No, I think its they each UB 250 moving into their perspective life (whomever gone to UB) that time.
So I go to my happy life ?! A person like me or my mother ever thinks we have any happy life, to be honest.
I thought about it, I probably understand it. something when they prepare to graduate from the school, a back up career, or trying out the career to the next stage, that is way I stay in a certain zone not that much difference to do other than playing my facebook or a home person. Like a Web 2.0 concept is to using the keyboard typing a text in the computer. They will be input the number like an accountant, to use the math skill, or the paper, or the pen, or the stationary, or the folder, or the binder, and the process of that entire office counter exactly like the TV. You getting a coffee and meeting the co-worker, and no office romance those.
So to be that flashy on the Web 2.0, then Web3 think everyone just operating on those facebook to be that vola, or any kind of the graphic design or the photo unlimited, exactly like the comic book layout? Someone must truly believing in the comic book those. I only got the 3 photo in the eternity !?
That is not exactly the Web 2.0, but that is a media process anything that is none-text. Still like going online, upload, download, graphic design, and sometimes just a camera or the Youtube upload, or the video making. Those are not exactly the Web 2.0, because you almost saying the Youtuber the other author, when you trying to collaborating....that concept its to input the text in. Like me and the otter's any group that idea. But we didn't get near, just some text, me talking to the otter.
Is that the Web 2.0?
Well, I input some concept more emphasize to the Youtube comment box someone inputs a communication in, you can have thousands people instantly to join that conversation, even you only read a comment. So there is a concept behind all of this, you saying that was from MLS, or it was instructional, but not part of the school Meta Data was originally from the library, you know how the facebook Mark says? There is a sheet of US, coming from, and that is the cataloging department. Tina will never be a graduate student to end up GRE, to then what? Getting into UB, you know UB is giant to her CUNY school. So...her profession aiming is not oriented towards my side any of this UB (Western New York) where the college town design, and those camera scene is less than the business attire, or the banking industry to say.
The university is a lot more the professors, or the IT, or the instructional librarian, those slow pace walking in the classroom, or the room-to-room.
Because if that time Tina and my mother or my brother all moving near Buffalo, we save the costs, all that? But she cannot be staying in the same house, or they find out, everyone got separated.
I don't know. She got separated since the high school going a very far away high school, anything my mother made, she will not stay home to eat those. We are the vegetarian, she is not. She go drinking or the other things, having a lot of the bf before she got married, those included.
Same thing those UB MD, or the other attire, because....
The syringe (he moves something downstair, no not re-fresh or saved the article), or the gauze, or the white robes. They need to stand up, walking in the clinic, or the hospital, or the intern, to meeting the yellow folder inside these patient's information, or going around the parking lot, or the parking, or going to work. I staying home.
(Outside those engine, bang so loud)
They tear a syringe, or the plastic of those hygenic reason, or the cotton bar, or the how to talk as the doctor, or how to approach the patience care, or leave the information, the telephone, sign here, or how to Answer and Question. Their schooling that time were not finished, they were just taken those USMLE 1 or 2 or 3, or the cram school. Near that movie time. Tamang was hurried to.....something something about get out the school earlier means a lot? The community college transfer to UB, and the international medical school to transfer back to the US land, those real medical school. I have no idea if they really making it, or re-taken the test or the lecture hall. UB? The same university we used to all went? It cannot be possible, I think.
Some others, probably the same idea, maybe the lab works (indoor)
The bench lab, you have to year by year staying in the most technical works, in their advance protocol design skill. Like the reason you accumulate your lab experience to use those pipetting, and the reagent, those in combination you know the bio is not the chem lab. Their Ph.D thesis, or the scientific instrument, that is based upon.......BS the lab works.
My entire day in UB was a B.A, pre-pharm, so ....I got a wrong minor I didn't finish, or some the law class. I didn't have an orientation until the graduate school, my mother changed it, its MLS. Everyone saw it on the facebook. I detox....those they see it, too. All things right now says the herbs idea.
They have to keep walking in between the bench counter and the reagent making lab time, one person alone, in those big space? Some are more smaller space.
None of these are the text in-put, you mean you just confrontational to someone on their social media to get into a fight, those?
( Did I say they bang something across him, that same floor, and now he bang on the floor. oh, the outside probably all scared him. All around....morning to night. )
Hey !!!!!!!!!
What year is this year? 2025.
( I need to be ....on .... channel )
Hey, that is the Facebook Mark, only he talks about Meta data, they used to have the Meta search engine concept, those Terminator - Salvation, what was it....the Terminator. And it was 2018?
I Robot, which year.....gigi.
Isn't this person is on whom's TV. Wolfvine !! The Moon ~~~
This is the guy in Transformer 3. Will Smith is the "I Am Legand" guy ~~~ Zawanna is in it !!!!!!!! Ankeheseamen, all those sequence I told you ~ Whom supposes to run these sequence? ME?, not them. Looking like that....What is looking like that? Romanian police car the DNA strips sounds like a bar code on the police car is the BMW. Shane?! No.
But, correct, its time to call the police, I don't think its 16 years, these are the 25 years since AD 2000 whatever that means.
Nicky is the police, right !!! (on the phone ~~~) cannot call.