Facebook, too.
I say to them your news looking for them 2.
I was reading the English writing sample…no wonder my LinkedIn broken.
我有在看寫作的那些 ….難怪我的 Linkedin 壞了
Facebook, too.
I say to them your news looking for them 2.
I was reading the English writing sample…no wonder my LinkedIn broken.
我有在看寫作的那些 ….難怪我的 Linkedin 壞了
Hook, 你來一下!
她們其實有一具女屍,沒有 decay, 但是我其實晚上那天吃泡麵,才煮完想吐🤮
中文 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/马王堆汉墓
English https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mawangdui_Silk_Texts
Dissection = 解剖
Anatomy = 骨骼學
你屍骨化存 大概是 physiology
This is …
After the old women +1 yr baby put drugs in there.
The 2F that’s after, the run away criminal got in the door they work overnight …
Math Shane !! 9000 US dollars for a Japanese wok noodles ?
Nicky 3 after, the car accident.
No, I watched.
Maybe she wants to go to the hospital 她是不是想去醫院
Don’t call me ….
Shut up (birds)
( On the phone ). I need to find out which friends they can take her, she wish them to take her to the hospital I think…I stay home that kinds.
Japan, and that’s the birds say. You help yourself.
How can this Shane …where he about ? Only I am home every phone number I called. My cell phone cannot call those number because it’s pre-paid !! With 02 or just 2…25-30 years ago, they change to one extra 2 for every phone number.
Shane are you on the phone? You want me to call Kian Nicky….whom is this CNN Oscar In-Time, Justin’s best friends, Irish ? Together …. What time is Kian Nicky ? Mark….Ronan’s birthday is today ? Where is my book.
I did call the landlord …another building which building ? They use the computer !!!
I finding his daughter.
(Phone charging …is the facebook they read their own page or the behind message sent through? )
The battery drain out, how am I going to re-set the computer and lose my photo ? I can backup those photo snd re-set time. My bookmark.
Ice Princess
Right, this morning. You mean the otter does humiliating things or your per thought to per human you care about ? If you need to go to the hospital or if you have a condition, deal with it. They are not supposed to put the conditioned people on the TV.
The cancer means it can get too painful and then you are not well, and it causes death. If you can be coma to die, you love that idea than the suffering of the cancer treatment and the loss of the hair.
The cells got mutated and sometimes they migrant from one location to another. The pancreas becoming the liver cancer. Me and Shane is younger so I watch some of those. But correct, if he got too stressful, and the money issues, the health got compensated.
This morning she talks normal, about the trip. The phone if works. She was like a psycho babbling whom, whom is there yesterday.
Her friends arrives, they talk. “I don’t want to go to your house”. Her disciple probably, the vegan ones. They are murdering human ? 不葷主義,養心茶樓 還是 A4
Which day you come back? Flu better ? Fever!
Call again 9:30-4 ?? 9:00
You don’t have a pair of sandal like Kate, or the shoes. A particular light open front rubber sandle big, not fur. You and this ex-Taipei mayor and the ex female president. The last 3 days or she has been around why I cannot find the current president.
你沒有一雙拖鞋像凱特,或是鞋子,一個輕巧型的前面打開,軟 rubber 那種比較大,你跟前台北聯絡人或是前女總統,這幾天三天或是她一直浮在檯面上為什麼我找不到現任總統
Me and my mother although have little, we are the only 2 people in this universe will be at this home you run into to find a pair of Kabir was a shoe makers story, not Eben Coco mexico story with Craig dispatch himself there with his wife and a baby.
我跟我媽只有一點,但是我們兩個人是你這全宇宙在這個家,讓你跑進來找一雙 Kabir 的鞋子,他是製鞋的,不是埃本 Coco 墨西哥故事,Craig 在那邊跟他太太還是嬰兒。
I asked them if that’s the reality here everyone …我問他們所有人,這是不是這現實
It doesn’t look the same. Not the story probably. 這沒有長的一樣,大概不是這故事
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When you left ….him
It’s about the Vice President 呂秀蓮 or the correct her last president 蔡英文. There is a difference !
I met him. The last ex-Taipei contact person. When the day you gonna die, you will see these people.
We just talk about what I see, right?
The sensation of another dull color world, feeling it? The birds wake me up. That’s false my side of me story with the American and NASA to Taipei I realize if I can return to the US with those YouTubers 7 celestial kids like 7 years staying.
感受另外一個沒有什麼顏色無聊的世界,感覺到?小鳥把我叫起來,這是錯誤的,我這邊的故事關於美國跟 NASA 至台北如果我不回美國,這台灣 youtuber 七個小仙女 像七年留在這裡。
Taiwan tradition cake is always these fruits in or on top of the cake. Taiwan has a 3 color cake.
A long time ago, they gather the vendor for the group meditation at every Tuesday night was at 大直, before 劍潭站 on the brown line, near the Wheel 美麗華。(William’s name like Will, like Wheel.). Square doesn’t know that. She also doesn’t know her restaurant north N. RD label was the Breeze. The exit from Taipei station routes by taxi. She also doesn’t know the Sogo road up is this Breeze. She definitely not knowing that’s my high school will be. Neither a shopping thr sandal shop for the military. Across is a family mart with a full catalog for the Chinese New Year. 🧨🧧 In fact, that north, and that north of my high school just one bus stop to 3 C building, one bus 226 back to 588 road that goes to 101 or the red line.
The bus high tech schedule.
You don’t need the France or Monaco, just 1 road, South to North.
很久以前,他們凝聚共修每個禮拜二晚上在大直,劍潭站之前,在咖啡色線上,靠近美麗華那個大圓 (威廉王子的名字 Will like Wheel),方方不知道那個,方方也不知道她餐廳北邊路名寫成 N RD, 那邊是微風,是台北車站撤,計程車抵達的路線,她也並不知道 Sogo 路往上就是微風,她更不知道那是我以前中山女中,更不是他們軍事買拖鞋的一站,對面是全家有一個翻開那種 catalog, 過年🧨🧧 其實那個北邊,就是我北邊的高中,跟一站的光華商場,一個 226 回到 588,抵達返回 101 或是紅線。
I know what the otter says? They slam your innocent white face.
我知道水瀨說了什麼? 污蔑你的清白,清白的臉。
Your disciple can complain to me what they did to you. I don’t usually watch them as many days but I keep up with some. They are the extinct species and that’s why they are raised in Japan. They were in your 2014 OU earlier those words. The Pusu language.
你的徒弟可以跟我抱怨他們對你做了什麼,我通常不看著他們但是我跟上他們一些,他們其實是滅絕淘汰的物種,那是為什麼他們在日本飼養,他們是你 OU 2014 前面的一些字,樸素語言
The ambulance outside ? The cancer would be the City of Hope, California near the forest burn highway 5 there and Rosewell Park, Buffalo, NY. Jonathon’s father probably retired same like Dr Bing that time. They rank higher than the City of Hope, 3rd or that scale up or down. I contact them without his father so if those connection still exists, it was 4 years ago probably. Jonathon, Tamang’s issues and Tina’s bank or Karen, the local UB nearby bank world collapsed. Karen and we girls did the volunteer community service at the Mc Donald House (gifts for the kids of their parents), it’s going the Buffalo general hospital.
外面的救護車?癌症是加州的 City of Hope, 靠近被燒掉的森林高速公路五,或是水牛城紐約的 Rosewell Park. 強納生的爸爸在那像 Dr Bing Shen 那時候,他們的排名在很前面高於 City of Hope, 可能是三,上下,那時候我其實聯絡他們不是從強納生爸爸,如果那些關係還在,大約四年前,強納生,Tamang 的問題,提那跟 Karen 銀行,那邊附近的銀行倒的很兇。Karen 跟我們幾個女孩子,社區服務自願是 麥當勞家(給小孩的家人), 那邊是水牛城(將軍)一般醫院
No, they are all very giant ground places, they will not yell at you. The family doctor then transfer to the cancer specialist.
I think you would be in Menton, not France. Or Austria vegan hotel or England.
我想你會在 Menton 不是法國,或是 Austria 素的飯店或是英國
The birds are too loud or the clouds.
You were running about too tired all those world tour years. Things mean to you….you got blisters, the bad records or all that you done things the skin pole. I saw. Not the internet, earlier.
These things mean to you…earlier talk.
No, I am not sure whom is conditioned. Just handle some talks with Tina to tell Pang
Is the audio virus endow ? Click not download. 這音檔有病毒嗎?按下去,不是下載
No, I am not on the phone, keep seeing some horrors stuffs. 沒有,沒有在電話上,我在看著恐佈的事情
No, watching the video.
Is Jesus near by in the human form those ? Near me I know but I mean why I getting those video. You the other things about more like Me and Thor
Frank and Francis you want to talk about it.
I type this myself like keep file-ing this none stop 11 years the police reports, you know…I feel wrecked.
Talking about the none realistic, I do feel better and I wish them all well. I always am like that. I can feel the air when the public keeps hearing me curses the whole world. Seriously, they (the animal and the invisible and the clouds) telling me what ?
No, it’s all wrong.
The police and the legal world people use 100 people just on everyone of these case, movable. Per these TV monitor. If each feet is not moving, they won’t be causing anyone heartache that in the death that days, they realize what it means stay home, don’t move. Because everyone pretends they have the freedom like the college time, it’s all very dangerous. They never know those money are put behind to spend like that. You didn’t need to spend like that even they moving with hot free traveling saying, it’s a fine dining or a fine trip. None of those are true. When you die, you realize like that.
100 people unseen hates you, or knowing you clear on every term and the things be solved 100%. Because all these details being reports, someone can move to every direction other than we imagine a certain say or don’t say. So all of these…it’s all being separated in their life.
Right now, it’s me and Shane’s life. We continue to talk, and I keep telling him they are hurting me indoor here, everything here is wrong. The birds shouts or the sky moving or the elevator and these hurting me, the cable from the elevator they just meant it has to be a new elevator. It’s a new compamy.
My mother and the landlady that side they don’t fix the whole elevator expense, it’s probably on people’s wall, they can hear. They are not fixing these issues and the heck’s are hurting me by that chance all together.
I think it’s a brand new elevator’s issues ? Yes!!
You can call them and ask, 日立電梯
Pang cannot be messaged at. Tina is hitting me.
Call DKNY. Find someone brings them 2 all back or Hank.
Or they find me all these things packs somewhere else I wait my passport and fly out, to each their address or the company show up and hang them back to Taipei.
And their cousin, too.
I saw. I understand, correct 我看到了,我懂,對!
She really did that, or I imagine the otter saying the arguments correctly.
(we all watching in a story, the otter describes a story, everyone looking in.)
Someone run about a circle cut tail to seek life 斷尾求生 my mother always say.
Nicky Byrne and Georgina the only gala on the facebook was in Ireland.
Not England Gala, not American gala.
She decides to ….
Show up a man before Nicky doesn’t even know whom she is, or we all imagine she was in debts. An 75 years old women. She gone to Nicky.
Rewind the murdering trail tape.
It’s Nicky and Mark, she gets. So these sky photo a hex and 2 rings “Sharing” OU language …
My mother kills me, the camera from Mark, Shane and Nicky fallen.
Mark freeze, she kills him.
She could have been Prince William’s evil step mother or the England Queen next by the King.
Kian freeze next by, Ronan entering room cannot handle that.
Brian at Boyslife, Trump if anything, Peyton’s cancer he cannot handle himself.
She could use the Legally blonde attitude to Nicky at the gala and without the man, “not you of course, it’s Mark”, the exact movie script and the attitude. Mark is the gay that’s on the witness stand, you didn’t kill your husband. It’s my mother kills me. Shane and Nicky fallen.
Left Kian. Far away an Eben.
It was we are 45 age bracket 43, 48….she is 75. In front of Kian, she kills all his friends. At the concert tour, she kills the all Westlife and a mother and a daughter for her show-off real love games.
She was train all the presidential letters magazine, the correspondent and the charity works.
None of us doing anything because every circumstance is pressing is limited. And the police every time with the legal including Tina or Hank, they sent 100 people to keep pulling every situation away. If we stop that frame….
A 75 years old women runs out in the middle of circle, everyone sees.
2 ring OU: “sharing” Mori.
He is targeting at the 2 presidential candidates
I told Shane and I called the police.
It’s those legal case.
The black bow ex gf + a young jailed guy the motorcyclist likes her, assault the police
Alex + son Wife psycho, climbs mountains falls.
My mother, the car accident.
The ex-mayor’s wife (?)
5F wheel chair old lady dead, maid gone.
He burns the house, my brother lost the mortgage, he suicides.
黑蝴蝶結的前女朋友 + 年輕有前科的騎摩特車,打警察
Alex + 兒子 他太太, 爬山失足
我媽, 車禍
柯文哲的太太 (?)
五樓輪椅老太太撞車, 傭人不再
We are moving towards it.
Asking him telling their pink new vs old gf not the wife to the police will help ?
Hank met a same career those material science area, and Tina met 4 or 5 guys some with the guns. He got married and 2 more kids, immediately settle all down. They were in separation and then …the divorce came. The others…I just called the police. If it will help and why don’t you all called the police ?
Westlife news I did read it, 2 days ago. She is 132 cm that one or 10 years she met 2 people so….I called the police should too? The Bible yesterday is exactly the garbage the Bible says about her exactly.
You reading the revelation. You want …You can print probably 3 16, 17, 18….sheets.
Multitude like multiply ….their agents, produce manager, staffs, rely on them.
Pearl to per transaction
Peal like appeal a case or Pearl ….you make those annotation. You succeed that day, you go and read it the Bible. She is the exact junks God says.
The cancer expense to funeral service called to the body crement burn and decay buried.
Call police would work right ?
That’s very psycho if they helping me to move ? She is right down stair to stop me and Shane? You guys believe Shane is here ? If I begging Shane, I can beg these police or Taipei mayor or the president, right ?
I think she falls in love with Nicky or Nick Carter or Nick 98 Degree.
I tell you what I tell them that story if she succeed walking here yesterday down there with exactly the otter says. (From the Taipei center), pretending Shane or all Westlife she checks was right here.
She used to 1997 before never had TAiwan real Visa from Miaoli. China and Taiwan was 40 years no direct flights, all shut down. China not developed yet, before AD 2000. So every 6 months or 1 years change visa she is a England visa refugee or the Vietsnese visa, she loves Hong Kong that time film money money money before 1997 return to China or hotel design or the disciple. These 10 years she went to Hong Kong, seriously ! That’s no longer England and she cannot go to China.
So flying running away Vietsnam at 16 to England to Germany late husband to India 2 years Visa pursuing Tao, her poetry Munich Germany 1978, 1979…. 1983 I born. 1986 her 36 years old main Asharam. She was not in India the 3rd world country for 40 years. It was only 2 years visa to say a nun life to get Taiwan 500NT stamped. That time they give …
And loving Nicky or Nick Carter or Ronan the bird says …
Hong Kong will be in a few day - the Real Love and the Loving the Silent Tear. The direct flight is Taiwan to London.