The news …at the Big Egg. I never been in it. They say can go inside and check it out. That’s all-you-can eat Pizza Hut. Fat.
Isn’t this everyone gets a best friend in the movie?
Hey! That’s a police car got hit ! W two worlds. Exactly !!
That’s Kosku case, that guy from the car, 2 police’s drag him, not that look, more like the actor Dark Lord very very tall “Russian” talking very similar like French. Those are their technology at that time.
Love you, Shane ~~~ Kian ~~ Happy New Year !! 😘😘😘🥰🍹😍🍹😍🍹🎁
The news mentioned some parts of you, and the Chinese New Year will soon arrive.
The electric appliance, the scam groups, the grandson got scammed sent to China police, from Thailand to Cambodia.
Taipei mayor and this contract, the metro....the circle is up done 6 stop I think.
A various concert famous celebrity were having a concert.
The fish oil, the supplement, and the face mask.
The Chinese New Year goods shopping.
Not Hola, its 宜得利
My mother and the new housing, or the security. The Japan Tokyo insurance policy.
Mark LOTR I think he is looking like Henry, like Shane wearing the eye glasses, like Eric, next by Henry, next by Jason, W. Vicky used to like Henry, that is Vicky, Will Smith, that AI.
If Mark LOTR comes here, maybe I ask Shane if he coming in to shop together, I settle his everything here, the food, the label, the writing, the winter drinks.
暖包 = the warm package, the students here uses it. Only lasting for 8 hours.
In Shane's big jacket those hand warm bag.
Its a commercial, your comforter with that words.
In the middle. I don't know how to describe to you.
Its a Japanese background audio or....a man sleeping smile inside the comforter.
"Warm" on the comforter. ee da ee ya ee yo....
Japan is a lot more this instant made things like Ryoya, my wall here to put one 6 by 3, I can leave my Ipad on the top. Mounted up. That is the word. You mount your TV at....You get a bean bag on the ground, not like that, I know its not comfortable.
You know why you going there, to feel breathing? Its a suburban. You can walk, and breath, and stay outdoor breathing a lot deeper air, and less turmoil your stomach going up or down. You sleeping inside your bedroom most of time is best.
You didn't pack any sneaker, or you just get 1 pair? Do you want to get a rack on the ground, you leave that near the door, 1 or 2 pair if not snowing, or those boots? We have Timberland branding I know can only walk on the snow. But Taiwan doesn't have a snow here. So we only had one branding, Timberland I think.
You soaking wet your sneaker in the rain, you come home, that shoes how to dry? You have to like til up your shoe against the wall, so you only have 2 more pairs sneakers there.
If no snowing on the road, that is when you leisure to walk, to breath, to relax your mind. After March (spring).
Dec, Jan, and Feb (the winter)
You make a note what you need to buy, and you organize by writing them down.
Everyday you doing something extra. You go to per room, and stand there with one sheet. What you need in that room. The laundry room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room. The 玄關 that is how we called it. (the door area).
The trash can outside do you need to bring them out.
Do you keep a telephone list near the door. The heater's guy, the water heater's guy, + the battery for the water heater. Is that outdoor or indoor? Mono-oxide.
Japan has a better design for their local weather. I cannot provide you that link.
I am seeing this facebook new built housing. But that is in here. Me and Westlife has to fight where I am going? oh ~ you are looking at this in Japan is better. They are very international. Their 1st floor is design like that suburban.
I don't know if you carried your kitchen pot, anything you bought the seafood like the backpack 10 things in it, its the whole fridge, you live for a whole week with the frozen food + the white rice or some pasta. You thought about how to....arrange your diet.
You know its your father, or you two separated and fight,.....and the last time, there is a conflict? To the mall? So now I quit following the camera life, its nothing real, or its something very very real, too. It falls away, too. So...something is very very real, I know that.
You work on your speech, you walk on your sleep 6 hours to 8 hours, and quietly. You leaving these static anything the movie bothers you, not in the real life all that. You use 2 years to re-organize your life. Really thought give the world 2 years, you give you yourself 2 years. You will get better and get suit up, again.
I want to eat something homey, soup, and the TV news.
Good night, Will. Wish you all better, Happy New Year !!!
If they give me a whip, I will do the worse torturing methods to every single one of them.
The reason the elevator stopped its New Year Eve, its all my wish comes true. In the most agonizing the terrorist methods of the whole humanity it will be nothing but the extremely punishment in whip, in blood shed, in heart wrench. They promise me that. So soon that elevator stopped. They just put this people at the door bell at night, or 3:22 those hour, a truck at the door, a red man shirt coming out, This truck hitting people run like the bus now, in our city its legal, to keep hitting people, without paying the medical costs.
In front of my father's university in the year 2000, and this year.
There is date on it.
Immediately right after the ex-mayor's news being put down, this news surface, that day accident. Yesterday was the news his wife and his kids touring outside country, just because yesterday I was going north, but I didn't. So....they keep playing this game.
There is a mirror in B2, that is the cut head on the couch if you sit on it.
The height of the mirror down at the tree. In front of the tree.
My father is the Tree.
The jean = Cow torture / kills Ku.
牛仔褲 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
The door swing, like you Will has this ghost sound of the door opens and close.
The neighbor every night.
Is there a reason starting on the first day, you are not cooperating, or I seeing a different scenery, like the big panda doing this with your son, so you are not trespassing your room to the outside, one of those?
Or this Eben looking in the 17 Again, the beginning of the 2 eye glasses people.
The last day I saw you, was you holding your son at that new north area. I told you Kate is up down, the entering staff will found her, their feet.
You guys already evacuated. That is the only time I thought you were more normal and some of this panda supposes to look normal. That will be the last image I saw you correct.
No, you and Westlife dead, or whom I describe all dead.....except this Kate's look out totally different. That is the last time I thought you acting normal.
She has a religion, you cannot talk to her anything Shane or Westlife, or those Nicky.....on the stage. I am not sure its them, but I am assuming they talking like that on the stage, seriously. Being nice. Like the Season in the Sun. I think that is Westlife language, not those Mark LOTR all of these.....I personally think.
Okay, I go and tell my mother... Today I feel to sleep home. Too tired. All these smoking video. My hair, she likes my hair cut short.
I told my mother, that bus 20, there is a girl just walking very fast, right at my purse with her left hand holding that phone, right at my purse. So I put this bag right outside now.
Yeah, I talked to Nicky. I talked to Shane....I am not sure. Too much running in and out, too. At night mid-night to wake up, and the facet on and on. When I am in the mall, you can see the video, none stop running. The bus, too fast, was behind my head ....that day. I need to quit going outside. Now I know.
These beas, too many wrists holding, and if you look at these vendor's about this 花千骨 2, someone will scream, and I am one of them.
I found the cheapest place, where I got them !!!! :)
Adrenal (last post, Mark or Will) Fight of Flight responses.
Victoria Secret Romance Journey last one = Tesla, Tina's bean bag, is blue. Its a vertical.
The lady's face is little dragon, to say Rama 1/2 that cartoon main girl. She has 2 sisters above her. Pierre ABC is like her, like Dr. Bing's daughters, those style talking. ABC those look out to each other. The accent or the rhythm (not a good word).
Do you mean the American board measurement to the RN or to the MD in the hospital practice? It doesn't need any religion other than make it to that practice perfect and the examination. From how you cook yourself a meal.
每一種醫療只是一種過程,講述第一步驟到第三步驟,定義、法規、跟安全性,這只是一張皮包在耳朵往後一點,離真正的耳朵有段距離,頭殼是骨頭沒有打開,我們只是試試看這個聲音可不可關起來,所以維生素 C 其實是營養品,但是有點酸性,在很小劑量,這個人的耳朵可以瞬間聽到雜音或是怎麼了...電視上這樣手臂,這原本可能比較像魔戒的 elf 耳朵是尖的,就是我的鏡子,我自己看我自己很難過,我不確定 ....才會有那種記憶,因為是我的耳朵上面,其實不是一開始講 W 兩個世界 !
Every medical procedure is a process, describing from the step 1 to 3, definition, the laws, and the safety measurement, that is just a piece of skin, going back back back of the ear, to say a bit distance away from the real ear, and the head skull is made of the bones, not opens, we just trying to see if this voice can be shut off, so the vitamin C is just the supplement, but a little bit acid, so with a very small trace amount, this person's ear can instantly hear a noise or what happened....the TV like that arm. Originally its more like the Lords of Ring, the elf's ear is pointing up, its my mirror, I look at myself feel sad, I am not I have that memory, its my ear top, its not beginning because of the W two worlds.
Will, your left arm, seeing your little finger, turn left, side way, one line from the top down 1 and half your finger width from your visible wrist line, immediately its the round bites, so you just paste the patch from the line down. the wrist line has 2, the top line. That round bite is in the middle of that patch.
Don't worry about it, anything near is fine.
Turn left
round bite (so you position your patch edge at the top line down.)
So that condition situation has to be first evaluated
Technically speaking a nurse for that private home job, if that is not the standard hospital procedure. But correct the doctor's group or the hospital including an institution...under the license nature, they will find out. Its per day they living there costly. The family or the government.
No, its not a ....real procedure, its more of a doctor admin and the nurse got told to be present.
Just only that? Just only that, yes.
只有這樣? 對,只有這樣,對 !
Normally people rarely to do a research on this one piece of the skin outside the whole human skull. And because that concept is without a risk, they still need to evaluate, there is a Chinese acupuncture point. Meaning !!! If I carry this small dosage, and I pin point like he felt, or he has a sensation, any touch, and seeing it, and I call out..... "Can someone find out his lymph nod." so that entire area is away from the brain, its the ear below. Its the neck.
Then we define the fissure (inside, still the bone surface, inside the surface.)
Then we define the groove, or the jaw line (back and the front)
The eye sac
然後我們定義這幾個詞,fissure (裡面,這是骨頭的表面, 裡面的表面)
然後我們定義這幾個詞,the groove 或是下巴的線 (後面跟前面)
The eye sac
There is an instant effect to talk about those, cage people per day to say paying out those expense, this thing might be the instant, right now. This can save that entire institute over 3 weeks+ closing down that whole institution.
這其實有馬上效應是在講那些,關人的每一天要支付的金錢,這件事情可能叫做馬上現在,可能是政府有相關措施,這可以省下很快一整個 institute 的三個禮拜 + 關閉那整間 institution.
Panda you are very sad?
They do the CAT scan, or X-ray behind your head, and that lymph nod be extract the cell and examined. Your full cure supposes to be your initiative, then they improve from the hospital side. Right now, they heard you are doing the physical therapy, not you open up your medical history to the hospital staffs. 1) CATS scan 2) X-ray 3) the lymph node extract, that area.
That costs money? Yes.
What is they find out its the lymph node?
Well, you have to go through this brain department, they seeing the 2 scan + you say about lymph node you wish to take some cell out to see if they are malignant.
Most people is passive to the surgical costs or some consultation, because they are not sure its working, or just more medication. But if you just insist, you wish to know the examine result, they say fine, then you are fine.
What do they do with the examine?
They keep a copy, and you take that copy to 2nd opinion outside that hospital, or in Germany, or in France. You get your copy to 10 different private clinic doctors, or 10 different hospital. You don't like them at home.
But the lymph nod is not the brain?
So its not inside your head?
I thought the voice is at your right ear near, very loud, you identify its all disappeared?
oh ~ you mean Harry Potter's line, the Dumbledore died, and on the train station? The last meeting and he tells you something. oh ~ Kevin !
Olaf ....f down at that junction is the lymph node.
3 places on the diagram has the lymph node. You gonna felt hurts, my massagist near my grand mom's home, I go there 10 sessions, he does those Chinese medicine idea, he did that for me. Its painful.
That is how you learn mine?
No. I found out what he does, I check the diagram myself to see what is this.....I found out the 3 places. And the chiropractor did something right below, exactly that places, too. I can walk. It is strange.
You never done anything on the top below the ear?
I have to keep washing it more of my neck, I told them, I have like 10 right at my immediate seen neck left, my mother took them out, because I first came back home, my mother helps me to this private clinic to done some left side all these mode, and behind the neck. But they did re-grow some on the right side, small. I hate that, why they coming it out, so I keep washing them in every morning, other than my mouth, its my chest and my neck.
I have to go back and take some of those out.
So you care about those very carefully?
Yes, here you can remove them in Taipei. In America.....where? or very expensive.
Like Eben those?
He can consult with them.
The fees?
Might be a lot more affordable than he thinks.
What do you say about the medical practice?
Its the same current modern syringe science and the medical equipment to examine your brain image, or C session if they can generate a diagram, and the back would be the x-ray at the groove, you insert the classify material in, or they did that for you.
Do you ever have a headache?
No. The outside, the elevator.
Traumatize those?
So this is not a real practice or ...under the license to where, or whom?
A nurse! But if they realize that area lymph...and they can shut off your entire world situation in front of you open your eyes or close your eyes, are just the lymph? Its not at your brain to open at all.
Not the cut those?
No. When I get near somewhere, maybe they tell your father or tell me. Or they can all go to you in the later date, they find out with some other people, too. The cut is the skin on wrap around the head, its not a drilling.
What do you mean not the drilling?
Your neuron are the brain cell, those stroke, they have the technique to extract those blood vessel a giant white worm, and sew that blood vessel back, and then sew the head top back.
Is that hole permanently there?
So you cannot reverse that once the head skull is opens?
Correct, its always there.
You can die on the surgical table those?
The neck you won't.
It shouldn't be at the artery the real doctor check, but this is just the lab takes a sample to examine it from you initiative to see if anything not correct in the lab, not necessary to the hospital. They call you from the Mayo lab.
Tamang those?
No, he shouldn't be there anymore.
Maybe this is not you?
You are very very very very very very sure that is a skin, that is an ear, that is not the skin on the ear, that is the skull but the needle didn't pierce the head, its made of the bone, you are very very very very very very sure, that is not the bone opening drilling a hole to cost a trillion or a person just die on the brain surgery?
I am very very very very very very sure that is just a skin like the first time I told you, that is a syringe, and insert and just 5 mm and that thing is called the vitamin C, YES. I am very very very very very very sure
You are very very very very very very sure that is called the lymph node, there are 3 on the diagram not on the textbook, that is the lymph system, or the circulation system related to temperature, you are very very very very very very sure?
You are very very very very very very sure where a human skull supposes to look like, the round thing? On the top that is a piece of the skin, you are very very very very very very sure?
The groove you called it, its on the back, you name it, or the textbook?
The anatomy they called that, we used the hand-out, the summer class.
You don't have a textbook.
I should have. But its we use the hand-out.
Did you sell it?
I think so.
How much?
The second hand bookstore selling it.
Is there something you want to tell me, its about your medical treatment costs?
The green frog jumps.
My wall facet if I go to the bathroom, it will start to knock. I have no idea what is the spider verse the lower universe. You are all at the water level, or the sun down, I need to stop for now.
No, I never dissect a frog. That is the evolutionary biology
The sea animals. I never seen a real lab in anatomy. I am watching the song.
They are all the deep sea base.
They disappeared, exist, but they are .....
The lotto message, your brother's birthday 915. He went to strangle the lady in front of him asking him question. And the shooter behind her, shot him and her, and himself. 3 people dead. The 4th running in, the 5th outside before he reaching the first door. They aim at him, this 4th dropped the gun. Inside at the 2nd door is where the guard dead, the women dead, and he dead.
3 dead, but later they go find it out, might be 5 or 6 whom dead, if were involved like that.
You and Will. The Chinese New Year is Jan 28th. Jan has 31 days.
28th 29th 30 31 32
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
The lunar calendar year. The most official holiday every occupation is this period of time. 2 days at least, but its probably 1 week to 15 days, or some just 1 full month. On the 7th day the traffic from south will come back up. No one in the city, that is what it means.
You and Will right now at this age, he is a lot younger, but still. Every time something a physical alignment trigger, your fear will generate your adrenal behind. Your back is where the kidney, going up, that is the very small parts of the "adrenal". Fight and Flight response. You got scared, or you got anxious, you don't get shock every 2 seconds if a voice comes back up to you, or whistle to your ears.
You understand this, right?
The crying part is like you mourn to the passing, but those are not the good things to dwell your main thought, so I thought you all going on your date, or the recovery on your physical therapist. You seeing a different doctor, talking in a different language.
When you sleep, your brain will shut off all your 5 sense, so I am not sure if Will needs to breath through the oxygen mask, or if they determine that for him. But these video... has those air you input more at your lung chest, a lot more than before. He did.
Does that mean, you don't know how to sleep without these sounds or the entity gone out of the sight 1 or 2 or 3, the scenery is while you close your eyes, or your head behind heavy like 1000 pounds those forces, or Will has these 4 or 5 chain, that is like a gravity pulling him, or a literal physical pressure coming at it.
You can always write them down first, so you don't forget all your sense. You didn't need to the first degree you say you know how to talk to the doctors, because your care taker is next by you. You tell her, you want to do that talk on your own, and you tell her stays outside. You prepare a note, and you tell the doctors what you wish him to hear about it.
The Big Picture
When this is done, you gonna focus on open up your eyes to 1) Youtube 2) Reading the newspaper 3) walking 4) Communicating.
So you no longer, both of you knowing another side of the psychi sense, it was emitted through your brain response, or through your physical trembling of the hands, or another voice given you the guidance. Meaning you wish to gain back your life experience through your own main focus, how you yourself making a decision from then on.
If you have some life philosophy, you can reflect a little bit with yourself. Sometimes anything you do internal, its also a quiet moment of ....between you and God.
This time, then the Bible has a meaning in one year, in 2 year, or in 10 years.
There is some situation you and Will have to be on your own a bit up until the Chinese New Year 15 days pass. That is the same holiday to the China. Us and them. The official holiday on the physical calendar, people don't have to work.
The elevator is not as much, but the water facet its mid-night on, or just knocking to this European time, or those Asian girls or the boys have to get up for the Europe timezone. Forcing them to, or force me to.
The economic concept here.
There is.
The sunset means 夕陽黃昏
Maybe you and Will both have those blister profile behind you. Like Eben. Or Will is.
If hurting people thar heavy like …the deep water base is at the buttom of the sea and Ocean SMCH hurts Venus and then Wallace has a reason to clean them up, and then, they use the metro to hurt, and then per stop has a name label, my right to this city.
Taipei Mayor’s power
No, it’s my power.
You can go to the bus driver or the metro officer and say that per 10 stops showing your paper works.
You all trying to do more disgusting things, not thinking to be a nun (the Taoist this kind of things, Oneness Taoist) or the celestial lady steps into the mundane world to rub this Taipei city for what right or power, or this Taiwan, because this Vietnamese little nun the 5 ocean website, to say which options work, then trying out that one, but because of the America land is big, your own home or the rental places, you can think more, or the bed top to read, or easy to fall asleep, not too many mind for leaving your own room, to go out of the foreign land, coming to Taiwan this kind of people, you one lifetime never seen too many people, the mediocre life, Rama 1/2 someone already handle that long before.
3 行
3 lines.
Thinking for the worse
輾到最後,會有一個真愛 !
Stepping so much the end, there is a real love.
我在看影片,三生三世十里桃花是跟烈火如歌比,有個 W 兩個世界
這有人知道電影是真的嗎 ?
I am watching the video, 3310 and the Flaming Daughter, and W 2 worlds,
Do you have the kids? The family before they grew up?
That hood ghosty, would be a girl?! The crying is on you this morning I woke up,.....the focus. You are still very upset? Sleep 6 hours, to 8 hours yet? You need to do that for 1 year at least.
I did got your video ! Your tongue be Merry Christmas......
You guys all busy at your video zoom, or the home chill. I have to deal with this....some generation overseas. The parents were from here, so English yes or no, but the kids grew up in America. I need to tell them about this organization. - The Taipei contact person and the Taipei center, my mother gone to volunteer or working toward what it used to me and nick dedicated to. That was from the Toronto center. The things were that....Its through some branches of all that, they have the portal through the television. She cares about her enemy those, its these local Taiwan Buddhism branches, because they were younger, or she was 36+ those time....the nun. Never mind.....she is those type, the only reason she stays put near Taiwan because she got those enemy and sounds like the real Buddhism where she vowing for.
These television like Truman's Show, the Indian General with the uniform or Dr. Gabriel's hat (he is 1943) seeing those refugee news and volunteer full yellow background? Their vest to wear and banner near by the Red Cross those? Its 5 continent label, to each of these center, its here Taipei headquarter. The main nun and monks at were in Miaoli, but all finance or the donor, or the charity events all that checks going out, they will inform its here.
The SMCH book, (the magazine is all local print shop Western all worlds)
The SM jewelry, the art collection, the meditation items.
The Loving Hut
The Loving Food is the manufacture near the airport that area.
Just means they be nice with this Taipei contact person or the center, lay low down a lot more, because they imagine they are very achievable in America, getting too tired with their CV built up.
They do those sea Shepard, or the Green Peace those charity like the TV inside. No one watches, only I exist like that. Its 30 language going out the transcription and the translation those time.
In Chinese and in English.
Those the sensation someone coming to get you, if that is the video inside means. Its when you close your eyes and going to sleep, or you seeing that while you open your eyes?
These application of the temperature its to just manipulate some outside environment accessible resource like the water and heat it up, but what you really need its one cut. They have to determine that. But I am glad I am seeing these a little bit different.
It was vertical, and the water drop down.....these are all horizontal.
The train track like Mission Impossible those? They aren't exactly gone yet. Shili you are sad about it, so these factors frighten you like going towards you from that round circle to "get you". When they remove this permanently, you give your nerves system a break, you stay with the people you can see the real human faces. Be more near some groups, be more close to the human factors. Get your attention out of those circle looking in.
You going on a date?!
She stays with you near by?
The deer ice freezing the whole chulk around the mouth, glue to the ground.
Do you want to stop talking about them. Just enjoy the Christmas air and the New Year. Like the New Year Resolution, what you aim and hope for the aspiration in your career goal?
Do you want to ask them for a dozen tissue paper while you are outside, somewhere? I have no idea ! I am too busy to watch, if you get some air, walking a bit, its always nicer, the fresh air to your lunch.
Do you get the scarf, some glove from the luggage last time you pack in? Its all snowing everywhere, you like some newer hat, cover your ears. You can get a hat, if not all those driving, cheer up your mood, a brand new year for you.
Do you get the jacket like her those kinds?
Do you want to get a teddy bear?
Do you wear 1 shirt or 2 shirts, indoor are warmer, or you turn on your heating device a lot higher, the hotel, or you gone back, or where you staying?
These are all snowing to me....or I imagine its all snowing.....blowing....swinging !
Your friends are still with you, those are the movie, you are not yet cut the roots.
This is the morning the sky cloud video. Your cut.
Or if William his back those hair line, those are the grove at.
Is that the head or the neck?
The hair line. You can touch with your hands, those terms are the skull interior or exterior per word label.
Is there a reason why they label like that?
The structure how it looks like or describe like.
And you know what it means just by looking at it?
How they either C session or cut how they do those women uterus examine. They have to create an equipment to label why they use that in the hospital, the medical equipment.
I mean the structure.
I think washing it.....might just that miracle other than grind that out if too sticky out on William, but that is not....the main focus of the head. Its behind his neck area.
So its not the head?
The groove is not the head those cerebrum, it has one corner behind sticking out, grind it out if that can be done, or just a washing bottle washing it....anything in there?
What can be anything in there?
Its open ~~ That is open structure, so they cut it, they know what hanging there, or small tiny thing.
Not my head, his head?
There is a Vs, airplane to Paris. That is for William, the first model.
Right, can you just last yourself for 1 month vocation time. I need to be busy anywhere else and you all not staining the water of the Past, whatever that means.
Acid !
Victoria Secrets
I think her name is Carolina, exactly at right side, groove.
Hey, somebody, your weather channel
Here do need to use it, you can take your umbrella out today. You are not driving here, you do need the unbrella here. The smaller one, carried in the bag.
The big Wheel is at Y, the wall, towards the front. If you use your eyes looking at the WALL.
They draw inside the painting, looks like an advertising.
My mother told me another place, too. The big egg, you all eating the Pizza Hut there.
That is Hugh's father pointing at road 光復南路
Revolution south road, or that word. Its to the National Father memorial. He wants to eat all you can eat Pizza? Hugh, you didn't take your father to eat? Across corner, that is the compass, giant, nice, embellish made.
There is something not right.... going out.....
You want to be relocated THIS side, the brown line, and that is what I understand.
They left, and they whom at the south, and a few to Japan. No one is at this side, so did you all relocated from the red line north to the brown line North?
I remember what the otter does.
They try to kill each other when they turn to normal?
Can you wait a year or 2?
This Hugh and his father on my facebook....eating out, are they eating it?
Very tired、very out of the sync, and the expense, very needed this resume or CV, the Life itself cannot be like this, and self-pushing but very scared.
So do you like Westlife? 你們喜歡西城男孩嗎?
Do you like the movie, some of this TV from Netflix? 你們喜歡電影,一些電視從 Netflix?
Its soon to get out. My mother says...or the birds say. 快要出去,我媽說還是小鳥說!
The low sound + the door open squeezy sound. (Those are the underworld).
The water everywhere. C inderella.
South Africa it’s C from England down to, is that Blemded (2014)
Interstellar (2014)
She is like your twin sister ? I think she got other partners. Did she tell you about your jaw and she vanished ? If they fix your front jaw ?
No, the groove means your bone is sticking out, they metal machine refine that bone? If nothing around that groove, like a dentist tool to shed that part, shed the comet those. Just look better.
I have an otter at the water sink washing his teeth.
Hi, Happy New Year. He wants to die on the bacteria touching, those are very very dirty, his teeth washing better, he can eat everything perfect better …toward the Chinese New Year. (Red means). You have some red ribbons ? Alcohol wipe his 4 pawns those are dirty. The ending of the calendar’s years.
My father’s birthday …tomorrow.
TEsla things I remove him sending these bad stuffs.
3 lights on the left top, that’s where Thor was. If we go anything imagine there, we will be shut down. The death eater on the top.
It would be outside the orbital I drew on the painting. We are rotating around the sun it’s an oval shape. They station in the same places.
Like our TV 花千骨 and combine to Tesla’s none official biography saying an alien nature X 12 Venusian space ship idea ? Wallace movie 笑傲江湖,they make you believe ?
TEsla should not be talked about it, not those technology. If I = I am not, sorry ~~ goodbye !
I probably wish that’s not true. No one really makes you doing any of that. I say something. Not Frank, not Francis. That’s what I mean, not that letter.
You gone to school, then you go along with your family for the next step. Not those lineage, I did a lot of the personal idea when I staring younger, I wish to be a lot more proper person. But none of these make you happy.
I assuming what I hear, but you only have 60 years and retired by 65.
The Chinese New Year is next month. Some girls, you all.....cutting your hair, it will grow in one month. I am talking to any of you, other than here. You all want to say something to Will, at his side? It isn't Chinese New Year there.
If he is stressful, we just doing nothing. Maybe he is the first time, realize that is Frank from Venus Tesla biography in Wallace movie, not Dean.
That is a couple, Frank and Francis. A letter, with the first initial, and the 2 initial per word breaking it down. Mark LOTR I am not sure he knows the OU language the second part SMCH teaches them that.
"The Beginning and the End" - Bible the first chapter or the ending Revelation, is those words?
Alpha and Omega = the greek numerical.
The tape hot water...we girls when the hair is long, let's say my shower got was these round flat top, its vertical water coming it down, so I can leave that space when the water is very hot, only 1 second at my head / the hair. The very very very hot water.
You target as the slice of the brain top, 1 second per time. You face which side and going back to that water coming it down. The head. You don't have those round flat top shower looking.
This is an unbrella?!
Today our world probably the office opens.....I can go out !
You need to give them per step, be clear how to do a certain thing, per word, per step, per told. Repeat.
They are probably the ABC Asian, the accent sounds like you.
他們可能是 ABC 亞洲人,跟你一樣的口音
Dr. Christopher those testimony was 15 years ago. At those time, he was sent to the jail so many times, he finally just agree to do the public tour to sit in front and deliver those per witness come forward, a nurse help that paralyze patient on the ground.
Did you any of you say to America help me to build my park, me and Shane, that is a long time ago I say I am home~ and one day suddenly I have "a park" the American owing to me? This is not real, right?
Now I am watching the TV. This is about Frozen, 3310 peach blossom, saying my brother's generation has...that little dragon (snake year, younger 5 to me), Lucy and Jessie (7 or 8), Austin's sister Wendy (5 yrs), Meggie's daughters (7 yrs)
Weasley is 8 years younger from my brother.
You always taken someone is a trouble, other than your life is too big.
One day people will grow old, the procedure is saying like the stair, sitting in the elevator, the emergency calling whom like the next door by, if the water electrician moves, where to find the new one, this is the one procedure to another, and one day as I grow older no kids ! You all learning at home, cleaning your bathroom, that is not rental, buying things, the cleaning supply application, or someone whom has to return to Taiwan to re-learn all these basic process, you all drinking so you don't need to care about this, one person's space! Many years will pass and gone ~ the bed sheet doesn't need to wash, where to buy the mouse battery, where to keep the mouse, or this store, those small little things where to shop~ very small things is all a flow chart ! You one person learning it, or the people decease, its only learning once of this flow chart, the last time!
Dr. Strange 奇異博士
I have to focus my job, we all get a career.
A spiritual journey seeking, after you visiting a man from the very beginning after the accident.
They are all the real people. Dr. Steven Hairfield, or Simon, or the actors'. Dean is real, or Silas or whomever that is or Hugh is real, its on the camera, all of these people are real.
Time doesn't return, because people do die out.
The old people don't take all these movies turning real as the priority in life.
People took the movies more in the negative term, or inside their life view, its always a lot more negative than saying that is a humor, someone does that to them as the whole wide world view, and their livelihood got affected, and you.....carry your life as if you have nothing to do with it.
Like I see this Nicky in the hospital does affect me. Westlife, and these glass !
Tamang has those deep sea water, I don't know if that is his chest or his head feeling like that. Breast heavy to breath up to his head. Hugh is a lot swollen at his head engine. You have somewhat. A lot less than both of them.
You get one sense back one by one. That is sunset color, Eben?!
Yeah, you as a guy mainly is the logical brain when they train you. You just stretch out your personality out when you gain your 3 sense back, and sleep up a year, and working on the physical therapy, they can mode your entire personality one by one.
Right, you mean I mis-understand you, or your sub-consciousness, or you wish to do that, or you got told not to do that. Or you never do that.....all of that?!
You wish to change how you talk to that lady, smile-ing and trying to ask her something? Like trying to? Its from your room you have to WALK all the way somewhere.
I cannot tell the reality. Can you imagine you are confident to talk to 1 her. She gonna retire and putting your position on the top of her in your conversation a lot more you dominating that situation, not the blame, not the accusation, not this, not that, I want to do it, or else not....all of that. + Riley you don't call him often, I thought its every night a Line app, you have so many other Line app, other than him and her.
"I want to ask you something today ...." (open a conversation)
"Hi Riley, you got a min?"
"Hi, you and Riley I put in the group chat. This is the time that is important I am that I am. Which I am that I cannot be, all that included, because I have about 3 sense out of the impaired to say I ever exist in front of the television."
"This is not the conversational time, I need some print out, and not me reading it through it, my mind too chaos. You both can report to me next day. Talk to me,....please."
"I am drinking my water more diligently but I am not shipping my water, these maid I asking them, or I need to tell you to ask one of them or the janitor to the rest of my life, I have to keep drinking the water with....40 gallons in my room, that kinds? A water boiler. I never done those things."
"Happy New Year, you know I am singular out on 2 video that is dark and grey, bright and shining through the star, did you watch it? Its the serenity out of the darkness so quiet, just looking from behind, you feel the solomn swear, those, I ever solomn looking in my sleeping time for 40 years will be. You can tell the difference of the 2 video. I about to die, and she is knocking her head off in her room?"
"There is a scene that is I hide, you seek. I need to know how you feel the difference of these 2 video, INSIDE your reality? What do you think it looks like from me?"
You want to get them attention to do what you want.
You want to look like its 2 cancer, you are the main character finally arriving up, those speech format.
You got knock down your pride over the Lords of Ring or Mark, or that Dark Lords, you hold the thousand fake army saying those are the greenie cloudz women.
You were told very young, not to hinted from those things, and you making it through without those focus even in your "ghost realm" those behind your door room, that opens and close.
You don't want to sound like an excuse, so you cannot straight up your back standing in front of them, you did watch these video, She did say something, you assume they are taking any side including they reading through it the first thing in the morning.
You never ask them in every single morning, "DO YOU READ IT, I care about it ! "
These details you can write it down for me, my conscious mind or the subconscious mind, which thing added up, I have so many issues, you ever heard those saying, its from the movie?
What I gonna do? Face it all? This hour this time, we or I never knew that per strand clear.
Am I still considered psycho if I cannot recite one page this book, any book? Not normal, just not seeing things? Which doctors get to me, they will tell me the same answer, I want to know?
Try 1 or 3, you think? You like how I asking you to re-phrase, or how I sound like to you. You have a problem with that? might be I sound like more of myself, if you tell me what's wrong with me, than me trying to come to you, and you seeing it all, and I am guessing all the way.
No, you are not changing every thing in 1 week, to 3 weeks yet, to first month will be the New Year another month passing it by. You communicate trying 1 sheet, might be the first sentence you highlight on this sheet, per points, you can only utter one word out of that point. Will.
You make a small note, 1 word per 10 points, and those words blank out, you walking back and forth, and you think. You finally get to 3 points in 1 conversation, so at the noon time, you get another points to say the full sentence.
I want to talk about it.
Good night Will and Mark LOTR. Happy New Year. We are colder today to run outside.