⭐ You know because if my mother is in....things like they have in this kinds of the discussion.
⭐ Haisey, I know whom she is. And this VS Chainsmoker, that pair? She is a longer hair, a different girl pair up.
⭐ Haisey Crown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk0xkd8qs9I
You know, sometimes you keep this kind of the maintenance program like kept going to the chiropractor, and this you don't know the cranial fluid is around the vision center. The people whom done this regularly never say, they feeling it that day, or in that 10 weeks session, they have someone to keep talking about it ....its that, within some of these "keep going" the session, and keep hydrate, to keep hygienic, to keep the bowl movement opens, the diets, the breathing, the exercise.
You have one day when you wake up, of that for the rest of your life, that reality cannot be alter back. You all thought of the things like that?
People have done these kinds of the things will know about that the most?
You have this dynamic learning right now, each person having their own video and the transcription to read about, or finding out some other things about they themselves. Its about to get to know themselves better.
You have thousands doctors you know on the field, so if they hear about the lymph, or the cranial fluid, every country has the reference, or the literacy, or the vision center to where how these things operates with the experience, so someone finds out.
The hydration, or keep your 4 hands/ feet warm, because I am a women.
You keep your immune system strong in the winter, or the circulation better by stretching and exercising and to keep the diets clear.
You talk about every issue to your family doctors, and sometimes venting out, it helps you.
No, I don't think they like any of those entity, that literally in front of them, scared them, screaming, or roaring all that. I don't think its like those Abrigil video on crying, but those frighten feeling its driven their adrenal, or the kidney working a lot in fear. If they can move all those seen to them, or at them, or something just a little bit bolt and knots a time, and working out some of those they know their life, how far they carry their own diagnosis and the treatment.
You all finding yourself to succeed one thing at a time. You talk to the physician, you talk to the chiropractor, they are all licensed doctors, or the psychiatrist, a lot of the mind boggling you don't feel good, and they have many ways how to handle those situation better.
You give yourself 6 months every time, you done more than enough throughout the whole year at the beginning of the year, the last year. And someone will catch up where you are in 1 year, you don't rush yourself when you undergo some of these physical adjustment in fire. It fires up your nerves, your spinal cord of every tension, or you adjust your head and the fluid or the space.
The doctor helps you to relax more. You don't feel as much, or you fall asleep, or you wake up...and you forgot and the things are done.
You don't be gentle to yourself, so you thought an instant make over your brain chemistry, its not like that. Be a lot more slower and gentle your recovery path road.
If the things disappear one by one, that's good ! No, I never heard or knowing anything anymore. I was hanging on the cliff, that was very very very bad, and this panda hang themselves.
You are not moving ....
That is not a secrecy to keep, you know ! You talk out loud to every human to listen, and they all prayer to kill those demonic, like any superstitious belief. True.
You write it down, and you re-write, and ligible until you can read it out loud in your room.
You want to work around your bed, WHEN?
In the medical world, things be done has to be 100%, so that is the treatment, you know...how you profit on yourself, right? It has to be 100% be clear. I told you forget about it all of that, and just rest, relax, and sleep.....your father figure it out all your future in the future. You just rest, and breath, and not those writing other than your feeling, or your diary, your hate, or your fear, or you frighten, or whom did you call today....all of that.
Not on those profit. Relax, and keep yourself happy ~~
You just say "I hate to tell you this ....."
"I thought to really move my bed and maybe just be honest to tell you 1) 2) 3) 4) 5). No more games no more plays, I cannot take it myself, I got too many fear in myself. I am afraid it gonna gone back to where those sensation again. Talking to the doctor, you think? "
These otters with the orange dinosaur, the green towel
VS Harry Style, is that the same song, the T Rex....that is the dinasour name, not the "Get it On", that is "Angel"?
Did they do anything to you?
Our winter finished......soon. oh ~ the spring, I remember it now.
You worried about anything that your father is not there anymore? Isn't he just got the cancer, but still present before you, and you comprehend you run your own kids' life all by yourself, those kinds? Or Hugh, or Hugh's father? And the other rest of your family relative, or the Duke name similar like you, those?
Or the Mummies (2023), your father just has to admit every turn of his life ....Its him one human keep walking, he learns that ?!
Then he might be lonely, if me and Shane got bar down this W two worlds, its the 2 Worlds Galaxy apart, because in my timeline, it was 25 years gone by, and one nick, one my mother, and they screw it up all these align up saying they are not normal in this one lifetime....whichever circumstance to ruin, and then Jesus gonna show up, you think I will hear about this?
Meaning, your father will be more alone, or lonely, he got to walk on his own, when 2 random human left him, he got 8 billions new soul on his own.
You're Not Alone, these cute dogs and the baby...
You want to just quit about this religious side of anything. You get well, and you wish your family get well, and ready to receive your family come back, and someone sorting this from the Earth or the Heaven stand points of view.
And your real jobs are those PowerPoint slide, at the business side, you remember that?
You sleep better, or you still sorting 1 figure or image inside, and you keep your diary. You want to sleep fully 4 to 6 hours straight and then 8 hours or the napping. You get your physical strength back. You still had the same gala jobs, the business assort in that smaller room to participate with everyone all around - that jobs are your jobs, you know that?!
Do I get those jobs?
No. Its you listening to them, and now your hearing can be better if you working on another year. All these noise gets to you, you pick it up those meeting when they tell you to go forth.
I think that is your real jobs. You comprehend what they say, and you get to work on 1 month, when you get rid of the most noise, or still some sparsely anything, you make sure all of that disappear, and then you go back to your real jobs.
I think that is 1 room, your only job. Get that right.
You don't think that is your only job? I think that one is your only aim jobs to be really perfect for some reason.