
Ola, I suppose to sleep 2 hours more, the birds say.

But it says 1 hour ago, to get up ! 

I was talking to shane and here, everyone about the System Lawyers yesterday the 1st post, explaining myself with them. Then later.....This is Vicky's arm cut off in W Two Worlds, if I becoming the king in Ireland. Their history called the V King, yesterday the sky has no more Island, and Shane kneels to a distort England, the birds kneel. - imaginative what should have thought about.

Today I have a monitor, Jackman and Reynolds, oh ~ his name is Hugh Jackman. And the discovery of the pharmaceutical video. I don't watch everything. The worlds is getting darken, and AI covers my eyes....my Heaven timeline is everyday on the fresh sunshine, the external worlds, and their...Babaji destroyed all worlds like the clouds here say the Heaven. Or the Zawanna from Aladdin similar to the white clouds outside my sky, 2 days ago, I show to people, why the birds used to talk in Persian. You want to repeat now?

"The gratitude to the morning forest run off the sneaker, [ it was the tooth brush my handicap mother doing that in front of our entrance the birds scream ], it was Dean appreciate the beauty and the serenity inside, that he cannot see. It was a joke, Tamang laugh. Quietly the last night a drank of the alcoholic beverage and the sports gear althletcis, sea food, the football season Horay !"

And I cannot have the photo here. Tamang is the gun man show on the facebook, his world. I just invited him like the birds plan.....you think that whole wide world, the birds be responsible, that kinds? 

"The morning dew of this New Age, to that tranquility inside, its the Heaven and the Bible, to that 777 slot machine, Karen's younger sister to pull and bet on it. I have no sibling just like Anna. Its the movie makes the next to bet, that chair and the throne, the sky darken cannot brush my soul or the mood be dim light all shines, through...Ronan's glory. It was the enemy in the front, that was Dean on the back pulling or the wings above the umbrellas..that is a heart shape, none of them realize it was amicable.....how Simon hearing the first greeting, you were on the movie cover the hard case. Right? Jean ma dead in the cancer, was the music hard case called the VS black tie. Its her organization junks, anyway."

Say it.

"The same birthday Tamang 9/2, Square and Keanu Reeves, were 3 getting drunk to say twist and turn like a mermaid on the ground, a beat up giant white man power dance, it was touching the skin....I say. Not me Ola says, agree? Like Dr. Steven Hairfield means.....the twist and turn means - how the power makes the darken valley, it will be Harry and Tina's Dave Jones sway....when the justice is not served, by wobbling, there is no reason to believe, a better tomorrow leaves today's sicken American like you all halo on the very top, the Irish entering the Radio City, after 25 years?"

Say it ! 

"It was the tranquility, and calm down my mind like the legally blonde Reese not the Whole Truth, its the Witherspoon."

Say it....

Calm enough?

"The time didn't stop my skin, its the page three hundred and ninty four....bet on the 2 more years to say everyone entering the 40s, their early assurance didn't place the skin or the personality shine enough through that state school, or the state certificate like the MCAT or USMLE 1 to 3, and those are the individual year, will never say, it was the general lab to re-starting a basic Dr. T. You asking someone for an authority voice, meaning that person agrees with you, how he did it his medical school, right? The power dance would be, he allows you wear a sneaker how to cut a cat in throat, if not the Tree bunk bed to trip you and you break your ankle like that Nick's 1st sister like in the VS, in that Every Feb song from Kerry Perry or what was ....Army VS. "

So America is such a bad shape, because no one does a job, other than that 1 million souls to do a David Jone's a job + 2 sons =13 human there, or 9, or 3, or 2......not 4 (with George)

Its Jack Hughman and Lively Blake's husband, I can tell. That is the Canadian Proposal, the Alaska, just right now outside our...Weather forecast system, the Earthquake, both Taiwan and Japan, and the typhoon immediately flooded the entire 2nd Capital + Japan Capital Tokyo. Dr. Steven Hairfield is the Reno, 2nd Capital in Nevada, I used to slaughter the 2nd capital, everyone would know where he comes from other than that twin looking from next by Ronan, to say coincident not the homeless Gately MV to spell you, her name would be Storm, so there is that Power dance. I don't think Ronan is solely traveling without.....not in Ireland, you think?

How is the Under the Sea, I think that was 6 years ago, everyone should meet, or 2021 I saying that, again. The Proposal, under the sea, the Mexico Museum, or the Dr. Jack 黑傑克

That will not be the Titanic the producer used to say, and 3 years ago or 6 years ago, he had those website set up the "sea project", he never stop going in and down the sea, he knew that, or he found out I always saying that? James Cameron, his table with the none vegan products, he swift them out of the kitchen counter, becoming the Jem and the Hologram, he watched it, the counter swift?  How I knew....right? He was on the camera.  He has forgotten he saying that.

So tell me, this one venture of that Reyonld's tales was nothing when the FBI entering the Trump's Tower's water tower, to say where that toilet he flushes the classify materials? Why should I tell Peyton, they are.....these are 2 separate incidents? 

It was the under water projects on the James Cameron's website. 

Read it?


He does that real....that James Cameron. Why? I have no idea !

If the 2 things are none related, you all doing it on purpose.

1) What is under the sea, you want me to show everyone again? 

2) The classify materials its the tower....every water tower, like my neighbor above it? The roof above the tallest...points above Trio. You want to continue that conversation with the Father or with Prince William, how is those Panda. He thinks these 2 projects clearly is pointing at him?  What is the function of the toilet is so good? Repeat, Panda. I am joking? oh ~ really !

That is what the Trump says?

FBI....usually they teach you from the news, like the Mario Super Bro Movie.  Right? The sewing system going to the sea, they process the water, or they process the trash, just flushing it all out to the sea, those?  Its the shampoo soap and the hair conditioner, or the regular all soap water ....I use a lot more water on my hair skull sides, these keep rinsing, I tell everyone per step, per road map, and leave the water on the basin ....my wood basin to wash off those soap all around these wood.

5 mins when I get my hair dryer outside to use my towel to dry, and shut off the water, that is just 2 mins more, or 5 mins more the straight cold water. No, not every single time, just when I remembered....it bothers me. The cold water usually wash the entire bathroom better. 

So, are these 2 things related? 

No, are they the collaboration projects?

MD 6+2 and MD 4+2 System file data to these WWII lines, its I say that to the UB, and all of them have an intern. Saying we only solve this MD 6+2.

Many of them are the early assurance program.

The only 2 people don't get to the medical school, would be you and Tamang = its the international medical school. 2 years SABA Tamang gone to, 2 years he transfer back to the US. All the same USMLE 1 2 3. But Tamang is the student athletes, biking, and he has this funny chest water pressure condition. He was a double e from Montana.

You still Ola your own meals, every prayers you gratitude at? There are many ways to make Dean or that Eric to feeling it, you exist, every guy is blind and mute, they just too shy to realize how good and virtuos, to that Capitalism under or the money, or the housing or the school expense, and they are ALL TALLER white guy's world, not you as the polish. You speaking English at home? You have the friends like the middle school, you have those polish community gathering, you used to go. It makes you different from Julie and Julia movie alone, they are all from Poland? 

We are the similar height, like Karen they are, or Adria. But the taller white guy's worlds, would be .....when they are serving on their wind to their career, it would be they meeting their networks 500 + Linkedin, those are not a lie? I only have 2. 

I just want to know how far the morning sun was the prayers of the feet, no one appreciate you this per litter Earth breath air you intake, it makes that so breath-taking, no one knows that was the one extra lapse you run on the morning trail, how Gazillia, trips her ankle, and Grace wasn't there, the 12 Years of Slave from Michael Fassbender, the Oscar winner.

It was the lotto massage, anyone shows to Nick? I wasn't.....

It was the praise and the compliment you cannot acknowledge, someone else has the authority, I Anna has to be watchful every single step you all dare to....one line missing. Snape?! That is the power of the classify when you seize that intelligent, because no one listens to, you agree? The court room without that actual power to say the money or the time, or the bigger offices to say Harvard the community service projects - how is Makar's Linkedin facebook, I never read. Makar will sounds like a word the Casino here....

澳門, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. I used to make that video. 


So, I wasn't right on her own sister, it was just I coincident.....loudly random says. 

You have a sister and a cousin?! 

That is MD 8 minus 1...so at least MD 7, when in the combination works, someone or the UB local community they used to be there, someone will get informed. You think that is a correct power settlement, I do what I feel like, UB 60-65 facebook used to be + 10, saying the Canisus, ECC were just 1 Silas, he doesn't have the other friends from ECC, so that is 1 2 3, if not the Buffalo State, and if not the Demon's college on the main st....

Someone didn't need to be that wasting in time with the classify material, never claim, to waste anyone's time, my time.

You want to try again, every prayer listing, starting the morning sunrays dew?

Its Dean and Eric's appreciate the beauty of that radiant glows, how the volunteering service like the Day in Life, so that dorm room, like my house door easy access when my parents not around, when my father mother not saying, my sibling not around, all those Mat not around...

The radiant beauty of that glows, were that shining through the sun rays, its the health talk, its the fitness leisure points, its the new age extra breathing inhale, that no one distort my inner chi, the Panda, tranquility, of that sun light nurture that thy my soul, a diary book, to say the string, not the check books, just like her photo!!

That is the female "sister" panda on the top....

Below, that is flatting low...sleeping, Olivia?! How is Hugh? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vuejLiuN2gw

Sorry, he is on the stair with a black dog behind bark barking, the middle video, the wrong sequence, 3 and this 1 and the flower....breath taking the morning dews.


Hawaii of course is far away.....You are almost back to the US. 

You both the guys or the girl's friends are not coming in, Olivia?


Next - Ola your prayers every meal and every day, Dean and Eric's monday morning every dew....to the radiant inner beauty, say it.

Through the birds? I continue this post, ...its too long ! 

The inner beauty video on the facebook.

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