
I repeat what I said last year...

When the kids were 16/17 years old, they already have a mind on their own, starting very early on those leadership, I just happened to be in the girl's side but those boy's school (3rd), we equal had coming near, so that is not I never seeing a guy's leadership or all around what they were or what we already were that time, the 16/17 years old. I have the Class year before, us, and below.

Not anything else included. 

When I explain to the whole wide world, because there is an all situation I put up there, every movie or every talents I could tell you why that is us, that is exposed both their degree, and my life degree. I don't require to tell you anything at all, whatsoever in the most gruesome commercial method in the future. 

I have never spoke that language for 25 years, but the last time I ever had a phone to use on the weekend to none stop talking as if that is part of all team reason, it was all the phone numbers inside my head, my phone was a wireless design.

In America, I had a phone NEVER text....Not even Canada. To how much 25 years I had never having a normal human conversation THROUGH the phone to sounds like the student clubs service...its that phone I usually want to throw on the wall !!!

The movie reason NOT the reality reasons....... the entire presentation and the stability its after 25 years, for me and him or me and them. None of them for you all required to just close gate, its your current reality, I keep saying that, or repeated saying that. To your life in itself, its very very very dangerous if you are not careful AT ALL. 

Conan is on.

For the religious reason, someone will NEVER do what I ever done....but that unbrella you take it for granted it because its as long as I ever lived, its this world cover to sound like I must keep carrying on that life.

No, I don't need to.

My mother ....was one of those IQ does the local superstitious before I got back, or ALL HER LIFE. So, to that some of the - - - - - - - the day, the months the years when that people dead to say...you jump 1000 times per day, it will be 1000 years to count how many the Earth correct years. Its Square's TV - the Flaming Daughter, that building name, how they divide that path after dead.

Its not 25 years.....that simple. It might be 1000 years x ...the living gone gone gone no one requires to try the mortality year !!!!

I am not watching anymore....I never really like about it. Conan.

They gone to the hotel yet?

I want to go to sleep. 

UB (the Ms Congeniality 2 movie just finished)

No, we had some news.

Is this Square going back and forth how to move them? 

There are many segment of the movies that has good or bad, nice or wrongful. Sometimes I don't need to see all the ghostly to tell, there are the negative entity, not to say the romance in the head it is real, and then, the movie isn't the hologram the final saying? You know what I am saying? 

( What, Mably? Never watched it. Just the name. That Vartan has a in-house...the scary movie? That is the human does, right?  )

There are a certain thing we never talked about it. If I would be that psychi, that is apart from all that....seriously. So, having a good feeling seeing the competition in the group classroom that lady does, or that is not so real on my side? I am seeing a very strange thing, you would have a group meeting as the competition you all saying that is the profiles exactly like ...I assume that, not I imagine to go and judge you all like that. You play double funny things in life?  Or that is something worse or all worsen of all that, so I seeing like that? 

They are not your high school facebook....buddies.

That...bothers you? The first point. To resonance how the others thing, TOGETHER, you make the family strong, TOGETHER file the middle school concept, you all get someone that is 26, your height, everyone is the small tiny, right?

I have a second point, that will be the only issue, your American medical board force that, if not the American should have a religion in somewhere the points inside that Constitution besides God's points, meaning inside that BTX debates over that one Hank's issue.

You know inside your mind ....

When a human comes to near to you, that person can change your habits of that one lifetime, to say a kiss, a love, a hug, so a needle goes to inside your life. You don't use Eon life to figure out how to kill or pacify a world that is real or not real by that Babaji's decree saying...to learn that one lesson. How much greater the love he is or others would ever be.... These stories are just a story. That is besides the points, seriously. 

Tell me, you know Ronan's road, from Heaven or on Earth, wishing everyone's will....it isn't I am or not I am, because in this one lifetime, it wasn't more than handful people, I really just talking one straight sentence out of my mouth, like any of you, in your remembrance....if I am not dead on 2014.

Truman's segment of Indian General, Pacific Rim, Typhoon all these.....You think Ronan put that Storm up all by himself to sell his album? 

They are, they all are.  You are all doing something to stand in their way to sell things, and on purpose calling them or anyone else in the criminal nature to harming both me and them in between whatever that is. They are the commercial company, very easy to take out all of your mouth, and your parents.

You cannot see things beyond, so you guessing things, or you just.....use your imagination every romance or the situation you put all the enemy inside your pocket money. You want to tell them, inside your whole life, YOU ARE so virtuous, you never listening to the music, or you are such a big shot through the movie, they cannot tell the main singer or the side singer, or anything I lay out, the volleyball world, I wasn't on the comic book, so they have my middle school those name or the content, to see.....YOU?!


I have never never talk about those useless things to sound like we have any conversation degree of academia, that is intuitive, or that is I am ....telling lies !!! My comic book, our subjects terms will be on my comic books !

That is AGT they used to be OTHER than Simon, ALL records company that is only deals with the music, NOT the AGT the television station, ALL MUSIC agent, if not the broadway side, or you saying the DreamWorks, or Disney, or Pixar, because Apple was near at it. 

Our subjects terms will be on my comic books ! ]


 (  I inhale my airs, through my lungs !!  I only deal with this 花千骨  )

And...I HAVE to pretend there are boards members, so I quote American medical board, to shut up you all mouth at all. I am = them, you will listen better.

When they enter the Asian Pacific region, I was stressful whom they used to be. I knew the FIRST TIME I seeing them?! Really?! Your jobs are not to help me to understand the whole situation. Your jobs are to rip off me or jump in front of them. 

There is an Adam Hailey issue I was saying in May, right? 

There is a theater music background Feb, I was saying that, I say 10 months....the military I WAS training them, NOT the music groups, but I break down soon enough because I could tell that is....AVENGER? I did?! You are not helping me to understand any situation better, or the first hand. You sabotage my every road with them, whatever that is. 

I have a lawsuit in 3 years, I am not finished, and I got told to stop....no idea why. 

I have this whole world commander-in-chef, how to shift it ....or the whole Cosmo, because I was the humility running deep ! So there was the Anatomy and the Physiology. 

You helping them to ruin me?!

How perfect that kinds of the talks. I think..... I say no music world to them, or to Shane. I have WAY too many jobs, and my family situation I tell Shane little by little. Those things you will end up in the jail, or you already were, no one knows. 

Jail is not a religious talk ~~~! That is your jobs you are not doing what you should have done at all.

I say it one more time

They are all each individual artist, they have an agent, they have a record deal sign that company, normally its that main singer. How they live their life, that is none of my business, as if I really care too much about they live in Ireland or in America....or I am in the middle of this map, I have a lot of the issues that I have input on the surface of the humanity to know.....a certain thing. That doesn't mean that first time, that jobs suppose to be MINE. When I less to explain why any motive to sound like, THAT is to clear up some confusion inside the movie, or gradually to move a piece by piece, that since 2014, a lot of the things the FUTURE just so easy minded to say, "oh ~ that was exactly what it means", through other people pile up that 10 walls. 

Only I CARE to do that, gradually.

Shane is Shane, Ronan is Ronan. They are from Ireland, not from American. You saying they regulate the movie industry and the music industry a bit. All that....

We done this kinds of the talking? Forever?

Every artist has their choice to say that platform will solely FOR a commercial purpose to say they risk their reputation to imagine a certain thing, because that music record label IS A COMPANY!

You cannot tell whom is whom, whom done what story board story and ends up on that movie monitor. The presidents might be all have to figure it out all that....and close gate, other than staring at me with 1 Shane.  Maybe that is too much imagination why it cannot let go from my parts starting last year early !

You guys need to face that one Mably, all of you.

If it’s far away, never mind. 

If going near or some distance in the same Japan, raising your kids up? He getting married after this or how old is this guy ? He will be your kid’s something uncle ?

I have not seen a real human other than those 2 people at home 20 years. I go to the retreat those are not close people. I have the career I wish to see, it will never be a Royal life. This world is a legal system, through the classify the society can ask the Heaven reason what that is? I have to deal with it not just the BTX but it is a BTX !! Not Mably or the Japan shopping nice car BMW.  Because of that choice, I can freely walking all around.

Shane is a nice guy ~~ he pulls near he smile like he always would !! The song writer is a job, the composer’s job. He doesn’t need to do Nicky’s microphones job like …selling his album will be the main job, not the interview is a job. He doesn’t need to talk. He sings or he creates the song and the whole Westlife sings those boyband collaboration efforts = one album. 

That’s his only job ? YES! 

So that’s not the Iron man or Obama those ?

… No!

They all create the songs or just Shane? ALL.

Not Simon? No !

That one small CD that thing is his job, their only job? YES! 

Because ? Because they are the Westlife !

Brian, Justin, Nick ( Backstreet Boy,  NSYNC, 98 Degree), that’s what you should be doing ! Or Britney, Jessica on the American side.  Sometimes it’s the female artist stronger !

The audience picks the music …you guessing from the movies or it’s you listen to ? Cold Play?

We have some news here ~

My commercial says the ice cream !! It’s too hot outside ~~

It doesn’t sound correct or …the writers job. The lyrics or the melody ? It’s a writer’s jobs. 

Is that a MV jobs? No ! But it’s funny ~it’s the same album’s song. We used to don’t have an internet ~~

You didn't grow up one female artist album, I am from the 90s that era, but some are young, and some are old. That is not the movie says...is there something that movies EVER says? You mean those are not the female in the movies icons, and all that? I am not staring at the movie every single day, what does the movie says? The enterprise !

The arm ...a piece of steel.

... all right. The history has that word 500 years ago or last 100 years, too.

Isn't your 

The ....

When you decide to 

It doesn't need to be an Iron 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hot….you are in the park?

You cannot go indoor ? Taxi to your hotel?  101 Breeze. 110台北市信義區松智路17號

Next by 101, but the taxi gonna go in front of it. 

微風在 101 旁邊, 信義路左轉,停的右邊,那邊

Breeze next by 101, shinyi left turn, stop at right, that there. 

Which park, at the dumping, you near Squares?  That park ? It’s very hot ! The vegetarian dumpling. How do you 2 end up there ? Or a bundle ?

You can be in 7th, 2nd, B2 ATM below the escalator. All have the seat food court and the food. The Second Cafe (7 F). It’s air-con. 

If you are in 588 that road = shinyi,  Sounds like Conan real name, the tallest building is 101.  There is only one 101. 

Is there a reason after 12, you don’t check-in? All those you carry? In the hotel, you walking free? At the counter ? I already book the reservation, I leave my luggage at the front desk you behind ?

Can you all go indoor ALL, in the taxi, not on the road those temperature !

  • Taipei station 台北車站
  • The wheel is at the brown line that horizontal 美麗華摩天輪 🎡 you go to the mall to walk inside.
  • Breeze 南京 or diagonal 小巨蛋 
  • https://www.eslitehotel.com/ wait to check -in https://www.eslitehotel.com/#aboutus03
  • They all have a bathroom
  •  101 is next by Breeze that address, Mia C Bon, all your water ?

You go in the hotel check-in first and you just keep take the taxi in the city !!

You can afford, this is not you all land, within the Taipei city. Taipei station to 101 is very common. Your bags ….yeah the red line. Y.

You have a rental apartment and you cannot just ask any human in any store there, wherever you are?

Address: _______________

You can ask the judge

The university or the college, or the 2 years associate degrees.

You say clearly to the judge, if those people, the guys with the height and the look, those worlds exist. You want to think about this Harry Potter story in a what way, be home studying and get the grade A, or passing the time too much, you can no longer be a dangerous factor on the school campus, so you do the home study, you try out the one course in the summer - be at home with Meghan and help around with the kids. 

You knew you planning to do more drugs, or selling the drugs on campus?

So it defines as FOREVER NEVER a grade issues anymore, just when you can do a vola job and be self expired jobs? You make that clear with your father, or with the court room, for the rest of your life, its not those split second of the whimp thought, YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ruin the projects at the last min. You cannot control you yourself. Do you go and talk to someone?

Do you go and find out if that is a disease, your brother has a what condition, did you go and find out the medication to minimize that and the drug effects your brain is with a hole in it. Meaning you are highly highly irritable. Does those drug effect came to you, your body response to none stop shaking all that?

You are not planning to quit permanently, or you planning to fix those damage, and you know you cannot fix the damage, so you take the shortcut in life. There is no shortcut in life

Make that clear with the doctor or the judge, someone can help only you start fix your damage parts, you cannot control you yourself and the drug effects the body none stop.

  1. A Chinese Asian girls in the rain, tie the butterflie behind her head.
  2. An ABC yoga pants, longer leg, the hair tie up all the way a ball on the head, trespassing indoor their house wall, with a phone or her green juicing bottle. You mean running...those lively cheerful, Asian ABC.

Okay, when you grew up, these unlimited outsider is your peripheral to seeing the human, these per line per min, per Harry Potter, Red River Manga, you really really really really believe in it, with the Taipei Metro map, you believe in it, to write them at your hidden stuffs with Meghan those desk?

You want to go out BBQ with her, on the backyard, cooking all kinds of the food for her, stand on your feet, just you and the kids?

Too dangerous, I will tell you that. Not even put on the paper for that exact plot, it may not have anything to do with your entire life, other than some police cabin profile. You say you are not doing it, and everyone else believing it otherwise, so you got married and be blessed, that doesn't mean anyone trust that, what they only believe in their own side.

You cannot change the public to take their own side for the Queen. 

If you cannot, that piece of papers doesn't have your views in it. At all, just like that Ola. 

You split second thinking that, or you split second saying that?

There is a difference?!

You want to tear down your brother. You two panda walking together.....behind the bar jails.

I have to go out....its that Lance Bass, Silas "On the Line." - that is Chicago Metro behind them. I have only 1 second seeing that now. Your brother has 3 kids, I cannot see it neither clear Louis and then George. Your vision, you cannot see?

When people start having the kids, usually for the kids, their aunt or the uncle means to them. Seriously. Not that you getting near to them, and then you ruin everyone's life ever again. 

When I am done, I go and check out this Shane things, because they are the happy groups might be just right next by England. For now, I am right here, too many things inside my head, I normally cannot hear one word anyone says other than only I believe or doing the things in front of my faces, like zillions photo stream down.

You never drew a painting, your father does?

UB classmates and the 5 Lords

... I think I get a husband not a bundle of the myth and the legend. I speak in English, so that is 24 hours one person next by talking none stop. You live that life? 

I never do those social life, I don't really like the human that much. The social life like you move in America, those North side where you knock on their every door bell so you give them the apples in a bundle or the small farmers of qauts of blue berry anything you inquire, you wish to just in-person talking, the best pal learners, not the whole doing this Harry Potter potion or that movie per line per mins.

You are not listening to what I say to Ola?

If I want to make anything clear, it will be 3 years ago or when I think you all fumble and fall, then I stop and correct like to Ola's stuffs. One day I say this, one day I say that. I am not too concentrating on why I think when you all got rejected the first time, many of the girls included, you know that is cold to you. Its not something friendly through the tones or the gestures, or something being indicates to you, many people in a different time exit that court room stuffs. You didn't really believe that before, but you take a chance. Whom you wish to kill, not included.

If you have your classmate, a Day in Life?

Like me in UB.


I walk with a sneakers when I go to the school, its a mountain hill 3 tiers of stairs, one day Dean lived there, he moved down in the South Campus. That UB South Campus had a gala events, the 2 dental appointment and some indoor a pharmacy or something in there, and my anatomy class, and Erin's 3 best friend Nursing Ph.D TA, and some professor's flyers how to.....if I walk in and imagine I literally doing that to sit down by myself. No more pre-med club. Everything I hide.

UB North Campus, its where they all are. We call them the flip loop and Student Union that loop goes to Ellicott. Ola lives there, or Seth, maybe Dean and Silas they were all there too. 

Being a student mean, being a freshman, they were a lot more high school coming up to that age. The student activities. Its not a commercial Indian General Mansion (The Youngest Sister) that book all things....other than that, a Truman's his that 4 side walls. Not anything else, because he walks alone to his own bank, you cannot change that banker to believe him, or believe me and Shane doing this walking in that day......

"One of you, which one of you?!"

Truman's Indian General with Dr. Gabriel's hat walking in Truman's bank.

Christof is his name?! That is the bad guy's in National Treasure 2. No, he doesn't have the eye glasses normally. No he is not next by Babaji neither, he is in the physical dimension. He lives inside his mansion garden all world house. Babaji his home is in Heaven, a literal space !

I can only see him as the story, the Indian General.

  • They are all the winter tunnels built, every basement to 2nd floor to learn from.
  • My major is in NSC, not Cooke Hall.
  • My food is in the SA union.

This is the important thing how I used to have a life to talk about?

James is at home, but I have to go home, studying finish, or go warming my feet, too cold. Watching the TV, be on my computer. I studying in the school. I called Dean or Wing before, sometimes to study together, or Emily I met her in the library. Ola we study together. I take her back to her loop. 

Other than that, I just sit in those APO space, or CAC space or the weekend project to get out of the house, I only just join them so much later on if the girls get around to be in Adria's house. This Karen coming up or down on her highway every so often, she has to work. Actually we each girl have to work, only I show up at Melinda's office. To eat the lunch. I sleep on those couch used to, there is a commute room, or some hidden space, everyone sleeps there. Next by the theater. There is a musician coming in, I bought a CD. All these giant space......

I didn't go to the leadership or the project holder. I just sit.

Sitting in the theater near by couch when Melinda was not there. I join their SA carnival stuffs. Sit and walk, keep walking and sit. I seeing Lee in the carnival. I going home seeing James every single day, and Wendy / her sister or Erin.

I sit all the places there, walking and library studying and just sit and look. UB Flag room, that floor doesn't have the magazine or the newspaper to pick up, it will be the 1st floor and the 3rd floor. Like Lance's Bass video, all the newspaper or the magazine. Even the President's office near Wei, that elevator going up has a magazine stand. 

All of these department are all doing something different. There is the UB Alumni database, there is the UB campus jobs, or the UB off-campus housing, James uses, or asking me. CADS is a job other than those dining jobs. There is an internal circulation jobs. 

And the English Tutor on the flyers, how to call, or imagine what not PCAT, other than the science, but 2 heavy English. The comparison and comprehensive. It happened every single time, the scores don't care in the science, just the English. Nothing will go through. TOEFL and SAT 1 and 2. AND GRE later.

Sit, walk, see, listen. I wasn't talking in English to social. I just be there to tear down the house in the Habitat for Humanity. 

There is a mall, Annie Taylor is a brand I used to go to. Not my brother's say those 4. He came in one day, I realize the shopping style stuffs. So much later on.

I have too many students in CADS. I wasn't even thinking....Lee did tell me he takes 1 or 2. Now I remember.....so I react on it. I forgot....I have Dr. T's office 3-5 or Dr. Chambler's office hour sometimes, not like Dr. T.

You never walk from anywhere like those distance, and drive off the.....outside school? Those students some of them have no car. I am not sure Dean really had a car, or just the RA with Silas.

Karen and Adria drives, Billy drives.

A lot of the scene I remember. I see them. Its the Kensington Apartment I told Meghan already like the Toronto Kensington Market. 

I talk to Melinda often until she does that....not particular substance talks. 

That will be the undergraduate. The graduate school is I clear out almost everything out of my sight. Just the facebook, a nick this upside down Tony, and driving never stop.

I have the things I am doing. 

Nick is an Italian all world.

Erin they are the Ph.D TA world. My students adds double from UB Alumni, and then the 1000 students on my channel, one organic. I want to talk, I make a vegan cake video on my channel and I talk. I have things in my mind to do that time. There is a climate change, and the interviews, and the flyers distribution.

I walk in all the dorms to put the flyers in, I just walked, not a particular things why you seeing all these dorm, or the road, or the dental appointment, I check almost every flyers, Jonathon does in Cooke Hall, I checked every wall.

Every flyers in the North campus wall, or the south campus wall.

I walk so many places now talking about these map in the movie??! What I see?

These flyers you can take from the walls, you take the magazine, or you take the Mon, Wedn, Fri newspaper. Dean and Bill has those. Every dorm people take that. The UB Spectrum is the newspaper stand. I read them.

I have 3 jobs on campus in the graduate school and a real intern in the school, planning to go to the National Archive, why I even apply through? ~~My mind is not inside some places but too many places all at the same time, too.

There is the scan machine, UB Lockwood, the UB Capen has the copy machine I think.

Maybe they meant the Lockwood that scanning machine. Wing works behind there, one side, and on another side, its where everyone gets the print out stuffs. Its the computer lab. You have to wait your name, combination letter to wait there, its an open lab, that clerk just keep printing and put in our name slot.

Waiting, pick up the print out, walk, to the library, to the office hour (I had those office hour), the channel video upload, run to nick, the passport, the visa, the stuffs he ever says. I hear them.

The guys will be the last thing on my mind that time, any time to be honest, THOSE school years.

What do you say? This song? Them, the guys between their height, happy world. They find each other is not titanic like that Peyton idea, or they imagine that with Westlife to me saying here to Peyton. The Titanic story. They find each other has a story, they met whom, or their old newspaper used to be?! 

oh ~ Me? Canada ? The river? I wish them be dead, so don't exist anymore to be honest. That border all strips. EU is borderless. My life suffering. About nick? He should be in the abyss already. They are handicap, just die one day and the capitalism sleek, no one needs him, not even his family, his parents already dead. Just me only hear....other than his handicap all curriculum they input there, or his feet. 

He is a servant or maid type like my mother. Getting old to have 2 death in the house with that son, so just like England. To say a reality story of that Snape (negative entity) and a movie to say all the very BADLY social cases JUST like the TV police cabin profile. ITS VERY dreadful for me to even remember one thing about them. Not one thing, whom they ever be.

These movie tells me something

And those people....zillions dollars to say one him. They are all similar like him. ALL of them.

I have a far away destination other than there and to be honest.....the very reason why I would get far, its to be somewhere, it will NEVER be hell like anything BTX system files those if got dropped story is real, its hell. EVER ever.

There is a BTX System File, there is a hell.

I don't need anything why I have only ONE philosophy EVER in my life 24 hours I use my life force doing nothing but THAT.

It really isn't I care so much of the sincerity issue, that bank everyone lied. I keep looking at the 5th Ave them when I realize the birds from. And when I thought through....its a piece of paper per monthly, and scan all through ~~~

These movies wasn't the beginning of all things. I could have other jobs to make it through one lifetime already, even just a movie title, because meditation isn't doing that for a job to get paid. But still...that combination has the whole planet, or including these all edge oh my God....all the way to WHICH central?

And then all those 100-150 base at, the border I guess Earth -Celestial.

I am not fainting, but I can see far away.

I got distracted then I cannot see !!!

I don't care about the song, I don't care about the story, those were their 4 stories, I am happy for them, but they are the entertainment worlds all the way in Ireland, the brand new Welsh langauge, literally meaning Finish langauge from Finland. Zawanna....them. Nordic.

I cannot breath on myself these Youtube have those Iceland trip, or Finland trip, their last name....from the local. Learning the langauge is not my ability issue, its my IQ to see where I want to end up, seriously !! America can go back, and all these things, I have 1 mother, so that Indian general will have ONE Scriptura, NOT these crossing river issue. 

A song, you mean a music singing out of the 90s album cover. I remember...that will be 30 years ago I knew there is a music, never been to a concert. I don't care about it. 

These people Zawanna, Kail, all the military distribution.....Shane loves these mats, that's fine. I am not even sure I have anything to do with them, but I am near. NOT that Mission Impossible AI what? OU langauge?! Hologram !!

My brain if not normal, I won't pick a major. There is NOT one thing normal from the civilian to seeing these classify, or that per word, per sentence, per statement, you mean...A judge seeing a stack of the paper if each per line per written per words, in the description only !!!!!

I knew that is serious, or I meant I boss the classify to do?  ONE religion, WHICH religion? Buddhism?!  I HAVE ZERO human to lean on. I already grown out of that mentality, I WILL EVER GET A HELP!!!   The IQ problem, NOT the human issues. 

Next- so why don't you ask the judge? If Anna's reality might be true one day....

SA doing nothing but smoking Adion - it’s a restaurant ! Andrew Conegine

( Why I cannot do dash, yard, cash ?)

The music piano as you all go to 92 next by escalator ing going down. Justin smoke and Shane smoke ! What you seeing 3 ways, how to burn all around. On the top.

Astor, titanic, escalating ….you see, every addicted…it’s the body morphine without. 1912…1917 is …

Shivering, quirying, none stop shaking….the efforts it’s self sabotage or the mechanism of the what you really want, the full load truck smokes cigarettes! The fresh of ale…Simon smoke smoke circle circling …it’s the drop of all digital era on the windier porch - Adion famous smoking…burn where? Dash yard cash …funny ?

Read the menu. It’s at the mouth, one Harry 2 direction Coopers Falls, unlimited mechanize guns at the drop off fan clubs Canada, just like the crown Ms Congenality!

Drop of all digital era, drop of all digital era, drop of all digital era. Tell me Harry you want? Traveling like Karen !! All the times…every addicted highlight! Inside outside ~~all the excuse it …Drop of all digital era

So this Greatest universe jokes, Harry, you written yourself a script, not you the Harry Potter, its these bus road trips, no, I believe its true. They let you all royal free true, you and your mother. Panda tell us, not just me. But no one is inside your body, inside your eyes, looking out the window 40 years of time, when the school has no friends, the teacher is not the buddy other than yelling at your grade, and when all the world scene left you. - Your father would be the only you knew caring you a bit, either on the phone, or even the money bag. Of all worlds, you don't have a nanny, to say buddy? She is so tall?!

Just like that Ola. 

Per touch of the windows glasses, gonna make you feel you are that 大力士 the past, but you no longer capable of any computer mouse to drag, drop, scrolling, shifting.....both your eyes and your finger, to lay out that Microsoft words, to align the photo, to frame around the pattern of that photo inside that 95, 98, XS windows, or anything after all Windows.

You feel bored in life.

1) Addcition of the body withering

2) The eye can see, make you feel you are the truely learner, of that nature, its the Bible, it was the past, it was you telling you father's lie.

American is to liberal, the European are more noble and the continental sadness, sit there to addicted coming up or down of that body quiring inside that forest wood, Harry Potter, nick's front yard. You like this per household you visit like his backyard deck. 

You like the in-person learning, you feel that is the wisdom percentage you learn good.

But you just looking for a place...of that hidden cabin. Its across with the boat, cannon nick shows you, its a cliff, on the top, going right, keep walking and you will see people jumping that cliff to play for fun. There is a cabin there.

Nick would have know what that cabins used for.

You like the people-to-people's touch, you never realize, the life so cold in America, its not the people staffs, chef near by life, its your Mc Donald those brown bags life. You pay Megan money to do your maid jobs, that is not a life. You fear .....a household life with her over Cinderella.

But none stop dancing over addicted.....

Like the music?

All those staffs must teach you kidnapping them as you grew older, you remember your 24 hours where you believe inside your head, until one day that no longer your spacious reason to gamble, its on the bed, if there is a bed to sleep was an issue. 

You like the Greyhound life? 

You are looking for a tree house top, or a cabin....right next by that driveway, its in front of the road side. Its not even the concrete road made off the Cooper's Falls. You like the hidden, the forest, Hogwart's forest, you know you sit on it to smoke, its quiet.

Of course its quiet. Its Canadian they preserved it, OPP is not too far from it. 

The academia, everyone studying on the table those schooling. 

No, its not the headquarter. Ontario Province Police. They train there near by the chemistry water test place, you have to take your water every month to go to there and put in those girls hand to test it window. You drive with Meghan and the baby those sun too beam at your eyes with the car cover shade.

Its very far to drive, correct.

Yeah, I know the mail boxes, they all design like that, there is no meaning in the movie !!! You have nothing else to gamble, that is the Cooper's Falls junction to the pebble road formation, in the winter, you have no snow plowing there on that ENTIRE road.

People use that for the vocation to learn the outside UB those suppose to learn, Pang supposes to learn or Wing supposes to learn. Some of these OLD people too old, and everyone gather a place to sit there and learn the bed time story.

They willing to do it for you when you were young, you know those Ski place, those perfect life in England? Your father is busy, not every 2 seconds he is too busy, you have zero friends to go out and outing !

MY 5 Lords to use that cabin ~~~you mean? Something disturbs you? 

I tell you the best way, I purchase that near by 2 property, and that road down was the old neighbor he used to build a brand new house there, his winter is in FL all the time with his wife. So the neighbor knows the neighbors, that is 3x giant than that Tesla Aviation cabin on the patents tale.

I tell the entire UB to show up there, someone cooks ! All live in there for the bun bed to make face to sound like how you burn down that Harry Potter forest in front of them !!! 

That is the front.

The video, that is the back.

You cannot change the movie Harry Potter, that is the end of talking.

How you die?

You use that cabin, and you trip on the cliff before you jump, so your head hit on the rock and you slide it down from that cliff, like unconscious. Its very dangerous, those are not the even rocks. Its the natural scenery. 

You seeing many places in the Royal life, can you just tell your father, you wish to go to the vocational home for a vocation instead? You always ask him to pay for you.

You missing those life, you have to make on your own ~~~or you plan for your kids growing up life there, for some strange reason Meghan hold the baby to come with you.

They be the Harry Potter? 


Let them be the Harry Potter .....

When do you plan to kill yourself with them all together? Its the man's wise console!






Tears on the birthday cake


Some people want to only do the construct things in life.



The Artist Book  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DkDf-KMbSn8

Drunk and vomit, the girl.


Twisted dance: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rh9ifWeDBuY

You know, your family belongs to you, to take them out of the Samsara, everyone doing that for their family best. There are a lot more people wiling to keep your family, than you one Harry, to say, never cared for them, no matter what kinds of the circumstance that is there, as they were in England or outside the England. 

If me and Shane (not this Nicky anymore), its next by. I mail your father these.....diary's book? He is artistic? On both Middleton and Meghan's dresses? Does he know what these element, or the component he receives from his fan clubs? 

Yeah, I know what those component.....its the art and craft. 

James ~~~ He used to paint, and his vision isn't the greatest, but anything near, he needs to take off his eye glasses to pull very near to see something. 

This video? She buys these....things. She didn't create the elements or the component. I made him one diary book with all those component, he can glue on ....any piece of paper, or just throw them all outside and burn it. Its made of the ....a texture of the art paper. 

I have no idea where is my stuffs my mother rearrange all these....or I put in any bag before, Eben's that one bag, I create that bag myself. Its those plastic Zip Zag bag, I tape it all around for the mobile phone games 閃耀暖暖  I have no idea WHY I need to do that? 

Today... where I am going.

I can buy......I know how to go by myself....but if I come back, this ENTIRE world people gonna see me dragging those individual component your father seeing that made into the small individual elements.  IT HAS TO be made like that, they only have those size. Maybe they roll it, okay. 

The beginning....Go Game magazine that time the printing, has to be those PT receptionist making them at the front desk?!

You doing that its to print ! There is a process of that.

They doing it per sheet, not per diary book. I have no idea what that is. 

Probably I just give it to Shane, he goes and deal with that Ronan...and whatever they all doing from behind. I am a girl, and that is a husband not a bf, anymore? These.....

I watch that Ronan, but it would be Shane goes and call him, right. They are the best friends, or Nicky?!

Not really. I never call a human, that is Westlife channel, maybe that is 5 people not Shane's facebook chat room box even, I will tell you that. What should I imagine, the truth be that interface, I have no brain. 

I am a very short type of sitting on my chair I am happy life. Its a writer's job, not a PR's club. Westlife has a PR?!

Next - 5 Lords in My UB a happy trespassing, walkinig life you mean. Every class is a brand new sitting next by friend?

煙癮、眼影、電影(花千骨) 清海無上師越南小尼姑的賤人




Rebecca 抽菸🚬的


Smoking addicted, eye shadow addicted, moviey addicted (same words, ad …dict)

切成兩半的 Addict, 怎麼拼小尼姑短腿的過往叫做戀愛?





Movie: Pitch Perfect 3

Okay !  DJ Kali ......that will be the American on Little reporting? 打小報告 !? The Karmic Laws, that is Dr. Steven Hairfield, his past Mark Twain wife in Buffalo dead. Keanu all that mis-fortune, on Rip-off?


There are those dogs....on the ground sleeping near these otters video, did I remember it right? Everyone sleeping?! These people never move their muscle like that Joann or Nominji why the yogurt or that is a liking or a stomach reflex......but correct some people are easy going Adam used to be, on the vegetarian. Nadin was a red hair was a vegetarian.

Probably stand looks like standing, sit like sitting, how soon these Celine Dion in her lifetime gonna see those every monitor, these Bii's Truman will debut? Why I even bother doing that every lunch, saying Live, right? 

Everyone is on the photo or inside the movies, that is how much I define or you could define....sit like sitting, talk like you are talking, instruct like you are saying it, and talking back like you know how to do that perfectly on the whole Cosmo !!!!

Frank is deep deep deeeeeeep voice ! Not that TV !

Some horror you would never meet commander, deeper voice probably behind that far away Thor seriously ! I never hear him Thor talks, the voice. These people, every human looks like 

  1. Sit on the chair is how to sit on the chair, next by my bed.
  2. The MD practice is like.....they done the report, or the field trips study, or the camping gear tie up, even nick knows a hock-up hedge that purchase at Home Depot somewhere FAST, when he goes in and out all by himself, its an open trailer.
  3. There is a difference, you Appretiship a practice, or the professional to say that's an intern. 
  4. You never interact nothing outside BUT the uniform, ALL DEEP WATER BASE.
  5. Not this otter makes a show, twice, and....that is not a word on Earth.
  6. Not a word in America.
  7. Not a word in general public.
  8. I say stand like standing, sit like sitting, talk and sit at the same time, exactly talk and sit behind that table or the chair, or the bed, or the explaining you yourself, that correct literacy with the words, sound like....why it is such a big deal open up you mouth and talk !!!!
  9. Listening to that English in the brain comprehensive and response clearly.....
  10. Stare, look, listen someone could tell....
  11. Instruct will be ALL commanders doing that. The Commander-in-Chef, all of them.
  12. The military is straight their back behind.
  13. Sometimes there is a difference ALL military is their back stand up and walk like they can walking straight ahead of you. Not my UB 4 Blocks. Walking !!!
  14. I don't care about the singing, or this immerse to the hobby, I don't care about the hobby. 

There is a lot of the things I don't like, correct.

Your...camera did all that perfectly ! I don't like those ANY bar, the bar with those bottle, those spray, those....branding name, those darkness I cannot see and the smell, or the mug all that. Any wine and alcohol, and those will never be the friends, that is a certain too good to be true culture, other than to me. We already left that clear, I don't belong to any world. I think....

Not dancing.

Not those exposure the body parts, these girls.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dtW-rNzAt4g

I forever don't care about this Thanksgiving, or Christmas, they are nothing but the meat smell, all the time. Those bench just reminds me the drugs human in those...carpet wall-to-wall ending up the soft bar install inside those Emerson Square that costs 800 that time per monthly to say growing too tall to that every society ...there is a reason with all that.

The COLD steel bar install inside, you ever... know what that is?! 

WE WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER meet, FOREVER, one lifetime FOREVER goodbye makes a great Ella Enchanted! FOREVER !

I probably SEE too many things, I cannot possible tell you all....there is a HATE to the bones! 


I don't like the human, you cannot make me.....

The phone case, the bedding, the color, all those junks. The fury .....I hate the fury their feet on those A Day in Life with the students dorm the plastic curtain in the dollar store. We use the glass at home.

etc etc....

I don't actually like a military, so.....I hate people dating the military ! There is a gun in the house or the hand coff things, that is very very psycho !

I personally....Youtube... don't like about anything art. I don't care about it. Don't talk to me about it. And this You've Got Mail, the daisy or the Daiso, I need the Japan Daiso more, and those either the name is lilly, or what the flower shop has those, other than the roses....funny flowers the weed I never see...its in the wild, its free ! 

I don't care about the pop culture. I don't care about this green behind, the camera, the frame, the screen....they disable now?! 

I go to sleep.

Movie: Ms Congeniality

Its on ....They are eating on the big beef.

(You hungry, birds?! Go and drink, 去喝水 ~乖!)  ~~ facebook this Holy spirit, father, son again...4.

The movie that is Mably?! 

Is this Middleton learning Welsh on the newspaper sometimes ago? She is going to learn Spanish....that bus she keeps fallen ! So, none of you staying in this Timezone looking up my map, everyone got that map? The timezone is a line coming it down. (from my video in the geography session)

This is not Ola, next by....their 50,000 years~~~ oh ! That military girl she was keep saying the water ! They die in Taiwan, everywhere is the Family Mart, those. 

My dumpling boiled in the soup, I just ate the oven bamboo soy meat....all bamboo shredded soy sauce + this spicy dumpling skin ! (Fresh made from the morning market ) with my air-con ~ I never leave the door here outside just like I live in America !

We both can smell the methane, my living room, her seating couch. I have to open the window.

(Movie: Their vegan hot chocolate, none fat ! )

I had the spicy 金牛角 vegetarian shop they sell. They were on 80%, or remodeling...no more your ice cream. It is my mother goes and shop with her friend.

I just keep eating what things here. Its the movie every afternoon !

冬瓜、白蘿蔔、薑 = Ginger

These make a good soup, you all eating the fish...that is the ginger normally how these taste like, maybe...I am not sure, its 冬瓜, it smell like you all soup with the fish to stew that, but its the vegan one, none fat.

No, SEPARATE, both of you have a speech format.

The....microphone speech, each on your own group, inside a different location in Japan, one west on the left, on east on the right. No one needs to know, what speech that is, on your each individual rehearsal dinner !  The good things about the military, its these one don't end up in the science museum from England, and guess what, they end up only 2 years...and gone. No one will even bother to remember whom you are, FAR AWAY from home. 

( I just have only 6 dumpling skin, I need the vegan ice cream )

oh ~ That is you 3? 

Hira, Alice and Fatima? oh `~ the interview questions? You haven't finished your MCAT, Ola? Hira finished that long time ago?! The interview questions, asking her, or Alice?

Fatima says what?

These highlight powder, hey...we Taiwan has a stage incident, explosion with these powder on those singer and the audience, they shut down that concert ! HERE. Its on their skin, the 2nd or 1st degree burnt !! You girls find that news, or the last time, someone UB those Google Chat doc, you have it?

We have 2 incident another one is 八仙水上樂園 !! 

His name is Eric, not Mathew. Eric Mathew. 

Next - Pitch Perfect 3

So the movie says you all girls on the beauty pegeant.

You know we are not that close, not at all, and I am tie up indoor, never going on Mon-Sun, probably 1 day my mother drag me out, and its all walking or the metro, meaning no car. If one of you pretend you have any incidents, you think you all feeling good, you truely wishing other people ill?

Saying I don't need to be inside the movie, but I never go and accumulate the bill for 10 years, just lay there, and tie myself up? I used to drive so much, that is very very very scary. And just take care of my mother, and wishing her longer years to live. It does mean to the other kids the parents are, and so to me, as well. So, I assuming I tell you, you all girls go back to your mother, because if they buy you one extra pair of the sweater or shopping together, your mother means to you. I never done that, but for Irene and Square, I think that is the MOST IMPORTANT things ever in life. Seriously.

Your mother cook your meal when you are on the period pain, or your friends could be on the Line App, or coming near you to live, or saying hi, or door, or your mother's friend, that make you feel like there is a home, there is your room. It means to you the whole world about your mother, and if you seeing these girls near by, and inside the TV funny. You don't need these girls, but keep your medical bill little, and not that car, not that far driving like I used to. I have a job, it didn't need to be that jobs, but for 10 years, I say, I tie up myself on the bed, don't talk to me. I keep typing and typing and typing, so there is a VS - Modern.

We are on time.

You know what I mean?

京華城 case

沈慶京 My mother says my father's friend 曾倉偉, 小龍的爸爸  used to know him. 

Rama 1/2 that girl's father, 3310 Pang's financee that looking girl. 

安華、安怡、安仁 !

The 3 girls name.

She is in 1984 應曉威,你們知道  威力球? Lotto?

  1. 投注者須從1到59的號碼中任意選出五個不重複的號碼以及從1到35的號碼中選出一個號碼作為特別號。
  2. 或電腦隨機任意選出五個白球號碼加一個紅號碼。
  3. 威力球樂透彩券開獎時,開獎執行單位便會由開獎機器中的號碼範圍內隨機開出五個 ...
  4. 美國樂透號碼是依大小順排列,不管落球順序如何,一律由小號排列至大號。

The Powerball. Just this week??~~

Hey, which one? This is not 69, that is 59???!

你們中文寫錯了~~這是 59 這邊寫,我以前是 69 我算的~~~

我看看~~我弄錯了第一行~第三行~~我寫錯行,公式沒了~所以只有 456,這第一個號碼跟第四個號碼我可以看清楚我的錯誤因為我的公式沒了,少一個位數

Nourished While Waiting. Action: Patience. Failure and success come to test the depth and nature of your sincerity. Too often man handles life as he does the bad weather; he whiles away the time as he waits for it to stop. – Alfred Polgar

Influence/Wooing. Action: Woo. Wooing is how you attract those things that you desire. Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. – Emerson

Coming to Meet, Action: Encounter. Hope is like a flower forced to grow without sunlight. Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. – Emerson

Pushing Upward. Action: Ascend. When you pay respect to the great, you pave the way for your own greatness. It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel in doing nothing. – Chinese Proverb

Dispersion. Action: Flow. There is a thing confusedly formed ~ life is an all or nothing equation. There is a destiny that makes us brothers, no one goes his way alone; All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own. – Edwin Markham

Molting/Revolution. Action: Transform. Unhappiness is the first sign that something powerful stirs within you. A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sorry 寫錯了 ~~是皇室他們

Harry, Prince Wiliam, Middleton, Mably, Hugh and Olivia.

What? Again !?

She says it WATER, and you stuck inside the elevator darkness, Harry's face! Hugh and Olivia going with those officers in his hotel to Brazil? Or Canada is looking for you....

You mean 50,000 years? Those thoughts go intercept by the birds wake me up! They agree or they disagree they do that. You need my roof?

Learning Chinese? 

You going to Brazil, you learn Spanish...like that Frozen sibling, and ALL THAT middle America, the spanio countries. 

If you going to Japan, and stay there eating outside Mably can see you, you still need to decide how long you are with Middleton, or Mably separates or they going all the way where the North Pole near exactly like that typhoon running at !

If you are still in China, the simplify Chinese is a different written but the same sound Mandarin. President Xi is my grandpa, Shen that side...the book keeper. Accent to speak their own dialogue, this local like Taiwanese local some langauge use....you can just speak in Mandarin, their new leadership is someone looks like Jason in those China Drama 陸真傳奇

  1. BUT, if you neither that, neither that, neither that....its purely the military, [ they have about 100 Chinese the boys or the girls suppose to show up new leadership other than that Jason looks. ]
  2. And you are on the business, not on the military whatever all these scene looks to me.

This Time. (1) and (2) [their new leadership boys and the girls.]

[  ]  =  [  ]  

⭐️ What, I sleep ! ⭐️

Why Brazil? I got sent this video from Westlife. Harry's new water frontier, you ever use that words in English, you all from England. The new water body is not your...grammatical use, but something the new frontier, because Brazil that goes to Spain, anything new on there, its a brand new Hunger Game / Catching Fire, including the mentor's game (me, 2014). There are 2 princess there, the sibling? Like the Frozen?

Maybe he thought about not to waste the year or they find out ! Here is everything I set up for any of you, or talking to you....you don't feel no one knows you are here. 

Middleton they suppose to be at Japan, she, and Mably separated. I assume Mably says okay if they all go and buddy together with him. I would never go there ! There is no food there.

If I can land in Japan, I can do all my maps without any of them seriously ~~~Not the games, I never live for a game?! You go to Japan to tour, I have the relative and so many people Taiwan go to Japan on tourism very very often, so are the Chinese !!!! I go buddy with the tourism ~~ they have a lot of the things to buy !

He...Harry supposes to convince Harvard or Boston that Eastern any school side, they....you know, other than Brazil, because PETA is in Virginia, and there are the heavy military establishment there, all that Atlantis Road (Cayce Edger 1900). He plays his face, he ends up in Brazil, not the Bermuda Triangle


You just pass that Family Mart on your way (straight head), that is where the water would be.

When you settle your hotel, then you go to ....your internet.


The gallons water, and the fruits.


The fruit vendor. 

7-11 / Family Mart

The tea leaf egg, that is what you all swallowing? A clamp and below those take out plastic transparent, and you grab 5 tea leaf eggs? 12 NT each. It was 10 NT before you all came. China has no food, or this is the year, someone has to win? The parrots say?

There is a vacuum chicken (white), plain looking on the hanging "open concept" fridge with some other lunch box to microwave below (vegetarian also somewhere, new!). Hugh's apartment with Olivia, but they know where the food to eat. To next by those tea "real close door" fridge with the lights, or the drinks you cannot read, or the water, that is where the "Korean Fried chicken" or "the dumping" to microwave. How?

You use your index finger pointing behind that cashier, without a word, you can pay and leave. Pointing behind him "1 2 3" pointing at, and point these you grab about 1 US dollar microwave stuffs on the table. If you go out to eat, probably that is 250 NT, 8 or 7 US dollar right now, right? So Hugh they spent about 100x I told them, the first one month they do his way.

The instant noodle is that hot (red) facet looking up or down, NEXT by the tea leaf (open ricer cooker), you open your instant noodle cups, that is the water. + your cashier near by his money machine, its the fork, spoon, or chopsticks. Near somewhere these range, your eyes to look for the napkin, tea leaf eggs rice cooker all darken soy sauce below...

The plastic transparent + the white napkin, above is that red hot facet to burn (the instant noodle giant cup) below to wait the water.

You still here? Where?

Its very hot outside, your uniform + those heavy bags.

Finding your words on the metro? The line, you can see the color?! https://tw.piliapp.com/mrt-taiwan/taipei/

You cannot go down your metro, scan that bar code, you just new, no one tell you

1) Health app (everyday you walk)

2) Bar code scan

3) Timezone, Ireland /England or American time.

Do you know 花千骨 scripts? 5 Lords at Green line on the right. Count 12345

中山 = our national father


My high school = 中山  (girls school = 女中), 3rd school.

Next by.

中正紀念堂 = Prince William (English Commando )

Taipei Mayor's great grandfather memorial hall, the one looks like Eben. (4 stop down), can you see?

花千骨 has leadership would be 1) White Robe 2) Dark Robe 3) Prince William 4) Tesla

The penis connected to blue its the same metro, you just inside the tunnel keep walking, but the other side all the way the end, that is Zoo. The American Embassy they move all the way on the top of the penis, no one knows why. Probably a better new build apartment, everything new. (in the center of the penis, they are more North).

台北車站 is 2 above 中正紀念堂 (commando in Taiwanese pronounce )

That is that Taipei High Speed Train or Taipei regular shaking train are. The big main all connecting ports is right there + all your food, everywhere.

Red River Manga (its upside down this red line) Kail and Zawanna would be at the English, says.....Up north somewhere looks similar, they are the brothers.

Ankeheseamen near this 101 here this side. You don't read the comic book, no reason to believe where is the Egypt how the comic book create all the reading its from right to left. The sensation.

Where are you going again?

Green line? = 台北小巨蛋? Breeze 南京 if Hugh and the commander never move out of it there. (Small Egg)  = The baseball stadium or all concert stadium, next indoor small room is the ice rink. (溜冰天使 comic book)

What are you doing here, to live, or to find them again? Breeze is a very giant words, if you stand on the intersection, very very hot, use your eyes to see? The entrance on the map, you looking for its 台北小巨蛋 There is an elevator straight up, your bag, not walking stair up !

Keep turning right, and then right, to keep straight, walking 2 mins, its the intersection, keep going its your Breeze, if cross left that is Small Egg = 台北小巨蛋

You always run indoor. Not staying on the road. 

VS - Take me To Church (all blue line, right side)

Taipei Station, Shando 仙道 (Dean, Slam Dunk)...市政府 (A4) 

Seth, Dean, Bill, Silas, Patrick

The one before is 國父紀念館 the National Father Memorial Hall

1911, the real year before the Titanic, China has the only 2 people to remember on this land.

  1. 孫中山 is his name, but his memorial hall correct local landmark = national father memorial hall= 國父紀念館, there is Mc Donald there.
  2. 中正紀念堂 

We just talk about it. 

Whom is Shando, you all leaving yet? Not dying in the sun, that is what I mean. They meant you learn this map on your own, or some of you will learn how to go around all by yourself?

Its an incent temple there. You don't need to go there. Too hot outside.



That is what you guys up too? I already finish mine 2013 and 2019.

That is 日本和室, the beginning, the coach.

74, the Captain fouls. The red hair, the red team captain.


That looks right? (You know, they know, its all you up to?)

Is he keeps fouling? You all indoor and look at this? You suppose to be on your ship shipped yourself to Brazil?! Only 5 times fouls you are outside, so....the red hair is he doing that very often in the TV cartoon (90s). But the comic book gone to the National, the TV amine ends at the train. 

Loving the Silent Tear, you sure you can read or watch? Open books mean?

You guys going to Japan !


You looking for the stationary  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eOGzGicOJw4

The boy hair dryer caught on fire. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RCtOCJfO0IY

The baby goes to sleep. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NhY4B3fL8yo

oh ~ the garbage things you buy.....those for Eben stuffs. Maybe already in the trash can, somewhere down there, the last time my mother rearrange my entire room, somewhere....the drawer. The night market mall that is day time already open, with the 99 cent store.

I cannot find it. 

I can create a better thing than that...the component. 

You all finish your day, to go to the hotel and sleep ~~~ Ola their case.



So you all have SMCH photo, Simon 商鞅 photo and Prince William, & Harry

Very similar you don't think? The mouth wide like that Rama 1/2, pulling 2 side cheek, fatter jaw, to say, the temper in liver, was not starting 1999. I will Love You Forever.

Shi....these secrets, how the hearts stirs, the passions, not in pain such like that Keanu, together....you know the facts, you know the life, you know the expense, you know a table you use a pen to cut an envelope to say bill.

That is other than.....me. Right?

The words to read to comprehend, strange.....everyone believes in it, would have thought, those were just the swift words uncanny, uncared, to that flair of your true Self....shi. The finger to your chest, not to your cheek. Gentle and nail long, right? 


Its called the   VS Romance Journey   . ha....

How I come in exist ! 

Say it, Keanu's product manager + Ava.

see...you understood it well. Shi......

Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon Transformation - Moon Cricis Make Up!


No one knows. I tell you the truth, so don't say it.  I don't need to lie to you.

京華 (微風嗎 ?) 為什麼這 Zawanna 說不能說? 

就是 25 年前有的一開場,汪星媽媽她們開 bra 女孩子穿戴的第一個精品店? 汪星就是那個特斯拉錦繡未央,那個紅路燈就是十這樣轉,第一個那樣做精品店,都沒有人吧 ! 我去過一次~~那個比建國花市的十走路的,開始吧 ? 我第一次 shopping,現在回來這微風叫做 Breeze 琳瑯滿目在台北車站抬起頭來 !

這 101 旁邊也是,叫做什麼微風,小巨蛋對面也是南京微風,以前那邊是 ...大飯店我們 EF 回來之後有去講個什麼東西,那個是南京東路,以北好像就比較多東西,我們這邊方方,都沒有吧 ! 


"家裡這麼亂,他們不可能真的每一個每一個搜吧 ! "


人老了叫做坐著跟站著~警察是工作,他是公家 ! 我如果有 AI,這種叫做國家機密,在他的胸口左邊一口酥? 喔~我沒有 AI,但是這家裏站的位置要面對門嗎 ? 是背光嗎 ? 他不想坐下來,老了~腳很酸,沒,沒有女孩子照顧,他太太,反正很多人也不會真的知道,你累了吧 ?

慌張地瞬間叫做做醫生大概,他怎麼也會慌張地意思? 是黨主席哪個民主黨哪個? 喔~ 頭要低低的到處看才會講那種話吧 ~心在大腦 ! 你們進門是他要看到的意思 ! 

所以這是真的 ?! 

右邊有個藍色麥克風! 我其實聽不到 ~~

所以只是國家機密,你想出來的意思? 醫生不是律師的關係 .... 下面是陸什麼 黑悟空抵達? 誰是黑悟空?

政治風暴 (記者講的?) 是人吧 ?~~他這麼慌張,出了蝦咪,兵分十路搜索 !

840 ? 大小場地

就是我們 EF 回來提娜那一屆,第一次 (我慢一年緹娜是 84),聯考第一次改成....就是我原本那一屆是只有聯考,緹娜 (我回來)是可以有個什麼在旁邊,高中聯考的事情進入大學,我去肯德基有個這個魔法灰姑娘,我們不是講半天,但是他們才兩天前叫做魔辣公主,我才在那邊罵人罵半天的~~想殺人的關係 !!

刀叉吃人肉? 長的像 ...那個就是 A4 橋那邊,看 ! 那個?! 不是京華微風? 講錯了 ...


火腿是豬肉 ? 低 就是低妹的那個台語對吧 ?  你們現在有台灣什麼教育發音的~我不是很知道台語 ! 

包的~~~你們寫的 !

他是醫生的關係 ...不是律師,你們想錯了! 這是政治 ~~因為是法官,他貪汙對吧 ! 他可能也不知道是誰告他 ! 這不是新聞問他~~~

我媽要去睡覺了~不能看 !

六點很早~~不累 !! 第一次被扔出自己家裡~想像我~~~~

每一天躺著睡覺 ...陳珮琪 ! 喔~ 聯考當初嗎 ? 我考上肯德基就不需要念了 ! 但是我看了成績單,要念 ! 我記得是畢業舞會我們要籌備,但是我生病倆的禮拜沒去上課,也不知道怎麼了,是兩天生病,很嚴重我記得。

我畢業是其中一個士林的那邊送我花 ~去看呀 ! 電視 !

BTX 是材料系郭登峰短頭髮的旁邊就是這個最高的 174 cm ,徐,這個對面中山小吃店就是她的名字,嚇到我了~我打給教官室都是女的,以前還有男的關係 2018/2019 就是提娜打人,弄槍等等等,我打了很多電話呀 !

哪個電視送我花 ~我說真實人生畢業的時候 !

楚喬傳,對吧 ? 年輕的 ?~ 飛機公司以前不再那個正右邊 (中山小吃店),她們是說重考在吃東西的地方,右邊進去中間,我不是照相,我很火大,我到處在罵人的什麼事情? 徐欣怡 (高中我副隊長的所有東西 ~) 她們不是在裡面繼續念書那種? 我沒有進去過 ~站在門口講話,跑掉了!


瀅玉 (魔法灰姑娘的下面一個,麻雀變鳳凰 ! 好朋友的那個位置 ~她從 ESL 開始念在 James, 沉默的眼淚叫做雲,赤河魅影 Yuri 的頭髮,這我印心就是我們兩個離開他家, Ola 的電影叫做 Lovely Bones) 但是瀅玉是台中跟 Annca 都是台中,我媽大學也在台中,黑道的地方? 我爸跟阿嬤在那邊買過一間房子,賣了~你們現在很多現金發送 ? 所以我媽的大學是吧 ? 我去了他我爸的大學跟我媽的大學 Youtube 去鬧事,被你們這護照,在總統府的附近很高的手扶梯,左邊~~上去那個地方,幹嘛 ? 我去寫了一堆東西,你們掛在我的號碼牌到處都是,我之後就回家洗掉那片牆,要去問嗎 ?

我家很多事情呀 ! 你們都不處理呀 !~但是後來呢~這電話不能只打給有問題的機構,我就開始做全世界我家人,我沒有講過話的 25年 發送訊息,通通長一樣的,我的照片跟 Zawanna 的所有畫的、貼圖、 youtube 其他人所有埃本,西城男孩,我也寄給骨頭醫生,方方介紹的,我爸要去台北車站看骨頭醫生,我跟他說方方在算你 2010.  他跟埃本有個位置在現代哪個劇本裡面 .....好像是溫柔的弦。

我說:  因為是電話,就不需要下來走過來,待在你們家裡面,叫做資訊世代的掉落

我其實很想講他們小孩叫做,我們不能見面的開始在路上行走的時間 ~~所以就是電話溝通就好了!


我好累喔!  這世界上有很多事情 ...小鳥


我睡不飽 !

他們不知道在跑什麼,我下午都沒有辦法睡午覺的關係 !

SMCH, you remember your black hair?!

My mother when she is so thin, and kneel like the handicap.....you could do better....right? Inside thinking its at your head, not the acting mature method, to know what is really inside you. These gang rapes methods of the true devotee every disicple of the male's penis, to this 1000 planets, to 1000 girls, youth, middle, age. sit on 3000 fucks, to make 3000 hours tapes. (from Earth)

You will watch it, and cartoon next by half, the sound the merit, to that 1986, you know you just follow SMCH reason, to that every Cosmo, eternity, every airport, every immigrant, every hope its only that 3 monitior, your world is complete.

With them.

The handicap just means its not complete. Everyone knows that, its funnier, right? No, you can just shut off the indoor TV, they give you a room, with 3000 DVD, now no more cassette, and no one knows between you and me, whom knew this secrets inside you, your head. Its light hearted jokes, kinda of, sad.

You know that feel, you know that min of the Earthly existence is God's doer, you always know. Me too. 

Zawanna has a wife in that represent the 18 worlds, last night was a horror, the blood in the mouth or something to die in the honor of that beauty. He says. Its the crying of the 18 worlds co-inhabitant, but he might just so well be gays, to playing the running thin curtain.

Its a horror death to hang on the 18 worlds.

You want to clap, in room, no one knows. Shi.....Against the greatest evil, you always knew the difference that make, its what is inside, you, unwaving left or right, to say the middle, it was the dignity of the dwarf to spell the honor, of the Greater All.

Its a memorial service of the 18 worlds, What so big deal? No one ever requires to know on this earth, its how they all feeling to say.....ruin my day, daring. One Tina Jojo.


Everyone so in power, is all these doer of the horror to the magitrom's worlds. I cannot tell you enough.

In 5 mins my TV will be on. You seeing this interface like Gilmore Girl Roy and Dean. Roy was in Toronto Center looks like this girl's name roy her grandfather. We got initiated and I met him on the table next by. A white tall man similar like him.

By now, should be dead just like Dr. Janez....but this much of the resume hidden of that 40 years with Clinton Presidential Campaign funds, they return to you, that isn't the first time all this greater wonder of the newspaper to say Refugee, its 2007, the Taipei Ashram Levine's VS, Nominiji's soap on singing. You remember the award photograph.

How he says your head has a halo like the Vietnamese the ugliest custom you must wear on the Gusi Peace price with those penis together.


Your heart didn't move, or not waving, like you say, the stern of the male rabbit in Zootopia, how the righterous of the bunny is a male, not the penny, its how you feeling like...the shorty to say you are the Olympia wave sword of the male bunny.

That is a bunny, not the prostitutes' in the uniform to say the long leg, Mission Impossible, our Vice President ABC on the TV, you remember her....long leg.

What is a male bunny....so important?

Its to stand tall bunny height with the uniform. Funny? I think so true, right?

Shi, no one knows. Its TV lunch news.

Isn't this fun?

Every gun is on the mouth, or on the anal? You don't die....haha....

When the AI or the clouds trigger, I won't even know, right? You all have a thinking, you don't know the karma, anyway. Its all AI pick and choose, not careful enough, how far, anyone could go. Its her SMCH famous motto: Doing without the doing will part, right? William?

You have a tape succession up 2024, with an older white hair lady in it. 


I think you just a "oh okay" dude. You are the dude. Your father says Wing, I say Tamang, but Kate supposes to be? At Wing.

No, I saw the facebook Ireland Kate letter, all that.

Right....She is in Korea, or boat to Japan, that is the farewell the day before? But Kate is not sure, your father says your IQ at Wing, I say you are like Tamang, but I say its a lot more chested problems at the water pressure at the lung. I mean the psycho and the hand shivering. 

But those staffs in the video tells me, not the exact words, its more of your philosophy in life how you are more sad than anybody else, or they are so sorry about your mother, such a big deal having no crying baby to say, you two brother bear panda, sounds the jail bar getting out or in...its watched by your own mother in the rain.


How long I did say the phone Diana? When Jones was here 2018 or 2019, I think....we all gone out on my phone. But that was the little kid. Someone gone to the court yesterday so I had those video to share.

Comparing its me or Babaji more cruel. So did you tell Kate, your brain IQ truely is, not those staffs inside the video thought of? The water pressure chest up issue? 

I think its a physical you cannot breath out up on your head, like your head is on the head band all the time, I was in 2014, or those Nick's house, any regular person walking in 2013 those cottage house. The electric meter is at the door outside. I think the brain band wave every time I enter that house, its like....width band. Your chest up issue all the way to your brain, that is how "define" you can feel "its through your brain", every sensation.

I am not sure how you two talk, how to separate or believe to be together, or your father King at the ....which side of this gun looking at.

Its not particular don't train....I am not sure if you and Tamang the same "chest up pressure right through the head. ". Meaning you and him has not one day living in the normal human body yet at your head. He is a lot more severe, but you have the shivering hand or tuttering on your langauge near the windows. Your father knows that?

Do you like the song, If You Believe?

You think this is funny what I do? Austin thinks like that too.....I had some of those ADD looking like him Austin, I have the name, you want to know, its Wing. He is mild somewhat.

The lyrics you like the song? "The voice cannot break free.", you breath deep at your chest, inhale in and exhale out, and talk a smooth word outside. You doing good though. 

You what? The head band? 

You are not severe like that Tamang. But both of you never live a day normal with the normal body brain feels, so you won't even know how that feels in the normal body. Tamang won't.

You would be...Tina similar or Erin. If I teach her words to say and to repeat, she does perfect, those. No, the funny parts. No, she doesn't feel the greatest, but she can do it. 

The deepest hell is created !

Every mins, I virtue, you all watch, anyway. Its just like an empty air....why believe in it?

Right, funny?

So you harry taken your ship to Brazil yet? Your police hand coff is dropped them all there, and you come back here jail? Anything of artificial typhoon like the Thunder God made, you know....a load of the people ending up inside the jail.

Or you have a plan from CA to this digital era dropped, its free road trip travel, loving it? To Barrie, to the bus Greyhound reach to the very Muskoka with your fan, and leave them there. The opposite direction its the shooter on the bus, or the camera from the bus taken them opposite direction road. The Cooper's Falls? Your father told you, you can kill anything on your road side north America, say it on the microphone, everyone can hear it. 

Its the Job title credits, say it. 

Tell me about your mother and lovers all penis, its an interface.....shi, no one can ever see, tell, know, why it rains anyway.....you bet, its real, or you all bet, you cannot see, you all bet..it won't matter, snail matter I say, nothing but the river blood flows.

This one life, you learn.....1 eternity forever will be.

Say it, next life....outside the school system, like Karen all clientale, yes or no? You ask, or you pretend it never happened this one first life, you learn it or don't?

Say it. Ask or not ask me?

One nick.

All System Domino, everyone goes home after UB, no more Linkedin.

Say it.....is this System only Domino, say it Ella Enchanted was not hurting me, You, Dr. Norman, Say it?

Say it loud.....

Say it, "oh okay."

On tape, 1 million time, next term, its 1 billion repeat these words like the Bible, understand?

Make it perfect sound, PERFECT, meaning PR shows up.

PERFECT, oh ~ okay!

Say it light, say it untouched, say it uncared, say it say it say it!

Every tape missing....you know where it will always be. 

The judge says? All to the Bermuda Triangle same as the UB MD 20?

Yes, or no, louder. Its tomorrow.

Not hiding anymore, every word, outside !

Harry, your father says

Simon says, your father says....a lot of this my father says.

Every line, out.....your father says, or I will make every cosmo your father says I say.....undersatnd?

This interface is a solid, watching your mother the other side......see it? 


Say it, the keys, the locker, the locks, the coffee shop wine bar table, the personality shows up...til Dunkon valley....say it. You have a cap.

Say it.....the cap.

How to by yourself.....say it. I make a new route for the other side. You loving it, say it.

Loving it ~~ Mc Donald every day louder your commercial. The Chicken finger is loving it.

You hear it, so copy saying it.

20 container Tsunami countries all furniture, Eastern Coastline cliff Taiwan. 

In the north, its rotating mountain driving, to vomit.

Down has 2 more district, has no metro forever impossible. These area is called the cliff rocky.....

Its the 花千骨 - that hospital snoopy from, her brother in law fuck up...her? Or this fuck up Vietnamese eternity hell fuck up shorty leg  ABC pretending the eyes.....so this area is the Earthquake none stop none stop none stop.

Commander-in-Chef and Uranus Building, both building on the first week of April all collapse.


Everyone claps a min.

Join this great beginning of the eternity, you are not feeling it, right.

Where you dump? Tina Jojo BMW high school fluting her ocean song Love love love starting.....宜蘭 my volleyball teammate stolen the phone from at. One of those love whom inside the team. All at 宜蘭 Its north. He kept going to Hailey fuck up the penis middle of the lake.

They got sue every video, or you all pretending there is no consumer bureau still under me, all governmental branch operates the same.

Next time You Hugh dare not to use your tongue to ask every single act, or every single move, Obama's head on American flag, you willing to see...a new different island.

China at the pistol gun mouth at. How many days?

Mark Chao 3310, so is SMCH around?

Say it.

2 container wine and 2 bucket gasoline.

Its just chulking....not suffocate to die yet, if you don't trigger AI.

It has to be BTX those Chinese medicine pot. See it, all of you....you cannot tell the case, you don't need to believe, you don't need to suffer, so you imagine my money will ever.....help.

This world touch per money, you all suppose to freeze, for every animals and the environment, I say....all before you die. It will not touch my money when I have to be distract in that day...the court must be perfect, you all knowing your mouth at the judge.

When I say loop, its those smile like Middleton, fake every them, until that flowery belief, you know....it was always wrong on the first step 2014, not 10 years later, right?

Say it....whom owns this world, 2014 the day England Frozen Musician.....Andrew Webber steps, say it?! That 3 boys head.....will be handing on the horror of that 3 millions hearts stabs in their jaws...not jobs. Called guards.

Since this 1900.....you all will be darely.....every penny of it.

The back street behind boys.

Understand, England?

Every mouth, every 10 rudimentary subjects line

Every daring to born kids, its 10 whips put in front.

The score the brains doesn't reach, its an immediately kill.

Dare to play the 16-20 ages, you will see 3 millions whip and one eternity face with 3 lines. 

Any more this law trespassing vola, its drug in the deep soul, your both parents will show up watching you one lifetime, with or without the food, because you could just kill the kids to go to the jail, never a born play to say fun, and your justice missing the bullets if not enough....for yourself use in America....its manufacture 1 billion bullets, say it.

Do you have enough bullets.


Today Congress....its night.

Every day together its the drugs worlds, both parents and the kid.

Its not deep love enough, don't tell me you are innocent, you vow to die on the jobs only.

200 whip handler, 200 presidents x 10 last decades back up or new Pixie gaming fake presidents.

This one Diana, and all penis and SMCH Vigina....Its a fun game, its a fun play.

When the judge lies, other than on the TV, all verdict goes to the Bermuda Triangle, its the immediately, not the words fake, I hear, not the words you don't air on the militiary order.


There will always be the next act.

You 3 will do everything with this one interface....fun fun fun freedom, continue to hurt me Ella Enchanted in 10 different ways. We will solve it, now.

See, its not always a fun funny gaming zone? Its fun fun fun ~~~!!!