
The snack boxes (fresh chocolate)


Definitely...NOT. That 1, you see, you need to drink down 2 cups of the water, and brush your back teeth immediately. Rinse the entire mouth and the teeth.....

Some people can sit home, you probably meant the Maryland? If were? Or Washington DC those? NEVER that 1 house you got sad, and you literally purchase one holiday whole package those things, and just keep snack on? No!!!  1 ...I don't think you die on it, those FDA....I tell you, the sugar rush you put that in your blood stream to your brain, some people really doing that !!! That is a lot of the weight, and its very dangerous I think. 




I have never seen the creme. Its called 可麗餅, There is another kinds smaller, thinner, with the banana, probably its the Thailand, I ate it. I was still vegan / vegetarian....the night market here. I don't eat any creme, those are the foam "creme"?

Something going on, I have no idea. This is Keith?! Them looking? Cooking the guy's meal.


I seeing these things.....they are not supposed to get fat, later in the year, right? 

I ....kinda sleeping through, thought about it. The chips bags, the cheese, the diary..you mean, and these chocolate, they are not watching those Home Alone movie, the real ghost movie, and put those things inside their mouth, and the alcohol, and the coffee. I blink my eyes, they doing nothing but wearing those eye glasses, I seen 5 all at the same time, in a different angle. My internal often screamed. 

They eat the chips. I think I quit on the chips and the nuts. My jaws line....and my faces, and the weight. And I will lose the weight when the time comes....

I am looking at the strange things....Sailor ....Moon ( side way), when the jem stones are collected. ( in a very strange langauge, not Japanese, not English )

Is this thing so important? That Ella Enchanted maps....I understand it now. No, I google it. The first link was the North Carolina.

You don't rehearsal how to....get to where? Texas. This court room with them are yelling back and forth. They ....doing this kinda of things. None of you rehearsal anyway?

Look, listen, think...you don't need to stare at the judge, you can just hear him or her from the higher top, and blank your eyes sight out, and reply, after you thought about the next 5 second, or you turn your head to think, and then reply to the judge slowly in English.


Correct, I say per word, per sentence, per statement, starting....20 years ago, the 1st show up.

At first time? Once?

Yes, yes.

You will prepare the perfect everything on the first meeting to enter the court room?

Of course.

You guys all love Japan, so you speaking the Japanese, or learning something from the course lessons? 

Do shi nuh... = what is that.

na ni = what na?   The expression as the local Japanese, you expression your !!! surprising, astrophy?! Co ni gi wa, like the Japanese is very very polite.

Da mei na yo = cannot do, the car won't start, cannot. already try so many times.

Like you know you don't just speak one sentence, you want to live among them, to becoming like them, right? Between the friends, you talk polite, or even you as the girl or as the guy, being polite in those language exchange?! 

So much about this Sailor Moon.....

oh BTX episode 3....that is so bloody, how I remembered it. You seeing so many guys, and all those implied saying. Someone will fist up for a fight, so many of these, and the girls are on those Sailor Moon side, or some comic book, or the novel if not without - that is.....you know what you are doing?!

I don't take very well with any TV, I don't watch it, I don't even seeing the human that....so many of this implication. You all loving to every human crowd.

If you seeing your friends each and everyone dying out....is that compensation to you? Those UB friends? (Sailor Moon) Does that affecting us on file-ing, because your side is real?


I have seen worse than that....

uh, everyone usually just free will to entry / enter to the court room. I personally don't know anything about that. You have to ask the lawyer or the judge.

You are in the real city life, not me. Don't think about those scene. You mean I die so many times those....you go to where the human at. What if you becoming like me, you eating these things down? 


I am just resting. Usually the judge doesn't ask me those thing, or I didn't arrive to the court, those conversation only if the judge seeing me and ask me. I just rest. I coming out of the black water....there is a lot of those things the real space and time. The birds wake me up, it was 2020 / 2021 they calling me, I start to hear them. I never heard them before.

" I imagine if the judge asking me.....so many this scene !!! "

oh, right ! You as the girls those warrior cartoon, those are the cartoon animated TV. 

No, I have my mother talking to me, the siblings I checked it, or some UB face, not all gone, not a literal saying. The city is functioning, I check all the things, all the place, I check it.

"How do you make the judge asking you, all that?"

Definitely not. I am not you. Certainly, never ever. I am not any of you, of course not. 

I like some of these songs. You can hear the songs, just not the literal.....you talking about the court room serious paperworks and talk to the lawyer to represent you, not you represent you yourself, or this would be the entire classify worlds against....the SHADOWs, like BTX, ..the central? All that....anything all that?

I am not sure. You are not supposed to put on the songs. But I check it, it shouldn't be about that. You trust your lawyers, or you trust which government, America? Which side of the America coins? Maybe you imagine a certain thing, or some fame name. That is the whole Cosmo, not local.

I think the first year is the hardest.....2021-2024 its almost complete, some people can pick up all that. But before that, I am not sure I publicly tell people....

1) Get your every single words / thoughts / saying very very clear, lucid, you are against the AI or the accuracy of your own memory.  2) I had a per spoonful, per bill, per hotel, when I was running away.  3) That was 24 hours since 2014. This part I didn't really say, until 2023 resting away, to get through Westlife the commander says in 2022 Summer, I think. I remember still. I had those 3 arguments got stuck. I cannot move anymore and I don't know why. 

And you cannot file these?

I think we are in the modern world fine. Just me one person issue, I am not sure. The court room is the intellectual debate. These things....its to go to the police station. They are the human. Kidding me, I cannot do that.

But how do you say that in the court room?

You mean venting? 

I want to go to sleep. I have never discuss this with the people, and you all....have so many community around supporting your causes, that is not related to me, right? 

Its an intellectual debate. Per word, correct before you talk. 


我們家以前有沒有看過結婚,就是誰誰誰? 你回來台灣有見過人嗎 ?

沒 ! 


我們這邊都家庭破裂很久了 ~ 真的誰記得,你們說剛剛的電影,不可能是我們 ! 我有在想,緹娜可能常常看到死人 ...不應該這樣講,但是這些電影有講到 ...不只你們認為戀愛吧 ?! 

所以你們家是你常常沒看到人,提娜常常看到死人? 有報警嗎 ?

我可能講過,對 ! 類似 !


以前? 蛇 ! 黑蛇白蛇


沒 !


阿嬤 ! 鬼,喔! 小鳥他們可以。


他八字很危險 ! 以前,我們小孩的時候會記得一些事情講迷信 ~~但是後來剛好不存在,很久沒有存在,這些人 ...我知道妳們中文在講什麼,你們這是在收證,新聞不見得是整個證據,是你們可以查到才是證據,人看新聞可以知道的事情。


還沒回來,還沒 ! 再跑,我也不知道我在跑什麼 ...


應該是找那種正常爸媽和諧呀 ! 社會安定、寵物乖巧,起來,坐下,不是我這種叫他們閉嘴那種情況,真的在陽台吵起來,人跟鳥吵架,你們見過的意思...不可能。

在下大雨 ...應該不是在講我們吧 ?! 不是真的那種樓下幻想? 是講亞洲人,樓下? 絕對不是英國,但是..亞洲男孩子? 講中文的,應該不是在講你們新聞這些事情吧 ~ 我們在弄國外的事情很久了 ! 應該是有社交的,吃飯局那種,亞洲有...哪種? 美國我知道,學生會的時候,或是其他社團有老人聚會的 (美少女戰士 ~~剛好那種情節,好朋友跟 Ancient Chasez 跳舞,是我跳的~跟 CAC 在幫助老人吃社交團體 UB 的舞會,剛好在前面,有一個老人跟我跳 ! 轉圈圈 ! )


對 ! 

你有見過亞洲人再一起嗎 ?

我室友 ! 她們每一個都有再一起,我在研究所的時候 !


我見過的亞洲人就是瀅玉呀 ! 好朋友的那個位置,她在美國,台中來的 !


喔~ 那種,絕對... 不可能,如果不是室友,我有沒有講過中文我都不確定 ! 

你寫過中文嗎 ?



對 !

我還沒看完電影 ...(我看了一下新聞)

Watching the movie: Ella Enchanted

The uncle, snake and the prince in the cartridge talking. (At the beginning), and then the fan club, that scene.

(The news, the typhoon and the global warming in Europe is also very very bad)

Now, I realize what.....

You all Prince England, or the England King for your sons...to THIS movie?! 

THAT ~~~inside, those things? For a blind date or match-maker, those things? I just realize something because MY family will never be, not Square, and not Wendy too short. But THOSE....in America that side has the perfect daddy, those...except us. The perfect family, that father and the kids, or the mother's social circle those Asian supposed to be worldly known between they themselves, even Nancy Meyer those, I remember now, 2014. The normal family of those background checks !

Not those thousand pieces gone family, not us, not Square. Tina's near by keep dying people for some reasons. She keeps seeing the people dead.

  • The stable home
  • The stable marriage, 1st marriage or the 2nd marriage.
  • Like Lauren those....oh !!! The healthy family parenting talk those. 
  • Lauren has the community all around, stable family those. The relative, the cousins...all that.
  • Adam Thanksgiving we gone to his father's house, the real thanksgiving with a lot of the near by family.
  • Those family has the W2, have a house to keep, a house room stuffs to keep like you all.
  • The school notebooks those, the boxes of the textbook in hidden safe.
  • The pet talk, the good sit and get up, those pets obedience.

It will never be my sky, those yelling back and forth !

I finally understand it...now.

Is that the Hero Save the Beauty story? 英雄救美 that story....don't believe everything like the ancient parable, sometimes the guys are bad, I am telling you. The security in the past. 


20 years ago, where I was....I even remembered this thing.

No, not lawful. Of course not.
20 years pass and expired? Yeah.
How the expires means? YES! (The birds say I have to put the words back. Erase, back back back)
Will the movie ever be a contract? ...No, definitely not. 

Will they got sue? Does it from me, or the public defend lawyers?

That side I don't know. My side.....its probably a very long time, and the movies or the TV are all expired and the people or the actors die already. I am not sure my side. It might be anyone else they go to that route, you go and join to go forth.

If I start to file, I ask that for everyone, right. Just not right now.

It will only be the water property reason, you say? YES, but I can tell....something spinning the reality around. I can see. But on the physical worlds side, most guys never care about the love to say really sex, or the really social to love, all that.....I think. Probably just care about the property I will always say. You get your heart beat up once, you are no longer you. Not those things.

How to fix it, if were imagined to fix it?

Scoop the entire Earth below up, throw in the space junks all out, put all the new lands soil in, and....re-make, contact the public water from the government. 

Brand new?

.... YES ! 

So that is very very bad?


So if, I say if.....my wife, or near by really be together those?

It will never be Laura, Lauren, me, anyone implies to get the invitation. We never even meet to say a kiss those a talk. Never through a movie.

To throw the debts at?

Of course not.

Or else the movie industry got sue?

Of course, they get bankrupt first before we get a mail notice we were in the movie, that is the correct procedure. 

My son, he is not really going to....

When you are dead, you dead. The expiration dates just means you free, be the mermaid those uncared legend myth. How long can you carry those duty on the shoulder loads. Someone else will watch him.

No, I mean like I cared about these MASSIVE seasonal...

I know. Don't worry about it. Your son is your son. Everything you can do in one lifetime, its everything you give best for them. You did put that on their best well wishes.

That is a girl, that is not a guy, I mean.

How long you plan on living, his video succession is on waiting video, I did see it. You cannot control his whole life plan, every parents is just a parent, they leave, that is no longer valid afterwards. 

I think its that big tall Lauren, mix Laura, and the pumpkin lady, combine.  He will see himself as the pumpkin and she is like that lady. She will be a blonde, tall, a little bit weight like Connie, a long hair girl. Loud, giggling, and talkative. Loud.

Doing what?

Licking. Probably drink together.

Next movie: Dune Part 2

You want to say I am very sure?

I never seen the floor plan. But here is just 1, this small tiny square footage "apartment", this is not defined as the "house", or the "semi-deattach", its one unit of the whole building apartment. 

Others got taken out before you do?


You know that for sure?


And your record would be just 1, and that will not even be yours, right?

Correct. But if I have enough money, which this is a very small tiny thing for me. I can afford for my brother. 

If you own a company, are those employee subjected title to.....their commute to their home and come back those 9-5?

Not all at once, right. Its probably at the public hygienic spreading the disease, they doing that seriously on the laws side. Asia, they put the people in home to eat, to sleep, to work inside the apartment, so they relatively I think use the water a lot more.

Because the square footage is a lot smaller?


You 100% sure?

I think about 99% sure.

So if you own a practice, but you don't ....


Zawanna step his foot in the safety tank, those and...

Get on the Taipei metro subway right next by me. Rinse water not enough.

You believe that or?

That will be very very very bad.

The hair or the body wash?

They only cared about the overall water usage, they don't care to know that is real you washing it at your skin surface or anywhere else. I report honestly so I tell you that is the rinsing part everywhere. I had a long hair.

Your father doesn't sleep is waiting for this !!! (King)

William Arthur Philip Louis

He is a Russian, not the Adam (The first Russian democracy presidents, that Putin is from KKK? Is he? )

He is your height, because he is a Russian, they eat or produce the protato. He is a Russian, not your last name, Prince of Whale. He is a Russian not at USSR, but there was a cold war, AT HERE interface how you calculative understood, that WWII interface line after.....so after that there is a Vietnam war, William.

NS is that website domain name not to say Norweign, that is not Schengen Treaty or agreement among those "In Between" England and Russian, not those fingers islands.....those are the North Europe defines...where Nordic coming it down since Atlantis or Leumarian whichever version of the New Age tales says....

Schengen Agreement


FRIENDS, your Russ Piano, the facebook video up !!!

The second parts I seeing it, called there is the rat hanging themselves dying in the basement. Not the first video, thank God, my father sound prove the basement, William.


Pulling together the most reputable and official sources it could, website worldatlas.com has found that out of all countries on the planet, Sweden has the most islands with 267,570, the majority of which are uninhabited. Even the capital of Stockholm is built across a 14-island archipelago with more than 50 bridges.

What country has over 7000 islands?

Recent News. Philippines, island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago consisting of more than 7,000 islands and islets lying about 500 miles (800 km) off the coast of Vietnam. Manila is the capital, but nearby Quezon City is the country's most-populous city.

Your father has a servant .....and a mother.

What country has 13 000 islands?

Indonesia is the largest country made only of islands, with previous census identifying between 13,000 and 25,000 islands.

What country is made up of 6000 islands in Europe?
The islands are the main characteristic of Greece's morphology and an integral part of the country's culture across the ages. The country includes 6,000 islands and islets scattered in the Greek Seas, of which only 227 islands are inhabited.

How did Japan find 7000 islands?
The agency used advanced technology cross-referenced with past aerial photos to conduct the recount. The discovery is expected to raise the nation's number of islands, which is based on a 1987 Japan Coast Guard study, from 6,852 islands to 14,125, Kyodo News reported.

Catholic's concept - Purgatory. 
You realize....why she goes away first?

Because I don't have to rule the universes TODAY!
Your 2 other kids......William
Why is my voice sounds like ABC those girls? The Asian black hair....My accent sounds like ABC Asian black hair girls. Why I cannot have my photo here? Your brother?!

Its a ...quadrin of the universe. North up 2 rings.
Left side down, full of the darkness cloud. Its a bad universe problem in another Cosmo ball.
He cannot see it, so he asked me what to see. There is a bad darken universe problems a lot if people taken them off.

Above us, that is Britney's star. Lucky. They have a lot of the problems in the political too, when SMCH image is bad, they found out. Like our yesterday news all week here.

What is so off this Nicky?

Do you mean Kian, not Mably?! Its Mably !!? (The birds join the conversation), you know him ever? Every guy you don't like, it exists in every guy's world domain. All over the universes, they are all like your type of the thinking inside your head.

Shane is the main singer, Mark is the second singer. They are the meaning of the band.

Shane !!!

They are not making a song for me, they only make the songs between they themselves, and once again I remind you, their jobs are the musician. Meaning they are not you, they can jump on a traveling bag like that Hugh, flying in or the luggages in to their personal staffs assign hotel in Taipei with other occupation doctors, or the lawyers, or the white / blue collars. You on the other hands...you gain a new title, you stay with your military flag England ship in order to tele-communication between the nation flags, in every country in North Europe all side, or I expecting you doing here, from where?

Not that Okinawa? 

To China, To Taiwan, by where you can see on the map, or....by imagine Japan which one is the main island or they used to be the atomic bomb coming it down, not those Conan Detective ALL known characters we know, and you don't require to say too handsome or too gang up to each other's faces?

The musician doesn't need to have a look, doesn't need to be macho, doesn't need to be highly highly academia PHD. They need to have a music talent in the melody, in the music toning, or the rhyme, to get the pitch correctly. 

I am hungry...

Sorry Tina has so many problems, the gun bfs 1 2 , the dead doctor on vocation or his wife. Now her first lawyer to the Youtuber famous : The Chicken Plaque Younger Sister (the food), her lawyers was part of the Black Gang and the Scam groups lawyers. He licked out the Line text messages to the Scam groups upper. Its on the news now.

He represents Tina, something with Hank fights. Calling my mother....

My Line groups, its everyone knows whom are in it, Prince William, when you becoming the England King?

Yesterday I told Nicky I need to lay down, not feeling well. I told Shane, and I told Nicky I saw the otter. He is not well with all these animals jumping all around, and 2 nights ago, something I heard from outside, so I asking him if he feeling fine, tell Shane. I haven't calling them for a month. I didn't really talk to Kian, so I drop Nicky's phone about before Hugh he got married with Olivia.

That is what you asked me?

I feel like ~~~you all dating and dropping people whenever you all feel like on the weekend ! 

My Line App: The bone doctor replace that Eben position in Soft String (China TV), it overlaps. Not sure, one day I saw that. The rest are the parents, my uncle's wife and my mother, or my far away ropes on his neck, dad.

Not Tina and Pang?

We never had a life !

I had a Perfect next by me, sitting right next by me, the vertical side by side from the teacher's views. (Behind me is the window)

Me    |

him   |



The table is glued together. I forget it was him in the middle, or I was in the middle. 

All the award ceremony, we are in the same elementary school for 6 years. Never moved. 

Why is this Perfect so important? 

We had the award ceremony together, he is one of those Public Hygenic green teams starting which 3rd grades probably, he and his taller buddy friends are those whom holds the whistle and the blooms sticks (for the dry leaf), I always only get the mops, the bucket, and those wet stick....they get the dry claws ones for the dry leaf.

They were all the boy's friends to each other, they play the stairs and their bathroom between the guys. Like UB that SA union stairs. He is that Dragon Ball cartoon 七龍珠 looks alike when they becoming the Super 賽亞人.  超級賽亞人. He is the vet doctor associate professor.

In the sky outside the Earth, that will be another Perfect, I drew you the North America map.  What he supposes to be looking at it. 

You want to train someone looks like that when you will be in which age?

Or you are still too young, all you prince title at?  16 or 15 years old.

Why Shane not Mark, not Nicky ~~~

They can just die, if that means 1 Shane, that's it. They won't literally die, but....If they weren't the Westlife, or the Backstreet Boy.....you know how many worlds bands, other than all worlds tour bands? You know the difference? They starting at the night club like Square's mother, 1 solo artist. And ....anyway, everyone throws each other away has the money reason in it, that's the simple way saying it. 

Because Justin they were starting VERY young with Disney picks them and group them, all together when they coming it out. Why is your staffs hatred me for that underscore line?

The many bands, that is the correct English?

They are sorting your England bands, the last time proposal, you went out and finding them the looks, with the passport.....oh ! 

The world bands mean they gone up to the international stages as the world tour band. You don't imagine a band just make it becoming like that, not even the solo artist neither !!!

You know the female solo artists, they know how to present they themselves? So this will be true for the main singer of any boyband, you follow them, with many other boybands options and the other solo artists, as well? They each have to convince their record company, or the overall bracket top those managers, or they go through a process in order to becoming the known in the station or advertising throughout the worlds, I am guessing that is the record company's label or the deals.....how do you imagine whom go and get in where to make they themselves be seen? Shane or Nicky?

Of course its Shane, Brian, or that Cold Play the main singer. 

You know you are not young anymore .....

To the "man" like you, not as the "guy" like you, your age people dying out with or without the money, or the look, or your training people to grow up the next 5 years, they will all grow tall, even mine starting at the kingdom garden. 

You are looking around.

I am sitting down 2 people's meal, in front of Shane, what he eats, what his friends eat, and what I eat. 2 people live together, not 2 giant room separated.

You are managing that entire giant mansion + the seasonal all walls, the garden, the yard, is your dad burred anything underground like the wood swords in the Flower Thousand Bones?

You need to be on the top of it, all the time. You and your staffs or that is your kids when they grew up, be very attentive to all the details inside that space, and maybe your IT, or your security, or somewhere extent where you live at, London? That radius, of every people that you watch them a little bit, because you taken, that is their jobs, they must do.....but if you just be more cared about it, they are all the human selected to be THERE.

The food, the water, the necessity. The Christmas cheer spirits, the decoration. You asking them, you pass by them, you phone them, you line app them. All the papers or the mail something and all that....

The floor, the windows, the lights, the bills, the eco, then....you have those your every chamber upper or the lower House.

The MV doesn't sell. (my vision is the archived book).

You want to stop looking at the movies?

You can only be with 1 person, or 2. Literally make it that life.

Your life choice is just the house, the water pipe all utility stuffs.

Your family parents, and your kids and their kids.

How is your Riley? You got a min. Inelia Benz at 2014 Free Download Christmas, hurt me. About this Ashely and MK Olsen, you know their father declares bankruptcy that one....has a Psychi Assassins' book. Another side, right side, that look, is your best friends, William. And their Full House, Danny, their father dead on our television news here at 65 years old, too. I am not sure which things are real, and Chandler dead too.

I actually don't follow her anymore, but she used to have a reason coming forward and get near those classify, you can tell, none of them looking alike New Age, Bill Ryan, not Ryan Secrets. There is another Ryan Gosling. 

Guest ...ling

I heard, he is going back to England those flowers, wine like his father's in-room wine....pamp girls, party, spotlight life just like the Louis 16th and his wife.

But when he got back indoor, he pretends to be Eben, rigid looking to do things. That is the spider man.

He is shaking at his window side, and maybe the room is too cold. He has that conditioned, he talking to himself at the face almost glue at those giant big windows, when it rains. He can see from the outside and talking to himself.

Maybe you should just go with him somewhere to sit down, he pretends all his life. Just to see a doctor, not with the other you, the movie: 17. He William got very very nervous, not that look, but nervous inside.

The King has a servant, with some talks.

That one photo on the song, its the image he got charged with his ex wife died. That image lost to the whole newspaper cover front, he either got bankrupt, or he will learn one thing for the rest of his life, its nothing but the image put in front.

The birds remind me...

You bring Eben, Shane, and Mark in front of his room desk he sits down.

Shot Eben, shot Mark

He will say Ola.

Take him away. Shane puts on his desk.

LST, Simon is outside the wall climbing up, he was the one with the flashlight and the guards. Did he know that? and tell you?

L  is the wall   S is the rope    T is the rope hook on the back of the wall.

You know what it all means?

He is the guard for the walls? Part of the guards.

Those are the vision. Here is the paper works, page 3 The Loving the Silent Tear, KR = Obama = Simon, they are waiting their whole life time to climb that wall to be as the ***England Queen***, its hide and seek, or that is Nicolas Cage, every river find the exit land up a brand new gala party. That will be...Obama?

The boybands are the main singer number 1, the second singer number 2.

***The most important jobs*** they EVER EVER had, will be singing.

The actual melody remembered, and the rythm not off the pitch, and group to get on the stage, and washed and showered, and get ready to SING.

NOT avenger.

(The birds are NOT)

The song writing, the melody pitch perfect, make a pitch with a whistle or a toning, or an instrument, like Kian !!! The actual real talents in music. Anything but that avenger, its the music sheet, and creation of their album to sell sell sell. NOT AVENGER. 

( inhale my air )

There are a thousand degrees their managers will ALL be telling each of them, THEY ARE NOT the avenger, or revenging Queen Elizabeth the Second, the ship....whatever those name on label inside the movies. Their JOBS cannot MIS a tone AT ALL, not on the stage, not on the side tracks, that main melody is GONE.

That is their the ONLY JOB.

Their only job, or FOREVER this one lifetime, or the lifeline....IT WILL NEVER BE Lance Bass. Its the main singer !!!!!! Period !

You spend time rehearsal your public performance, THOSE are the investment money to ensure you talk through the microphone is a confident tone.

If you are not sure, and you care to ask, you have to find them why anything label to come out in the public sight, has a meaning you think, you thought, you reason....not speculate for ANY romance story. Some people don't care about the romance story, to say a blind date, or go on a date after the college year anymore. 

I have to get out the house, its our Asia weekend. Meaning....if you are still in Korea, or ready to go to Japan, and planning the whole week itinerary, THAT IS your jobs. 




Taipei is hot, you all staying indoor, and ready?!

You know your destination time, if you sleep, you rest, you drink those water + just the banana, its a boring 2 or 3 weeks. I think...they stay on the ship in between Japan and Hawaii, because that is when the typhoon doing those turn right at Japan all around. You clean up your luggage, and thought about to get ready for Japan? 

The international stage, you know that is where you all about to face?

If you stay indoor, you get on the ship, you like to stay in the ship. That is just a job, and you all arrive to Japan. Then...those are your full attention, you already sleep through 2 or 3 weeks, your bed, your fruits, your water statue, your bathroom, your 4 hands / feet washing, soaking the warm water, hot water, and nail cut, and wrap up your sneakers inside the luggage, check your own luggage often? Sleep, rest, keep a lower momentum, not outside spending your attention in the heat? 

You are here 2 weeks, and some earlier, or some later...

They were..... cleaning up the Earthquake before this typhoon, pass and fully gone yet?

17 days they need (the Earthquake time).

In Japan, no.....not these Apps. You go to those Japanese traditional clothes ladies go and see the beautiful flowers, the trees, the temple, the lantum, or the local festival with the drums, with the head band. With all your best friends to each other, and check the tourist map, that has a lot of the scenery points they tell you where to go. 

Like the fun map, the fun Disney, the fun souvenir shop like Disney in America, or the Universal Studio, those real souvenir shop. No, we don't have those here, no. The colorful those icon, or the emoji, those symbol, or Disney character those fun map to go.

They are clean, they are polite, and they have a lot more established for the tourism, their train station to go around everywhere to tour and see the things, taken the photo for your facebook and all that. WE HAVE NONE here.

We don't have those souvenir shop, not like.....the real tourism place. We are not the tourism place here.

Is there something going on?

The weather on the surface of the ocean is hot? Its summer !

Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

This is what you all gathered in each other's room before laptop doing?

NYC to Paris that line, you heard about both cities, America to France, that side of the ocean is called the Atlantic Ocean.

It would be Eastern coastline of the America, to the England to Spain (It used to be the famous sea route before in the 16th century that we know of before the May Flower or later this 18th century the industrialist revolutions happen. The coal or the steam engine those time....)


oh !  The AI typhoon = Tesla lives in China purchase 4 square yard place + PingPong guy 黃仁勳

FRIENDS, High Tech plays the Piano. Russ them...with Hugh + Olivia, why they are here? I am not sure anymore why they are here, just looking at the typhoon.

I don't think Frozen means the sea + the American continent as the land, west coastline to east coastline, that is what you mean.

你們因為離開學校之後,就好像沒有人相信彼此 ~ 國外台灣都一樣 (自己的媽媽長的很醜那種 )

女孩子,就是世界上所有人可以死光光,永遠不是那種什麼汪星的丈夫那種億,每個月幻想...破產還是利息那種,中國富商講的很多風風光光的事情。男孩子可以兩個世界叫做遙不可及,時間等過去式那種,殘障人士絕對叫做世界的業障,這因為印度將軍 (不是上尉已經),沒有說不管這隻阿南什麼什麼,但是這張銀行每一個月,叫做紙張不需要回收那種 ...

家人可以無,假設媽媽很醜~但是自己要站起來,只有那每一個月銀行那張紙,這世界上很多很恐怖的那種人,絕對不需要宗教,你們通通滾出去叫做這一百年,通通死光之後,我以後 700 年我自己想辦法這樣....

你們見到人就飄起來,四個點的框框是新聞 ...家人有時候是亞洲家長會有種正常,只需要一個正常,叫做你們希望是這樣 ! 我媽畢竟是我媽~~自己跟誰在一起,你們真的相信男孩子,哪一種? 你們見過每一張每一個月? 銀行真正出現,還有那是有兒子,叫做銀行的所有細節,我解釋給你們聽? 

我絕對知道的每一件事情 ~~數學跟英文那種跟數字有關,是非常非常恐怖 ...

以前叫做我照片演白癡,但是在分開之後,絕對叫做,不可能的存在 ~~花費很大,自我主義很高,我自己的錢,是我的血作成的,這世界絕對沒有叫做演白癡之後,我一生一世,我當初真的相信誰的意思 ...跟這種越南所有垃圾~~這電視上,每一個你們可以看到的,永遠永永遠遠不會給你們看到每一行銀行那張紙,你們相信裡面的每一個細節 !

要每一條算 !

我做神了我告訴妳們 ...這戀愛可以當初照片封面,有男孩子那種叫做陪襯,但是其中一定會有一個男的叫做事實的真相 ! 講得像真的一樣 ~~你們說女孩子真的管男孩子,這每一個錢是希望花在自己身上,哪種男孩子,反過來做王子 ! 我昨天叫做我昏過去的意思 ...

王子講藥,那是其一,有很多那種其二,我活了十年這種人生,我講的比真金還金的~每一年我都相信我自己講的 ! ~~

家是我清,地是我洗,頭髮是我自己吹,我弟弟是把飯碗擺在水槽給我媽洗,每一年的聖誕節,過去每一年~~我跟她絕對知道他如果回家,我們是養老的傭人 ! 

很惡劣 ~~~! 我只是都沒有講而已 ~

你們說阿南 ? 尼克?

垃圾 ! 他要殺了他的兒子因為生出來是一樣的,報仇的心態,跟那時候誰在旁邊那種,人老了講說報負及其一生,意思就是: 謙卑就是利息活著,所有人老的那一輩都看得出來,人有多靈修,多謙卑,多講話,這照片上很重要,他是一種瘋子,我有說過對吧 ~他寫出來 ! 

我以前並不知道,我那時候沒有像我現在講的很清楚,英文跟中文,人的我執叫做絕對沒有宗教的 ! 人老就是更恐怖 ~ 1998 那些影片他可多風光那種,他相信 ! 他可能是要去殺了越南小尼姑,第一生那種 !! 他們都是抓人自己跳樓那種,永遠不知道銀行 statement,我絕對不會去理這種事情,所有人給你們看起來宗教存在的每一種名字聽到,除了...叫做見面一張口打開叫做,說話 ! 絕對不可能,25 年一個都不認識 ~就是永生永世 !

你們名字看到,宗教排列看到,電視故事多風光...講情節都是英文,你們順便不需要知道,她是越南人講半天,外面整個小中心只有中國人跟越南人,你們這種事情自己也相信的意思 ?!

不覺得型聲色象,你們只要打開四個點的框框,多親切,多親近,除了~....不是真人看到正前方,這種故事叫做生生世世,永生永世,真正那種感受,因為人,做凡人的定義就是 ...注意力在一千人講話數字的瞬間,十年前跟今天,她們被傷害人越老,越多情,但是其他人靠近,叫做過去,這戒律如果當初有,今天跟未來絕對不會講的這麼絕跟難聽。

很多人有很多藉口,演成古裝就是古文 ....所以真正知道要擺在人生裡面 ....其實就是每一個月銀行每一天出現都可以,每一行字過去 ! 我本身不會的需要每一天出現,但是我敢每一天出現,絕對沒有臉的那種人 !

你們走在路上觀察人就可以了 ! 這是我家~~~她們太有名了~全世界有比這台灣更好的地方 !! 我絕對相信 ~~!!



我媽說 ...『喔~』

我覺得你們知道這陳珮琪知道,她們結婚 33 年,她很失望在 ATM 轉帳的時候叫做這十年, 2014 就是他放棄做醫生變成台北市市,跟唱囚鳥 2022....她是不是再說他要自殺? 因為金裝版的書,在囚禁的時候,買歷史書,自傳寫出來叫做流傳百世,一定是看電視在幻想什麼事情。

就是她陳珮琪很難過,但是還有更難過的事情,這電視新聞 !!

做醫生結婚叫做沒有幻想希望自己先生,從來沒有做這種事情,十年間,她躲在 ATM 匯款,從來沒有去櫃台,她自己也是醫生? 

很多男孩子要自己的職業更上一層樓,家裡有親人不顧的意思~~我有沒有幻想叫做男孩子做必需的事情,還是有責任的事情,跟金錢有關 ....等等等 ! 很多男孩子在幻想大概某些事情,不代表女孩子真的希望在出庭的那一天,這所有東西都是真的,犯案那種吧 !

囚禁是出庭嗎 ? 好像不是我聽到的 ! 收押禁見好像是四個月過去,可以交保 (兩個月兩個月這樣算 ),出庭是什麼時候?

並不知道 ! W 兩個世界那種? 我其實,從來就沒有看過這種東西,知道真實的事情。

當初,你們說我爸? 我媽? 我回來跟她講英文,我忘了我家出事,因為我要考高三之後跟所有美國突然出現的每一件事情,自己一個人,我沒有時間問 ~這提娜跟饒邦,跟家人最貼近因為這些電視中國來的,我瞬間...覺得你們這些有家長的人就是,會去跟媽媽問事情叫做細節? 她們提娜跟邦那種有張開嘴巴說話的意思? 我在電話上跟 EF 那個時候 的 寄宿家庭的媽媽在講英文或是第一個男朋友 ! 那時候還是朋友 ~~

你要犯案之後才會知道,你們公民課本沒有寫到後面,所以我可能知道做關起來囚禁,但是不是監獄,是警察局? 旁邊? 出庭之後才有可判,判定?之後才知道去哪裡這樣?

你們最近新聞講,因為跟叔叔 W 兩個世界,叫做我仔細聽 !


"囚禁 " 囚鳥柯文哲唱歌 2022 那個疫情的時候,我在呀 !

你們昨天新聞寫 2 2 = 4 個月 ! 交保要給錢的 !

四千三百萬,33 年結婚,十年幻想醫生畢業知道做政客這樣 ....


黃偉? 中國的案子? 

我告訴妳們,你們看這些照片他站在那邊,不是四千三百萬,最後一個字,演! 有男孩子非常賭博,非常非常非常恐怖 ! 非常非常~~~~如果有債務呀 ! 然後你說出席、吃飯、很多人群的前面,他們可以幻想那些紙張的東西並不存在 ! 每個月叫做高利貸 (銀行那種 4% 6 %...很恐怖,講 46 億人民幣?)

你們去中國就是越賭越大 !

華為科技,我知道,英文 ! Hauwei, 建築物上面,不一樣的東西吧 !


溫州~這都是中國,喔! W 兩個世界嗎 ? 我打字,之後的新聞沒有看到 ! 

你們為什麼不去一了百了找高科技? 我上次有問你們? 每一個人的大腦掃秒整個地球掃過去那種很久很久古的人工智慧 !? 人的裡面很恐怖如果被找到 ....世界上絕對沒有宗教,我告訴妳們

演 !!!!

非常瘋狂 !

等一下,是 5 個%? 

不對,以前,我再亂講...是 5 %?

女孩子叫做男孩子很傷人的~~~真的 ! 一輩子 ! 我只是把佛教講的有存在,那個人跟自己的媽不一樣,而且男孩子不會照顧細節,床單,傷害人~~自己最多藉口,因為名聲讓人飄起來那種? 但是不是那種銀行那張每個月的紙,這些人你們如果全部後面知道細節,全部都是一樣

所以陳珮琪永遠不會知道,這種麥可風,電視名聲立,旁邊有人靠近知道 ....陳珮琪是正常的


這每個月的 statement 每一張,都是非常恐怖的 5 % !

他們可以活在飯局呀 ~人家安慰呀 !講假的呀 ~~有小草呀 ~~有人安慰呀 ~家人相信他呀 !

很多很多很多這種男孩子,非常需要那種安慰、但是絕對不是銀行文書出現,最後一天所有人住在路上 !  我不知道是不是這電視,但是我看過的很多東西 ...

不要跟我講這種事情 ~~

緹娜那時候會把我的 statement 打開看 ...男孩子很恐怖,你們乾脆去找人工智慧到處都是的那種,我可以看到你們這種捷運站出現的人群,高的攝影機~~我每一天都在做惡夢那種 !!! 正前方 ~~~

我很希望人去死 ...真的 !

你們最好跟陳珮琪講清楚,可能一件事情都沒有,在某個瞬間,但是電視上看起來他參予的金錢在哪裡,可能什麼都沒有,她相信他絕對不會以為自己沒有家庭那種,有期望跟希望,這些同類的男孩子都是在欺騙人,講假的,他絕對知道是什麼都沒有,一定是你們以前就知道,但是她覺得他自己做醫生,不可能不可能不可能 ....你們最好跟她說清楚 ! 絕對沒有 ~~

叫她說,永遠不需要再出現那邊幫他買任何一樣東西,離開,不問不提不講,不靠近 ! 他在演 ~

他們非常會 ! 都是假的~

Dr. T for a very long time I never talk to...I will not just show up to scare him.

Same to nick. I write an email, or I communicate how to, to even phone to hear the real voice. In the last 3 years.....you finding each other communication successful, that is what I am asking.

  1. Did you stall a judge behind his or her car, to know where they went?
  2. Or you visit UB Tonawanda or the North Tonawanda, without the friends, without telling your parents at the dawn the light is dim, and you are hungry and you hiding somewhere.

To do what?

Did you get a real response from Dean or Jonathon on the voice heard things.... assuming you all Google Doc, that is APO, but behind....someone connecting to someone, some girls connecting with whom, all that. 

The 2 things I say, is that true?

The medical doctors these.....you all. You know what is a banquet, or the ID required to enter the building those, or you intern before at the hospital, if you got fired, you lost all that life views, you feel unsure, and concern, so you go and find some professional people to talk to.

Other than 1) hiding in the bush. 2) car tailgating someone.  3) finding some address God knows where to show up  4) Not my facebook, your....whomever someone else.

How you use your facebook, because I no longer has any one contact from my facebook. You didn't go and do that 1234 things behind everyone's back, because this time sheet 2008 -2024, where you all been ?

Tamang has a new audio the Jan this year.

You all done something like talk normal, stand normal, Dean and my brother does the same award ceremony? The white taller guys have those worlds to seeing some of the correct human talk, stand, join the conversation. Other than curves into a cave to hide...to invoke the spirits of that rocky mountain with the thunders lights, or the northern light.

At Tonawanda .....that is near UB I-90, you can get back home, if you are not located near UB North campus.

No, never those talks, of course not. That is a SD, he was from Montana, cannot take those stress, not those talk, of course not. Even the Buffalo used to be the City of Light 100 years ago. Not those Titanic chicawa stuffs to accidentally fallen in the snow or in the wood, no human around places. 

"The quantitative of the prescription at the counter drugs, or the off charted limits to those stimulant, some people probably have a lot more passive views in life those......to the food they eat or the substance they just absorb through their body, they might just patch it on the skin and see what happened....so these forms of the external application or the internal consumption....none of those are corrected, but you cannot prevent people knowing, some people have a different brain wired to seeing those things, in that one related field to the psychological or a lot more sad or the passive mode in life....it will never starting from the medical school, we knowing the suicidal rates or the people in teens or the overloaded book stress, everyone unhinted those charted statistics in the society today.....its Day and Night, they gonna say the parents culture more reserved, and today's pop culture and the fame and name becoming the fast commodity to people's life choices. "

Tamang I say its a very low IQ medical students doing those very stupid things in life. Very low IQ, meaning required to study in the school to get in the medical which 3 USMLE to say forgotten with the alcohol consumption DAILY, but he has the conditioned situation. Never doing that, he cannot cope with the words, he cannot cope with those vocabulary, he is targeting at whom whom whom Simon / Lauren smoking photo in England those Opium war in China time, its very very bad. He cannot cope any feedback given back to him.  He inserted these words for the AI or the system data on the voice, not written words down somewhere. The keyword stream the community college double e, Everything is very low academia degree.

He is guessing all the way, all the time, every step the way. Can you just hang it up there on the wall. 

All Low IQ people / human exhibition of their character, just re-write 100 things vola thing they ever do, its the previous community college degree race-up-years too proudly to keep it. hang it notes somewhere on the bulletin board. Its all low IQ reason.

He went to provoking people on the drugs words insert, he is not helping the situation, he is not explaining the situation, he is waiting people to fall, and saying he told you say, those attitude, about middle school height. Those growing too tall Asian needs the faces and suicide on everyone mass shooting suicidal Asian. He is not a Chinese. He is an Indian !! None of those language are appreciated. 

No, take that audio down. You just copy paste my stuffs, sent to that MC. Tell them, his condition, all things taken down from him. Including his photo because he cannot cope that stress someone look at him. He is the red neck world. His mother is the red hair.

If you are going to those primary doctors, where I told you....

You can just give it to your primary doctors and tell him...you don't know how to handle that, and your attitude is also passive with this, but he is the massive shooter's conditioned person, can you find a way, take it down all the Google photo, his ID card, and all the where he lives, he had 2 kids, all those facebook show off stuffs. I don't think he can force himself keep doinig that.

That doctor can help.

Correct, every single time. You have many people in that classroom, just one of you get the right channel, or you yourself know how to do things. Just trust those doctors they will do something.

Yes, every single time. 

"His location is not the apple of the eye, the cell nucleus, right? We all as the classroom, someone is checking most people's location and report back, but not everyone knew where everyone is on the map is anything to do with 1 him. "

No, just relax to do. Every time he is up to something, you think you relax, you thought about, you have 7 people at least, to say 20, they got 20 sheets of the collective efforts someone will find out something why that position is always there.

You go to somewhere,...if that is whom, you say....

"Anna used to get cut in the middle with Jonathon at UB time, and after UB time, FRIEND those scene Beth dies that video, Chandler...how does he cut in the highway from Queeney to Toronto all the way to Guther Highway 7 Ontario. 

You know what I think....Anna says something, she and Jonathon were the leaderships so maybe when Jonathon that time with Tamang some classmate heard what he did, they report to the police, Brady or someone. But Anna LATER find out too many years pass, she didn't tell anyone the bf is in Canada, a different visa world, she just left. She knew Tamang came back for the chess club local, she wasn't telling Jonathon because she didnt' know he had carried a gun right on the facebook, but about 15 years pass, she realized something....

She says...... "

"I think she says.....or we think, that time Tamang lives in Emerson Square, and we did check, that is a very high utility rental place, Wing knew about that, because he used to work in the Wagman, in case his white truck got suspended, no gasoline, he will always have the food, the hanging low fruits, what does that means? Walking to Wegman, and get drugged? And no one finds? The Star Bucks or the mechanics where? Wing knows that ! He is guessing which one of us is really from UB, or he is warning us, no one knows which per line he inserts words that psycho, but I think Anna might be right....she isn't the greatest to say thing, i think she did told us, that time either the ***UB police or the local Buffalo police*** found him, or the Emerson Square found him, that was the heating and the electricity added in the rent? He was one person can afford that, and everyone thinks that is normal?"

"Someone needs to talk to Wing, and find out where he thinks that location is too marvelous, if he didn't get literally suspend the license on the way from Montana to U- BBBBBBB, that words was in Chinese. Wing is from Hong Kong. SD is not Montana, that was his community college double e degree. I think Anna is right, he is very very very psycho on those hanging low fruits to heckjet people. Because...Matrix first 10 mins, its the hecker, that time Y2K, and how the Steve Jobs told everyone the torrent site without, its their advertising on 99 cent per song, and no more torrent, its the ITune worlds since 2003. That is when Tamang at the community college, right? He didn't from ECC, meaning.....he plans to B someone, that driving, no one knows he got where...."

My TV time.


The first week of the medical school !



Other people cannot live their life....

3 days the mother have not beat up the kids.


You can hear the kid's sound....

You treating yourself good, or the new age, or the skin care? The berry fruits and all that.


You are not in the freshman ANYMORE, not 19 years old those year, you transfer from the university to the college, to say, all that student action? You can just walk up to the library, and sit there 2 hours staring at those bookshelf, and think.....what blank out your mind, right now, right now, right now.....you can no longer be this stagnant to your life, everyone is ahead of you, and lie to you, no one disclose to you their life schedule, it will never be a gambling mai decision out of their whole lifetime 20 years ago plans.....the stagnant means in the life flows or their resume to build up their perfect life - to the guys and to the girls, or their all around friends association like their Linkedin.

Even the otter look like ....


has their brain on going.

You all want to shut up, and don't explain anymore, or yelling at the judge, with a very very very bad attitude, a very bad langauge, a lot of you doing that.  No, you don't have to admit you seeing that black katherine to imagine the classroom assignment. But some of you probably did something at that time, including separate the words in people's name that time, and calling each other idiot?! It was a in-class assignment, that is taking me so long, to all of us sit down RIGHT NOW and talk about it in front of all the people, in my typhoon radius RIGHT HERE. I have a Live stream news on my own head rehearsal, and the weather channel re-direct the human resources on each land, where we about on these per timeline sheet, PER weekly on the typhoon new rises and falls. 

And its taken me ALL this time, to say THIS. You were all having a UB early assurance assignment, and I GOT no friends to tell me there is a BLACK Katherine, that is the assignment, inside you all head space?

You just say

"To that case to acquit, none of us should talk about this anymore. Its not the early assurance in the program anymore, its not those language anymore, and....to those trivial things, were supposed to be at the police jobs I assuming. That time has passed. The in-class activities should be long gone, and move on to this new direction in life."

Your language....

How you handle MY facebook, or the entire UB classroom the same degree or better the medical students, you are all not not not supposed to be the international medical school, at all.....right?

Its to suspend your medical practice license, everyone knows that.

They insist you to learn your langauge, or they insist you will learn your book knowledge by a certain time, and report in some seasons or months, you are the free bound anywhere you feel like what to do, other than the medical school.  - your middle school love, the note passing, the app text messages? 

You telling you yourself a quality person has a middle school "love", the backup and that is way too important than anyone insulting you a face, so do you try? Some other none medical school, maybe they all try, together some secrets, some finding it out? 

You didn't need to tell your parents, nor tell me.

Did you try?

You finding it out you have more VALUE to say still alive, and quality so well throughout the one whole lifetime....someone HINT you on the TV monitor all over the planets, FOR 1 love, so why don't you get on with it, your heart feel the hope of that sunny days, outside your windows other than these none expected medical school, HAS NO text message to spell you are too important at your jobs, you didn't mind not to check your own phone, turn on or turn off.

As if me and Shane playing a show of the high school, they used to be didn't even gone to the school, probably, to finish the home school. In America has that, I don't know what system they used in Europe. We are the semester, they were in the quarter, SO THIS first week....it has to be the medical school orientation table WITH the American medical board, NOT the England medical board, right?

I pretending for a job, NOT I live on the job.

When someone HAS THE POWER do dare to do that, and the American government has NO POWER NOT to tear that down, and continuely for 7 years, because you keep imagining no one does a thing when the voice spread even out, something is going on, by the map, by the TV, by the movie, by the music, ALL together.

You imagine not one person does 1 job, TOO perfect for ALL of you a face. That is what you mean the job, YOU are the job TOO important.

You are not careful for a lot of the details, seriously. 

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

I am so capable? The text, the communication, the facebook, my website?

Now, you all know my every secrets, its PER step you all doing it wrong, I can just watch you all keep dying to NOT shut up on every court room appearance ON PURPOSE!

You don't bow, kneel, flat, tell me you get all that from your lawyers, someone willing to watch you all every step wrong inside the court room the first degree of time, up to know. This is 10 years gone.

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

That is 75 people from UB (near by someone we have met on our face degree, not the first and the last goodbye degree.), Karen those local high school. She is the only state tuition, they went to the Canisus, that is all private, so she can have those banks keep retrieved back back back back back.....to Asia.

HSBC is from Asia.

WHEN I found out, that WAS 100 people if were not the accumulation of the real facebook. It was just the UB in itself to say they call their parents or the sibling, or the relative to gang up what? Western New York State school, or the state licensed !!!

We have UB 100 students CANNOT SHUT UP!

And I have a none local issues. Western New York IS NOT a common words TO the whole entire 200 countries world bound, we are using A WHAT words to all of their ears.

WE are just carrying a conversation, with TOO many flowery art cut book, this small tiny word, did you see it? Did you see it? Did you see it?

Did you see it? The first line? What did I say?

You know, this is my initiative to jeopardize MY ENTIRE lifetime cannot go to work, but bind to the blogger, because I am confident in the end of all this, MY LIFE PLAN is indoor wireless working mode, NOT you all too great and perfect for the 20 years strategic plans TO GET somewhere, so I knew exactly how to work out this 10 years length time, everyone ENDS up here, starting all over again !!!

Someone just bossing a line, I suppose to know how to carry an English conversation NOT in Chinese langauge, so I knew exactly what you suppose to hear, or suppose to be here to listen every single line if I am not calculative, someone else figuring it out, EVERY single morning, WHAT I am doing other than carrying a useless daily conversation mode IN ENGLISH!

I want to know 2 people's name in your graduate school, well wishing thereon.....

Other than Dean and Jonathon's name, at all.

Except Dean

Except Jonathon


In front of your PC on your desk, all your textbook lay around, and your 20 years since the UB time or in it, your notebook, and your life plans, and the going out with this UB medical school or out of the state tuition bills, all that, you have sorting your Linkedin connections, the reason, you went to some mentor, some professor, some older people to guide your life OTHER than Dr. T, or that Wing, Shut up! And you all...had a plan that RIGHT NOW.

I mean RIGHT at this very moment at this month, you don't just had only Dean and Jonathon chat room box somewhere on your facebook to stare on.....

To say they are your the only family to sound like the TV farmiliar, or the fan clubs close, or what not common language, they know, or all the classmates other than that 2 guys know.....your only family, if your local which parents no longer inside this capitalism America world, YOU have no longer chat room box to say...

One reliable person got in the medical school, WITH ALL YOUR family weight, you need him him him.....to pass the message and they reply you.

Your entire PC monitor can only have them 2 or 3 UB used to be 20 years ago, for some reason this TV movie gets your head, they are like your family, and they ought to be binding to you.

That ought to be. Other than    1) Dean  or 2)  Jonathon.   Someone else.

***At this year beginning.....**** I say to you all UB group activities that some A4 paper to write on it, 1 year or 8 month pass it by, remember?

You feel to sleep, to rest, and just do nothing for a while, all these 10 years get on you, the karma or the hindrance. Do you all gone to sleep, and close gate a bit, to view your life, or you passing the correct message around, so this year on after will be something new.

I need you all just gradually fade out your UB side, to continue your professional school, you feel lighter, and you feel you focus better.

And those you only HAD  ONE Dean, and ONE Jonathon.....you all want to stand up and telling these guys, you had no more other people or the students time someone, 1 person to talk to other than the 4 barren walls. You know exactly what this movie means.

Anna says.

That song is a forever goodbye means.

Do you all gone to the UB upper bio class or some pharmacy those 250 people room classroom similar to the evolutionary biology? That will be the freshman or the sophomore year you always know how that feel? 1 person going in and walking out? 

So, according to what I could see you had a medical campus like Wing 6 years ago (2018-2019), you had the intern or the interview process to say, you move on your life exactly like somewhat you plan......NEVER that 1 case on waiting, right?

Some of you were not the Dean's fan clubs, but I assuming you all remembered that time UB, there was only one group of us, open your mouth to chat with Hira in the middle of it. All around. She remembered?  Okay...can you gradually move out of this UB classmates too happy life they used to be, because that was my facebook I had a talk to, not you all knowing each other.....you have some romance, some relationship OTHER than the UB world, that in the graduate school, or some sunnier place OTHER than this

1) You bind yourself indoor, and staring at the monitor to eat alone.

2) If your parents all dead this today, you....had only 1 me human none stop talking feel like we are the family.

I say Elle Enchanted was a forever goodbye song, never stop. You can tell my life exhibit too many possible human ahead of me, you will at least considering AN ASIAN will spell her head normal, its not 1 person die in the room, the ALL WORLD dies scenario, to say I got my career going, or my chat room box opens....it was if Dean and Jonathon were no longer exhibit they themselves to have a UB group together.... Your current real life, is only 4 barren world, the lab bench, or the working zone.

 if Dean and Jonathon were no longer exhibit they themselves to have a UB group together.... 

Tell me, the movies didn't create the million dollars enterprise, was because.....you are the only 1 human behind the 4 barren wall. Stand up and talk to them. Seriously whatever you all chat, or group, or behind. Without this group, we gonna separated all back to their graduate school, or the upper ALA those association or the award ceremony, and all that....

Your ID card never enter those ground to say, seeing anymore other people......

Like you too busy, or you decline your friends invitation, or you didn't see the flyers to go and grab it, or you didn't localize your resource to find some means = A normal human does in life.

If you hate the human like me, I closure, that is my condition reason, not my mother or near by, I hate the rest of the people? 

Meaning, your head can see you yourself walking in this upper classroom, let's say we were all busy 2008 on. It was just me and Nick, and all his kids + the grand kids or his friends Promo and his wife and that too fat kid, to say UB 5-8 or 9 Lords....that is Dean go and sorting and Justin has that part of the paper works. But they 2 think the White taller race guys normally have the friends or the communication is genuine.


If I make all of them disappear back to their happy professional worlds, like we promised at the beginning of this year. 8-10 months passing it by. You all remember those 2 sheets A4? I say no more games, just relax and sleeps? Those?

They are those meeting each other to the Washington DC, that is a new girl from CADS.

I say it again, I want to know...

After you all upper classroom 250 people, you walking in and walking out.....you notice you have no human other than the textbook, you move away home, you need to start something new connection, so you settle down, you got married, or you relationship, and be together to join some other friends all circle, or the party Friday night....

UNTIL which year I calling you all, right here....and we finish this 2024 Jan to say, 2 sheets A4 until Oct.

No more Koshi UB eating, we all together, me and Ola walking in from the South Campus. You all remembered, that is the long table everyone sits there. The TV?!!! When did we had that table? At the Koshi !! Its no longer that name, anymore. 

So, starting in 2008, not 2005....the last time you had another classmate sitting next by you to talk, EXACTLY like me, I say my timeline graduate was 2006, you all graduate in 2007?

Dean should be 2008.

Right now is 2024. You sad, you sit in the classroom, you didn't engage any activity, you keep going back to the classroom?


Can you lay down your intern activities other than the ID cannot trespass the UB medical school campus those things, you seeing those a lot more upper idea, not the high school cannot enter the UB upper classroom - the medical campus. 

Did you get the intern?

Did you go and press the professor?

Did you look for some connected jobs?

Did you talk to someone to make it in these year when I was not looking at you all, no more facebook.

Other than right now, 1 person, only 2 chat room boxes, because Dean and Jonathon obligate to reply.

Where are those years missing, I want to know.

The day, if that chat room boxes, are no longer required.....meaning Wing, or Jonathon or Dean, will not be at their medical campus, the hospital, the clinic all that be seeing a black cat in the litter box, and you asking them at that front door....you driving it by, can they watch these things at their clinic front door, and they call the security issues.

You always believing in them, they were your the only family, and listening to you. I want to know, you all knowing that clearly. What a normal imagination to this TV, you all saying.....you are the competition to each other, and the court room yelling at the judges, it meant, its with another pair of the couples OTHER THAN the UB.
To say

Last one stands.

I want to know !!!

2008 on the imagination was not the rental home, and a PC, and SMTV on, or Shane, or Keanu or Simon.....their bank account you will never get near, or their company real life, and you keep imagining, they are your family, but...you never close gate, I say.....look into your real life.

Its not worse than I saying that the beginning of this year.....?!

Is that worse than I say?

2008, every correct human you as the white race, some normal civilization defines, or the society defines, you have seen the human other than the otters or the God's power in the movies, to draw near. 
Lists down some friends you connect to, or talk to, or the family, or the relative, to gear up your higher education or the professional world, you feeling that career is hopeful at the stake.

Get up each of your lists starting 2008 on.

Its Evolutionary biology 200 classroom, the 250 people kids in it. You never had an English words to say in English language, do you speak in English by your intuition, how long you haven't speak in English, to when you had a medical intern to the real patience profile, NOW?

the last 6 -8 years? Your medical intern none stop?

I say writing starting at 2008, Dean left you all !!!!

WHOM is at the freshman year in the medical school? This year is your first year?

Can you all if...whatever reason you going to that classroom, you all UB, can you fix up this one list of yours, be very careful why you are the first year the medical school AGAIN?

Always be very mindful... your own life, its not the TV, its not the movies, its your association all around, you are seeing the upper worlds, so you don't get fired to say, that sleek felt is very very scary, you no longer has a paycheck. 

Check this very very carefully every single year, if you are not the UB classroom, and got staffed in this. Some behind some talk, also you all just get this going.

No, you suppose to be quiet down, but NOT never seeing a human anymore other than the otters. If you gone to the grocery store, you talk in English?

They make your mood happier? 

Chat, talk, inquire.....communicate, normal !!!!