

The first week of the medical school !



Other people cannot live their life....

3 days the mother have not beat up the kids.


You can hear the kid's sound....

You treating yourself good, or the new age, or the skin care? The berry fruits and all that.


You are not in the freshman ANYMORE, not 19 years old those year, you transfer from the university to the college, to say, all that student action? You can just walk up to the library, and sit there 2 hours staring at those bookshelf, and think.....what blank out your mind, right now, right now, right now.....you can no longer be this stagnant to your life, everyone is ahead of you, and lie to you, no one disclose to you their life schedule, it will never be a gambling mai decision out of their whole lifetime 20 years ago plans.....the stagnant means in the life flows or their resume to build up their perfect life - to the guys and to the girls, or their all around friends association like their Linkedin.

Even the otter look like ....


has their brain on going.

You all want to shut up, and don't explain anymore, or yelling at the judge, with a very very very bad attitude, a very bad langauge, a lot of you doing that.  No, you don't have to admit you seeing that black katherine to imagine the classroom assignment. But some of you probably did something at that time, including separate the words in people's name that time, and calling each other idiot?! It was a in-class assignment, that is taking me so long, to all of us sit down RIGHT NOW and talk about it in front of all the people, in my typhoon radius RIGHT HERE. I have a Live stream news on my own head rehearsal, and the weather channel re-direct the human resources on each land, where we about on these per timeline sheet, PER weekly on the typhoon new rises and falls. 

And its taken me ALL this time, to say THIS. You were all having a UB early assurance assignment, and I GOT no friends to tell me there is a BLACK Katherine, that is the assignment, inside you all head space?

You just say

"To that case to acquit, none of us should talk about this anymore. Its not the early assurance in the program anymore, its not those language anymore, and....to those trivial things, were supposed to be at the police jobs I assuming. That time has passed. The in-class activities should be long gone, and move on to this new direction in life."

Your language....

How you handle MY facebook, or the entire UB classroom the same degree or better the medical students, you are all not not not supposed to be the international medical school, at all.....right?

Its to suspend your medical practice license, everyone knows that.

They insist you to learn your langauge, or they insist you will learn your book knowledge by a certain time, and report in some seasons or months, you are the free bound anywhere you feel like what to do, other than the medical school.  - your middle school love, the note passing, the app text messages? 

You telling you yourself a quality person has a middle school "love", the backup and that is way too important than anyone insulting you a face, so do you try? Some other none medical school, maybe they all try, together some secrets, some finding it out? 

You didn't need to tell your parents, nor tell me.

Did you try?

You finding it out you have more VALUE to say still alive, and quality so well throughout the one whole lifetime....someone HINT you on the TV monitor all over the planets, FOR 1 love, so why don't you get on with it, your heart feel the hope of that sunny days, outside your windows other than these none expected medical school, HAS NO text message to spell you are too important at your jobs, you didn't mind not to check your own phone, turn on or turn off.

As if me and Shane playing a show of the high school, they used to be didn't even gone to the school, probably, to finish the home school. In America has that, I don't know what system they used in Europe. We are the semester, they were in the quarter, SO THIS first week....it has to be the medical school orientation table WITH the American medical board, NOT the England medical board, right?

I pretending for a job, NOT I live on the job.

When someone HAS THE POWER do dare to do that, and the American government has NO POWER NOT to tear that down, and continuely for 7 years, because you keep imagining no one does a thing when the voice spread even out, something is going on, by the map, by the TV, by the movie, by the music, ALL together.

You imagine not one person does 1 job, TOO perfect for ALL of you a face. That is what you mean the job, YOU are the job TOO important.

You are not careful for a lot of the details, seriously. 

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

I am so capable? The text, the communication, the facebook, my website?

Now, you all know my every secrets, its PER step you all doing it wrong, I can just watch you all keep dying to NOT shut up on every court room appearance ON PURPOSE!

You don't bow, kneel, flat, tell me you get all that from your lawyers, someone willing to watch you all every step wrong inside the court room the first degree of time, up to know. This is 10 years gone.

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

Did I stop any of you the last 3 years?

That is 75 people from UB (near by someone we have met on our face degree, not the first and the last goodbye degree.), Karen those local high school. She is the only state tuition, they went to the Canisus, that is all private, so she can have those banks keep retrieved back back back back back.....to Asia.

HSBC is from Asia.

WHEN I found out, that WAS 100 people if were not the accumulation of the real facebook. It was just the UB in itself to say they call their parents or the sibling, or the relative to gang up what? Western New York State school, or the state licensed !!!

We have UB 100 students CANNOT SHUT UP!

And I have a none local issues. Western New York IS NOT a common words TO the whole entire 200 countries world bound, we are using A WHAT words to all of their ears.

WE are just carrying a conversation, with TOO many flowery art cut book, this small tiny word, did you see it? Did you see it? Did you see it?

Did you see it? The first line? What did I say?

You know, this is my initiative to jeopardize MY ENTIRE lifetime cannot go to work, but bind to the blogger, because I am confident in the end of all this, MY LIFE PLAN is indoor wireless working mode, NOT you all too great and perfect for the 20 years strategic plans TO GET somewhere, so I knew exactly how to work out this 10 years length time, everyone ENDS up here, starting all over again !!!

Someone just bossing a line, I suppose to know how to carry an English conversation NOT in Chinese langauge, so I knew exactly what you suppose to hear, or suppose to be here to listen every single line if I am not calculative, someone else figuring it out, EVERY single morning, WHAT I am doing other than carrying a useless daily conversation mode IN ENGLISH!

I want to know 2 people's name in your graduate school, well wishing thereon.....

Other than Dean and Jonathon's name, at all.

Except Dean

Except Jonathon


In front of your PC on your desk, all your textbook lay around, and your 20 years since the UB time or in it, your notebook, and your life plans, and the going out with this UB medical school or out of the state tuition bills, all that, you have sorting your Linkedin connections, the reason, you went to some mentor, some professor, some older people to guide your life OTHER than Dr. T, or that Wing, Shut up! And you all...had a plan that RIGHT NOW.

I mean RIGHT at this very moment at this month, you don't just had only Dean and Jonathon chat room box somewhere on your facebook to stare on.....

To say they are your the only family to sound like the TV farmiliar, or the fan clubs close, or what not common language, they know, or all the classmates other than that 2 guys know.....your only family, if your local which parents no longer inside this capitalism America world, YOU have no longer chat room box to say...

One reliable person got in the medical school, WITH ALL YOUR family weight, you need him him him.....to pass the message and they reply you.

Your entire PC monitor can only have them 2 or 3 UB used to be 20 years ago, for some reason this TV movie gets your head, they are like your family, and they ought to be binding to you.

That ought to be. Other than    1) Dean  or 2)  Jonathon.   Someone else.

***At this year beginning.....**** I say to you all UB group activities that some A4 paper to write on it, 1 year or 8 month pass it by, remember?

You feel to sleep, to rest, and just do nothing for a while, all these 10 years get on you, the karma or the hindrance. Do you all gone to sleep, and close gate a bit, to view your life, or you passing the correct message around, so this year on after will be something new.

I need you all just gradually fade out your UB side, to continue your professional school, you feel lighter, and you feel you focus better.

And those you only HAD  ONE Dean, and ONE Jonathon.....you all want to stand up and telling these guys, you had no more other people or the students time someone, 1 person to talk to other than the 4 barren walls. You know exactly what this movie means.

Anna says.

That song is a forever goodbye means.

Do you all gone to the UB upper bio class or some pharmacy those 250 people room classroom similar to the evolutionary biology? That will be the freshman or the sophomore year you always know how that feel? 1 person going in and walking out? 

So, according to what I could see you had a medical campus like Wing 6 years ago (2018-2019), you had the intern or the interview process to say, you move on your life exactly like somewhat you plan......NEVER that 1 case on waiting, right?

Some of you were not the Dean's fan clubs, but I assuming you all remembered that time UB, there was only one group of us, open your mouth to chat with Hira in the middle of it. All around. She remembered?  Okay...can you gradually move out of this UB classmates too happy life they used to be, because that was my facebook I had a talk to, not you all knowing each other.....you have some romance, some relationship OTHER than the UB world, that in the graduate school, or some sunnier place OTHER than this

1) You bind yourself indoor, and staring at the monitor to eat alone.

2) If your parents all dead this today, you....had only 1 me human none stop talking feel like we are the family.

I say Elle Enchanted was a forever goodbye song, never stop. You can tell my life exhibit too many possible human ahead of me, you will at least considering AN ASIAN will spell her head normal, its not 1 person die in the room, the ALL WORLD dies scenario, to say I got my career going, or my chat room box opens....it was if Dean and Jonathon were no longer exhibit they themselves to have a UB group together.... Your current real life, is only 4 barren world, the lab bench, or the working zone.

 if Dean and Jonathon were no longer exhibit they themselves to have a UB group together.... 

Tell me, the movies didn't create the million dollars enterprise, was because.....you are the only 1 human behind the 4 barren wall. Stand up and talk to them. Seriously whatever you all chat, or group, or behind. Without this group, we gonna separated all back to their graduate school, or the upper ALA those association or the award ceremony, and all that....

Your ID card never enter those ground to say, seeing anymore other people......

Like you too busy, or you decline your friends invitation, or you didn't see the flyers to go and grab it, or you didn't localize your resource to find some means = A normal human does in life.

If you hate the human like me, I closure, that is my condition reason, not my mother or near by, I hate the rest of the people? 

Meaning, your head can see you yourself walking in this upper classroom, let's say we were all busy 2008 on. It was just me and Nick, and all his kids + the grand kids or his friends Promo and his wife and that too fat kid, to say UB 5-8 or 9 Lords....that is Dean go and sorting and Justin has that part of the paper works. But they 2 think the White taller race guys normally have the friends or the communication is genuine.


If I make all of them disappear back to their happy professional worlds, like we promised at the beginning of this year. 8-10 months passing it by. You all remember those 2 sheets A4? I say no more games, just relax and sleeps? Those?

They are those meeting each other to the Washington DC, that is a new girl from CADS.

I say it again, I want to know...

After you all upper classroom 250 people, you walking in and walking out.....you notice you have no human other than the textbook, you move away home, you need to start something new connection, so you settle down, you got married, or you relationship, and be together to join some other friends all circle, or the party Friday night....

UNTIL which year I calling you all, right here....and we finish this 2024 Jan to say, 2 sheets A4 until Oct.

No more Koshi UB eating, we all together, me and Ola walking in from the South Campus. You all remembered, that is the long table everyone sits there. The TV?!!! When did we had that table? At the Koshi !! Its no longer that name, anymore. 

So, starting in 2008, not 2005....the last time you had another classmate sitting next by you to talk, EXACTLY like me, I say my timeline graduate was 2006, you all graduate in 2007?

Dean should be 2008.

Right now is 2024. You sad, you sit in the classroom, you didn't engage any activity, you keep going back to the classroom?


Can you lay down your intern activities other than the ID cannot trespass the UB medical school campus those things, you seeing those a lot more upper idea, not the high school cannot enter the UB upper classroom - the medical campus. 

Did you get the intern?

Did you go and press the professor?

Did you look for some connected jobs?

Did you talk to someone to make it in these year when I was not looking at you all, no more facebook.

Other than right now, 1 person, only 2 chat room boxes, because Dean and Jonathon obligate to reply.

Where are those years missing, I want to know.

The day, if that chat room boxes, are no longer required.....meaning Wing, or Jonathon or Dean, will not be at their medical campus, the hospital, the clinic all that be seeing a black cat in the litter box, and you asking them at that front door....you driving it by, can they watch these things at their clinic front door, and they call the security issues.

You always believing in them, they were your the only family, and listening to you. I want to know, you all knowing that clearly. What a normal imagination to this TV, you all saying.....you are the competition to each other, and the court room yelling at the judges, it meant, its with another pair of the couples OTHER THAN the UB.
To say

Last one stands.

I want to know !!!

2008 on the imagination was not the rental home, and a PC, and SMTV on, or Shane, or Keanu or Simon.....their bank account you will never get near, or their company real life, and you keep imagining, they are your family, but...you never close gate, I say.....look into your real life.

Its not worse than I saying that the beginning of this year.....?!

Is that worse than I say?

2008, every correct human you as the white race, some normal civilization defines, or the society defines, you have seen the human other than the otters or the God's power in the movies, to draw near. 
Lists down some friends you connect to, or talk to, or the family, or the relative, to gear up your higher education or the professional world, you feeling that career is hopeful at the stake.

Get up each of your lists starting 2008 on.

Its Evolutionary biology 200 classroom, the 250 people kids in it. You never had an English words to say in English language, do you speak in English by your intuition, how long you haven't speak in English, to when you had a medical intern to the real patience profile, NOW?

the last 6 -8 years? Your medical intern none stop?

I say writing starting at 2008, Dean left you all !!!!

WHOM is at the freshman year in the medical school? This year is your first year?

Can you all if...whatever reason you going to that classroom, you all UB, can you fix up this one list of yours, be very careful why you are the first year the medical school AGAIN?

Always be very mindful... your own life, its not the TV, its not the movies, its your association all around, you are seeing the upper worlds, so you don't get fired to say, that sleek felt is very very scary, you no longer has a paycheck. 

Check this very very carefully every single year, if you are not the UB classroom, and got staffed in this. Some behind some talk, also you all just get this going.

No, you suppose to be quiet down, but NOT never seeing a human anymore other than the otters. If you gone to the grocery store, you talk in English?

They make your mood happier? 

Chat, talk, inquire.....communicate, normal !!!!

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