4 inductive logic or the 4 scenario before we finishing 788 near 800+.
Not file-ing right now. I did get told to re-file-ing but too many things happened. If I would start to then file again….if I were to…that’s in English more. In Chinese, I had one website hanging. One person in one life only needs one case, you know the ending song, almost ? Equal = 1 case?
中文有一個網頁是掛著 ….法案的意思!其實人的一輩子只需要一個官司就很久,你們很清楚最後終曲這所有,幾乎?等於🟰1 個法案?
That’s a lot of logic.
You know Adam Ella Enchanted, if he takes drugs. The Prince means.
This comparison is very very bad. I hardly talk about when the movie got on, each them….they are not good people, not that good kids.
這種比較是非常非常的糟糕,我幾乎很少講這當電影上來的時候 … 他們不是很好的人,不是太好的小孩。
中文我沒有寫出那些東西!Chinese no, I didn’t write that kinds of stuffs.
其實你們有問美國這樣東西是開的嗎?200 國家,我沒有辦法只寫中文的關係,每一次每一次!
Have you asked AMerica, these are opens ? 200 countries, I cannot just write in Chinese that’s why. Every time almost every time.
你們的語言對外呢? Your language towards outside ?
Too many countries, you know. Even just 10 countries mostly Europe, 1 America and 1 Canada. That’s at least 10 countries.
蚊子咬,跟你們裝飾矽谷跟亞歷桑那州 Arizona ? 你們要有錢才能去美國跟身份,你們開車加州很危險⚠️,一個週末四個高材生瞬間高速公路!我不能真的亂動,是現在這種情況。
南美洲是 bitcoin ?
亞洲是結婚的戒子,手背,傷疤的上門有點 3 and 4 中間, 野人花園特斯拉的歌?Savage Garden 34 finger ring. TEsla.
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