… …not yet. You know Vartan is a lot older and their world might be a lot more serious about something he does, so unless anything worsen I call Vartan. His name is Michael.
If Nicky seeing things funny, I will tell him.
She does those refugee camp advocate early 90s, before 1995 UN Kryon old site for 20 years he never changed ….she was at the military southern offices those Asia countries, one security military man put a gun trigger at her head side. She was a Vietsnese going to this Philliphine president to stay in Taiwan over 1986-1998 or later she never had a visa to stay in Taiwan, always at Hong Kong to change her visa. China didn’t exist that time, she probably asked England or France or Germany to help her to get rid of Taiwan. She lives in the tent.
Too short, any artistic thing….was she never had a real clothing unmade for the TV shining to sell photo reason. We here are my size pants. She never had a cloth not re-make, the vest, the sleeves, the dress robes all of that. 132 cm that’s shorter than I imagine 140 cm.
They started 1986 …36, 3 3 Ronan birthday this year.
The tent from north Taiwan mountain ridge to south Taiwan by walking, living near the river stream to exchange each other clothing to squeeze 3 people in the tent to live. One day she starts to paint on the pebble she started to sell at each public lecture, one day there is an Asharam location the ghost site to this near by the Chicken farm.
As long as she gets back here, it’s the tent life. The monk was the college kids, or those lecture halls were filled up those devotee….here. She was famous and 1992 A League of their Own baseball, her ex husband movie like today’s news. She gets to UN was already close to change the clothing and the hair. The staff was friendly, in the tape, the big or the smaller room.
All around the world it’s all Vietsnese camping refugee her center filled up + the Chinese, rarely Taiwan people. Everyone eating is her country food when she is oversea.
1997 HK
1998 閏八月
The infinite Light vegetarian food store went on the stock, bankrupt the next year or 2 when, no more light, it was titanic ~~. everyone push out of the Taiwan. Right now you seeing this second generation speaking what English or the academic degree to catch up the Jesus or his angels ….or the Silicon Valley in the Elon Musk’s film …..
There were so much the beginning was she runs away from Taiwan 3 time disciples devotees, to NYC comes back, people begging her at the door to be her disciple stories.
But online, they said she had working as a translator for one of the monkhood or she is a nun. I don’t remember which one.
She uses those dark green booklet as the free sample booklet, or the book is about this famous monkey since the ancient time, cut in thousand knife. That’s not free. It’s a horizontal flip lecture book.
She learned the tent competition to the Feng Shui or the fortune telling …the Asian full of the magic the public lecture !
The monks / the nuns doing those. By the America standard time, way before I show up, their finalize their meditation chair was a lot for me to stay there, but it’s a tent in Taiwan retreat, how to BBQ!
You listen to 1000 tapes, it’s all saying that. She does those late night lectures because all Taiwan working hours was 9-5. Everyone so tired to go to the group meditation.
No, I don’t think so.
Here? From Taiwan or the difference the Chinese or the Vietnamese ?
She probably knows the Japanese !
They are not ever in this situation …she goes to the international stage, the politics world. The humanitarian, the discussion over the climate changes, the charity, or the advocate for the animal welfare or the New Age on her TV channel side by her enemy in Taiwan TV channel.
Whom is her enemy ? You all met Square? Whom is Square’s this original look enemy ? The nun cloth stepping out of the main asharam to Hong Kong and come back. Hahahahaha…..
She is still alive. 87. May 4th. Simon’s number … 2014.
I told you ….she fights fights fights all the time.
This was her enemy
Is that super important ? It is !
This dead
How she gonna ever gets married before Jesus come back?
I don’t think she really wants to get married, her vow those. She was a very extreme those time, so going to a nunhood was always the way she says it. She pretends to fall in love, emitting the vibration towards or those phone games but she knows better, one of those attitude. Whatever the TV does to her. This is a very short time notice…better not to be real. Their religion was ami to fo….
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