
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

波斯王子是不是這漫畫 ...? Is Prince of Persia this comic book?

你們沒有想過正視你正前方這種事情做真的人生? Have you thought looking at straight your life in front of you, that is a real life?

有沒有覺得是我發現的東西,是在我這邊講講講,我找出來的東西? Isn't that I found this thing, Its me here talk talk talk, I found this things?


When a person is on Earth, do a normal, not those a lot of the responsibility, talk about it later in the future.

Westlife - Magic

Talking to Nicky...waiting the sunrise for Kian. He is on the vocation. My phone is out of the battery. I tell Nicky, I don't feel it.....not that immediate thing. Sometimes I feel in the air, and I got the sense but I wish I would be there. He just took a photo of....that is in the interview too.

Hailey just had a baby !

You know I don't talk to Pierre Meghan anymore?

One of these days never end. Between the animal and the baby.


What should I say ...

"Growing big, growing tall. May you in life seeking the positive outgoing spirits to confront that life challenges in all kinds of the weather, may God's faith and love light guide you in your turmoil and undecisive time, as the tough love, as the tough life. Be determine and shed through that courage be in that mighty spirits."

排球少年 (amine) ハイキュー

They have these eye looking....maybe if you make it the character, they just reward you with the money, really. No matter what that is. Like those Avenger or Iron Man, if they becoming the public idol, its a reward idea, you becoming the post white background card those hanging...with a cloak.

他們有這眼睛長相 ...可能如果你變成這些角色,他們會獎勵妳金錢,真的,這不管是什麼,像說復仇者聯盟,或是鋼鐵人,如果他們變成公眾偶像,這是一個獎金的蓋念,你如果變成那種白色背景那種掛起來...有一個披風

Do they reward on Earth? I don't know....

他們獎金在地球? 我不清楚

You have to convince them how to mix between the Iron Man and the Harry Potter and its a women, not a guy.


This is Peyton Cooper? 


You know, I have heard, some people judging the beauty by the money when you rising some concept of ....seeing if you are tiny bit overweight, its all right. Because if you seeing too many of this, you get sick over of it, its in debts, or they done on purpose.


Harry Potter- The Goblet of Fire

Its on the TV.

oh ~ so take Eben to the tri-wizard tournament on a date?! 


The Spirituality

They have a lot of those Zen Set up, Zen Tatami or the furniture. Zen book, Zen looking, how do I describe to you. Like you walking in, its a sit place, you take your shoes off, every time you pass by that feeling, that clerk or the priest greet you right there, when you talking your sense out.....its like you seeing inside the TV, its a proper manner place you learn your manner, you learn your Kitchen, all these students already have the family background.

This is like Shane, and if Ronan? Or me I don't know.

A priest is a job, but you have a lot of the priest. Every discipline when they are more vibrant in the economic set up, you talking about the human character most of them are very vibrant, keep up learning, studious to learn, eager to ask you, respect you, manner, and proper conduct. Their parents invest in these learning. 

They don't have the chair on the ground those. Its smaller than those big retreat you walking-in, and feeling you relax, or some religious felt,

他們有很多禪定的整體,禪定的塌塌米,或是家具,禪定的書、禪定的長相,我怎麼解釋給你們聽,像你走進去是一個坐的地方,你把你鞋子拿掉,每一次你經過的感覺,這和尚打招呼的地方,當你感覺 ...就像你看電視一樣這是一個規矩的地方你學習你的能力,你學習廚房,很多學生已經有家庭背景

這是像 Shane 還有如果是 Ronan ? 我~ 我不太清楚

神職人員是一個工作,但是你有很多神職人員,每一種紀律當他們有很多活力當經濟建立起來,你在說人格個性,很多是充滿活力,一直在學習,念書學習,很有自主趕來問你,尊重你, 行為舉止,他們父母親投入這種教導


So, can people sue the Quan Yin methods because sent people to hell, or ....


I think when you see some of the police academia, its one of those liker her classmate in the 90s. You didn't know those news, its where, people greed to get those follower's money, she and near by disciple enjoys that money, so then they all got detains. All these religious seem or heard in Asia, Korea, Taiwan or China. They doing that, right. No, I won't be asking them about that, I taken things are settle. Like they go in to find these disciples, and selling them stuffs. 

我覺得你看到一些這警察的學校,就是她 90 年代的同學那時候,你們只是不知道那種新聞,在哪,斂財拿很多信徒的錢,她跟她旁邊的徒弟享受這種金錢,所以她們被逮捕,這所有的宗教形式,看起來或是聽說在亞洲,韓國、台灣、中國,他們做那種事情,對。沒有,我應該不會問他們這種事情,我猜事情就是已經整頓過了,像說很多進去尋找徒弟,或是販賣東西。

You probably didn't really understand the celestial by definition.


You don't hurt someone one tiny bit, and so when they make her doing all that, they go to hell, or she goes to hell. That is the celestial by definition those gold shining guards, those are the military. You talking the God head of the celestial military, you doing it on purpose, you ever heard any police, just get up, repeat, "You doing it on purpose.".


Most Heavenly guards are the guys, the man, the handsome clear tall, standing right guys. If they are the guys, not the girls. They just don't like about you, you will be in the hell, I think that is exactly what it means. Just no one saying that on the TV per religious script, because.....

大部分的天界是男孩子,或是男人,英俊高的清楚,站的直立的男孩子,如果他們是男孩子不是女孩子,他們只要不喜歡你,你就會在地獄,我覺得這就是這樣的意思,只是沒有人在電視上講宗教的劇本因為 ......

I don't really know how to tell you, the heaven has the people in it.


And the more I keep seeing this successful guys in our world, and the goldening shining guards on the other side....maybe if you be the military girls, because that is what most God Head taken the disciple or controlling them, are all the military girls/ the women.


You just look at them, the Heavenly guards, its they say they don't like you, they are the God. I used to say Pixie exists, but I never really literally seeing that.....do they do one of those cruels things just throw people in jail on Earth, I don't really know. The Heaven does. They will tell you 100%, that is you are wrong, they are right.

你只要看著他們,這天界的神兵,是他們說他們不喜歡你,他們就是神,我以前說邊界的警察存在,但是我從來沒有真的見過....他們有沒有很慘忍把誰丟到監獄在地球,我並不知道,天堂會,他們說你 100% 你是錯的,他們是對。

You know there are a lot of the amines. I think Zawanna is the wife idea. When a man is a Queen idea, one of those you seeing things in horror, you ever imagine? Not anything the Ancient Chinese drama. They put their every duty, or 2 cents. Its the guards, or its the wife idea.

你知道有很多這種動漫,我想 Zawanna 可能是太太概念,當一的男孩子是一個皇后概念,其中一個你看到事情很糟糕,你沒有幻想過? 不像是那種中國古代戲劇,他們把他們的責任,或是每一分管轄,這是侍衛隊還是太太的概念。

Because right now I am a girl, you want to just repeated what I say, "right, right, right, right, right."


Is that very shameful to talk like that?


You can use every kind of the voice to say that.


I am watching TV Next post 

我在看電視下一個 post


Babaji: Go


你們什麼事情都沒有,我在半途,才沒知沒絕怎麼我人在電視上的意思,你們以為是我第一天在線上仙魔霹靂戰的意思,OU 語言是 2014,花千骨是 2015. 那你們是有家長陪你們去上海? 最大的城市,那可以,你們也是天天在外面吃東西的意思? 中國好像要買水,我在台灣也是買水,要提水,我媽是殘障人士,我要看好這個人,很多東西以我人真的生活在某種世界,我附近親戚還沒有真的走了,我覺得你們常常幻想就是,如果沒有根基,你們從哪裡開始起身? 

有人在,怎麼不就小圈小巷小弄自己聯絡,我不是說我也有 Line 幾個這邊台灣常常看到我送檔案,我也不在乎他們聽了什麼。

中國的地很大吧 ? 要做計程車,或是開車? 霍建華是台北來的,他覺得中國很方便叫做 7-11 在樓下,早餐在樓下 ... ...要自己煮吧 ? ! 中國應該賣場類似美國我在想,每一次你真的出去,那種歐美也是,地方大就是你手腳伸很長,你會想睡覺,因為一天都在外面,假設我跟這他們西城男孩再一起,男孩子在外面跑,我在家裡

洗枕頭套,洗蔬菜,洗水果切開,準備一點水果混再一起 + 大豆 yogurt,你說很多我說真的食物我做? 對 ! 你多做一點,男孩子回來看到餐點,不會很洩氣吧 ? 可以洗澡、躺著 20-30 分鐘,只要起來就可以喝湯湯水水,跟吃東西,你們有沒有覺得你們家,有媽很好? 

中國有很多 Tik Tok 跟服裝有關,台北是因為我知道去哪裡找,很近 ....就在幾區,是可以買的價錢,大型商圈通常很昂貴,台北做的很簡單 !!!



要跟方一樣,七年過去...一樣的人生因為生長在台北,但是奶奶過世了 ! 

你們沒有很害怕,好像所有人都知道自己人生在哪裡,所以沒關係 ! 大家一起 ! 是這樣? 

水質是講煮白飯 ....軍事的人通常很多資源,中國講中國,台灣講台灣,講說社交環境是一種官僚...然後呢?

我以前在美國就是有這種 SA 叫做學生會,不是台灣學生會,也不是中國學生碩士博士會,對,他們是分開的....台灣很小,所以說雙雙對對,當初我室友,就是這台灣同學會很小,我講很小?


那講整個大學部的學生會,裡面有 1) 希臘社會體系 2 ) 社團

我其實就不知道,台灣同學會跟中國同學會在哪裡了....在社團,這是大學部,應該是在研究生的那一團,是不是同一個學生會下面,因為這個講預算的 ...尊上人閒的關係 。

你們應該是去靠社交吧 ? 我說上海如果是國際很多人在那逼立足.... 台北是我家,沒辦法。小圈子就是你們知道,如果有人一次見面,有些人就定下來了,你們以為煮菜不能有前途,女孩子很多都是,待一下旁邊的小孩呀 ! 買點東西幫忙呀 ~穿戴整齊出門呀 ~ 你們沒有想過那種快樂人生那種?

我有我自己專攻的東西,你們呢? 前面 20 年晃蕩,不會跟我年紀一樣,我好像在叫的是 18-25+,因為他們用衝的在科學博物館,你們現在看文章底下叫做 Tag 字,他們那種內部軟體開發 IT 的,一定是那種,軍事人很多對吧 ? 每一個人在中午吃飯討論,怎麼用那個介面? 你們知道? 這就是 18+-25,喔~講軍事,他們可有很多花樣,叫做高科技,他們怎麼發展自己的大腦智商的。

這幾天我們在講吃東西在台北很貴,跟資訊世代的一些概念,你們是印出來給你們爸媽看,還是大概帶過? 我想知道 !

你們斜包包最想做的事情,就是找到一份工作,就是周末是兩天+ 禮拜五的晚上,終於前面五個禮拜去跟朋友、同學炫耀跟吃飯,自己有工作了,是這樣? 然後之後的每一兩個周末,就是住在台北盆地很方便的通勤,大家一起見個面,吃個飯? 

我弟弟在美國工作,跟我一樣,只是他的工作是正統公司,他回家還要再繼續工作,他找到那種很高薪水想辦法成就的一個 ABC 在美國,昨天我們在講台北車站的 Y 區跟一個炸雞排或是討論台北鐵路便當有配菜,小小的旁邊配料 ! 

台北夜市會比超商便宜,因為要自己去挑菜,就是 ...這種文化跟吃,就是你們都吃速食像說麥當勞或是摩斯漢堡? 所以這埃本還是 Craig 你們聽聽就大概,已經聽不太懂,或是沒有什麼交集? 


最右邊是現在在 Youtube 上面有活動的,左下方是再也沒有活動,去找一般工作的,猜猜,哪個是我?  

你們會問我,尊上是怎麼知道的? 我看到的 ! 我畫一模一樣的東西。

在台北車站 Y 區那種衣服或是 K 區,其實只要買三四件,你們爸媽其實付的出來,我其實沒有在路上看過他們穿這些衣服,我常常在照片上面秀,這種網路事情做慣了,就是人格也覺得沒有什麼關係,其實跟你們所謂攝影機從大螢幕搬到小螢幕的介面,每一個人其實多少都會比較自己的容顏,你們覺得? 就是自己皮膚呀 ! 注意自己的飲食,然後每一個 Youtuber 會看旁邊這其他人通通都做了什麼? 互相研究,但是像我說的,很多人其實知道網路不穩,所以其實也很積極,就是找一份其他工作,就再也沒有運用網路情況。

不會呀 ! 我解釋給你們聽或是解釋給你們爸媽聽,現在這個很方便 ...因為手機就是完全看中文,如果一個爸媽交會另外一個爸媽,就是這兩個禮拜,每一個都看懂中文,因為講的是一模一樣的東西,只是寫中文,有點像這是台灣出來誰在打字,打打打打打,做圖檔、做音檔,或是一起看網路影片。

我現在開始每一天累積時間,就是多一點 (都在家裡),我會走呀走的在那種,多十分鐘,多二十分鐘,多四十分鐘看 CNN,我會做一點比較多動作,就待在同一個空間,因為還在網路上 !

所以假設跟國外的 Youtuber 沒有銜接,你們跟台灣自己本身的 youtuber 你們都知道他們的臉嗎 ? 看 Joeman 很多比較食物價錢,他常常做那種食物比較 ...喔 ! 你們爸媽應該比較有錢吧 ? 意思如果洗蔬菜,長相,這女孩子通常就是常常要找這種,家裡打掃,打電話,溝通,或是一些日常的工作,因為真正的工作都被男孩子聚集,你們曾經準備過這種小思小行,從你們爸媽開始? 聽說你們以前有零用錢,我以前沒有用過錢 ....

你們如果過胖,身上就會長一些東西,你們會去找人去清掉臉嗎 ? 就是那種某些皮膚組織的?

所以這跟吃東西有沒有關係,尊上在緩慢移動體重,我才剛開始這種叫做,多20分鐘,每一個段落,我整個人的感覺對體重之後,好像都有點不太一樣,原來可以吃多一點東西的意思 ?

類似方方的生活,因為是在台北生長,會有很多吃飯的機會,爸媽還在,親戚也在,所以自己開機車,20年前機車是兩萬,現在是八萬 ~ 戴安全帽,人會小心騎機車的意思。

假設這美國跟我就是沒有銜接,我自己一個人就長的、穿的,自立為王那種 ...

我在路上左邊看、右邊摸,在台北這種盆地,我也不知道這地理我摸了多少東西,不只電影講埃本,應到你們誰跟誰長的像,跟類似,你們不是最期望叫做有張開嘴巴,跟他們聊天,說呀 ! ?

在美國不知道怎麼了 OU

好 ! 這一個台灣,就像我說機車是兩萬變成八萬,這是界上只有一個盆地,你們有想過怎麼變出錢錢,這怎麼會變成一堆畫,跟最新卡通木乃伊 (2023),我今天想到,這市博會,你們人群淹了動漫世貿展 !!!!!! 

你們是愛上,還是去調查,還是台北紅線坐到淡水淡完了,我說哪一本的漫畫,你們是看完了,尋找 Zawanna 的蹤影還是歷史,抵達哪裡了?

我有跟你們說其實方方好像不煮菜的? 那個餐廳是一打人員,除了她之外 ....

你覺得我在講什麼? 在國外因為 ...有時候會有這種盒子,就是反正可以自己用,可以做壽司或是如果吃蛋的素,這也是可以裝一盒,我有講過新鮮度的蛋,剛買回來,就馬上做掉?



你們如果習慣那種生活,叫做 ABC 講中文,一年過去兩年...現在我是七年過去,工作也是聽說讀寫講中文,你們就真的得回歸台灣,那很多東西要以中文,或是貼一點中國,學習簡體字,或是微博,就是要常常聽或是尋找,或是學會一點那方面,就完全跟美國切掉,你們是這樣?


一定是這 Zawanna 跟 Ancient Chasez 讓你們覺得很有希望,這自己的漫畫,非常需要去調查,衝回家一箱一箱搬到某個地方看得意思? 可是埃本就在線上,他人在美國,你們知道我尊上原本是跟埃本的? 兩年前 ...一定是說卡通比較重要,真人真事,怎麼不說鬼片也是真的? 

然後照片跟我換位置的 .....

一定很多這種製作照片方法 ....

你們怎麼不把埃本跟 Craig 當作真的人呢? 

TV: 錦繡未央 (虧欠億港幣)owe 8 zero in Hong Kong dollar

汪星的丈夫, 提娜好朋友, 一間工廠在中國幾年前

Tina best friend husband, a factory in China several years ago.



🛎️ You know everyone has 24 hours a day? 你知道每一個人一天只有 24 小時?

And inside your life, you find out something, sometimes you read it through the books, or you find it out a college foundation from the local family whom given you the scholarship in the library. Not everyone shares that route how the life gets about, I happened just be online telling you almost every step or the stage I see I myself to walk to, or why it is that way. I didn't obligate to do that, but I will be open and talked about it. Here is my reasoning, and I decide this is my life course. 


I used to talk about the life routine when you being with someone. Sometimes its Costco, sometimes its the car maintenance, sometimes its Wal-mart or the organic store, but what I talk about was never a reality picture, you really living with that somebody with what kind of the personality.

我以前在討論一個生活的作息如果跟誰再一起,有時候是 Costco,有時候是車子修理,有時候是 Wal-mart, 或是有機商店,但是我從來沒有討論是一個真實的照片,你是如何真實的跟誰住在一起,這種人格。

Like I wait in the car maintenance, and he drives by later on.


Like in the grocery store, you remember the isle, or the things what it usually look because its all in Irish, or start to get familiar of the kitchen words from the Top label.

像說商店裡面,你記得某些走廊,或是事情怎麼看因為是愛爾蘭語,或是開始準備一些詞彙在廚房,從最上面寫的 (商店)

How you sound like every day, you happy, you get things done, you have your things plan out....

你每一天都怎麼聽起來,你快樂,你把事情處理好,你把事情計畫出來 ...

Like here we gonna go out, me and my mother. Its a routine like the weekend.


🥪🥪 I think if you staring at high tech and the money, you might go to heaven faster.....remember just look at the movie. I told you he is extremely impatience. 🥪🥪

No, he didn't change a bit since he was in the hell. Probably I don't know if they let loosen a bit hell, so he can be as himself still...or they just show me how he is. This is probably very different belief in the world. I can only just tell you - follow the movie. 


不,他沒有改變一點自從他在地獄,大概我不知道他們有沒有放鬆一點地獄,所以他可以做他自己仍然,或是他們給我看他是怎麼樣的人,這大概非常不太一樣的信念在這世界,我只可能告訴你 - 跟著電影

I found a formula in the BTX, you know that is carving this same wall every day....we close that last year. Then the X man, then the Laws side another I make to look like one formula.

This opening trailer of the Revolution Girls, you can see, that is the ladder to go and climb on the money digits - the System talk in the universe idea.

我找到一個公式在 BTX,你知道這是同一個牆壁我每一天在刻...我們結束那個去年,然後X 戰警,然後法律有一個公式我寫下來類似

這革命少女的開場曲,你可以看到,這走上去的階梯,爬上去的金錢數字 - 系統講法在整個宇宙的概念

I didn't ask you for the money, at least the religious people. I make my own side to get rise up this System talk, none of you trying to get on that ladders.


I will be busy with Nicky and Kian. 我會跟 Nicky and Kian 忙碌

Today I starting to call them more. 今天我開始打電話比較多

How do you go to heaven with Babaji? He doesn't come often at this side of the universe or galaxy. 你怎麼去天堂跟巴巴基? 他其實不常來這邊的銀河或是星際

I think the best thing is the Japanese Zen, and you just doing it like the American side this replenish your spirits, and you focus on a highly Cooperate structure, you making the business, or you making it the career up to millions dollars those rank. I would say that is the start, and you gear towards the high tech, the high living, be attentive to your own health, your family, and quiet life. Don't make too much the friends, if that is a waste of time. Babaji is not the personality, in those unlimited idea to us, and you wasting time you think you are, or you think they are. 


The birds say Ronan 小鳥說 Ronan

The outside where the sunshine world I can see, that is the popular trend, a lot of this meditation or the New Age, they are all the new trend such as in America, you seeing some of these speakers or people talking about New Age, all that are very very strong hold, the generation meant a real spirituality pursuing. Not the police bracket to surveillance, and finding faults on everyone else doing. That is not a healthy environment. Let's say you happy for that Guru, Sanhdu? Or you seeing whichever monk, that looks like the monk, and everyone has this weekend, and you have the family business, or the family money, to arrive there. Not everyone else are staying below the poverty line. That is nothing like the outside when they seek the spirituality. 

在外面陽光的世界我可以看到,那是一個受歡迎的趨勢,很多這種新世代的打坐,或是新趨勢在美國,你看到很多這種公眾演講者在講新世代,很多有很強的位置,而新生代就是以一個真的靈修來追逐,不是警察範圍跟監視,就是尋找錯誤誰誰誰做什麼事情,那不是一個健康的環境,所以像說你快樂看到老師,或是 Sanhdu? 或是你看到什麼和尚,他看起來像和尚,每一個人每一個禮拜,你有家庭事業,或是家庭的錢,抵達那裏,不是每一個人都在貧窮線的下面,這其實不是外面他們在找尋的靈修

But in that very world, very often, its the weekend, they pretend to be holy 2 days, and 5 days they becoming totally focus the selfish person you say they are. They are not all improving their character when the business has a very tough call, they keep their personality. Its just for the mental health or the spirit lighten up for 2 days to be less stress inside their head. 


They just like or love to hear the good teaching from the proper conduct to remind them, but just 2 days in that one week, they forget all that and go back to the Cooperate business or the world. 


If anyone ask Judge, these are I say. Me the Honorable Superior wants to see.


Being hygienic, being healthy, being less stress to the senior care, or the skin care.


They have a lot of those Japanese those wood, brighter wood, the whole space is bright, or tatami, and most of the devotee are the wealthy family to send them to learn, to listen to the good teaching. Its to prepare their education included. They learn cooking, they learn cleaning the vegetable, they go on the retreat, they do the service to the humanity, they help out. They all already have the good conduct from the good family. Nothing is like the poverty line below. You say you taken their money, or you sympathy to give them the money.


Babaji he gives the money to the homeless. Unless you want to be that humiliating here.


Sometimes you have this bigger world. 有時候你有一種很大的世界

When you present yourself.....當你在詮釋你自己的時候

You didn't go and personality yourself into too many people's business, but you focus inside your niche, and find that way. 


You be happy first, and cluster at the things that make you inside a positive world.


A lot of the guys will be your own competition, I can tell you that. You probably think the guys being considerate, or they were polite, or they yield, or some guys pamp you, and when it comes to the real life, you decide they do things for the good heart, and they are not replacing you, or they have no period pain, and they have no mood, and some day a younger guy replace the situation. 

You are not in the religious world, you are in your happy career jobs world, finding a niche. The religion on this wide opens things, someone pays the money, so someone induce people in and set up the environment for the entire world to see on the monitor. 



This is so funny, the guy looks like Babaji !! 這真的很好笑!!! 這個男的長的像巴巴基

I go and rest a bit 我去休息躺一下

The ice has come freeze up the ocean.


子歇 is 90s, American / European are the gangsters ? 


You had a news that the Italian police gone in your place with all the pet you have.


There is a new Flower Thousand Bone



It’s from China


You are free and you have to learn how to confront things on yourself. You were a story teller, not a Master included.


When the Flower Thousand Bones air (2015) in June, I got back here 2016 Sep. it was the 5 Lord Review.

當花千骨上映(2015) 在六月,我回來這 2016 九月,那是五教主審核

I didn’t start to file until 2021, the lawsuit. You can ask the lawyer when is the best time to file.

我到 2021 才發送法案,你可以詢問律師,什麼世界發送才是最好

You calculate the time to how long you think you keep living, and this hair ….it doesn’t mean to me.

你計算你的時間多久你想繼續活著,這頭髮… 對我沒有什麼意義

I seen your German photo, you put your hair up like that when you go out.


You seen whom fight these next 5 years, to be this new Master of yours, including BEAS.

你看誰在打架下面五年,做你新的師父,包括 BEAS.

It might be a Royal guard, and then you have a Master.


Most religion they will want that seat, it’s the beginning of the Digital Era. You just ask your organization if they lent that help to include another lineage in to begin their every kind of the Digital Era talk I used to say.


It’s probably for the digital era, but you can ask the judge if they literally just kill you on the TV every time or every chance they can. They will say no.

這可能是為了資訊世代但是你可以問法官,他們是不是很想殺了你這電視每一次每一個機會他們可以, 他們會說 no.

I don’t have a group, so you spend time your group and that group, blend back into this Earth between whom you say you are and they say they are.


Go and have fun


My world is the science, music (military), cooking or the women’s their half eternity love or hygienic.


Your world is the religion, how to meditate.


Can you tell me what’s wrong with the movies? (Tangle) 你可以告訴我,電影是不是什麼出錯?

None of that were your immediate family. Not 子歇, not his mother becoming your mother, not painting, not doing the pottery, not reading a book, not all that hairy turning to the side by black, but that would have given you breathing family time with your family.

My mother told me that story, 子歇 you ask him to go back to his mom in Hong Kong like Sariputra 2500 years ago story. 

I don’t think … personally you like him 子歇 as much, you have many other options but most of all, none of them are your immediate family. Not close by. When I say Karen hates, or Adria hates, or Middleton hates… because it’s always about the guys family. They cannot take it a certain pride on things never stop. But they have no money and they need a guy …until their works gonna flair up 400 millions debts. 

The system data best for the women, it’s to go home. Their character is not grown up. If their parents die, they often die out too. 


我媽告訴我那個故事,子歇你叫他回他媽媽在香港的地方像舎利弗2500 年之前的故事

我個人沒有覺得你喜歡子歇跟其他比,你有其他的選擇但是大部分,沒有一個是你的最近家庭,不是靠近,當我說 Karen 恨 或是 Adria 恨或是Middleton 恨… 因為都一直是男孩子的家庭,她們無法一種自尊在某種事情上停止,但是她們沒有錢而需要一個男孩子… 直到她們的工作上400 millions 負債


And Zootopia (那動物方程式呢?)

No, not like that. The police is never your family member immediate. 


The best scenario is that one person go home staying with the parents not incurring debts, and breath, and sleep, and not stress, grow up with the parents for some times and find the future exit along that axial, more stable character growing up.

And if not?

You talking about yourself you never stop seeing the police or the tape water factory person, or lose the hair. 




The Victoria Secrets say my position is a police and my mother is an ET without the helmet. No she is not an ET. No, I am not a police.

The VS 說我的位置是警察,我媽是 ET 沒有安全帽,不是,她不是 ET. 不是,我不是警察

Nick took care of his mother very very old age until I show up.


My mother is the only kid takes cares of her mother.


My father after China incident, he came here but he always close to his mother until she dies.


I am arrange my side if I go to Ireland, I think best my mother be with Tina or Pang best, let her flying to stay in America and help Tina a bit with the 2 kids. It’s everything fallen into places like that, for both of their character. Their mother they need her more than me, but I came home like 7 years and I find my exit both the career and the next stop. 

我在準備我這邊如果起身去愛爾蘭,我想最好的情況是我媽去提娜或是 Pang 最好,讓她飛或是待在美國,給提哪幫忙兩個小孩,這是所有事情擺到應該的地方,他們兩個的個性,她們需要他們的媽比我需要,但是我回家已經七年了,我找到我的出口兩個一個職業給下一站。

There are a lot of the lay off Silicon Valley but it’s best the kids go back home staying with their parents a bit.


Your family and your classmates that will be the best, like that Princess Diary says.


You get a facebook and put them all on the top. Whomever you can find. 


My classmates will be the happiest when I keep my online activities with or without the facebook.


I think the similar age will be the happiest


You grab whatever you can find, later you think about the Real Love or the Loving the Silent Tear, you get happy first and find out later. It bothers your mind.


You wishing them well.


It might be too long year correct. I done my facebook 20 years ago, later they found or got told the online activities.

這可能是太久之前,對,我做我的臉書 20 年前,之後她們找到或是被告知我的線上活動

My both parents have the social media or Line Groups, staying connected with their peers, I think they care the most and happy the most.

我父母親有臉書或是 Line groups, 說待在她們的同學,我想他們是在乎的或是快樂最多的

What does the movie say to me, Anna, me feel ?

子歇 is not a thief, his mother is not your mother

Sariputra and his mother is not your family. When Sariputra grown up, his entire room shelf on the top are all the stuffy animal. 




You probably fallen out of the digital era 


Those are you stuck on a tower, you watch the movies? and later with a thief to go and venture life to meet the gangsters.


One day, you becoming a police stuck in a city full of the animal.


Pang is very introvert, he used to play PC.


He is not on the exile story, you are on the exile timeline. 


When you meet me, you will feel the time and space freeze up a bit like the photo.


You ask the court if you die, you die in the sea and if there is any given meaning. Here is One Eye shadow government territory.


They put on the Earth television so all over the universe will know including your past crime. Except the Earth knows, it’s not ethical so you can ask the court on the legal reason other than the education toward the outside, anything else entwine in it.


You didn’t do this to put everyone in hell, but someone did.


You are entering a world of the mortal bound, meaning you get educated and then you go out to educate the mass. In the democracy world, you have the police and the legal trial system, you won’t be reporting to me but you have been learning 40 years to report to the police or anyone else other than to me. You used to long long long ago had a growing up experience to given you background but you got exile. And those reason to get exile is not a pretty excuse how you fallen into the mortal realm where you get up your education and IQ to deal with everything in the people that they coming to you as the dharma seeker. Your original job to your vow supposes to be doing that but this world police or the survilience people report to me, it’s that Tangle and that Animal equation formula called not utopia, it’s Zoo-topia.

你進入一個世界是凡人存在的地方,意思你接受教育然後你出去教育大眾,在民主社會世界裡,你有警察跟法律程序的系統,你不會來對我報告但是你已經學會四十年報告給警察或是任何人除了我之外,你在很久很久很久以前有一個長大的背景但是你被流放,而被流放的原因不是一個很美的藉口你跌落凡人世界,這是你成功於你自己的教育或是智商在面對所有人事物,對妳求道的追隨者,你本來的原本工作是應該是你的誓言,但是這警察跟防備的人員告訴我的其實是 Tangle 跟動物完美世界,不是人世外桃園的世界。

Correct, you just tell the air, you let me go, that should be sufficient enough.


You have arrived and accomplished, and I am about to depart.


This should do.





Its my night time. I go hugging Ancient Chasez. 這是我夜晚的時間,我去抱這 Ancient Chasez.

The Book guy. You will never foster any soul, or anyone.

He is so much older than me, so we talk, he foster me, you saying you go gossip with everyone else hurting me. They come and tell me a different story.

Sometimes just hugging, feeling so much different too, beside I have to grab my phone to talk to Nicky. When the times come, I have to go back to Nicky they are. 

He says hi ! 



有時候抱抱,就非常不一樣,況且我要找我的電話,講話跟 Nicky, 當時間抵達的時候,我要回到 Nicky 那邊


What can be the 400 millions item check list the women hate the guys can write to get this case moving? 什麼是 400 millions 名單女孩子恨男孩子可以寫去讓這個案子起訴?

The guys act before the women thinks, either they had a lot more experience or they controlling the life of a women cannot breath. I cannot breath. Any of this movie content and the reality.


I think overall if me and other these women right people get compensate, its for the money reason. I got told, or if its true from the Judge side, its to one person account, and many will say that. Its the girls we let go a seem the girl to the future or the past man's power hierarchy, to let go, we will get the compensate, the details I don't know, but I have a hunch, if just let go. Whatever that reason, if you can find out for us. We do not contact, we do not email, we do not make life scene why we have anything to do with this Power, not in any evolution why we had zero connection this one lifetime. They or me, becoming sour with one her (him). If we will just get the compensation regardless all that flaw, if we just come close to the court room to the Judge the future all timeline, its where we speak our right. Not this one Monarchy, or the universal hierarchy the Power of Be, or the Power. We will deal ourselves with the court alone, so this compensation is solely on us. Not those guys behind, not those male order wherever, we deal all that ourselves walking in the court room with the Judge now on. 

我想這所有,如果我跟這些女孩子,被賠償,是金錢問題,我被告知,如果這是真的從法官的立場,這是一個人的案子,這是很多人會說,這是一個她我們讓走,未來或是過去的男生權力等級制度,我們會被賠償,這細節我不知道,但是我有一種感覺,如果就讓走。不管什麼原因,如果你可以幫我們找到,我們不會聯絡、不會 email,我們不會有生活的情景為什麼我們會跟權勢,沒有任何演化為什麼我們有任何關係這一輩子的時間,她們或是我,很酸變成因為一個她 (他),如果我們可以被賠償不管哪種缺點錯誤,如果我們靠近法院,法官的任何未來時間表,這是我們講述我們的權利,不是一輩子的君主制,或是與宇宙全力制度叫做 Power of Be 或是 Power, 我們會自己在法院處理,這賠償只在我們,不是那些男孩子在後面,不是男孩子秩序任何地方,從此之後,我們自己處理這所有走進法院跟法官。

You just use this photo all the time.


On the personal account 在個人的訴說

I am a liberal human, a liberal black hair Asian. I want to make that clear in the court room description. I am always a liberal women, that to describe the liberal tense, its one of the happy things if I can do in the Washington D.C. Not as much as the true love why you say lower your head to the guy, that is a women.

我是一個自由主義的人,一個自由主義黑頭髮的亞洲人,我想做一個很清楚的講法在法院敘述,我總是一直都是自由主義的女人,這形容自由詞彙,這是一個快樂的事情我可以在華盛頓DC 做,不是那麼多的講真愛為什麼你說,跟男孩子低下你的頭,那個人是女的。

Babaji is very very old person 巴巴基是非常非常老的人

It will forever impossible between a women like you in the movie King & Co, you make that yourself, and knowing how old he meant every women, bow, kneel, flat, so you might as well, just do the happy things in this democracy tense for everyone, for some people to improve that women right over.....whatever these let go scenario. 

這是一個永遠不可能一個女人像你一樣在這種電影 King & Co 你自己做的跟知道,他到底有多老他的意思是每一個女人,跪著趴著躺著,所以你寧可就做一些快樂的事情在這種民主詞目之下,幫助每一個人,幫一些人改善女人權力....不管哪種讓走的情況。

No, with the democracy world means ....you be happy to do the things you happy most, so the guys can tell you, NO. Not you inside his life. They got the freedom too. For me, that is a forever and eternal no.

不,這民主世界的意思是指...你快樂做你喜歡快樂最多的事情,所以男孩子可以對你說: 不 ! 不再他生活裡,他們也有這自由說,對我,這是一個永遠永世的: 不 !

So the movie is not hurting you legally, these ET are doing nothing but the democracy reason. 

所以這電影不是來傷害你的,合理的,這些ET 所做的只有民主的意義,沒有其他意義

In other words, 換句話說

You only looking for one thing you be happy to do, that is going to Washington D.C, to make your points, one day, you make a point you are being loved by your disciple, they give you money, you are seen by all, one day you are the Pope. That is the democracy thing means. 

你只需要做一件事情你最快樂來做,就是去華盛頓 DC 去說你的重點,有一天,你的重點就是你的徒弟到底有多愛你,他們給你錢,你被所有人看著,有一天你是羅馬教主,這就民主制度之下所有事情的意思。

You don't have to, you have the freedom to do that.


Its the same like the comic book says. Correct.


You and me or Dr. Steven Hairfield in this one lifetime.....is nothing blood related. 你跟我跟 Dr. Steven Hairfield 在這一生,其實不是真的血緣關係

Therefore, if you seeing your sister a lot more often, you will feel a lot better, because it means to you, everyone is dying out. And correct, when they putting you to find a new husband, that was probably genuine. You gaining the public fame the only reason, its to get a love, and you didn't, so ....you get a love that time.


Your goal like you meant, its to find out this movie inside material, but you are not watching it, everyone else is watching it for you.


Is there a reason ....?

Yes, I told you, You run away ABC for love. I repeated that so many times.

Is that against the System?

They usually end up in the jail. I don't know if that is called against the system.

You think that is the movie content comes about? 

Which part? Reminds you to the future timeline, you keep running part, or your finding a love settle down like the commander-in-chef told me part? Or its on your own Broadway show. No more police shows up, your heart fluctuate up or down.  You trying to say they force you, so you can no more ending up in jails, you ending up in the hell. 

No, they finding the bad people.

Right, I just told you...you didn't need to grow up. This kind of the grow up, they sent you endless books or the movies to keep growing up. The behavior science. You give a lot of the people troubles behind, from every side, so you keep growing up you say....get the women right highten. 

So if you want to do that, I told you, to lift up the women, all of them have no back end road exit. You inquire them and you yourself 400 millions item statues how you hate the guys, or the police you see....all that combine, to make up 400 millions points. 

Rally in the Washington D.C.

You done that before. What I told you this women's right, is not the TV told me. I just told you what I think this Zawanna did. 

He cannot keep telling lies how the Earth remains the low civilization, and saying the upper world is more climate better, so the women's health better, so their entire situation is....what what what made into the laws, and these women have no back end exit, every day staring at me.....

These movies are very calculative. You don't need to take that advice. I just say my side account. 

I want to know ...我想知道

This is beyond this lawsuit idea I complain for file. In this world, if someone whom could calculate their way to top, is that real? 

So I know if this photo real?

這是不算訴訟我抱怨去發送,在這個世界,如果有人可以計算他們抵達上面,這是真的嗎 ?


I think she does on purpose not to preaching in the world. 


You tell the Judge, you have a wobble personality, meaning people coming up to you saying something, your heart, mind, soul jumping all around. Your whole life 40 years with this.

You say you cannot change that.

你告訴法官,你有一個左右搖擺的個性,意思人上來跟你說什麼,你的心、神,靈魂跳來跳去,你的整輩子 40 年這是這樣子。


You tell them how you coming in to Taiwan for 500 NT per month they give you a Vietanese nun, because you run away from your husband, that bank doesn't have much money, til later, how you becoming this 1986 Chinese Zen Buddhism Association on the legal name, you will never do such things, you just tell the Judge once more. So the day, when the police comes, including if there are the police pretending inside your disciple all these time, your heart pace never get along with the legal justice, ever. You feeling you got punished, the first day whatever the things you got detained up to now. Everything to the public is to set up for the public or you wear out your fake life, because......you got married. 

你告訴他們,你是怎麼抵達台灣一個月 500 台幣,給一個越南出家尼姑,因為你跑掉你德國丈夫,這銀行並沒有錢,直到之後,你怎麼變成這 1986 中國禪定佛教協會在立法名稱,你從來就不可能會做出這種事情,你在一次告訴法官,所以那一天,當警察出現包括如果有警察當你裡面的徒弟,這些時間,你的心跳動從來沒有真的跟立法司法,處好過,你感覺你被逞罰,從第一天事情你被逮捕,直到現在,所有事情在公眾都是為了公眾或是你疲憊這假的人生因為....你結婚了。

You tell the Judge, inside your life as you grew up, you never see the police this much forces to be in front of your faces, or the legal measurement them show up in front of you, every step the way inside your life, you are a Vietnamese, we sound like that criminal, but be seen with the police show up in front of my face, she Anna never had one incident other than the hospital people she sees, just not the Judge or the lawyer, or the police force. My heart went a lot of this up or down as a women. I don't even know why I should tell you all this, someone told me to tell you, I am not feeling all that well, all my life during all these time including the political movement such as the 90s refugee move to Philippine, as the organization getting wealthier, I probably will never do such things and right at Taiwan, because I am too short, and is a foreigner. Til the day I have to dye to the blonde hair, I literally die in many piece starting the short hair, and my land in Florida got governmental suspend, we are filling the land mass like the newspaper says, I had a French pseudo name. 

You say, Anna she didn't do anything of one human extra inside her space other than that one nick or her mother. I coming here, I .....want to express myself as I written here. Her world, its one computer, one room, one mother whom cooked the food on the table, one nick far away. Some Internet new or some friends show up wealthy at her age. But she doesn't have one staff issue, meaning hate or trouble, or talking to her....I gone through for 40 years, that my fluctuation of life to the legal justice is endless. She got none. 

I didn't really think I can change the day starting 1986, or before, when the first time or its her birth 1983, I was seen or spot, or found to arrive in Taiwan, or I starting to see the First Police in my year would be.........how old that I was.

I didn't expect that someone like her will care for me, meaning this one incident of my life review if the police force or the stranger shows up inside my life, I wishing all of them go to hell or whomever this, how I whine up this far, anyone but me in this one organization go to heaven, and sent them all to hell. Because I got forced, or I got detained, and correct, I know Taiwan 90s, those classmate issue, or whenever I have to flying out of the Taiwan very often because I don't have a visa to stay in Taiwan. America given me a Golden Key, but I cannot stay in America neither. 

To a lot of the things, the strangers, or every so often, the women snatch the guy, or the guy snatch the girl, or let go these coming and going friends or enemy of this entire organization, I don't really have a family anymore to think for me or anymore classmate, to sound like Anna she got a happier life, or the trouble things they all fight about, they are all American looking. 

If these details being said, or that my account to get to know whom I am, or how I was, I personally didn't really know how the medical board doing things its for the justice, right, or for me myself, and she told me, its for me.  Its for my health reason. 

Anna says.....

Its probably a lot of this legal people if show up, either the physical ashram, the donor, or the disciple asking you the troubles, or the America past, or anything if you just hear the lawyer, to hear the justice, or the court paper, or the water sewage, or the trailer renew license, or all that combine stress just to seeing the people in front of you, the police is the word Anna says when they knock at your door, or check you very often.

You will tell the Judge, that rabbit in the movies is not real. You are not really born to go and police anyone, your heart also going up or down, anything if wrong, and not virtuous, being blackmail like the Taipei Contact person seeing the email, you got told, you feel panic too. 

Anna says, if I can take the police out of my life, I will feel a lot more calmer, to focus the meditation or the retreat life. Not every two second breathing time, if they show up, or the materials to be put on the TV, it is by being told to do, and none of that my will, all that.....its anyone Anna she never sees, other than the family member like her mother, she doesn't know that is a pain, or nick is a guy, she returns home, she found the difference being with a guy, or stay closer to the mother sometimes until she sees another person to live a happier life. 

I think this....fluctuation of life....might be the very rooted scene. If these people Anna photo got proven on the movies its everyone see, and those meant the standard of the Heaven felt, I will tell you, I got none, its all the fluctuation of my heart going up or down, none stop whenever this one incident got reported, and again and again to let me be aware, that troubles are never end, its the human problems. 

I want the police to know, I am friendly or cooperate, really. I always doing that. But every time there is a legal manner, or things be dealt upon, my heart went up or down. If my father is alive, and I have that kind of the realness someone can talk for me, these disciple is real, I know ....but that sensation Anna says, if any stranger that you see, is another goodbye saying hallo, were never permanent, you don't really have one person stable to talk to like this scene can stop.

They are filled inside their world, and Anna speaking of a certain type of the people showing up, including the proven end degree with the court, you are the Judge, I want to inquire, how her reality be seen by everyone, because I don't watch the movies, to say per photo next by another history words, or description, or the name of the youtube video....you make her money, she make her seeing...that is all she says or claims. Can I be told, can I know if you are the one communication to her side, and this photo validity, to where.....all these....

Meaning, she got a title on the TV, but ....where is the rest of the story. You given her money support to keep that seat, or she just staying with her mother only?

And if she stays with her mother only, did any police show up there with these reports she abused the internet saying the account, the false or real, or anyone seeing the TV or the movies, say, that is per photo validate per side by side, the name, the comic book, the TV, the claims?

yeah, you talking normal with the Judge.

I only need to hear from you say yes, because, I wish that is real, but she makes me feel very down turn. Really. And the celestial realm those claim, it blister me just like she told everyone. I cannot take it. My ego cannot take it, my hard working to endure a lot of this cannot take it. Everyone praise me, applause me, money me, wealth me, and these movies putting my face into my tears from behind. Worse, there is the consequence on the movie, that....as if everyone knows, and I try to tell you, I didn't watch any of that, at all. 

Anna says, if I can take back my family members, or even just one classmate coming near to talk, or to be around, other than the strangers coming and going inside this professional life, and can retire without seeing anymore police, meaning no more public fame, no more human issue, no more police, or the youth goes and screw it up themselves, its all belonging to them issue, this fluctuation of the heart to mind, I will do a lot better as the human reason for myself, other than the pride issue, everyone can smell. 

I coming here to talk funny....

Do you know the reason why she told me to repeat these account to you Judge, if her PCAT is 97 percentile, where that mind is to say something like that? 

To my scene, I know I just deal with it, not just the police, or the water sewage company, that is the company staff that inform me issues, and I have to deal that those issues. Being grown up means to do all that. 

Anna says....she says no, you don't need to grow up. I don't understand why she told me to say all these, but I bring these copy with me to tell you, what is this one lifetime of the mistake, and that movie making what things inside the TV story plot, I becoming unaware, or ever will.....something just getting visible and visible, because she makes her money, on things I cannot see. And she stays there forever....I cannot take any of that. 

You woke up? 你醒了?柯文哲 is not that that old

He looks like a guy in W two worlds. Hank’s position.  Hank told the judge he will never ever ever see that women, Tina ever again. 

他長得像 W two worlds Hank’s position. Hank 告訴法官他永遠永遠永遠不想在看到那個女人, 提娜!

Right now, you are old, so you losing a lot of the old blood friends, or the upper leadership, all that included. To Babaji, you....don't have a discern function inside you, very shaky so he has to be on guard on you all the time. You being put in that position, not you becoming that position. On the back of his mind, you are not stable. Any place.

Let's say me and him, he goes to the physical universe with the celestial military, or royal guards. That division means I staying in Heaven is all I ever noise ever, be happy, they don't use wealth like the physical universe. Meaning he got to go to the physical universe, that is his duty, he evolves like that. Not me and him fighting over the territory, the Heaven doesn't use the money, and with the statue, don't bother with the physical universe any neh or yeh things. Meaning if Babaji dominating things as he is, he is already in the hell, the traveling, or anything could happen, he is maneuvering not in fighting with somebody from the celestial all the time, why he is dominating the universe in the business deal?

現在,你老了,所以你失去很多老的血的朋友,或是高的領導位置,這所有包括,對巴巴基來說,你 ...沒有一個辨別功能在你裡面,非常搖擺所以他自己要看好你,非常常常。你被擺到那個位置,不是你真的變成那個位置,在他後面的心理,你非常不穩,任何地方


They are too many those old monks, they give up everything for his will, I will tell you that. In this Earth world, they don't have much of the human contact. They choose to stay in like that, still their mind in their meditation, and carry that big or small the temple works, meaning to clean up or manage all those near by, including if they got told your problems. 


Loving the Silent Tear, that book has Simon in it. That should be very clear what it means.


What this one movie looks like, feel like, sound like Chappie (2015).

這一個電影看起來、感覺起來、聽起來 Chappie (2015)

The birds are screaming yelling none stop.


Your jobs is to report to somebody., correct?

Like the movie in the Zootopia.

Every single one of them show up, boys or the girls from the 40 years. Every single word you use with you mouth. They go with you together in hell, or shows up. I don't care one thing you ever created.

每一個他們出現,男孩或是女孩子這 40 年的,每一個字從你敢出現在你嘴巴上的,它們跟你一起去地獄,我不會在乎任何一樣東西你創造的。

This one Melinda, one word one name 400 millions dollars 4 of them shared... in minus...
這一個 Melinda 一個字一個名字 400 millions 錢,四個人分享,減法

Its 1 millions slap until your mouth with their face mouth nothing but in blood, you doubt this is Earth, or this will be the hell, exactly every word I say, in whichever next 100 years you imagine how many years you to go.

這 1 millions 巴掌直到你的嘴巴跟他們的臉嘴巴,除了血就什麼都沒有,你懷疑這是地球還是這會是地獄,每一字我說的,這下面一百年,你想像你有多少年繼續走。

Look at this Air of the movie so Pompeo~ imagine the first love running away ABC, every single mindful words, Say it.

This Prince's sons fallen hair, 2 people with 2 curses, you save or not save? Repeat every words loud! I cannot hear you~ Every single word repeated, repeated Sutra, its forever just say it out loud this.

看看這氣勢的電影多高昂呀 ~ 當初的初戀逃跑ABC,每一個意念,說 ! 

這王子的兒子掉頭髮,兩個人跟兩個詛咒,你救還是不救,所有人念大聲! 我聽不到~每一個字念,念經的永恆就念這個 ! 

Do I get any Central Kitchen Check Book?


You want to save them, or not saving them 1997, 2015 this Indian General everyone see one comic book 白色圓舞曲、白木蘭圓舞曲、紫色夜丁香、戀物曲

You don't understand what is Babaji says on that book one Simon, one Sariputra's mother and all these prince. You are the man (guy).

Movie: She is All that (Prince Charle's and mother's kiss at the high school prom)
Movie: She is the Man ( The soccer, you think he is the sucker? )

你想要救他們,還是不救這 1997,2015 這一個印度將軍,每一個人看見一個漫畫:  白色圓舞曲、白木蘭圓舞曲、紫色夜丁香、戀物曲


電影: 她是全部那樣 (查理王子跟他媽媽的一個吻在高中畢業舞會)

電影: 她是男人 (沒有骨氣的男人,你覺得他是嗎?)

If you don't settle well, because its the court room will tell you that Babaji dead in 1984, that is all they can tell you, where do you think this will end, or any end after death?

你如果不好好解決這件事情,因為這法院會告訴你這巴巴基是死在 1984,這是他們儘可能告訴你的,那這可以怎麼結束,或是從來沒有結尾在死後?

Where were that True Love, if I don't look at that one Tim Cook?

哪裡是真愛,如果我不是看著 Tim Cook 呢?

This hair is as long as .....

這頭髮只要是一直一直長 .....

I am very sure someone whom says it means it well.


This entire organization waiting that curse of the Pirates of Caribeans on them, one dress, is not one hair, when you get an order to turn back time?


Your organization doesn't need me, you make that clear, or you make the hinted gesture, in anything you feel like ....


When someone welcome me, so vivid on the monitor, Real Love, Loving the Silent Tear, without you,...just how the human intelligent to look like behind to gossip this one case.....this is the gossip, the court room or the border all that 194 will tell you. This is not a politics, or world affair the international ligation, its someone at the outside gate, saying a real love, and the outcome of the Royal Family World fallen in the democracy world, you don't know if they hire the 100 years actors or the actress.....The fallen of the royal to the degree of the democracy, meaning we all have to under God, make the bread, or earn a living in God's sweat, you want to repeat those word exactly from the Bible I know of, you saying that very often. You didn't think I by pass what things you say no one in this world care about you?

當有人歡迎我,所以非常活躍的在螢幕上面,真愛,沉默的眼淚,沒有你....這所謂人的情報工作再看這後面的八卦這一個個案....這是一個八卦,這法院或是邊境所有 194 會告訴你,這其實不是政治,或是世界事務還是國際聯合,這是某個人在外面的大門說了什麼一個真愛跟結果,這一個皇家世界跌落在這民主世界,你不知道他們是不是用了一百年的演員還是女演員...這跌落的皇家跟民主層度,意思我們只要在一個上帝底下,做麵包,或是賺一個生活在上帝的汗水,你想要重複聖經的這些字我知道的,你說的非常多次,你沒有真的相信這我錯過哪種事情你說,而這是界上沒有一個人在乎過你?

If Any China side of one monk, I need to be notify they exist? That is a question.
有沒有中國哪一個和尚,叫做我需要被通知他們的存在? 那是一個問題

How do they lose so much hair? Stress probably., they are both the aviation, Prince William drives the helicopter, the real military training, probably too fragile to those younger year.

他們怎麼失去這麼多的頭髮? 壓力大概,他們都是飛行業,威廉王子開直升機的,真正軍事的訓練,大概太脆弱,那些年輕的時間。

Do you think that is their real kid? 我有沒有覺得那是他們真的小孩?
I don't really know or cared. 我其實不知道也不在乎

What do you think they did behind with all this movie and the classify materials?


Probably like those UB, the princess or the prince imagination life.

大概像那些 UB,公主或是王子的想像人生

Have you ever thought one thought in that?  No.

你曾經想過一個思考那樣? 沒有

Have you ever imagined to be a princess all your life, Disney? Never.

你曾經想像過作公主一輩子,迪士尼? 從來沒有

I am very very sure those UB, they prepare that fantasy just like their body shape or the face cover, they truely imagined at it. They believe that, how interesting I am sit where Taiwan in which 2 lawsuits only, and that movie is sitting in one of them in sounding. You suppose to just already friends with the King for saying where are his 2 kids, if not being found on this island for imagining using my Power Statues if I go head.

我非常非常確定那些 UB,他們的幻想就像他們的身材或是臉蛋封面,他們真的幻想在裏頭,他們相信那樣,很有趣這我坐在台灣只有兩種法案,而電影坐在其中一個就聽起來...你應該早就朋友那個國王,訴說這他兩個兒子去哪裡如果不是被發現這島,去想像如果我有的權限如果我起身的意思。

If you talking to your disciple with the truth, then this Mummies (2023), however it means, rather odd to sound less insignificant, you were a nun married twice.

如果你講給你徒弟聽得事實,這一個電影木乃伊 (2023). 無論什麼意思,挺奇怪這聽起來想說沒有太多意義,你曾經結婚兩次出家的尼姑。

Think about to let go of me, and the appeal to the women's right? 


The Frozen main theme song is: Let it Go.

Frozen 電影主題曲是: 讓走

No, it doesn't have to be today.


In the New Age's teaching (there is a movie; Valentines' Day on the TV, the blonde girl turn down Steve Job's looking proposal and a ring, the first Steve Job's movie actor. They have 2 Steve Jobs looking, the second Steve Job looks like Adam Pascal. His name is Michael Fassbender. )

在新世代的教理 (現在有一個電影叫做: 情人節在電視上,金頭髮女的拒絕 Steve jobs 長相的求婚跟一個戒子,這第一個 Steve Jobs 電影的演員,他們有兩個 Steve Jobs 長相,這第二個 Steve Jobs 長的像 Adam Pascal 他的名字叫做 Michael Fassbender)

In the New Age's Teaching, you be grateful to God what you have. You have the organization name: Supreme Master International Association, you have the public fame, you have a blonde looking photo art at the beginning of the Digital Era. You have joined the political world for a conversation...you have a TV station, you have the business that provide you one lifetime wealth.

在這個新世紀的教理,你感激上帝給予了你什麼,你有組織的名稱叫做: 清海無上師國際組織,你有公眾名聲,你有金髮的藝術照片,在這一開場的資訊世代,你有參予政治世界參與話題...你有一的電視台,你有事業那提供你一輩子的財富。

The Flower Thousand Bones tell you all that are fake. In the English Chinese Trailer 


You touch, you call, you feel if they are fake. They are not.


I believe all these TV means, your Indian Master already let you go and before him, you had BEAS probably somewhere near by.

我想這所有電視,是說你的印度五百歲已經讓你走人,你回到你之前的 BEAS 大約在哪裡。

The court will find out, if in between these, including Zawanna, if your organization using my power, to pay with things they found out, but that is a No from me.

這法院會找到,如果介於這所有,包括這 Zawanna 如果你的組織用到我的力量,你們所欠拖的時間他們找到,但是那是一個 不 從我這邊。

When the time comes, I will be at the court, I will sign you and your entire anything related to you to go to hell.

They can ask me. Correct. If they wish to keep a copy on the Earth, I will sign. That TV, you are let go from 14 to 40 episode. 

他們可以問我,正確,如果他們希望留一本簽字的東西在地球上,我會簽名,這電視你讓走是從 14 到 40 集

(Babaji just relax 巴巴基放鬆了)

Meaning, at the court, you can ask the court to appeal to the Supreme Court this Chappie (2015) movies, that final verdict is sign, the piece of Earth should not be waging by the war, no matter if all the classify material is coming back to our case here, you tell them which date of time, you let go me. Like this year 2024. 

意思,在法院,你可以詢問法院去申訴這最高法院這 "成人遊戲" (2015)電影,這最後審判的簽名,是滅掉地球不應該有戰爭引起,不論是哪種機密檔案回來我們的案子這裡,你告訴他們哪一個日期,你讓我走,像今年 2024.

You tell them, you wish its the World Peace, not any war trigger anywhere if they too are nothing but the classify action behind or front from this Shadow government, like the movie, like the TV.


The celestial world means, everything get right, nothing wrong. You tell the court honestly, if your evolution is with the stain in it. Because its flairs up on the movies screen you are unintentional wish, its not one of this the celestial them + 1 me, the Real Loves, to antihate the entire Earth because of you one person case. 

You tell the Judge, so they won't tell me. What that is. What is the evolution you really have. You ask the Judge for help, not the Chinese monk or those religious groups. You turn to the legal Judge. They will find out. You tell them, you like the fame, you like the degree of being applause at, not the black hair form, but if let go and present in the court room to do the right thing, might inflame the movie material to turn you back to the black hair, you wonder if that is part of it. You have the mix feeling and the thought, but you come here to settle things, no matter its right or wrong, its best for me and them.

天界的意義是說,每一件事情做到對,你告訴法院誠實說,如果你的演化是有髒東西在裡面,因為這造成電影螢幕上面,你的不是故意的希望,這是他們所有天界 + 1 我,這真愛,去毀滅這整個地球因為你一個人的個案。

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