
Dr. T for a very long time I never talk to...I will not just show up to scare him.

Same to nick. I write an email, or I communicate how to, to even phone to hear the real voice. In the last 3 years.....you finding each other communication successful, that is what I am asking.

  1. Did you stall a judge behind his or her car, to know where they went?
  2. Or you visit UB Tonawanda or the North Tonawanda, without the friends, without telling your parents at the dawn the light is dim, and you are hungry and you hiding somewhere.

To do what?

Did you get a real response from Dean or Jonathon on the voice heard things.... assuming you all Google Doc, that is APO, but behind....someone connecting to someone, some girls connecting with whom, all that. 

The 2 things I say, is that true?

The medical doctors these.....you all. You know what is a banquet, or the ID required to enter the building those, or you intern before at the hospital, if you got fired, you lost all that life views, you feel unsure, and concern, so you go and find some professional people to talk to.

Other than 1) hiding in the bush. 2) car tailgating someone.  3) finding some address God knows where to show up  4) Not my facebook, your....whomever someone else.

How you use your facebook, because I no longer has any one contact from my facebook. You didn't go and do that 1234 things behind everyone's back, because this time sheet 2008 -2024, where you all been ?

Tamang has a new audio the Jan this year.

You all done something like talk normal, stand normal, Dean and my brother does the same award ceremony? The white taller guys have those worlds to seeing some of the correct human talk, stand, join the conversation. Other than curves into a cave to hide...to invoke the spirits of that rocky mountain with the thunders lights, or the northern light.

At Tonawanda .....that is near UB I-90, you can get back home, if you are not located near UB North campus.

No, never those talks, of course not. That is a SD, he was from Montana, cannot take those stress, not those talk, of course not. Even the Buffalo used to be the City of Light 100 years ago. Not those Titanic chicawa stuffs to accidentally fallen in the snow or in the wood, no human around places. 

"The quantitative of the prescription at the counter drugs, or the off charted limits to those stimulant, some people probably have a lot more passive views in life those......to the food they eat or the substance they just absorb through their body, they might just patch it on the skin and see what happened....so these forms of the external application or the internal consumption....none of those are corrected, but you cannot prevent people knowing, some people have a different brain wired to seeing those things, in that one related field to the psychological or a lot more sad or the passive mode in life....it will never starting from the medical school, we knowing the suicidal rates or the people in teens or the overloaded book stress, everyone unhinted those charted statistics in the society today.....its Day and Night, they gonna say the parents culture more reserved, and today's pop culture and the fame and name becoming the fast commodity to people's life choices. "

Tamang I say its a very low IQ medical students doing those very stupid things in life. Very low IQ, meaning required to study in the school to get in the medical which 3 USMLE to say forgotten with the alcohol consumption DAILY, but he has the conditioned situation. Never doing that, he cannot cope with the words, he cannot cope with those vocabulary, he is targeting at whom whom whom Simon / Lauren smoking photo in England those Opium war in China time, its very very bad. He cannot cope any feedback given back to him.  He inserted these words for the AI or the system data on the voice, not written words down somewhere. The keyword stream the community college double e, Everything is very low academia degree.

He is guessing all the way, all the time, every step the way. Can you just hang it up there on the wall. 

All Low IQ people / human exhibition of their character, just re-write 100 things vola thing they ever do, its the previous community college degree race-up-years too proudly to keep it. hang it notes somewhere on the bulletin board. Its all low IQ reason.

He went to provoking people on the drugs words insert, he is not helping the situation, he is not explaining the situation, he is waiting people to fall, and saying he told you say, those attitude, about middle school height. Those growing too tall Asian needs the faces and suicide on everyone mass shooting suicidal Asian. He is not a Chinese. He is an Indian !! None of those language are appreciated. 

No, take that audio down. You just copy paste my stuffs, sent to that MC. Tell them, his condition, all things taken down from him. Including his photo because he cannot cope that stress someone look at him. He is the red neck world. His mother is the red hair.

If you are going to those primary doctors, where I told you....

You can just give it to your primary doctors and tell him...you don't know how to handle that, and your attitude is also passive with this, but he is the massive shooter's conditioned person, can you find a way, take it down all the Google photo, his ID card, and all the where he lives, he had 2 kids, all those facebook show off stuffs. I don't think he can force himself keep doinig that.

That doctor can help.

Correct, every single time. You have many people in that classroom, just one of you get the right channel, or you yourself know how to do things. Just trust those doctors they will do something.

Yes, every single time. 

"His location is not the apple of the eye, the cell nucleus, right? We all as the classroom, someone is checking most people's location and report back, but not everyone knew where everyone is on the map is anything to do with 1 him. "

No, just relax to do. Every time he is up to something, you think you relax, you thought about, you have 7 people at least, to say 20, they got 20 sheets of the collective efforts someone will find out something why that position is always there.

You go to somewhere,...if that is whom, you say....

"Anna used to get cut in the middle with Jonathon at UB time, and after UB time, FRIEND those scene Beth dies that video, Chandler...how does he cut in the highway from Queeney to Toronto all the way to Guther Highway 7 Ontario. 

You know what I think....Anna says something, she and Jonathon were the leaderships so maybe when Jonathon that time with Tamang some classmate heard what he did, they report to the police, Brady or someone. But Anna LATER find out too many years pass, she didn't tell anyone the bf is in Canada, a different visa world, she just left. She knew Tamang came back for the chess club local, she wasn't telling Jonathon because she didnt' know he had carried a gun right on the facebook, but about 15 years pass, she realized something....

She says...... "

"I think she says.....or we think, that time Tamang lives in Emerson Square, and we did check, that is a very high utility rental place, Wing knew about that, because he used to work in the Wagman, in case his white truck got suspended, no gasoline, he will always have the food, the hanging low fruits, what does that means? Walking to Wegman, and get drugged? And no one finds? The Star Bucks or the mechanics where? Wing knows that ! He is guessing which one of us is really from UB, or he is warning us, no one knows which per line he inserts words that psycho, but I think Anna might be right....she isn't the greatest to say thing, i think she did told us, that time either the ***UB police or the local Buffalo police*** found him, or the Emerson Square found him, that was the heating and the electricity added in the rent? He was one person can afford that, and everyone thinks that is normal?"

"Someone needs to talk to Wing, and find out where he thinks that location is too marvelous, if he didn't get literally suspend the license on the way from Montana to U- BBBBBBB, that words was in Chinese. Wing is from Hong Kong. SD is not Montana, that was his community college double e degree. I think Anna is right, he is very very very psycho on those hanging low fruits to heckjet people. Because...Matrix first 10 mins, its the hecker, that time Y2K, and how the Steve Jobs told everyone the torrent site without, its their advertising on 99 cent per song, and no more torrent, its the ITune worlds since 2003. That is when Tamang at the community college, right? He didn't from ECC, meaning.....he plans to B someone, that driving, no one knows he got where...."

My TV time.

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