Babaji: Go
🌮🌮🌮 I think …Japan or China. NYC or Toronto those.
But …I can be anywhere no need to get near the finance world anymore.
The military. Teaching.
Outside I know the distance is VERY far and we human don’t take off, but from every world, physical universe, the Galatic or star system standard, eco, farming, water, medicine, laws….all that has a universal police or strictly agency they suppose to travel. Not I know it’s forbidden travel.
Everywhere is nothing but the human populate my entire peripheral. Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.
I saw the video
Your son taking over the military duty.
He gonna use me to command them? Telling them an order that’s not commanding them…you have to train them.
The business world and the finance world needs the table cloth and suit like Eben those.
The law and the medicine or scientific convention….you mean once a year show up those. Everyone knows what they look like behind.
For the military career, they get to the island us. Right…but here got nothing. All moving out.
I am not very sure they know what’s an island and find all the resource around. I try to imagine they need to or they need to finance world doing math …? No, I don’t know.
On another planet …where the ocean buried us.
He looks like a guy needs a gf stands there.
When I grew up, never heard a word the military. Never register. So …originally the city life
Most citizen doesn’t associate with the military.
Sensation differently.
No, don’t focus on BTX, no. Forget that, live normal.
No, the military that holds a lot of money those ! The resources those. The commanding power…just never imagine a commander does your math. Fad up.
Otter 1:29 line up
I go to sleep
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fast X ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I know that was Murphy law. In the short clips. Her name last movie.
I look Chinese, not very clear the origin. It was a military, 1948?
English, okay …you get rid of every human, you have no more Murphy laws.
Find the Chinese translation ?!? But just use what I say. Very simple, impaired.
If you reborn with a memory, then you figure it out. I will be?! Otherwise just the life in front of you.
Oh, them. Right, you hold them tight. I think they look like those open talk to every good will. They promise each other they talk open. One of those. So…it’s that Europe Ku French those ? No, not Pang, not Hank I think. They are from the City. They are from the capital.
Most human you will not find them originally from the Washington DC, do you ?
Sounds better? Eben and red hair - Enchanted.
The high school sweet heart don’t get over each other. The island, the cottage life.
I am too busy writing, don’t dress like this. Too many this IQ logic.
I am so certain no one care what I dress to drag myself outside and come back on my bed, sleep in the darkness.
⭐️ UB law librarian ⭐️
He has the problem I think …last time I already say. The first time I say. You go to the law classes professor to get the second opinion. I went to the 2 law classes, both are the lawyers other than him is the lawyer. If he has an issue and free, you go to the law professors. It’s more in the law building !! You tell them that UB law librarian, the old man he has an issue.
Either he heard something he becoming like that or he is ilegal? You report him to the UB President !
Movie: Intersteller
Ola’s es does these animal supposes to …stare at them. But my destiny without a guy just any excuse I feel like, these pets …ARE NOT mine. I am also feel fear if the boyband that psycho makes then all talking. That one, no, he staring at the TV writing the lyrics, but you never know what they are capable. These otter are not supposed to change their eyesight, not supposes to be ….forseeing and looking up the records and all acting on it. They want their tail be cut, I will, but that’s a public TV!!
Dean is in Texas, he is in front of this UB law librarian, cap on, the giant tall guy with a fat butt hindrance my eyesight. I think …he supposes to be in Texas.
He likes Dean better, he doesn’t like me. Nobody like me. I already exit AMerica, I am the Barbie in my land, only Barbie. You keep imagine you are something to China or America, you can just do what thr TV meant to say. Everyone follows the movie on their own judgement. I always change at the last min or just be open, I am not !! My food ~~~I like buying stuffs ! They didn’t do this to make run away all the way to Ireland. The American. I heard. I heard once is more than enough. Until I heard my passport landing in my hand, it’s expired !!
I already told Shane or Nicky. The passport, they put an airplane on where? Oh ~~ Ronan you can ? Tell me. I need …(last year I maid them already)
Shane !
I don’t know whom clearly so I just talking to Nicky like the TV says.
I try to think, think, think.
This is my home, they ask me on the news. I say downstairs. No…not those new kids on the block? My home, I grew up custom to. You mean I really imagine to be away home, like a brand new place nice looking all that? I say no. Down down stair or every kind of the down stair if they are open. I told them the truth.
I think you kill the people faster, we live here 40 years.
Is that a popular movie?
Checking my money ….is that real? Ella Enchanted, Princess Diary …
I hate the feel, I hate to be in it, I hate to be found I was in it. I hate even more, human watching this movie? Because it’s scary or philosophical ? The public failure to the education?
(Watching the conference room)
Is King even conscious other than staring the hospital ceiling ?
(Phone calculator has to talk to Nicky …original we talk, but I need to charge the phone. )
48 years, 2014-14= 2000
48 -14-1=33
Filling in. 1999-33=1966. Unless he wants to write that down.
You have thousand ships outside, for some reason, some are staring at that at Mars. It’s not our fault, so speaking how literally someone dead thousand times for these …it’s not outside, it’s not alone, and I sing the hell of the noise everywhere !!
But right, that …in the darkness you seeing no light other than a very quiet ship keep rotating. It’s as quiet as that and as horror as you saying those Ancient Chasez and …I don’t know. Even the ghost has a lot of roaring sounds and one day he die, I hate the most. Less to say I wish him ill. He is roaring every single day, his mother has not becoming like that. He is a man of a horror.
They have the thousand branding those that BTX….on the top of the every galaxy gossipe. You want to stack up your arm like thousand and see in front of your faces ? On the top of the galaxy per second scan they want, your every heart beat. You will never arrive those standard. Every breath you take, every move that you make, every pulse you make a needle dropping sound. Everywhere.
You have thousand AI target at me, saying 1. Of course you should check your material and bargaining price. Imagine if you were me …becoming the AI target 1000 branding …1 sorry.
Stack up on those iron man table !!
NO!! They scan the entire Earth, what’s on the top of the galaxy means ? The whole Earth one scan !
Try to be the leadership of the planet, not just the Earth. Imagine …the real shame and the horror of it.
I want to vomit…my ice cream, anything he drew that orbits. Correct.
Vomiting ….gravitation pull at your brain fluid. That’s the beginning the movie line. The real gravity felt if you got pull in out of the orbits every single planet if passing near like Seth movie, knocking every them Ice Age those.
Vomiting …
2 days everyday.
Someone next by…drag your hair pulling your eyes towards….Faster !! Crashing it down, but it’s a multiple pull too fast. The multiple planet.
Right you only can crash one. You want to try black hole? That will only darkness not the planet in the darkness has dim yellow surface. Vomiting …last time the Bible tail planets 7? Only one is seenable the sunlight on it.
I hate that girl, I hate that robot, I hate my mother had to talk on eating what things, SHUT UP FOREVER like the handicap destiny mute and damf, I hate my stomach turning, I have to straight my back. I hate that black guy open the gate. I hate everything they’re arguing one word with me. Should just all end in hell 50 years ago, never 1999.
One day …you will not even remember this….the pitfall to life.
Let alone time getting alone the humility it was a fate and a destiny. You all perfect for each other. And no one with the time will remember to save you this vast galaxy. Helpless…not even in the memory.
To the sky, to the birds, to the tree of any planet you born to, you will merits to these seat in destiny….and no one in every nature kingdom all knowing this shame watching you each …make that decision just like now. How perfect looking to each other before the veil….you know, it’s your everyday perfect life. Haha…
(Watching )
Jason woke up, short hair …then a news came, the Father dead.
Then why don’t you find out BTX. It can be million years this ever in the possibility someone cared?
No, it’s Capitalism. Don’t move that. No.
(Raise my head) I say No.
Watching them die, if I were you. Like those UB, like all of them. Watching them die. Don’t move that. Go to the Parliament, be polite, you
“I knew about the BTX, I come here alone. I want to know …I have a list of question. Anna says don’t move. She is not moving. No, we are not married. She wouldn’t lie, isn’t she?”
“Do you …have anyone stimulate her jobs? They move?”
“I am comfortable at this age, including my interior design. I won’t be moving per inside or outside, I….am aware she is on that leadership, not moving. I am the leadership. Still was up til now, you know that? Not just 48 years. I mean…I want to say, I read from my paper here. I cannot move. Inside outside. I am always the leadership as a male leader. No, not my son. I do this capable. I live there. Do you …at least she says Pirates of Caribbean, that’s secure location at least ?”
“I know whom Hank is. Correct, I am aware whom her family is. She talked about it, but that’s it.”
“No, she is not moving, I am guessing she is always the first thing see first say. I do this alone. No I don’t know 48 years ago. NO!”
Earthquake 5:45
You breath from your abdomen to your nose, tight tight tight your mouth, zip it. Breath. Relax your both shoulder. It’s a bone each side. Consciously doing that. Slowly left turn or right turn, tint tilt, random turn that’s fine. Keep breathing in…long extent in all the way to your head. Consciously.
Your head, your shoulder both. I was saying the head. You can only one hand to another side of the shoulder. Breath.
I am not leaving, no, not at the moment. Not right now.
But I will be told by someone conscious. Not now. That’s when I move. I am aware and conscious, don’t worry about it. No, not the BTX. It’s the 花千骨, no, not now. No. When the time comes, I tell Kian or Nicky. Not now. They get used to that. I tell them the first moment. Everyday. Not now.
No, I am fine. I am not dying the million times for the ten years, not going to be this time. I am not you.
In 1000 years, no. I got told, but if I get to 120, I look clearly or 200. There are the people really lived til 500 and die on the newspaper internet. I remembered it.
I already say I am not you, every single year I breathe to the next year. That’s the ten years horrible life !!
Every second.
2014, they cannot live anymore. And ten years passes. That time was the world, later I say the American military. Right, 5 Lords reviews, one Ancient Chasez. I believe that. Right, I believe Shane or Nicky more? They are the Irish.
No, I didn’t have the baggage, no. All dead, my grandmom, my brother, my mother’s voice. My eye close on my bed. That’s no baggage. But Taipei a city. I have never hear so many their voice together “We are back”, tear will come, and when you stand up. Remember the spider head clutch told you. It’s called the alligator clip thing.
On the photo. I show everything and say once.
I lean a little bit to him, that but …engine noise very very hard to breath, any JC don’t look at it. That time. I pass before here. Justin and JC. I did.
I told Justin on the Twitter.
Correct, they are very far away the American military. It is an OU, are you stupid? I draw Simon two line, don’t bother me 2018. Where these song come from ? Japan, Korea, Ancient Chinese ? I am not you. I rise up. People will analyze that entire trajectory. They imagine things to write, because the First life would sound a lot hiding in the mountain temple life all world power. This time is a modern scenery, Chinese don’t have anything like American, they are OU that side. Don’t talk. Rise up China this world all together, anything coming in, I already know what I need to know. But correct…only 1 me either World. China or America.
That’s not suppose to be that dreadful and be found like that.
Bill or Kerry? NO!!!
Movie: Fast X
I put it next post
🥒🥒🥒 I think …UB facebook 🥒🥒🥒
When I have to run away that California reason, til I can restful be home and never move.
- Continue to fix my period pain or the left leg, or the hospital.
- Washing, bathing, showering at home.
- Then 4 limbs warmth periodically
- Then 4 limbs nail and toe cut.
- Sleep
Be home is the best.
Like you do the best this one weekend, the best the best you yourself
- The Toilet watching
- Washing your hands very well.
- Keep the water rinsing the toilet, drag to. Just water.
- Washing your hair really well.
- If I just wash the only hair, I wait 10 mins. It will be less itchy Taiwan is too hot.
- Kill the germ
- Hair roller really well the home floor
You cannot be patiently to do anything indoor, keep imagine the romance. I mean you really only love yourself, everything perfect. Massage the limbs, the arm, the knuckle and lose weight. Wash the mirror, wash the hair band outside sun dry.
A very very small soup to wipe thar hair hand keep squeeze and sun dry. Each time going out, our city is dirty.
You doing really really really well, to tell your parents, you only love you yourself. No matter what.
My mother has the plant, I water too. When I have the time !! Most time some people have more leisure in time, I had to move to America, I will tell you none stop moving the only good thing it’s to be at home finish all that. Pitch a bit for your mother. Watch the stove, the oven, cool the tray, open the oven, one extra thing. Washing the table, put the trash in the bag, dump the cooking waste in the correct bag. And your mother cook you something, that dish you can wash yourself.
I boil the entire pot this spoon and forks. Just waiting and shut off the fire. Put it back.
You do one extra things in the house.
Explain in the words clear not panic what things not even coming in front of you.
If it’s in front of you, you drag your mother and say look? It’s in front of you and me?
You make yourself feel good.
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Alcohol the door, the door knot, the keyboard, the PC, the desk, the phone coming in the house. The city bus is air dirty, it bothers me ?
If you take care of you yourself, so you can care your parents and any one extra person in your near by. The girls can only do very very limited jobs, so sounds like the National Emergency.
Sometimes I will tell you, one or 2 people indoor to care all that and stop running feeling, that’s all I ever needed. Not just these birds and the otter on hundred video to spell my misery, to begin or imagine the next 1000 steps. You don’t need to live that life, I just really need to breath well my only know environment. The present time is right now, May!
My nap time.
They pick...Cinderella
Those high heel made of the glass. Those.
Sleeping .....zzzzzz
The Shopping mall. Fix a beautiful feet those.
What? Is that an argument? (The birds is so screaming)
You believe some people IQ so low, they literally doing that? That is first so psycho, two...there is a movie about the public education failure. That is very very bad. I seeing about how many kinds of the submission. That is very very very bad. I usually imagine things from the TV I can see the court or the judge, or the civil class.
They eliminate those people out of the court room. Like Simon's job. Its a real thing, because all your IQ is at zero?
They have not seen this argument since the first TV invention happened in want to start with that, or starting with Disney classic were, and then, analyze, they haven't seen this kind of the case, between the milk or the princess, or the.....Radio invention comes. That is Marconni. Not Tesla.
Is Cinerella the Idealism?
Like that Earth-to-Celestial, that rulership, lock-in personality? The commander I mean. He has a dialogue with the ruler very often?
No, he is not on that. I am sleeping....he asking the ruler about something like if the world that ruler knows he is the idealism. I say that is American, and he will tell him, every Ruler in the universe knows my personality is that. I will tell him the idealism commander, "I have seen some other things. You are the minimum to believe the education makes the IQ to evolve a tiny higher, you can deal those outside the Earth, every kids. They are not....those kinds."
By the way, people have filed Snow White 100 years ago. The Micky Mouse were 1928 birthday. Happy birthday Byrne?
Do you mean utopia concept one of those some literacy has? Even Chinese we have, yours might be at the philosophy section.
If I am at happy sphere, no worry or competition to care you all just dead there 100 years....The idealism in the society has its own liking and dislike. In your planet has imperfection people kill another person. In Heaven, it doesn't have. Not to me. But even as I am, I never say that idealism is an excuse, not to develop your IQ. I think its the entirely your IQ brain development....watching too many TV in your imagination.
I have to go out. Its my weekend !
So let's say she Ola keeps going back for the magic argument.....
She needs to take out the entire civilization to proven, its only the magic exist. All the court room paper how 2 types of the files, didn't improve the society harmoney. The entire court room system down, for her to becoming the Queen of the magic land, or the princess, or the ruler.
That is the method?
To be like that movie? Right.
Kill the people ?
Every logic brain.
So that is too simple, or too....
Cruel and stupid. If you asking me in Taiwan to register a religious sect, it can be done. My mother told me. You believe that stuff to go to a place register something, saying you are the Holy? You believe the TV, or you believe the office building, you walking in correctly? Its just you pretend, I pretend I am a what in the democracy world, there is a princess or the prince title. That is very very stupid. My entire life never seen these people, we don't have that culture. I have no idea why people care about those things. I am very sure America is not like that, so I just go back to the America the least thing. I don't like anything Royal.
But if you argue the magic is inside the part of the brain....
Correct, you will sound like there is a basic reason you are talking to the judge in a langauge he wants to hear, you have the intelligent part. How do you argue that. No, that case will not get through, but you understand the every legal aspect. The judge can put that file on the side, and send her to some place to see something. Or get her a new environment more close to the laws.
Without MD or?
With the MD AND that J.D. Not the court work to becoming, but she has a talent if that went through, or they put her less MD, get something JD near by. The judge can change that beginning, anything MD, to become less, and she provides some other write-up, she can take some class on the J.D.
But none of them doing that?
No. They are guessing a job. No job is delivering. They think its just when they feel like every case on that one people walking in. People know that is not the job. You always call the medical board to explain anything, if something too big coming up. Be clear like a MD can do. Every little details, they willing to hear anything. Plus these MD is fake. if I doing that job, I just throw them 1000 things sound like every details. You have to handle every standard measurement, because you can never fire me.
I think that is the correct MD.
So if something on the TV monitor, is that real?
Ola if that is Zawanna, she got fired. They know that is what they gonna do. That is an eternity no standard in the medical board. They will have to handle that when they open. The universal police will show all the mel-practice, every details she was not on her jobs. Every details. They need to fly in.
With Wing, those things you look at it, its when they written down means these are one classroom with all of them in it. I told them all. So each in their life can go into a totally different career chosen field. Whomever seen that, and know how to react in that, they get a better job. But none of them have an IQ, so they will never need to do that job other than the MD. Becoming a student forever...
I will just leave, I would never do that ! My parents at least I tell them first. I told them, its on the TV screen, that kind of the memo, to we are the state school? They are the honor class scholarship, I was not? That is going somewhere in that career path, I tell my parents first.
You believe those things where it gonna lead, the career choice?
You really believe me going that way?
But you worry?
If they ever figure that one out?
They got a better pay job, but they gonna die. Never THAT. You understand what that is, but you doing that to your classmate?! You can tell someone else, whom supposes to do that. Whatever that is.
If you say 10 Buddhism those seating 1 -10, is that the lawsuit?
NO! Of course not.
Do you get paid?
Yeah, decoding the movie sequence, and then, they go on their own to find out if that is the original, the First life or this life, or 2500 years ago that life.
But that is not a lawsuit?
No !
Even the religious nature.
No. Its not relevant to our modern world. Not really to me. They continue their direction best in their life.
So those are not the lawsuit if you write?
Of course not.
Do you think your lawsuit send that Prince Harry to jail?
He uses the drug if those news or the book shows up, he should be jail whenever this Harry Potter found out or his dad's name is Prince Charles. Prince all using the drugs, and they all go to the jail. I thought any substance you doing that, you got detain if you buy or you sold, including the marijawa. I have never seen those things in my life. But because I have heard some news, I think that is the book on the substance uses. That is really really really bad.
He goes to the jail when he was young, and he goes to the jail reaching 275 when they sort. Because I think he does on purpose, he went to flip something, I guessing that so I file along that line. I can defense myself. I don't want to response to that.
But he can literally go to jail with that?
Yes, he can. It flips up the entire system. He didn't investigate before hand, and anything you claim inside might be very very harmful. To all that written, if he violate those very harmful things, I think he goes to jail. He does on purpose.
You think he gets that crown on Lauren?
I say he is the low IQ, I saw an image he turns around his face shining white and innocent looking. I went to find out, and put on the facebook. This is my early morning.
You seen this thing very often?
Every single day.
If they declare as the Disney princess to the judge, that is not the Frozen.
So that is not in the straight to step on that case.
But they open their mouth to tell the Judge, they know about the Frozen.
And that is directly at their plagrism, to the murder crime?
I think there is a blur line to the judge, but every judge supposes to be very very very clear, they are. They are stepping on the criminal act. Something has to be done, they going home to hurt their family and me. Talking about it is to hurt.
How do they blur line if to successful just the Disney princess?
Never mention frozen, but their iQ is the same like Harry. They talk about it.
So by theory, if you never talk about it.
I as the judge, I ask them...where do they get that thought to believe they are. They have to answer me.
And they are answering = the murder trial, is that Frozen next second they answer.
One answer, meaning one word, they are automatically on the murder trial.
I think if I am a judge, that is as clear to me that is whom they are. The judge's original job is not a talking skill. They are those crime people in the poverty line doing those things, so they be fence.
I don't really know. I say what I think, if I were to be the court room. Probably transfer them to a different job, away from the metropolitan. Die outside accidental insurance those. Watch them die on their own.
Kill them?
No, when they move away the family, I guess...people observe them, their next act. If the court room reject them. They have a next murder crime act. That is what it means their rest of their life is on the crime to do.
So it will investigate all the way?
Its not to harm you?
No. I get rid of the entire Earth population I just told them, everyone. Long time ago. Last year, or every year. Show up. Japanese police, I say Hi ~~~!!!
What about Ola and Fatima?
They are at the blur line, because you can believe the magic and go and argue that with the judge. The judge doesn't believe all that to make a case, but Ola's point is to say, people using that magic or the magic shield, or something to do on that line, not necessary she says the princess part. I am not sure she put that through. But I think she keeps on that magic is real thing.
Fatima she took the entire theory to the judge. Jonas I didn't talk to him, but she could just ask him. None of that is an argument. She thinks the theory is flawless, but the court room what you mean you written a thing, its not basic on other people's theory to quote you yourself to the judge. She got mix up. Its an intellecture debates. She may not declare the princess neither, but she thing for another. First to hurt me, second she tried. She can be doing both, and next time she forgets, so she says First its the democracy world, no Kingship, next court room, she says, "What about you investigate for me, my lawyer says we could....."
Those are not the murder trial?
They declare the investigation as the princess, those got fence. Technically anything they open their mouth, its a murder trial, all of them. I think they are. The tone they sound like, that is the judge's only judgement. You can say one lifetime you never show up to the court room.
Per eye sight correct?
If you raise your voice
He can decide you are very upset, you are the murder trial next act. She didn't come in, or she was being harm by other. You didn't seek the justice for her, you taking advantage on you yourself at the mean time trying to see if you can hurt me. That is the murder trial.
All goes to jail with their parents.
You know that or?
I think I saw the judge recently 3 days ago, I think that it might be true. Real or not real, I don't know. Its the keep wasting time. Only I show up that day, is real.
Someone doesn't need to see them there standing. If I keep typing here, nothing needs to be done, keep them talking, and recording. No real discussion until she shows up.
So someone has to?
Prosecute every word they say with their parents all in jail. Its only when I show up. Only I exist. That is what it means.
Are they going to do it?
They got mix up, they didn't ask me. So continue that. Someone get the car hit the hour before, someone got the license suspend don't dare to tell, someone house got suspend, don't tell, someone lost their job that day that day that day, no one can tell.
So its a funny things. What the government made of this all freedom seem right.
It never hurts me. They all got mix it up.
If they are Royal, and claim I hurt them?
Their job one day will be taking it down every Royal on Earth, not 1. All of the rest of them. That is what they sign up for. Low IQ.
Is the police force or the judge?
All of them. The jurisdiction only meant the civilization strive to the reason must be. They are using the conspiracy theory to imagine. They will be tag to kill the rest of the humanity, that is what it means the Frozen. So everyone proceed. No one knows, how many soul dead, its me
Say that again, me or Eben Pagan?
Everyone picks Eben the girls, all dead. Only the education, never your facebook read you foster those Harry looking without IQ. Its not the fame to win.
It is me 10 rudimentary subjects only win.
These guys looking great on the monitor, just with their names seeing how that happy wedding to every drop of the blood and the corpse be dump. Its their history, its their forever love seed.
How do they take down the Royal other than me?
Be train and go near them, and talk. One word like that, everyone got jailed, finish to next. They train them like per yearly useful, you can see their face. Only England exist.
10 years, they looking great, isn't it? Land in America....Next its these congress.
You know or you guess?
This part, I guessing it.
Is there such thing, you go near and talk, and everyone gets jail?
Me. They know I got every those skill. Its every word, taken down.
Because they must doing...
The only right thing in life since that Google+ 2014.
The civilization strive to the only correct course, and the company?
Bankrupt !
Are they continuing or?
Finish on the first year. The real law measurement I think its immediate the first year every crime out, the first second. I realize that, right now. Not then. As I go along, they found out, I was doing I wasn't register the movie or just this bunch of the Tesla timelne. She never think anything of that, so she never got trained a job like that. The whom reads that know that, she insist of something, except what I just told you.
You know they do worse things or?
Like Big Hero 6, all jail, watching 1. I will tell people, they done something in the past. Its written down these things. Meaning with the methodity,.....they suppose to listen to me every word, because in 3 World, I am Free. That is the religious side telling them. 3 World I am free.
But you didn't tell them, is that a crime?
No, its not a crime. I may not be very sure about it neither. I intellect understood, that is what the movies show to me. I can conclude that. But in my life, it will be a horror. If they come near, and we chat, and they talk about a certain positive things they do, I will suggest them about something.....never that. If you knew....anything you do its all jail watching you one, you be very careful, and justice or righteous on your job. No dirt in the society. I assume that, I never witness or being told like that. I found out a lot of that before already. That time I cannot live.
That is all correct. I have never coming near the police line ever in my life. I can assume. I think its good to the society, so I supporting that. If I literally to go and do that job, it might break my reality. Because I am not a real police. I willing to give, correct. But I never done it.
By theory, you know.
Correct. When they relate a lot of the horror in 2015, my ability in 2014, its one second 1000 image download on my bed. I was alone in Watermarke. These animals if they doing that, you can see their eyesight is changing, they cannot go outdoor function. They are looking at it everyday on their own.
I know something, and then I see the TV, I turn around look at some people, no one knows. I turn back, and figure it out how I exit it that room, if they test me. Never that.
You don't fight them?
Not confrontational, in the same classroom? I have never seen a human, to conclude a lot of things in 25 years, I am not sure I am normal. Just run away I think I look like that, get up and leave.
Is get up and leave the correct answer?
They insist a job in those environment, no, those are not the jobs. Not 1000 people watching you behind with everyone in the jail. Its on the TV, and I see something, and I seeing more through out the year. Not the exactly that same story. I can say I am aware of something, your honor. I I tell the judge what I think. I say no.
You dare to believe there are the human written things down on a desk, and go out and trial out on the human in front of them. Some got killed some got jailed? I look like I talking. its not the religious faith all that, but someone made into a written format, like a menu. Its a protocol.
With the youth, they getting cruel and more cruel. The older generation will eliminate all that including the youth, but if they found out something to write that down. That is a job.
You believe someone using that kind of the writing to get a job?
I scream. I actually look like my photo.
What is so horror about it?
You believe that from the TV to your classmate, so I, they are right on the map. But that is a methodity. You believe the human civilization has a methodity, that kind of the methodity? You mean me, 1 inside the line zone. No one exists, only me sit on the chair?
I cry first, and I get out the door and see if there are the human on the road walking. I did.
There are a lot of the horror things I got told. I tell everyone, everything. Since 2014. That is 10 years downloading every second. Because... I have no more thought.
If I have no more thought and I close my eyes....I am not repeating the 5 names anymore. I have no thought anymore.
So is the magic an argument?
NO! The court room....the only reason the court room exist its they use the intellect part of the brain. Which part of the brain is using for the magic? The court room only does that particular logic brain to process the paper work. They don't process another part of the brain to evidence you have the magic? You believe the movie?
So it cannot be process, not just the future high tech losing the investment money?
The reason a court can form, is only through logic. Its all different parts of the brain.
Not the magic brain.
You assume that.
You are not sure that is that simple?!
One of the simplest thing could be the magic is not in the brain? That is not the argument?
You have to over thrown the court on why you using the brain for the logic part, you eliminate the human in the logic, then becoming....why you say it is the magic reason? The rising consciousness of the civilization or the healthier gets the society or the income statue. You need to give them a reason why it benefits to the society, so you have the argument, to tear down.....that part of the brain is processing the logic !!!
That is how you win the magic part on the arguments?
Right, because the court room existence is the ingredient of the other - the logic brain. The left brain.
And if you could win, on the magic, that is the proper method?
You cannot do that, it won't work. But correct, that is the method.
You believe that?
Of course not.
But you are not sure that is that simple.
It should be.
Like Shane is the right brain, I say that.
Correct you say that.
The artist or the musician are all more right brain.
I heard that.
When I talk to him on the phone, I realize, for the rest of my life, I am talking to a what?
Shane !
I assuming they also gone to the court room, except they are not the magic idea to say brain. When they get tired to imagine that is the right or left.
That much difference?
I think its him answer the phone. That is why I say in the public, someone has to find out, its him on the phone.
I am talking to someone his name is Shane on the phone, and his response to the other side of the phone is a very strong indicating, I thought he is talking.....I cannot understand him, or the sensation. His brain.....he is on the phone, and his brain is?? Doing what? What did he say?
Because there is a TV !!!
W Two Worlds

That’s what it means
Can be done.