
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shane ( I heard about this too many too many too much times ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️

And because you girls will always guess, and the leadership.....2 days ago whatever that is. You go to America would be Justin and Brian, do they each have a facebook? I didn't even check to say one extra more facebook chat room box, you all loving it. I think I can always call through, you believe that? Including the company all worlds.

Except...the way I am.

I explain to you again, each of these 90s boybands are outdated, that is the first point.

Second point, if you can literally see them inside the video, those play or the stage, or the practice, its because the main singer has to collect them. They cannot have 5 boybands to sit down having one meal without telling their agent or their company. They all have a primary company on the top - where the commercial all interests only belong to that company, AT ALL.

So if you are in Ireland that worlds, you go to Ireland any boyband, the main singer.

If you are in the America that worlds, you go to the America any boyband, the main singer.

Is that clear?

Simon and Obama, just leave them all along, that's the best I can say, whatever all those things are. 

The main singers need to watch that the other 4. When they are in the competition ...that is the a reality, not the best friends chit chat format. If you mix up their company interests, I am not talking to any of them the OU langauge or the company, any company at all. Zero.

I literally don't care about whom exists, if they are not all dead in the drugs usage, what the outsider we often very very often to believe, or heard about, seriously!

And their business is in music

It means by hearing, by audio. Meaning a lot of the things, to sell that music, people to purchase that, its because the music is good.

IF THEY GONNA TELL ME, this is the Heaven talk, where the angel sings on that 2 sides Ronan NOT Babaji ~~~I want to scream.

The Australia - Sia singers, in many songs you have heard. 


You all President before or now, those Haiwaii ship arrives yet? Someone returns to Japan because I say the Mexico Underground Museum, no movie and the current all events are clashing? They flying back with the ship to Japan ?!

Other than about this Shane Filan .....

The speedy ships. That is a slanted angle, because on the vision, its looks strange, all of them going to Haiwaii from Korea or Japan, or some very few from here. But when they telling me the number, that is more than 1 ship. + China. All these ocean on the visual.....you all anywhere on this 4 surrounding all side China, north America, south, you saying.....you looking at the current front the wall monitor at all? 

*******  If legally I cannot be with anyone, I am in my sleeping mode.....*****

I only focus on my money, sounds right?

Give me a reason to believe, my brain is not your brain?

When I used to be in the 90s, I was real seeing them before...

I WILL NEVER NEVER SEEING those backup singer no matter what ~~~ do you follow a boyband before, so why don't you all going to your real solo artists, other than this Iron Man or the Avenger. I will NOT do their math for them.

Its a very long time, so....its not the most immediate sense to say whom are they on the stage? Last year or 2 Christmas ago, so it takes me some stress to believe I learning that their name and their look. I only recognize Shane. 

I don't think you know what is to produce a real music means, so they are the partner how they knew each other before, from behind. Literally speaking, I think its just the music. 

Don't bother me, I don't really want to know any of them, anymore. One group its display in front of me, they have something to say, I heard it. They are from Ireland. If you never going into the music, and....I don't know why to you they are different from Ireland and America.

Its the music, where people going for. I don't think its that Iron Man idea...you probably imagine a circle of them all sitting it down, and Shane on the main seat those? OU means? One of those putting together a team, all that?  The main singer buying all of them lunch or the composer's time, to write a lyric, or to exam each other music score, because that is 5 people to 4 people. Those details, how do they form a band? The music notation, someone have to call to each other like a real business partner. I didn't think I need to explain to you, writing a music score is required, so I am a dummy for not saying any of that, because probably its 1 Simon on the judging table.

Those guys...all togethers its to produce music, not to judging the human on their music, so they have the music stream business for real. Its a real business, the people have to like about them. 

Simon is a TV personality, that seat is the salary. That is not the ITune business. 

If Shane and me talk about what?

I am not sure me and them gonna have any conversation to be honest. I tell those Ireland to move last year. I didn't think that ends openly its what I ever told them Nicky, why they have any significant people in any one's life such as all the backup singers is the low self esteem, give me my real Title, any of them, have a reason to say other than the money.

When the girl making the money, they are ??? Care about this....the guy in front of the jobs, or in front of the religion faith all over the movie monitor.  Some human doesn't care about the guy so there is a faith religion !  And I used to...remember myself. Any backup singer, I wish them dead, every single time...because they angle the camera to the main singer, or I was so young, I only knew....like...those intuition was very young, so when I get older, probably the million stair up or down, I don't bother to think anymore, like I forgot !!!

I show you.


Swear it again, too. I cannot tell you why I remember any of this, I shouldn't have, because....we don't have a TV or the internet to know where they gone to. Shane, they were. I keep saying you never follow a boyband, do you? Or you have a favorite American band, and you didn't know whom you like?

Right now you seeing the kids, or someone.

When I used to grew up...the rest of them, they should be dead, I cannot tell you why. Including that Mark, seriously !  If Prince William like about the second singer, it the fan can choose, and talk about it? I didn't have anyone, or the family when I pick and choose to go to the Taipei station, they have the record ear phone big and giant to listen to. But I bought everyone, not just whomever....just 1 CD and I left all that behind.

Yes, the video I just told you, maybe because that was 6 years ago, all these things come up to solve. It will NEVER be JC Chasez, NEVER. I don't even know whom that is. I saw the Joy guy I think....I think I want Lance dead any look of him ~~just....The first impression when they display and if I remember, any of the look is not that main look, and... I don't know what to tell you.

Now I grew up~~ I was very young, and those are the white, I was a real Asian when I grew up! I am still an Asian. You listen to the music at all? Meaning following them, someone? I wasn't following, but I remember very little bit. I shouldn't remember those MV, but if I look at it, I remember either its the on the TV like Keanu or Britney, ...she I remembered very clear, even still now. The Mars video, or Baby one more time. I remember her MV was on the TV in my parent's room. I remember her, yes.

That dance guy should be dead, yes.  They got married, right?

Those are too long ago, I will tell you for real ! No, I never find out more, just the news gossip. Justin....you know, he wasn't as the thing as I remember its Britney is the thing. There is a lot of this by my memory, you never follow this people? Just me talking to my own wall in Asia, right? But some you might be the American you yourself, you never in the pop world these all around looking things? 

By the TV, or by my classmate, I stop....right. There are the 5 Lords, and I grew up. Not every guy you just imagine you were a kid, I was the middle school. Wishing someone dead.....

I don't remember.... I don't think that is the movie saying the Iron Man or Avenger.  Because Prince William likes about Mark, maybe a lot of the fan like the different people, the guys in the band too.

I wasn't.....I was too young. No one teaches me, or I never had a family to talk about it. Its just 1 CD. My family doesn't listen to any of these.

Another thing, they get old ! I wake up, they...get old. I am not sure what to say about too many things.

I have some other things I want to do when I wake up ~~~ Its not necessary its about the guy, about the fame, about the TV, about....the disappointment, someone fails all the way from God, and... There is this Vampire or the goblin, or the world is where the darkness meets all that....to be honest, the last thing on my mind was anything aging, they should be dead, and they will die and I got left behind.

Being a fan used to be, I still can be polite ~~~~

I grew up !

How I think as the fan, or how I think with the movie, and grew up?! 

Maybe I drag my classmates or the facebook first, shut up!

I want to go to sleep ~~~this weekend, I sleeping ~~

Someone solves those ships!

⭐️有一隻該死的蚊子跟我的玻璃,我頭髮髮飾是紅色的...中國年兩年前嗎 ? ⭐️

是你們市長的事情?  過年要擦玻璃跟大門 ~~有夠髒的 (昨天打雷,我離開我窗戶我記得昨天呀 !  )  這電視上的東西跟文藝復興 (中文古文的 ...) 他是建中 ... 喔!  是嗎? 台北跟中國其實寫的是差不多懂得,是嗎? 有事情,關於.... 我為什麼不能講 ?


行走的時間 (你們哪個古文的歌曲叫做行走的時間,楊過小龍女,兩個長的很像的 Annca 開眼睛跟閉眼睛不是同一個人,陳曉),你們中國的東西。

我找饒堯邦大人的 ....你很在乎『那時候』,那一天,離別的最後一天,那種群聚的小鳥在屋頂歡送你的那一天,你的行李離開,有錄影嗎 ? 我 ! 好像有 ~~


                       百獸之王 ! 你一個人行走的時間 ...

不是空間時間暫停,所有停止呼吸的意思庫洛魔法使,這好像是只有電視 ... 想當年的意思~我從來就沒有看過那種東西,不是小叮噹跟這柯南 ....浪客劍心。 我有講過你的哪一句叫做你人生過去的 20 年 + 13,所以是 20 年過去。

這一件事情很重要嗎 ? 

他們理你跟不理你的意思 ... 所以 (1) 他們理你  (2) 他們跟你兩不相往來 ! 所以所有人看到的是 (1).

他們給你的面子,你可以撒謊跟不撒謊,你不會為了這種事情叫做心裡愜意~ 如果不是全世界知道 ~是這樣 ? 所以... ...

都市規劃是不需要這群東西的存在 ! 的 ~

日本,那一年我沒有去成,這一次方方我也不清楚我會不會再出現的意思 ...

這種小事情很重要 ?

     時間空間的暫停是我們兩個講話的時間嗎 ?



這些東西會不會跟你說話的意思,是這樣 ? 講給你聽的意思? 

美少女戰士 ...餵魚給水瀨吃,這有水棲息地的有很多種水棲靠近人類的 zoo ,有袋子的,小鳥說的你去餵食。(現在 !)

人生有很孤單的時間,跟很空虛的時間,這個時間如果你讓走,你就不會再有家人下面 20 年,對小鳥來說是死了好幾次回的他們類別 ....對你來說,那是很重要的提醒跟提拔,你需要 ! 

你如果不需要跟小鳥走,這個時間就不需要有這種討論 ... 結尾就可以了 ! 

40 年以後他們一樣是空肚子,餓的,就會理你 ~死了好幾回,他們並沒有滅亡 ~種族是會繼續生存的 !

gi   他們講了兩次 

把他們狠狠地砍死,叫做永遠人類消逝在我的面前直到鮮血片地~就是你本該做的事情 2006

這社會體系很久了,都是資本主義,就算沒有學生活動,只要一個門,進入的空間有一天,誰跟人算帳,不會有人知道的,至少銀行是正常,這叫做表面工夫,只是一個人的生活罷了 !



女子女子王 元

這法庭跟動物是法官的意思,不會到我們這種城市生活被傷害腦袋,叫做他們通通去死就可以,就是你唯一對城市的基本概念,通通去死的意思 ! 人跟人包括。


天神、地神、人神,你以為的東西,這些人事物,多的是封神榜形形色色的比比皆是,你是什麼東西假的長相還是人類,叫做現在開始 ~方便叫做宗教,美國多的是這種嘴巴張開,椅子坐著,人只要是人,一張嘴巴,不需要神,只需要醫療,叫做天生殘疾,不是永恆地獄,永生永遠下去的意思 !

小鳥給你的面子,不差這種叫做一年前, Ronan 還不是一樣的東西!

紙上寫出來的東西 ....落紙了 ! 不是落地了 

當有人真的相信這電視,有個位置,自己的臉有多美,入魔叫做每一秒開始計算的鞭子,你會記得人性的美~~那一天電視發明的存在 1928.


親戚有多親 !


遙遠的宇宙,我的位置可遠地 ....蒼生萬靈,我還差你一個愜意嗎 ?

人的注意力,就是你存在的時候,他們覺得你存在是真的,都是真的 ! 需要你 ~

當旁邊有更需要你的,那些花朵,多的是,慢慢注意力,滾出去的時候,多的是這種翻天鋪地~叫做滾出去的時間,我也覺得我很相信我自己 !

美國資本主義,想幹嘛、怎麼藏躲,這二姊可好的,相好不相識,相容不香火,這一個天跟一個地,叫做風塵女子,渾沌酒氣,你們都以為我跟巴巴基是童話故事出現的時間,該出現,該讓走,有位置,一起坐 ! 我也相信,哪一絲絲的皮膚叫做我懷疑過 ! 

你知道,這巴巴基太老了,還有一個更老的永遠不知道在哪的氣息巴巴基...這些人有些非常非常非常神應該做成神,叫做每一個人去死就好的態度,惹到我的眼界,叫做出現在我的面前....不是每一個趴出去,永遠不知道誰是誰....叫做一絲絲 ! 這些人叫做看久了~什麼人什麼西方什麼東方,現在是 21 世紀這個地球,有些影片叫做看著夕陽,白天然後夕陽,這種時間,這種累,我累了 ...叫做人跟人之間低俗的人間,這什麼總統以為是什麼東西的意思~王子公主還是國王的意思 !


資本主義就是一個門,這藍色的書,還是紅色~~叫做曾經 Yogananda 代理這巴巴基遺址的意思 ...這巴巴基也相信我告訴你,這些行行色色,出現在他後面徒弟,巴巴基地獄就沒有資助者,也沒有徒弟,真的假的我會知道的意思~整個宇宙血碗,你二姊的存在意義盛大~你相信他,對吧? 

他知道我是最高興的人,他一定會知道對吧 ? 都做神了~有些東西,自相殘殺永生永世,邪與正,喔~~意思我轉頭的時候,那個人是黑色的歐巴馬,不是 Thranduil ~~你愜意我手機的意思 !

浪漫就是心戚戚焉~這中文你不會講 ! 打字也不需要的意思 ~~~

我講的跟我唱的涵義是 一千倍還是假的威脅的意思~這警察可多紙跟筆呀 !

邪與正,也非常確定,這只有光明的第一級謀殺~所有人都知道,所有人都可以講呀 ! 

什麼是真,什麼是假~~是很奇妙、神奇、魔法、口袋、口袋餅,方方吞下去的意思 ? 這麼是口袋比 Pita bread.....吞下去呀 !? 

選好邊站,我相信這法庭叫做 2001 金髮尤物~第一絕對不是順位,對吧 ? 

整個宇宙,都是巴巴基一個神...當初這一個歷史叫做現代史,Yogananda 你知道活多久?

因為呢~人看多天堂,看多金錢,看多智商,看多表演,看多教育,之後這每一個星球最盛大跟隆重的就是五大宗教,叫做基本一個他一百年前,誰誰誰變成 Yogananda 的盛大出現,直到永恆經過我的第一百年 直到 2050. 因為這 BEAS 我也不確定這巴巴基太多星球是說存在,還是沒有,一個美國的關係,他們願意 200 國家,但是只有一個 Yogananda.

我出現的瞬間叫做一輩子 ...沒聲沒響的,裡面跟外面...看的人通通去死的就好 ! 他一定覺得很奇怪,五大宗教之下,只有一個我跟 Yogananda 叫做這所有東西跟一個越南小尼姑賤人踹死的就好~



說呀 ~這一個地球,因為方便,只有一個美國 ~商業是商業,他只有一本書,藍色跟紅色 ! 什麼叫做做神方便~我覺得更方便的意思 !

外面的世界叫做多的是錢,金錢的存在,所以呢有人就有時候想一下,日本禪定~大家煮飯煮菜~課堂基本教理,但是在現實裏面都是專業公司,叫做雇用人員的關係 !

專業顧問 ~巴巴基有一天出現,一定是問我,我有什麼職業跟他的人員比的意思,是在說你嗎 ?

我有什麼人員? 說呀 ! 這雇用人員是誰算? 我算? 這好像所有東西都是我在計算的~他知道一定是我算,美國在我有生之年一定是說我算 ! 對吧 ?

有人躺著很久,出現的時候都是一個人算完一個宗教,其他四個宗教應該不算~叫做美國有良心的意思~這多的是你們的照片叫做食客 ~中國歷史有很多這種故事 ! 現代呢叫做專業精神,跟專業顧問~~因為在巴巴基出現任何時間之前,一定是在我桌子上,每行中文英文古文的改的,對吧 ? 他們沒有期待,只是知道,應該都在那邊反正存在~~~~~不見得用,但是存在 !

我的門外,是這地球,不是地球的正外面 ....

意思,這整個星球假的東西,除了這 Chapatti (2015) 或是 Airbender.

人類愛上,不是神者、尊者、神仙作假的意思~怎麼會有人成仙在地球,意思凡人可以立定成正果,我講過一句宗教的存在嗎 ? 他們死在外面也會成正果嗎 ? 不是地球外面,所以在這資本主義之下...你跟 Ronan 只是像一個小小人跟人一排,叫做五六人十來人...為了我存在,還是為了...因為講了一個星球只要是比 Yogananda 多一點,總不能這天兵天將,整個宇宙,訴說一個星球,多少降級者~多少千年萬年的小孩~~是吧 ?

一排人走的像一個影片 ...

我告訴你人殺多,殺的殘忍~叫做立志者 !!!~~心不固定 ~所以有個你們的出生直到現在你跟 Ronan 不清楚這目腱蓮是不是一樣東西的意思 ! 比是說歷史有宗教,不是比錢、比到軍事就是你爸跟你爺,還有這塊土地的每一個好朋友的爹跟爺...你覺得存在的意思 ! 巴巴基做人最方便就是這一個星球,我告訴你 !

這一整篇,你寫成中文還是寫成英文,所有人認為我講中文,不是你講英文,你聽一遍,一個段落一個段落叫做張開嘴巴,我講了什麼? 這沒有立法問題 ! 叫做安全的回答問題~~~~我跟你其實沒有講過任何話 ~~說,我們是家人,曾經坐下來,講過話,一定是你爸 !


你爸跟你 ~還是你娘跟你們兩個,真的坐下來 !

面對面,記得?我好像從來沒有做這種東西的意思~這個時間,叫做每一個人拿著這張紙,中文英文,我管他們哪種人~多的是人,跟你面對面,對質講話叫做很多人死亡,不代表整片天會打開~是在我頭上給我安慰還是給我當再見的意思~時間到,人該走去死的意思~整個宇宙都是人 ~這整個地球死光,還是有更多人的意思 ~!

一個從來沒有見過,更不可能面對面做討論,因為這種家庭會議只有在某種,大概,很多教育家庭爸媽跟小孩需要講話那種,方跟怡君 ~我們家叫做死光的意思 ~那這個時間,你跟血碗,可多這種家庭聚會 ~~~親戚就是張開嘴巴含蓄 ! 當年~小鬼的時候這提娜記得一些人~都長大,要去死的意思~這你爸的憐憫叫做互相見個面,因為彼此家庭都會有面對面的談 ~

我沒有見過的現實,是不可能會發生的~你也從來沒有那種感覺,有個人存在 ! 我~

沒有人真的知道那種涵義,誰會沒有面對面,坐在桌子上面談的意思 ! 這可笑 ...你跟血碗~~只是中式餐廳,食物好好吃 ! 你小孩的時候,這提那一定記得,這明耀的後面有什麼 ! 這跟歐洲沒有關係,這跟美國也沒有關係,這批人一定是講中文 ~你爸跟誰的憐憫是他們的安排 ! 好像這巴巴基沒有家人的意思~還是我沒有人的意思 ! 

亞洲人在外國看來,是沒有愛跟紅字,赤字的意思 ! 擁抱呀 ~感情呀 ~心動呀 ! 很多人為了這一絲絲~可以拉扯拉扯拉扯~沒見過達文西筆記你師父的生日 ~可端莊呀 ! 

笑臉擺著,人多叫做含蓄,大家見個面,你爸的詞,所有人要死了,才會有那種~自己的時間沒到,所有人一起下葬的意思! 這種電視叫做含意挺多~我也覺得 ! 好像我會忌妒你們在華盛頓應該,還是不應該~這沒聲沒響,是我跟他們人先說,畢竟只要我知道,他們一定是知道.....






我真的在講啥吧 ?~ 不是嗎 ? 筆筆皆是,這對面誰知道的每一筆,叫做我含蓄,還是我奸笑,我嘲笑的意思 ~天堂...尺度跟你們的胃一樣嗎 ? 消遣跟 teasing 是一種文化,暗示跟看低叫做每一句我浪費的打字,不是舌頭,是坐在對面的時間,筆筆皆是... 太可笑了 !

大笑一分鐘無止盡~~~~ 有人敢,那他們真的真的真的知道嗎 ? 呵呵 !

我的臉,很安慰~不是嗎 ?!


這奶茶我喝,我頭痛 ~這 Youtube (我一定在奸笑的意思 )

雙身什麼? 修 還是 法?

高科技的存在就是所有人不需要修的意思 ~~~~一個人的傷就是永遠不需要修的意思~

這種結尾就是資本主義 !  法治國家呀 ! ~~

整個世界結尾的立法應該是 2014 要通過,叫做我的無限,對外進來傷,然後整個電影傷傷傷傷,可以全部都是對的~我從來沒有炫耀過,每一個位置都是對的? 好特別喔! 一個人可以把整個世界擺成對的 ~這種剩下的文學跟紙張,是你們呼吸的金錢,看你們的智商,天堂跟我的憐憫~因為這整個天界,巴巴基發火,可能永遠不會有人知道什麼是真,什麼是假,其實 ...天跟地,有人非常確定的意思~~~

很多人,很多張嘴巴~很多要求,很多近距離,這是這不是,開口一個情字 ....

我的對面只可能一個法官跟書記~因為~系統制的律師,他們對上是法官 ~我們是家人,所以因為沒有講過話這 2001 開始叫做避嫌~~那 ! 這邏輯我要幹嘛 ~是我的事情,我要不要解釋,是我的事情,不是嗎 ?

但願你們像是可以回家的意思~台灣擺給你們的下面 40 年~這中國給的錢,我是不需要的下面 40 年~~知道吧 ? 

The leisure words are on the book ...

How to be in peace with you yourself....all that?!

My keyword: UB Law Librarian. Some people pass it by, using it that reference desk? Like if Dean went home...how come that entire things so mess up? 

Not the prayers, not the morning dew, not the million dollar beb purse (pursue typo) to live and feel like Thinking and Grow Rich.  They working on the APO fat issue, just 1 to 1, someone can lose the weight not continue like that? Some talk, some show-up, something for the MD 6+1 MD, other than you 1 Ola Sailor Moon talk, the APO can re-sume their shape back? 

I say the honor class or the program itself doesn't care how far it reaches, as long as someone reaching it, did I say that? 

Everyone works together, NOT, you one Ola taken down every competitor, to pretend a friend to talk, so I take down Dean's talk first and then Shane. The rest I never call yet. Its my facebook, how do you reach them anyway? You be honest with them, your purpose its to take them to the side, how to persuade them to let go that story plot, you 1 Ola in the End? The girls looking like you? 

So how is this movie: Julie and Julia the interior design?

The Lake House, the Smallville opening trailer, Peyton and his sister's house inside the movie. UB they need to study, only I do the briefing.....they have their real facebook, my Ops worlds, those Deep base sea, like the otter keep doing this from Malaysia or Indonesia, that is Melinda near to them. Those are the very 2 bad words, a normal human looking like me will never access to. The American blondie beb will tell me. The Congress will tell me.

You are? 

I am asking you if Julie and Julia  its those Simon's Whatever It Take, the fight song like the ice skating, or Dean's Justin's Avenger's line, the President got mix up the list with Shane Westlife, its Simon they themselves with the Obama, or CADS Pharm girl tutor in the Victoria Secret Airline landing. (in green)

Fight song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is6zMvLoAaY

Avenger plots:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtuG6yJQCz0

Lee, not Justin, right?

Is this 54 in the link, 2006 - Come Fly With Me (VS)


The sky again current the chronological chart ...- Kalpa ends in my video for SMCH.

Facebook:  ________________________





You guys doing good !!! Love love ~~~ The internet is a monetization niche target, you know what that means? Web 2.0? Its a cyber space diagram.


That is a juggling charm, you doing this monetization like the other otters all doing that? Money is the monetization cyber scheme, not between you each other all together. 🥭💖🥧🍒🍒🍮🥣🥗🥭💖🥧🍒🍒🍮🥣🥗🥭💖🥧🍒🍒🍮🥣🥗🥭💖🥧🍒🍒🍮🥣🥗

I am the Honorable Superior

And you all have a ball room dance floor


The UB Flag room in the 2nd floor Student Union. 

I think Julie or Julia...is Ola's younger younger cousin? In Poland they are...those news I say the Poland catch the giant fire, no one to imagine a dance, I can tell you that. 

But, we are saying that 2 things not related. 1) and 2) - the last posts

And this is MD 6+2, its one you Ola walking in radiant. The other MD 4+2 I wasn't checking. Their father for sure are the MD. You know they are early assurance from Maryland, not from Utah. Alice was the high school early assurance as long as she finished her Honor Program All Classes - The Mulan that reflection Chinese ABC girl. Yeah, she is the only 1 I know the Medical school as early as the high school starting the early assurance scholarship bound? 

So everyone's desk is 3 things separated?

You have 45678910111213-20-30 things are none related to each other.

You write it yourself?!

Other than the morning dew the radiant beauty how these Disney video if you keep re-wind, re-tape recorder play, to keep research and seeing some of those....garment. We don't have those culture so I cannot even know how to describe to you. Someone sees this, they understand why I keep saying the OU language, the radiant beauty means? 


Otter and the Panda doesn't get married. Hugh got married !? 




China - 花千骨 and 3310 and W Two Worlds

The lineage gap between the 1st generation and the second generation is mis-align or mis-placed in the script itself.  + the marriage proposal to the uncle then to the niece. So is Square and her uncle. The Flaming Daughter

Mimmo's comic book, Mimmo's position, from Tina. BAZZAR Magazine to Hank, to Slam Dunk.

Mimmo starting - his father's friend (=me)'s sister Tina, is my mother's father's across the sea channel the mainland's brother's youngest son = Dr. Bing Shen., The City of Hope.

Its in the BAZZAR Magazine 2017 August my hospital starting til 2018/2019 if you all just checking what is the 5 Lords Reviews, to the Victoria's Secrets, both me and Nick's every bloodline. (2010).

None of this is related to any of you. 

That is 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 things out of the way?  (Avenger - Ultron's Age)

My decoding movie works, my money, my hobbit part-time = the movie sequence was my facebook to the Hollywood, to the comic book 花冠安琪兒, to the 200 countries all the classify material to this one Ancient Chasez, someone in Taiwan sent to jail, same to the border patrol to UB Seth UFO (in VS, in U.N.C.L.E, that is Square's uncle)

That is none related. Its the movie decoding sequence's fault.

It was a part-time jobs at home. I am part-time since 2009.  Erin's pilot PhD project to this 50 Shades of Greys (or with Shane I told him all these Google review or no review breakfast place its my walking morning back and forth routines. This is in Taiwan, some creative projects, I told Shane.)  That is not even China land one place touch. 

If its a seeing, and a real location and the Google Review, the sky, the cloud, the Earthquake, and the otters, all of this is real, none of that is the movie.  The actual photo is the reality we seeing it in front of the eyes, I just don't report all that in Taiwan, until its me and Shane get together, so I told their fan club or the China, what I was up to. It wasn't their TV, but it wasn't them. Its my ..grand mom side. Just happened to look all that, so I told Shane...where or how I saying that.

I have to go out, you put 50 things on all of these, check clearly, its really related to each other's projects? Seriously? 

Ola, I suppose to sleep 2 hours more, the birds say.

But it says 1 hour ago, to get up ! 

I was talking to shane and here, everyone about the System Lawyers yesterday the 1st post, explaining myself with them. Then later.....This is Vicky's arm cut off in W Two Worlds, if I becoming the king in Ireland. Their history called the V King, yesterday the sky has no more Island, and Shane kneels to a distort England, the birds kneel. - imaginative what should have thought about.

Today I have a monitor, Jackman and Reynolds, oh ~ his name is Hugh Jackman. And the discovery of the pharmaceutical video. I don't watch everything. The worlds is getting darken, and AI covers my eyes....my Heaven timeline is everyday on the fresh sunshine, the external worlds, and their...Babaji destroyed all worlds like the clouds here say the Heaven. Or the Zawanna from Aladdin similar to the white clouds outside my sky, 2 days ago, I show to people, why the birds used to talk in Persian. You want to repeat now?

"The gratitude to the morning forest run off the sneaker, [ it was the tooth brush my handicap mother doing that in front of our entrance the birds scream ], it was Dean appreciate the beauty and the serenity inside, that he cannot see. It was a joke, Tamang laugh. Quietly the last night a drank of the alcoholic beverage and the sports gear althletcis, sea food, the football season Horay !"

And I cannot have the photo here. Tamang is the gun man show on the facebook, his world. I just invited him like the birds plan.....you think that whole wide world, the birds be responsible, that kinds? 

"The morning dew of this New Age, to that tranquility inside, its the Heaven and the Bible, to that 777 slot machine, Karen's younger sister to pull and bet on it. I have no sibling just like Anna. Its the movie makes the next to bet, that chair and the throne, the sky darken cannot brush my soul or the mood be dim light all shines, through...Ronan's glory. It was the enemy in the front, that was Dean on the back pulling or the wings above the umbrellas..that is a heart shape, none of them realize it was amicable.....how Simon hearing the first greeting, you were on the movie cover the hard case. Right? Jean ma dead in the cancer, was the music hard case called the VS black tie. Its her organization junks, anyway."

Say it.

"The same birthday Tamang 9/2, Square and Keanu Reeves, were 3 getting drunk to say twist and turn like a mermaid on the ground, a beat up giant white man power dance, it was touching the skin....I say. Not me Ola says, agree? Like Dr. Steven Hairfield means.....the twist and turn means - how the power makes the darken valley, it will be Harry and Tina's Dave Jones sway....when the justice is not served, by wobbling, there is no reason to believe, a better tomorrow leaves today's sicken American like you all halo on the very top, the Irish entering the Radio City, after 25 years?"

Say it ! 

"It was the tranquility, and calm down my mind like the legally blonde Reese not the Whole Truth, its the Witherspoon."

Say it....

Calm enough?

"The time didn't stop my skin, its the page three hundred and ninty four....bet on the 2 more years to say everyone entering the 40s, their early assurance didn't place the skin or the personality shine enough through that state school, or the state certificate like the MCAT or USMLE 1 to 3, and those are the individual year, will never say, it was the general lab to re-starting a basic Dr. T. You asking someone for an authority voice, meaning that person agrees with you, how he did it his medical school, right? The power dance would be, he allows you wear a sneaker how to cut a cat in throat, if not the Tree bunk bed to trip you and you break your ankle like that Nick's 1st sister like in the VS, in that Every Feb song from Kerry Perry or what was ....Army VS. "

So America is such a bad shape, because no one does a job, other than that 1 million souls to do a David Jone's a job + 2 sons =13 human there, or 9, or 3, or 2......not 4 (with George)

Its Jack Hughman and Lively Blake's husband, I can tell. That is the Canadian Proposal, the Alaska, just right now outside our...Weather forecast system, the Earthquake, both Taiwan and Japan, and the typhoon immediately flooded the entire 2nd Capital + Japan Capital Tokyo. Dr. Steven Hairfield is the Reno, 2nd Capital in Nevada, I used to slaughter the 2nd capital, everyone would know where he comes from other than that twin looking from next by Ronan, to say coincident not the homeless Gately MV to spell you, her name would be Storm, so there is that Power dance. I don't think Ronan is solely traveling without.....not in Ireland, you think?

How is the Under the Sea, I think that was 6 years ago, everyone should meet, or 2021 I saying that, again. The Proposal, under the sea, the Mexico Museum, or the Dr. Jack 黑傑克

That will not be the Titanic the producer used to say, and 3 years ago or 6 years ago, he had those website set up the "sea project", he never stop going in and down the sea, he knew that, or he found out I always saying that? James Cameron, his table with the none vegan products, he swift them out of the kitchen counter, becoming the Jem and the Hologram, he watched it, the counter swift?  How I knew....right? He was on the camera.  He has forgotten he saying that.

So tell me, this one venture of that Reyonld's tales was nothing when the FBI entering the Trump's Tower's water tower, to say where that toilet he flushes the classify materials? Why should I tell Peyton, they are.....these are 2 separate incidents? 

It was the under water projects on the James Cameron's website. 

Read it?


He does that real....that James Cameron. Why? I have no idea !

If the 2 things are none related, you all doing it on purpose.

1) What is under the sea, you want me to show everyone again? 

2) The classify materials its the tower....every water tower, like my neighbor above it? The roof above the tallest...points above Trio. You want to continue that conversation with the Father or with Prince William, how is those Panda. He thinks these 2 projects clearly is pointing at him?  What is the function of the toilet is so good? Repeat, Panda. I am joking? oh ~ really !

That is what the Trump says?

FBI....usually they teach you from the news, like the Mario Super Bro Movie.  Right? The sewing system going to the sea, they process the water, or they process the trash, just flushing it all out to the sea, those?  Its the shampoo soap and the hair conditioner, or the regular all soap water ....I use a lot more water on my hair skull sides, these keep rinsing, I tell everyone per step, per road map, and leave the water on the basin ....my wood basin to wash off those soap all around these wood.

5 mins when I get my hair dryer outside to use my towel to dry, and shut off the water, that is just 2 mins more, or 5 mins more the straight cold water. No, not every single time, just when I remembered....it bothers me. The cold water usually wash the entire bathroom better. 

So, are these 2 things related? 

No, are they the collaboration projects?

MD 6+2 and MD 4+2 System file data to these WWII lines, its I say that to the UB, and all of them have an intern. Saying we only solve this MD 6+2.

Many of them are the early assurance program.

The only 2 people don't get to the medical school, would be you and Tamang = its the international medical school. 2 years SABA Tamang gone to, 2 years he transfer back to the US. All the same USMLE 1 2 3. But Tamang is the student athletes, biking, and he has this funny chest water pressure condition. He was a double e from Montana.

You still Ola your own meals, every prayers you gratitude at? There are many ways to make Dean or that Eric to feeling it, you exist, every guy is blind and mute, they just too shy to realize how good and virtuos, to that Capitalism under or the money, or the housing or the school expense, and they are ALL TALLER white guy's world, not you as the polish. You speaking English at home? You have the friends like the middle school, you have those polish community gathering, you used to go. It makes you different from Julie and Julia movie alone, they are all from Poland? 

We are the similar height, like Karen they are, or Adria. But the taller white guy's worlds, would be .....when they are serving on their wind to their career, it would be they meeting their networks 500 + Linkedin, those are not a lie? I only have 2. 

I just want to know how far the morning sun was the prayers of the feet, no one appreciate you this per litter Earth breath air you intake, it makes that so breath-taking, no one knows that was the one extra lapse you run on the morning trail, how Gazillia, trips her ankle, and Grace wasn't there, the 12 Years of Slave from Michael Fassbender, the Oscar winner.

It was the lotto massage, anyone shows to Nick? I wasn't.....

It was the praise and the compliment you cannot acknowledge, someone else has the authority, I Anna has to be watchful every single step you all dare to....one line missing. Snape?! That is the power of the classify when you seize that intelligent, because no one listens to, you agree? The court room without that actual power to say the money or the time, or the bigger offices to say Harvard the community service projects - how is Makar's Linkedin facebook, I never read. Makar will sounds like a word the Casino here....

澳門, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. I used to make that video. 


So, I wasn't right on her own sister, it was just I coincident.....loudly random says. 

You have a sister and a cousin?! 

That is MD 8 minus 1...so at least MD 7, when in the combination works, someone or the UB local community they used to be there, someone will get informed. You think that is a correct power settlement, I do what I feel like, UB 60-65 facebook used to be + 10, saying the Canisus, ECC were just 1 Silas, he doesn't have the other friends from ECC, so that is 1 2 3, if not the Buffalo State, and if not the Demon's college on the main st....

Someone didn't need to be that wasting in time with the classify material, never claim, to waste anyone's time, my time.

You want to try again, every prayer listing, starting the morning sunrays dew?

Its Dean and Eric's appreciate the beauty of that radiant glows, how the volunteering service like the Day in Life, so that dorm room, like my house door easy access when my parents not around, when my father mother not saying, my sibling not around, all those Mat not around...

The radiant beauty of that glows, were that shining through the sun rays, its the health talk, its the fitness leisure points, its the new age extra breathing inhale, that no one distort my inner chi, the Panda, tranquility, of that sun light nurture that thy my soul, a diary book, to say the string, not the check books, just like her photo!!

That is the female "sister" panda on the top....

Below, that is flatting low...sleeping, Olivia?! How is Hugh? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vuejLiuN2gw

Sorry, he is on the stair with a black dog behind bark barking, the middle video, the wrong sequence, 3 and this 1 and the flower....breath taking the morning dews.


Hawaii of course is far away.....You are almost back to the US. 

You both the guys or the girl's friends are not coming in, Olivia?


Next - Ola your prayers every meal and every day, Dean and Eric's monday morning every dew....to the radiant inner beauty, say it.

Through the birds? I continue this post, ...its too long ! 

The inner beauty video on the facebook.




I cannot talk anything other than Shane? Zawanna says....

What is this I cannot talk about anything other than Shane?

I need to use the American to tell Chinese / Taiwan here. "Tell her everything how you hurting the family, or her?" - its Ola's image behind.

Friday night means I swallow a tea leaf egg? Too lazy to walk down, I just want to go to sleep and I already brush my teeth.  I used to read the Bible in UB before I met that guy talking none sense on this Master's teaching every word of it. He believes that.....people pray on those stuffs, and now, the religion discloses to everyone. I never pray ~!

Friday night just you can eat anything you ever want? 

I am not sure if they are in the concert....

I am watching the ASMR, cannot show you the video. 

The birds talk on the Friday ~~~

If we have the motorcycle, I actually not planning to do that.

"She may not need that kinds of the life anymore."  speaking of to the Ireland life.

Did I say its in Taipei ~~? 

Its about the food to talk about? 

I told Shane things that is real or not real, in my view to say about a certain thing, but here I cannot talk about it. 

The movies what you all watching on Friday, or the weekend? 

Probably for the girls to get near the guys, but most time, the guys don't like the girls, and the reality many times is their internal says, if you can see inside them. They just smile, that doesn't mean they are happy or not happy, care or don't care about that is their life they always got, or that is the life, they wish to talk to they themselves. 

Yeah ! I am sure? Yes. 

The guys always need the girls all around, but many times.....its either they don't exist, or they will find the girls when they really need them to appear, people know where some girls where to find them. I didn't turn down them, I say I need to 1 person get this done. 

I getting near, don't mean everything .....I tell him some of the life ideas, if we get together? 

We come one step at a time ~~~ but I can always response something I knew about the music when I grew up ! He made all those video, I tell him. Sometimes you go along with the guy and one day stop and tell him, "I saw something in your video, there is no body there when you put the 5 guys in the cold wind to sing. Its here. "

Yeah, I convince him, its this way, here.

I go along with him for 1 year, its not a lot of those real talk, this year I flip some table. 

okay, don't talk about it don't talk about it. I go to sleep. 

I don't need to train people like his movie: Oblivion

I watch all his movie in the hospital. That is actually not real, one of the many things that is never real in life. I only had 1 person I met, and then my mother. UB was the time I just enter the US to speak in English after one year EF or one year in Kentucky their university. 

I am guessing what I see.....so, maybe because my sibling had some knowing, or they got put together somewhere I would never know. In their real life, those will be real.

But in my life, it started in some time, and it was gone. And never again, any real anymore. And right now this situation, it probably is best, never gonna be real like my sibling those. So I take it that way. But no, I am not sure what I see, so I never say all that to Shane. They are just a star, you don't imagine seriously putting 2 people together like getting on a date?~

Some guys are mad for anything.

No, 30 years ago.

I go to sleep. 

💖💝 Do I have a plan with Shane? 💖💝

It doesn't take that long to talk to the guy, one year last whole year? Beside they entire boy groups got mad over the water or the moisturizer, or the lotions. The cosmetic make-up, because its the fan given to them. 

You believe just talking to them like a fan, its once of the lifetime, pretending I am the Honorable Superior because the Youtube switch it for me? Or the chat room box how I can use it, or my phone? You ever inside your life, seeing the human like a celebrity, literally on the concert? 90s don't have the internet in my countries, not even the HBO until when we have more channel, and I will be in the comic book or the volleyball team. Where I got my 10 textbook to study, ending up here talking?

You imagine just throw away a life, without one parent, one aunt, not the uncle, or the uncle is with or without since home, or that one old guy some religion needs him, he should be alive or dead because of the Painting or the Truman's Show? 

They are running about, you don't talk to them until they stop running too about anywhere, having the meeting, having the phone calls, having the business. And ....where is my career hanging around all about them? I didn't come up to my own happy worlds, when? Just drop everything in life, HOW to be with this guy, flying over, to......demand how to talk, or the phone?

You worry I cannot talk to one Nicky or one Shane?

No, I am not 100% sure. Do I care? 

I have too many responsibility to tell you what I really care, or don't care. My Money, and my career to when I retire....or I thought about that and tell him? Putting into some kinds of the words, or that is Nicky or Kian cannot be trusted, or trust that...its not them but I already told them.

No, I figure it out probably they talk to each other, but sometimes I got too many things, trust them, not to trust them. Ireland is very far away from here, its another worlds. I think its fine, so I just talk to them ~~~happy jumping in jumping out, forget whom I am talking to!

Some people plan some stages in life, I wasn't. 

To be with a guy. I probably don't need to be with anyone because of too many things to something might be TOO giant, so I tell Shane about some stuffs we talk about it. Next time, its when the overall parts settle. He understands that.

That was last year.

So to be honest.....you don't need to hang on the phone to keep talking to them, they are working. And I don't need to be here, telling you?!  That was last year. 

I am....NOT sure why I have to be here talking about this. Its Friday night, I go to sleep ~~~

You all doing this get together and break up and hanging up on another phone, one of those in combination. I think me and them broke up already, that was last year ! Sorry, this year, too. Hanging on the phone?!

I have too much dignity to....believe in it, this is a very simple thing, and hanging on the phone, they cannot work and I cannot work. This year, I forget when.....its the first time I realize, I need to talk like the normal girl talk because last year it was so in a hurry, and I talk like my voice was the first time I hear my own talk, all that.

I didn't get the exact words, how to be like that.....because, they were on the tour !

If 1 year and half missing .....it would be the make-up or the moisturizer's talk !

It would be yelling at them included, maybe more like the UB talks, or whom talk-to whom.




There is a strange thing going on, maybe I just leave that whole situation alone. I am not that complicated.

Vomiting ....想吐

Today is Friday, Westlife concert. Its the happy Friday in Asia time....

I want to lay down. I wasn't thinking, now I am for sure thinking. No that is not what I saw. I don't even know when the video was made 1 hours ago. No. (The birds in the kitchen.)  I just lay down, seeing....I was saying the last post they imagining things. This is AI imagine things, you all imagine things as the boybands, or the Prince they whom imagined things, and not proven it, that is the legal evidence those ?

No, I never will use the AI, I used to say the map under the water, finger push it down, never literally speaking to trigger the AI by thoughts, of course not.

Why am I feeling shaking, after the vomiting parts? My left hand.

Shane, did you call me?

Today, vomiting.....my hair curl tie up behind. In the mirror, I have to lay down, its all those outside straight horizontal bars. Don't call me ! Mission Impossible 2, I saw the trailer, not just that clip.

I c. you asked me?

I think, that might be one piece looking like that, I see, not like that.

But the movies, that is all surrounding the environment !!! That is the ancient AI.

Shane ~ Its Friday, this is a City life.

The door close....that is the million people's life, some is facing the American timezone and some face the Europe timezone. 

Do we have the Friday? After the school Friday.....the weekend !

I never gone to the American Friday those happy hour, it was Dr. T's office. until 5. No, not the lab. Today there is a heart in the sky ~~~before the sunset. 


主唱,還是電影? 鋼鐵人跟復仇者聯盟 ? 不是,在 UB 那邊,還有西門 + 歐巴馬 ~ 真實人在哪邊,但是對,有貼到一點 ! 他們是專業那個音樂界,很多人當初認識的吧 ! 男的女的那些~我不會去管那種事情,我沒有要去演電視、音樂那種東西。

你們不知道我事情很多的意思 ? 

小鳥在講~『 小鳥 !! 說什麼?』 

錄影天空(臉書),餃子皮煮我的下午茶 !

他們有商業型式,我也不是很清楚誰是誰好了~ 因為有個穿藍色 ! 你們一定覺得我非常在意誰是誰的關係,這我在台北,除了美國之外,日本你們有要去嗎 ? 我想知道~我當然想知道 !!!

這都是我 1 個人,對著一個法官,昨天講了,這兩天都在講。

是不是尚恩很受歡迎的意思? 西城男孩?

整個叫做西城男孩,歐洲男孩樂團很久的以前,這所有人都長大了 ! 有些是美國樂團,他們都長得一樣對你們的意思 ~~你們要不要往天堂一點 ! 都說你們垃圾滿天下的關係 .....

他們有些商業行為,我靠過去一點的意思 ! 
開星際 !

資本主義,那時候是很嚴重,她會有一點什麼什麼,但是很少很少很少,如果你們現在開始,商業主義,資本主義 ~外面有靈修等等等,但是聽說人比較遲鈍,身高高,用時間換取經驗,這應該不是真的,但是我往那一個方向 !

金錢第一 !

有很多出事情的事情,但是,好像是經融業 !

男朋友炫耀的意思 ? 我在廚房,說什麼?  我媽脖子 (尚恩很受歡迎.....),意思帶男朋友見家長,喔~有這回事情,阿南是我開車到紐約市,我媽跟我弟弟聽說,她跟他 Skype, 不相往來叫做一輩子,現在這一輩子不見了 ~~

不是這種雞毛蒜皮的事情 ..... ??

是電影,那種遇見家長的怎麼翻譯那種電影 ? 我在講人生不是在講電影 ~~

( 小鳥 ~~是在講家長預見,炫耀男朋友的事情嗎 ? 說~~你們很愛講 ?! 屋頂 ~)

可能是男朋友,還是炫耀男朋友 ?


我覺得我一個人去哪裡比較重要 ....

你們是說你們 ?? (小鳥說 對 ),我在看短的影片 Youtube, 就是你們也有戀愛的人,坐在我前面吃飯跟我吃飯? 男的跟男的,女的跟女的? 你們在幻想我是給你們前面吃飯的那個人?

三軍以前有一個總司令他有一張照片,現在可能沒了~~將軍的意思只有一位 ! 不是天兵天將那種小紅帽日本卡通 90 年代~在地球,那是美軍,我跟我家人叫做永遠不可能來往 ~!!

錢會有,爸媽殘障的意思,但是 ....大概也是你們養的關係,還是他們朋友等等等~~他們去跟朋友再一起大概,市民什麼什麼,因為我弟弟需要,這件事情發生....很久了,你們只是用猜的,除了時間的方向,還有某些位置很殘酷的某種事情,我只是沒有真的 "炫耀"! 

你們男孩子跟外國那種文化類似,現在台灣,我見過 ....



我擺了一些照片,跟為什麼這些漫畫還在公眾網頁流傳百世那種 ...千萬年那種~~某種人的某種叫做站姿叫做站著,坐著叫做坐好,講話叫做英文中文隨便遛的意思 !

你們跟很多人吃飯,除了跟我吃飯,我認為~~還有一個霍建華,他也是一個千萬劫的問題 !

家庭式的照片長的很和藹,西城男孩 ?? !  是嗎?

我再說我 ~~~

這種 Youtuber 或是這個男孩子是日本人,你們覺得不錯 ? 你們沒有跟爸媽說你們在後面鬼鬼祟祟做什麼的意思? 警察知道你們很在意,哪種事情,他們通常站著上班,沒有鬼鬼祟祟學 Youtuber 有個 r 這英文字是怎麼掰給你們爸媽聽的 ?怎麼寫 ? 很少人知道這是一種商業型式,累積人緣概念,上神叫做上古邪惡的意思,不是那種滿慈子,那是上電視 ~~! 喔 ! 所以我不可能在電視上面 ~~這些人需要講,不是跟我照片比較,排排隊你們現在很會比較自己跟朋友,或是其他女孩子,男孩子呀 ~~我的照片,叫做免費呀 ~~

你們要真的出去做成這一件事情,才會說你們跟這個日本男孩或是某些廚師,中國日本都可以,這些人你們跟他們一樣 !

如果是講演藝事業,或是獨立個體的音樂唱歌,那也不是我~我唱給你們聽,滾出去的意思~~這種音樂形式我在講英文講給很多人說,有一天才會那種獨立音樂是被 .....收購,某種音樂公司,叫做唱片公司,發行,那種叫做真正的商業背景公司,那時候,你們才會出現在這種西城男孩的正前方~叫做坐下來!!

吃飯 !

小鳥一直在講 Ronan ( 發行公司) 

你們在幻想演藝事業 + 發行公司,唱片公司 ? 一定是台灣擺出來的這所有垃圾你們相信的意思 ?  喔~ 就是不錯的意思 ? ! 那你們獨立個體音樂發展,很多韓國女孩子,小~你們幾歲的意思? 然後? 

台灣擺出來的垃圾是說她已經有,一些存在者 ! 

這不算獨立個體,也其實不是商業模式那種....專業 !

她算是一種她自己門內的東西 ~

滑雪 ? Jones 醫藥費很昂貴的意思,日本,柯南? 

我絕對不會跟你們做這種事情 ... 我站著,旁邊有座位 ! 



是在講巴巴基,我也不會覺得他差到哪裡 ...

雪花紛飛跟這麵粉有什麼關係 ? 鑑定 ?

醫生護士專業,玩電動玩具,包裝食品盒子 (小孩),嬰兒剛出生,送花,印度,什麼什麼~~是說你們哭對著手機就好,有人需要有職業叫做金錢灑下來,法院法官我會不知道你們怎麼以為跟自然不知道~這我中文講多少 ? 反正 ABC 也不讀中文,對吧 ?

日本地址: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qh0RRgeTa8k

喝咖啡喝酒,講完沒 ?

Ghost 鬼 


中國廚師 ~是螃蟹我跳起來~我從來沒有見過那種東西,六年前

出書、做三明治 (美國?)




喔~我最近,跟新聞電視,喔~ 花 ! 卡片 ...死完沒? ! 好,那種問題 !

我其實並不清楚 !

那 Mably 算你們的問題嗎 ? (我的屋頂跨了~很大聲 ! 可能是隔壁 )

演王子與我的那個 2004 有 1-4 ~~我沒有真的看過之後的,他是日本跟他國家哪裡的問題吧 ~


天空說女孩子的子宮有毒 ~螃蟹跟柿子是中毒,我進來叫做英國國王很生氣~意思你們吃飯去挑撥離間的意思跟 Mably? 這不是那種皇家宮廷劇,你們真的跑去看小說漫畫,你們家長有錢可以這樣養你們,不錯,是說晚上睡覺去幻想那種 ? 以前國中那種考試沒有壓力除了念書,你們看小說不是漫畫,那種形容詞,誰跟誰玩遊戲那種? 喔~女孩子插在男孩子那些這樣這樣 ...真的?! 我都不知道 ~~


好吧 ~我是真的不知道,修行有點久,太久一點再美國要工作的關係 ~

是真的幻想,好,我想一下 !

你們沒有想要順便修行,學英文,國家幫助或是自力更生,因為要趕上某種時間,那種... 我只講了英文,趕上 ? 容顏、外表、金錢、商業、講話談吐、吃飯?

你們可能是自己比較年輕的時候,在台北有點經濟? 或是還很年輕那種,房地產類似或是經融? 所以你們是知道我在講什麼的~

尚恩 and Hugh

台灣有 ...老的跟老個

這是什麼意思? 你們只會講中文或是台語 ?


小鳥說之後是 Ronan Ronan 之後 下降~~那是什麼意思?


我要不要先跟尚恩說一聲~今天是禮拜五,他們演唱會哪時候 ....明天再說好了! 他們回家再看好了 ! 看到這種東西,我眼淚要掉下來了~~~


尚恩 Shane 




尚恩跟我,對 ! 暫時先擺在旁邊,在台灣,但是這個時間先擺在旁邊,我比較現實所以先擺在旁邊,我人生的現實跟  *******金錢********  有關那種。在台灣就這樣下去會有一些事情,叫做你們把誰誰誰通通擺在我爸媽那個年紀的一些,我 25-30 年沒有見過的,每一個電視出現的爸媽跟小孩。

你們知道我爸是哪裡人? 上面是爺爺的那一邊? 我現在叫做什麼?  (小紅帽的,有一個比另一個更恐怖的),總而言之,你們是非常確定,還是你們知道那是什麼意思 ?  那是在講家人親戚,親戚的小孩跟小孩、爸媽的朋友然後小孩,就是整個中國倒錢,然後呢? 

我在講你們兩邊的埃本,一個國民黨跟民進黨,是跟方方比較要好的下面 40 年在*********華盛頓 DC *********進行 ...??? 這是中國倒錢,還是擺一邊?

先做是怕 ....你們不知道 classify 英文字的定義 ? 我昨天在 ~~~~~ 慢慢問 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

倒 = 嘿~打字的寫中文 214 ? ㄉㄠˋ

不是,我問你們的事情,是要很清楚的告訴你們 ? 

阿南 + 舍利弗他媽的 (沒有舍利弗),重寫

阿南 + 舍利弗媽



所以 ~~真實人生,不是不能見到,我帶著這個男孩子跟我,坐在你們有些大飯店的座椅,聽你們講話,還是他們已經在哪裡講話了 ! 所以假設我們是要出席的,但是那是誰認識的 ? 我弟弟 !  


體重身材、談吐、朋友禮儀、中西方的意思、學歷、學品、藝術、天才、打藍球的意思 !


你們在發明電視的意思 ! 裡面劇本 ~以前的過往的那種講法 ! 時間的串流,你們好像很喜歡講這種東西。

在忙,看 CNN, 之前的檔案 ! 你們中英文不用看,就是我兩邊看 ... ... 你們上課沒有朋友帶報紙講話那種? 誰有早上的報紙那種,誰誰誰,什麼什麼,習慣類似,我在美國沒有,現在回家看到一堆人,我看到人我才會有以前習慣出來。

閃耀暖暖說你們的未來在哪,講了六年,決定完沒 ?

我不會慌恐,但是我根本就不認識 ! 你們是不知道這定義叫做,我根本不認識 !

所以呢? 你們全部通通搬到華盛頓的旁邊,跟原本那些英國王子應該,還是他們搬到日本,現在是你們通通過去,我在台北跟尚恩? 你們是知道有個為什麼? 那她們一輩子就不需要工作,有這種事情可以在那邊...閒閒晃晃看電視那種,你們以為台灣立法院跟美國華盛頓是一樣的地方,這台北立法院有這麼好進進出出,這樣走進來走進去,因為中國電視 ?

好像不是這樣吧 ?

你們如果送一批,那這中國、日本、韓國、新加坡等等等,就是國家保送生的意思? 一輩子躺在那邊,還是附近上課這樣,講中文講英文,英文造詣 ~~爸媽一起過去那邊吵得意思? 

我在閒聊不是我真的知道 ! 



那隻在睡覺,怎麼有一天有一個新棉被,然後,新籠子,他...爬到轉身坐著 ! 我們在看一樣的東西 !

不是講這些 ! 劃掉好了 ~

講中文的關係,什麼都沒有辦法講是因為  (躺著就睡著)


你們在自責的意思,還是我一條一條念給你們聽的意思 ?

馬英九在哪年的時候,是她 50 歲的時候,你們知道這種變裝的概念 ? 但是小孩是 17 /18 /19 歲,人家看著到 30 歲,之後就不存在了 ! 又尤其是女孩子,所以就算給變裝,實質上,並沒有人真的很在乎這個人,她自己以為,美國敢讓有些事情存在,絕對是因為沒有意義才會繼續出現,跟前後顛倒這種事情,她想要跟她幻想的某種事情。

她結婚跟她性,阿南一天到晚都在講她性他人 !

我在猜,每一件事情就一天到晚都有人再告她 1986 開始沒有停止,到哪個四個婚禮一個葬禮,她去結婚跟性他人那種 ! 變裝跟便服講英文那種。

當初的越南難民是 90 年代的時候,她見到一些高層的軍事等等等 ! 就是說女孩子跟男孩子有點不太一樣,在人生,跟碰見一些很難拉難扯的事情,因為將領不是在講,她那時候已經 40 歲你長得像小孩,打扮,或是去聯合國 45 歲 上下,你們可能覺得人可以長那樣等等等!

男孩子的生殖器官跟女孩子,很多有些性教育跟人生,這阿南該死是死在那種東西上面,女孩子某種熱 ~在哈利波特裡面,陰道有一個水在冰的環面冰桌上,裡面藏了一個項鍊盒,這種熱氣是說男孩子一天你們自己碰過自己叫做安全,兩三次那種 ! 但是女孩子跟男孩子並不一樣,大部分女生根本不知道,七次,熱氣身體,性是說裡面,女孩子其實真正有那種跟男孩子 1/10 那種感受,是在外面,尿尿的那個很敏感的東西,男孩子要等 20 分鐘,女的可以連接 7 次,有一天這個水,大概 2 ml 會消失,這哈里波特裡面演,就是大火串升 !

這有很嚴重嗎 ? 你說這該死的阿南是如何傷害人跟該死的? 你們信徒的中國妓女! 這每一件事情要公眾化嗎 ? 我說鞭子跟手槍 ! 臉一條一條劃下去叫做現實 ~ 血要用永生永世好好怎麼知道這攝影機的前面,每一個人的每一條腿 ~記得 ! 敢知道一絲絲~什麼叫做永生永世 !

這這件事情叫做光明的出現之前~~你們不會有什麼結果的 ! 

玫瑰的刺 ~記得她的兩條大腿,攝影機~每一天尖叫到知道~一絲絲!



記得這每一個男生叫做徒弟要跟她性~電視上整個宇宙直到永恆叫做活著呼吸,你們敢 !

敢一個就每一個上~包括女的 ! 都說~不是傷害我無嗎 ?


聲音要做到淫蕩呀 ~~~每一個這種影片不是很值得嗎 ? 一絲絲~這整個宇宙就看著 ~你們以為我拿不到的意思 !

排好隊伍 ! 跟玫瑰的刺~三明治 !


整個世界滅? 我覺得你們挺高昂性致的~不是嗎 ?


這高科技跟她的越南賤姑短腿的~並沒有什麼關係 ! 這天主教很多陰謀論,她越南籍當初的紙上故事是說台灣給尼姑五百塊 (打雷了!),那是台灣寺廟,這花千骨講的哪個師父,當年在台灣的一開場 ....已經都死光了,那個時間 !

有沒有什麼意義 ?

通常就是網路八卦 ~她跟德國丈夫再一起兩年,寫出來哪種詩集叫做彼此吵架 78 / 79 慕尼黑 ~你們看不懂英文,就是整個亂七八糟的東西在愛家愛愛愛愛的意思 ! 阿南一天到晚都在說有錢有名就是一天到晚送東西給大頭 ! 那是 2000 在美國風光的意思 ! 怎麼不去問他呢? ~

(巨大的打雷) 在兩年印度是當初,她根本沒有簽證可以永久居留,變成這什麼垃圾電視叫做真愛跟心的魔法 (魔法少女,講的印度國師 ),砍死你們的兔子 ! 



當初台灣有聖嚴,還是哪個和尚 ~她被剃度的師父在台灣其實是一個越南籍的 ~她本名並不是無上師~那是在台灣出現在紙張才會有這種,叫做清海無上師的事情,根本就沒有人知道這山脈中,是那時候給的名字,還是中國佛教禪定 (叫做斂財) 之下的組織名稱才會有這種,一天到晚叫叫叫賤人的名字。

寫出來的東西,就是你們相信垃圾的意思 !

她當初逃跑到紐約 ~好幾次在台灣美國轉來轉去,有一天在台灣幹嘛的意思 ! 這邊界是可以踩下去,根本就不知道她在逃跑這哪一年哪一邊,從英國到德國到印度,在哪一天怎麼會踩到台灣,尼姑五百塊,你們隨便找個 80 年代的尼姑,不就知道,踩到美國...這你們做難民,你們是真的相信逃跑無止盡,哪種 ABC? 是苦盡甘來? 我說她是越南人,你們要說台灣人,她當初這一整個 90 年代就是在香港轉轉轉轉簽證,是誰記得當初她可以一直待在西湖苗栗?

根本就不存在,跑到美國,被轟出去才會在,叫做什麼匈牙利,妓女的名字 ! 跟我的名字混在一起有個 男孩子的生蟄器官 ~叫做陰莖的東西~要不要拚一下 ! 多高的靈修~真的呀 ! 這摔下來講好聽叫做 ? 12 (只有 13 音的五句),永恆地獄才會叫做講好聽呀 ! 

直線下去 !

她當初逃跑的地方並不是法國,在德國 ! 

(外面再巨雷~~反正她不再,不需要聽呀 ! 去外面被雷打死的意思 !)

你們一定是很慶幸的意思~她護照見過? 不是穿著叫做作賤民貴婦的意思 ?你們一起~呀 ! 一呀 咿呀 咿呀 ~~你們最好要互相貼著,同進同出呀 ! 這種難能可貴的再一起~叫做生生世世! 多甜蜜~ 她難民護照跟你們一樣的意思! 

越戰是她踩出去英國的隔年?出現的~~這可笑,我告訴妳們,什麼叫做天意跟 ET 的意思 ~很多曖曖曖曖曖曖~想起來,會記得的 ! 小布來妮有個向日葵 ~~什麼意思 ! 很多向日葵跟日本柯南一堆向日葵的畫畫 !

喔~ 唉 !


並不是 ~ 有人活該去死才會剛好哪裡不來,偏偏來到台灣做尼姑五百塊一個月 !

你們怎麼不去問這台灣中國佛教協會那種 ? 


在跟我說話,沒有人需要跟你們講話 !

打雷轟轟烈烈 ~巨雷巨雨~去聽呀 !

檔案可不可以告? 多久以前是破產~大概一開始就是破產,在台灣叫做斂財、斂財、斂財 ~跟宋七力的 wiki 徒弟跟師父一起斂財 ! 我出生,她可能就已經破產~提那是金牛座呀 ! 

凡爾賽玫瑰 80 年代作品,一條項鍊 ~ 那時候告完還會等現在 ?


她公眾不端莊,因為是有電視媒體的,好像就可以告 ! 

你們台灣 Joeman 是用藥,就損失上千萬 + 一半個廣告什麼什麼~那是叫做最近 ! 應該是破產吧  ~刑期活在哪裡叫做監獄也沒有人知道那種 ! 她喝酒 ~~~大概什麼下山尼姑就是隨時都可以買到酒 (西湖苗栗),演在電視上,中國... 應該就可以告那種事情,但是大概是台灣,你們有很會做這種事情,去告呀 ! 

這提娜跟饒邦的媽是不是也破產那種 ?

我昨天講提娜跟哈利王子類似,哈利王子那種小孩跟提娜就是在美國,想喝酒喝酒,想半夜 12 點回家吐著回家,我寫了很多敘述文昨天,所以這越南賤民應該也是,當初被找到,台灣哪個法名法號,哪個是哪個變成~對上 ! 我出生的時候~~

她們做什麼的? 藏著一片鐵,巨大的,在門後,往東邊美國用飛機抵達甩人腦袋那種,美國做教育就是這些人移民的關係 ~很多家庭無法呼吸的關係,在檯面上有點氣度、大條之後,就不會那種黑暗哈利波特那種,黑暗街,三井,那種黑條街~講話細細小小,二奶、嫂子~~提娜中學的玩遊戲還是小學的時候。誰是誰哥,大哥大的那種 !

乎齊呼後做壞事可以看著別人去死的那種,他們相信那種人生 !

David Jones 那種越南小尼姑收拾她徒弟的每一個最後 (噁心的電影)

對 ~ 怎麼不去查呢 ?

只要講到就火大 ! 

紅黑色的那種天 ~開一個口,這種 oval 上下寬 ~跟電影差不多,黑頭髮短髮,聽說是死了 ! 你們這布袋戲看過? 有恐怖的? ~赤河魅影有一張,是橘色硫酸階梯,趴著,無法呼吸的意思~老鷹英文叫做我執 Ego (eagle), 她怎麼了? 五教主審核怎麼了,你們不問這種叫做直接揮過去,我人生不存在的關係 ! 氣死人的東西~

應該在英國那邊好像 ~還有這肯德基的大學,叫做魔法灰姑娘好像 ....看到是類似的意思 !



那就是 orc 那些也是真的 ~~~



人鬼不分 ~~~ 我是低血壓叫做我躺著~我體重明年大概才能下來,一堆日蝕,她絕對是死在我的時間之前,我老的時候絕對不想再看到這種歷史重演 ~~你們活活砍死這些人,我活到百歲到千歲是我的事情。

人跟鬼的事情沒有什麼好談~有酒,到處都是火 ~要不要管一下?

素素喝酒~是因為? 她賣速酒 ~~小麥是公主小妹的名字, 你們 101 開場演,有個蔡英文~~看過沒? ! 日本漫畫我家小妹,我講了非常非常的久,烈火如歌也是酒,酒就是酒精,酒精著火,人身起火的意思 ! 我堂妹一起~~以前長的類似一起漫畫的意思 ! 我的心臟可以感覺到這種體重,我還需要五公斤下來~我跟你們不一樣~但是我可以感覺到我腦壓~當人很生氣的時候!

我需要躺著~ 電影電視到處都是著火 ~~~~~

還有其他事情,除了人鬼不分 ?~ 非分之想那種 ? 我頭很痛 ~~

下一個 - 是要講尚恩? 小鳥回答

你們出現?! 打雷打完了? 小鳥 ~!


This is about the music, again, or Avenger, Iron Man or the leadership talk? Not about my high school, those looking like the SA, and then UB real SA, those things? 20-25 years ago, you still believe in them?

Each the boybands its they themselves, and you separate the Ireland / parts of the Europe / Africa, and then you put the American boybands on the North all America. 

I don't think the details its between them and their primary production company, or that will be their records company, their common meets points that manager, that near by all company. They probably all have a method, and share all that, and try on a different thing - both the boys and the girls together. The female artists both in the Ireland and the America. Probably its all the music worlds, those Voice show comes out? 

** Shane will know the ********details******** things I ever do in my life? 

** He knows his world, I don't need to care about his world, he cares about my worlds, which worlds? 

The Leadership? 

The military towards the outside, they are. Those the main singer of that microphone, they have been trained, or those Vartan similar, those individual stars, the white. Those leadership are already there. You mean like from the outside all stands on the space diagrams, those? Of course, you talking about what, the military power.

I think we just live and breath, right?

******* The American presidents, its with their Congress. ******* They are, every 4-8 years terms, only at that time, they are leading that 3 army. We, too here. Something is wrong in America I can tell you that....

I am fine, here.

I don't think our internal structure or the voice inside sounds like to each other hearing what I do with my life, seriously. Speaking about the American presidents, that will be still on Biden's shoulder, those Japan *******  ALL of them *******  left to Hawaii, all those flooded water in Tokyo?  Where Mably would be at? 

Mably is on the news, that was his movie "Isolation", I just understood it now. No, I heard....Middleton they can all go to his way, but correct, I used to say.....separated them. No, that time I didn't see Mably these movies  + the news, today. He still has the TV or the movies production. 

You can get Mably attention is now. You check if everyone left. These news you read? Japan says?! Once too many people going toward Mably those military setting banquet, no food scenario those....he will be seeing 1000 people, his attention is no longer there towards you. And if we here have some people to go to Japan including me, he has to see more 1200 people other than "you", all these girls you together NOW, now go and sit in front of him. He can talk to you everyday, the next 1 or 2 months, I think Japan needs to be vacant. 

My TV news.

Westlife, I have things to do.

Are you all the political driven.

1. You are at those political party. I told Nicky yesterday. 

2. I am not that way.

a. The System Lawyers

b. The Law firms (not the individual 律師事務所, those doing simple notary or change the names on the passport those, the translation to, the child support or the separation statement on one of those newspaper. )

1:53 That is Mark to grab Brian's face. I can tell. I am busy.

I have to write like thousand papers on my PC desk, not a laptop when I set up myself in the Washington DC, doing in front of their face, or be right here. The same, its the same file-ing on the blogger, here?! I am not sure.

The things you all doing as the celebrity, you know, right? As the celebrity, your original jobs? Other than the riot promoting in the DC or the Ireland, or running into the crowd those. Together, you are the giant big family, one of those, with the banner on your forehead, or the words letter on that written things? You all together, having the sweat and the energy, all those running, chatting, talking....and hire the lawyers to do what you believe its correct?

The riot groups, that way .....  ==================>  including you all princess and prince outfit, those interior design, the glittering gold shining chair or the dinner plate....these video. That way, please, on my right. (East). Going along with the Earth rotation speed, its wind favors, from west to east. ======>

The otter saying that. 

My hair is really really really bothering me, getting long.....when can I cut it ?! By myself.

剪頭髮 cutting my hair

他們湊合湊合烏鴉嘴講話的那一隻  Those black birds gossip, that one, joining in

小鳥: 做人有時候不需要這麼固執? Conducting sometimes don't require to be stubborn.

I am looking at the guys....Its the girls behind? I trim the back, the very back, at your neck coming out two side. The weight of the hair. The front everyone knows how to cut it. I got the right side a little bit short, now, left side a little bit longer, I put it like the Japanese doll those looking. But you trim the weight, meaning stylish at it. 2 side fan, meaning wave it down, one scissor trim slanted down, right hand to the left side hair, that kind.

The birds say, your trimming your body weight?  The hair weight too heavy, any kind of the stylish at these 2 side, will cut down a lot of the hair, to shorten it, it won't matter how it mix batch, its to mix batch layers. I need the weight off my head.

You tie the back, then that is the Japanese doll? Usually ever in your life, you play the front hair....that is one cut, trim it after? The back would be two side trims, but this time I don't need to be that care about it, I need the weight down, not a super short. They grow better or something if you trim them. Its too heavy.  By section you have the front, middle, back. Where you hands can reach, pulling the front, your left hand, right hand?   I put the tissue papers in the sink.....and on the counter, how big is my bathroom?  I don't rinse them, I dry to wipe all the hair out, not water down them. My trash can. The Japanese doll means, you pull your hair, left side, right side, or right in the middle of it.  How many times can you play that hair anyway?




Ton C

What? My entire bedding going there? 

The women's geese comforter, its made in Taiwan somewhere. Its too cold in America. I try to tell you I am fine, but I am not sure when Taiwan had the winter, still cold, but they weren't snowing. ( my mother throat, and the facets up down up down up down. )

The birds say its a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of the Earthquake.










Ola, you outdoor? Which page this I should read it ?

The OU language.

Human is Igy

Above that word is gazillion   tun (sound in Chinese: ouch, very painful)

You like to treasure hunt, like that Tonawanda to the Red River Manga, and the travel from Rochester to UB, that is many them drive? Going to the I-90, coming back up to UB north campus, keep going north. 

  • Climbing the trees
  • Breathing the nature
  • Trip over the tree branches, you ever break your ankle, going home?
  • Hiking
  • Walking up the stair with the bag, or park somewhere to breath the sunrise?
  • You cannot walk where your mother can see you, just your house near by, the flat road?

The ankle is a bone, correct.

All around, right.

The ligament? You feel pain when you turn your foot with your hands, nick those kinds will know, so I know, or Hailey's father knows.

Your vocabulary is where being cute and being open means, and being naughty with a tongue out.  Dean should not do that to his fridge with his tongue, or that else, he will not get off that freezer parts with his height. 

Being cute

Being open

Being naughty

Being sweet

List 100 things you ever do in these 4 things, taps behind someone, jump on someone's back the boy or the girls, or the foreign world, you ever to go ABC, like Dean's foreigner exchange students. Imagine to get married in a different land, you trust those scam mail, and be there. It was a giant case here in Cambodia. 

You have a camera? Photograph someone and save for the memory, those? Its the sunset makes the scene....poetic? You write poem, washing cloth, the period clothes? You use the pads? 

Jump with your teeth hit....you ever bite your spoon, but jumping down from the height up to the ground, where? With the cat? The black cat, the witch flew the bloom has to be tested from the roof?

Sorry, the trees.

Eben is the tree?

The St Patrick day the parade, meaning....you walking inside the parade, to go where, changing the outfit, wait.....this morning I remembered. Other than Lee's movie, Fugitive

You gone to the rainbow bridge ? The Bible ? One foot step where, and one foot step in the water? You believe those things? You feel empowering doing all that? 


What is this Westlife - No Place That Far

You gone to the Canadian border, that side of the rainbow bridge, the Aquarian, like Sakura Cards in the 90s. Tell Wing, tell your parents before you leave the house? I found you doing that very very often, the traffic hour to use that I-90 is not that smart to say how far to reach in that North Tonawanda, those are not a safe place, not too many people there. You don't like the education world to stay on the campus all those inside, the real institution label? 

Your paper, you doing not that far difference to Harry. You pile up the evidence to say "you are right", something like that?!  You got very very tired in those reading per line, very black and white things to read, and when you need to relax, you went outside the door, a simple walk or in thinking, you think your whole day progress was on those piece of the pages.

While everyone is not shortcut, but institution inside to do those very hard science to per step doing things, or writing clear in their concepts or the plans to get ahead of any life. Except the page 394 on the magic, or any magic talk in the modern world, where everyone does the science, the filtration, the process, the procedure, or the protocol learning the manual works, the technician, or the doctor tips, or the skin to the glove, the hygienic, the facet use, the sink wash, the home, the bed, to sleep, to rest, to breath, and get back to the real "the scientist, or the doctor" path, to say talking in front of the stage. Like a Ph.D or the MD, progression is all fine.

Not drop a black cat to make it dead or the blood flows, to see if this ground land has any stain to the grass?  Are you planning to kidnap a cat? Drop it from the very tall place, you climb up with the black cat, and why it has to be a black cat?

You know what is a cut throat literally means to a black cat? 

You knock a bee hive before,...."Its cute?" here written.

Bee  OP

That is not a lick, that is a rope, you know what it says here? Hang like the pirate with the hat. All these language here often ending up a French or their words to "hat", very very often. You like the pirates idea? 

I think they all have a project in their hands, the hard science. 

Except you and that Harry to stare at this book + that Hailey, or if Nominji loves those basement to potion when Adam get rids of he himself. The magic per page, with that page 394, it makes each feels truly special and long lasting. Scrabble, running in and out of the house, love the page, kisses kisses kisses and copy machine copy copy copy.

Hide and seek, you doing that on your weekend, everyone is sleeping, or go to shopping, you asking your mother to help, or you staying your own home.....you feeling your weekend is always fruition to these comic book, the image, the contrast, the proof reading. There is no one doing any of that in the UB, you asking them their projects should be the hard science. Any of you, if you cut throat on the black magic to the black cat and drop from the attic like the Princess Diary, report to Dean, and join that Ola. Its a happier magazine BAZZAR.

That is not an indoor paints, that is the cat's throat !

Your head space floating? Happier? With the hope, your fore lobes have the response. 

Can you lose a limb if the cat bite you? You mean other than the cat? Shouldn't be. But if you use the rope to hang...whatever this OP means, my OP in the hospital means the downstair activity....its a hanging your arm be tie tie tie tie tie... You lose an arm, or a leg, both. Like you trip your rope on the ground, your foot and hanging up like the Pitch Perfect net. Anna was in it. Yeah, accidentally if you trip over.

So how long you per weekend dedicate to these per black and white print out comic book, per page counts to that per diagram write-up? Do you say the prayer, the magic spell, or something in the words to go to the sleep, or drink some water with the lighter to burn, and you swallow it down?  Its called the incantation.  You feel you will never get it wrong, if those per proof you doing that perfect to hand to the judge? Right? 

If you find out you are wrong, you got very very nervous, right? 

I think you should quit doing any of that, burn them all over, or the shredder from the office depot. You talking to no one like that Harry, you avoid the crowd to dedicate the perfect nature, that no human in it to see how you accident yourself, it may not be a silly thing, you just feel to be Oneness with the nature. You feel you are very grateful, you exist, everyone is looking at you.

Ola, no one is looking at you. Not the black cat got cut throat to feel cute and sexy at night the witch outfit to say the middle school Halloween Custom.  Most of them is doing the hard science, its tiring, but no one is going to cut a cat in that throat to say the magic dominating the worlds to rebel with me Anna saying only the military force or the police force, that is the uniform sleek, it will NEVER be a cat got cut in throat and drain in the blood to any grass.....you ever done that at the night time? 

No, you climb somewhere very high up an attic, to say the cat you grab its hurting it and you climb up small tiny windows in, and so you drop that cat down, to....let go. He didn't die, he just got dropped feeling dead, that is how you doing things? You know what it says, do you? 

You want to get the USB, save all those things you written, put that on the USB, burn down all those papers, other than keep that USB, put that way for a year.  The judge requires to call you, he or she won't lie to any of you. 

Go to the psychiatrist, and start to use the pill on you yourself, every weekend to go to sleep. No more desk works, for a year. No thinking, not imagining, no traveling, no scribble, no image copy or incantated, no TV watching those concept, not looking at the tree, the sunset, just sleep in the bed, with those pills. 

If you keep calling Shane, like I think you keep doing, or some other people included.....these UB people my facebook, they know you call Shane from me, or you calling them, they will know you are police them, that is what you do? Its for them never nosy into your real life, you want to be honest to tell one of them. You doing that for a purpose, no one will tail gate you, say that clear to one of them, be honest. 

No, Ola, this is what you do

You tell Dean? or Eric? or Wing, or just loudly on those common forward message. 

"I want all of you to leave my life alone, I find my own life purpose. I think Anna does on purpose, or having you all hating each other, and all those movie I know what it means, you all get on my nerves, or anything to my peripheral, so if I keep calling you, you feel there is noise, you won't get on me. Its a psychology I learn from Silas, I lie, correct, but I want you to know I am powerful, and all that. And no, I am not doing the cat, or if that is a rat. I want to be left alone, so if you all just don't bother me, I can stop calling or make you feel I am participating in these MD 20+ -1 = 19, I know exactly what that means. I find my purpose, please respect me, and let me go on that route. I think that is what they asking us to do, its to reach to our potential, not really what System in the computer, to say the digits we eat it down its the paper dollar sign bill. Its my destiny, and my fate, those are the real words to know what 2000 means that Bible is validated."

You can just copy and forward to those facebook chat room box.

"I am too nervous, so I copy Anna's message to send you, what do you think? Can you write me back, I promise this is the last time I bothering you. I hope you have a good night. "

You want to tell one of them

"If you can keep my cat, or a litter, that the cat can live in it. The cage with a leash, that was my original purpose, traveling to some places. "

You tell them clear, the medical school will be no longer ever ever ever to do with you any any any more. You feel the first time you can breath, you feel the first time your purpose is served, you feel the first time you are empowering you yourself like that Inelia Benz used to say, all that. 

What otter has the cat.... Ma ko...

You want all of them get out of your future road, you tell them what you up to and they all leaving you alone.

You tell them, you will never never never never never never cook. Everyone has a freedom, just don't bother each other anymore. That is a maid job. 

You just tell them the reason you calling any of you "your listing A to Z", you forward all the same voice message, I want to drop by and you baby sit that cat in the litter, in the cage on the ground they assign, you. That is why you feeling all these, its empowering, and I know you know I stay on the jobs, but its MY JOBS, not your jobs, you don't understand it. 

You just say its the cat involved the story, its not what you think, but I tell you in advance, in case I pass it by....and whom knows, maybe we have a chance? 

You tell them you are very very very much against to cook, or the cooking, you all believing that now she says? She changes that saying all the time.

You said, there is only one story you follow, its not other people, the guys to be crown, it has to be the girl like me to magically be crown those stories, I thought you all knowing that, not the Queen, its the..crown, exactly like the movies, I know what it means. It will never be Wing, those things. If I can rise all the way top, to own all the golds and glittering, of course its me, the Wizard of the Oz.

You just say, all these input, if you knew which stories its the girl reaching to the top, like the book like the movies, it sounds like you know my heart as the MD to the client, those says. It never was a romance story, its I want it all !

So you care about the comic book story....those kinds, uhm? 

I c. The Dream Exchange Games, the girls. 

Its only the modern world.  Kail, not Kali, the Three World King?!

You use the guys to get rids of the guys, or the guy is none applicable anymore, those claims. You should just burn them all in the ashes, seriously. 

Anyone next by the story, its you get rid of that guy. So it will never be Wing at Wing's story, that kinds. Its exactly the crown, you all the way to top. Never cooking, you tell them clear, that is your movie direction in life. 

No, all these stories in combination, most of the UB is not looking so clear why it should? They did, but I went to rebel on them, but not they give up the reason why they will be getting rid of, what does that mean?  The crown, the crown, the crown,....no cooking, its the maid's jobs. You just tell which guys you getting rid of them, Simon, or that is Shane ?! You keep in touch is to getting rid of them on those law paper arguments, like that Wing. 

Its the fair to run, no hard feeling, mate?!

You want them to give up the movie, right.

That....will be Simon and Obama.

Then....UB these guy's in combination with the CADS pharmacy girl's tutor that one.

You just message them less to contact, you just tell them straight, "give up your movie, I think that is the end of the nice conversation between you and me. I used to keep in contact, it will never be the love between, but hey but hey, no hard feeling talking like the black community!"

Come up to the Top

In the Height.

Its not Shane? No, that is 5 of them, all together.

You would say that correctly to Simon, and Obama.

Not Shane? No. 

You tell Wing, you don't want to be seen together as the movie together. So you probably shouldn't keep calling, this open from everyone to every side, your life needs to turn more you gear towards, and Anna show to everyone, what my real intention, so I just want to let you know....I wish you and me don't be seen inside these movies, or pair next by. Its me solely one person main role. You think that is a lot safer argument to all the stories in combine.

But Ola, no one figures it out, its not joint together the story.  Most people just play the movie or the comic book, for....a lighter jokes, between the UB those your classmate, if seeing it funny. You....want to move that everyone just don't get on to your side, those? Then, you say that clear to them, you don't wish those movie content got split, its you main focus solely.

Someone told you that?

I go to sleep. You should call them UB 6+2, be clear.