
Is this ...Asian W 2 Worlds, no...Mark LOTR

That is their father:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iKPW7yvImpE

You see these tool, you and William will see some of them doing that. Just a few time? And, you say....does it work. Those small tiny tool, or some larger tool?

Your body is in distress, I told you, remember?  Its not a small tiny tool. A lot of these strength to the bone manipulation and adjustment is very very painful to the body, but your body doesn't register that as a pain yet. Relief a load of the strain, or the forces to your own skeleton.


As strong as this   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KCOB4oRr3u0

Anyone knows ....Its this Feb?


Every Feb, LA?  There is a Victoria Secret, Kerry Perry. Nick's Family Line. 2 of them. Without me in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn6_ixzHOfM

5 Lords Review. (2010)

With me in it = Ellie Goulding Army (2014) :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9zr_O1jjQk

But With You and Without Me. That is another 2 VS.

2008  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7gpUuVJBZg

2018  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWlbjXwUMJI

Nick is 2nd. Gazilla, Nick, 2nd sister, younger sister, mother....the kids of each of their line.

               one girl, one boy, Mimmo, Tony, 2 boys,  1 girl (University of Toronto Sorority President, the bubble gum)

Lyrics: Every Feb

                            this guy= construction

                                          Mimmo & Tony= a foreman (Construction, snow plotting) & Sprinkler

The 2nd sister she is in Italy. (2 boys are all in Italy)

VS Army, that one fat is Kail ( Italy one of the guy)

After Asian (Tony), Kail's concubines', a lot of the tears. 

I know its not super important to you.

The Red River Manga, it was 15 years old, Kail is 18 years old, or Ramses was 22 years old.

There is a difference when you conducting our Taipei doing that all the time, on the surface area how much the rain drop in mm, not CM.

The entire water den inside, that entire top lake area, its calculated by mm, the total amount of the water resoir receive the water for that den, our city usage of the water. We need the water more than the America, I will tell you that because we are small. The city usage of the water.

VS - With You

Inelia Benz Beach daughter photo

Inelia Benz (her book hurts me 2014) got killed on the stage. MK.

Kerry (Project Camelot)

? Bill

Inelia's one of the lady collaborate in 2012 or 2013, her year was 2012 -2017. Venus

Earth Prince. (Sailor Moon)

All classify

Saturn (kills) all of that.

Pink, Steve Jobs, Child reborn = Aria. North California, Silicon Valley. You are a valley.

Last one, "2=to right "   to amend ....

2010  (there is a storm, water)


Kansas is dry. I think Dr. Shen was that University from one of them. 

All the bees formation, it is the honey hive, or to "fill the room." The honey sticky....what is the honey drop down? The hail is the ice ball. The old testament, the Bible Code groups someone will know the old testament its the fishes drops from the sky.  The Jewish groups maybe they read the old testament. 

Daniel is the 10 days vegetarian.  Yuri. Loving the Silent Tear next by Kail.

You cannot have the 10 days on the water, or on the flood, or on the car floating in the water, or the 10 days hail, that is an ice ball hit on the people's head, not the snow. Maybe I remember it wrong with Hank saying that in 2015. The Day After Tomorrow, those the beginning is the hail, the ice round ball as big as.....the human skull size (kid).

Chinese New Year, (Eve  1/28/2025 at night Tuesday)

                                    Lunar Calendar (Chinese calendar with the moon)

1/29/2025                           1/1/2025                         1st

1/30                                    1/2/2025                         2nd

1/31                                    1/3/2025                         3rd

2/1                                      1/4/2025                         4th

2/2                                      1/5/2025                         5th

2/3                                      1/6/2025                         6th

2/4                                      1/7/2025                         7th

2/5                                      1/8/2025                         8th

2/6                                      1/9/2025                         9th

2/7                                      1/10/2025                      10th

2/8                                      1/11/2025                       11th

2/9                                      1/12/2025                       12th

2/10                                    1/13/2025                       13th

2/11                                     1/14/2025                       14th

2/12                                     1/15/2025                       15th             元宵節: 點燈祭佛

Adam's birthday (My first bf Ella Enchanted is 2/13)

登峰 birthday or 宜蘭 birthday

(major made that word is her name)   宜蘭 is our Taipei on the East, that district city. Spinning around the round about driving. They are all aquarian sign.

2/14 birthday The volleyball big, no, she had no position, shorter girl, but she talks normal.

Its might be 2/3  or 2/13 too.

Taipei Lanterns


Flower Thousand Bones 34 


The beginning. 4:08 explaining the festival days commemorate. 

浮沉珠 = sunk floating beas.

35, 36

I didn't sing (the background)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plbrU638aBU

The birds: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RKi-1yrOowI

Westlife the geography (not geology)


The first 2 songs, the background  Mute the second video link.

1. Westlife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4wjU4Up70M

2. Mute this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsJxGpDmJrQ

That page the Conan songs need to be checked, too. Red and blue.

Hot and cold.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgEQf4IYfnY

There is a lot of the water in that Blue Sapphire. 

⭐ If your parents have to lecture you ⭐

A closure space is a lot better. Those are more like the tea house, you got lecture all together inside one room, closure, the door close those.

JC Cafe  瘋茶館

Address:  106台北市大安區忠孝東路四段181巷7弄15號

02 2711 6970

You calling from your cell phone and speaking in Chinese? Reserved the table.

2 years ago tea house in 2023


Its the vegetarian or none vegetarian.

If you know how to google it, there is a lot of those indoor restaurant.

The Cantonese those or Macao those style.

Those with the table cloth, the tea pot, the serving tea waitor those looks......more like the 京星餐飲, the big road, next by Niko And....the 2nd floor, you can see outside saying the eye laser all over this street.


Yeah, sounds like the Venus that one. I told you at that intersection, you can get the cake by crossing the road, that is exactly the same places.

One at W hotel that road, straight ahead.......Near by Pizza Hut all-you-can eat the second floor, just walk around the corner. That Watson Pharmacy store. Across there, its the Big Egg, they have all kinds of the things inside. After you eat....you can walk over to see everything inside. 

忠孝東路 跟光復南路口

(Between this road and that road intersection) 



That is how you talk with the taxi? Yes.

On the top, the 4th navigation tab, its all the food, dessert, the menu, the dim sum, the main course....the fish, the meat, the crab, or this is an very expensive 鮑魚 =  abalone

The 4th to the right, the third drop down menu.

No, I don't really know what that is. We have the vegetarian one here, my mother makes them from the instant packages, so I roughly seen it. Its for the Chinese New Year. No, you don't get that from 7-11, the vegetarian....you have to find it.

The vegetarian or vegetable is below, the last 3.

The fried rice about 8 selection is the last one.

You can take-to-go, you see the telephone number left side down? You ask the uber to pick it up for deliver to your hotel door front, or the living quarter, or you all carry that when you get there, and walk over to the Big Egg, and eat in there, but you have these take out, already.

Its a stadium. 大巨蛋






The dim sum those, wraps + meat, or something something,  THEN + fried rice, or the noodles. You have to eat across. Those are light, and taste a bit.

The 1st.

Is that saying you don't know how to use Family Mart in A13 (B3) 是不是說你們不知道怎麼用這全家在 A 13館B3

The video that one in front of the bus, Apple, going under is = going behind, that is connected, that is A13, going to the bathroom.

那個影片是在公車的前面,蘋果,走下面 = 走後面,那是連再一起的 A13,去廁所的!

This is the ending of that "turn right" after the bathoom all the way the end. That is the Family Mart. How to use their microwave? I think you just point the finger behind them, they know that is for the microwave. 

這是在右轉出來的時候,走到底就是全家,這是怎麼用他們的微波? 你用手指比後面,他們知道是微波呀 !

Anything looks like this, blue, or rice ball or black and still the rice ball. They are very good. Not at the close freezer, its at the open fridge, no door those, in front of it. More near the 10NT those tea leaf eggs. 



So these wraps up can be heat it up by the microwave.

The plastic no, the triangle one, you eat the cold.





In this city, if you know how to walk, some nicer area has these kind of the 7-11 or Family Mart is a better seating places design. You can eat anything you ever wanted....

在這個城市裡面,如果你知道怎麼走路,比較好的地方,這些 7-11 或是全家有比較好的座位設計,你想吃什麼都可以你自己想要的!

The fried rice are 2 kinds, one is Thai, and one is....

炒飯有兩種,一個是泰式,一個是 ....

Is that more of the Christmas or the New Year, like Hugh's father to eat? Then you have to get to those traditional Chinese food, or the Western dining options restaurant.

如果是在講聖誕節,或是新年,這是跟 Hugh's 爸爸吃一樣? 那你們要去那種傳統的中式餐廳,或是西方選項的餐廳。

If its not everyday, then, the options to the bills, you know how much you spent or eat.



我記得他們,兄弟跟阿嬤的樂園 !

喔~是你在吃類似熱狗的 Sushi ! 我在看 ...不同頻道的新聞 !

This is 阿滴 youtuber

Ku's Dream (法國的 French Youtuber)


小琉球? 底下的留言 ~Okinawa.... 我一個島嶼都沒有去過 ! 他們去當兵是去...綠島大概 !

澎湖吧 ! 淡水看看就可以了。

是在講 Hailey 他們家人來這邊玩的意思 ...剛好這種時間 (三周之前...)


在台灣的,他們都要當兵,對 ! 好像念完 Ph D 可能也要當兵這樣 ! 之前之後~W 兩個世界的那幾個,我表哥我回來的時候就當完兵了 ! 肥~~~

不是,是阿滴跟 Hook 的影片三個月之前在法國,影片自己跳的關係 !

黃氏兄弟, they are the brothers.


Amusement Park 六福村  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhCXlsOyW4M

你們有演唱會四月 (they have the concert in April 2025 )

兩天前,阿滴~~~喔 !  跟我們有關嗎 ?


這是在這邊的? 女的男的?

他們講英文的只有兩個男孩子 (影片聖誕節有三個人,但是不清楚是哪個女的 ),暫時不能走路,兩邊耳朵聲音沒了,那如果是講英文,要翻譯 ! 之前講的英文都可以~網頁的右邊 12 月之後再 Archive, 他們剛回去的時候。好像是 12 月中之後,全部印出來就可以了! 

比較生食、果汁類、自己榨,台灣是冬天有柳丁,橘子是撥的,柳橙是榨汁用的,還有一種小橘子叫做 tangerine. 大橘子那是...比較甜 ! 台灣有三種,隨便混混果汁沒有什麼關係,價錢是柳橙拿來榨汁的。台北要自己扛回家的意思~比完價錢,plastic 袋子自己拎回家 ! 果汁機~~在美國是講說,自己的圈子誰在榨汁的關係~那以前有那種習慣,我現在喝湯,我媽做什麼,因為很多這種顏色的關係,我吃點重量 ! 維生素 C、L-lysine, 女孩子要 B12,有這種 B complex 或是日本的有很多B 那是在那種傳統藥局,裡面有賣的是日本廠牌,那是每一天的綜合維他命,如果是現在的某些新的藥局,是德國很多綜合再一起的 ! 我兩個都吃~

喝乾淨的純水 ! 

果汁自己榨有很多種,台灣沒有那種文化,國外是自己圈子,誰會做這種果汁類的走法,現代還好,有些人會自己根據,像說女孩子講 Beets 紅色的但是要小心自己的衣服 !

是去美國的以後,在美國市場有很多這類,亞馬遜自己買果汁機 ~亞洲有那種一整個蘋果下去就可以榨汁那種,我也會很買這類 ! 現在沒有~這 葡萄柚+檸檬+柳橙 !

The panda north and south fights

 Cancun Mexico is a vocational spot !

Hugh's father probably doesn't know all those details. Hugh was himself walking, or.....he designs what his father goes to, I have no idea.

LA they are in the curfew right now, in case of the rubbery.

We do have these kinds of the hot dogs, near 101, next by Breeze, in front of them has those beginning and the end of the vendor, but they are not there anymore. I am not sure where are all these vendor's cars went.

The youtubers gone to Korea.....

William & Mark LOTR

One second hot water, and NO, not cold water on the head. 

The down there, washing the pee, or poo, those okay. Not the head.

********** Always always use the warm water on your hair and your head washing, not the cold. Just carry what I said, when you went near the hot burn water on your head skull. Doing just 1 second, come out. You close your eyes at the shower, or the eye glasses, your whole body gonna get cold. Get a heator not too near that plug-in, Mark might be outside the door. Your room is very small.

My Ipad and Youtube channel is looking different from the PC.

You know that is Thailand's island words?

The otter is on the massage. Hugh lives at near that Niko And.... on the video. My mother's renter. That is going underground, so that is Micky's Plaza. And on the top, its almost you have to walk a full block, you seeing the top sign with a lady. That....not sure is Micky full name of Tina's piano accompanist. But for the talent show wise, I am sure its conflict with Nicky and Kian.

AJ is on the traffic 20 hours long in the car, he got out yet? Nick Carter with him in the living near. Paris' house got burnt on the CNN. Prince William would be....the north of that is called the Thousand Oak.

The Sunset Blvd and that Buffalo is Sundown Trail, is different. The electric towel. This is the opposite direction than the eclipse pathway, or their 3 people on the map direction.

Those are the Hill, Keanu or Leonardo Da Capri. I drove them all over there, to the near by, its just all housing, I didn't remember there are the trees as much as the Hill Mountain Top, I drove to the wrong side up to the hill, before finding where Keanu lives at. His house, but he doesn't live there anymore, its the bus tour line going up. 

Irvine Spectrum is a mall, Will. The big wheel like us here. 2 hours away South, pass the Orange county. I forget if that is the part of the orange county. If kept going, that is the Ladora Ranch. The Persian lady and the store. CIA lives there.

No, Frozen is at....ET road, remember? El Toro, they got everything there, but Hank and Tina is not there, they might have one property somewhere. But Hank at 2015 I think told me, there was a hail outside the beach there.

Will, the last thing you need to find out if AJ or Carter is calling in the highway, or going the opposite direction, the news had was Mexico. Because if just near, that is 2 hours drive down to get to El Toro. Your bill on their Califiornia Highway, if you know someone there, its no Toll booth. Its charged by the camera, I got charged a lot of the money, there is no Toll Booth.  To the Center, across the mountain on the East. The spiral up and down. No, I got the wrong way with the GPS, that's why. But I know where these about, but I am not there. And....our mayor does work in Silicon Valley. I just told him, there is only 1 highway to get to Silicon Valley entrance. Their South East is their entrance from Hollywood direction.  8 hours driving, not 20 hours AJ video in waiting. They are the celebrity so maybe they will be told what to do. 

They have a lot of those food court, or the plaza Irvine Spectrum. 2 hours get south down.

They got their profile cabin with them in the car or the luggage packing and run?

The tail of the otter from Hollywood:   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/02JLJ8kJl4c

Irvine Spectrum or Lakewood (El Toro, the library, the Home Depot, the cloth store, the bank, on one road)

Mark LOTR, breathing more fresh air through your nose, close your mouth, chin down, breath as if it gets to your head, takes more fresh air in, to every cell of your body.

Your company told you all what to do.  You are not going back there.

The girl, whom are you?

Stand in the hot water at your foot. stand there, with 2 legs straight, always straight, for 5 mins, dress your clothing with it.

******* Always always always straight your 2 legs, 2 foot stand there with the warm water 5-10 mins.

And you just let the facet water run about 20 second, and put your mouth and the tongue under the facet water, keep rinsing, count 20, everyday you doing that, per hourly, too. As much as you remember. Your palate tasting sour those. Use your dental floss like I did on the video, and go down to the facet, keep rinsing, as much as you can, your head down near the facet, all of that need to wash a bit, you using it everyday.

I had drove at night, 6 hours to Silicon Valley, there is a hotel like a wild place, and ...you need probably another hour to get in the Silicon Valley. Mariah Resident I stay. I live there for 2 months. Remember? 

Mariah Courtyard, Double Tree, and Hilton, Cupertino Inn is fine, too.

Mariah Resident,....I think its fine, too. You will see a lot of those cramming hotel in the Silicon Valley from Apple to Standford, those were for the students and the students parents. 
Get the Mariah Courtyard, or the Mariah Resident.

You would be using the personal suite in Double Tree, you can fit 20 people in it. But for Carter's height, that is very big, you can put 2 more bed in the main place + a big living room + the bathroom. That will be near the airport in Silicon Valley.

Hilton would be at San Jose, North side, that would be your grandpa's, or family business, Paris (Hilton), that is the area the governmental at. If you go to the East, that is the graveyard south San Jose, don't go there. Stay at your own hotel.

Probably those Milipas on the north east I gone to. Crown Tower or something. These entire area has the Silicon Valley conference Mon, Tues, and Wedn I think.

Your SUV can park in the larger parking space, everywhere else are small tiny cramp to park in Silicon Valley.

Some IT people now how to check this per highway on their camera driving direction, you know?

Call your IT in the company.

Laguna Hill, or Ladora Ranch.

Yogananda they are in San Diego, on the way to San Diego. They were at the ocean front since 1950?

If you are using the Google map, they will tell you where are the wild fire.
Going south east I think, best.

Hungtinton Beach
Newport Beach
Laguna Beach

Those are fine.

My Kitchen outside further, that is the South East, going with your highway.

They are the velvet parking, its the beach hotel life, why don't you live there for 1 or 2 weeks, and waiting !!

I hate my life, that is what it is. 

The residential all around there has the art gallery, Laugna Beach is all the art gallery around there. Nice housing, you getting a house or the hotel?

Huntington Beach.

Its called the Huntington Garden near by, a beautiful display of every flower park. Me and Toby gone to, her aunt lives around there, that's why. Its all fine. We go in the house to see. The regular small house for her very old aunt, 21 years ago.

The velvet parking is at the Huntington Beach those tourism grand hotel.

Or you want to come here, Hyatt hotel or W, where Hugh's father should be for the winter ? I have NO IDEA where he leaves his father should be at. They are the grand hotel.

The Pizza Hut is right outside the Hyatt Hotel.

How far to the night market?

Hugh's taxi from Hyatt, one traffic light is the corner at Hyatt will come to stop U-turn because that road goes to Hola to the North, they make a tunnel down, til the next traffic light.
That is the night market.

(The beginning of the night market, They just put a Major Made right there, all the pet shops)

2 blocks to walk, to that one street Kate's stuffs to purchase side by side by side by all side there. That is the 20 bubble tea shop at. Its called the 臨江街

If you just tell the taxi to 588 road, to 臨江街


I want to go to Taipei this Yinxi road, straight straight going down, that is one direction now, pass the Ann Road, switch to the slow lane, I want to stop at 臨江街

How far to Hyatt?

You take that road taxi at 588, walking out and take the taxi there, its one traffic light, turn left on the way to A11 Tesla, and turn right at Hyatt, that is the corner where Hyatt and all those flags at.

The water fountain. 

10 mins, you walking out of the 588 that road to wave at the taxi.

I gone to Laguna Nigel. Eben's name. Coco Club.
Nigel !!!

City of Hope they are....Pasadena. Near that places. My father is East a bit of that place, too.
All at the north side of LA. Dr. Bing Shen at.

You want to get a portable heater and the electric blanket, just in case any of this or the future you always keep them. What if the freezing temperature dropped in California at night.

2 extension cord, put that 2 different place. Not together.

California at night is COLD or the early morning.

The sea water beach in CA is always freezing water. I never knew, the beach water is cold at all. Never.

Ours? Like Thailand, its the warm water beach here.

早 !! 我之前起來了 !

但是我躺回去,睡多一點,我早一點晚上,我媽有點事情,所以我有時候出現,不是每一天 ! 美國有點事情 ! 她自己忙她自己,但是我要看家~這鸚鵡在講什麼 ! 我有看到 ~~我沒有在唱歌,我在家裡看電腦或是電視,你們新聞啊 ! 因為我家有快遞,你們一般在台北怎麼生活禮拜一,我在講台北禮拜一在幹嘛 !  今天禮拜六 ~我知道 !

影片部門? 看到水,海洋就是全部事情暫停 ! 任何事情暫停,我之前有講過這個法蘭克? 看過 ! Big Hero 6 我之前有這所有 MD 6+2 跟你們這莫睬曦的 MD 4+2,特斯拉的自傳講金星,這是在跟滴妹之前講過,這每一個位置,那這香港 Wing 他們事情很多,不知道是監獄還是清掉了 ! 但是台灣三軍要知道這一封信裡面,法蘭克跟法蘭西

(法蘭克、法蘭西、法蘭司 ..... 司令,左盟主,你們自己會寫? 花冠安琪兒,先貼起來,印出來塞在每一個這黃色 folder 一片一片你們組織你們的 files )

那現在是加州有很多事情,那是好萊烏,我都開車過了 ~ 別管了,我知道地方,我人住在這裡 ! 美國這種事情是,叫做國家緊急事件? 好幾個? 因為這 CNN 寫這總統也是之前先 sentence? 這不是東邊是極寒、西邊是浴火從生的意思? 有些東西,上面 A4 先寫,然後一張一張寫,丟到這每一個 file-ing folder,你之後再處理這每一行的 A4 最上面 !

把我這張紙印出來,印出來 20 張,擺了 20 folder 黃色的,然後有一張空白 A4 ( 20 張),其中一張的最上面寫 "極寒、浴火叢從重  生"

你們有 20 黃色檔案夾 (醫生用的那種),裡面擺這一張印出來,然後一張空白,這空白的其中一個 20 檔案夾,你們寫一行。這種用法是你們之後回來處理電視的事情 !


他們沒有在日本、馬來西亞,還是中國,不知道在講什麼,結婚的意思!!! 織布那種事情 ....

野火燒不進 ....

先接這一張吧 ! 我先去講英文 ~~有幾個藝術創作的病人頻道 (我們停止的聖誕節之前),現在幾號要不要寫一下,最上方右邊 !




⭐ I get this a lot ....I said that. ⭐

You know I notice this Frozen idea to where people define between 2 lawsuit cases types, I told you, so everyone going on that routes.

If you get your goal clearly, seriously, not the lawsuit type.

1) Walking to see something

2) Knowing what that really meant at the legal standard or your own life.

3) Communicate

The rest is these police forces, or some special agency and the court room judges if they dispatch a group to deal with these......Neither murder intended to force, nor, too complicated money order for scamming and kidnap. 

This is just  (a) one image to another image.  (b) someone display everything green to one person demonstrate  (c) how it ends up its say, by walking over and finding per exit road other than.    (d) Get back home, traveling, eat, rest, sleep.    (e) Get ready if you belong to which Washington DC groups.

This dispatch the "legal or the surveillance types" groups

a b c d e

These....will mild their personality down, because its not the most immediate threat to their life, or our life, and its legal effects its exactly the painting just like 200 monitors x 1000 people watching them. Exactly the same looking side by side. The confident for doing that, its 100% accuracy.

You put a photo here                               Here is the image

What is this job? Looking left and looking right.

You need a 100% accuracy.

I cannot verbalize too well how these entwine, but any of those dispatch groups from them, its no longer effect to that original legal cases (1) and (2) only types.


So we keep doing would be (a)(b)(c)(d)(e), they can run those legal words on their own vocabulary. 

I do think, if you all love that democracy process so much, some of you are a group in itself. So you get to the DC is to vent, like my UB those groups. They got jailed or they got killed, or they can come out and all of them grouping to the guests house near DC, somewhere. Maryland, or outskirts of the DC. Someone drove them there.

If I go with Shane, and Nicky be here, that is 2 of them, we just stay in Taipei, or 3 with Kian. Then Shane leaving, Nicky has to go with him. But that is one way ticket. He doesn't live in America. You know now this city airport routes. Its Alaska route or LA to Japan and entering here. Its a luggage going in, and he one person for some reason to go there, and coming back. 

Some people just live around that area. Even if me and Shane gets serious, because Nicky is more of Shane's police, right? Or that is Westlife boyband not the police now?

Like England if they going in, they all move to Maryland, to literally live there. Hugh was going there to modeling the house. Right now, he can just purchase an airline ticket, in 1 day, he is back here or he and his family in Japan.

There is a difference?

It doesn't cost anything if me and Shane talking about there is the hospital for Mark, or finding out and the last time, I didn't think they lie to me, so there is a Mark LOTR. Or Shane's parents. We are talking about how to get around to when we get old. Finding out every single bill, that is one of that?!

MD 6+2 and MD 4+2 reason, so why we finding out the bills? 

If we always plan in Taipei, only Shane goes with his security, Nicky (or Kian) to DC. 

hey, you aren't planning? Why you going there? If that is a guest house?

Print the photo, buy some Hallo Kitty, label the photo with the date and develop this photo store information. The metro map, or the store name of the franchaise.

You are not investigating like the factory pollutes the local water to costs people's cancer. But your competition to where they collect those information is where these guests house long table, some people will tell you, they go day and night research on this stuffs, the legal library, or the actual on-site job.

"Do you file the complain" or "Do you tell someone this information and what had happened?"

That is why you going to the DC?


Not the prince and princess?


So its not you and Shane's love story is not part of the Frozen, they done on purpose, you are not with anyone?


All right, I found my next destination. 

Do you pay attention when you get out of the traffic hour? 

I did read the news.

CNN and Yahoo.

Hollywood News 2014 was Tom Cruise and Kady were in divorce. I kept getting married, remember? And now all these green things a ring on the K. To tell you the truth, you need to walk a long long time to do these, because, you are not going to find it the first sight when you seeing it.

Tom Cruise and Brat Pitt, I think Tom Cruise is a lot more in depth in the Scientology man, next by his best friend David (430). 

Mark LOTR is in tear, but its William with the tear and the tissue on the monitor. Mark LOTR is more honest I know that.

You need to find a giant wall in K (its an escalator), side by side the "Ball Turtle" and "Kill Mary Pizza", and that is the problem, where are they? 

Maybe these creme is Kate's ring. By pass all that, going it down, I run about a full circle. Its not, its all in the K area, on that side or another side. Its near this Kate's ring stair coming it up.

Maybe you delete the night market steps, yesterday the total steps were about 10,515 steps.

1) You arrive K, find out every store.

2) Get to the end on the wall side across Hobby, there is an escalator going out, they put the 2 image there, saying they are new. The problems were, its coming it down, its not going up. You need to find out why, or you will be asking every single vendor and run about like me, to get to the Taipei main station floor to find out another Green with the thousand layers cake.

Correct, I found out the main floor and the 2nd floor. If you don't run about, you stay in the K basement floor, not even Kate's ring that stair up, that is another area, all by themselves. 

🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘 🧸 💖💝 Happy New Year and Merry Christmas !! 💖💝 🧸 🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘

💐💐💐💐💐🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘💖💝🧸💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸💐💐💐💐💐💖💝🧸💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸💐💐🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘💖💝🧸💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸💐💐💐💐💐🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘💖💝🧸💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸💐💐💐💐💐🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘💖💝🧸💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸 💖💝🧸💐💐💐

The climate El Nino or Anti - El Nino


The wind

The ocean (the sea below), the current = the sea current.

That is the climate they created. We used to know El Nino since in the 90s I learn from the class, I think its recent there is an anti-El Nino.

El Nino

The spanish means little boy.

La Niña

La Niña means “little girl” in Spanish, named to be the opposite of the El Niño weather pattern. It is also called “El Viejo” or “anti-El Niño.” 

It always talks about the South America, that is why its the Spanish word. The cold air gets at the coastline of the South America, the fishes died. I think they have a void place north those coastline, its the dead zone? Its not there is the dead zone, but I remember something is a void in the north South America, no fish there, or just a void. The fishman, you ask them when things like that happened. 

Where are the fishes.

3:05 Less fish

Is that always the South America?

Yes, from the 90s never changes I think....that's why its El Nino.

You are always always always very sure its from South America, north that side of the water?

Yes. Its as long as I think its always that region.

The water?

Yes, the water. 

Some other people are doing?

Needs to be the distilled water, or the osmosis water. The vitamin C, if you are in the water often like those otter. The liver on fire.....L-lysine included, if you have the blister around your mouth or the nose, or your bad breath you feel your throat is very dry, all of that. Anything you eat, the juicing, the raw food, or cooked simple soupy soup, easy to digest. Less wheat.

You do need to change your routine in life, the diet, the fitness, jump jump jump, your sneaker, bounce to jump, that is how you loosen your entire metabolism its sitting there 20-30 years none moving in the office chair. Breath in the air to your body.

Walking, walking, walking.

Breathing in. Exercise. 

I live around here.

I still need to purchase the morning market all of that, my mother does, or my Uber does.

Like me and Shane built a life, or bringing this Nicky or Kian, or Mark on this health administration how to look up his information. I show them the road, the eat-out, the food choice, the last exit all of that, or the Cesar Hotel. 

I eat what my mother cooks, then I go out, I check the errand things to do.

If I know how to cook, and eat less, I am less hungry to get to the food and too tired to walk.  The food costs, and your daily income. Do you decide that its a wireless home freelancer's job, or you takes those exams like our train station here just had an orientation, I said it has those cram school to go to?

Me is a writer's job, that is my main job?

Running on the road.... I am not sure they pay me these....its a structure? I am in awe !!!

A writer's job like me, I fly alone to Japan sit in that bench. There is no publicity of those Westlife fame world. Its a very cold room, me and 1 or 2 people, and I wait on the bench. You register what it really looks like? To Korea, or to Taipei here, or Singapore? A writer's job, its not a eat-out social dining experience.

That is what the writer's means, to stay on the computer keep typing. 

You have to download these photo and sort them. Free my space.

Do you use the Health app? 健康 and those are in Chinese, but you seeing your steps how much you walk per day?

See if my phone automatically deleted...... (close my eyes)

These are the file name 202

Keep seeing your chiropractor

You are fine !!! Mark LOTR, are you seeing the chiropractor, makes it like the 10 session?

You don't know this....sometimes this kind of treatment after a while, one of those things just dissipate. You don't even know that is gone, until later on.

Do you write them down? You yourself? You won't forget in the future, which things do disappear, do you want to write it down? Clearly something which things gone, or temporarily stays there, or change away, or the voice away, or come back. 

Do you drink that much of the water, the liquid, or the soup, or the bath tubes, and come out, do you drink more water? 

Have you have this much of the water in-take in your life?

Do you feel comfortable you drink this much of the water, to hydrate your body over and over and over? 

You were a lot more solid food eater, and then you washing, washing, and wash away a lot of the things, you pee more, or you lay down more, or you sleep more, or you release the toxin in some forms, you done this before?

Your skin absorb the water, you know that? You drink its from the internal. Every day you take a bath. You don't just inject your cranial fluid, or the spinal fluid all around this loosen area, your chiropractor loosen it up for you only once a week. You loosen up your entire skeleton, you knowing that, right?

Your muscle is wrapped around the joint, the ligament, or the spinal ribs all of that are the loosen by the massagist or the chiropractor between the bones and the muscles. That is the Japanese doctor can do.....its loosen that muscle around the bones, everything not clutch together.

Your 10 weeks.

Continue your 10 weeks. ~~ Both of you.

I am watching the news - the California big fire

That is Santa Monica !



okay. They have no water in the fire drill. I saw all the housing, its.....the mountain top, its a hill up. Those houses are made of the wood.

A Living Hope - I saw the light green now. 5:36 after the tears, or the Ukraine lady.


Jimmy Carter 100 years passing. The American presidents are in the audience seats.


Thranduil  (2)



A Korea ASMR making the Japanese Sushi. You all going to Korea or Japan blizzard snowing like the East side of America, a big snow all area cover. Your money, how to keep walking. Thranduil just means keep walking.


The end of the prophecy from that 2 China youtuber, the theory from one guy name whom had a claim in the 80s or the 90s.


Lewis is in Chinese, the Taiwan Youtuber, yesterday how to fix the house leaking......put a steel top camtopiece those roof coming it down water. We are the roof here. I cannot find the correct word, but the Google image might be right. I just know the English words, maybe you ask Ku, the correct American English words that uses.

( I was checking my video outside yesterday running )



Looks like Alyssa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbYB4rddM-8

The words are right in the middle of 3 columns.

The girls best are staying with their mother, the girls. The food she cooks, or something she buys for you the socks, the underwear, or the sleeper, or the pajamas, or where the things you lost your keys, your phone, your package, or the phone bill overseas, all of that in combine, or even the trash bag.

The interior design

I think these are where the birds would be. You asking me Lewis, or they drain out the interior design, she dresses red in my video? Taiwan doesn't really require that much to cook. Shane doesn't care or he cooks his own food since 25 years ago. I am too busy. BUT, if I was taking the time, I did boil the pasta, and some lighter vegan cheese soup with the soft tofu + shredded zucchini.   That is what I eat. The color mix, the yellow, white, light shredded green.

I usually eat that kinds of things when I was in America. Just the cut thin zucchini, the somewhat soupy, a little bit liquid, some water above it. I like those water filter idea, so I used to keep those emergency filter water, I drink those, I don't use the facet water as the soft or the hard water. I assembly them myself. 

They are the youtuber here, or they eat outside with their staffs. Its very expensive outside, and you all eating like the 3 meals. 

All your money = that Korea ASMR Youtuber. You re-assemble their ground map for their metro? The Korea and the Japan, your money reason and keep walking.

Slam door going outside (the down stair). You relocated, and learn the language. Its cold.

Thandruil just means keep walking !    I done this for so long, I am telling you that, whichever time frame you label. 

The birds needs to rise up your head. They did land already about 2 years ago.

I think its true.....like the lyrics say. They got nothing else to do outside....these birds come in a bundle. Last time, I did say that, right? Every morning, they are ready to go for a walk ! 

1) Everyday, you need to alcohol your phone, every surface and behind.

2) Your metro card when you swipe them, can you just not touching that interface, that is million people using that touch screen, you wash your metro card holder.

No, I don't touch it the surface. The bus or the metro. 



The other way, how you hanging upside down the bed?

Mark LOTR: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eYgkYh-aetk

The ladies curls your hair behind you, and go to Japan, or America the bigger home (?)


The chiropractor


Today's WIll's video, that is your front, that 2 legs. You tell them.


You all can tie up your hair, you have to check Westlife's video? When you run about?

3 Ways choices....one of those?

I live here, so I reduce my own costs?!  Next page.




America has the most easy place to buy this shoes....

You don't have the sneakers to walk.


You have to go to 公館 3 -5 oclock, they start to open. No, not that cheap. America has these.....shoe place.

Shane, good night ~~~ Ronan ~~


One raccoon to a dozen raccoon https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sISuD-leReA

No, not common breakfast here


You make it home its cheaper, but I don't think you all eating this for the breakfast !

Taiwan has, yeah. The beef noodles similar like Japan !


I went to school late, I told Shane. (like your father). So I have to start with a lot less things, one of those things are to cook, cooking at home, or homeopath for myself the bad breath, or the period pain, or fatigue, or just yoga practice through the meditation has one of those fasting. The known thing but its not a common thing for most people whom join there in SMCH.

When your father or both gone to the medical school, they probably gone to pick a major before that, way way before. And I had a major or that inclination was divided in my high school, between the physic and the chemistry. I drop the biology. We can choose that early, just one 10th grade one class biology from the middle school. And no more.

Yeah, we have those material science, but its one of those painting when you were the middle school, and seeing those chart label up there. Like the Sailor Moon. From the last..........1st.

Exactly like the comic book, and exactly like my painting. One of those admit major is the material science. The very bad social case here, correct. With my head on it.  When I realize, I already gone to America, and they....or I change my major to pre-pharmacy. Your both father would be pre-med. One of those biology club, or the pre-med club, I have gone to once its the pre-pharmacy meeting.

The chemistry major would be quantitative or qualitative measurement. t or l ....in those words definition to where m or M measurement in that math between the solute, the solvent, or the organic solvent belongs to....the organic solute its to dissolve them, so those words are connected between the inorganic solvent for the inorganic solute, the solvent to the solute. 

Its to dissolve the 3 different quality things in 3 different solvent someone can find them

Its one of those.....when you get the Ph.D, if your both father was in that in depth schooling, and TA Ph.D in chemistry department has to carry those lab, as the TA. They will have to care about the room temperature in those lab, the air ventilation and the solvent where they are, not the edible, or versatile, those words, in the real academia, someone gone that far in the school, in the later hours, other than the bio lab everyone is more pursuing or heard of around me, my roommate, or Lee included. He started his program early, to combine the bachelor and the Master degree in UB. 

One of them were the stock department and Jonathon was in front of her, for some reason we got divided 2 groups as a sperate organic lab. She is in the FDA. Those bottle, the viles, the tools to hand in the stock department if the broken glasses that is another window. So ....I am just saying there was the regulation in the Chemistry department, we all have a common advisor his name is Dr. McIver, not the TV in the 80s, or the 90s, the end up the Star gate John Oneil that guy was the McIver.

The chemistry department is where the chemistry club would be. Our mail box, to the club key !! and the professor of Dr. T's mail box, was from Cooke Hall, all the way to NSC for his chemistry mail box.  The secretary watches the professor's mail box, going in, that is the secretary desk.

The TV is without the chemistry club, and without the....what is this pre-pharm club.

or pre-med. 

Adam's father name is Frank. I heard it the last time, and he was near the military, interesting. Where this conversation should be. You all planning to get the sneaker, they are your American price I think 60-80. No, not that cheap here. I think they remember how chaotic they should have been in their undergraduate school.....what it takes to get in that door for pre-med, so there is a major before that, or waited later....to have a full double major or later, or the later.....like Lee, or like Dean those, what happened to them, if were ending up all in the jail ! I am eating the jello here everyday here.

Your father interested in the Mia C Bon

Not me talking to your father, or another one far away, or near Peyton? His kids going to the school, there too? The private school again.

How is your mother, and all those ladies relative, the last time I did saw .....

Together everyone met in the school all had a major !!! 

Except those without a TV. 

NSC is the real chemistry department, the Cooke Hall is the undergraduate advisor Carol's department = the pharmaceutical. Both are the furthest distance away from the food court, the SA union. I wear a sneaker to run between the clubs meeting. Join a club has to show up from time to time, seriously.  When Jonathon asking me to go to the pre-med club, that is when I met his brother Alex, and some other 2 people part of the Jonathon was the singlar number, in that blue short hair comic book. He probably will tell me that is super important, one of those his brother or him, or someone has to run that Pre-Med President and Vice.

It was all serious the SA club activities, a lot of the people will tell you, most people going in the club activities are all seriously going there to join them !!!! To get the friends, to get the Facebook, to get acquaintance of some information circulates, it was all very serious at the UB local those community. 

But because...some other things got in the way,.....the school no more talking why something was on the TV monitor, some are not !    Running between the club meeting is one of them. The SA activities conduct in the student union lobby.

"Someone all of you have to all get down there. I am here. That is Mark."

"No, they all went to the glass painting."

"Those downstair the glasses about 20 of them, one of them is ours?"

"The table is ours today....Tom is down there with Daniel."

"Ayo is on the stage today with Tom, too." "What for?" "Get on a date with the escort service."

"Whom is the escort service?" "That is why they get on the date, they are the escort service themselves !" 

"That is..." "A drag Queen maybe that is Tom. Ayo got a real date.'

Lee and the carnival

"Where was Lee?" "The parking lot."

"And that is where the carnival?"  "Actually APO was Tom, Mike and Keegan stands there weith their own carnival, its those roller coaster of the vertical dropping down. I went there seeing them, I think they 3 knowing that. Its near the grass, not the carnival at Lee. The comic book !! But I happen to be there saying hi to Lee. He stands there by himself, that's the carnival. "

"What is the carnival again?" 

"The club service, or the fraternity with the SA president when they conducting any student union activities, they told the president, like Mike. Lee was....at his club, or where about, so he stood there a parking display carnival. He probably tells Keegan, to figure it out what this is all sailor moon so important book story at this time....."

"And the chess club?"

"We had a tournament until Tamang makes everyone's life vanished ! Its 2 room has to combine with the table or the chair, to make looks like people have to sign in to get the club going. Jonathon runs all of that with the guy's help, and I just sit there to watch it."

"CAC girls and Wei would be?"

"She came in once or twice, or to Adria's apartment.....she works in Capen somewhere sounds like sanely, so we have this Tiny 4.0 movie right at China with the police show up. I have no idea how many issues all these were. "

Everyone sounds serious at that time, and 20 years later....I am reading and opening the books. Its not opening the Bible. Its opening the rest of the comic books. That isn't the most serious things in life.

So your father is free?

My mother is finally free the morning all errand and chore ! I am out ?!

Tom looks like your father when he was thin. Adam's father if he says whom he was, he would have remember himself everywhere sound like he also got the kids, with every one of these ....insert position. Funny?!

The typer-writer, suddenly every movie plot has a Frank position. You should teach him the Chinese, of that words how many variation toward the end of that syllabus. Seriously.

How to get down




Where are we going?  我們要去哪裡? 其實我是來自台北,台北本地,生在台北,長大台北

I am actually from Taipei, local from Taipei, born in Taipei, raise in Taipei. 

When you put your parents on the traveling mode, you don't talk about a lot of this thing. Not really. its your breakfast time, why don't you all enjoy your outing.  I can call Shane or Nicky, I haven't calling that much to the rest of them. I will tell the Taipei Mayor you all arrived. 

你把你們的爸媽擺在旅行的狀態,你不討論這種事情,不應該,這是你們早餐的時間,為什麼你們不去享受你們的早餐呢? 我可以打電話給尚恩,或是 Nicky 還有其他西城男孩,不是太多打電話給其他人,我會跟台北市長講說你們抵達了!

No, we are busy. My mother is busy. The mail !! We use this Fedex.

沒有,我們再忙,我媽在忙,郵件 ! 我們有掛號 !

Your father has that kinds of life.




No image


Good morning, Hugh !!

Yeah, my mother has this weekly to do things with them last year starting, Dec. More people work together. Like I plan a certain thing in the future, like....she doesn't need to do all those math or the paper works too much to burden the mind, like a retirement, then, the people socialize, its one of those local things she likes to travel, like to buddy together, like to eat there together, or traveling to see Tina, but they are not the vegan or the vegetarian restaurant incline those.

Good morning, the next day Mark LOTR.

7 months ago ....Your life is colorful !

The shining gold....YES. It was on the VS, 2 of them. 2000 and another one I don't really like the rap music, so ....You want to watch it? Okay, that is 18 K.

The third entrance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdQog_XNUiw


oh, there is another one other than Justin Timberlake.

Sexy back - I think that is his song.


The gold wing


hahahah.....makes your mood better !! 

Hailey and Elizabeth (Taiwan Youtuber)

If you want to tell your father to call the Taipei mayor while he is right here? or Elizabeth?

I am not checking all of your video as much, often.

Your father going back then he watching these video. Not now.

Alan Walker 2020


They.....whomever were very used to I talk on my social media or my website all the time. UB they done that 20 years with their facebook social media. You cannot make your facebook to react with you without that 20 years. Meaning....they didn't participate but at least they can read through.  You don't force your friends to read your social media, like...what do you share, or what you "training" them to see, or to read. Tina does those. She uses to put her diary on her facebook everyone reads and comment.

Ku, he personally puts his friends, meaning he calls them up and show up in the camera lens front....he personally calls them I think, or they hire them, or they are together from France to speak in French. We don't know what everything in everywhere. Me and Taipei mayor were from the local high school here.

That is not through his social media, they gets an update, or they know exactly where he is. But my UB those...the remaining know where I am all the time. They just behave like that or with their parents.   But they know that for 20 years, seriously. As long as facebook started, YES. 

They all know that?

Whom they all know that?

UB?  YES. 10 years ago, THEY all know that.  I have no idea how many worlds at Keanu all them knowing that or Simon. I have no idea whom got clean out. 

Right now this is like 8 years ago, we are still doing the same thing.

We stay behind all the time. This thing cannot be moved.....everybody knows that. AGT is a network, they know that, I think.  This going on and on and on. Everything and anything else except these photo or some other video I had made. Anything with everyone except this thing.

It just happens to be like that, so I doing something else when I am home. Every time is a big deal of everything in everyone's life, I wonder what that is.

The birds say

No, it was yesterday, they were washing the stair, so I didn't feel to go out. But my mother is in the center until very late, very very very very busy. So they forget to close here, that steel door. I am right next by. 

I went to talk to my mother. They got very very very busy.

Ronan is probably at Australia still and our president.....we don't have a motorcycle here. The neighbor he does was a bicycle.

Our president and Nicky has this Facebook update. How do you see that? Its .....at this search box, and for some reason they all show it right there. The left side that search box.

Abigail Ginsterblum - To God Be The Glory

Good night ~~~ Wiliam and Mark LOTR.

You all doing good ! 

GI track. I know.

What is it?

Its a hollow structure from your throat down, to your anal, your whole day what you eat, from the solid forms you bite it down, and be digested in the stomach and be absorb the nutrition from the intestine and the colon. If you just drink the soupy or the orange juice, those are the vitamin, you register is more full abundant, they will be absorb in the intestine or the colon. 

If you use some other junks food, then....its not as you register that assimilate the "nutritional values", you normally understand to take into your body measurement account.

Like... how you word them, or how you talk about this idea as your daily momentum to live and breath. Its a digestion track.

What is it?

Its a structure, its not an organ.

No, it would be your liver on fire. The liver like if you drink a lot or the fried food a lot, under stress, you use the L-lysine because of the blister near around your mouth, or the nose, any time the Chinese medicine when we seeing those blister idea....its the liver on fire. The tradition we all knowing that. We called it 火氣大  like the bad breath will result like that, too.

Is that common?

Yes, we heard that all the time.

When you mean the hollow structure, you mean the throat, my lymph this....

No. The entire GI track is all hollow. ALL the way to anal. Its one piece of definition when you take that out of the body = the digestion track. Like an anatomy class, you go to a dead body, and you cut from the throat to the anal, these whole piece out...dragging them out, that is the GI track, they are all hollow.

That is what it means?

Yes. I just told you the first line.

And how long is this GI track?

You understand what this song means? No, I don't understand it. Its if I go to the next by those body and dissect them, you cut from the mouth below jaw line here, to the stomach dragging out the whole stomach, to the stomach connect to the intestine, to the ascending colon, the transcending colon, to the descending colon, to the rectum, to the anal all these tissue around the butt....that is the entire length of the GI track, its for the digestion reason. So we called that the digestion track. You don't call that the digestion system, but I understand what that means.

What does that mean?

Because technically....the lower part after the stomach its those tubes to the liver or the gallbladder or the pancreas, or if spleen any tube.....when you drag that stomach out (literally use your hand...)

Well....if literally to drag out the lower part (after the stomach opening), this section you cut those tubes to the livers better or the gallbladder, you gonna drag the whole body inside many organs all together with the GI track. They are hollow, too. the tubes are the hollow, but the biles are the sticky things to make the gallbladder stone, many. So you cut those...in the anatomy class, but they understand what I mean.

You just keep pulling ?

Yes, but those location be cut, and you hand it out from the body, and keep pulling out, because intestine is very very long.

How long?

They used to joking about....the distance...

How long?

The Earth to the Moon, ....I think its 15 feet they written here.