limited, considering that’s us.
Do I wear the eye glasses when I walk on the street ? No.
I don’t think we ever met. You met Simon ?
You want to tell the King or Bill Gate, the mushroom baby …is an English word Ola’s period down her vagina. The Amazon forest has, the wet and the humid environment to …the mushroom. 🍄
你想要告訴國王,或是比爾蓋茲,香菇的嬰兒…在英文是 Ola 下面月經她的陰道,亞馬遜森林有,濕、潮濕環境給 …香菇🍄
Never meant to be (my video ) 我的影片
They are the worsen degree of everything that can ever made of them.
If 2014 I say I was the last line of the defense, 2024 meaning tens years later I saw the monitor. “I am on the TV”. The Lords of Rings Cave Tro Mountsin, Keanu, me, Simon 2014 on. Is that an argument? I shift myself into a position without those VS or TV, you mean at Simon to tell him what I am up to is AGT, my timeline ends there. Neo or KR holds me that Sailor moon. Like the hospital all that, or I got so occupied ?
Simon heard or Keanu or someone behind them. They got switch the moment that happened in 2014
So what does that mean ?
You mean my position as the last line of the defense ? The judge can ask me why I didn’t think…that’s now you use them to jam me, I guess. If we sit down one by one information they collect 2014-2024, I saw those frames photo I put it on the Google +, these things are line by line. I will say, yes I remember now. I shift myself in those position first. The world ends I can see it from the movie monitors. That time if I don’t hold it.
Is that an argument? No.
What is that? I just answer the judge what I think.
So that’s not an argument? I will tell him after that session, if I recall the whole things, I have my consideration. Am I the last one I see myself on the TV without thinking ? I did see all that so I say I was the last line of defense in 2014. Right, I didn’t think anything else that time. After the Flower Thousand Bone, 5 years 6, I relax…then I remember this is the time afterwards. Lawsuit. Your legal court tradition,
So none of that is an argument?
I think it’s just I answer the judge.
The TV cartoon 電視卡通
So do you like American these chiropractor? Yeah, I used to be in Buffalo, I gone to. I took the X-ray, and I went. Its on the same road.
Its just one page 3, Loving the Silent Tear.
Are there going to be the Pitch Perfect girls? I don't know.
You think the page 3 gonna done by 10 times? Or I gonna imagine this is the monk and this song story?
所以你們喜歡這美國骨頭醫生? 對,以前在水牛城,我去過,我拿著 X ray 然後我去,這在同一條路上。
絕對音感 ( 歌喉戰) 的那些女孩子要去嗎 ? 我不知道
你覺得第三頁要做十次? 或是我要想像這是一個和尚跟這首歌的故事?
I didn't ask you to become a doctor, to become a monk or a nun. I think that is the least thing I ever ask on anyone. I say find your true love in Washington D.C.
I need to go out, I lay down to rest. My entire sensation is my head dizzy, I don't have the period things on me, but my entire body is not right. (coughing)
我沒有問妳們變成一個醫生,或是變成一個和尚或是尼姑,我說最少我曾經說了什麼,我說你尋找你的真愛在華盛頓 DC。
我需要出去,我需要躺著休息,我整個感覺我頭昏著,我沒有月經的事情,但是我整個身體都不對近 (咳嗽)
I think Ella Enchanted on Prince Harry, that uncle is not Edward. It’s the one got in troubles on the news. Prince Andrew, Duke of York. I think that’s why …Spider Man 3, or everything why the best friend looks funny. If you tell them to re-think, with this sequence.
The human harmony 人際和諧
You make a point with the judge, least wasting time with your brain. But if you are the handicap, talking art is a real love driven I guess, conditioned means.
I have a period, not feeling well. The Dinosour splash the poison like the 90s movie. There are 3 baby on the internet funny, on my parents app. Tina.
我有月經,沒有感覺很好,這恐龍揮灑毒像 90 電影,有三個嬰兒在網路好玩,在我家長 app, 提娜。
In the eternity future, the retaliation of the political movement is unlike today.
The life in front of you, I say that many times. The sad life of your life to this one frame called it the Dream Exchange Games, the End of Eon. It’s a sad life you all saying or carrying. Yeah?
You realize someone time stop all these ? How long you think these times stop before you go back to your one sad life, every air is suspend, every height of all air stop, time and space so you all meeting once on one photo.
你們認知有人停止了時間在這其中? 多久的時間停止在你們回去你們難過的人生,每一個空氣懸令,每一個高度空氣停止,時間空間所以你們全部有見面的一張照片。
You don’t need to care how I suspend all air. There is nothing moving, everything is in echo.
They have the 4 witches. You all cannot get along with each other, you cannot stand each other. 🦅🦅
Buddhism doesn’t have a belief, you all are - one Ronan. He grew up?
佛教沒有信念,你們全部都有 - 一個 Ronan, 他長大?
We change the fridge, so only the Taiwan those cool off summer darken jello jelly things added with the SUGAR, that is the bitter. I don't have the period sensation anymore. Many months passes. I am fixing up without the pain killer patches. But right, the vitamin C is with the food in my stomach. My eyes are tired ~~~ they.
我們更換了冰箱,所以只有台灣仙草涼涼夏天黑色凍塊的東西 + 糖,那是苦的! 我已經沒有什麼月經的感受,好幾個月,我在修補我的上次貼布止痛的,但是,對,維生素 C 是跟食物吃下去肚子的。我眼睛累~~~他們。
Freezer not the fridge. The ice cream I ate on my period. I don't have those sensation anymore, so I ate that on my period day. Not now. Today is. I ate fridge Taiwan local jello sugar....fridge.
People die, you will feel sad, all the time. One voice is down. Every soul trespassing that veil is sad. Starting 2014, you seeing these Museum Night 3. If Nicky and me together, and he or Kian they have to die. I will live? Correct, I live on and on. Do they know that?
人死了,你會感覺難過,常常,一個聲音不見了,每一個靈魂穿越死亡的屏障都是難過的。2014 開始,你看到這博物館驚魂記三。如果 Nicky 跟我再一起,和他或是 Kian 他們要死了,我會活著? 正確,我活著一直下去,他們知道嗎?
Next - You want me to ask you how is the cartoon?
下一張 - 你們想要我問妳們這卡通如何?
That was from the Jurassic Park in the 90s.
The children encyclopedia. When you were a kid, everything was safe felt, there was just those books. So one day it will be ten years I grew up to see a real movie and a music piece.
Yeah, I know how to play that.
The book was bigger than my hand and often is in colored. The timeline of the Age.
I am watching the movie. I have a portable charger.
“If things don’t exist …and you file, do they lie to you they file for you?”
No, they understand what you say so they go and find out.
“But if you say it doesn’t exist ?”
The original file statues …well. They take your fee and they let you go in, so it’s file-ing in. Otherwise you cannot enter the court room. If you see the judge, it’s in the court room. They receive and you pay that fee for.
“So if they receive, they read the file we sent?”
Correct, you pay the fee, they proceed, but …
“It’s not the file categories.”
Correct. Movie is not one of the options. They can just hand you a thing without a public air that.
“So if they air?”
It probably is not to get things from them, the court.
“Where to get things?”
No, but they find out all that for you. They heard you so they did process.
“Just not the sorting hat.”
That I am not very clear which color or saying. But none of that is the DC clear.
“But …I want to hear the but parts.”
Most time people don’t enter a court room to claim to the movies or the TV. The circumstance is not normal.
“What does that mean?”
Behind they gonna find out you as a Prince, the most diginant people believe the movie is real. You actually believe that character is you. And UB that side they find out the American do that too. Both the American and the England IQ gone to the university has those claims. You are inside the movie, but you standing in front of them ….
A lot of you just copy or hand in exactly the print out from me, any theory you hear since 2018- 2024 none stop. They know I have a real name. In English. She speaks in English.
“Those are not the arguments?”
You try to get them approved or an approval over a material, you take for granted you understand my theory and they should. You didn’t even re-write from my copy. Because if you elaborate to tell them in writing, you understand ….A to B were if C to D, they understand you understand. They are guessing you understand what I wrote but none of that is relevant. Not I wrote, not you talk about my copy in you yourself court room presence. You have an original file-ing paper.
She is what with Mark ? Ellie.
Maisie Lockwood.
“So we file, you got mental ?”
No, I didn’t file if that’s what you mean.
“But you gone in.”
Right. I also see you in the movies so I am curious how you come back with the material, did I call you mental ? I see you and them inside the TV but I didn’t go to the court. Not with those claim. I am trying on a different thing even on the internet. I try first on my own. It’s almost like a draft, I figure it out later.
“Is there a file sequence like someone files earlier and someone file so much later on?”
I think it can be in the news. That’s not what I see.
“But you guess it’s filed from us?”
I think it’s your brother.
“There is no difference the time?”
Actually if that’s real, he files things land on me. If that’s the real things. But if you claim is to rebuke me, I file 275. You would be sueing the movie industry. I can watch and see from far away. So I didn’t see anything.
“Is that a genuine claim?”
No, it’s not filed, there is no claim.
“But you do on purpose.”
I have my reason or my lawyer can say my client has a reason not to proceed, and the judge unless they call me in the court room, I have no reason stepping that line.
“So there is no time restriction ?”
They got told so that cases is known.
“What does that mean ?”
If none of you or UB file exactly like the OU, the court never knew about it.
“Is that good or bad?”
I think someone knew that or done that before. I usually see or smell these things …my sense is what I think I understand.
“And what is that to do with us? Supposedly ?”
I think it’s exactly I told everyone, a true love in Washington DC, but none of you short cut yourself. I think that’s a shortcut. You don’t need to win that files or claim. If you succeed in the real argument points inside …all this or just your own cases without stepping on others. People can see you doing that on purpose. That’s not genuine.
“Is there a consequence of that ?”
I think I told you and everyone exactly things I found out. It’s if the local judge found out correctly …you can speed yourself through Simon Cowell new invention - the golden buzz.
“It’s to find a talent?”
In laws. I don’t really know exactly at what, normally the average citizen …don’t enter the court to be exam like that. But this is a group I can see. And you all step in all over the places believing you are inside the TV. If you tell the judge, she lied, I am not dead and that’s not jail we or that’s not wing. The voice or the family connection is not right, the judge understands you knew something. You have a thought this movie is not supposed to be real. But this 100 UB might be so firm to tell the judge, it’s real.
“Is that good or bad?”
The world can be just one at the last line, hear that and passing by. I just happen to pass by I was doing something else with Simon. He knows I make it up all that garbage I talk sound like I believe any of that?
Since 2014…I actually did something. I go along those movie garbage saying but I was busy more at …my head saying to that Simon. I didn’t have the time to go to the court. I was on Obama or Valley’s newspaper. The Tro scene later I show you 2018 the Tro mountain cave. When I realize you files? Lawsuit 275, 2022 or 2023 I really understand ? That’s almost ten years later !! And I show Simon Sailor Moon, I was at the last line, one. The defense line. I didn’t say …I was ? Da Vinci Sacred Text the chapter title.
NSYNC It’s Gonna Be Me. Justin’s uniform.
TEsla supposed to be …a general !! I imagine TEsla or Da Vinci and my brother is …
So I told everyone it’s the defense line. The last line, I walking by.
I need to charge a better power cord.
A bite of a cake
A kiss.
I watch these otter this morning
In the very old ancient words or saying, there is a blister idea. These movies didn’t need to have a meaning. Just written them down a piece of revelation paper.
I tell you a story …
When you collect these Ella Enchanted long enough as a group, one nuclear factory blows up with a button to shut down. This button is from the underground. So 2 worlds apart someone lives in the darkness in order to deliver a chemistry job everyone could sustain a cable TV watching power grill. So … the document shows the scenario of this protocol can be
All youth get rids of one old.
This youth never reach the old like Karen. You been seen one Ella Enchanted you are?
It’s a junk your father never need.
Every generation is dead on it so no one gets the blames and you ask me each movie a meaning. You gonna tell me you born with a good merit.
Of course there is a worse thing. That’s an unpredictable factor you try to carry a job to someone looks like you. She doesn’t worth a dime to be one extra min one million people’s jobs in ruin. That’s very unstable air. Any water scene of this Matthew. They tell you that, it’s hurting me every single second.
Thus classify material might be very very real. But the world so in psycho and no one deliver a full job. Tell me if someone shut the power grill before the COVID 19, whom get the merits and lucky ? You guess which countries to get these dumb luck !! You never live in a horror of a darkness world jobs. Running in time or running with the TV.
You can be dead and never live in that. Your father just might tell me that. The degeneration of the spirits is everyone together… sunk it.
Did you check every jail records ? How old she is and from? You make a brand new Ella Enchanted with the tradition 4 times.
My mother gonna tell me my brother can deliver a job 3 3 10 she seeing from the crossing living veil. How come no one thinks for me, like I talking genuine sounds real. I live in that horror world at the Silicon Valley. Every 2 days on running. No one needs to tell me the movie is real, how I wish everyone dead, no one ever sees a real job. At all. I don’t need to know, I don’t need to deal, when dead, everyone knows I never get hurt!!
You want to make the friends when you grew up with those attitudes. Your brothers have the friends in the school? Everyone has the peer pressures. You know your head space or you are another Tamang, you go and see a real doctor. I told them how the internal felt. They might fix it.
Did you gone to President Xi? This movie is your Dad imagine his visit or yours?
I see the food truck and the food kitchen. You see that person and she is shorter than you. Now, you gonna carry all these talk. The first sentence to next sentence.
This old guy is on her butt….
Tell me which one of them feel worse, it will not be your dad you think? That conversation was not the factor to that future existence in 400 millions as a base unit. So why don’t everyone makes your life sounds like you know the whole world pays in dearly these movies of the Justice because I am weak and feeble. And those photo stream never gonna change for some times. As if the diet requirement was never a thing, it’s when the photo shows, everyone on 3 meals, someone never 10 years waste in life.
The human on the horcroux or on the jobs? Why don’t you just know you hate every human you see, the full animal kingdom knows it every factor 1 to 1000.
Everyone comes near, in one classroom, a harmonious scene. Laughing and trusting each other.
Tell me or tell Thor.
They all are outside the Earth planet the happy science Olympus family business friends grown up. Do you want my 100 UB facebook ? They get 100 photo facebook account just them UB, no high school. Just UB. Everyone shares their life, if anyone check it!!
Tell me one Jonas, one Justin, one Jonathon,
Which one? Willing one lonely jobs? They volunteer? You are the boss I don’t need my facebook. You wish that you pick it’s by a region like German small tiny or one Canada. No one knows your own school list you cherish to hold.
It’s not Tamang, it’s not Chris. You even remember these much names…your IQ.
They are all your height except that one Jonathon.
I don’t care your stuffs…!! You trust your dad or I trust your dad or that grand mom.
It may not be 100. When they finish losing weight to add only them UB, they are so happy they owns my facebook. I ask you on my account, did you see it?! Yeah, the same account. They lose weight.
Most them are the science dull guys, cannot talk. I think you looking for the girls. A lot of the giant fat. Only CAC or some CADs students. They are all shorts girls. Not one taller girl. The tallest …Karen or Ola. It must be your dad’s karma looks like that.
Movie : The Blind side.
One kid name Stephen, one is Big Mac. Got a C. This is not my living room ?
I keep seeing the shifting things. 1) Your name. 2) Your father or you Mathrew 3) last movie was shifted the spider man 3. 2 best friend + 1 photographer to 1 best friend + 1 photographer.
I don’t have that many girls side friend.
Maybe you should go to your dad side he finds them for you. If he didn’t shift the entire school. You need the kind, warmth, sweet, less family pressure. No, they need to stare at their medical school. You go to your father’s playboy houses better. Simon’s referral. He been there.
Someone had your mind, I used to believe… why you need this Bermuda Triangle list for. Not the reality to do that. No. You want to read a book? The German Berlin story.
What’s the osmosis means? The salt, put it on the fishes. Imagine the sea water, everyone drinks it dead, so you used it on the fish outskirt.
No, you live in the air inside your kitchen. That fish is on your kitchen table.
Why you need to learn that anyway ? The fish is already dead? Right.
You use the solid salt in the kitchen.
4) his name is Markus? Your brother.
Those Panda meant real.
In the history of tyranny, there are a series say of the tradition. Their description! In the book. Similar to the Beauty and the Beast, that’s the Disney story. There is a children literacy from the Germany. It’s a parable say from the Tyranny points of the view or say on the Tyranny?
In the tradition of the little mermaid story, it is not like today those Disney version on the TV. There is a cruel side and the consequence. When I was a kid, I always remember that.
Here is your dad. You should go on the field exercise. Every night you read one parable that Children literacy. They use some of that in many TV literacy for the children. It’s just a story.
Bob Practor ?
Your father from Eben side.
I think Shane read and writes. Not sure which girl was that. You …go to play with your dad.
You use a driver not the driving liscense.
Bob Practor in the 90s knows a franchise call the Chicken Soup. There is a session on the animal I think.
“When I used to be a kid…” you talk, to sound fake you read them when you grew up. We are the same age. “They have many stories lesson, I think you and your family kids can be inspired by those books.”
“It’s a franchaise ! In those Bob Practor time in America. They used to network together with the publisher.”
The birds so loud.
Football night.
Like A4 sheet paper. You just had that print out. That’s 5 lines.
One sheet just 5 lines one horizontal print out. You making ten sheets like that. You go out, you pick and choose a sheet by luck. You read one line. “When I used to be a kid …I read books.”
You gonna breathing in and out not sure. You are not going to remember that each time. Your heart beat.
You might reading those books to talk about it….you can talk about it to your librarian.
“This is a Berlin story, you pick 5 story for me, this sticker you have? You have a reason to pick these stories ?”
Then you guess when next day you read it.
You do that with the chicken soup too.
They have the family, the animal, believe in miracle.
You told the librarian you read it for me. Pick 5 to ten stories. These stickers. “No, no, not for any particular reasons, you know how many total books it’s the Chicken soup for the Soul?”
“You doing these for me, I will come back again and again. “
This movie say what ? You went back to the drug place.
Anderson Cooper’s school. His mother at school.
If you want to ask the librarian your prescription drugs, or any medicine, the kid or the winter flu.
You say, “do you have a word I can talk to the pharmacist. The kids flu, or the fever, or the throat hurt. I have never equipped one medical word. “
No, the last … you need to lose the weight.
“Do you have a book on health, one of those Eben might read? I need 5, I bring to my room and I might bring it back.”
End. Next post. I need to charge my Ipad.
You didn't do anything in life. The academic synopsis, the annual convention of the law board, or the law society.
Babaji is an Indian? Correct, he is the Indian look. He has loads of the wifes.
I will be the Nordic side. He is just modesty to tell me that way. Nicky those Thor those side Ronan.
巴巴基是印度人? 正確,他是印度人掌像,他有非常多的太太
我會是在 Nordic 那邊,他只是謙虛說我去那邊,Nicky 那些索爾那邊 Ronan
You go to the country side to teach, you can keep your blonde hair. Your disciple they are nosy, they know what you look like when you walking around. Conan Detective Black Organization is not targeting you, you imagine that. They also getting younger and younger.
You are not ready to tell them, every single human on your name list you responsible. = Everything is fake. So you continue. You want to tell me this, or I imagine this? There are 400 millions dollar x 1, x 2, x 3...x 10, ...x 20. What is the difference which things are fake? The judge will tell you, its everyone subjective will what they say or claim on those movies. Its freedom given to everyone just look at the TV imagine. She imagines, you imagined. Its a freedom choice.
你沒有準備好告訴他們,每一個人在你的名冊上面你負責 = 每一個事情都是假的,所以你繼續,你想要告訴我這個,或是我想像這個? 有肆意這種 x1 x2 x3 ....x 10 ...x 20. 這有什麼關係東西是假的呢? 法官會告訴你,這是每一個人的主觀意識,他們說或是聲稱這些電影,這是自由給予每一個人看著電視想像,她想像,你想像,這是一個自由的選擇。
Prince William has a dad. He doesn't need anyone but that dad. Until he and the near by gone, he belongs to that world fix everything all around, so he has his big day when that day comes. He imagines that or he prepares that.
You are never them. 你永遠不是他們。
You get out everyone's sight including that Babaji, is best for you. You fuck yourself til when you suicide, no one cares.
Most people find their ways to yield an income. That will count to those 2012 very old people by now including that Dr. Steven Hairfield. That is called the public speaker's world. Eben is one of them, Craig is one of them. The Taiwan Youtuber is also one of them.
大部分的人尋找他們的方式賺一種收入,那會是包括這 2012 非常老的人已經包括這 Dr. Steven Hairfield, 那是叫做公眾人物演講的世界,埃本是其中一個,Craig 也是其中一個,台灣 Youtuber 也是其中一個。
Some other profession could be a professor, could be a mathmetics decoder, some could write the combination number, none of that is a law. Just the combination of a problem to look like a combination color, the words, the paragraph, or a particular logic, except to debate a civil case or the murder. That remains as, its a lawyer's job. You mix up everything so far so good.
I go to nap
德國狼犬? 警犬,他們全部都很聰明,比人還聰明,自己跑到哪裡到處亂看 ....人看這種東西要在室內,不太像說你們說給他們動物園那種草、木頭 !
那種 polyester 軟軟的毛毯,比地板高,地面太冷了! 他們如何刷好牙,他們就可以吃比較好的食物,這些東西如果可以吃很好的食物,他們應該什麼都講得那種 ....進到水棲地要維生素C 跟L -Lysine
Saw it
The German wolf dog? The police dog. They are all very smart, more than the human, not sure where they been to look at allthese...the human look at these things need to stay indoor, not like you put them in those Zoo, the tree, or the wood, or the grass. Wood!
Those polyester soft blanket, rise up from the ground, the floor is tooooo cold !! They if knowing how to brush their teeth well, they can eat a better food, those things if they can eat a lot better food, they should talk anything you want...enter the water habitat, you need Vitamin C and L-Lysine.
I think these otter only the warm water, those Sauna those kind, they are not really wanting to go into th ewater, play...too cold.
You dreaming. 你在作夢。
American Congress has an Education Department where they arrange those textbook in formatting. So is this one biology world. They know I read things, those your garbage magazine, or all the things combine. They ask me, we put forth the correct order of an textbook. You are in the country side. They desperate, they will find you. You have so many tapes being Archive.
People can go to the specific department in the Washington D.C without the court room?! You never heard about? I go to National Archive I used to Intern, I say I sign I facebook them, these these year during...of? I pass by. They happen to be all the different departments in the Washington D.C. Its not a court room. Its their...branches.
The president when they close gate, they will be told. They don't need to know I walk into those places if I go in.
美國國會有一個教育部門當他們寫教科書,重新編列,所以有一個生物的世界,他們知道我閱讀東西,那是垃圾的雜誌,或是所有東西合併,他們問我,我跟他們把一整書給統整出來,你在鄉野間,他們很擔憂的時候他們會找你,你有很多帶子在 Archive.
人們可以去特定部門在華盛頓 DC 沒有法院? 你從來沒有聽說過? 我去國家圖書館做實習,我說我簽名我臉書過他們這些年過去...? 我經過,他們只是剛好是不同的部門在華盛頓,那不是法院,那是...他們的編排部門。
You may not have that turn, you imagine things.
All you ever did, there is no value.
Birds say Remember in Chinese
Tesla sings, but there is a Eben child time sings to his grandmom.
Whom to be you should remembering....誰才是你應該記得的
My news time
You never seen those golden gate looking in the Christianity.....
That Gate has the spiritual energy on it. What it means it close, you or Ronan. But everything else I told you are true, that is the only thing you focus on it. Everything else is the end of the discussion.
這大門有靈修的力量在上面,這意思關起來,你跟 Ronan, 但是這每一件事情我告訴你真實,那是只有你需要去專注的,每一件事情已經是討論結束。
To the heaven's standard....every Earth human is an ant, worthless...just like you say. You are just like them, treating the animal or everything around. You want that attention to say you are the part of the gates. That discussion might be looooooooong time ago finished!
對天堂的標準 ... 每一個地球上的人都是螞蟻,沒有用的 ...就像你說的,你跟它們是一樣的,對待動物或是任何事情附近,你想要注意力說你自己的大門的本身,這討論可能是很九九九九九九九九以前就已經結束了。
I think you just do your education requirement, the schooling, and the classmate on your facebook like every kinds of the ABC better. Forget about every world, or the police, or the human faces. You ask the education department what they can give you. You cannot handle any part of the jobs, and you becoming the jobs. This is not about you grown up. You can never cope to grown up. I say that too many times.
They tell you to go to work 9-5, that will be for the rest of your life, you are the teacher of a classroom 20-40 people. That one Babaji Supreme, and your wealth to be shift to the organization. You are just no name teacher in one corner of the Vietnam. No more popularity and demands of a job. No Harry Potter 7, no Loving the Silent Tear or the Love.
But at the same time are no more any of this participation, an ant a God like Babaji look on every sphere. No name, no existence.
In Germany.
我覺得你就做你的教育需要,學校跟你的同學自己的臉書,這每一種的 ABC 最好,忘了這每一個世界,或是警察,或是人的臉,你問教育部門他們可以給你什麼。你不能處理這工作,任何工作或是你自己是工作,那不是你的長大,你從來無法認為自己長大,我說了很多次。
他們告訴你去工作 9-5,那會是你剩下的人生,你是一個老師對一個教室 20-40 人,那一個巴巴基至高無上,跟你的財產回到你自己的團體,你只是一個沒有名字的老師在世界的一個角落,的越南,不是受歡迎跟被要求的工作,不是哈利波特 七,不是沉默的眼淚,或是愛
但是同時.... 你再也不需要參與,只是一個螞蟻神像說巴巴基觀看的每一個地球,沒有名字,沒有存在。
When Babaji comes, you crawl from that Germany that school, to the consoling teacher's union, to the German local education branches meeting, to Germany Education Department. Imagine to come to the US for the teacher's union or the Education annual meeting to work your way to American Education Department.
He is above the education, I say that zillion times. You didn't think the real job, the real world means, I always know. Just like those UB. Close Gate.
Wait 等一下
Babaji says not German. 巴巴基說不是德國
從老是顧問 union 到德國這教育部會議,這德國教育部門想像,你到美國的教育老師的團體,到教育每一年的會議,工作到美國的教育部焚。
他是在教育之上,我說過 zillion 次,你沒有想過真正的職業,在這個世界意思,我總是知道,就像那些 UB,關起大門。
Taiwan ( The birds ..these and uncle middle sound, Bank Avenue here, that blue middle school, the Sakura Cards.)
台灣 ( 小鳥說 這跟舅的中間音,銀行街這裡,大安國中,庫洛魔法使 )
When you starting your teacher's job that day....
You ensure no one will come in the education world, not the university teaching forever. Those youtuber plagirism, go and becoming the politician, the chicken breast lady Taiwan Youtuber, or becoming the legislator and the president. They are there for the noise they can make 1 to zillion for the border people to make the flower fragment to that fame. They will tidy up the rigid things because just them staying on that jobs. Going to the press and open up their mouth to make a news front page. That is their jobs.
你確定沒有任何一個人來到教育的世界,沒有大學教導永遠,那些抄襲者 Youtuber 變成政客,雞排妹台灣 Youtuber,或是變成立法委員跟總統,他們在那裏大聲噪音,他們做到 1 到 zillion 到邊界人的處理這些花朵香味去框框,它們會嚴格的執行因為,只有他們待在那種工作上面,去新聞媒體打開她們的嘴巴說話,做那種新聞在報紙的前面,那是他們的工作。
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When the land be suspended that is you got sue. You know what that means. Not the disciple pamp you in applause, its a court room paper. Every penny money someone counts on you.
My money is only through the court room judge. They are the jurisdiction of human. I do the tax math in front of their face, or you tell me what is my mother handicap does for you, the cash for your jewelry collection to the foreign business. With me, Tina and Pang names on it. That is a presidential candidate.
Tell me one real love, of the guy, Eben? I go advertising on it ...before he meets you blind date, I am very sure he finds out all of it. That movie: Tangle, its just like Square, your perfect wish world its your parents alive, you admit you are the princess like Lalla, and be forever of this perfect parents never separate like Square, and be together especially you are now the official princess.....
Tell me Babaji knew, or he knew I every parts of your website starting IT. How funny I used to be....
告訴我一個珍愛,假設埃本? 我去廣告在上面... 在他遇見你之前的瞎子約會,我非常確定他找到這些,那個電影叫做 Tangle 就像方方,你最完美的希望就是你爸媽活著,你承認你自己是公主跟 Lalla 一樣,跟永遠這種完美個家長永不分離像方方,再一起,尤其你現在是公眾認知的公主。
告訴我這巴巴基知道,或是他知道我知道你每一個網頁開始的 IT,這好笑,我從前是幹嘛的 ....
How is your late German Husband before 1997, you always called him later husband? This American medical board one Peyton I try to understand what that otter saying, if he and his dad on the movies or his dad finds out one Eddie Murphy, and I don't ....You imagine 7 Harry Potter + 2 shows up. It might just Zoom, on Reflection one Mulan. At least Chinese forever eternity will know why.
Right? Its in the lyrics. Disney princess.
你的德國前夫如何在 1997 前,你總是這樣叫他前夫? 這是美國醫學委員會一個 Peyton ,我試著理解這是水瀨再說,如果他跟他的爸爸在電影,或是他的爸爸找到 Eddie Murphy 而我沒有...你想像這七個哈利波特 + 2 出現,這可能只是 Zoom, 就反省這花木蘭,至少這中國人永生永世會知道為什麼。
對吧 ? 這歌詞,迪士尼的公主。
You mean I whip you to the chest blood or the back blood, or gun at your 4 limbs? I used the raffle in the school, not the gun. I think you got mix up....there is an education department both in Taiwan and in America. Not just the police forces.
I would tell you I wish to, not I literally really go and show up at your disciple front and imagine that. I have never seen more than 2 people in my life in the last 18 years. I don't know which one sounds worse.
Next post.
你說我鞭子你到你胸膛見血,或是背部發血,或是槍你的四肢? 我用學校的長槍,我沒有用過槍。我覺得你弄錯了,這有教育部在台灣跟美國,不是只是警察武力。
我可以告訴你我希望,不是我真的去做那種事情在你的徒弟面前,想像那種,我從來沒有見過兩個人之外在我人生,這 18 年,我不知道是哪一個聽起來更糟糕。
The all universe. 全宇宙
You don’t close gate, you die. American President to learn your jobs better. Or prison til you learn it right.
Page 4 LST, Babaji and his wife”s”, the celestial women.
No, the police doesn’t hurt me if you saying I interfere. It’s …Heaven matter. Westlife matter.
不是,警察不會傷害我如果我介入,這是 ….天堂重要,西城男孩重要
Shadow Asian guy, short.
My mother
SMCH roaring screaming to a chicken chicken gossipe gossip nun ,her Real Love
One of those Asian guy the eye glasses. Your buzz.
Shane, no, not Ronan
Mark 2
Asian police Taiwan, a circle
Biden after highlight
Eben 2 (who is Eben 2?)
清海無上師 大吼大叫一個嘰嘰喳喳的尼姑,她的真摯愛
尚恩,沒有,不是 Ronan
馬克 2
Biden 在螢光筆之後
埃本 2 (誰是埃本 2?)
In the System data, you don’t talk to a stranger to become better after the university. You finish your college in England run away to German before the Red Cross? The American guy leave home. You don’t understand the hell definition, he is in front of you. Every feeling every eye sight blink you dare. I don't think these are the real people inside your life, right in front of your body touch.....really. You should have told all of them. Every feeling lean on.
You are not in the water or the wave. I am.
Your sensation to the brain how you perceive the worlds are through your eyes sight and the hearing what is musical audible sounding nice to you. To that every heart beat, its your every heart muscle all around it to feel per beating fine. Your full body whole sensation from the palms, to the limbs, to the feet, to your neck and the mouth to chew, were your hunger response before you are too hungry to feel jealous dying, dehydrate. That hatred Torus are up to the head all the time, the jealousy to rush to the head top.
I say to: find your classmates and your relative and family on one facebook. He knows what that means. You suppose to only following every order I say.
我說: 找你的同學跟你的親戚,家人,在一個臉書上,他知道是什麼意思,你本當就循就這每一個命令我說的。
You don't have a fate to finish your student activities, I will hope that Peyton will. They use the facebook this Era. Just imagine my facebook, they just get a brand new facebook account, to post their sky photo like Keegan, its all open, they have no friends...just one me or those few more UB. That is unlimited everyone staring at them - whatever they volunteer. When the sky is trying to warning them to murder the King Charlie, or that Bill Gates or Even Warren Buffet 93...Its not the bank car loaded their cash putting into the mansion and on think? Try the following....
你沒有命運弄完你的學生活動,我希望 Peyton 會,他們用臉書這種世代,只是想像我的臉書,他們找一個全新的臉書會員,去貼取他們的天空照片向像 Keegan,這全部打開,他們沒有朋友 ...只是一個我跟其他他們的 UB,那是無限所有人盯著他們 - 哪個他們自願,當天空試著對他們警告跟殺戮它們 ....對查理王子,或是比爾蓋之,或是 Warren Buffet 93... 這不是銀行的現金抵達它們的住所等在裡面...你覺得? 試著下一行講.....
Ola is a witch, and Catherine is a black witch, everyone dead. That is Dean, Hira, Fatima, and Ola. Me gone. Wing and Anna were Lab partner, Dean and Anna were lab partner in Prince and Me. But its Wing with Tamang and Dean on the map, like a wing, or Twilight behind Tamang. But its Anna's face has an pair of the wing on the forehead.
Everybody screams. Anna screams in the mirror.
Ola 是一個女巫,凱瑟玲是一個黑女巫,每一個人死了,那是迪恩,Hira, Fatima 跟 Ola, 我離開。Wing 跟安娜是實驗課的夥伴,迪恩跟安娜是實驗室夥伴在 "王子與我",但是是 Wing 在 Tamang and 迪恩的中間再地圖上,像一對翅膀,或是 Twilight 在 Tamang 後面,但是是安娜的臉上有一對翅膀在頭殼前面。
That is not 100 UB human story re-write.
這不是 100 UB 人的故事從寫。
Jonas is a name on the street Princess Diary, Justin sitting him cross, next by me, Justin and me were the lab partner + another girl. I flood the lab, Jonas help. But its Jonas and Fatima dates. I say FEMA camp. he and Dean will have to tell Justin to NSYNC, they are not from EFMA camp. But Jonas was a history major to Ph.D Chemistry in my brother's school, I told Jonas to get a MLS, that is me one human from UB 5 Lake this one Chinese Palace Museum, the pure water resource to washing those things. Our climate becoming toooooo difficult breathing hot, on the human temperature. He is at the Wine company processing the alcohol ! But its Brian becoming the Vampire recently in the movie, this year. He and Jonas, and Eric (someone looks like Eric) were this Wedding Crasher Kevin in Little Focker, the geek club and a homeless wash on the side street.
Jonas 是一個麻雀變鳳凰的街道名字,賈斯汀坐在對面在我的旁邊,賈斯汀跟我是實驗室的夥伴 + 另外一個女孩,我淹了實驗室,Jonas 幫忙,但是是 Jonas 跟 Fatima 約會,我說FEMA 關,他跟迪恩要找到賈斯汀跟 NSYNC 說,他們不是從 FEMA 監獄來的,但是 Jonas 是歷史系主修跟PHD 在化學我弟弟的學校,我跟 Jonas 去弄一個 MLS,那是我一個人從 UB 五大湖一個台灣故宮純水資源來洗這些東西,我們天氣變得非常炎熱無法呼吸,在人體氣溫之上,他在酒的公司上班處理酒精,但是是 Brian 變成吸血鬼最近在電影上,今年,他跟 Jonas 或是艾瑞克 (有人長的像艾瑞克) 是 Wedding Crasher 凱文 在 Little Focker 這聰明俱樂部的一個街上洗澡的旁邊路人甲。
UB SA APO is Mike becoming a cat, Tom becoming too fat, and Keegan has the cold cliff on the clouds telling him, I say China.
UB 學生會的 APO 是麥克變成一個貓,湯姆變太肥,這 Keegan 有一個冷的峭壁,雲端告訴他,我說是中國。
Jonathon started that UB Chess Club, we used to met in the Cooke Hall. I park there, that is where Dr. T's office above us.
強納生開始這 UB 西洋棋的社團,我們以前在 Cooke Hall 遇見,我停車在那裏,那是 Dr. T 的辦公室在我們上面。
Ola and Dean lives in a separate dorm or South Lake, I visit. That is Harry Potter's Castle called Elicott. I think Ayo also lives in South Lake, or Bill in Flint Loop on-campus apartment, that is not dorm. UB those land are the swamp land, every APO people knows it. You don't built it.
Ola 跟迪恩柱在不同的宿舍或是 South Lake,我拜訪,那是哈利波特的城堡叫做 Elicott. 我記得 Ayo 住在 South Lake 或是比爾住在 Flint Loop 那是學院上面的公寓,那不是宿舍,UB 那些是沼澤地,這每一個 APO 都知道,你不能再上面蓋建東西。
I met Bill because I went to the community Center, that is in 2 Weeks notice, Karen's movie. This Karen never ends....
我遇見比爾因為我去了社區中心,那是兩個禮拜的電影,這 Karen 的電影,這 Karen 弄不完...
Karen and Adria is the best friend, but Karen has these High School Buddy circle of the friends went to the local Cansius. With Emily and Melinda, we were in CAC. There is a Christian, Pete, or Dennis, Fang.....Pete got married. They are all giant fat.
Karen and Adria 是好朋友,但是 Karen 當地的高中同學生活圈是去了當地的 Canisius ,這 Emily 跟 Melinda 我們是在 CAC,那有 Christian, Pete, Dennis and Fang....Pete 結婚了,他們變成巨肥。
Melinda works at office where I eat the lunch with her where Silas and his best friends were the editors for the UB spectrum, without the bestfriend in UB evolutionary biology, there is an Andrew in Princess Diary. We didn't have the facebook that time. Silas has the deadline every Mon, Wed, Fri. Everyone of us, including that Dean has this UB spectrum newspaper somewhere in the hand.
Melinda 工作的辦公室是我吃中餐的地方,那是 Silas 跟他的好朋友在寫報紙,除了 UB 演化學的那些,是 Andrew 在麻雀變鳳凰,我們沒有臉書那時候,Silas 報紙交稿日是每一禮拜一三五,每一個我們,包括這迪恩有這 UB spectrum 的報紙,在手上
Babaji is at the End of Time, not just in the End of the World where Earth stood in the Milkyway, you want to bet 1000% if he knews it or not. Where your mood is at.
巴巴基在時間的末端,不只是世界之末這地球在銀河系的哪邊,你想要打賭這 1000 個百分比他知道或是不知道. 你的心情在哪裡。
He is highly academic, you want to say I lie, I bet you.
That is Page 4, Loving the Silent Tear. You wish he knows what you ever done to better his life at all.
Ben Stiller.
The Chinese movies name has a father in it.
Ufo Seth told me, he wants to be a wolf monk.
Those …you are just a mortal. 2 hands touching it.
If saying Seth or Craig to be a God father or the tooth fairy for the rest of their life.
Like Austin from Swallow, each girl’s waist line is a loosen skirts. His mother says. Seth went to UB LGBT. No, he is not a monk type. No.
I fall asleep, still hurting my head, my mother and the car horn on the “Dr Bob” in the wine bar. She went to sleep early today.
Most kids are happier to their own age, like the school classmate. But when each whom has a family business, people tend to find each other’s fault. That is one side of the competition. You can do the law with the judge, and he or she knows you doing it 100%, if that paycheck legal. Stress is not those friendship built up. You say it doesn’t bother you. I am not sure…you wish everyone is genuine. You go to the doctor.
I go to sleep better. You have one million people on one you all as a job.
That’s Tonya looking from High school KY.
The bra at the mirror. Ronan’s Gately that girl. Savage Garden. No, not Ola. Another girl. She thinks she looks like. It’s this girl. There is another Hollywood girl looks like her. In the movie that look.
That’s King’s wife ….you imagine someone has a lot of kids life experience!
(For Rich, For Poor; Rich Dad, Poor Dad.)
He Google it !!….oh ~~what I told his son. It’s a blind date. Her best friends with a guy with the 5 kids. It must be a Jewish. Buffalo is full of them. Africa ? She means the South Africa ?!! I think the King goes to the Australia. (Flip the calendar ) 2014. 20 years…not yet. I c. Ronan’s Hallmark the family TV channel.
Mission impossible is black background - I see the caption in Chinese. These are the colorful plate…my Chinese caption is in white. That’s the lady with Michael Vartan, a kiss in the baseball field. We laterly watching the baseball….
(Today we have to install the fridge in…it broken on my birthday, 1 o’clock be at home today. I was whole morning waiting …my mother needs this invoice on the phone. The government incentive. Imagine one UB knows one detail at the house?! I call Kian…)
Isn’t Jurassic World red hair Claire has a sister 2 kids? I imagine something all the time.
My mothers new freezer mix up. The fridge session or the freezer. She has to go and keep touching it…she is a handicap, glad we found early. She keeps touching it …touching it…touching it.
I call Kian before 1 o’clock. Not now.
What is this one Pheonix birds UFO Seth on Pheorah’s daughter engagement does?
I tell you …the England Military or these near by countries 18-25+, they are the college girls age, how to insert on his son’s life pulling away anyone they see in the party.
Oh, that’s Wa ka wa ka is Soccer Africa lady Shrika
Rino, Reno, Ryno? Not Ryan ? The animal.
Everything so white, I am so blind. Really …shut up, birds.
He looks like Lupin in Conan Detective, the sideburn. That’s… Dr Wayne Dyler 75 dead his blonde girlfriend. Connie - Simon’s over the rainbow ?!
Do they do that on purpose ? Your dad young age if were he married to American President side.
A note like his son dead that day I show up asking me one question or every question after the close gate.
The Cheese stick, Arby. “Since the first date ruin, I make it up for.”
A White Tall Military older.
Your best choice is the Africa man, the same Timezone watching CNN like Vartan says.
Oh ! No. Probably not Jim, no. “I am just thinking what’s the right thing to do.” To the black man.
Red hair daughter “You going out with a Jake? ”
“How is Lauren ?”
“Change my whole life because I am in love with her?”
Flower brings to the door.
Apt 232. Mark and Lauren tries to work things out again for the kids.
Inelia went ….to Laura Eisenhower, used to looks like Laura Ella Enchanted.
Next movie: Hairspray.
To the classify world since Bill and Kerry, you have some other speakers. Conan Detective. There is a you dad and a squirrel. If you Google her name next by a book cover looks like Thor.à-Rencontres/dp/B0CJ4FJQ74
Is this Bolton Boy’s movie ? One time before lunch I seen it. I am still blind. No, if I get my glasses, no. I see with my glasses. My glasses is tilted. That’s not Jimmy Carrey dancing around not Jimmy Carter. I am so blinded, I think just looks alike. I feel so blind. I need to wash my eyes.
Does the sun glasses help ?
Laura Tim Cook’s sister is outside - the Revolutionary Girl.
I think she sings Ms Baltomal, Chinese white words says.
Spider Man best friend. Looks like I can see now. George Clooney one kid’s wife building the house model, her bag has a child toy car. Michelle Pfeiffer
One Fine Day with George Clooney (1996)
Terry, not Tracey, the madrigal fat girl.
We can just turn off the TV. Let those otters go and make the classify people round around. With these ….entire Hollywood goes that way, the otter’s way. .
Ronan one day if were on the map, it’s one of those Service to Humanity, you find a wife near by too. Unlimited these girls and get on a TV talk show, too. Not Simon, not Meghan. Yeah, a real Hollywood Show like Obama’s job. The production side, the producer, the director all that. I don’t know if has to be the musical production. Something to produce, TV. The television networks, those are the movie Hollywood. Or to others makes no differences.
The TV has what they show you here…a real case. To go protest. They have those TV the local American watches. We here….no. Those are not the real cases. If you work in that industry 20 years, you will see so many cases.
But still, a lot of people care about that legal process. They believe in it. I cannot interfere the domestic things similar to France. I don’t know why. The mundane world line, but I will tell them almost every step their next imagination 10 years run about.
For a person like you, if you can teach every legal words for them and be at there. A lot of people care about those show up events - the protest in America. No, that’s not the movie say. You teach me something and I told you something. Right now, you are = them, writing per line legal word right. You just join the people. Like join for fun, also fine. That’s not what the movie says.
The slave issues is a human freedom right being treated equal. Similar to the women’s right. The man and the women or the minority issues through that legal process. The job opportunities. Like the Spanish race in America. It’s in Ocean 11 or 12.
====> These cases are very very clear in the civil or the murder trial saying. There is no doubt in it.
You don’t go clash to something you are uncertain. It’s not surfaced.
No, I don’t think …there is anything I can help you with.
Next post.
The pure water resource meant, the drinking water from God or from the nature given to us.
What if you landing on another planet, you married to First Lady? To trespassing the borders everywhere without a passport? Tell me how do you apply for a visa to go anywhere from the sea, you stepping it out of the military jet ship, to walk on the land. Where can you walk on the land, whom calls these border countries to park your ship?
You want to get near that phone line?
Which countries or which flags? do you want to just really purchase this Taiwan bookstore map on my video, you will see the magic?!!!!! We are right in the middle, not just the 194 countries flags below. When I get to Ireland, I will see what they sell in the bookstore?!!!!
Tell me, I buy them 5 maps? Not just the old ladies secretary AI toiletry? The material science?
The sea you drift on, if you are thirsty, you NEVER never never drink the sea water. NEVER. Its the salted water. On the surface of the Earth.
When the industrial pollution like the motorcycle in our city, or the car, the air is bad so the rain is the acid rain. All that has to be processed before they can become the public drinking water, or the public fountain water.
I say drinking the distilled water, or the osmosis water. But your home tape water from the kitchen is the standard the chemistry factory processing the public water. You want me to make the money on top so you will pay attention every word I say? Not just flood the beaver den on the down steam, because that is where the real beaver built the home to live.
Are you on the ship right now?
You looking outside, that is the sea. If you coming in the river upstream going up, that is the river, that is not the ocean.
What is the difference?
The river is the pure water resources, pouring into the ocean, the salted water.
I am very sure you imagined those 7 Harry Potter + 2. You got a website, or you want to come up to my land, my grandmom's place across is the business card printing renter or the friends long time ago. Its not from Vista, you got an mail delivery on your military jet ship? And this business name card has how many website URL on top? the blogger I have they give me .com Here in Taiwan if you apply in, that is .tw You want to try Japan or cn for China maybe?
I have the climate change video on another channel.....
Do you want to recycle your clothing, its where outside my apartment?
The city giant furniture trash truck, my mother throw all my comic book, or the Sailor Moon with the Titanic !!! Starting 1800 ???! Not here. That is in America.
I have a photo development place next to the Hallo Kitty, right across the police station. 4x6.
You know you live on the ship, or you are drifting on the ship?
An anchor, even I look at this guy in the photo, what did he done with the anchor in the movie: Battleship?
Do you know if you live on the land? This land is moving? How do you know?
The sun never changes the direction, nor the clock when the sunrise, or the sundown?
Want to see where you are? Why 3 frames?
You are on the left frame, the most left. The right side frame they are in America on my geography video.
They are on another website. How long they gonna keep rotating?
I am not sure they even moved yet...the last time those sunrise from the East Coastline.
I see it, my website is not on. I have to send in for review later.
Do you ever see that much of the Asia?
This is the shrimp.
The fish, the clam, the shrimp. Want to just touch it? The regular grocery store. No, you don't need to go to the sea.....or the night market. The nicer package. Other than ASMR, please?! The King of King crabs, and why you have to copy me? What I do with the AI, that is entirely my business.
I know how to type in Chinese
My mother knows how to type in Chinese message me.
The same Line App as long as its the phone. The same email. I don't know if gonna be the same facebook! I hope its the same computer here?!!!!! I can lose the facebook once, I can lost it every time !!!! The Ireland has a different IP address?
Its the same internet, the same www. How amazing, its the same website, they speak in English or speak in Chinese !! You mean my website ?!
You want me to send the birds wave you all goodbye?!!
You walking in the city, any tree they talking? How amazing, these are the trees on the road, the side walk road !!!
Do you know the reason why the ship do not drift all over the pacific ocean?
You are facing one direction to China or Taiwan? That is how you coming up to the land. The receiver. The radar station? No, the radar tower station is not your enemy. They are your savior.
Do you know where is the pacific ocean?
How does it happen you can drift all over the pacific ocean? You want to look up at the map?
The dolphin can save you. Right....Where are these dolphin at? That is where you calling me?
How long you gonna drift all over on every sea. My website or the Iran and Iseral is on the day these gonna get clear.
You will step onto the England land, or the France land or the Ireland land, to fly out? You go back to your countries. That time throw everything behind. Going home life. Are you going to teach a class before you go home, like that X Man Future Past? Because right now if you more diligent at your own commander, where is the class be taught, or you show up, you can volunteer?
Youtube has 2 clips, its going forward, going backward? It makes sense to you?
I go to nap
Birds saying good night, to all of them.
My ENTIRE sky.
Westlife. Shane is Neo.
Do they say Micky Mouse?
Birds say Panda's blood pressure
oh, that is the dad. These are the 2
2 Panda fights
"You come over there!!!" from the slanted....looks flat.
oh my God
7 Harry Potter (194 countries) (6:00)
200 countries (on the water) (4:30)
In the real life, you dress like that, you cold?
And your shoe, cold? Does the hair bothers you? and what if the guy finds out?
Washing, cleaning, you mean they had ever keep a very long hair, those kinds?
If you looking at them talking, you fear, you anxious, you talking your dad the same? In fear? Taller or bigger, or the voice deeper?
How do you inche your way in? Not many people doing it, or not too many knowing how to do that? Money?
"I was wondering if I can go shopping for the shoes."
Your finger nails, the toe nails? I washing so much in the water, they will keep growing growing growing my 4 limbs. I am dizzy head sleeping too many times, so I just lay down, or crawl curls balls to trim all my nails, whenever I feeling it. Its strange laterly....
The toilet? The guy's bathroom smell, because they pee everywhere, and you have one bath, one room, do you like those Korean girl looking one person's apartment life? You like those 9-5 your best friends to buddy crossing New York City, or Los Angeles?
Make a phone book contact?
The new Age trend, after us....the one cooks. No one. No more Devil Eggs, I can tell you that. Tina and Pang they do ubers. No more home food. Too busy in the company life and Tina has 2 kids. She is not traditional human. So moving to Asia, that is 7-11 every single day on the microwave food.
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Those are not the real food I guess. | + White rice, the ugly Taiwan Rice Cooker. Just pure washed white rice, or Pasta. |
Based on my internal vision....
Even just you can do 2 things putting on the table, it will look next whomever next by you, you saying the friends buddies together to the best friends like those Korean Youtubers.
So 7 Harry Potter
You gonna bring them the photo? A Business card, or the personal card with the website, you cooking photo on top?
Once of a lifetime?
If you can create a website and putting things on top. You gonna put the cooking food and your daily dress photo? Your car, your house? Your novel bookshelf.
I have to wash my hair.