
That is very complicated in life to think of so much of those....things.

No, I think its they each UB 250 moving into their perspective life (whomever gone to UB) that time. 

So I go to my happy life ?! A person like me or my mother ever thinks we have any happy life, to be honest.

I thought about it, I probably understand it. They....got something when they prepare to graduate from the school, a back up career, or trying out the career to the next stage, that is way before....like I stay in a certain zone not that much difference to do other than playing my facebook or a home person. Like a Web 2.0 concept is to using the keyboard typing a text in the computer. They will be input the number like an accountant, to use the math skill, or the paper, or the pen, or the stationary, or the folder, or the binder, and the process of that entire office counter exactly like the TV. You getting a coffee and meeting the co-worker, and no office romance those.

So to be that flashy on the Web 2.0, then Web3 ...you think everyone just operating on those facebook to be that vola, or any kind of the graphic design or the photo unlimited, exactly like the comic book layout? Someone must truly believing in the comic book those. I only got the 3 photo in the eternity !? 

That is not exactly the Web 2.0, but that is a media process anything that is none-text. Still like going online, upload, download, graphic design, and sometimes just a camera or the Youtube upload, or the video making. Those are not exactly the Web 2.0, because you almost saying the Youtuber the other author, when you trying to collaborating....that concept its to input the text in. Like me and the otter's any group that idea. But we didn't get near, just some text, me talking to the otter.

Is that the Web 2.0? 

Well, I input some concept more emphasize to the Youtube comment box someone inputs a communication in, you can have thousands people instantly to join that conversation, even you only read a comment. So there is a concept behind all of this, you saying that was from MLS, or it was instructional, but not part of the school Meta Data was originally from the library, you know how the facebook Mark says? There is a sheet of US, coming from, and that is the cataloging department. Tina will never be a graduate student to end up GRE, to then what? Getting into UB, you know UB is giant to her CUNY school. So...her profession aiming is not oriented towards my side any of this UB (Western New York) where the college town design, and those camera scene is less than the business attire, or the banking industry to say.

The university is a lot more the professors, or the IT, or the instructional librarian, those slow pace walking in the classroom, or the room-to-room.

Because if that time Tina and my mother or my brother all moving near Buffalo, we save the costs, all that? But she cannot be staying in the same house, or they find out, everyone got separated.

I don't know. She got separated since the high school going a very far away high school, anything my mother made, she will not stay home to eat those. We are the vegetarian, she is not. She go drinking or the other things, having a lot of the bf before she got married, those included. 

Same thing those UB MD, or the other attire, because....

The syringe (he moves something downstair, no not re-fresh or saved the article), or the gauze, or the white robes. They need to stand up, walking in the clinic, or the hospital, or the intern, to meeting the yellow folder inside these patient's information, or going around the parking lot, or the parking, or going to work. I staying home.

(Outside those engine, bang so loud)

They tear a syringe, or the plastic of those hygenic reason, or the cotton bar, or the how to talk as the doctor, or how to approach the patience care, or leave the information, the telephone, sign here, or how to Answer and Question. Their schooling that time were not finished, they were just taken those USMLE 1 or 2 or 3, or the cram school. Near that movie time. Tamang was hurried to.....something something about get out the school earlier means a lot?  The community college transfer to UB, and the international medical school to transfer back to the US land, those real medical school. I  have no idea if they really making it, or re-taken the test or the lecture hall. UB? The same university we used to all went? It cannot be possible, I think.

Some others, probably the same idea, maybe the lab works (indoor)

The bench lab, you have to year by year staying in the most technical works, in their advance protocol design skill. Like the reason you accumulate your lab experience to use those pipetting, and the reagent, those in combination you know the bio is not the chem lab. Their Ph.D thesis, or the scientific instrument, that is based upon.......BS the lab works. 

My entire day in UB was a B.A, pre-pharm, so ....I got a wrong minor I didn't finish, or some the law class. I didn't have an orientation until the graduate school, my mother changed it, its MLS. Everyone saw it on the facebook. I detox....those they see it, too. All things right now says the herbs idea.

They have to keep walking in between the bench counter and the reagent making lab time, one person alone, in those big space? Some are more smaller space.


None of these are the text in-put, you mean you just confrontational to someone on their social media to get into a fight, those?

(  Did I say they bang something across him, that same floor, and now he bang on the floor. oh, the outside probably all scared him. All around....morning to night.  )

Hey !!!!!!!!!

What year is this year? 2025.

( I need to be ....on .... channel )

Hey, that is the Facebook Mark, only he talks about Meta data, they used to have the Meta search engine concept, those Terminator - Salvation, what was it....the Terminator. And it was 2018?

I Robot, which year.....gigi.


Isn't this person is on whom's TV. Wolfvine !! The Moon ~~~

This is the guy in Transformer 3.  Will Smith is the "I Am Legand" guy ~~~ Zawanna is in it !!!!!!!! Ankeheseamen, all those sequence I told you ~ Whom supposes to run these sequence? ME?

hmmmm.....no, not them.  Looking like that....What is looking like that? Romanian police car the DNA strips sounds like a bar code on the police car is the BMW. Shane?! No.

But, correct, its time to call the police, I don't think its 16 years, these are the 25 years since AD 2000 whatever that means.

Nicky is the police, right !!! (on the phone ~~~) cannot call. 


The painful groups....


We starting this all over again.....

The day the movie is real, the karma splash you right and left, its your expense to your student loans, or some dividend, or something the car or the car expense, or the 1 bedroom in America, isn't the Youtuber's life.

You are not my kids, that type....

Kian's Instagram not as working on my facebook front, or Shane's, just one of me go gluing on it next by, you understand the Frozen story in the next 20 years on, that type?

1) Your facebook friends are all the high school.

2) You didn't get to the graduate school, or many of us are in the graduate school, that is good or that is bad.

3) When the movie turning real, there are these legal pursue, there are these dreams fade in fade out over the time span such as 10 years now to 10 years gone of the next.

4) Your parents are aging, you do get worry, you wish well for your family.

5) You heard the medical expense, you do talk about it behind, you cannot associate with that reality, because its the language barrier, you keep looking at Will they were. They are not doing well you can see, you aren't the most angelical people, we never require to go associate with it.

6) On my elevator. That kinds.

7) You pine on the material wealth, but super dis-organized in your room, your 1 bedroom, and you do wish that tranquility will stay with you until your age old, just 1 perfect room, but every 3 years you are moving the jobs, or why not, that is not stable.

8) You are pain with the aging.

9) Anything makes you painful? How does this Coco Club, Eben estimate ....the human quota.

10)  And? It will never be a moon program, or any of that. Whatever that is Wolfvine, ....that.

A piece of cloth, a police, and a sent up. Everything is so cold in that space every shuttle capsult. This small panda me...on 3 days running. One of them standing on my 7-11 I run in to check. The Sailor Moon or the Sailor Venus. You know how many times these Stoney human figure or the artitechure I was doing?

7 Full years.

You know how many lines on the ground, I cannot cross. The Bus scene in the Lake House.

Years pass years.

Hugh is not the sunrise, now he is the sunrises yet?


One day not on this website...your life. 
You find out your parents will aging and die, and those energy felt, is floating, and you are not acquiring the money statues and its every word I said, there is no result at the local.

Your parents bank account, or your bank account, none of that is real.

And? You keep floating and floating, the concrete things if you sit in 3 days or 1 week without my pages, your reality, that is per paycheck, to.....Strength. You are only motivated if you seeing someone easy saying one thing, or the photo shows, someone manually have to input the typing and the photo shooting, to show up.

You having no strength in life, when every groups on the block vanish. = my page + my facebook which groups. You all met like I was informed, and they talk to you?

The strength, I describe to you, you close it to find out, that is 1 week, or 3 week, face your life.

Movie: Shamzan, the God of Fury.

You start your discipline week, or you clean up your dishes, or you paying attention your 4 limbs walking or the fitness, you start to realize, you should get paid more?

These UB my facebook are not get together to make you feel seeing 1 meeting reunion.

You seeing each other 1 meeting per year, you have to efforts in as the CAC girls to put together to lodge, or to hotel, or the traveling together. + finding that Denis

There is something about this Denis? No, I think I hearing something.....but I don't understand one word.

There are a lot more other people's supports if you arrive to their thinking space exactly how I describe to you. Carry some of the medicine aspect for you yourself and your parents, and finding the exit way. i never say I don't run to the guys.....this kind of the circumstance. 

You seeing a reality, I write it down on the paper?

That guy.

I scream its Shane? Which reality is that? Passing it by happened to be in front of you, and "Hallo, nice to see you again? Yeah." and he walks away. His bank account never yours, that kind? 


"What is they doing?"

"oh !"

You mean its not a real conversation this guy to you? Most guys don't talk, they comprehend, and you are not sure he really understands everything. Shane is a right brain, not even speaking in which English, I written them?


She didn't heck Hank's computer if that is the judge's will, or my mother hurts me on the mental hospital? I cannot watch the movie, I keep getting hurt just seeing it.....or the police will.

I am not sure, they are underwent the divorces. Sometimes the judge.....can ask people to do thing, I believe that, correct. 

You know....I was being a very simple girl living my life. I didn't think the world to be that complicate in calculative into a legal battle such as a table sheet Tina would never do. She and Aria was lonely in the house, and be happy I show up, and she beats me, that kinds.

Then she went to the divorce case with Hank. He always beats her, or she always provoking him, both gains some weight all that. If there is a judge in the middle, that's a lot finer. I don't agree any of the violence, or provoking, that life was like a hell near by. 

And we moving 3 or 4 times, and settle and again, running. 

Right now, Shane cannot talk, or my side is bad.....but I can understand from the otter, little bit these message gone through, none of that is pretty, you know. All the scene, or the reports. I did listen. I have to calm down or some files going to file-ing in this side, too many things happened here, only I know this name or in a different langauge. So Shane is on his own.

A Climate Change Mitigation plans?

The UN Climate Change, the displacement of the population? 

And a GE what, the tower under? That gone to the water body, or the pond, or the sea, that is not those movie? Everything in blood?

Correct, I think if the judge was near by its better. I did think why that is happening.....

You know, sometimes you let those bad idea to believe the society to sip through as a weaker personality. I am not that kinds. Meaning you think the gambling, or the injustice to you yourself included, so you make the friends with whom?

Its about you, its not about me here.

The mental hospital

Of course not, just leave, that's better but I got stuck here.

You want to be with a mental person if that is the love or hate? Of course not !! Say NO!  If the judge ever asked me, of course not.

I never even know whom that nick other than the TV, he went to the TV so many times in around the SMCH tapes, and the center he does meditate, and keep precepts. When did a cyclone psycho, that he wrote that on where? The social media?

The normal human, I am way too normal to tell you to be with a handicap, the brain handicap. He walks faster than me, I do know that. I don't want to be with a handicap in the head and on the body.

In the divorce

There is a part I think they explain as 自由心證. I still don't know what that is. Something maybe its in the judge's will. But I never think a divorce can spend that kinds of the money in America, and both are so entangle over a divorce, both the family are tired just to hear about it. And they have the 4 kids that kinds. 

Do I think 1) Tina's police paper hacking?  2) Me in the mental hospital.

Her, my father, Tina, or even my brother a bit....together its all for her divorce.

I scream.

It can be all the reason, for whom or what divorce case?

No, of course I don't know. 

Do me and Shane talk about me in the mental "hospital", was her divorce?

I am brainy to think....that is a legal saying, that is a legal word, to where I talk to Shane? I already in the mental hospital. This right now ....I don't know. Are they getting a divorce below us? Not this again? 

Is all the divorce you, or your mother, these movie?

NO!  ( ..... say that again? ) 

What is in the Frozen.... france rings zen, that is what it means? Whom is France? Prince !

                                                    O    Tina is not Zen

O ...someone says O another day.

Titanic and 凡爾賽玫瑰 they believe those stories are true?

                 The Rose of Versailles

I look at so many people, maybe they are all mental, I don't even know .....there is a movie that is inside out, I have no idea how the doctors becoming the patients got locked up. 


= I cannot go and find the works?  

The Queen's definition is not moving, staying there?

Right, they both are dating, or re-married with the kids, and having a green card a new life. They were married and they go on dating those and re-married in Taiwan with another table, those things....Hank is not that type does the things like that, correct.

Tina has like 3 bf at least,....or going out literally before this current white guy Michael guy, and Pang went to the graduate school, and some friends, and the second guy this time. Hank just got married with the girl. Tina gone all around in NYC, because no one knows what time she goes home, she does her own thing in life......I will tell you like that.

No, the guns, those.....2 Asian guys maybe. I think. She doesn't ....always go to the white guy, other than this one. They intent to settle down that numbering of what not the apartment costs in Manhattan

Yeah, there are a lot of these strange things.

We normally don't live this complicated situation this or that. I never imagine my life to be running, they have a full locker were their furniture still in America, 8 years pass.

At least, right....3 known heard name guys, mostly are Asian in NYC. She just gone to those car to their home. You know their age, is someone whom has 2 or 3 kids, those? So one of them doesn't have the kids. Me and my mother listening? There are those white older guy, or prospect....all that. Near her work force or she needs that....the real job when you go in, and you imagine everyday those jobs and after, and she had those life set-up long time ago. Like all Asian talking in Chinese and those party like a full table of them. I never knew she speaks in that kinds of the English.

Like, the desk, the counter, the office building, those are the real things, like you seeing the TV. The real job force, and you meeting the client, or drinking wine those after the works, to meeting more people. That life is different than here.

Before they entering the court, with the judge.

Not really, we never think there is one thing normal. I just need to stay away from all of them, whatever that is.

No, normally....I think normally the court shift people to their front peripheral life. What is immediate in front of them. It will never be the TV, but its the opportunity near them, or they already work up to their moment like that. 

The real reality, the immediate reality they can accept and breath in life. They all work up to those moment to becoming something, I think. Like some of them did get in the medical school, or the near by profession, all that.

No, they step hard down there. The facebook, jump on the sofa, those.....I am not sure. I think I understand, they put someone else below that saying, not Shane. oh no. To the villain, you find out what they up to. Those are the garbage. They, too....have the court paper.

I have no idea if those the judge is what....I write a certain logic, other than the actual work how they doing things or think. Now I can think...if that is Tina gonna kill my mother.

That is what it means, her hair is red. 

Today we have the working day (the official governmental)

Thailand are they the same human color like the Indian?  泰國跟印度一樣的皮膚嗎 ?

That is not Babaji. 那不是巴巴基 !

Do you just want to talk to Ronan?

Hey, Taipei today or Feb is cold, check the temperature.  Gonna be 7 C.

I finally download the DVD player correctly. So this is what you all doing the whole DVD. 

所以你們只是想跟 Ronan 說話


我終於把軟體看 DVD 下載下來這是你們在做的事情,這整個 DVD

That is my high school mini skirt. No flower, the jeans color, the lighter jeans color blue.

Reptilian and Grey?!

I remember my shirts.

Okay ....the elevator goes up if I fast forward. They had a fight, the physical arguments and the fights. These entire story on the first DVD, you know, it looks like what I see in the life. Something about this DVD, the elevator goes up and down.

This is fighting for the Intern, RONAN !!! Okay, I understand.

My elementary school, the summer camp, the first time I leave home, here in Taipei, a radio camp. How to speak in a microphone but I don't think I get that job. But I remembered.

Its ....the content story, the physical fight for anything.  May not be Ronan.  You are angry with all these TV inside plot stories, that kind. 

In the real Life  (2 hours later ...)

Everything sucks, other than the DVD case.

Me and the high school, no guy. And this is me and JC.

(Apple disappear from the facebook, is that why, or just me? .... now I remembered. )

I remember my music talent, the instructional....

There is nothing like the movie?! I try to make my point, or I am trying to sing a song.

These otters.....the Earthquake, he needs to wash his eyes.

My mother !!!   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_HFnzJ9UiPQ

When I was in the college, I think I was in the community service a lot. Its very cold to go outside and walking or breathing, and come back home. That is the reality. (The elevators starting).

That is not what you want to hear.... (I typing "Living", not "breathing" - the typo the words.)  

Mosquito, is that guy's name.

No, just his jacket's pocket....everywhere is darkness, no light. We have about 20 people moving up the hill up the cabin. The roller blades club.

Prince WIlliam, that is the War Zone. No, he is on his medication, or he has mild stroke, or the bathing water, he has 2 physician near by, that is best. His father, they need to use all those England resource with the Queen to fix the King. I got too many places run about, and his son, for his grandson. If William starts to sleep better, no matter what, that is 2 weeks are the 2 weeks.

The high tech....you all meant a strange thinking inside your brain.

You mean use the "blood seal" in Chinese, me and the Taipei mayor, or he comes up that, "Using her what, that means me?"

I think most people wish their parents are with them. They will do a lot more medical expense for their health care. even me. My first left index finger is hurting like the VS, this today mosquito bites, cold. When I start feeling that, that is all the older people's crowd, their knee shot, or the injection to make them less in pain. Nick his foot, the ankle and all that.

William, you slept, or those noise really gone?

No, the vitamin any of these herbs or the supplement only after you quit that steroid. Meaning after the Mosquito. You need to do it fast, somehow your cramp that arm, or the legs, trembling, if those are real.....if are, including your both hands. Unless you quit the modern medicine those are the synthetical medicine, you have to ask the doctor, when can you input some of the vitamin inside your system, your hair.

The vitamin C.

I think some of these, are people putting it up their Family business, if were the high tech company included. I have no idea how they construct the advertising, to be honest, to tell you the truth. 

The senior care, if putting the 4 limbs ending to warm water, that is the experimenting things when COVID 19 cease, just before. I did input a lot of those time, but I didn't put in the manual those steps, I wasn't paying too much of the medical science how to invent, because I was too busy, too stressful for the 7 years. I started earlier.

Like i said, if you did starting anything of that, to all the general population, your mid-night Cinderella isn't the mid-night, you have about 1 hour, and William and his body guards goes back to his palace room, where there is the warm water for his foot or his hand. He lives up that trying, he realizes, he doesn't have the mid-night, that is 8 hours night long the gala.

The 4 limbs torsal ending.

I think torsal means rotating that arm or the leg, those bones...the torsion or torsal.....torque

(The elevator going up....my mother goes out and find out I think.)

When that guy bang a wall, that elevator also immediately goes up. An unknown place. 

The warm water is the legal methods? Yes

The distilled water is the legal method? Yes. You have to move a lot of the water in, going to pee every hour, for 8 times in the morning, you will be disturb for 2 weeks.  The dilute juicing, or some mild food. I seeing far away, I won't be so sure exactly the things did happen in his system, or all those background check.....the UB has those profile, or they stuff in which profiles near by, so horrendous. 

( My mother back, that is the elevator. )

If I use the facebook chat room box, from the PC, he will turn on the water facet engine and hit it.  The 7F floor. The very lower engine sound.

I think this is my mother happened to be in the kitchen knocking, he does that, not sure if were the facebook.

The facebook says painful.... you all.

You mean they 3 tall girls.

oh ~ Hailey, Lalla and Kate to go to the mental hospital here. 松德醫院 this kind?  That is three tall girls like Charlies Angels idea, and its using the drugs for real? That hospital is for the drug human?

You want to tell me something .....other people?  If what, if what, if what. the train thought thread such as?! If I can go with the Love, you mean Shane.....they should sent him to the Alabama. They should not let him go to where I am. But that's say its to be together, its Taipei better or the America, it cannot be 101 near by more expensive area, or the Taipei urban planning those talk.

If he can come here, and be together....he cannot stay long. You mean Pirates of the Caribbean, getting married talk. No, we are not getting married.   If being together then Nicky will say something in 1 or 2 year, Shane dumps me.....because Nicky needs to spend the rest of life with me, without that Kian. 

There are so many combination of these. I got hurt.

Something about me is in Taipei, and Shane is in LA. So this morning, I told everyone goes to everyone else problem all around the world, and get another 100 people pouring in resource, you can handle all of that in or on a different map.

You mean if my brother and sister needs to cares for my mother, so I moving out destine to be with the Love. To drop immediately is to kill my mother.

or 2) Its I immediately take off, so Pang drops his career or the circumstance in America, to come back immediately and live in it, to solve all of these. He can handle, or learn to handle. But I shall cut that off immediately and legally and outside the Taipei district, its to be with Love - Shane.   3) That repeated to Tina, coming back in the future later date.....Its one testing another one, because they need their parents, eventually, they will all finish killing each other, but I need a career right where I am with Shane.

That is your best well wish to me, I think.  I don't have a real career.  Originally this city isn't supposed to be like these, so many situation all around, all at the same time. 

You ever thought Taipei is a city like NYC, or Tokyo? What if you imagine if you live in NYC or Tokyo, that kinds of dominating the conversation to all around city block life? So you know where is NYC and Tokyo, that kind?!

The issue: might be I don't use the Apple phone? I think that is what it is.

So I don't call Shane anymore ~~~~ just text.

This morning I remembered....its how Ronan and Nicky talks, that something something I go and ruin them on their what. I mean me. All these Jesus video? It may not be any Jesus just Ronan, what you gonna do? Coming in from outside, you literally seriously believing those Zawanna or Kail story, at all. You know their Sunshine Worlds the democracy heighten world is the same like us? Like you love to rally against the government those, the central, and they are the royal, one of them, or all.

The legal paper, those are not the rally, okay. We are on a different talking, correct.

You know my mother is old

I am older now?

We cannot die on the heart, when the weather suddenly drop too cold.

They always say using the front blogger album photo, not to dragging it down, all the way the end.....those photo. In white, or in my hair length. 

You talking to Ronan, or you were talking to Nicky. They used to be the boyband, they all were with the Backstreet Boy, or Justin they are or Nick from 98 Degree, or even that One Direction.

You know.... how me and Shane met March 2023, when I raise up my head seeing that monitor. I used to say that story clear, I thought it was very clear.

They look the same 7 years ago? Me.

These things are important? 

I told you, how they used to be. You know One Direction at all? They were like 16/17 years old, and if I seeing the movie, I say to everyone when a lot of the people from my countries, the first top 3 school, between the boys and the girls, we already have a mind of our own. We did.

The leadership, or I used to tell you, that is 25 classes (the fix classmates 45 people), in One Class. That is the 10th grade, 11th grade and the 12 grades. You seeing classes after they sort in the 2nd categories or the 3rd categories with the biology. That is on the 11th grade.  (We have 1 to 4, me would be choosing the 2nd categories. )  = 1000 per Class, one school, are 3000 girls 4 confine walls.

So other than the school grade to compete, we do have a system shape up that in Gun and Appearance Team, they are the taller girls, or some practice in the discipline.

Then we have the volleyball, or the basketball team, we all starting at the rudimentary basic move to becoming this Slam Dunk. 

These rehearsal we live and die is on ourselves, our coach hardly were there.

None of us were the commercial reason, so these boybands they were on the commercial reasons. 

They do train the next year, or the 2 years down. Everyone of us knowing that. Not too many of us to be honest, the height, or the school homework, a lot of the people need to go to the cram school to make it in the university or the US school. Me was..... the random shows up, those kind.

They are not what they right now look, I know that.

They were never those look, which when the girls meet the boys volleyball leadership or I show up at the roller blades the guest filling performance, to say what kind of the guy's leadership is not the same as the girls putting a group together.

BUT, when I seeing this Pitch Perfect, the American girls, or the ideas not that far, we are all strive to that under the democracy schooling system, everyone has their own mind of the words to say. We all did.

So Iron Man

The American Captain

The Dr. Strange, or Ant Man and Wasp or Avenger

I am the one telling you, this is about the leadership, when I rise up my head to see, to meet, to show up this when they come by Taiwan, Westlife and Backstreet finish their concert and left.  I say HI! Shane ~~~~

This is the thing?

I have a news to watch and the food to eat. Check on my mother.

I am busy today. Shane ~~ Love you. 💖💝🍑🥟🍈

Meghan which Meghan?

Orange is Lalla, 賴清德 is our president's name. With Green Kate (cancer)......he is a democratic party and he strives up this time during the presidential election. 

I don't really know what he meant by that, and Eben is no where to be found, that kinds. So is this Ronan news. He is at Nicky, or the Valentine's concert.

I think....if you all ladies report your home anywhere situation and near around this guys, their home and all that, a lot of the people other than Taipei, or LA is the only 2 places, where if another 100 people helps in all at the same time. I think there are people pouring into these situation to dissolve all of that. 

No, my mother is on her own will, this is so bad, whatever he is doing, and she knew what he comes out with and affecting all of us here. The Indian below was very very outrageous to out cry, he has a wife and a daughter until he saw the paper.

No, I do not know what he is talking about. There is a book club, that would be Eben's book lists. I have never been so horrific whatever this is on the moon, if he doesn't get himself on the moon seeing what I seen at all. Not just all these walking path.


3F, that is not the Uber guy, no.

That is a lot more establishment man or there is a youth 20-25 years old looking with a cap somewhere. Another side, no one lives in it. My mother told me. I told her every step. No, she does her throat, not by the hospital. I went to tell her what happened. 

This youth cap looking, is a scamming group I think. Its not this unit, or it is this unit or he doesn't even know. 

I try to think, whom I met on the elevator, there is a unit on that side. No, with the kids + their father, I met. I think that's them. The Uber guy is above him. But someone scamming group I describe is on him or whom's phone. He smoke.

No, he has been on this very small water facet sound for the last 5 times, very small sound.

No, its the phone ! We have a sim card, this Island we use those pin password, or required or don't require those.




She is yelling again.




She is threatening people. 

Her name is Karen, BTX minus 400 millions dollars. China TV Drama CAC Tiny 4.0 小世代

她的名字就是 Karen 就是鋼鐵神兵, 楊冪的 Tiny 4.0 小世代 400 millions dollar 負的

台北都市更新 Taipei Urban Planning

中文主要 (英文一點點)   Mainly Chinese, in English just said a little bit.

中文: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OMdJ2bbbdYDy8GNKfSNIEuyg8-XsiaKM/view?usp=sharing

In English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/182HnDUUmMebCt6_0GH2_J5a0lozrKvQG/view?usp=sharing

Part 2: this is the explanation. The traffic light the mins, the second the hours.


Every time close the phone, he will drop something heavy on the ground.

Yesterday and Today.

But the elevator will stop. Its just the PC. ( the phone ), the 3F.

F a s t  (The Movie, those Fast and Furious, yesterday shown. ) 

   a like the O with the foot on the top saying the hanging thing, recent purchase.

s is like IPad

t is like the PC.

About 5 mins, its this guy's main room, sleeping that side will drop something heavy. He sleeps in the afternoon. I don't know if you got told. This outside every windows front and the side, are constantly someone will drop something heavy down at the ground. I think that is how her head got inquired. 

The elevator starting, too.

Hi Bill Gates ~~ I saw your new book.

7 ....

Pang                                                 My sister

Alex      My father and Richard            Hank's drunk father & Hank.

7 Mormon's girls in    老外爸爸

                                   My Chinese name's father

摩門用我的名字的意思 (我中文名字)  

BAZZAR Magazine. Very bad, right.

hahaha.... okay. No, they will never be a president !

(I close the facebook)   The right side outside has to bang the floor so badly. 

I walk in the distance of .....

He spent the whole day inside a room doing nothing but damage people's head. 

I walking, he drop things on the ground, the first step off the bathroom door.

No, near toward the windows, he thoughts I laying it down.

Does she have the Alzheimer, right...no, we never met any social gathering, she and Pang goes traveling around the world. I exit like I used to. No, I don't really know why he does all that. I wrote the whole list down every word out of he can write down, a booklet, just leave it there. I told Tina. Just the last 2 days we ever had a conversation.

No, most of them finding faults in everyone in anything, or that attitude was...they are always right, and everyone else is wrong. They have everything to hide.

I think is the traffic light counting mins, to the seconds, exactly that.

(type type type type type)

And my medical expense and Shane...we can afford, ....just one of those UB, 250 people pretending 1 of them the family member falls 1 time. His or her whole life is gone, the gf or the bf gone, those medical practice. I don't have the time to video tape or the voice out, I guess. Taipei, you know....the last time, 10 years ago.... that 2 got called back. ( They went to a lot better school, those legislator). I read it.

Here those MD trying to make it....I am not sure they know there is a standard, so I pass some message around, that doesn't mean, it can be fruitful the next day. They suppose to all arrive to the next day taken me out of this head pain. It ends up I am doing this one leadership pretending to do, next by that.

This is so worsen looking everywhere I can tell you that.

The elevator goes up, he hits the wall.

(I am deciding if they are the similar.)

Facebook re-opens, he hits the wall again. 

I gonna remember all that? (type type type type type)

Nope. But I will be the most knowing all these steps to where meeting the next. 

Because some of that is listening or by guessing

There are the motorcycle outside, too.

No, I can just go directly at the 3F and asking.....but I am wondering if he is targeting at him, that elevator wall to his living room. He uses the balcony door to slam at my head, sleeping that birds direction. The washing machine upper, and his...is on that balcony, its very very quiet washing machine I can hear it. Yesterday I found out. Its 10 bars up to down, horizontally, that balcony design.

How the otter did this morning, can reaching out the hands.

Only I watch the Conan Detective.

A bag of the money?

I taken the shoes

okay.....an ash of an small urn.

The black dresses my mother wears before. 

The brainstorm the arguments? I think they use each other for each other's case may be in the end. You know how the best neighbors are your counting forces than the furthest distance relative.  (The Chinese )

No, that movie the judge will tell her, anything she does was the opposite of the compassion reason she is faking it, hurting her, everyone's image, everyone's life, and she does on purpose with a motive.

Correct, all of them doing something for another reason, other than my reason.

Because they all knowing each other in the past the last 40+ -65 years.

She was divorced and this and that....all of that. Screaming and yelling or making the dependency to look like she has an IQ and doing another things as the handicap.

My high school, the new sets of the friends I think come to my house to play, she does that in front of the door, screaming loud to get to me. The next year new class, of the same high school.

She makes the clear, she doesn't read or watch the video I sent to her, unless I am forcing next by her, and I check on all of that. Her throat moves, I must agree, so today I tell her NEVER. She puts up all that fights for. Not your throat in every whims. 

She just meant, she can do that to anybody around, she has every excuse, like Tina does. Her attention span is similar to Kate. She is striving up to SMCH those center works, her original ambition is doing what, but she trying to put me down. They are not reading these paper. The whole world is reading them. 

Except their mail box.

All of them are the older generation, they have a trait like them. No money, cannot talk about it. Or very little money to look great, those.


I am trying to think. It can be nothing but it can be anything I sing, I laugh, I talking through my phone, and none of them want to sound like that.

She meant she will and she determines, she will do the opposite than anything I ever do. She already says that, never reads, never hears.

No, not these neighbors. No, but there is something going on in this building, they heard it once. It should be enough. Most time they don't find out anything of that, and they live their per day life.

I don't have their brain, correct.

Everyone good night ~~~ on the phone. 

This morning photo 今天早上的照片

Its the right side column those article. 右邊那一整欄的照片


The Chinese translation is below, I think the defect rates were 65%. (China chips)

中文的翻譯在最下面,我覺得好像是 65 % 錯誤 (中國晶片) 

We never talk about this in the video.....uhm. I was talking to Shane that, and the UB medical costs if one of their family gone wrong, or their future next 30 years. One weekend, one bone fracture, their whole life gone. The gf, the bf all that.

我們從來沒有討論這影片.... 嗯,我在跟尚恩說,還有 UB 醫藥的費用如果他們家人出問題,或是他們未來 30 年,一個周末、一個骨折,他們整輩子沒了,女朋友男朋友,所有東西都沒了。

亞洲你們對這個概念很清楚? 是吧 ?

Asia you all to this concept are very clear? Right?

Frank 法蘭克

他們是軍事統帥。     They are the military domination leaderships.

Zawanna is the military iconic 


他講是你們自己的高科技產業那是商業,他們不能進入你們商業,你們無法靠近他那個餐桌的意思,這個擺設,我有問。 (中國經濟跟什麼平均平平,這個是偷男孩子的,迪恩?!不是他說的,台灣的法院是不是我不用走進去🎄🎄🐸,領土的意思)


我不能翻譯的意思英文 ( 電梯開始 6:20 )

法律偷男孩子的,除了迪恩這樣 … 沒寫就是沒寫,你們要不要先上去中國哪個層面

我媽 6:22, 她常常講她附近的事情,好像不見得是耳機,打到牆壁,不知道她怎麼了。剛剛電梯她的頭。6:23 她不知道我下去了 …. 等一下。 6:25    換她, 等一下

還有一本筆記本,應該是灌籃高手的那一本 !


Its the Lord of Rings, the horizontal bar 摩戒的平行線山脈和中國的正中央 (那四個 inductive 邏輯) 秦嶺淮河線

Its the mountain river in the middle of China. (that 4 inductive logic) There is this geography known Here.

不是在講我,現在這是跟我有關, (那四個 inductive 邏輯) 秦嶺淮河線

Its not talking about me, but now this is to do with me.  (That 4 inductive logic) There is this geography known Here.

Hugh's father would be very important, don't you think? If his entire family is important, Hugh's head? I didn't do anything to him. I am a little bit too busy.  1) the sandal   2)  the...  3) the pursue 4) the fleece. 

Hugh 的爸爸就非常重要,你們不覺得? 這是他全家很重要,Hugh 的腦袋,我還沒有對他做什麼,我其實有點忙昏頭。1)  拖鞋  2) 這 ...  3) 包包    4) 毛茸茸軟的

Those are more like the 99 cents, every kinds things in it. Including the cushion, or....I can show you the address, and the location and the picture, without this night market.

Otter: you want to heat it up? De-frost?


Technology https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zNH6X8L-3Q0

Trump and King, or William and Biden (the words) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ab7ZsZvndWc

China food: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nDxvGAtoviM

The young military girl:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RkdvcRgb88E

I don't think they always work against each other. Our president's facebook, was saying the green/ cancer and the orange. That these girls you all....resting, rest well, or behavior better those kinds will be seriously at this occasion to ... I have no words to say, really. 


Are you seriously drinking your distilled water has to carry in your room, you pee 8 times per hour for the morning 8 hours. These water carried gallon jar inside the hotel, bathing that room with a mug or the thermal bottle or the boiler, the warmer water prepare for yourself? And seeing a chiropractor for 20 sessions? Not just soaking the opposite direction to that facet at your back.....in the tub?

Can you at least write it down, which things did you actually really do, so this video looks like this. 

I didn't think you doing too much the most important things. Your distilled water, and peeing none stop seriously for the next 20 days. Carrying the water, moving the water, shifting your every mug, the cup, the thermal bottle, and the water boiler, the extension plug-in in the hotel, or that room?

It means you all needs these things?


Good morning, Ronan !!! 

Good morning Will Smith !!!

Pierre Meghan Disneyland


How is Shane's moving .....I don't really know. I talk on his phone, I talk on my facebook. He stays so late....so, I tell him to go to sleep earlier. Today should dissolve a lot of these, seriously.

Look at this... Kate's stuffs, that is all in one places.

What they ever did ... panda.

This is next by Pierre Meghan 

The giant needs these things, too?! 

Just 2 links on the map, seriously.....



                This is the road name.

勝立百貨 復興南路 and 和平東路

That is how you use the taxi. That intersection and that. But you just want to see the picture.

Maybe you want to go to that kararoke, I think they have no more ! But that is where your Hugh's Sogo and that Breeze on the same 復興北路 ( North Rd)

The same word, I give you.

You say 復興南路跟長安東路口 


Those are a lot more bigger road, you all more familiar from Sogo, the taxi, is on the same exact one straight road, never changed !!! But I heard this Kararoke may not be there, but across its the Family Mart, they have those Chinese New Year catalog, ordering menu. Here is the busy street around here. Near that 3C building, from this block.

(I used to go to the all ladies girls school there. The Pitch Perfect, the volleyball)

Or my night market, I just show you, its raining right now. 

They got a facebook


Here is the name: 利吉利生活百貨館

You can see the photo on the right.

You see the sandal, you buy these for Olivia ! So you tell her, inside the confinement, she wears the socks and these comfortable to walk. The rubber those light color. When she gets to the door in 30 seconds, she opens with all that door, people, stuck, and get the sneaker going down to walk around in the gym.

Those are the container, she puts her shampoo, or the body wash, to go in the wash room. If its the one person room, you have to reserve for her. Better? Next week, she will feel totally different. 

Yeah, the photo here, should be more near to Sogo

I mean the taxi.  復興南路跟長安東路口 

The mall name:  生活百貨館

You can get a bag, or a luggage, and drag back to....you know. You want a new luggage, Hugh ever told you the Shangri La does sell the luggage any kind of their branding why that is a 5 Star Hotel? 

You ever takes your father to his shopping....seeing? In the middle of the stand, when you come up the escalator, going up, right in front of you. You don't require to walk around those store inside. Right at the escalator up. (from the first floor). 


Not the food down or the Muji intuitive front or the back.

It is a design play ground for the kids. I used to....I remember, their escalator, the water fountain.  I am big now. 

Hugh, the breakfast here looks like in Taiwan. The facebook.


I have to talk to Shane a bit. Since this morning ~ We have to dissolve each of our side situation.

The lawsuit that time 2022, China asked or that’s the map?

4 inductive logic or the 4 scenario before we finishing 788 near 800+.

Not file-ing right now. I did get told to re-file-ing but too many things happened. If I would start to then file again….if I were to…that’s in English more. In Chinese, I had one website hanging. One person in one life only needs one case, you know the ending song, almost ? Equal = 1 case?

中文有一個網頁是掛著 ….法案的意思!其實人的一輩子只需要一個官司就很久,你們很清楚最後終曲這所有,幾乎?等於🟰1 個法案?

That’s a lot of logic.


You know Adam Ella Enchanted, if he takes drugs. The Prince means. 


This comparison is very very bad. I hardly talk about when the movie got on, each them….they are not good people, not that good kids.

這種比較是非常非常的糟糕,我幾乎很少講這當電影上來的時候 … 他們不是很好的人,不是太好的小孩。

中文我沒有寫出那些東西!Chinese no, I didn’t write that kinds of stuffs.

其實你們有問美國這樣東西是開的嗎?200 國家,我沒有辦法只寫中文的關係,每一次每一次!

Have you asked AMerica, these are opens ? 200 countries, I cannot just write in Chinese that’s why. Every time almost every time. 

你們的語言對外呢? Your language towards outside ?

Too many countries, you know. Even just 10 countries mostly Europe, 1 America and 1 Canada. That’s at least 10 countries.



蚊子咬,跟你們裝飾矽谷跟亞歷桑那州 Arizona ? 你們要有錢才能去美國跟身份,你們開車加州很危險⚠️,一個週末四個高材生瞬間高速公路!我不能真的亂動,是現在這種情況。

南美洲是 bitcoin ?

亞洲是結婚的戒子,手背,傷疤的上門有點 3 and 4 中間, 野人花園特斯拉的歌?Savage Garden 34 finger ring. TEsla.









Hugh, your father cares about the bill, or...Olivia's?

I eat first....staying on the phone with Shane.


LA human,....if you what 1 person sneaks in near by 101 like....one apartment, and live there 3 months, no one knows...


That is one winter going away?

You can just pour in 3000,0000 NT dollar on the governmental debts such as the metro, that is the requirement to get a permanent residence card.

You would?

I live here, I born here.

Do I need to fly back?

Nope. Isn't you wish to cargo your entire home here?

Hugh's father


There is a special situation, when you yourself insurance for yourself. For example, you just graduate from the college, and just finish leaving the school process, so the school can transfer your health insurance out, and then next period of time, you have no health insurance.

台灣外國人申請健保卡   = Taiwan, the foreigner people apply for the health card.

台灣居留證 = The Taiwan residence cards.


Maybe you don't have this here, because she just admitted to....or that is plain sight I saw? I am not 100%. 

I don't think its anything USD to like thousand dollars those, to be honest telling you. Without the health insurance card.

80 USD the ER. (without the health card)

Like you eating vomiting, those.


  • Get an IV (drip) those nutrition bag.
  • Stop vomiting.
  • Examine the urine.
  • Ultra sound examination.
  • If he got the kidney stone or the anal something....
He got the stomach, and the intestine the virus infection.  3 hours on the hanging bag = get an IV (drip).

The doctor give him the medicine 1) stop the vomiting 2) pain killer.

Total is the 80 USD dollars.

In America, he says, you need 10,000 dollars USD for ER.

I think its 1000 USD on the ambulance 20 years ago, my aunt. Amy. (Britney's song)

Someone leave the message saying the bone fracture, he got the operation in Taiwan, 800 USD dollar. In America, you just die, not able to cure.

If you get the residence card, you can start your health insurance card.

It will not be 80 USD dollars. 

If your father needs now, you tell your father he can go now, asking the bill, and get himself an IV (drip)


You need the cotton bars, the birds say

You need the flu medicine, or the teeth those bars thing? The orange or the Watson pharmacy store.

Pizza Hut next by is the Big Egg and the compass, and the Watson Pharmacy store !!


Hi ~~ 

You are not needed here, while any of this June the 7th? I have to tell my siblings, both how these animals rocks the world from start to finish. They used to all live in the 6th floor. No, we never talked about anybody else.

Any luggage, the human, or .....the unexpected the 6th or the 7th?

Hey, you had a birthday?! Wasn't you had those birthday celebration none stop last year? 

Do you finding anything you need? The sandal, or the branding, or personal touch things, you take your father shopping, he pays for everything?

  1. There is a sport Adidas, right when you get off the bus, that is on the same block with the Home Hotel, facing the A13 Apple, right across.
  2. If you strolling the current near that Niko And....there is the guy's cap store on that floor to go to 名曜百貨 the external elevator to Tom's World up there. Some bag, some cap, more pricy. You go picnic bag, those.
  3. Uniqulo is on the first main floor if you don't use the external elevator. (facing outside seeing the traffic scenery those elevator)
  4. Your father likes to buy you things near or far, or you decide where to go, and having the people seeing Olivia? Things she needs, and you need?
  5. Your father needs? Every extra lighter rubber made "pink, white, light blue, or light beidge" those sandal in the hotel? 

The light sandal

For you, for him, and for her?

The downstair slam the door so loud....my head. 12:55

If you talking to the doctor, she talks to the doctor, you calm her down like "You want to stay here 6 -8 weeks, or 10 weeks they say? So shut up, I say?" 

"There is a certain thing they do here, but my father is here. Its not always I say so, while any of this they told him or will tell him, you are not telling me any of this, included. You understand?"

"Now, you know the per day America or England staying in the hospital bill. We found out how much was your irrational behavior, that is 1 person room. That is not 4 people's room. To their health card, its free. To us, I don't know. If you want to move to the single room, we have to arrange now. That is how much....on the per 20 dollar per sheet bill is per day I think they say with the health insurance card."

"She had too many crisis including trying to settle this LA fire was one of the incidents, were their neighbors, we got married to their dates and the floor. They got some issues in there and they are sorting now, that is why no one getting any help anyone from England, you are not anyone, including my father. She is about to die, that is how much the help she needs.

Well, Hugh, there is this orange pharmacy store.  康是美

Your birthday present. Maybe you buy a dozen.


You open is the middle photo.

Next by, its the regular tea tree oil those idea.  Its the same mint.

I think you all need these light sandal. Any sandal almost, or some better shoe in 公館 National Treasure Road. Near the First University. Usually in the later afternoon. Another night market.

Nike those sneakers, or if Taipei Station New Balance (ABC Mart used to be) next by Y, that is okay? The walking shoes. 

The thick socks in K near the girl's bathroom

And any of your underwear as the underpants?! The cotton made with some material other than some other material.

Her bucket to keep some shampoo, or the condition, and 2 medium length towel. (6 set)

She has the socks?!

But I cannot go anywhere. I think you need to put your mask on more. The Korean and Japan break out this winter flu. Washing your hands, and any time you touch the public utility. 

Its the same regular flu. Its every year they come back. 

The running nose, and very terrible throat hurt. The flu medicine? Yes, we have 斯斯感冒膠囊

Hugh, I think your father has every method to make his life and your life paradise. He knows how to do that......get a butler, or a translator included? 

In one day, you will getting all of these stuffs on every lists, his one phone call!

三樓是無止盡的 Uber


左邊是銀色帽子,男的       右邊是擋路的女的聲音上次在對話 (擋路的箱子+藍色雨傘)


                                                      這個是男的肥的坐著,不是女的,那個人是壞蛋 !

                                                      可能是買屋的那個人 !

他銀色帽子現在在家 ! 我要現在下去殺人的意思,我告訴你,這電梯無止盡 !


這你變成基督徒的時候,你爸爸跟你一樣變成,這老費叔叔、小山叔叔、曾叔叔 (小龍爸爸)都是叔叔輩,這饒邦好像沒有見過 ! 他只知道恩佑叔叔,樓下的佑全藥局原本在,現在不見了~~~只能去另外一邊別人咳嗽,長的像澎湖的太太~柯文哲的太太跟小孩,小孩生病生的超嚴重這樣,碰到類似蔣萬安,這要跟他說一聲嗎 ? 媽知道他生病很嚴重~我們都感覺到,瞬間~~~

水電行以前世忠明水電行,第一代到第二代 ....你們不用修這種日光燈的關係,這他們上來討論 "偶然發現的一天" 是講述一開始他們尋找廚師,他們的師娘沒有辦法再煮飯了~~~所以這故事是關於有人的英文是零分,韓文是一百 ! 所以我跟他們在討論我冷氣我就真的跟他們說: 這種電視很奇怪,你們有個總統叫做蔡英文,這韓文是一百,英文是零分。

但是我沒有跟他們講,他們的師娘在找廚師,其實就是一開始,那是你媽媽跟我說的,她非常去溜搭~我知道不代表我需要跟他們說劇情,所以我只說了後半部,你要怎麼跟別人講述中文,是它們應該找到,結果就搬家嗎? 這算是誰的錯? 你緹娜到現在是需要尋找所有人的錯,除了自己最美好不是嗎 ?

台灣有 兩千三百萬人 ~~~

小鳥說我的臉書分享這中國...什麼~所以台灣不用看、中國也不用管的意思 ....

這臉書不知道擺了什麼 ...你跟 Hank 離婚自從小孩之後的意思,通常我們沒有覺得要生小孩,所以你跟 Hank 兩邊跑的意思 ! 他體重上來很多,或是頭髮像臉書一樣 ! 你的花費跟你的消費在美國,你的認為教育或是長大成什麼成什麼,這樣?

你對人很苛刻 ....喔 ! 

是你需要有藉口的時候,是這樣說法? 這中文跟英文在台灣,也要有溝通方式,叫做有人知道我再講什麼,這東西錯的非常離譜,有人應該跟我說,這本來不是應該長這樣吧 ? 這世界上有人把東西擺到錯誤,所以最後有一個是正確? 你希望是正確? 台灣,你有一天是林肯俱樂部,遇到貴人的傭人,散風這屋子的窗戶打開,叫做四十歲之後的風塵女子,是酒吧好朋友一起迷你裙韓式風味五分埔買買買買買到底的那種,不是韓式炸雞,這樣 ....

所以知道韓式炸機在哪裡? 再小巨蛋的冰宮之上,這饒邦知道溜冰天使是當初有的漫畫 ~第一部三本的漫畫,不知道誰放的 ! 這台北的每一條路是我在台北走來走去的時間,一年過去,現在是八年,這個夏天過去又要九年了 ....你弟弟太高了,還是兩個大男生不會照顧自己的四肢,或是維生素 C 或是 L-lysine 他跑去吃維生素 D 是自然形成的皮膚赫爾蒙,把自己的眼睛傷到 ...他有兩個朋友被下藥跟搶劫,這小龍就在那邊~~~他有聽說,那這不是你提哪的親人再美國,順便這樣,曾安仁,很恐怖的大叔 ....

講到中文你就很興奮,很有鼓舞的感覺,跟高中蛋餅一樣,不是國中菁華幫派這樣 ....Andrew 半夜陪你到樓下按門鈴醉醺醺,小說裡面的大哥大,你最喜歡的台灣小說聽說是只有在台大,小郭跟 Vicky 再一起的大學,在炳輝的 W 兩個世界,就是這京華城案件 ....夜市的已經關掉,但是在它們關掉之前,有你跟 Hank 的正中央一個 DVD,我看過,是亞洲版的電影 ! 我的視線正前方,這台灣會有一天告訴你真相 ....

商鞅跟妲己的故事,鼓舞人心嗎 ? 你覺得?

封神榜...妲己的姊妹,哪吒踩火輪,九龍是跟猴子,九龍公主有九個頭的神話傳說,饒邦知道你媽信仰這八字,你提娜從小九龍拱子 (拱柱,台語念錯了),生出來是女的!! 阿嬤講的....

瑩玉跟阿公都是猴子~~她台中人,是護士的 PHD,麻雀變鳳凰的好朋友,長的類似,Jame's 家我有三個台灣是有,Wendy 跟她的妹妹都是一貫道,有個瑩玉之後,她是基督教的,結婚呀 !! 生小孩呀 ~~

你不想跟你弟弟講一講,這關於你自己,的每一件事情,也許他會學習他自己比較好,不是聆聽你的髒字每三秒膠、三秒 F 字,這 Hank 知道你這種德行嗎 ? 你的貴人認識她丈夫嗎 ? 日本韓國,日本 ....是這樣嗎 ? 你的風騷照片集,在門外的紅指甲油,是你牆壁上 50 瓶的指甲油給 Aria 的~~~

你當初的臉書有很多日記,其實你的朋友那時候,是在乎你的日記的.... 你其實有心情,寫寫臉書是一種創意,我沒有真的看過很多,因為我太忙了,你弟弟可能記得這件事情,你常常跟你媽說你想自殺從前 ...每一段婚姻,跟不對味,等等等。我看過一點,我曾經覺得不錯,但是你跟 Hank 炒官司,這全世界就是兩對人,你知道什麼是自由心證的意思? 查中文這樣?  你們的精神都在那些事情上面,是最殘忍跟最孤獨的感覺,旁邊都有插了一個人,跟邦一樣 ~~!! 他們怎麼認識的 .... 

你後悔嗎 ? 生小孩,養育、跟你媽大小聲? 你覺得是幫她想?

那你要不要就做我說的事情,不要再幫你媽想想,你就跟她說所有人的壞話這樣 ....真的 !

簡單? 聽到? 講夠了 !! 自己生病要吃很多維生素 C 或是感冒藥 ! 

吃完感冒藥,就吃維生素 C + L-lysine 每四個小時 1000 mg  + 1000 mg  ( 你火氣大)

你做兩件事情我說的 ...很簡單?

1) 你就跟你媽講所有人的壞話,不用在將心比心,做正常你提娜只會做的事情。真的

2) 一個禮拜等生病吃完感冒藥,吃維生素  C + L-lysine 每四個小時三天,停止,之後每一個禮拜三天吃維生素 C 1000 mg, 其中一天吃 L-lysine.  多買一點新鮮柳丁汁,給你自己跟小孩喝常溫的~~~盡量。

都是一比一,1000mg : 1000mg

柳橙汁,1:1 跟水混著 一杯對一杯水,灌下去,你喝太多酒,最好停停,就喝這種東西最好!

對誰都這樣,還是只有你媽? 對誰都這樣 ! 你以前會做的事情 ....只是講電話呀 ! 正常你自己,只是對話~不需要去想那種做聖人的事情,你的智商只有 1.8

如果 Hank 比較好養小孩,四個,這樣是對的事情嗎 ? 

你的智商只有 1.8,你現在不能幫忙,不代表以後能不能,但是他跟他新任想來德州,他們都要跑每六個月,他爸媽在呀,妳爸媽快死了,你有跟他說? 是真的 !

那如果都給 Hank ...

你們就不用打官司,他也不用擔心很多事情,小孩他會擔心嗎 ?

但是心情上 ....

你的智商只有 1.8,我覺得你別養了,你給 Aria 喝酒跟這全部牆壁的指甲油,你受夠了吧 ? 才會在照片上,你做這種事情是沒有人會問你,這到底在幹嘛  ....你詢問你媽呀 ! 小孩的人生比較長遠。

I need to put some stuffs in PDF 我需要做一點這 PDF

這提娜叫做大學一種軟體製作 PDF....

dean = ding - 丁丁丁.  Three of them, the sounding = Ding.  PDF

『What they trying to say? 』




The leadership

Yeah (the water facet begins 3:56)

He is the only reporting person among that area what he found but you all running north or south …he is not running. 

20 cargo fees
20x20 cars pretending a lot
He is an Irish.

I am so so so slow….

You don’t have a committee board or the board of director in the music groups, the Hollywood is the movie industry they are the mental world to give a look ? We cannot tell the different the theater clubs or on cinema is the ballet studio. It was a major or minor, the classic world usually at East.

He gives you anything, Shane ?

Looking at the left, that’s 2025 on the top, it’s not recording yet. Today is the 4th or the 5th, not happening yet.

Justin (NSYNC) Timberlake, good morning my time. Dinner yet?

The evening snack, the late afternoon, Shane's juice, or the water, or the nuts snacks time. Well, on my facebook I make you some video. Easy to access.....Hailey's father. I think they do eat in 7-11 here. Those microwave food. But they may not be the only groups. I told Shane's facebook about 2 years ago. They fail to enter, sometimes, and now they re-entry all the splendid looking photo, you think they enter, Justin? Both Irish or British. 7 years ago, they don't know me....yet.

I am ... ready to leave just for 1 Shane I guess...how to pack, so I have to downloads these video first....in case anything. This data is saved.  I am not you, Justin.

The map routes on my face - Henderson, Nevada from Orange County or Hollywood (West Hollywood)


The leadership, the packing and the taping.

(How you talking to the ladies)



How you Justin talking a brief from Shane's, he can talk....to these ladies talking, that would be Jan 7th, to Feb 5th. The snail pace makes my life miserable.  - What about the Ireland that side.


20 Cargo of a container...sorry. 20 containers of a cargo, if that is Shane trying to ask? To Taipei, not Japan, not Korea.


Making a plan, how to route North (got burn down), the second marking is East, and then West, and yesterday was South (the otters talk about twice, has the suggestion) - we didn't think about it. .....so...write 1, 2, 3, 4.....

  • Displacement base on the UN climate change mitigation plans.
  • The climate change migration.
  • The displacement cost of ...the cargo, if that is one ship that is very simple.

Talking to the ladies, how you tape the boxes and the floor measurement. 

This floor....all the way you got the 20 boxes.



                                              Reno       ET Grey Area 51 facing at, not the snake.

                                            (Dr. Steven)  8 hrs to Los Vegas ( 3 of these are NV)

                                                                                   Los Vegas

West  Hollywood                                                                   Henderson (CEO space)

                                                                                          No, they got moved away to FL.


                              Orange County


                                                  Lake Forest

          Hungtinton Beach


           Laguna Beach

Calm down first, the least thing.....

A brief case: close in like 10 file in there, and that one thing lift it up and run?


Think with your head, you going away the winter for 3 months.

How to Pack it up - 6 luggages open open open open.  Taipei is hot here. 


Putting in the luggage, the blanket....


The shipping company from Taiwan. I give Kian those Chinese / English translation, and so Kian is the Ireland time and Shane is LA sleeping time, so me going to sleep I think....But Shane went to ask.....and the company told him.....the area code you trying to get, does she know...



With the kids

You tell your secretary to get the full transcription, and the item lists in summary, you want to see the full copy in your PDF print out in the email, and you print them. You working on one person per day, on you yourself the luggage first.

The kids' medicine like Dr. John R Christopher, you get a plastic bag, put in there, and sit in the luggage, that's it.


Where you going? My face becoming visible? 

UB is a state school. Just the textbooks and the board room ( Jame’s house ) That’s probably …. Later the car (US 6000 Nissan Altima 1998 Grey, it was from an Indian, its that JJ cafe best friend )  and I got a job.  + SA union food. The social food costs.  That’s not what we talk about ?



You going to Henderson is to get a space. You "vacant" your entire house to a location so you exit the country? You want to put your logic down why you doing this? 



Your boat. The forest fire doesn't burn to the sea. 


West Hollywood


The forest line - the GE towers, the electricity got caught on the fire. El Nino


With the kids, the winter traveling and the flu



I think you get a community idea, that one building has 5 floors, each of you one floor. But you need to get someone drive you all down, and that is one metro line.....You don't drive to the city, or that is drive you all to the Costco and Hola. You cage yourself in for 3 months, and go back.

Show you the kitchen container.


Checking my news....whom?

The Boybands




