
Movie: Pitch Perfect 3

Okay !  DJ Kali ......that will be the American on Little reporting? 打小報告 !? The Karmic Laws, that is Dr. Steven Hairfield, his past Mark Twain wife in Buffalo dead. Keanu all that mis-fortune, on Rip-off?


There are those dogs....on the ground sleeping near these otters video, did I remember it right? Everyone sleeping?! These people never move their muscle like that Joann or Nominji why the yogurt or that is a liking or a stomach reflex......but correct some people are easy going Adam used to be, on the vegetarian. Nadin was a red hair was a vegetarian.

Probably stand looks like standing, sit like sitting, how soon these Celine Dion in her lifetime gonna see those every monitor, these Bii's Truman will debut? Why I even bother doing that every lunch, saying Live, right? 

Everyone is on the photo or inside the movies, that is how much I define or you could define....sit like sitting, talk like you are talking, instruct like you are saying it, and talking back like you know how to do that perfectly on the whole Cosmo !!!!

Frank is deep deep deeeeeeep voice ! Not that TV !

Some horror you would never meet commander, deeper voice probably behind that far away Thor seriously ! I never hear him Thor talks, the voice. These people, every human looks like 

  1. Sit on the chair is how to sit on the chair, next by my bed.
  2. The MD practice is like.....they done the report, or the field trips study, or the camping gear tie up, even nick knows a hock-up hedge that purchase at Home Depot somewhere FAST, when he goes in and out all by himself, its an open trailer.
  3. There is a difference, you Appretiship a practice, or the professional to say that's an intern. 
  4. You never interact nothing outside BUT the uniform, ALL DEEP WATER BASE.
  5. Not this otter makes a show, twice, and....that is not a word on Earth.
  6. Not a word in America.
  7. Not a word in general public.
  8. I say stand like standing, sit like sitting, talk and sit at the same time, exactly talk and sit behind that table or the chair, or the bed, or the explaining you yourself, that correct literacy with the words, sound like....why it is such a big deal open up you mouth and talk !!!!
  9. Listening to that English in the brain comprehensive and response clearly.....
  10. Stare, look, listen someone could tell....
  11. Instruct will be ALL commanders doing that. The Commander-in-Chef, all of them.
  12. The military is straight their back behind.
  13. Sometimes there is a difference ALL military is their back stand up and walk like they can walking straight ahead of you. Not my UB 4 Blocks. Walking !!!
  14. I don't care about the singing, or this immerse to the hobby, I don't care about the hobby. 

There is a lot of the things I don't like, correct.

Your...camera did all that perfectly ! I don't like those ANY bar, the bar with those bottle, those spray, those....branding name, those darkness I cannot see and the smell, or the mug all that. Any wine and alcohol, and those will never be the friends, that is a certain too good to be true culture, other than to me. We already left that clear, I don't belong to any world. I think....

Not dancing.

Not those exposure the body parts, these girls.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dtW-rNzAt4g

I forever don't care about this Thanksgiving, or Christmas, they are nothing but the meat smell, all the time. Those bench just reminds me the drugs human in those...carpet wall-to-wall ending up the soft bar install inside those Emerson Square that costs 800 that time per monthly to say growing too tall to that every society ...there is a reason with all that.

The COLD steel bar install inside, you ever... know what that is?! 

WE WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER meet, FOREVER, one lifetime FOREVER goodbye makes a great Ella Enchanted! FOREVER !

I probably SEE too many things, I cannot possible tell you all....there is a HATE to the bones! 


I don't like the human, you cannot make me.....

The phone case, the bedding, the color, all those junks. The fury .....I hate the fury their feet on those A Day in Life with the students dorm the plastic curtain in the dollar store. We use the glass at home.

etc etc....

I don't actually like a military, so.....I hate people dating the military ! There is a gun in the house or the hand coff things, that is very very psycho !

I personally....Youtube... don't like about anything art. I don't care about it. Don't talk to me about it. And this You've Got Mail, the daisy or the Daiso, I need the Japan Daiso more, and those either the name is lilly, or what the flower shop has those, other than the roses....funny flowers the weed I never see...its in the wild, its free ! 

I don't care about the pop culture. I don't care about this green behind, the camera, the frame, the screen....they disable now?! 

I go to sleep.

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