Babaji: Go.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Otter 2
I cannot see the camera…
Mission Impossible - Fallout
You are learning life how to put through something. The smart people where you think they are? You have that kinda of Wing’s IQ, but he is an Asian. Tell me one full room, you walk in all Ella Enchanted boggy traps, not one person useful you scan the whole room, you get up and you leave.
You practice ten times stand up and leave?
Give me a reason why all Ella Enchanted is nothing but the killing list to that ending road - The Baby Boss
(Earthquake again )
- No one has the food
- Everyone yielding the task
- Everyone drunk
- Everyone late and hiding
These entire things identify the useless and the worthless humans, you don’t do that with per movies processing so you have a dagger on the whole stack up the papers with more what papers, fold it and stab on it.
Explain to me the real mission impossible reasons? Just get rid of every junks in the first second you see it. You insist it exists….or that’s the love song : love you all along, everyone sit in the chair every commander listening to that, it’s just 5 mins. Your once of a lifetime, not even that Tina Jojo at least it’s a BTX results my misery …
You cannot get through the plaintiff vs defender with the judge, or else what? Is this SMCH too? UB. It’s not your neck be choke with all of them, you see whose name makes the universes in the end.
We don’t talk the same with the lawyer ?! Funny …your lawyer is your best friends I think.
My lawyer if I ever need one in whichever the future day or just that one formula one public defender, it’s a puppy ….
Why is in life you have to be on guards on everyone ? You mean your landlord to your dad alive time is your best friend like the movie: Baywatch.
You staying outside to the movie venture, I assuming you watch your road or you watch my road in front of me if we be friends. Tell me a chance that Mimmo means to me, you dad willing to hear or any of your Ella Enchanted pink …
You don’t close gate, feel free sit to around and listen.
You say ….one of those your brother’s right ? Similar to UB
Taiwan 1) or 2) civil or murder trial
Right? So all those paper was not you related and not murder. They hurting me, the other way around. No, you want to sue me murder you. Those paper is others murdering me, where is your brain ?
At least you knowing that !!! Right ?
So you say it’s Frozen, the civil. But as long as she doesn’t declare, those UB case got hindrance, that’s your common brain right ? Wrong. It’s not related cases. They got mix it up wrong. They mis-use my case to pretend it’s their case. It’s not related, every case is separated. They use the wrong word with the judge. But the judge understands what they want, correct.
It’s better you close gate.
Every step wrong means no one goes in the same room with those zero brain IQ being seen by the judge, because ….
Well Prince you guys life is set with the comfer. I have other agenda I wish to build my own life with. Those is none of your business. Stay away those every step wrong human better. You don’t know the step, but at least you get a dad or an umbrella. You learn thing where you needed best. I just explain simple things. I told you it’s every step wrong. Very very wrong.
These are where the 3 spider man running in the circle …
這是三個蜘蛛人跑在一個圈圈 …
Prince, a person growing up will one day wish to meet ….some friends. These friends built by your white guy’s circle, you wish is ?? The white guy, the white man world …you have that world in front of you where you belong, you just go and fetch that. Learn and grow into that. I have to start at zero, you know …and I am not a guy.
A lot of people wishing you well and they delicate to smooth these situation. I hope you find your comfer.
You may not think the love or affair in the future, but sometimes it’s just really how you set up your own life you see how you set up people around you life. You cannot do that so that’s one Panda sitting there. You see ahead of life, not saying cherish to hold forever but it’s not getting on everyone’s nerves, you have a job to carry. Find a way to accord best. Some girls imagine a life has a Prince title on it to imagine a boy on the world stage to that mock up.
How do you know that’s every step wrong ?
No, not that lawyer represent you. No. You don’t ask him that. You hire someone else for that. A professional. You mean every word right, so you found out these far every court room experience is wrong wrong wrong ?
Correct, you hire a professional, I told you is every word wrong.
You guys got the money, you close gate, your dad has the whole crew to do that without you knowing it.
No, not through me. With the judge. In your life you never need to do that, ever again …Prince. You have every world other than the court room life, understand ?
No, that’s not the eternal factor. No.
That otter again, one door close another door opens.
You go near to your dad, it’s not he doesn’t know what you can or cannot do. At least you relax at home.
It’s better you cut off all the Ella Enchanted, never be seen hang out next by for the rest of your life, you hope whom would show up ever talk to someone like you. Those movies, itsn’t funny …read the books, try to be Eben. Per words, per sentence, per act, per look, per stare, per air that you breathe ….you hope you make yourself brand new fast enough.
Grow up.
Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning
Tomorrow morning I go to sleep …don’t bother me.
Korean girl - is these cosmetics ?
You have the money, why not ? Your eye glasses first thing waking up in the morning ? I think they all wearing the eye glasses at home. Spicy ? Good for you !! Me no. I drink soup.
If they know they are every step wrong? They sooner or later exit the court room scene, they also close gate. They never found out where I go next scene in my life. It’s better they understand why they close the gate. It’s getting colder and colder and they aren’t prepared for.
The home wash, everything inside a home, and daily routine, the food, the car service, the jobs.
Yeah, the family or they know the friends or whom calm them if they drop me to build that world. Their time is running out. They and me will never meet again. Ever. It’s just a voice in the air.
3310 episode 44
You first, your brother second. I just leave that Snowden there. Then I go and talk to them UB more in depth. Then those presidents. Yeah.
Correct, close gate.
Panda you and the guard, the care taker.
You look that fat, to move?
I run a religion, not you run my jobs. You want to rehearsal your close gate ?
You go to sleep, for 5 days and get to 2 days weekend schedule.
You don’t need to know where I go, or Nicky or Kian or Shane or Ronan. No.
“See that easy? You make it the first week !!”
I go to sleep ~~
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Otter
Stay and Hank’s key.
Andrew Bocelli
Prince you asking me
BTS Korea group? 16 Oz
Or Nicky gf why that’s 1660?
Mission impossible - ghost protocol
Mission impossible - Rouge Nation
Mission impossible
Mission impossible
Another channel: Baywatch | Spider Man No Way Home
I believe what I see. You know Prince, everyone has a real career is because you built up to that one position. It’s not just the TV simple cartoon, it was a lot of the works and one day anyone even imagine they get on those Starship those real future, they will tell you every commander’s position was not a joke and not one slip away, to that one commander-in-chef. Whatever you imagine someone built up anything. Yours…I don’t know what that is.
Zawanna again. Next by Tom Cruise.
Ticket to the Paradise ? George Clooney. The dog barking.
Rich Dad Poor Dad my middle school film
Him Her Room
That film was in the 90s
The women on the left side, the man on the right side room.
Her eyes looks like LST that women. I found her. I don’t remember anymore, the correct name. Tall, brown, giant women to me.
Try : For Richer or Poorer
That’s the ending conversation ….his name is Frank !!!
Pang calls or Tina
The U.S.G.S. reported that the earthquake’s epicenter was near Whitehouse Station, N.J., about 40 miles west of New York City.
Let me rephrase the above which statement I say …
In 25 years look back, anyone like me will never ever want to associate with anyone looks like, sound like you, TV like you. Those whichever career someone says 194 countries involved. It’s not your dad polite, I press sound like. Anyone cannot see that worse, every little things count. You saying the Milkyway, left arm or the left wing is at Wallace 11 years ago. 3310 reminds me how the wife dead, so the peach blossom padel flying in ….through the windows.
Well, I am not those pink. I don’t have a dad. That’s my greatest merit in life.
You two Prince are not intended to build that TV, you know the money sounds like. Then built well your family business and your own very upper class. The worse of all things, it’s having three otters coming out and TALK! You don’t feel like worse, I just cannot describe you, how my side everything I imagine worsen.
These films are …
If you collect the youth faces like you, you intend to foster them like your kid. It’s nothing like the TV. Not sure if you notice that, all your same age. The reason there is a glucose lady, a lot of the women can live longer. Even their presence to sound calling, one day that’s what your everyday calming you down. Anything from they calling you a maid, a drink, a towel, a butler, a meal, a stressful phone, they hear what things.
But we don’t need to carry that kind of the conversation today. You imagine you close gate, so the otter shows me, you will tell me they know or they meant you say, I heard. I don’t need you repeat me twice !
I tell you why me and Wing never together …I hate the most is when someone opens their mouth tell me, “I don’t remember.” It never happens with Nick.
“You tell your wife and 3 kids to eat.” Ever?
“What a thoughtful man like you, this is my ice and drink? I love lobster, I broke my teeth with the 5 star hotel all you can eat. Go and say hi be busy ! I watch your seat !!!”
Look at this TV movie, that young lady, x open long skirts with a long raffle, beautiful ~~ Bella, nice hair, nice make-up, and stand hungry, and thin
When Sariputra’s mother and Anan destiny to hell with that SMCH, it’s they say the food or the drinks everyday in front of my faces like we share a life for the last 20 years. One day, someone will tell you, 20 years knowing the food in the mouth is not all shameful that Ella Enchahted spell on every kills the faces like you and your ? What ? Beloved…
- The warm blanket, movie night, Shane? The foot. Not the polyester static. Your eye glasses frames, washing frame like this …
- The folding blanket is not a habit, it just always bothers me, not just you bothers me …where is Nicky ?
- I hate things be messy….
- The ice cream cup, the chocolate with a stack of napkins?
- You never get the stack of the napkins?
- Is this for 2? I only have two hands.
One day your kids are just like you stand tall with the back bent all the time
30 years, 40 years like that Tony or Mimmos
What it all means no shower no food in front of the parents eyes. It’s together you built strong. You look at your kids and you tell me you always willing that choice the TV says, and I have no shame telling you those killing list every age line is a movie joke.
- It’s a hotel apple and 2 cereal box, my purse.
- I stole them, it’s a limo service.
- You are the limo service.
- Without your commands, I am helpless to live my life …
- I look like I know what I am doing, it’s just a food, you want me stack up them on the back truck next time? With a blanket?
- It’s warmer.
There is a dollar store
There is a Kohl
There is a Merci
These entire plaza El Toro are driving route, my hand touching every store. There is a t-mobile across Home Depot. Leaving Hank the second day I have no more phones ….handsome ! You have the maid, I have only me.
You know shaking hands ? Your world. You don’t bother just sit down and eat your food.
If you put the food inside your mouth, it will sound like two of us whom know how to do a job and come back telling you. Shut up, and stay at your table. So I know where you suppose to be.
Food, water, temperature, health, the doctors talk. You have the money and why don’t you imagine you should have the correct life. No dating fine …
Your dad met your mom
These table is not put every food on or the kitchen tower the paper made or the cloth made? You lose weight with the trainer but you cannot just be the king of the world, the entire room with a fridge in…I drink the fluid or I die …
You have an issue with your dad? Do I know what that is? The time returns ?
Mimmo is a type of guy no one can talk to. That’s why he ends up the wife like that. There is no Power whomever needs to talk to you, you seem to be very occupied in life like those raining otter cute… well, your brother meant even evict meant you all kept the wealthy, you have no need to do anything in life. That’s the least the lawyers you refer to and talk to?
Not the wife like her
Not a brother like him, with a wife like that
You intend to have an iQ after Shane, the geneticist ….that kinda of talk is not belong on your table. How sinful that look on that 3, maybe they 3 should appointment a real lawyer all these movies meant someone from the very top telling you every word …
You say …
I have something today I prepare to ask you, so we book as a session of the lawyer appointment…if referring to the party A and B and C with me as a known near associate …these referring the saying of the relatively party 3 involved involuntary reason how I foresee a future, if it’s my proper time to ask you here, right now?
These involved party A and B and C here I just gonna refer them as 3 Entity my crossing set of a point of time reference, let’s say …countability, is there something you can tell anything on that. Anything on the countability. Any information, any word…to prevent a future, is there a law concept on that?
If he says anything you are not sure, you say
Can I prepare some time after to get back to you ? I am not very sure what you say.
You are not on the first day learn how to talk smart, aren’t you ?
The movie ends, next post, next movie…
What’s a definition of a boyband ?
The lady killers. The pop culture. I say kisses and hugs 😘🥰😍💝💝😘💝😘😍⭐️ and they REALLY kisses and hugs your European cultures.
Only ET are the boys like your father or nick will write those stuffs.
It’s not the civilization intended. It’s amusing that seriousness we all gonna die !! You tutor after me like after Lee those boys…sorry when I met Lee, I was already tutoring the freshman. They all look alike. Nick’s grandson looks so identical to him, he mild polished hidden down after 65 years.
End of Time - birds keep saying it
You seeing a commander-in-chef leadership in the correct head sense deep far away universe of those void space and walking behind somewhere talking…. You say a what?
A Boyband!
You want to imagine Thor is a Prince like your dad has a fan club run away scene? What is that he and me look alike !
I get ready to go out, my once a week carbs. I don’t even eat the cracker. My head injury like the otter says.
You ask me what’s the president’s job? Or your jobs, Prince?
You say if all the congressman looking at him president is his job.
He is or they each are the “American” Presidents, one of the Super Nation 5 president. You asking about your PM. I thought the America stands for more, really. There are the citizen (birds loud loud loud), the diplomats to every nation including those known world UN or UNSEF, one of those Earth Day…not limited to the expectation from the senators, the representative or the congressman. I guess it’s a little bit different, they got 50 states.
Those are all his stuffs !!!
The definition of a politics so they are the politician.
Go to sleep, Prince
My Sat.
We go out today. I am not feeling very well. No, I come down the weight, I can see my belly going in a line. Today I eat them back.
Not those wave stuffs.
Your father will tell me
Your dad will tell me you are not the kids anymore, those otters doing.
Crown - a short clip of your family lines.
Lose weight, you will feel a lot better. Every week, one or 2 kg.
You want to tell me, you want to see my family members looks like those TV? Eternity. Can you efface that Netflix ? I see them in your grandmom’ s funeral.
That’s a family quarrel.
3310, that’s Romance
The birds say
You don’t want to talk about your family business?
It’s the TV?
You name the full film I watch them from the first line to the last line. My job just watching the movies for fun.
We don’t look alike. I don’t know how to tell you, we don’t think alike, we don’t look alike, we are nothing relate alike.
Lose weight !!
What if Nicky and Kian loses weight ? They both go shrink back to their 99.
You saw nick’s video. He right now more thin. 51 kg.
I have never learn the English in those words.
Keegan those talk in MIB 3, that’s what it means.
If I learn the English properly, I will get a lot worsen sounds like to the judge. I can, it’s not a thing in learning because I get the money. Reading a book and turn that things upside down. I have a brain.
I have never learn those in English words. I translate my civil class in Chinese. You are arguing to me my UK 2 C paper, you know how I used to Backstreet Boy memory on one Seth shake hands open galaxy, that female professor holding hands to make a Snape memory?
It was per session I see tutor with money, per sentence per error, I broke up with Adam, but I stay 8 hrs a day in writing. That’s the English class I becoming today.
Right now that to write a correct grammatical English was not a thing to me or say that Keegan MIB 3. It was very very very suffering.
No, you try to destroy a court room system in Taiwan that we started in Hawaii chapter, the democracy comes from. You say that to a legal judge ….
I just never say the reality what that is at all.
In English
You have the alphabet to make a word in the letter to that each first initial you capitalize that letter on the first word of the first sentence. A sentence is with a verb, a noun or that to adjective or adv. you have a description methods how to sound more literal to the reader’s perspective to purchase a book in the children literacy in the Barn & Nobles.
You understand everything I wrote above.
Thus, hence, therefore, in accordance, according, presumption to that pre-cursor is a reasoning factor, it’s not the debating points it’s an initial start….
I don’t know how to describe it to you.
Your argument you…are developing the apes society from the civilization points of views. It’s all the kids outside Galaxy too, they go to the court. Either they guessing that or it’s exactly the same court looking to me when the judge look down to them or to you.
I say none of that is an argument.
Chatting in the court room, I say stay in the arguments
Those America President gone to the court looks like those UB standing there. Their guards will find out or Harvard will. I thought the law school or they nature English speaker. When a court judge asking you a question, they got too heated up to discuss or to talk. That’s chatting, that’s not staying in the arguments. Their personality looks like that. I cannot hear the words. The scene of their being, the air.
It might be ten times worse if you really could hear it.
Their guards suppose to find out, right.
The President guards
I thought was the safety issues. So I didn’t go there.
But it’s either his personal staffs or the guards too need him go to stare at his job. What’s a president’s job? I originally thinking was his safety. Right, I understand that. If they turn around ask me, oh that.
Oh no, you mean his jobs?
I am not feeling well
That’s a fact, a reality, it’s happening. That will never be a negotiating, it’s to save life’s first including the criminal. After you save the criminal, you process the legal court room procedure. In the criminal Justice, you have the trial, someone ilegal money or commit crime. Theft is a crime will kill, so it’s part of that.
I look like anything of that ?
You always save life first !!
The court is only THAT above what I describe to you. You didn’t put a correct logic when you hurting me. I am endanger and you do on purpose to hurt me. In ten years, someone will finish cleaning up all of this.
You have an expectation in the jobs, not the wave.
Shane is Neo, Apes for Tomorrow (classify )
Shut up !!
Movie: Interstellar
Not that wave stuffs. Anything but that wave stuffs. You join the military is everything else never that wave stuffs. You defines they animals are the wave, we are the Apes human ….of course it’s not one. You join the military becoming THE ONE = ME?
Per thought, that’s …
Arrogance I know, outside, the ghost knows too.
Just get to the court opens your mouth to vent like every other civilization because you equip a mouth to open and debates. The democracy reason like you intend. West and East is different. There is only one me.
Describe something
Or venting a feeling
None of that is “staying in the argument “.
A protocol is not an argument, it’s a procedure manual book.
Stay in the argument! Even when you verbalize it. I know you are harming everyone not just me. A judge is a lawyer himself or herself. They know what is a license d lawyer coming forward to speak to him and make an argument!
I go to sleep
Babaji: Go
Forget the God, just get your every literacy right. In English and in French.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Movie: Shazam! Fury of the Gods
- I don’t know those procedure, correct. I have never been to the court.
- But I am comfortable how I write?
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jurassic World Domination | Interstellar|Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Otter is cute ….that’s Tim Cook !! In the movies.
I still feel the Eathquake shaking my head. Yesterday or just now in my nap. My mother told me to the lunch time. Are they still shaking ?
我剛剛躺下來我怎麼覺得我的頭在搖,很昏?我摔到我的頭一個禮拜了吧?我剛剛才說 …
That’s Meghan ?
Who is another black guy to talking to Tim Cook, let me guess?
Not in your Royal world, but in America Kerry they were starting in 2004 or 2006, they were younger among some several that goes to 2012. All these movies are not related to you, correct. Because that stream down girls are very little. Just one Kerry. Most classify world are nothing but the guys, so if Meghan knows how to, right …one day they separate. That’s what it means…I highly doubt it. Those guys the military order, they gossip too. If you position yourself …there are the ways doing that. Not me, but I know what it is saying. Meghan is established somewhat.
In the society, the age, the position, the money. So right …
I am in the space I don’t count orbiting in the darkness my every morning your America or Europe time zone. Here the movie says the professor, right now, that’s instructional Master degree, but if it’s a PhD….to the classify them, they will be look at Snowden, the articulation that empathizes , you know your words. He may not have the brain like the Congress, he was young. But he can literally describe things. Every other things ….right. Eben used to be, Craig used to be.
Like, “In that or-bit-in g, u y m or ni ng Tim e …”
Like, “In the discrepancy of that monopoly was not the center of the attention, it was in the center of the history, relocated no matter what to that East or the West 1908.”
Then you shift your eyes left and right.
Because I don’t have a correct faces.
I watch this before, the Mathrew things. Bothering you ?
I am checking my birds inside outside, laying down. It’s not just you close gate, you hanging here til ? Or we avoid talking about it? Tell me if you were me what you would say to that person like you yourself literally saying it out you can hear yourself ?
You don’t need to think about it now. No.
I am a honorable superior starting at Zero. What is starting zero, the minimum. I say you don’t think those things. No. Just keep doing what this Corperation world ought to be and stabilize you yourself inside outside if that’s the meditation or the zen or the prayer. Stabilize you yourself so you have a better judgement in the future.
You stabilize yourself !!!!
I c.
How do you make other people like about you, the interaction… even with the money, your heart will get hurt, but it’s not a real hurt. No, they will do that to you on the TV monitor, no. Before they air it, something happened so things becoming like that. Not at you, not your father or at your brother. You care about your family, remember ?
What if in my reality I have to drop my family, that hurts?
Like I wrote some those statements you speech in English or in French? Right…the young inventors those. Everyone in life has a need to feel they grew up with the pride. When I have to seat in the Pope jobs, I stay where the situation will end. And…? It’s ending.
I know that, I don’t have to console to anybody. But if something like that you are not feeling good, you go and talk about it with someone.
No, every little things. You know yourself, you use your language to express that, all that vent out.
194 countries, real or not real, at least America in itself, that’s real or with the Canada. If it becoming 194, they need to send people up, you know that?
Every ten years, it started here? I cannot keep hanging and no one gets trained ? No matter how training went down ?
I started the American military doctor John R Christopher later, but I knew that MH earlier, the same time the Curezone happens. I just didn’t know he uses Dr Christopher stuffs. And I gone to read the online biography. This things bothers you ? I started at 24 or 25 the diet, the eating, I go along with Nick. I start at that Colonix, not MH.
Everyone cares about it, not just you cared about it. They have the wealth. The outside to us is very very none applicable. I don’t ever talk about it anymore.
That’s the movie?
No, not after life. Just think in front of your life, too many jobs. You just listen to what I say, your job.
No, I am a women. I didn’t care about her husband, her son, her grandsons, any pink, any pink’s family.
I was too busy. I didn’t know one thing about absolutely anything your world, or what is Royal means. We don’t have that concept, if you tell me (birds say) you are a Prince I cannot understand, I understand the professor.
If you tell me (birds say) you are a professor.
No, I know you are not the professors, no, I cannot understand it. The birds say Ronan.
Oh you mean Jesus?
He is not the Old Testament that left side book. His existence is the New Testament. You flip that book left or right, it’s only 2 books. He is the…words in that beginning of the second part …book.
You call those binder a book, or 2, how they make the binding. You mean the one, the Neo, the Jesus? It’s the Holy Spirit like they say outside, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The birds hanging on it. Trinity. The Jesus sent the comforter, anything SMCH says, I know it all. You assume there is a rapture you assume there is a coming back. They military behind.
But technically, his world, that time zone north to south, Ronan is not to be said a Jesus. It’s not everyone believes that stuffs. It’s at Pope, Roman Vatican. It’s about right you call me a …blonde but it’s not your boss. It’s not relevant. When you have no names, you cannot relate in the human language.
You see Bill Gates related to me ten years ago?
I hate people be my parents or worse it’s a history ….but it was a happy family.
Grand papa
I have never never never in my life to say evolution … use a foreign words to feel close or closer.
You probably remember that.
I forget about them already. I saw when they sent the video in. Too busy.
When people die, they can feel or see, correct. Yogananda blue book talks about the high or low ocean wave. So I am a women. From her points. She lives old and I need to keep living too. These entire Earthquake of the TV, it’s not suppose to be like that and die on it, no. But it’s a lot more understandable things be put through ten years. If that situation ever happened, they know it’s from too many side becoming like that.
They have the ten years written records, it’s already a lot.
(They flying that deattached and re-connected the rotating wheel, before the fire it’s the giant looking black or light like the movies.)
You don’t do my job. Just go to your world doing a perfect job.
I am fine.
- I have never thought about the death, 10 years ago. I first time knowing that many many times.
- I have never seen the frighten things in life, more like the sensation of the reality if you mean the 5 Lords review.
The meaning of this movie feels. I understand.
A lot of people’s evolution, inside here on Earth or outside it’s to just go and be express yourself with the court room run about. I don’t have much of the life force to hold everything together and to imagine those fights anymore. What if Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or you, I just pass by in life as it intended ? What if? The reunion ? The high school or the university, and that reality what if I just keep pushing it myself, I by myself because in this world they told me it’s a capitalism and it’s a freedom to do like Toronto Downtown or New York City ?
I cannot trust anyone to run 194, I told everyone, not this eternity in front of me one Earth. It’s just one planet you mean others they have other the Star or Galaxy, but I need to focus here. I know how, I don’t need to keep explaining but just doing what I say : this is A, B, C. I am not here to argue.
The court room argument
Correct, I didn’t know most people don’t know. You need the lawyer teaching you and you must understand what he or she says.
The Family business
No, I don’t have. But if you saying 194 is the family business, I am doing my side of the jobs. No, I don’t need to run things to becoming like you. I can leave things in the bank and I sleep for 3 months.
Don’t bother me, I organize other things. And there is Kian and Nicky. We are the strangers you think I sound like ?
That time, I put this cake inside my mouth ?
I am not in any mood to eat for a very long time. When the work loads so much, I need to lay down to sleep, not digesting the food laying it down.
Next post
Fury of God, next movie.
For some reason he wears that shirt in a several video.
Birds? Or its in his songs again? I didn't listen all Ronan's songs.
... ... is that SA last time their guy's cosmetic on their counter, those I wash my face with the tape water factory, one of those?
Kail says Prince Harry and Meghan this morning. This is about Prince William and Kate....and these are the cosmetic heavy jar creme. For me?
What are they saying this.....nail. Maybe its their documentary, he has the 3 friends, they met in college, I can memorize it. They met in the library or she had a bf, and he won her heart. She broke up with that James guy, and there is a runway show. No, I have no Netflix. I lives in the vaccum.....darkness morning to begin.
No, me and Dean were the lab partner. I don't think we eat one meal. He join the girls to eat the meal a couple time in SA. CAC girls. I say that Smallville TV is if Dean and I have an AOL as the gf to say, how many time Tamang AOL to everyone around him. Per message count.
I just came from Taiwan that time. AOL is the local American thing that time.
Laundry day:
Panda behind the bar:
Yeah, losing weight. American President candidate too. China or Korea them too Kenshin Himura.
Right, Spain also have the family business
You know some guys their destiny is to make boggy traps in their IQ development. I say there are a certain leadership on my painting, they got too running in and out, the last thing on their mind is to set a boggy traps.
President, they study all their life. Taipei Mayor these kinds, they have no other experience other than to be the correct leadership. So when the girls getting near, they like it. The mentality of every Era and World zone, because our age is very limited. By the time you finish the school, or the law school and make it the bar exam, its how smart you are, or how vulnerable you saying every girl playing the game to get near.
So let's say ONE DAY, something from outside coming it down....its just a several of us, without them. Let's just hope, none of this are real. My life is not real....I can live without that. I everyday telling myself that. Talking about the denial of the reality ....I am trying very hard to prove to myself, I am not real.
The birds say Neo.
The clips say cosmetic.
That is the lipstick, you all are driven something consumer index, sorry...the consumer behavior where those Jewish label the women crowd are.
Are you talking about to Seth? UFO Seth? Westlife on Better Man, or Ronan on Little Things on Love. Seth is Neo? flying out....right. No, not Seth. Not any of that, no.
Near? He would be a lot more near the classify discipline, and some manner not like any of them UB, right. That discipline he has. Things are not that simple, he knows that. So when you saying the college sweet heart, and everyone moves out, til the day you seeing someone near its from your same university, I will tell you, its different.
You are so sure we are equal.
Meaning you didn't see you yourself wrong.
That is how interesting one of us, its me pushing it, I exist forever, without telling you how bad that screw up means, every day I proven I exist and you don't.
- A lot of the girls are inept.
- A lot of the guys have to be staring at the jobs.
I am a girl. If that guy is truely bad, and I am truely showing you the teeth. I can make your life truely hell not just right now, very lightly touching things warning you at all.
I give a lot of the people having absolutely no excuse in one second of the fantasy. You imagine everyone does my job with or without the tear behind. Like I really care about it.
That's called the decency....because I may not be a girl at all. That future potential. If you would have met someone is the girly and wants a lot of the things. This world is collapse on one her. She is a girl, you imagine you getting your hell life right in front of you, if she is not me.
If Nicky and Kian changes their appearance?
I don't care if they change their appearance !!!!
I don't really think all my life when I grew up, I have a lot of the spare time in hands. Whatever you do in a quiet house in America, and not participating any student activities with other kids. If you seeing more human, you won't feel like the way you feeling it?
With the human, most in our world today, its not on the spirituality anymore. Their mind is very very floating to the attention all around them. So in America, its the height, the family background, or among the guys, they have the friends of their own. You cannot cut through that. The white guys world, or the white girls circle. Same.
I got too many things I try to withdraw out of it, I cannot, or else I would, correct. I am not any of you to imagine a lot of the human coming near, you saying the guys or the girls, really.
But a person like you, if you could reach your brain IQ, that space is very very freedom to this society you built up. You will find your own heaven inside that crowd, and you can all live on that.
You trust the human.
I don't trust any of them, to be unfortunate. My life background is like that. Everything I have to correct it, in order to get what I want. Technically all of this, there is not one thing I want from the initial point. I move through things, because its on the TV. You got no other way doing it, or saying it. Try to imagine you will get to that decency, you saying that is which side of the coin you care, or you say you don't care. Things can be in any direction happening, and inside your heart, you know what that is.
My nap time.
482 餘震,我其實還是有點昏,在震的時候,躺著或是坐在椅子上,我只要一開始搖,我還是覺得我是昏的,我以為是說我這十年一直都是這種昏昏的。
我媽說她也會,她覺得她的頭是昏 !
嘿~那就不是我的問題,是地震的問題 !
還有我頭上受傷,是我在清地板,很髒 ~我滑到在那種清潔劑我在等的地板上,我衝出去看電視的關係,我現在只有在洗我的拖鞋!
Zawanna 是說很嚴重,因為我以前沒有傷到 (庫洛魔法使的頭後面都是星星)
現在已經沒有再外傷痛,我問他裡面,可能還有個什麼淤在那邊的,在等幾個禮拜大概吧 ~他把我罵一頓!
Babaji: Go
Technically, I am = God, they offering for me. You know what's happening right now?
Kingdom garden you all, per step, per talk, per English speaking. I am from Taiwan, they are from Ireland. Someone gonna do all things to you all, or you all game over long time ago.
Every situation its you use your brain to try to tell me you analyze the situation correctly, or you blaming on someone else, looking at the right thing like Obama? That is Liz. He has some guards or Washington D.C. Tell me his mouth says, I tell you where he ends up long time ago.....
And tell me why the guards know? No, you don't know what is the thing the guard knows. There are a lot of that going on right now. Every groups of the guarding looking at that center of the attention.
Right now.
I didn't say. The public citizen, I don't really know, how they react. But the guards group would be the most immediate. I think. Their comment would be: He has a reason staring at which blonde.
Explain to me, what do they the guards say?
The guards know what is Washington D.C or not? Yes?! YES.
The guards know what is a president's job on his desk and their jobs? Yes? YES.
What is the president's job he claims to be in front of him?
My photo never works on those human's brain.
Just Westlife
The birds say left, my IPad....oh ~ I would think you care about those president human, that is Liz getting near. Taiwan so small on the map, no one will ever see me near which building structure. You have to be there be and whom inside a photo. 40 years never show up, I never exist.
Try to listen on that eternity says.....someone my name. But for now...its all they need you, they need the water statues. But you and your brother is not a thing. You think Liz will be a very real thing....he needs.
Your England Parliment doesn't give me a choice. I pick the least things to do, I am telling you. What is that 25 years on means.
Your brother gone to sleep, just you and Meghan?
What is this Westlife so important ? I don't need the glasses, IPad too. I just open it. The big Ipad the very beginning that big Ipad. They are the musician on the stage, doing the public singing jobs. And? On tour, that is what I mean.
Westlife - Where We Belong?
You mean you, or that Peyton, or you looking at your dad with your brother? Not about this Nicky is mine, and I am not your dad? I never know your dad. Never. Feel better?
You talking about the Westlife, or your dad, or you 2 kids? He knows he has only you 2 as his kids? That saying? He doesn't care about you that kind? He has the things he can do, and he has the things he has to watch himself to do. But you both are his kids. You want to say your dad is a psycho, didn't educate to grow up, can provide you both, do on purpose to hurt you, that kind?
Of course, not.
Your brother has a gigantic issue. I already say, that England Parliament or American Congress they do on purpose, in 25 years, everyone eats that down. I am on my way to Ireland, I do on purpose I didn't even try. You have no human on the peripheral. I hang to die, those kind?
In 25 years, they will tell me, I should just hang myself to die. I already told you, I am toooooo tired to explain every step. Shut up. I used to doing more things than I EVER talk about it.
Inside this video, would be your grandmom, not sure which one, or her dad. You mean Westlife as the boyband, or you all inside to imagine to talk? You have to tell me the importance of it. You move the timeline wishing that story ends on the monitor, that doesn't mean whom gonna do that job. Are you doing that job? You want to try to do any one job, to then look at the TV, that is the Westlife 90s boyband, or someone like me, has to carry every job. I cannot even TALK.
Its how they look, how they used to be thin, or your entire family blood line means to you? At least these are not Ella Enchanted with the cup cake guy. Its the video they fade the color out?
(Look at you)You want to talk to your father, you don't need Anna next time to talk, or anything something in you, you want to say. You say to him.
No, I am not your father's kid, of course not.
I would imagine you say the be honest all this thing if you all keep doing these where that 25 years to the future. You want to imagine putting another kid on, looks similar to me, and starting her day 1 jobs to day 7. That conversation might sound a lot more genuine and correct for our age.
No one is blaming on things you can do or you cannot do. Not your father, not your father already in this on since 30 years ago Intern 30 years, or that would be 28 years...he has the real job now for the family business. A lot of people have to move in their own family business. He knows that, or you tell me that. Did he know that? At his age, at his time?
So this is all your time. You have the freedom to do anything you want. The office is raining....
So why did the birds say Ronan? Westlife is not Ronan....this is a MV with the photo and the songs. It related to everyone, not just you guys? You mean me?! Me and whom in it?
You mean they look great when they were younger, or you used to know them too in the 90s? How nice ~ you have the album, your brother too? One thing to keep in that Baby Boss movie. No, he imagines that. Someone touching his stuffs. No. No one touches his stuffs. No.
I haven't met them, why don't you tell me what you think of them?
I have my chair and my desk. In this side of the world, if you putting a camera how to flying from Ireland to England, down down to where Taiwan is, its TOOO far away, the world atmosphere is totally different. The people's mentality different, the lifestyle different, and cross a giant sea to California, your side. Sunshine California, Pina Colada American military is on those beach.
Your brother has an album cover, means its their music, or someone else cover album.
That pamphlet with the lyrics in it? Copyright (c) in it? That pamphlet. So its the lyrics?
No, Shane he made it up all that entire stuffs. He watches the movies, and imagine things in his head, I just say, they don't even watched the comedy on music, from Hugh Grant those movies. They watch the boy's movie to imagine the lyrics. Not the romance or the comedy to write the lyrics.
Correct, I am very sure that is what Shane did. They don't imagine BTX those, the American movies from Hollywood, they are from Ireland. They learn English very early on I can see. They talk fluent on the public stage even. With a microphone.
( and why is your heart sink? )
TV is not the only thing in life, when you close it. Really. When you being decompose anywhere, its worsen. Imagine I used to be in UB. I stare at my own UB Facebook? I don't even think I know how to use that, considering how many friends I put on it. Its to go in and look. If I have done that, it might be serve myself some purpose right now, I can repeat everything from what I see. The problem is....I never saw it.
Your house is where those newspaper put the image, the external look? SMCH used to do that on her French staying house, far away from it all. Amora.
Those things you have to take care of it.
You have to stare at it every morning when I finally get rid of the humanity away from my PC. Its the sun so bright and shining, and these things.....anywhere in front of me anywhere.
The door knob, the trash can bags, the car service date the guys doing that.
The garage, the garage door, or the light, or every neighbor their house, just look with your eyes, walking, or we together walking. Their house number, their roof, their windows, their....display anything the eyes can see.
You built up yourself strong, internal, and external these needie greedie things that annoys you, or you never done so outside the palace life. You built your character.
I don't really know how long I have to keep laying it down, and close my eyes and sleep, but I rest. I used to do a lot of the things because I rent. Everyone has a lot of things to take care of it. Every house. Yours are big.
The birds say gigigigigigi....jealous? Something back and forth.
BURNT (2015)
I know a lot of the movies, you built up your life like you intended, its best for you. It may not have a future seeing that, because no one needs that, but you prepare the process in it, because you understand that.
The habitual living is a routine you build up. You may not alcohol your door knob, but once you start hearing at it, you do it one day, you do it two days, you do it next week. That kind of the habitual thing its one thing you pick up another thing. You have no other ways doing it.
When Nicky and Kian we be together, we figure it all that out. I watch them. They say what I do what. I usually mind my own habitual things, then go and lecturing on them. Unless its really bad, I tell them. I hardly doubt that.
No, I don't think its with Ronan in it. They look like. Kian and Nicky. Or Nicky and Kian.
You think you look like that Harry Potter guy ?
Inside you look like, right. You are a lot mild looking then your current photo on the news. You wither, or you not sure about a lot of the things. You just go along, not thinking much.
You know when people putting that 3 people together, that is screaming on every side? None of you knowing what you doing inside your real life. If you are like Zawanna, or Kail those or Chasez Military those could make yourself a bimbo over there all around. Everyone needs a hand in every place there, because you be there, you got nothing else to do. You think they know what they are doing in life?
They got the height, got the chore, got the home, got the place or career or the profession. I am a girl I cannot be in anywhere, but you are a taller guy.
They finding a friend next by them. 2 taller guy walking, nothing to do in life.
Sit down, come in and eat. Meghan?
You try to understand that part, or you wish me to explain to you every step parts too?
When you close here, you will get sluggish, your spirit, or your routine, or staring at those house wall. Just look at it, you are not up to it. When you close here.
I know. You didn't get that strength, a lot of people will face that. I can only trick them to go closing, and everyone will get drop alone that day on, because they all becoming very very very sluggish without the outside force. They don't feel it anymore....why they should wash the door knob, or washing the sheets anymore. They are expecting something, so they feel they try, or they go along. For the next pry on things. But inside their real life, they cannot hold up that life.
When these real people coming it down, that is whom they are. There is the strength in them.
You and them becoming conscious doing it, like Eben and Craig is better. On the routine inside their real life, they carry that on their own. They know that process, or they teach people 20 years that process, they understand that every details. Your brother's movie. I understand that, but he doesn't need that life, not that kind.
On the individual life, they both have the strength and professionalism saying what that is. Meaning they built up their internal, a certain thing is no and no. They have to make it through. They both arrive that.
They are not arriving some other things, that is inside their brain, that is they are not those 90s people, of course not. They were the new kids on the block. But on the routine wise, everyone can look at them, or including lean on them. They know the words, they know the vocabulary, and what to tell you, to help you build up that life. Including they stay there 3 weeks, on any human. Build up that routine, they can.
You have to start it. On your own willingness. Its better that way. You put up your initiative on your own.
You are all both young, so you imagine teaching each other, or doing things for each other. Right.
- The water
- The temperature, a blanket
- A lunch box, a snack bar prepared
- Napkin
- Table cloth
- Fork or Spoon like you done it thousand times.
None of them understand what that is, and for the new age world, people need to make it their profession, so without it is also fine. You got lucky to keep one relationship, some people never have a relationship. They cannot afford it.
Go to rest, I have to do something in the kitchen, and watch the news. Wash my hands, wash things, lay down rest a bit, and then 10:45. I have 20 mins.
Prince Harry and Meghan 哈利王子跟梅根
You want me to set up your short cut on your Google Chrome browser? You lost everything, you call your personal staffs in England?
Do you want me to show you how to clean your keyboard, and Meghan's keyboard, cotton bar, per step, you seeing how dirty that is, and alcohol wipe, just until that finished, your keys on the keyboard. Or including your car key, or your door knob?
When you are the same age to meet, you will get on each other's nerves. Correct. If you lost your personal staffs, you get worse, there is no food every few hours if you seeing something on the kitchen, psychologically, they won't even think about the food, its at their desk next by. The tea on the tray, the water on the tray, the warm bottle fill up, they just staring at on their computer. Whatever it is on their PC.
You both are hungry, or dehydrated, or need to go to the bathroom, or running in and out, you will get on each other's nerves. And you looking at your facebook, or she looks at hers. Your heart, mind, soul, its not at that Thor, we both know that. He Thor or me. Or your father.....
Okay, I see the news, you got annoyed?
You and your brother's life needs to separate. You know that or he knows that. He cannot go and controlling you and Meghan in America life. You miss home, but you need to establish everything new in America. The friend, the social circle, the independence, your father just deal with one your brother.
No, he doesn't need your help.
You are a nice, and polite kid when you grow up, or you both are groofy type, or bossing type, or want to control something. You have a family background, so your father hears that every time he pale his faces. He cannot keep lasting that kind of the jobs, he has his own throne to stare, or move your brother correctly until he die.
Not this your brother moving you with his eye sight, or that Meghan, or that Middleton.
You both got clear?
He cannot just plot you all 3, he can plot his entire mansion and that England Parliament, his own size, other than you 3. You are all nice kids, with some manner. JUST NOT in front of him, better. If he left out and exactly looking like those 2 otters, its the perfect start.
With one dad.
When he realizes he will have the real jobs, or when he finishes to unleash at you 3....he realize there is one human sitting on the throne, when he will moving the stairs up, or keep moving til reaching him.
Until then, you seeing these things on the news.
You want me to talk to Meghan?
The definition of the groofy means, its not turn around and wolf bites you, you ever heard those American slang, its not in the English, its on Wallace's TV or Dean's movie. I assuming you have the kids, not one incident.
Everyone re-align, to only when that otters 2 of them keep airing that none stop....until one human face one human, exactly like that Mummies (2023). I don't care how you all moving on your free will or goodness, or communication behind.
Move it until that one frame correct.
1 to 1.
No one else. That job is a permanent job.
No one begging him to have that one job, he needs to understand that, or he imagine something should know that better.
I am not you, I don't need your help.
Everyone thinking this is funny enough...I will tell you how funny this will end and get.
Every one last human race.
My patience is at zero......really. Tell me a correct Mummies 1999 scene. One scene only.
I want to see 8 billion people stab one that one body, one night jobs. You cannot die, just keep stabbing on it.
None of you will ever have those love.
I promise you all that, what is the reality, what is the fantasy.
We keep clapping and funny tale. I am telling you, telling the jokes of the world is a very humility jobs. Someone could keep act on it. How long the eternity we wait on every 20 years election. one cares one forever, one eternity...its spinning around cute, like your brother.
That comic book, with the flower crown on Top.... ( Your father scream) You all have a position?
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I tell you how the groofy looks. Big eyes, one huge wind slam the door. Feel it? Not enough I will tell you both door, one left side, one right side.
+ the dad.
You have so many human...remember....its because they need you when you have it...this life. This eternity belongs to me, not that I remind you, or your grandmom at all.
I tell you how Evict this words mean with all things on the screen everywhere......or how do you say groofy and 1900 since on, every Eternal Factors. I written that down. UB has too greater success of the first generation to the second. In any means, someone willing to be hand coff prison held like SMCH greed for money, that is the journalist term. You think Ronan knows that word? Its in Chinese the journalism words here. Tell me, between a trespassing the Master of the 3 worlds to these one barrier of Pixie 3 Worlds King's jobs, difference?
===================== 3 =====================
I am asking you difference between the 5th and the 3rd..not 5th and the 4th......
5 3....
You can do it consciously, or you can pretend that greater wealth of the responsibility was a joke of the End World means the romance of a rose putting the stem on the lip. Looking great in the swimming pool.....
No one has the eyes to beg on these service with the kneel floor meant. One life time your Eon evolution, you willing.....
Setting a boggy traps ....not understand the words? That is the 3rd or the 5th? You are never part of it? Why not? What is a boggy traps, Simon in the wood Pitch Perfect Boot Camp? Too fat to fallen?
When the free will too much time to spend, other than knowing the things behind all things think anyone pretend to hear, or pretend to sit in? Really?
Someone humility running ever heard about it, anyway?
Everything Tina Jojo so capable about it ...she never changed.
Why, would, anyone, saying, that?
You see, she never trains a disipcle. That is karma, but she has so much the medical bill, is that the secret between us? That is funny, isn't it......The TV is one thing air, Melinda. Interesting. She says she carried the world load....shi.
So many secrets, so many unsure....its the humanity 100 years pass....shi.
That eternity remains in my only hand. Funny? Right?
A lot of their you all reading each other speech draft.
"We welcome the new excellent works of the new comer their future graduate or the Post Doc works, we give them the award today as we speak of our technology trending."
I just wrote you all a piece of paper.
What is Trump, Biden, or used to be Obama's their real competition? UB SA president? He has to start at ..... SA president election. All these student activities, how do you trespassing, you imagine its the women sleek making the social talk like the novel? Those are the description, and you meant every man sleeping around those.
Your brother has a boss, imagined?
Or his dad has an imagination too....right?
Groofy makes the kids good, so then that Sand of Time, on Meghan doesn't look like a movie I will tell you. On the wealth, you never really need a mouthful jobs. Its only those politician, imagine the Congress, those ....require the SA skills. None of that were your built up, you think your dad and me knowing that. Or you want to rehearsal together a boggy trap.
Me and your dad.
"They are not born or built on that."
Sound like?
Talking to you every step, or thinking for you every thought thread, none of that is the original, but someone is doing it, isn't it? That sounds funny?
Is that the same like Nicky?
Isn't that same with me, you mean?
ROC or PM.....right. I wasn't sure they have the nerve doing that, or someone they getting thread when they were younger, because usually when PM talks, there is a reason on the PM side. I know what that is.
Except.....anything else after.
Same is your grandmom to your dad. Same is your dad to his son. What is that? I cannot hear you?
You dare to put your hands in, they let you chasez, and? You will manage all of it til they need you and die.
oh ~~ so that is the groofy means? You all never think those novel things, then what you are reading or seeing these TV monitor on movies? They fill up the movies nothing but the game and the plots, isn't that what we are doing, everyone sits in and watch?
I pretend there are 194 countries, so we all together watching the movies, learn and grow old whenever these Westlife show up, so that is what we talk about it. You 2 close gate. I would think you 2 also prepare your lovely love to the D.C, one of those political things you love, or you move in to love what things in there.
????? ???
No, I don't really know, but I support all of you going there. Until one of you explains to me, what is the thing inside that democratic, real love? So I say Real Love, I found out. The dining table in the D.C. When I found out, I tell you. I probably meant more for the ladies.
Commander-in-chef...I think on Earth, its your president in 194 countries, except....I always have an impression that is not outside for some reason, maybe because too many commander, and the military iconic next by its their PM. Zawanna's sunshine worlds. He stays on the ground. I have no idea whom or what is the commander-in-chef, I make myself brand new, whom care?
But if this is one of those only on technical aspect of using a mechanical force expert like ....mechanics.
That is not the Congressman inside any Congress.
There is a difference. The negotiation they put those beautiful handicap face, either they die on the ship anyway, or they repeat every word behind like my mother, those handicap does. No one requires a brain when they on the TV screen. I try to believe that outside, or I am still evaluating...but outside you just die no matter what, so they got prisoners on the jobs. Once of the lifetime mel-practice on medicine, its their long thousand years on the police records, just like that SMCH. Its long as you live.
American military I don't even bother saying it.
So believe it.....will save you a lot of the heart ache. So many things can flip the whole world, they are not coming it down, I do exactly I meant 120 years, we re-start a perfect Ella Enchanted, and every Flower Thousand Bone.
You bet, they say yes, or no.
The groofy on the history saying, the eternity and forever.....its very cute.
The life can be that complicated to eat, to breath, to drink....
Didn't I say, we just retired, live, breath, and eat? Me and Nicky Kian. Did I say anything else?
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