
Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man

The father, and the mother

A file

He was a kid looks like?! That is uncle Ben. I remember some of these. 

He is the Russian, long long long human, too. Tall. Not this height, right?! He fold his knee, stack up when he talks, his both hands on his knee on the chair to talk.

Hi ~ I used to know Putin 2014 but maybe they all retired on that year, right?  Kenshin Himura. That has a name Rurouni Kenshin,  uncle Ben looks like.....

Tim Cook, no. 

This looks like...

Algorism? Google has a panda algorism. 

A formula, or.....the math, on those sheet to-do. 

(my mother today has to do these Excel Sheet, downstair has to bang the door)

I hold my ipad, do you need to bang their head often ?

This is Lie-ya, Taiwanese, the long legs spider thin body. The legs I try to sent out I lived that James windows middle wood. 5 out of 7 legs broken. The container. Probably I kill it after. I have never seen those things.

EDTA, inorganic, the shampoo. Those are the chemistry department.

I know they do bio here but I never done those things. I watch it the film right now all that, no. Lee knows those white mice I think. I am not sure I even seen a mice in my life. 

I know that algorithm things but …you don’t use the excel, you have to formula it out. But it’s every science differently. Because


 I think they have a certain point, and I can guess they wish the students have those science background on the rudimentary foundation. I wrote so many things, all of that true, you don’t use the pen and a piece of paper enough. 

The city crime has those algorithm. 90s or 80s, NYC police whom invented. Those used the real data. But I have never seen it. In America, I wasn’t born yet. 

The winter flu vaccine is every year they check if the public, if the virus mutate then a new vaccine would be on that winter year. It’s a virus, every flu. So every virus will mutate. 

Do you always have the winter flu? You never seen a human, there is no virus ! = no flu.


My mother walks very far today when I lay down, those dangerous thing. I got very angry this movie is very dangerous. Tomorrow is another very long day.

I cannot function you all keep doing this.

It’s a “new born high sky highway”

And those near the mall sogo, “revive/ or something” words if mix the 2

What “revive” means ?



I should ... 

Shut off my screen and let you all figure it out together. The colligance if you dispatch people to where all these groups some representative forms behind some times since...

You must have argue, and show up your voice in this space somewhere.


長的都很奇怪的事情,美國大地震是說....天災,真的或是颱風 !

鳥飛到日本,水瀨跳在他自己主人的身上? 是在講這種事情?

跟棒球有關嗎 ? 我沒有做那種事情,那是真的? 你們去玩現金賭博的意思?

維生素 C 一劑因為他們幻聽的東西沒了~但是掙扎很嚴重 ! 動物那些? 小鳥很愛跟水瀨抱著粉紅色的豬,我沒有做那種事情。

這頭殼有打開嗎 ? 我吃下去的東西,我很難過我為什麼要吃那種東西下去,傷害我 !

他們看到鬼的那種人,全天下的電影這種你們以為我有能力的意思? 我每天都在看四個的框框~可能是他們的真愛,我也不知道是真的假的,動物鬧得很兇,我就講呀 ! 我吃這種綠色的葉子,鬼呀 !

我說右邊的耳朵,一個手指的往後上面一點,Elf 的耳朵,很少劑量 5 mm

很大聲幾乎耳聾的那種 + 其他什麼往上拉 (頭的症狀) + 看到鬼



好像是 ....因為那些東西不是真的,電影他掙扎左邊,我在說右邊,不可能的任務 Dead Reckon 最後最後看右邊,左邊~  跑掉了右邊! 雲呀 ! 你們如果有紀錄~我沒有照下來!

永遠不會成人型 ! 腦袋真的腦細胞 ~ 電影裡面壞人死掉這樣 ...

我看到動物很嚴重,我才敢講 ! 外面攝影,小鳥很久沒有飛 ~~~~~

眼淚跟鼻涕的意思 ~~有一隻魔戒 ( 無忌, Panda 講的,倚天什麼), 長的跟尚恩很像的西城男孩,他們是不是假的?

真的那些在哭 ! 非常非常難過~我每一天都不用睡覺,我躺了一下 ! 

可能還有其他,可是我沒有做那種事情呀 ! 洗頭放輕一點,左邊右邊水平倆的手指慢慢抓,洗頭! 衡的~   有點 mint 在侯面頭部,一開始是說擦油,他們就倒了 !

然後維生素 C,就死了! 頭殼沒有打開呀 ! 幻覺的那些講祕密的那種

走路要帶那種大耳機 ! 要不然會昏眩~這熊貓在睡覺上下顛倒這樣掛在那邊~ 這一個禮拜的關係,鬧了很久,因為很多問題。

那個 Hugh 不是剛結婚,女的你們看過在台灣,講第一句話,她就衝出去撞公車的關係在松德醫院現在 !  她有一個新的男朋友,剛跟 Hugh 講的。所有事情瞬間發生~他頭有點狀況,所以他爸爸跟那個男的進來,要準備東西給 Olivia. 他可以躺著。


他進來要回去可能是在德國,新的男的,很多東西瞬間,他 Hugh 是英國沒有辦法應對吧 ~

我在幫他準備好路徑跟東西,她下一個禮拜要有鞋子 !

Ronan ?! 你們比耶穌的在搬家在澳洲,他為什麼搬家到歐洲?

你們有沒有覺得我很忙?  我會知道? 就是我會知道為什麼?


我最近弄完事情,我想去看卡通才會在臉書上~那是 90 的卡通~但是中國有一個新的古裝劇,這小鳥好像我看古裝劇,我的人生會好很多~(我媽打櫃子)



Today, something wrong? Will

Normally I never be this giant explosive temper. Snoopy hurting me 7 years, or their public health hurting me none stop 7 years, I never say anything.

If you are illuded hearing.

If you are illuded seeing ....

They put them all in the mental institution, everyone gets that one vitamin C shot, everyone is crying and venting, or weeping, or screaming. Only the animals reacts on it.

This is about 3 months, the animal worlds supporting some video airing, so I make it clear on the website. But otherwise you don't have a fact base to say. 

The movie, the content, or the classify materials has to coherent to say also the vision, the math, the English literacy, not spelling the words wrong, be that precise. I work it very very hard for 10 years, to almost every frames + these birds video.

I have no idea today is highly reactive. I went to blast this Shane's wall or Nicky's wall, or our president. One Snoopy issue, I seeing my mother hurting me leaning on the wall with the small voice on the phone.

I didn't have a reaction until yesterday and today.

This is about Nicky somewhat?  Why these birds video Nicky will write me up often, I ask him yesterday he says no on the phone. Today I make sure I blast the entire wall, ANYONE anymore this.

Your massagist chair got removed, that was yesterday night. I was very tired. This morning something else.....those were your 4 maids. And do you check if your parents dead, or Kate dead.....I seeing what, they are? No, our president is still around. Someone might get curious why he shouldn't?

Meaning, the police world, or in the end the judge worlds has to compensate me with a lot of this junks out of my way of life forever.....Happy Feet that movie that is ridiculous massive scene. Westlife? The Penguin of the Madagusga. 

I went to sleep.

1) The massagist chair last night.

2) 4 Maid this morning.

Is this movie name sounds right?

Just by reading it?

The Penguin of ....

Me and Westlife may not be. 

Me and this whatever....I want to lay down and sleep, seriously. Not this elevator, or the food looking like your head wound on my table to eat, and then everyone in my building cannot sleep. One thing we know = We never have these typhoon 24, and the Earthquake, everyone migrant that kinds. 

I try to think think think every problem to get rid of the elevator sounding. 

Now this is less. You are the problem?

When you get back your health, you are having some pride as a British, that's okay, that is what you use on your friends lists. Someone, or your father is ensure those education is implemented very early on, or always stand beside.

I am not really inside that Europe world, so if I don't need to get near to listen to any of this, it does hurt a lot of the people, or my personal life. Some people can write to the Queen to get some helps for some kinds of the relief investigation someone does the injustice thing. Like hurting my head.

I never knew that.

People will get hurt with a lot of these, the animals to some people even to me, they doing this for me, or they ran down their health, all that. 

All of that problems were starting....

These 2 days, anything, you just ask that Riley. Maybe you write it clear, you got blank out when you seeing him standing there. You have a computer. Write it or type it. When you get ready, you go to Riley to vent. You can be venting it these 2 days. Something?

They all go deal with them....so you are not in bed. William, got punished. so....what you thought?

We never end this.....the chore works at mid-night, and you just let him punish you without saying a word. They must know you so well, William. Do you believe I know what that green should be now talking to you? You playing these games for 35+ years? You are younger should be? When I get really angry, I cannot but talking !!!

The wind is cold? The night is long, and as long as lonely, these things are quiet time with you? Riley cannot know...because its outside everyone should blame on him. You carry the burden, and for a cause reason.

Nobody knows, but the animal and me dancing around the subjects, for 60 mins I am not on your case.....

No, you ready to say to Riley? Its all quiet.

These guys, real or not real Westlife, their eyes looks sad. It always be me......right?

You have a phone, that's a facebook, or you know there is a website, I am guessing ~~~

The whole world is waiting on you, I think....William. This is really really really really important, tonight witness line, I know. I know. You say to Riley?

Some guys might just have those computer games figure it out earlier.....if all that were true. "Happy Feet" those.....or "Janminji : Next Level".

I am too busy to write on the description how you enter those peripheral every single day .....Except telling !


Tell Riley, per word she stands there nicely and talk.

"hey hey".....included.

SHE says, not you say with Riley.

Do you call all of these people mortal, I want to know? Whichever words in whichever Potter's movie. Muggle. Sorry.

I need this per line, per writing, side by side, what Riley hears, and you did say, and now you say the second time.

She says.

"Hey, you know she will never agree with any of these."

I will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER ever agree, true.

"What you really want is the underworld's power [we given to you], you want to ask her that, right? You always know you don't want a England throne."

If I Anna hear this, his name is not really Riley, right?

William, Riley is by himself. 1 person standing there, watching you?

To talking in front of you? That Green similar height, that is not screaming anymore....

And you turn to right, continue walking to talk to this taller Green. He can see you doing that.

William !

Can you stop.

You tell him don't come back now. She told you if they want to accord with me, not with you... 

I won't even know about it. 

Stop means, this is midnight. 

Stop means, that is Riley

Stop means, he is a trustworthy person working for the British Royal Monarchy. Is this first time at night time, his vision can see you doing what in front of him, how many times you doing that?

No, how many times you doing this in front of Riley, that personnel assistant. They have a working contract, I know. All of them, all of that world, means a real person-to-people talk. You feel proud, not trust that Riley not to react what you are doing, because you are telling the Truth?

You coming back to your day time job, not a secret Sailor Moon night time job. This is the night time my table how everyone eats to figure it out what that is?

Did they drill a hole on your head, that is my casserole with 2 cheese, 2 days.

Do you ask that Greenie, how to get rid of all of you like the movie: Happy Feet, don't care the content, how you all can leave?  Do you ask him, you don't want the under any world show up, gone, the dead body on the floor, the hint, the wind, the head condition. Can you make a wish they all disappear. 


Tell him, you and Riley need to go inside, its cold outside. Anna heard.

Today is the day he or she has the manner. I will not know your every thought. But they will, right? You doing all these.....

No, you have your every motive and everyone has their own secrets. Your father is not your real father, no one knows that. Your kids are not your real kids, this whole wide world, we don't know that. So they intend to have no throne after the Mad King, and he is not your father.

The strange thing was the time Ella Enchanted, the court judge asked you for taking care of one girl, that is Kate, and you agree. You want to let down, because she is a citizen. Is she dead ?

Now, my part. The judge will tell you, none of my side cares about this movie to some degree some people are dead within the old age, the background or the program. Whichever this movie up to air. And sometimes its already felony if were that saying, it wasn't design to become a movie, all that all that. So America takes care of this all lawful protocol without your England court, that one thing, you feel calmer. America takes cares of.

England court didn't need anything else complicated.

This throne is real, the rest, both Taiwan and America or this Japan has to clean up.

Meaning I am on the top of this seat, every day playing this word, if your father has to get on his last seating for Britain, you keep playing words with the invisible, they, or between they and Riley, now he trust you, talking to the empty air. He saw you. I see you but you are a psycho.

Things are not soften down, to where you think they evaluate your mind to how loosen this forward, or in 1 year, you determine to keep those guarding, or the heavy survillence of these green, instead of your Royal Guards this I thought you all training, you are.

You make the life as a play, you didn't realize that because you are a psycho.

You understand this word?

I have no idea how long I have to eat this .....everyday. 

You think everyday everyone else is eating it? 

no one has a life, because of your father and your mother

This time, no one will have any life, its you and the green life Ever After Lasting.

You agree?

So until you sorting out why I will have a lot more freely life, that day will arrive....you just keep venting the same things with Riley or with me.

Not that much difference Kate roaming to walk anywhere to live.

Venting just you talk....like, there is a throne, picture wise...I am far away. You vent to them, your business assort, the business minute, your business talk, or the royal other obligation. 

You get rid of this Kevin, it means, these green coming forward more. You can hear them. That makes that special?

If your 2 days memory will fade, sooner or later, you will forget. Right?

Go to sleep.

My TV is Sat.

Those shows only til Friday....the cartoon and that ....

The movie is everyday HBO. I am so tired of these movie.

Middleton needs to be in Japan every single day? If she is in the cell, she cannot be in Japan, until the door opens, and got an air-ticket and land. That is what I said yesterday. 

Can I watch my TV?

I think they need her to move ! 


My mother how to use this software, everything set "in the middle".

Finally, she knows how to add up. She manually inputs that.

Now she knows, its an formula.  5 years......

I watch very little TV.

You all want to delete your excel sheet

Every column square is added up by the square, per 10,000 years on your hell sentence.

You have the calculator x 5.

Everything set in the middle (bang from down stair again)

Where is the King

Wake him up, dead, or everyone wakes up

How are you the old lady, 2 gay guys English must apply for Prince William, 2 tall white.

You all talking or no more tongue.

Where are these 2 guys. Middle dead or coming in airline, you can have 1000 British airline landing, find it, 2 guys.

This Earthquake will not end, ask him.....when he will come in, to send his troop, Prince William?

Is she dead the corpse on the wall sleeping, so tell them, no more their existing reason.

2 F 小琪的名字就叫做妞妞

樓下那些門的事情 ! 

這案子就是他打不過 Frozen 他故意的~如果我的金錢是千萬倍~他就自殺了~昨天東森新聞 臉書有紅色~你們去問了嗎? 講真的講假的~

維生素 C 一計 耳朵旁邊 ! 在哭跟鬧跟水賴跟小鳥在那邊~吵

他插了什麼在心臟往外面跳樓那種, 他睡了一天 !

我什麼事情都不用處理就是你們在繼續傷害我的意思~ 一張一張照片對在旁邊 ~現在她說不用回診了! !

這小鳥是說只要我看中國古代劇本 (就是不用看外國片),不是真的講,是以前說中國希望小鳥跟我說中國在,我聽到了~今天牆壁我可以睡覺,樓下 ! 

沒有這麼嚴重,你們做這種事情叫做良心過得去的意思~我的頭 !

你們知道她們做了那種每分每秒那種對著我的~外面,裡面、小鳥,天空,一群小鳥~很誇張用高頻率對著我的頭,我媽的嘴巴、敲水杯金屬、跟樓下玩水壓水壓,一直到你們的地震,現在到所有皇室的每一個問題 ! 西城男孩,如假包換你們查過你們用中文寫出來 2 月的新聞?

如  Ru    ( OU 語言)

所以是說他們是假的 ! 

你們知道為什麼一直在傷害我的頭? 你們用低血壓的藥,我已經都在低血壓~我要大聲說話,你們才會整的醫院聽到的意思? 每一天血壓就快死在,你們把手電筒擺在我的眼睛半夜,每 30 分鐘查房,你們為什麼要做那種事情?  Eben 有兩個, Nicky 是玻璃症,4 肢無法動彈,你們故意演給我看在醫院 ! 說台上是 Elsa Blue

我上傳臉書小鳥,這 Nicky 就傷害我嗎 ? 有去問嗎 ?

Eben 死在月球 第一個

這是臉上  deformed 的假的,帶眼睛開始 2015 穿亮綠色,所以之前的那個 Eben 認識哪個金髮的問題? 電影 Transformer 3, 每一個長的很像 !

她是醫院裡面最爛的醫生,那個給藥的,某個人在那邊八卦,有人可以我四年級的立人導師,故意裝水殼受殼受殼受,痰很深,藥每一個人座椅子 ! 

柯文哲不就是電影裡面柯什麼,變形金剛裡面的柯博文 ~

她每一天都在玩心理遊戲,我弟弟在我就有 Pizza 吃,我去醫院前後會有好東西可以吃 !  你們覺得這遊戲很好玩嗎 ?



這是在講地震嗎 ? 我想起來~罵完這醫生的名字 !  美國哪個七級地震~十倍每一個間隔 !


講真實我看到我電梯這邊,我進來的時候好幾年過去,她整個頭都是圍巾圍起來,這台灣有 muslin 走來走去,算好時間我們有三個人下去,門沒關,我媽拿郵件我就站在門口,這個 muslin 的矮女人就往我人這邊裡面看到,門裡面! 

這對面是不是畫的是水銀~我可以看到這邊倒下去~日本 ! 

我才跟對面管理員講,他就不見了,貼了一張紙在牆壁上,有人打破玻璃在這邊車子停車的地方! 這附近 !


Bl ended 電影 ( B 跟 l  )

他們是不是有去承認他們在傷害我 ?! 在醫院 !


幻想高科技? 你們警察慢吞吞這個女的,她做什麼? 解決完沒? 我的電機上上下下

這兩天是假的幻想好一點 ? 樓下不用睡覺,他半夜被叫起來或是我媽以前,隨時敲牆壁~我有記錄你們的地震 ! 

高科技 ...高科技,你們有去問嗎 ?

看你們要不要租好了,某種很巨型的 航空,你們就問美國,有沒有這種案子 8000 人那種,如果真的有那種叫做一次解決所有惡人,你們租那個,跟問好那些是每個炸彈存在的,每一個細小,下面還是上面 ....小鳥在 ! 

那是天界的一些資源,你們要問清楚是不是真的,那些叫做 Hive, 我根本就不知道這種東西,這些東西處理完,你們在問你們的地震 !

這些警察只是一個小女孩跟她被關在看守所,警察局裡面是叫做看守所,好像不是這裡,所以她爸媽其實不知道那種,我沒有驗證,我在等~~~因為那是租任者 !  不是我的這邊~

印度是我把他們弄出去,他可能會去跳樓,但是瞬間地震來了他搬走的一個禮拜~非常非常大聲~整個門鎖毀的意思 ! 新來的~~小鳥有說: 這個爸媽跟小孩男的,這個男的電話要去聽。講話很難聽那種....




這衛生局的 Snoopy 狗,傷我跟 Charlie 台灣傳播公司或是尼克? 花蓮來的!

或是迪恩 ! Annca 問她我在哪邊看診的 ~ 他們沒有需要去 台北健身中心的旁邊的旁邊矮棟的,給小孩打疫苗的 ,周小姐同二樓的~就是蔣萬安的左後方這一個月的新聞,浮士德的微笑

媽媽是高利貸的 ! Usury, 方方的故事,她是不是也是九月的??


台灣高科技還是講靈修,那是用永恆的地獄我要求的代價,美國是會炸毀的東西,直到你們通通回來把柯文哲的事情處理好 !

人民想要有寬裕的生活,但是中共不是民間活動 allowed.


不是,是說 ....

很多民間活動都是錯的,     你們講話要不要坐直,慢吞吞,吞吞巴巴的

這件事情好像是警察存在,他們警察有不處理這民間問題嗎 ?


你們台灣有警察呀 ! 我只是講非常大聲,我的頭很痛,不代表我否定這台灣警察電梯這種什麼事情,如果他們故意出問題,他們會每一天在頭條新聞上面 ! 

你們年紀很小的意思 ....?! 

[ 頭很痛是不是就不能思考? ]  我有內定,五分鐘我以前打坐的! 但是我可以永恆沒有聲音我最高興 !


跟我一樣 ! 我這邊打字很多要一張圖一張圖畫出來,我有事情就在社交軟體講得很大聲 ! 

司法? 司法是講法庭上見,是在講狀紙,告人的意思? 當然有公理~~我的錢就是唯一公理直到最後~~我的頭 !



空間沒聲音,是跟男孩子有關,情感的意思 ! 我現在看到哪個人,尤其男孩子就很火大生氣 !

( 我耳朵是不是要貼著聽 )

台灣如果有某種當地你們喜歡的台灣男孩子,有戒律跟金錢,你們會最快樂,有點性教育沒有關係,除了意外險美國,但是這些男孩子有點紙張做成,訓誡很多,台灣、中國、日本 ! 這種男孩子如果金錢很多,自制力很高,在下面 40 年裡面,就算到他死,都是一種比較安穩跟面對未來的情景,我很多事情是對外 ! 


埃本是走心理學的,兩百年 !  傷人好嗎 ?


他人喜歡玩心割割割割,試試看沒關係 ~這些人黑水很晃動,動物知道,


新一代人並不需要靈修只要玩耍,講話呀 ! 金錢呀 ~穩定金融錢比較多那種,沒有神教,我會同意不代表我去跟這種人再一起 ! 我有碰過其他種人,是不是在講我不需要這些東西了?

不需要,美國需要,他們看好 !

( 貼耳朵  ........ 我聽不到 )


埃本新的那個長相可能忘記帶帽子在月球上看著太陽,那是很多 radiation 不知道在講什麼,他們可以做成很多種埃本,你相信這種戀愛?


人要有某種智商跟你們爸媽,或是兄弟姊妹清楚,這件事情是正常,看到聽到影片在眼前那種 ...同學一打男孩子,或是 50 個,問一個也可以,在臉書上講大聲音~~大腦正常的意思 !

你們是軍方 (軍購?),喔!

埃本什麼都不是在美國,你們看他的訂閱者~他其實什麼都不是 !

你們愛上埃本的意思?  去講話呀 !  是愛上還是需要什麼? 你們這種做事情的人事物。

你們女孩子想要去心理學埃本的意思? 操控埃本

這是在哪個漫畫沒?   慢 ....

我沒有在看漫畫,很久沒有看過漫畫 !!  這是不是一種幻想,你們剛好的幻想在埃本,幻想就是白天做夢那種,躺著、工作,或是休息,或是在家裡一天,咯咯自己笑在想事情那種? 白日夢在你們想下課之前的五分鐘看手錶那種,上課做白日夢? 小學中學那種? 你們幻想漫畫的哪個場景,假如說~~這是不是這 W 兩個世界偶然發現的一天還是,愛在屋簷下合併這樣,有電視看,我不是購物狂等等等 !

我好像是看到兩個,一個很好解決,沒有這種事情,埃本做商業的,他在電影上死了很多回,還是 ....別好了! 皇后穿綠色,女的公爵夫人跟公主都是亮綠色,別 ....很多問題,先把英國處理好這樣 !


我已經非常痛恨 Wall Street 跟賭博,還有衛生、跟銀行每個月的事情 ! 貸款誰誰誰~~而且有 program 登陸月球死在月球那種 ! 夠了~ 你們跟台灣警察報備一聲,你們想對埃本幹嘛就去幹嘛 ~ 你們要去跟台灣警察講清楚這個人叫做 Eben Pagan 你們要飛機去美國尋找這個人 ! 

你們想去就去呀 ~想飛就飛~

樓下甩門 10:15 整

Erin 的生日,花千骨


我媽的水管  10:17 才是 Erin 的生日


死了就好了呀 ! 你們要把他弄死的意思?

那個不是幻想白日夢,那是謀殺 !


埃本在美國接納你,就會成為白種人裡面 ....白人朋友很多講英文

回台灣那種南部流水席,不是台北 101 Google ....鐵皮屋頂三層樓下雨有聲音,台北不會有這種東西,紅色那種 ...流水席是請人吃飯,不是結婚的,但是是誰在桌子上,介紹埃本?

你們會講台語的意思 !

這美國系統制傷害我的頭,我把美國不見得時候就是躺在台灣,這三軍有軍醫~我講半天醫科,你們念還是不念,我把我同學一條一條背,智商,你們好像是軍方的女孩子有身高 ! 這跟埃本有什麼關係? 埃本跟特斯拉沒有關係呀 !

你們有任務? 嗎 ?


男孩子,是不是有一打 ....幾個 ! 

你們要幹嘛 ?

你們想要埃本進來台灣戀愛,我在哪? 日本

我其實哪都不去最好,我把日文給學了,這台灣有鑑定,我把日本地圖給拆了~我又不能呼吸了!  沒有這種事情,你們去美國好了! 

是 = 埃本進來台灣

你們一整群,軍方的? 他見過軍方的女孩子嗎 ? 他應該不是軍方的人,是市民。

你們重新幻想好了! 我有太多事情了~~我要看電視~~

台灣 Google Review 松德醫院

Stephen Tamang 920, 在國泰看眼睛的,他們故意說我的眼睛是 0.5 0.5 是生日李維傷害我 9/20 生日,跟這個帶槍者 920 生日~達文西筆記 15 城,青海無上師的五決絕~十三音,松德醫院故意傷害我~邱

他們是 UB MB 6+2 MD 4+ 2 日本台灣新加坡~系統至 ! 

SUNY Buffalio學生 W 兩個世界的 City of Hope 跟 Roswell Park. NY 一個在加州,一個在水牛城

Ola, Hira, Dean Wieczorek, 自從 2014 傷害我

Nick Canada 傷害我~我媽就是唐氏傷害我 ! 

你們電話不通~就是這 VP 跟醜陋的陳時中

中山 硫磺




The facebook video is up.

The sky / clouds.

In case you have a fever because you crush in. You doing all these, they get 4 maid that is at least, you have 3 chair outside + a bench. You need an ambulance outside the mansion.

You tell Riley? You get the 4 maids near by, with the chair set up, take him a photo, you tell the maid to take a photo outside, and

"Can you send through the App line? Pretend I cannot even open my eyes, you know how to use my phone to line him, his name is?  Just for the emergency, I might just cannot get up sleeping or someone coming in and out. I cannot be relocated to the hospital, I am the paramedic, I don't even do this to myself, I gonna get so fired with this..... so can you help me at least the app, can you get some nurse near by? Any needles or any nutrition they put the patient in the hospital those. Is that the glucose things?  That is for the blood pressure, can you get a blood pressure kit in here, we do that every day and the temperature....."

Why my mother is at my front door here mopping the floor wet, I gonna slip?

Wet? I say a dry bloom stick moving.

Its all wet ......

Can you ask the maid, to dry every square you ever wet floor, the kitchen towel, or any dry mop to "dry the entire floor" before another shoe like mine return to see them wet.

Not your room wet floor. Do they disappear, the dry bloom? How did they used to fly in your room when you were 5 years old?  They are so much taller, you remember? The greenie?

You know they are disgusting, can you just do a full clean in the end of every week, you are not in your room? They can do that automatically, AND DRY anything wet on the floor.


Are you waiting these video? The facebook or the Celion Dion or a Living Hope?

My mother is busy finding a dry towel....okay its dry here. I need the light up, what time this is. The entire Asia only I WAKE UP on the weekend for this.

This airport I never use like you?! Seriously.  The Jet Blue only 50 mins to NYC. Everyone to UB is all from this Long Island or NYC, everyone knows that ! The New York State ~ 

Eben? He is at the NYC.  That Eben in the photo. I don't know for sure, that is 3 Eben in the Transformer 3. oh ~ never that to NYC, and Wall Street?! Wing on Robotic? 

Does your kitchen open for your night congee, something they hand fed you? Other than the baby pipette water to your mouth, you sweat, they have the dozen towel on the table, those?

A very small meat, very little, something in case you are hungry all the time. Yeah ! You just lay down, sometimes its okay. Not every night.  No, they prepare the day before, they check all that in the fridge. They are the semi-fluid, the rice cooked very soft easy to digest, and you feel you have something in your stomach. Not those pasta. The semi-fluid food.

Looking at this video I don't really cared.

They still putting me in this hospital every 2 months for this medicine to charge me, and pretending its my entire family has an issue, I realize its you. There is a price for this

That hospital with every human burn inside all the way to China, whichever this line, they think I say, every time they dare to hurt me, never stop, that is all of them in the end, must dead and dead and dead.

There is thing I wish and I want.

Someone will deliver all of that in the end of all this.

Then they better be very very clear to my face.

Every China monitor border this Nicky entry its the only reason they keep wiping these data about me, and this PM Ireland and the paradise Geogian must be cruelty treatment to die die die die die.

Every time I upload a bird video, this Nicky he written me, or you wish he written me.

So one of you have to finish each other,.....I had enough.

Someone doing nothing but keep hurting me.

Nicky sneeze blow his nose.

Kian dead in the China border, everyone gets up, clap a min.

Anymore this video, Will? I have so much more to kill this one building, you waiting your brother and Meghan coming back to how to kill ANYONE alll around here, just make me one day breathing sound like the only Heaven price at all.

Your father and Camellia dead, yesterday? Great, everyone clap another 30 mins.

She was dead before, all those ground explosion, his motorcycle in front of the gate on and on and on parking and exploding, that is funny? The day her father and husband dead in the house for the police mistaken the bomb, those kids got kidnap none stop in England in these houses...King owns them.......guess what Camilla did when she heard them dead?

She went to outburst cry in front of him, and hitting him like he was obligated a romance game, so he was dead them inside outside. Now you faithfully want to clean up this One Direction, they make everyone realize Adam Levine went to Mars, just when they will shooting a rocket in front of everybody on the stage, funny?

His body guard left on the Mars. I think one immediate landing, him and Levine, Levine has one small passenger vehicle behind that take off empty ship. So Levine hop on to go to the moon I think. 

They don't want to stop, every 2 months, is....so much reason other than my reason anyway...how many years pass and gone. Its to keep hurting me. I will ask very very high price for all of these, these dead body don't get rid of on the first day, it has to be 2014. 

I wish its a full blowing everyone tears, and sneeze their nose like that Snoopy, Every single day nothing but weeping for their own mistakes, everything is a mistake, because I am perfect. They keep burning this Bible, to realize, how to kneel, how to weep, how to say, the death means a thing to me, how many more human deserved to just be dead dead dead, none stop. Til when this will all stop.

Nothing but the cruelty, and the blood shed, should be the only public education now on, every generation til when the Earth will terminate.....all these well wishes, give me the things I need on the first hour. Everything must cease hurting me.

The most heaviest punishment, you will say, how to bow, kneel, flat better.

My doctor's table below, has a lot of the spider, Are they bombs?  That one doctor 邱震寰

Like my building below, has a box, what is inside a note say? Using me, or what?

That VP in this hospital was a lady, that previous public health, he let everyone dead without the vaccine, he lost the election to this young guy mayor, so he was dating gossip with this VP. Her husband is also a doctor in this hospital. 

Annca, and China Emporor, and Lynn, or Olivia is all using this hospital. On the hill. Their telephone cannot be reach. I already called the Boston university.  松德醫院

Full of the spider below his desk. The small spiders.

The first time I was there, I checked why they keep doing this to me. We have to pay the purchase medicine money? 

You will clean this up, all of you, these issues.

The eye hospital, that is 920 office.

Keanu's birthday, Tamang's birthday.

My vision was only. 0.5  0.5

And? The female president she was what on my forehead wings.

The doctor says, so fat now. You all clean this up??

Why don't you stop all world everything.

Everything must stop, until....when my world everything perfect, understand?

My phone is hang up, they don’t bother me if I watch Chinese drama?!

Will, that is the Carol the bell! You look better will be another 3 months.

Kate, the Carol the bell is a song normally its layers those between the 2 assemble groups of girls to 2 assembly of the guys. I thought you got a blanket now in the cell. 

Will, your Amazing spider man is a youth age like you, you know that?

People seeing them, it’s by the tradition they never evolved both you and that Kate.  You listen to your own channel before I never leave the message. It’s late at your night so I come up sooner you all ready for bed ~~ You get along with the Mason they know what’s that Russia, not the Amazing Spider man, understand ?

I can go back to my happy life, that means ~~

I still observing ! The Ancient Chinese drama. The birds did say things about China long time ago…

Waiting my wall. ( my facet )

Your greenie is doing all world invasion, I realize that. Correct.

Zawanna is busy next 2 or 3 years, that’s a goodbye slam door or close door.

The left wing fly up Tim Cook, no..  that is millions years. It’s closer up there…might be a high tech triggering line or the military. 

I what ? Can hear them say …oh !

The wall facet is up. (No photo)

It’s change the direction inside my photo. You cared about it. I heard - One Direction was from England all that.  I to, face America ?

You be honest with your own Palace is best for you. You know that ?

You called him Kryon ? You know you are a psycho (facet up= ?). Your mind battling, boggling, mindful triggering when you are alone, at your sleep. Your maid turn on your night light the bathroom yet, every night sit-in with you? One inside one outside with the mop ?

The greenie …never mind, you know why they doing that, right ?

6 hrs is not long, 8 hrs.

Straight. Straight !! You are aging. 

You drink tiny bit at night. Mostly at dinner but I don’t really eat that much at the dinner, more late afternoon. I snack. I did get up the bathroom. It’s getting better.

My urban planning, no more birds. These Earthquake, my mother might think of America. The parents still above my head.

Yeah, I heard, California 7, that’s very bad.

Is this nick real? The old humble man…like your Kryon. 

“Kryon Kryon, are you sleep, answer me! Wake up wake up, answer me.” When you are alone. You always feel more alone, never a day clean up. In 3 years, you think back what you have done 3 years ago. You will be sleeping 6-8 hrs per day, 52 weeks a year before you reach the age of 40+?

Your hands …. ( facet up ).

Step or table wood sound downstairs. The photo right, now?!

Is Brian like you? You look at him ?

(The outside my mother sounds, the objects falls). She usually wake up 4 hrs for 3 times bathroom, now she says 1 time.

The roof inside animal run ( falls …)

My left side roof top, I lean at the wall.

I am not in a hurry, you doing this walk-in talkie. Hugh is on his own these 3 days with Olivia. Kate is on her own. So, Amazing Spider man….you facing Russia today? ( facet up) you hate that Ukraine lady in  that song prayer, you next by her a Philippine girl crying at the heart. “ A Living Hope”. You did watch right ? Many times you don’t watch it.

That girl is from Ukraine, a famous online Youtuber we all watching it. That lady, sorry. It’s our age maybe.

Your walk-in talkie has to be Kryon?
My roof  going on stampede, it’s it not my mother, she didn’t wake up. 

Her bathroom. 

Your bathroom night light, (facet ) dry your hands. You put it on before you wash your hand.

Then just your thumb and 1st index finger. Pretend you didn’t touch it.

The yellow light is a memory ?

The closet opens and close is a greenie her. What happened ? You told the other greenie. So many servant and guards, you want to puppy your palace “human” more ? Any bathroom walk-in talkie, you set up for your father, an emergency buttom.

You don’t obey them.
You don’t obey me.
So they whole world populate.

If I see, she dies. My room. I should get scared.

No, not visible. Zawanna they get rid of them, not now.

The less visible shadow of their shoulder up photo, they exist.
No, not the actual look. 

So I don’t know them 1 to 20 those by the face.


I can tell you inquiring to them greenie, I just asked you, “Do you want to maid your human any ‘human’, how you talking to these greenie [guards].”

You are so soaked in them all your life (facet)  because they suffer you …since 5 years old they flying roof at that your current room. You never moved ? Your British your palace should have a culture, since you are getting rid of all these greenie, like you efforts in, how you gonna explain behind you these Palace human, the British method you are one with the greenie ghostly….your British culture ?

They are not forgiving those saying.

The current military taken out, still waiting …there is one crying like you. These taller guys, looking like them, the tear soaked. They can be a patient not you can be a real patient they meant all these years pretending, you understand what that means ?

You want your toy back, 
                                                                                                                [ they say no. (Facet up [

You didn’t ask them.

Your real friend, and ? 
                                                   a piece of paper related. Not bow and arrow. How many things you hide ?

Your temporal focus will not last for 2 days…

Is this about Dean and Ola makes a happy story inside Frozen and that’s not Wing, that’s Kryon ?

The time clock we go back to you first heard Kryon 2014?   You’ve got Mail …2017 to 2014 I think I had what not life to be remember …the Christmas in 2014.

Dean (facet up) and Ola no more Kryon.

You want to control everything inside your life. You are. 
When no one belongs to the palace culture, you want to be more in-tune how you manipulate every maid service and clean up the greenie and Riley’s daily schedule book, you bossing him, finds a way to talk to him, all in combine, back to 1 him no more greenie. Then, you can lay down sleeping.

I can go to sleep that kind…

Christmas what …

Not you run an orchestra. They always come and ask you be joyful….to… “Not now.” You got the kids all that. They flying all over the hall you stand before. You feel…

It is always every Christmas and …

You belonging to someone cares you exist …and…

You going back to your room always every groups kept you busy including this greenie group. The leadership no more.

They are still…scarcely exist walking, not flying.  They bang the door. No one you know.

You wish ANOTHER world is with you together to rejoice the Christmas ! Kinda like the Bible exists. 

I need you to focus on the capitalism, not Christmas. Not decoration. Your literacy and your military, that’s real or just this year real ? If you focus on your literacy and the business, your active duty (facet)  no longer real like your father used to be.

You gonna do better next time, that is next year ? Spring ?

You have no longer excuse ?

No, you have. You’re oh y sucks therapist. You never tell them that’s very very giant loud. You just shut it off cannot walk as good. These few days, you look already a lot better, or you just feeling better you slept.

We battle every single day with you for 1 week, that’s just 7 days. 

[ Now I think of ….]
                                    [ It is a lot better without those loud sound like them all shut it off if I am off at the same time, like I ask Riley today, he is again not paying attention anything I said. ]

You were in the public air stand, he can hear you? You have to pick that time to talk about you audio sound ( facet ). Are you thinking that whole day to get to that public air windy at your head empty all around stands to say ? Or you were in comparison ?
So you tell him, we are at the airy place like my head, it’s my right side ear no longer before and I feel funny to tell you. 

He will tell you, “what’s so funny about ?”

So you say “it’s funny because …it’s raining or windy so loud, you cannot hear anyone here or out there? “

And …

[ These maid …]

And ??

[ They wipe everything I got ?…
No before that, they sit on those chair, one Riley (?)  inside one outside …you wake up, they were in a shift….your cup or the delivery snack cart.
You mean they care how you resting better and good health, not everyone sabotage you, you mean ?

Every morning you wake up. They watch you not to fallen …

They all wear the same uniform.

And ?

If they put the casual cloth we can pretend we all go out and no more Middleton’s issues, like shopping or romance because …(look at ), they are just maid here.
You mean the paparazzi! And the future dominating them life?

They all calling you politely…

And …

Well, Riley will not say anything anymore, any games and tricks I play …that’s for one.  No more court room no more obligation like her once a lifetime is way too much, and I gonna get a lot more normal than this, even Hugh will not say anything what’s wrong with my one head to look like all these movie or the TV…

And everything fence in the palace I can still go to a ameri a they day and she is not going …

My brother will never be an issue anymore and my father they say never will be an issue long time ago…so this is not bad. 

(Feel sobbing ) what if my mother comes back and I am normal again ( crying ) all these movie never be true anymore …they gonna take them down from the shelf (sobbing )

The Wal-mart Shelve.

You write a diary to tell old lady type them up, you will forget. You read them in the end of the week, you will remember some of this what you gonna do next time.

Can I go to sleep? My weekend [ facet ]

There are those dead green body …
Is the maid on the chair ?

“Sorry, can you wipe for me one more time all the ground and just wipe moving them once, with a stick all the way to the bathroom. Once. Not clean just move that in the whole room.”

“ can you do one more time I gonna time with my phone ? Someone gonna yell at me after. Once swipe not wipe, swiftly move that stick. All the way to the bathroom. ”

“Can you help me, get to the bathroom, I need to check? You can wait at the door. “

You go to pee, wash, open the water…soak your hands. 

Yeah in front of her.

You care the door close ?
Anything from the closet ?

Yeah when you finish, you gonna tell her to put the night light up or she goes calling someone change all the towel and get a new set near your table. Tomorrow we can have a folding table here, you leave the towel and some t-shirt on the top ? Your 3 thermal warm hot water bottle. Now will be better. You can do that now ? Distilled water. Can you fed me some water mud-night and if I go to the bathroom you hold me over ? 
These new towel too? And if you can move that stick once after I lay down going to the bathroom, I cannot see. You can call outside one more maid on the chair. So I don’t sleep with my eye glasses on.

I wish to do that for 1 months 3 or 6 months. You think you can ask a dozen, ( facet up ), the same routine the same doing ? Fed me some water, you have anything baby pipette.  A thermometer. You can records at the night, you can turn on the night table just one light. My desk there, do we have sine LED reading light ? Emergency we have no light here 2 desk light LED white light. 

2 maid outside chair ( 3 nice chair + a bench )

One near your left side bed.
1 with her smaller table in front of her, near your right side stay out of the way. She can turn on the white light immediately for 4 maids one room, you. 

                                 (Facet ).        
None stop

The birds are calling me. Get going.

In case you will have a fever.





Will....the chemistry on Bohr's theory?



Can you maid those maid service everyday update to Riley voluntarily, not these chemistry hard science subjects, not right now.

You and the French, not you and the chemistry?! This looks odd to me. When I get the time, I think about it. UB them can do those things, a lot of them were the science major, it comes a lot easier on them.

This LoRT Mark is Irish stuffs, my news here.....not the England, right? (Which thing again means Ireland, not England? )   His debtors were looking for him from Shane's facebook wall, or I am looking for him, too. I can fly, they cannot be flying, isn't it?

Jones and Justin, or Brady. Maybe even the Malaysia guy can do those theory re-write formula back and forth. That was the time 1921 starting between the quantan science from where they define the light as a particle theory or the "wave" theory.

Is that important?

For the physics department, YES.

If you all stop praying, that's fine. Keep your mind settle, quiet, don't talk to yourself, not praying ! I would appreciate it. You don't even need to go to church or keep a faith on Sunday. I need everyone lays down, stop every chatting voice inside your own head space

Get the sleep 8 hours, 3 day then 5 days then 2 weeks will pass. Everyday you sleep more and more, and you will find your brain has more strength to cope a lot of the things inside your life right now. I don't even need to be here.

My mother is on the phone....busy, very busy.

Our news is busy.

These would be? You all slept?


He eats the lunch box?


Those are the military personal watching him, he won't starve to death.

He is on my facebook that 凡帝 clothing, the lady, Black and Red.

What is you and your son fighting about?


Your daughter is on the Christmas dress? Can you lay down, just 3 weeks. Leave them alone. He watch you to go to sleep, I c.

There is a reason you cannot lay down? You had a personality like how the coloring in Harry Potter's house comes to play? You sometimes like those sweet stuffs, and my personality you know, I get my way, or no one gets any way.....

Alone crying parts, at your bed, the tears, the nose. 

No, they are dead. You mean Dean and Ola, not they hide it. With the judge, they sail out.

Your hands still shaking?! When you got fear? My side of some of those stuffs, they got clear away. No, you don't need to clear them away, right now. Its the judge's decision. No, I don't think about it.  No...Dean he used to be those giant fat, not just a little bit fat. The giant fat Keanu's those ARCH best pal motorcycle friends, the black vast open, and those black half open gloves, and the pants with the iron chain, those.

Where is the original Dean? No, those are the local police did that before I transfer there. It was not personally targeting at me. The police did that. We never meet already, he dead. 

Ola? I think her mind might be a lot of the problems, and so those scene I say she can do from the tall building climb up with a cat, those might be worsen than that, in her original case file. That Wing is horrendous already, I saw his file in the pictures before. That is horrendous. I won't even think about it.

Is that upset you?

I was happy for them to be the MD, but I had more worried those operation in the medical practice. They entering this Asian pacific area. 

You think about it the dead part?

You mean the living veil after parts? I waiting it will never happen, too much head hurting if it comes back. I see what that Dean saw when he deceased, he has an aging father and the aging mother, and she found a younger guy to operate the business, and he later got jailed, she didn't trust him, and afraid he lost the bowl movement. He cared about his parents or getting mad. The day he left. They didn't care a bit he left but his mind might be psycho, you know that? Somewhat.

You cared about it?


Not anymore, or somewhat still cared about it, the TV monitor all that, you all can get a happy family court room gathering and to talk about, or like Harry, everyone sits in the Congress to vent about it. (crying crying crying .....)

Your friends are still there on the table, you all eating a meal together. If your hands are shaking you want to sit down?!  Breath breath breath, not crying at your heart, steady your mind at your head, hold your emotion steady, keep that focus in the middle.

You don't need to find out today. But you can ask....

 "Do you think my father put more efforts when we grow up in the school where they selecting people not just a regular state school like that? "

You really care about it? A piece of paper?  You want to tell your father about it? You coming back, not running out of this every 2 seconds, you sleeping better one more day, per day, you slept 3 days only?

I have my TV, I cannot be here!

Nicky is on the news, the dancing girl with the light green.


Just black dress person talk to Meghan. Some lessons in life.

Your family what? About you are sad, and the movie sector doesn't compensate their money or your money, and then if you make sure they cannot be dead, you wish them dead, with that piece of the running out of the door paper?

Within the Three World, you are not required to climb up, just your world you try to sit up like the panda says, or rest like your son says.....There are the things in the 3 World. I sometimes pay attention about it.

Movie: Now You See Me.

This is in English.

The ancient Chinese just has a lot more proper manner, a proper attire, being polite, and their literacy is at the Chinese parts speaking or in listening. It may not have anything, I can finally be my home sleeping, so any TV I watch, I want to say, I talk about it. Just a home setting, a random switch. When you make enough money, a lot of the things aren't the most immediate idea, not even talk about it, if I don't want to.

That is heaven, or that is another person dead, or another ghost, all that.

Asian all need to learn a lot more English and some Hollywood culture.

I input some of that and the technology sector paying an attention. Their movies says from America.

The celestial world everyone is often not in their office, what do I do up there ? So the physical universe these …dimensional civilization, this America deals with it or I just look at them when they will deal with it. I need to listen to in English, too.

The boyband is a modern sleek, outside is all modern sleek. If you will pay more attention to America, you think ?

People like you like to get up and go out fight fight fight.

You all don’t have too many blondes to meditate, isn’t it? Whom clean up some of these hatred, killing energy emit outside everyone soul and mind?

The air, the universal principle.

The society laws = the money. It’s freedom I do what I feel like. I don’t really like all these killing each other, hitting each other, heavy density.

Those are the Greek upper and apparently a lot of this not well ended, a lot of the high tech talk.

I don’t go outside, I don’t need those talk.

I feel breathing a bit manner and the spirituality. You all have a very edgy personality, want want want the favor here or there. So someone goes and deal with you. 

You are a psycho means the thoughts are random, you go and be happy sleep good rest well when you can. You input little by little your mind in 1 year, in 2. Walk with them 1 year 2 year. In 3 years you will think about 3 years ago, what you did all this time.

3 days ago, you thought what ?

You give yourself another week. 

Maybe ? It was ? Reckless …you know that word even.

My family and the relative we watch these. They will never be learning in English. It reminds me we family walking each others house and sit there and talking, but they may not live that long. The TV script too many, chasing none stop the scripts….

Those are a different department in America, not the majority department. It might be just 2 intern girls every year to try out visiting in DC. Why that’s not a major department?  American got other things to do, so these classify manner shouldn’t be that random when they sent people in DC. Stand looks like they standing, process the paper works like they read, write in English.

You want to do your physical therapy how to walk normal without the Micky Mouse ear? By the time he is 98 99 100 years old ?

My family means to me, if they can watch these ancient Chinese or the local TV long long long time, I want my family live long. We like them.  Westlife they do those local show and we have, too.

Your movie 4 room and the legal paper Jumanji: The Next Level …and BTX, one person in one lifetime 2 pieces paper in these layout is enough.

You don’t want it’s everyone behind you running like in the movie and ?

The penguins and the ostrich 

Why don’t they tell me that’s 1 million these …behind you in the movie ? It’s my head hurts. 

(Tears, nose tissues )

You want a teddy bear ? And your massage chair hugging your skeleton from behimd ? They won’t be back as the skeleton, but you will feel some hugging idea, you know ?

He runs out of them Riley at and for his room massagist chair. 

Do you want them to take away this chair after you done ?

Your face don’t need to be that stubbornness …

You want to warm your hands 5 mins and go back ?

If …

Yeah, you tell the maid and Riley.

The otter and the owner. Well, they are allowing more gays here and Japan all that the small farming, the left wing. They CAC girls move down to Singapore. To get married between the guys.  A more personal relationships than the Zen idea. The new generation going to the Western world.

In America, you can grow a lot of the small farming at home during the summer. We have here in the flower market and a lot of the people go on the weekend if they go out of the Taipei. 

Me no. Too busy. My whole day TV here.

Do I think that gonna be real, the public TV full universe ?

You mean the Indian general ? I pretend for a while and by the way speak some Chinese in writing. That for sure I am not going to breath. I input or pretend to get a feel, by it’s year by year. Your people woke up morning earlier ? The military.

They need to train the youth to stay on these job and I let them. But …I don’t think it’s that simple. 

You don’t want to tourism in Japan, nice food?

I felt uneasy, something might be very real in the TV. I pretend to be fake and they all turn to be the ghosty even this Black Prince. These animal worlds is our defense powers, me and them? Not one thing sounds right, I stay with the TV and my birds for sometimes. I stay on this schedule. 

You like these food in the video, the friends to go out ?

Oh, you want to go out, you ask them. My birds or the sky front, I probably have no more human in life but these sky = (Thor lives or dead ) and these clusters of the birds. It just don’t sound like every morning it’s audible we scream at each other.

+these 2 sheet legal arguments.

You can call the city people to remove them the birds, we probably pay some money to raise those otter or get rid of them ?

Oh okay. We are …a city, right. I don’t know. They go to the park here, it’s those white giant birds they built the eco sphere exactly like that. There is a lake and they probably clean those water more. They input a lot of money for those. The mosquito these grass, the trees, the flowers.

You have some years to get back on your feet and LoRT that guy. 1000 of them if it’s this year ?

I don’t know what happen to Westlife so … Zawanna those and brought whom they did die, I still be affected somewhat. These living veil.

You and that Mark takes the years to re-built and you both go out and be happy.

The kids grow up, the younger girls.

These new phone, I used to have those app built. Like you know the Apple Developer forum. Your military is using those apps I told them ? The Timezone, the time clock, the health app, the weather, the Q code scan, the facebook, the flash light ! To scan the menu. Yeah it stays in their phone everything they ever scanned.  If they never deleted maybe they did scan the entire A13, the new built basement !

If they change their phone? I don’t have those menu, right. 

Yeah I like their video. They may not be the original Westlife. Like One Direction.

You believe what you are told?

Every girl reacts different in the real life with the guys.

I need to clean up, my mother gone finally to sleep.

Crying part ....

Lay down, go to sleep. One night good sleep, to all of you, its a brand new start in life.

" If you can get the compensate, its just a try out, no one says that whole thing will disappear...."(crying)

What whole thing all disappeared? You are busy, why don't you keep your mind for a week, not to think about it. Get some sleep for 7 days, the rest next week to talk about it.

The LoRT Mark

Your left side 10 o'clock between 11, its 

O turn  |     like literally turning 90 degree on the flat plane left to right.


                        You head center vision close your eye.

That is a portal going in when you close your eyes?

Your write it down, or when those military personel will keep those records for you. You have the left side or the right side as "a wall", do they change those vision?

When people working on anything to the brain, on the brain, side by the brain, you slow down, calm down, and rest, and sleep, fluid, and lay down. No, you are not that Shane I can tell now. They sent in you have some grey hair Asian guy looking, i cannot tell but you can understand in English probably. You look so much like him in the doctor's office.

Your head if needs to lean on the wall, we fix one thing at a time, and you laying it down, or shut off the audio first, you at least sleeping for 3 days. Some people at least sleep properly the whole day, the 8 hours gathered to sleep, we the normal human do that. You feeling the psychi or the calmer to your own physiology, not everyday we do everything in one round about. 

I have some other lifes to look at it.  You got the family? Your kids? Anyone asking you? 

The damp air outside, that is wet, your nose, do you have any allergy?

You like any soup, to hydrate your system, you cannot cook so that is where you got lock up, traveling around the world? With them. Do you feel breathing a bit, coming out, or still very wounding to that missing part of you. Mine city people go to the concert, and people have some activities, its one of those prosper thing people do, including to go to the baseball. The baseball league.

Shane has some fan club, but I think you as the Lords of Ring this you kept your hair, so you should have some funding that going around, and things are cleaning up, you will have a lot of the fan crowd coming to you, inquiring you, buying you more of the tissue paper, the trash can, the interior design, to recuperate all these physical condition you got, more and more shape up.

The Asian also they know those film, you know whom that is? 無忌?

When we talk about 無忌, whom? He is somebody's chef disciple, then my position usually at the Asian TV would be "Stop, no, not like that." The Asian will take you in when everything being fix, you ready to imagine those popular crowd on your own?

You didn't know this?

Is Jet Li famous? In Asia very famous. Not so much as the Jackie Chen in Hollywood. Both are highly known, they got some other actor. 

In the 90s, but you got something new on the TV too.

If Greek myth legand, Dean, 2nd guy. The children's singing choir?

You have Wallace Huo. 笑傲江湖   霍建華 = Wallace, he is from Taiwan here.

Ep 14/ 15 middle you check on.

Cover yourself, soak some warm water for your feet, keep warm. 

Cover your throat with the scarf.

(Crying in the tear)

You getting better and better, so many people out there, you never seen, you never know, and you just one corner in the room, the heart lenching at those in that coloring space a voice.

Do you want a teddy bear? Pretend to keep it, it might work.

Is the bathroom works okay? Going in and out?

You improve your overall condition, that immediate comfort they might just find you a better place, the yard, the sunshine, to improve your cranial fluid, at your head space. They found a video, they need some time to analyze, and you sleep, sleep, sleep, bathing, of you asking them if the next place can have a bath tube with some Epsom salt. 

Keep your distilled water diet clear, like drinking 2 cup in the morning, the large cup down, and lay down. You keep getting up to go to the bathroom, drink the water cup, lay down, improve your white-out. You know what is a white-out? When you standing up at the lower ground.

You doing that 1 months, to 3 months, or 1 year. A lot of those works? Yes. You flat your body down horizontally.

So this room is fine?

YES. Your bathroom is open, right? Not required a key, or something wrong at it? 

No, the toilet you using that fine? Or washing the sink? You don't have the hot water those?

You using the baking soda to wash the sink and the toilet, those are fine. And you soak your hands in the warm water.

You tell them you need the hot water every hour, for your hands and the feet, and lay down drinking whole day these distilled water, especially in the morning, exercise. If the condition overall improved, if they can help you what things in this bathroom, you describe to them clearly what is going on.

You need the bathroom to use that whole day.

When you flush (you open the back), that is when you dump the baking soda powder, the water is low. They can give you 5 those green scrabble? When the water is low, you have about 3 seconds. Clean that, the baking soda, you drizzle on top. You are not sure.

So the water comes up.

Then you flush, close the lid at the toilet. Not the back that heavy thing, right?

You try it again, you mean inside is dirty, you got some other tooth brush, you keep that 2 things on the right side of the toilet, any soap container plastic. 

The baking soda is very very sensitive to your finger, so not your bare hand, okay?

You touch it, you need to rinse that off. Its not the acid, its alkaline, but that is a chemical. Not touching it to smell, no. Rinse your finger tip off. Don't get curious. 

There are some regular bathroom formula spray, why don't you ask them to fix your toilet? 

Can you see? You ask them for a flash light.

The first few time you got scared.

You try 3 or 4 time looking at the toilet flushing down and up, you will get used to it.

You get the soap container plastic on the right side. A green scrabble and a tooth brush. This can throw out, then you get the second one for just the "sink", the water might be a hard water, so the basin of that sink, if you touch it, something feel not right.

You need to hard scrabble that off with the spray formula. No, not chlorine, just some spray formula. That middle empty? Your head can go down, washing your eyes, your nose, your mouth all around, your dental. You always leave that water 20 seconds runniing and then you use that on your eyes. Each day.

Each early morning, you leave the water on. They precipitate at night. 

Every older house is all like that. In the future you get something new, then it won't matter.

Try to forming that habitual. I have to talk to someone else and watch my TV.

🍵🍲 Can you stop, Kate? (you should be sleeping) 🍵🍲

This is the time when you say you panic, you have 3 kids + the public duty + a William and a King family.

Everyone knows where I live, I agree. The day Hugh shows up and you immediately followed him, we know that, or William will say, it wasn't supposed to be like that?

Japan is the first world country, not India. Their public fountain water can be drank. Their residential place is a flat in British English word, we live in the apartment and some Japanese City, also in the apartment. A lot of the local Taiwanese they like those flat house, its those individual building they purchase the whole 4 or 5 floor for the entire family outside. They live outside is more quiet near the mountain. 

King lives up 76 years old

William live up 40+ years.

To them, if they have to land, you heard them complain they go anywhere and go home, and get out, and then landing with the military, or the guy's every other talk, "Well, let's go then."  None of them making a super big deal when they land. They do land, and they figure it out the routine, the store, the map, finding a map, and they go by per street, per store, per currency exchange at the airport. They carry the kids most of their life.

+ one you Kate as the big grown up girl kid.

You are roaming the last 25 years seriously. No one can teach you anything to say, this is your free will, what shall you do next, but you are in front of many countries that transition if people hearing that, they will secure you in Japan. They say nothing so you think they do nothing? You asking my neighborhood is better, and all the development, and what should I say I live in the poverty slumber like you used to? You gone to the hotel to random telling the receptionalist to harm me with my real name. They tell you you will be charged and sent to the green island, that is not here to get jailed, or the murder trial, so you telling the King BEFORE you given the Taiwan another call again?

You talk to the older lady like what? They all have some crisis, you have another person to talk to? You went to chat with her, I say that. She knows what that means?

They taken that, without saying a word to me.

They taken that, just....what can they do.

And you? You are not the Royal family when you are born, that original task was just to shape up a public slumber orphan with the food and the drink and to grown up differently, and having a wish like Ella Enchanted, a good well wish. You taken these 25 years you doing well with the public service, or you seeing yourself highly without any obligation to the kids, not even born them but those pillows games. So as long as you side one side, to say, you get smart in life, no one saying a word, so you keep roaming none stop.

You let down to Japan, you still need to fly where they told you to, but you rest with your cancer cases because you lie, you lie, you lie about your past or the movie or the TV, or when someone inquiring a thing, you keep lying about it.  They hurt a lot of the people, anyone says anything?  

You are gambling you are special, to force you way in.....with all of these TV.

I told you what? There is nothing there.

You keep roaming, roaming, roaming, roaming and struggling to these ropes tight or you feel there is no one telling you what to do, every task in the delaying of the time, the year, or pining on things, you will get to 70 years old that time and think back. You never changed.

Its just another Christmas, its not a super big deal, everyone realized that, sometimes its the family they are nicer people, its not a super giant big deal for the King or the near by things, they can watch you. 

But in your life, you burden anyone in the crisis, where people no one can count on you.

Because because because...

You keep lying and you keep roaming, roaming, and roaming....no one destine you to the destination holding hand like you were 5th grade old anymore. Most taller white race, in those British Flag shape up background family people, none of prefer their kids to have that kinds of the maturity, not the way they talk or they deal with things, at least learn to get smart, learn something.

25 years you are not trying.....another 40 years will pass and gone.

This is just another junction of the life time. You don't know how to live life.  We never think of you like that, some people would have count on you, you know how to live through life. 

Can you stop chatting anyone near you? That is the jail guards?

Is that a jail in North somewhere, and when Scottish military that day told you staying there, why you going back to get jailed there in England? 2 weeks ago, you have those furry neck front 2 side like that SMCH long.....dressing Pink - Blank Space VS, me those long cloak dressing like French 16th his wife? With the silky long women linenin?

You don't even know or heard about that story how you end up midnight in the Scottish airport, and King flew out to Germany, Will was already moved up with George about 2 weeks ago away from London heard from me, he ensure that far away 1 week before ? 

"What is roaming means? She kept saying I am roaming, is that how you treat the prisoner ....she saying that in front of everyone, is that the good word to use as the British? "

Did you tell that one guy, younger guy, your parents were dead? Not like the British newspaper, so you shouldn't be jailed there? You told him, why you should be prison there.

There is someone ranking, you tell him. You are a what?

Lebanese, or what you were?  You just didn't tell him you are a what?

If you stop talking, just live there 1 months, 2 months....King is a lot more wise now 30 years down with his all family you all were, you won't do a correct thing for him, at least he just wave his arm, no, her program next is in Japan. No one says anything, you are safe and sound arrives to Japan starting a new life. That is as much as he can ever do for you.

If you can stop talking to anyone there.

If tomorrow morning your time someone found out and sort that more mild for you, you are 2 days without the food, or not much of the water to go to pee, there in the same ceil, no bed, you sleeping lean on the wall, you ever lean on the wall to sleep, your height?

SHUT UP. YOU live in England the last 30 years, NOT Lebanese NOR your parents were not your original newspaper, and your name you telling them WERE Middleton.

They normally let you cell door opens, you walking roaming on that table watching your IPad, that iPad is no longer you with the soupy food, they reading IT for you, so maybe the KING goes to find out where you think you did say to them.


Do you have the contact lens in your eyes?

Where were your luggage coming in from Scotland? 

You straight up your back, if they let you sit on that same chair to read this. Talking clear.

"My name is Kate Middleton, I am the Duchess next by Prince William, we had some traveling broad about few months ago with some military personel, my first time on my jobs and we return to London. Will and my son left earlier to relocate to the North, and his father left England, and I was supposed to stay in Scotland, should I return there? They told me not to coming in this time, but I did, and I apologize some mis-understanding the earlier days, I wasn't sure what to say a lot of those things. My parents were in London, where I gone to school to meet Will since college.

Can you bring me a box of the bottle water and leave that on this table, and I can take it throughout the days to drink when you hand it to me, and can you bring me a blanket and 2 pillows. I had underwent some medical treatment like the newspaper says, and maybe if you can find me my eye glasses, to throw away this contact lens in my eyes.

Can I assign to a cell that has a better bed, or a desk, some place might be more mild to my medical condition. I think Will and his father doing a lot better and has gone to the hospital, and my son is one person by himself there, so I did worry a bit, not sure what to say, too many things run about and the Christmas is coming. I apologize all that inconvenience and mis-lead information this far, causes. "


"Maybe you can contact Will or King for some later arrangement, but as I am aware of they had gone to the hospital, I can wait for a few day, a certain things this far not so convinence FOR THEM."



American Amazon is where you all are....

The chop or cube, or long stick cut.

1) The zucchini, 2) the carrots 3) the potato.

These electric cutter, I found out later for myself.

These potato like that + the carrot, boiled

+ mayo (veganaise) + mustard + salt.

Its a lunch box.

American Costco has these frozen peas + carrots, you buying those? or Wal-mart.

These are all something like a side for the potato blend or there was those samosa. These individual component, if making easy, you don't need to buy the whole package of the French fries to fry them or freezer them. You pre-made how many long cut potato, and cold water, dry and then fried. Some people eat those home made French fries. 

When you cutting these, the eggs will be in our ricer cooker, or in the boiling water, when you finish these individual component. Its not a super big deal. You all have too many people, or anyone in England can afford, this is I think everyone can use it.

The egg salad has the potato ingredient in it!

You perfect this one, you can eat forever this lunch recipe. Just one recipe ! + some boiled broccoli or kale.

What about the onion?

The regular no color onion + the mushroom. You Sautee those + the white rice.

( the picture inside, right? the demo )  I think you all eating these celery and the carrot sticks in America. That is for that, I think!

The Chinese white carrot peeled the skin + the carrots.

In those cube, its the soup to cook 20 mins, shut off the fire for 10 mins. Its a very cooking vegetarian public soup in their restaurant here.

The usage of the Chinese big white carrots. They usually put those meat chop to done them, a soup and the meat with the bones to chew. 

The lady is not going to get here this year in Japan, but one of those days she makes it, I tell her maybe next year. You all whom got one, and....you never imagine how to use this international shipping from Amazon, me here for.

My TV, the news

You know American pie, its these things inside? A certain....not the sweet pie, I am not sure which pie.

Irish those, no, those are the mash potato, they go to the Indian to ask them. The manual tool i know, but they make those factory samosa big or small, they probably have a way how to mash potato better. That is the real Sheppard's pie. 

I don't want to maid....so I don't want to do those.


Its a group, they learn smart, cannot land, so stuck somewhere in the hotel.

They are asleep already. 

What did you all do ....

          sight seeing with a backpack

                and a map

            its a day light, without a flash light, so giant tall to look at the sky. its not you cannot see where is the road sign, or what you looking for.

You are not sight seeing? Is this how you get from Greek in those EU free pass zone, how to get you from that side almost to Turkey, you can crying all the way home to France?

Should be in France by now.....2 weeks pass yet.

  1. The vasiline you purchase here
  2. The Johnson Johnson baby oil since 1943
At your throat cover down, you all wear the uniform. Cover for the fall season to the winter time, you are "traveling". Use your nose to breath a lot more, inhale more.

Usually the pharmacy they might have those internal cotton, not static electricity, to keep warm + your uniform + a jacket fine. Or the sweater made of the sheep, outside that. That is the static electricity.

France near England, you are almost home !

You don't learn French from England?

Yeah, 5 min warming each hand, and the foot morning, you put your socks on. That day you are fine, going outside. A lot more immune to you get back to the hotel. You have to soap your hand, not touch your eyes, your nose, your mouth, or sneeze, you need to alcohol wipe all your hand. Anytime you touch your eyes, you have to go washing your eyes better.

Under the water. No, no need for the soap, nope. Just the water, keep rinsing counting 10 seconds. You get used to, you will know you doing that each and every time. 

Non parley unglare

= I don't speak English.