

Its a group, they learn smart, cannot land, so stuck somewhere in the hotel.

They are asleep already. 

What did you all do ....

          sight seeing with a backpack

                and a map

            its a day light, without a flash light, so giant tall to look at the sky. its not you cannot see where is the road sign, or what you looking for.

You are not sight seeing? Is this how you get from Greek in those EU free pass zone, how to get you from that side almost to Turkey, you can crying all the way home to France?

Should be in France by now.....2 weeks pass yet.

  1. The vasiline you purchase here
  2. The Johnson Johnson baby oil since 1943
At your throat cover down, you all wear the uniform. Cover for the fall season to the winter time, you are "traveling". Use your nose to breath a lot more, inhale more.

Usually the pharmacy they might have those internal cotton, not static electricity, to keep warm + your uniform + a jacket fine. Or the sweater made of the sheep, outside that. That is the static electricity.

France near England, you are almost home !

You don't learn French from England?

Yeah, 5 min warming each hand, and the foot morning, you put your socks on. That day you are fine, going outside. A lot more immune to you get back to the hotel. You have to soap your hand, not touch your eyes, your nose, your mouth, or sneeze, you need to alcohol wipe all your hand. Anytime you touch your eyes, you have to go washing your eyes better.

Under the water. No, no need for the soap, nope. Just the water, keep rinsing counting 10 seconds. You get used to, you will know you doing that each and every time. 

Non parley unglare

= I don't speak English.

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