
I go to sleep.

Babaji: Go

I cannot talk about them, I cannot talk about me....so I go to sleep.

Why I cannot type a new post, again?

Deviate (its all the military women talks these so many days now.)

Its all the guys go to war, when Hugh rise up, but I Anna put him away, ....throw him away. So he cannot rise up, its Olivia with her sister + another girl.

Scotland (that 2)

All guys go to war, these military women feel likes deviate means those course. They need to train people that no food arrive, so they find the first points = Hugh

Has the money, the next term. Its only the cake the first time.

The second time?

No food so they remember, someone did show up, and had.....a cake. Those funny thing happened the first time. 

Correct, they remember Hugh at that time.

Every guys move here can all be trained - food!

No IQ human ! You envy a guy's mouth has no food!!! All his life?

Diplomatically they have a what thing.... if they 2 luck up a room playing the video games here, its just 4 days visit!!!

So many people dead dead ought to be!

Its a room creation ~~~!!! The Play station ~~~

People dead dead dead every single day, repeated it every word

You will feel better when your time is up ! 



The stupidity (2:31)


So many secrets (3:00)


This is the Capital ~~~~

The remorse of the spirits (6:29)


The movie - the Heaven Standard (3:54)


Your fist-to-fist, the Sailor Moon has a word: Nemesis. Something in reflection....right?

You should ask me what plot those were....really.

This is so important


The weak and the feeble human or the humanity. The sad and be more sad, drunk and be more drunk...how much sense til the day.....no one can control that car, anyway. One limb, you can afford it.

Some human pretend to be happy in their tones....the self strength means, you cannot get up to be happy, your only interests its the self joking manner makes a self glorious hobbist......what does she say it?

Listen to this stupidity. 

Its to cry on it....so that is to wipe the tears that Lords be your savior....its in red flower.

The only hobby, the only interest.

Maybe she tries to sing like the snow white ~~~!!

I think the reaction of your brain rates, its very inept and blank out~~~ just in life that in front of you, you are not careful, or this military data inside your own room too far away, if were in Western bigger home, its including the guys too.

I sleep all day longs, and eating in the bigger place, so lay down every so often. These entire things are very very wrong.

I think you all needed to pretend how to be more virtuous, seriously. How others perceive you. It means to you....

I mean this cooking inside....however you all carry these giant, heavy pot with that lid on. Someone look at you up or down, in this lonely one person apartment, one girl chore in all these video. 

I start to remember.....

This is not about the microwave got exploded?


The average is too far away.

Technically, if its one fallen relationship, and I just really don't put my tears on one more guys, so sick of it.

Like the heart to go up or down, those...the tears to make my words sounds....weak !

Those? People probably intend to believe, your indoor, near any human will sound like that logical, to live and breath, then you probably fine, 2 or 3 times stages in life.....if meeting people. After this one Era, everyone dead, for sure I will never SEE one more person in my life, thank God.

The Hunger Game

Is this only to the military orientation table?

They doing this to the citizen, or the military?

We are not supposed to be anywhere near the military, never that military orientation table. There is not one thing real. 

They say starting the single unit. I see the long table uniform hats, and long table looks like Japan. We Taiwan, even if you order anything of these, to pack up and ship it at least 4 hours to land to the Tokyo International airport, you know how they go from the Tokyo to your venue site?

I check my news. Hugh is here? I think they are still here.

I don't know which things are real.

The outside helicopter is real, I fall asleep. The 4 girls earlier, my mother saw was real. My vision in the living room before I fall asleep is real.
Then, someone at First University going to the Eating Expo, "to argue or critique" is real. Its not Square, but its the hat looking military girl or whom is that?

Prince William is the helicopter air cargo? I think Middleton they are in sleep. So he is the one awake? Is this Trump daughter, Biden's daughter (my age), and Harris, or whom else...all those included Cleopatra has any daughters those? 

3 girls, my mother say 1 is down stair waiting. 

The earlier vision, and before I fall asleep is real.

1) Someone has to do a PowerPoint slide. (Japan)

2) Someone is not at Hugh' suppose to be going today. The Eating Expo, where are they?

I can have a vendor there with the white rice cook behind. I cannot react right now. I scream for about an hour, other than in my sleep. I didn't eat. I drank the soup (I ate in the morning)

That Prince & Me is not the Denmark Prince, but does Denmark suppose to be near them too? What is that Shakespear prince name? Mably, oh ~ he is an actor, right.

Why I scream?

Why did.....I screaming, you say?

The military's helicopter is outside....he does the medical carried- on things, supposed to be. Do they buddy together to say they got married, so that is his family member he cargo, not the actual luggage.


I don't know how to react on that overall scenery. This is like that time I say, "Amazing" in 2022 before Westlife show up, those exhibition. oh ~ this is ongoing as if, but it looks more happier, than those ones.  Its from the senior officers. 

Forget about the 2) they can manage on their own.

Its 1), are they related? There is a difference. This morning all of that said was 1)


Wait, my paper rewind.

Hugh supposes to be inept, right? But I think he calls somebody. Queen says I suppose to call his son 2 days ago, and Thor they told me stop calling these Shane and all that.

My news....you all suppose to starting at 2nd city, we just had those flood at. 高雄 Kaohsiung and I don't really know what it says, its the motorcycle 2 people races at, but it might be just the social news after I woke up, and this is the 2nd days or 3rd day, I wake up the Olympia is the next news. Your correct location supposes to be in Paris? So my mother shut off my TV, took my soup bowl, I suppose to go to sleep now.

If Hugh supposes to be inept, you all suppose to get to Japan, or get to Kaohsiung, 高雄 and manage to make Hugh staying where they say you all are, and he is, and either all moving up, or finding way, because he is settling here for 1 month. 

I think its that Middleton's job for Hugh, as she is the Anna Kendrick, on my monitor here. (I don't know what that means.) = Godson, one of those?

I cannot talk.

The Danish prince starting having no cake on the third day.

Where on my paper starting to say?

Its the media news room say, all of it including the online newspaper or little say, but its all real, those said.

Not the Scotland (2)

Olive (3)

Me (without my mother retired)

Packing luggage, every guys goes to war like Prince Harry plot or Ola plotted if were.

Harry doesn't dare to think Asia because too many senior officers run about - check mark. (That's the only thing correct. he may not consciously got told )

Shane is similar to Dr. Bing, you destroyed his family, he will destroy all of you, so I say yes the 2 months ago when I finish these Kian / Nicky business. There is a reason, so we talked. I say exactly what I mean that Nicky. Shane invented a lot of things behind, but his character its just a proper family. I have ever reason to say no from the start, but I say yes. If he keeps inventing that Nicky, of course I say no. He is exactly I say he is like.

Mably has that kinds of the IQ, correct.  But the girls don't leave up to those expectation, not really. 

Seeing the garbage stuffs.

They, not Shane. All of them make a lot a lot a lot of the money in the individual Star World. + I have no idea what they combine to do later on, they have an agent, and that original company or still the same, in a different country all together. The boys and the girls. A lot of the money.

Yeah, each.

Fried Rice

The way you are, as a grown up

I think.....

I am not talking to Brian. I have no idea what's going on with them for some year time, now I think they might be all the bands used to be.

The dead spensor don't have a meaning, everyone clap, its not 4 limbs kneeling time yet...
You pay attention every word I say?


Put all those drop of the red dot on every kid....its such a 1999, if you were all be dead 1912.

Not 1921.haha.......

Look my dress, to put all the red ink...clap a min, funny?

The heaven is unlimited, and actually they don't use the money up there!!! Funny~~~ those tiny mercy on my parts, its like I didn't make any money if they coming it down to live and breath like they all saying so.

You mean all you like Ola or including these Middleton, every girl or lady, to pretend the guy will chase you behind to beg you, if you jump on them with the phone calls such as....

"I think we don't look like that video Pete....sorry, the deformed girl and the deform guy's outlook...what's the song. Dynamite."

You saying one sentence, or 2, maybe 2 mins on that chat room box. You sure its Shane pick that up?!

"Your sincerely to the Queen that to-be, poor but happy life in the luxury design interior design, its that....your bankcrupcy news weren't my liking."

or "i am a lot kinder person than other people think, so I think..." (dot dot dot)

Try again...

"My nature to my humility on the dress codes its a word saying loud, probably Eben is the TV says."

Sorry....dot dot dot.....

"I mean, you cannot possibly fallen in love with the Queen since 1999...those no money makes the TV, its the Shinyi's house, but my title crown and jerewlry fake? Its from the Queen? if not from the news? "

Dot dot dot .....

Its one of those European taller girls nice talk, like Karen. Being nice, being humliity, being zealous of the life goal pretending you have a life...goal, Funny. Everyone claps a min.

So tell me....you want me to re-phrase the correct version what you and Ola imagine saying to a billionairs in 20-in 30 in 50? 

Its a hard core makes the lady run ~~~ haha...

The flipping of the skirts have the wind blow blow blow....jobs !


That humiliates you, they lie to you? Meaning I slap that Denmark prince face, pretending a game..." Its your face, my pawn at it.....you prefer a real cat? Those have the nail?"

See it always work?

If its not urgent, it will not be now typing here.

I want to change a new post, they don't let me.

According to ....


What? Your Hunger Game is in Japan, can you catering these? No ! The airplane needs 4 hours, and you mean you don't land in the International Airport in Japan.

You flying in the smaller airplane, to where your sea ship arrives, 2 or 3 days arrival? The retreat away from the city places, right?

1000 military personnel, those? 5000 military combines al forces? 

You know where are the retreat those big venue to host all these 5000 personal, they live near by, or their ship arrives, that is where they all go back and live on the ship, only the senior officers and some personel they stay behind in the venue, to do what? 

Because they have no visa to land ! 

No, I have not been to Japan outside the transfering. But I know Conan and some other these TV by the map, you all probably is away from the Tokyo, anywhere, so they have these high speed train too, or the Youtubers telling you, but you don't know where you going.

Some of these retreat places, I been to the retreat, its far far far away no one will see you coming in, and your military ship probably park there. Whom can leave the ship to check in the hotel? The visa has to be stamp at.  You mean you pick a place to live in Japan, that is different. Probably you study the Japanese language better.

Your officers live on the ship, watch the ship, the ship doesn't drift away?

And where is his food? 

(Nicky and Shane's face looks horrible.)

You all girls end up in Japan's court, they are democracy like the England too, for the Sailor moon to live there, right? Its colder than Ireland and England. A lot colder too.

Probably because you have no name, or you have the family money, so you just sight seeing in Japan? You define you have the money reason or the family background reason to associate with the local which side of the Japanese?

You ever read this Conan Detective, the map reason, very clearly? Japan is known to be 4 session, 北海道 is the north part of the Japan, super cold.  (its the 2 detective, Shinyi or the Brozon color. Shinyi sound like 588 this road Xinyi. )

Square cannot get near any of that, not even my father, are you with me? Anything military the basic 101?

I tell American that side, anyone...so I claim their name to be military, and enclose to, but....there is nothing real, so I tell them (A) (B) (C) (D) (E), except the real substance is none. 

= I am just a civilian. 

Hugh? The birds say he needs to be there, in Japan.

I think...there is a difference, someone occupying his room here, to be honest.

Well, you getting one of those Ireland or England similar to Hugh, and you go and read all the website in English, and the sq meter footage, so I show him the side by side hotel, and not too far to each other. He is in the taxi so many times with the instruction, it doesn't take too far.  If you are in Japan.....the where? You check your map by GPS, or you actually live there, within these 10 blocks, everywhere on this side, north to south?

Okay, if you are from Ireland somewhere wiki says, they do have this tax payer package the last time we turning all around me where to be......if you getting those upper world too, you talking to whom, you have a TV scene, someone can refer to someone in Japan, you bridge them over, or you also need to bridge these Westlife, A1 or Ronan them (what happened to them), to Japan and American military forces (from the sea, or the air space, or the marine)

+ me, attached to Shane (or Nicky)

I will not be the main role here in this radius typhoon here from the lower lattitude. You all for the first time to be the ligation boss. (right directly from Benji ), do they get hit, on the map? 

Did you all check the latitude? The same? 

No, you train those youth, from Korean Japan....and re-draw from Benji or Shanghai, ALONE, all by yourself, the girl's power from Ireland + England, to draw that line = the same lattitude, you make the friends from 

Benji, Seoul, Tokyo....

How do you ligate them Ireland PM group + England PM group

                                                                             (no, not Prince / King and Hugh)

No, me here is a rehearsal. I won't touch anything north.

No, I specific talking to them, because we are the same group, other than.....Benji, Seoul, Tokyo.

There are the commercial air flight, they cargo the commercial goods too, other than the fresh made food, you can ask them.

The aluminum foil milk tea or the black tea...those are the emergency supply for those kids drink. You at least knowing where the airport they can land straight from Taipei if which airport they can go. Directly to the retreat places best. 

My video, those snack, are dry. It doesn't need to be refrigerator, and they are not that sweet neither. 義美 Hugh knows where. They have a lot a lot of those dry good. The egg rolls or the gifts too. They are the known branding here 40 years at least. 

You cooked white rice in the kitchen, at least that.

The seaweed package

The 三島香鬆


I have no idea what, where, when, the seasonal idea, or the hotel venue, or that is the retreat idea, or the military is or was, or the air, the marine, so....its the sea, from where? Asia or Western world. The emergency wise, you have the meal they can swallow it down, right.

Not you literally cook?  Hugh can cater the cake, but that 3 ships only arrive in 2 days?

Right, only one time, right. 

Is there a reason they cannot fly directly from Tokyo? 

You live in Tokyo for 3 months?

No, Hugh looks dummy, its One England ship, or 2 + 1 Ireland, if 1 Taiwan next by.

They only arrive to the retreat site, not the airport, no. He landing from the airports, the rest of the stuffs they carry on and tell him.

No, just the cake. Nothing else.

No, just 1 or 2 days. Its every table has 1 cake to say 50 cake total, its 1 day + the VIP has the cake for the 2nd day.

No, nothing else after that. He finishes his weekend or 4 days their VIP meeting, he tells them he is leaving and how long those 4 ships will return back, he gets to the airport that same afternoon and take off, back in Taiwan. He is not a real....show-up personal, you cannot look at those Gala with him in it in England? No, I told him that kinds of the schedule, he can travel in Tokyo with Olivia for 3 days, those Disney lands, Kit Kat chocolate. I will tell him, to get the afternoon flight, that is 4 hours to land back here, another 40 mins back to here hotel, his room. Where will that England King and Prince Williams supposes to be lived at? Not W or Hyatt, their luggage, those things? 

Anyone knows anything about Hugh? He supposes to be there all those times, too? He was going to cater the cake those things, too?  I only train him a little bit, I don't think he supposes to do any job, including show up there? He does?  No, I prepare him a little bit from this location. Prepare him.

No, he is not supposed to get a call to do that kinds of the jobs. The day he does get one call, the first day, he learns something else, after. 

You cooked white rice in the kitchen, at least that.

  • The seaweed package
  • The 三島香鬆
  • 肉鬆 

  •  Why we continue this list? The eggroll (snack, shattered in pieces 蛋捲), 泡芙、巧克力碎片、 anything that website all dry good. 

That is only 4 in a package, you know that? 巧克力碎片 ? Someone me and Hugh's jobs, or that Olivia, its to tear that package and throw away, and put in the cargo luggage to air shipping all that. You never done those things? You know the commander-in-chef, my jobs ever be. Sorry, starting at these kinds of the jobs.

No, the whole luggage suitcase. No, nothing to declare, just the snacks. No, not for sale, all the package are teared. You or them ever done those things? Get 2 big luggage, open and input everything junks in it, you done those things in your life?  + my other 3 pieces of the original luggages to Japan?

How nice...

First, they will never call me.

Second, they ever called me, this things sound very very fishy, nothing in my life to sound anymore fishier.

I jump out of my door, to use whichever credit card they give it to me, and be more fishy about it. 

You have done those buying 10 different snacks, and sort them in a new package in your luggage? Re-sort? 

I tell Leo, or Austin, or Pang, doing nothing but stuff the luggage to fly out to Japan, all together, they know all the things I told you, they only need to follow my order, each them just keep stuffing the 2 luggage + their other 3 pieces of the original luggage.

+ Jones too.

None of them are the military, all of them just near by all around here.

Are we imagining, they are at the current time?

You doing this for the venue events, that is 1000 people, 50 table each in 4 different room?

Or you doing a smaller gathering?

I have only tell you the things I ate before !










Check with the otter


You can get to Japan those 7-11 similar store, asking them to cater from their kitchen.

They have a commercial kitchen, and you ask the location to ship it to your venue everyday. Every lunch and every dinner.

The breakfast its the hotel venue they have the food?

Next- Nicky is at the miltiary orientation table (home, Shane is home, but what they two were doing? )

Everyone has a profession.

The otter


They love the doctors. The dentist.

The guys lie all the time, Kerry.

Shane, Peter's cafe, I was deciding you we metro sounds modern, or bus stop probably just 2 or 3, its the walk traffic light = Peter's cafe, next by a Vietanese dining more vendor's style. That will be Nick's 3 times got rejected, he says no to SMCH, guards. Tony's issues big. 1998 -2001. 


Like the photo? So there is that 7-11....you have til the next 7-11, we take 1 more stop, no walking. (the same traffic light going back). Because.....after the park, to the library, 7-11 you have no more taxi until that one breakfast with the Google Review.

Shane, they UB needs to close everything = 4 barren wall, to studying....the truth. When the mood theirs get better. I tell them the every reality only that....til the end of day. Nothing else. Make it every class A + MCAT. Only.

They are the kids = find the right time to talk all the time, things like this. 

We talk about the movie: remember, its on this route. You look at it, or you walk at it, or you quit?!  Shane, the correct location looking its a ....pinnicle of the building. Not the first photo, the 6 or 7th photo.


Why the pinncle (not the tip top, its the building matter?)

.... because you stand there we both look up.

No, Hailey's father ....waiting those kids, together, Adam's father's all kids to begging and put everyone back to Maryland, all together move back. The kids to.  The kids 4+2 move that Adam's father all clients back to those profile yellow photo things in his clinic, all moves there Maryland, again.

By themselves.

What could be the correct job description for Square, anyway? Its ROC or the military dormitory their business. The entire dormitory, you want to know where? 

It would be Hugh's that same road to the library, the ...first traffic light on the Amazing road, turning left. I think that is 瑞安街 They told me this morning he is packing or leaving yet? The eating expo is meat, so its this weekend. Yesterday starting....to Monday. But they have the money, they can stay. 

Are we buying anything? Yes. 油條 They frying them right next by counter, you can see it. You like to see it how they process that?

You need to tell them to add spicy sauce for you, on those things, if you take to-go? You didn't see they hide that. 加辣

Westlife reunion without Brian

No, I think you are all together, he can come, of course.

Vocie 2018 Top 10 performance

98 Degree


You guys invited each other ~~~ you can take them when you finish being told? 

Sorry, Shane, I was listening how I sing your song, "Still Here." I sang twice.

I think you all are the real main stream, cable TV, they are the alternative media. 

I am planning.....in my head?! What I supposed to tell you and didn't? Just this morning ! I keep missing this Kerry's their video. No, my sleepiness. 

You are not going to walk that 8 blocks, so I plan....we need to walk my side this 4 lanes, to the bus (across the metro) above the ground. You eat these food? I am not sure. The one without the review, its the opposite direction, we walk to the corner and cross the traffic, its near the Daan real Metro Station. (when we coming out to the upground)

The bus route, or the Metro route. This city is everywhere walking, none stop and tunneling everywhere....No, you built up per weekly, not in once.

Or you care about it....if from my home (Ankeheseamen, not from Taipei Station)?

We will not reach the Taipei Station ground (no End of Tunnel, we are the End already)

Maybe with you all guys, just one you, or many? We exit the city, to the edge anywhere but here? With the car, and the drivers. By that saying by the way, Hugh they are looking for an edge for all his family, or even for he himself, no more city. That is their route or the King's included. W Hotel or Hyatt (near the City Hall), and they only get in the car, in 20 mins another building structure, never see, never know, never hear about it.

Outside. All these taxi speed city is only 25 /30/ 20....45.

They keep saying too fat.....everywhere this time Hugh shows up.

So the edge living? 

Its convenience, so I live here.

You guys are the barren land, even the Green Line last stop has IKEA, inside has the dining options, or the outside bus waiting to come back, the last time Tina were here with the kids, they live there. My father's choice. You want to see the bus from the Amazing road, yeah~ 30 mins to the green line last stop, that England Mushroom Professor looking like. He is tall though.

The middle top that green (the first one is not correct, the long tab, only 2 tabs, Shane, no, not the other 2.)

The bus 275.


4 mins.

Hugh at: 成功國宅 (the governmental housing)

I am at 大安國中 (the elementary school)

The bus here is to the yellow last stop. I mean.....not sure. One of those distance has an IKEA. I think its the green line but that day, I ask my mother. She remembered.

Its at least 30 mins.....I have no idea how they all buddy together, the England upper class.

Its bigger, correct. Those inside the apartment building, but I probably meant, its near the IKea, that will be 4 block very long walking Tina every time coming out with 2 kids. Its first floor, the car residence, 2 side, for 2 or 3 blocks at least I think. I think it was the 1st floor there. You don't find those in the city, they all have the car, or the car garage like America, and its that Hugh probably likes it.

But...there is nothing there.

Its near the water, quiet, there is a bridge there. Jason he lives there....

Its a lot cheaper of course. Somewhere away from the city, you have a driver, you can just drive from (with this bus routing turning all around to yellow last stop to right yellow, and south the green last stop) - yeah, that is what the bus did. The driving routes supposes to be....a curve


to the green line last stop. (yeah, pass the first university)

That is what I am asking, people need to cook? They go there to cook, right.

20 NT, that none review, next by Daan. Hugh doesn't know when Olivia there he is nervous. Just pick up and pay on the counter. Drop the coin 2 on that taller glasses (his height), and show it to those 2 guys, you go, here are your money, and you can leave.


It is too many people, so you just pick up there, and go over that side, taller glasses, show it to them, and that is the exact money, and leave.

Its in Hugh's height if he stands on the one ladder, that bamboo inside are 小籠包

(my video is where the taller glasses at)

I got those on the table made 5 egg sheet + spicy, 5 rice roll (gluten rice), and I tell him 5 小籠包 for 5 bags, all added spicy, I need 5 chop sticks, and pay.

In the carbo boxes, and your drink 5 from near by that 7-11

5 bigger pudding (Taiwan style for the kids) + 5 jello fruity + 5 yogurt (you see the orange)

These are cold, right.

Mark doesn't know what to order....the local Taiwanese beef noodles (soup), he likes the heavy taste? Its known.

1) Sushi. 2) Fried shrimp egg rice 3) you sure you all like the Chinese here Asian noodles, not the instant noodles? 

They are not the vendor's style, but they are boiling water in front of the street, (in store) style.

Maybe you mean the bento box? The train lunch box? Those are like cafeteria style, you can get the chicken plaque, the vegetable 1234 + the eggs + some salted eggplants in combination.

No, I tell Hugh they go to the 7-11 or the Family Mart.

Its...their Thai restaurant near by one street coming back home, turn left 5 mins walking (across the street light turn left). Its 60 NT lunch boxes.


I think its not that in-store photo. Its the barren land photo. The motorcycle (the car) mechanic shop is across. Hugh' taxi short cut back to his hotel...for his bubble tea, but he hasn't learn all that yet.

You buy 6 lunch box, they sent it to you.  The telephone is right below. 

Are they the journalist food?

You mean here the local, yeah ! All the office included. Everyone in the Amazing Road those tall building inside. 

....Amazing Road.

I take them to Breeze behind 101 the Second floor. We have a second floor here.

Second Floor 貳樓敦南店

That is the front I walk home. Right around the corner in.

But I think they got told to walk keep walking to the night market inside, they have 90 mins break.

Its ten steps a small tiny bagel shop ! 

金仙魚丸店 ‧ 魯肉飯

You have to turn around the map, inside, that 60 dollar sign, no name. Next by has the 水煎包

4 veggie in that lunch box, the cafeteria. I don't think they eat here.

I am not sure still exists....but you all can just eat anything outside the street. 

oh ~ the night market, they keep walking? Maybe just the front those sit-in, with the table and the chair looking.

no, behind the pizza, going in a little bit. They used to....long time ago its the sea food alive place.

No, not too inside, they have to walk back. 

No, I never follow them, I am guessing it too. 

Maybe....next by the duck places.


Shane, how is Nicky....if England King knows about us here, Ireland before that PM or before, the previous some England PM as I was in UB up to now.....they suppose to tell the Taiwan President where they meet, in the Presidential suite ~~~~they have the chef !

+ all those Sea ship senior officers, their residence to the local military or the governor's residence to-be. Its near more at the Presidential suite that side, that night market, north of Red line 士林夜市

We also have KFC or 頂呱呱

Other than the Mc Donald or Mos Burger.


Very north, near a .....library.

They can all uber, you know? 

Its a big order, anyway, right? 

肯德基KFC- 台北光復餐廳

Next - my Saturday you all cooking other stuffs. I think.....what. I come back to write. I don't know.




Mitchin -TLC is looking for you.

That is your wife, or that is your feet. 150 Lesion on the feet


My night to go to sleep, and clean up. 

Its good. Irene has that hobby.

 Probably looks good on Dean and on Shane, too.

I don't think they are that new age, they have a motorcycle. Sorry, Nicky or Dean, too.

Is those Cinderella Classic Disney, long time ago, not the current version?

The thread and the needles.


No, I am not interested.


I am not interested in the European any history or parttire ....so there was 18th century to go backward 16th, 13th, whichever this Witch Craft hunting one time known to the history. Saying they were the innocent all that.

Anything Ella Enchanted.  Some people's brain only they know, those inner thought, and truely desperately seeking an approval, will only sustain that in the court room, 1 judge, so the rest of the world never knew this things so much needed to be care for.

Lost in translation, I probably would meant, my mind too occupying to get the hinted, it was never change that one Ella means so much 20 years 40 years 80 years later.

Those were the fantasy stories......what if (a) combine (b)

15th century one left, one right (Red River Manga)

A very true romance love story, love the way you are. With the Taipei metro proven. Sorry, drop the metro map, they were too busy people I never even imagine why the career built upon the modern public utility were to demonstrate the countability, someone knew, and some done on purpose, to let it slip the innocent life hanging on the cross in fires.

But its too far to reach AD 0. You suppose to think at 8th, too. Not straight back to AD 0. 

No matter how that busy in the 15th century, just in the head space, its too too too far backward to when reaching AD 0. But see, no one knows what that means, how much the proven points like a futuristic girls getting the points across the console, they all loving you this Red River Manga, to further on,....too far in the desert, one Cleopatra, 2 useful man.

They approve you like they say the Iron Age 15th. The books in, all of them just like the whole family loving it, everyone loves it and you get your 2 cents heard, but too far.....what is too far to AD 0 ? 

Not waking up ...sleeping mode, today is our Friday here, Taipei time.

Hugh, you and Olivia wants to go to TGI ?


I think Adlon is near the similar American restaurant. There is....



No, the Chinese words are still....Eben's their book: Thinking and Grow Rich,   Andrew Carnegie

Shane not happiest things in life in Westlife.

  • The cosmetic money
  • The whole life food money
  • The whole life every kinds of the money
  • His money money money, the bandmates are guessing, which mood, or all of their mood is not talking to those details.

No no...exact my every words.


GTH, the combine money....for some reason. He already spent it the last 40 years.

No, age 10 til age 40, the 24 hours, 3 meals a day...something like that, every listing of that that that that....re-write, find it.

Maybe something Ronan.

Did he understand Chinese? Ronan's talking tone, exactly. 


The American Voice Show: The chair scene, and the second entry, that lady's dress, the Winter Song in Victoria Secrets. (After Loving the Silent Tear lady falls on the stage)

I was finding things at the foot, they were all having a different tool. From the doctor perspective why something I heard, that will be later on in life. But I think might be....not later on in life, I look at it anyway.

This is the bone doctor: crack the ribs (is part of the bones, the skeleton )


They are denoted as C T L with a number.

I am not really trained in the music any field, when I left home and go to the university in America, so it would be anything in the field, that I will recall what I used to remember, or have heard. Like you know the police school, they teach you the social cases, or on the TV you learn that. In the proper environment where there was a pre-requsite, so we learn from the in classroom something, or we hear someone or something were being discussed. 




Losing limbs, correct.


calima ( Jessica Alba, Meet the Parents 4 = Little fucker) 

Its the jump, but that is the head hits the head, might be both dead, drunk, and hit backwards.

I think its behind Dean, jump on him, but he is in the clinic, 1st floor. Many years ago....he is moved to Texas.

Fun, being funny.

Fly, to fly, correct.

A surprise ! 

The taller girl would be, hide, and too heavy skeleton, hit, you ever got hit your jaws? down up hit? or by the elbow, those? 

A girl throws a cat from the roof, and see if the cat dies. Both hide on the attics.

⭐⭐⭐ Yesterday was 1 day on your cooking to ask someone? ⭐⭐⭐

Find the answer?

A lab report, or a peer review journal, those are a lab procedure, many people forgets. But cooking, I will tell you the way I know the students, or my own classmates, you forget in any time, so you got frighten, you got scared. That is why I am not in details writing too much of this, I am keep inquiring, is that something very important?

Like a shopping lists in Europe or in America, both side direction, you get the driving license is normal, or you can literally see? So you getting the food and all that was easy for you, not forgetting the things from the store? Both the guys and the girls.

Its the GUYS using my lists !!!

They are not tired running ?

The more upgrade grocery store

6 small container the baking soda, 2 gallons jar of those distilled white vinegar.

1 apple cyder vinegar (organic), you take this.

The organic store

You eat pie, that is the vegetable shortening in the room temperature, its on the shelf, not on the fridge. They are a butter type, mix 1:1 ratio I think with the flour, wrap it in the fridge for 30 mins, that is your pie crust.

2 Hummus container + your tincture + the vitamin. They have the vegan cheese, or the vegan sandwich (freezer)

The dollar store

5 spray bottle. One for your plants, one for 1:1 ratio the white distilled vinegar, if you have the pets, anything they lick, its the vinegar. None of those are the chemical.

The baking soda is for the sink (below), and the toilet below. Or you gone to the hotel, you stay there for 7 days, you use half of that one smaller box, you dump in it fill up the entire bath tubes, you coming in the hotel, you keep rinsing, all those draining out water, yeah, you use those water to spray on the top of those edge place, use the tissue paper to wipe once but the tubes, you have to keep the cold water, keep rinsing rinsing rinsing, so you bath in it. 

Here, they have the bathing those tablet.

Chinese store

The container water inside has the tofu (you go home and change that water)

The tofu skin (looks like a whole tofu inside is hollow)

The white pepper, (MSG, only salt), or just purely another salt? You want to get the Chinese branding that white pepper go home and made the salt 2:1 ratio maybe. (Tofu and tumeric tiny color, hard tofu), no, not those container tofu, no.

Which Chinese store you have?

You have to go to the farmer's market. I will tell you I don't know how you live in America, a lot of these when you get older and older, you cannot keep running with a lot of that, you age one day. We have the city service.

Sometimes Shane and me pretending....he sleeps in the car.

I say, I go and finish these lists myself, both anywhere. Ireland, Taipei, America. He sleeps at home, I go out and finding these things. He has a job, right? Stay indoor all days long? When I am busy, I need to stay indoor, all the time. Even just to lay down and sleep?!

I don't really have a mood to go outside and eat.

In Taipei, we get a Costco card, Shane is busy at home. I go with the taxi, 'I will be back."

So I go there and pick up some stuffs in the cart, and the taxi loaded, and I bring it back. I took a shower, and he already eats the things on the table, and I lay down a little bit, I put the things away. He still in his office working. He concentrate better, and I just keep stocking and cooking in the kitchen, so later he has something to drink, to eat, to snack on it. When he done his desk jobs.

Right now, I don't feel it. But I put it as an example. 

No, here is better. I trying to ask Shane, or that is all of them, they can come in later, when they retired, or 10 years, or 5 years....all that. There is a reason, so I tell Shane or them that.

I thought about it why. Other than....those reasons. I think it might be they lost the limb, I say kill right? In Ancient Chinese, usually when you say rulership to give someone a full body death. Meaning being kind, not cruelty. I think....they disable they themselves. I am still trying to think what I used to say during those time I process these. 

That is a ....marvelous idea or question how do I think they lost their limbs, right?

No, yesterday. I am thinking thinking.....!!!!

No, not exactly clear, its a poem in Loving the Silent Tear. Maybe its the car. They cannot pay or the hospital didn't cover the surgical when they emergency room called up in the ambulance? When they go on the billing, they bankrupt, right?

I am not pulling those weight lifting things, not my muscle, not my limbs, not anything with any guy like sometimes the boys or the girls they play...jump on the back, those, someone pulling, Aqua's MV, you pull your arm off? Like carried a very very heavy thing, the city here, I can just get the uber, or those near by grocery people. 

No, I don't know. You mean the fitness center they bankrupt.

They are all saying something, so ....I am guessing too. I tell you where I saw them. 

1. Jump from the windows, or the door frame. (like on Dean).....Princess Diary the windows scene.

2. The Deli, the meat cutter, they working hard part-time somewhere, or they had a work experience, and then get a job.

3. Those sewing machine electric, they can cut they themselves? 

No, the cutting wood, not the clothing sewing machine.

4. I think it is the Home Depot, I tell the workers to cut it, they went to purchase something and they love those life to build up something?!

5. I think its something jump from the higher ground, it is to a guy, or they literally climb up a mountain to jump in the water river below, or they climb a tree and they jump on a guy.

Do I believe myself saying this??? Right.

The doctor has a certain medical things for the nail. Its an electric metal...polishing the nail. Normally that is for the corn, and then for the surface of that nail. (correct, I saw it.)

No, not at the flat below the foot? You seeing a doctor doing that, I seen the doctor, not the patient.

I just say what I closely think what it might be. Believe or not, they jump, the guys are taller, but this is the part, I am not sure how that is done. Might be playing or joking, one of those.

台灣新聞~睡著了 !

到醒來看到奧運,紅色跟藍色 !

二姊 !! 提娜的名字 ~~

台灣的奧運選手,現在是外國的跳水女的選手 (巴黎),你們看奧運 !

之前~到位子就睡著了 !  吃過了~太陽很大,低氣壓在很上面吧  ! 右邊~那跟我們有關係嗎? 高氣壓壓過去的意思? 地球右邊 (東邊轉),西往東


我在看新聞,什麼? 昨天有大雨下午 ~ 你們本土長大會不知道颱風怎麼來? 


還是他們政府發錢給你們去看電視電影 ? 我去問我媽,她好像真的真的真的很喜歡看電視~~~

Hugh, so your apartment with Oliva, that is to have the kids, right? 2 kids?

And when they go to the school in Germany, or America? To becoming?

So you want to now living near the American school, that is north West north. They have the night market near called 士林夜市

I think 101 those pale white stone, with those lion, tall building looking finer for you? You need to walk probably a couple street to their night market, or the morning fruits or 4 oclock at night, but I see you need to be away from all of this. So.....those will be the community exactly similar to the semi-deattach, but they are all separated, 1-5 those floors. - you need a car and a driver, and the cargo service.

And call the maid, you all each has a floor, someone has to wipe it. 

Or you just buy like the floor-to-floor inside, we called that 樓中樓, you ask each building them, where these at. Which floors at. 

Yeah, the city is very noisy. No, I understand. 


Square's uncle flies.....at the very ending of 588. You visiting where that hospital the hill, or the bus terminal to see? You can park at the police station, and walking up. There has the taxi coming it down, 6-8 mins to walk.

Leo's family uses the drug, Miss You Already. Its a shuttle to the blue line, the end of the blue line, there is nothing there. Irene somewhere there.

They are more near to this city, than anywhere else like the end of the left side blue line, and the interval distance on the metro is longer too. It looks the same, but its longer on the traveling time, and the train speed. I vomit. Its those left side of the blue line.

Never the yellow line, of course. -  The industry workers.

The hospital? When you walking it down, you look right, after the police station, keep going going going 588 ...there is somewhere I don't know. Too far.

Its a .....cliff hill, right. Stiff hill. No, that is the not the mountain, the elephant mountain would be, you looking at it, but the entrance would be....between there to 101. It does exist. 

Hugh, you doing this for....exploring, or finding the correct location, or just curious? I want to ask? Meaning the entrance or the exit like me 5-9 World,

1st = Astral world, all those?

Most people cannot walk far, you need the practice, but you used to exercise, too? Used to?

The correct bus terminal in that 京站區 you sitting to read your map, before the vegetarian corner seeing 50 dishes to clamp them to-go.....( my video for casserole food, the same places).....there is a bus terminal there, and there is one the 1st Train station somewhere the bus ticket at...the painting where the building fall down, the train head got stopped. (Its outdoor)

You like to walk because you got told to walk on the phone, or you are a guy, you naturally incline to walk but you need to sit down.

You like those bus driver this city speed 30 / 40 / 45 those?

You like the play station those, the TV or the movie? Hang out with the barbi doll girls, those tea and cups? 

No, I know you are finding your real estate, I just try to know how you holding it up. This is something got frighten, or AI walking on the road, where the snack or the Hallo Kitty looking nothing alike, but just about all that.....my all short clips, these commodity mountain human mountain sea, its the Ancient Chinese. You feeling okay everyday seeing 100 human, so this typhoon is just 1 thing? Seeing those Mon-Fri things?

Your post office, your eye creme, to 7-11 money order and then pick up, or that is the pizza next by.

Hugh, here is my house here. You live somewhere else.

Isn't England ship behind you, they too....moving out of the Earthquake, and they live around here, like before going to the college, there is a turn-over rate. They keep these apartment, around here, like few or less, or you near by, one of those, you cannot just asking them?

You are indoor....that's great. You have the eye glasses, do you want these eye drop every so often putting in your contact lens, if those walking mileage, or the distance is becoming longer and longer, you want it to, or you manage capable, or you are a guy, or you need to shopping, or you never walk to shop, right?

With Shane, I take him to the Taipei station next stop, to take the elevator external to the amine places.

With me, I stop at the Taipei station, that 4 ways choice, I pick right, that is one stop shopping stuffs to see, and look, and stop to eat, "and I say I ask."

You look like...you can walk around here, not to be too worry if you are in the Europe right now, any weekend. If you have some works, you both going home is better. The works stressful, you are half expired, because of the works too stressful? We stay in these known area, a several times until you know the Chinese words, the food menu, or the chef photo on the wall, all those walking. We keep the same indoor these you already know places.


No, with Shane or with you, or anyone American boyband included, its a sight seeing.....you all never come here, so I take you all sight seeing. 

If by myself, I live here, right.

No, of course not, I don't care about the cooking, no. You seeing some of these stuffs including to the counter some places to inquire some things. 

You have to talk everyday, here when you go out. 

Your heart beat if you have to talk in Chinese, ever, one day? No, 統一發票 only?

I gone to every one of them on the Tree road 2 sides, except that post office 2nd floor, or the across, they used to have a second floor, - those talk. 

You thinking about its one thing, actually start running, its another thing, Hugh. 

You ever done those things? Enter 10 banks 2nd floor or VIP room, waiting in there on the high tech, sorry, each them using something totally different. Its on Conan chulby friends name. There is a TREE outside where everyone parks the motorcycle. You, or them...telling me real or fake this parrots is at the mechanics places? 

You and Olivia, or even that Shane, with any those AJ human or Howie....

If you just talk to those counter uniform people, its not the street mechanic or any birds or the animals in any Taiwanese because you don't understand them. Not in any debate.

You planning what you gonna dress in this city? However its comfortable walking, or going somewhere to 101, or something these hotel....you seeing the mall sales, all these accessory some places you gone near by?

SO THOSE are not the street mechanic, or these birds. 

People here don't do the digital era, or the Apple those ...except waiting their stocks. They talk ALL DAY LONG.

You prepare yourself, but I want to ask you, when you done these paper works, any 2nd floor, you carry them to where? Coming back here?

I think you and them?

You holding them all necks everywhere, maybe even Shane?! Not sure. It will look like King or Prince William something doesn't like, or this Vietanese fuck-up short legs nun. If you found out....more than 10 people any space, to a 80 years aging old women, nothing but problems, issues, the legal battle, the legal lawsuit, the inspection of that ground place, its no way to be built.....meaning the 2 pillars got tear down, without a roof. A shed, a piece of steel.

You don't know how bad those water issues is forever going on, as long as they shall ever keep all those place, the chicken farm place, where she proudly to purchase, it was the ghost filled up, her blessing infinite issues.

Mario Super Brother 8, one of those TV.

Its a movable toilets.  20-30.

In this city, or anywhere in Taiwan, you have a built up permit.

That is an open space, you might seeing the photo, all the tree. Except that, okay.

What happened? 

They do those temporary roof, a piece of steel for the 10,000 people retreat, they tear it down in 1 month. Those are temporary, so.....they have those 2 pillars, and the inspection would be, tear them down, or either its one of them down. Those =unlimited problems never stop there.

Every center you seeing on this www. Contact person's house in New Jersey, or New York Contact Person, your family VS at.....Debra is Rochester, no center true location other than the high school, it was NYC, and the contact person home. Beas does the school renting too on Sunday in Canada.

It will be 1000 times worse issue, if you considering to find out. What are you doing here?

It will be million times no. I look like a photo to those human, that doesn't mean officially, any paper they will see me, know me, even hear from me. 

You count, 100 center 5 continent, x 5 inspection phone calls.  Its all the land usage, and the neighbor's issues such as Toronto center. Its a complain method, all the time.

"She is a Vietnamese human, dumb blonde ass fuck up human women, no one outside is Taiwanese, its all Chinese and Vietnamese, look at their every menu. She is a Vietnamese. "


Stingy tofu steaming method, never fried. The fire department regulation in ANY Loving Hut in this Taipei city, it will never happen.

I was nice, so I say 5 phone calls, NOT 5 legal inspection paper like this Tina Jojo whatever that is.....each center, not the overall princess outfit, seeing that movie again. Super Mario 8 the more recent movie, looking at all that jumping,...keep jumping, from flying here to Menton, to England, with what? Running away? like me, or a game?

A guy like you, or any of them, don't know these... I grew up, most of them don't think I remember. No, I remember, a lot of this.

If you literally seeing the inspector coming to see you, and talk to you, or phone call you never stop, or nice talk, or nice inquire, or chat, or then going outside TV vola, to hide, your heart beat....you yourself, that is 100 center, 5 phone calls, not 5 letters in the mail.

I starting was 1992, no one remembers, I always remmeber what it used to be a shed, and everyone in the 90s no hair her tape, will see exactly what is those steel stands and on the top, and ask.....

Sorry, I taken you understand my city laws here to build up. We are the apartment, not the house addition for 4 extra inch more on the land usage, every county office you go and apply for the permit. 

Their land was near the chicken farm at the middle of no where no one will ever gone to. No more knows what that is. Not that name Miaoli, not that in Chinese. That is...worse than anything anything why anyone would be there?

So those are the chicken farm. They have never changed since 1986. 

So the popular tale of that land, to where the water usage, or the movable toiletry and the lost and found......its they built the kids ground or the hand made stone river, nice master and the disciple and the concrete cave behind the front, to where the bamboo tree, or another cabin to sell her entire cult stuffs.

fog, foggy, froggy, I guess....you walk up.

The concrete would be....per nun or the monk, make their own nice hut there to meditate.

So behind there, its the trash ground like Lovely Bone, that is in front of the house, I guess. Nothing but the junk, they throw in there.

You know what is "nothing but the junks" to throw in there means?

I know you don't know. 

No, I been to a lot of them.  No, I don't drive anymore. The professional drives. I tie up in my room, I told everyone all over the world, I have no shame saying it.

You know how I finding things out, I knew every single one of the, whichever these VS saying the location to what happened near by I just hear about it.

So if people what?

They want to get those successor? I never blink of it. That's unfortunate.....

What is that means the steel on top, those cover? means you say?

You always just leave the steel where it belongs, looks like a pillar. 

So they didn't do that to tear down the Buddhism? 

Definitely not, its always been 40 years made rules. 

What does that mean, you mean on the land, sticking up.....tall, right? Long like those trees top.


And that means?

Just as long as no roof or a ceiling on top, every other structure stays there.

That is how you want to cut her in thousand pieces?

Probably some other things too. I live to know that since 1992 or 1993.

No, i get used to it. The construction in our city, tear and wear. 

No, most people don't think I remember, I remembered...or these tape inside, when you seeing the darkness come, and all the people or the crowd, or the disciples were still with her, at their working day schedule to be there? Its at night.

They rent those parking lot, because they don't have enough on the Sunday, from the neighbor, and they sell the food on that street when the Sunday people coming in.

You know that same issue....it will never be in Florida State, their swam land anymore, in 2001, they were in Florida center. No one reads the newspaper, I often reading those things by myself.  Its a touring bus to arrive there. They take the disciples to go there. She had a short hair, she had a French peudo name she uses to purchase that land. She says...the prophecy address in Nosdamus, was that she will never return to Asia, so she runs away to Hungary, after Florida, its the infinite blessing from the universe.  5-9 to this Victoria Secret, the Human, or the Killer, or the Modern.

Its....she dump the land earth to the swam land in order to build the new land. American takes her all out.  So she runs away to Hungary, like Nosadmus prophecy says. 

Nicks knows that Pitch Perfect bitch, she came on nick indoor somewhere, she kisses him on the wall I think. That is a prostitute, her name is Hung.

Annca came out to call me, to tell me he works in Honda. Not in Hungary the infinite blessing, guess what? Its the Capital One (group chat on Line App), you never seeing the hotel name like Keanu.

Capital One Hotel (or the Capital hotel), near that my high school, I check that, I check the Eastern Area. You know where I told you the giant ice cream waffle, where I say, there is a credit card stands, the man's sport's ware, and 12 light on the ground, around there?

That credit cards was the Capital One in 2018 / 2019 or it was 2017.

So when they say that movie, you understands it, her true love? (The Super Mario Bro movie)

Yes. That was a reptilian. I just saw the actor now. He is in the Jurassic World actor with Claire. Chris Pratt, right.

You didn't say anything?

I say I would NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER agree on anything she and anyone, or anything of those successor those water crisis, the inspector all those 500 phone calls or the 5000 lawsuit papers, all that since 1986, HER association title was Chinese Zen.

My TV, my news, my lunch.

They all smoke. These parrots talk.

I have 5 youtube short clips

They look right, Shane or Hugh + Olivia, his entire family coming and going. To sit down, that is a TV pillar high tech wall. giant to my faces. A full wall of it, with an AI walking on the road.  With those food on the table, all those lightening behind the food luxury looking court, the food court like that. Anything looks normal?

Look from left to right. Any of this image looks like them to walking in it? Those space?

I think they imagine things in life people, they might really believe those Aqua or Mark, their own Westlife songs.

The space here is too small. The elevator was too small, I feel suffocated when I first returning here.

If they keep going out to walk, no, not as much as I staying indoor like 6 months that time.

To do the video and the photo shooting, and take a bath.

They are running on this routes, I found. That time.....I was doing it that myself, on my own. By myself. This time I take them hand by hand, I tell them where to see, how to see, where to walk. I was doing that by myself, but not this song, and I don't get emotional ideas in life by listening a song? I have some other things, too busy.

What if its everything worsen than I describe, every part of the words they cannot read it ? 

You know what I do here, every time you seeing a video walking out?

"Shane, no." (Pull his shirt)  I talk. The breakfast place. "I want......"

Then we walk in the 7-11 (this Hugh and Olivia gone to Daan or Adam Hailey Taxi ).....so there are that and that, and keep walking its the Mos Burger, they put the people to sale in front.

Shane, "This is the price. These are the streets to be.....10 bubble tea, here to there. You literally walk, or we need to go home now. No, that's more than 4 blocks walking. Its 8 block seeing. This road is for the student althetes, an sport association is on it. I told you exactly the things, this are the place I show you the exactly the same breakfast. No one will see it, because no one can last that long like me. Even you hire anyone behind, that is at least you hire 3 detective or the 6 camera man, for 1 me. They tell you or I tell you now?"

Its a ....run about, passing between the human all that included. But most time I stay indoor, Shane. Not to run around, run about. I don't know whom these people got hired from.

Not you, I think. But I tell you.

Here the same 7-11, til the next 7-11 the giant pudding were twice than 25 years ago.

But you gonna see some barren land, from here to the next 7-11. 10NT pen, highlighter, Shane. These are 4 school joints places. Taipei never becoming Japan, because all these school, for the K1-K12, the family home here.

If you last that long, on my video, there was a bird very very loud on a tree, its about 5 mins to the 7-11, its near the Family Mart, we sit there for 10 mins, and we walk again.

The sports association, and that correct Google Review breakfast. You need to see the right looking.

That will be 4 joint road. The nice creme I think its there I think, the second location. 

No, the birds flying from that 7-11 to.....the school this side end, they fly. Meaning across. We walk this far.....

You are not really coming here to imagine you doing this, right? 

Flying means, inside their brain, I keep doing that every day, and the birds show off....its cross from the sky. We fly together they meant, inside they intuitive already knowing that. Because we were under the 4 season feather stores. They show it to me. They built a net there for on the ceiling of that store outside. The family.

You literally seeing the birds live on the ceiling under the walkway, that is 3 places you gonna see and talk to the birds by walking? The public don't care about it.

Me, Shane.

ME ME ME have the problems. 

Shane, that is not Nicky's home right? The gym....you all weight lifting with the friend's, those place are fake? No matter what, one of the things be real, its you jump inside and up or down. Pulling...right?  You never walk in your life, do you? Ever? Walking....like walking in the grocery store to carry your own food items are the longest walk, you ever done between those few isle, not every isle like me, flip up the entire store to find one things, pretend to be Harry Potter, or I found you, Shane? 

My eyesight, I do that. You wearing the eye glasses, you are knowing the words impaired, or inept means? Stay still, or static, your pulling string from up or down, its your arm reaching up or down. Your walking with your 2 legs, how long you ever....walk? The grocery isle? 

You are a real guy, right? Not really a name....a girl means? All the TV saying you ....a girl, you shouldn't be a girl, right? The period all those things. The comic book included, Shane.

Do you need those eye drop like too long wearing the eye contact and the sun gets to your eyes, while in the front, the morning time?

Do you need those eye drop like because....

I stop, we stop every few walking traffic light, we go inside and air-con to see indoor. These are all outdoor, the outdoor light. The birds flying, the cloud moving on the top of the sky, and 1000 people in the school time, that is 4 school, taller guys, your height, those, taller. Teens.

The white clouds hide behind these building, the birds say, when they fly. 

You decide this, or you will tell me?

Do you need a hour I pick you up, below your apartment?

Like this video? 

I seen it, many video like that. Its not actually like that, or it is? The traffic here in this city has nothing but the pollutant, we are the basin here, all these motorcycle, my floor are dirty because of all those Spider Man black stuff to the motorcycle plates behind. (Spider Man 3 the beginning)

Nicky is worse than you are, right? You say you design the choreography, or approve that? 

We talk about it not anything of that right? Hugh's blind sight for his family members W or Hyatt, and Edge 1 - 5 floor, keep walking inside? 

W Hotel to Hyatt and then push to the edge by the taxi, their living quarter, a community built up, everyone is 1-5 walking inside the stair, its sunshine everyday, and nice air, except us here.

I think Hugh is Olympia idea, serious, you check that?

( I look you from below up ) you are listening?

You like these things? ! 

Comferting, all pinks, the pink shirt all that?

Hobbit like the elf in Ella Enchanted those? Curly hair, looks like....those Loving the Silent Tear with a Harp, those.....baby doll ?! That is where you from, or that is the village in Laws of Attraction, Nicky is from Dublin, your firework 2 years ago, we had 101 here. Mark was not there, where did you get these Hugh's Japan Disney, or the chocolate video from?

The escorting service?

Seeing these things make you relax? Meaning make you happy?

I figure it out where.  (Why I look at you below up with these food? You are X Man to lecture a classroom like England them? You are?)

You know these food in your life?

When I figure it out where they suppose to be cooking with all of these, I talk to you back...about these. You didn't say these? Or it was I suggest and I forget until you come near, right? 

Next - Hugh's apartment.

Do you all find out what's the embedded things in any group?

A certificate like from the teacher's union. They are? The Hollywood, or the boyband, anything is not looking in front of me, the military included, every star on their badge, or the police saying near by / the fire department ?

About your cooking? 

You seeing these movie: Battlefield.

If I looking at Prince William, I understand those are real, the uniform, and going on the helicopter, I understand they all are. The water is heavy, too much "walk" just any distance this Asia military data from the America, from my bathroom to my chair, to my bed, and laying it down 24 hours almost like, my psychological problem, I don't even going out to shop for the food, everyday laying it down, and sleep.

I don't actually want them to suffer those 3-4 years how to breath on these sky rocket building, and to explain things in front of them, or in front of my house to do those simple tasks life. But if they find out, they still suffer at it coming in, all that included to retire. I didn't really feel Shane is to going be with someone, or the guy or the girl things those idea to be honest. He looks like that doesn't mean...he should be?!

= its to shop these mountain folds of the Hallo Kitty.

Get my head some sense, a guy supposes to be at.....so I think about. 1) Jumping out of the bus, that is a step, right....but there are 2 motion going up or down with the card, and jump down.  2) Its Aqua worsen looking. - Turn Back Time.

When I evaluate, I need my quiet time to re-think. I used to have more sense on this. 

About your cooking? 

About your cooking, about your cooking.

I don't forget 1) the route on walking the map or 2) anything boiling like the chemist every cooking procedure, its very simple.

I will tell you UB those lab grades, or you all will forget. On the cooking steps, but they are the guys to make the money or the business, so they eat out. I mean why you all need to cook, the girls or the boys.

Do you know where are the certificate human at, any one of them? You all behind, so you know each other for real, that certificate? Then, that one person should have a lead to go somewhere and find out, WHY?

I think the correct things would be ....(intend, or someone whom???? think)

Shane has to be there one house (he deals with all Westlife)

Me one house

Even doing nothing, and Hugh and Olivia that is Prince William their groups, he needs to figure it out. It may not be the same time, or near time, a different season, but they meant Washington DC so big, you cannot possibly mix up you are inside which house, and we both inside our home to call. Shane does. Anna just stays there.

Westlife needs to come, or the staffs, or the agent, or which Ireland.

SA Boybands from America, they didn't specify. They like Britney to stay outdoor those sun balcony, to eat in the street be seen, because its a leisure thing and relax things in Washington D.C.

This is the Avenger or Iron Man idea? But Britney that image was more like 2 years ago, so I don't know the update version of the story. There is a part the President needs to say, or we address, or we need to, or somehow a group to be in, and see what happened? There is nothing happened, and they will agree there is nothing happen.

We have a thing in Washington ?

I personally think its when we arrive, we find out. That's how that usually goes. 

I think Taipei they going there 25 years was the yesterday story, then China, that didn't have the Korea or the Japan story. But I think its all of them expedition to Washington D.C, and "cooking" too.

??????????????? There are too many of this I cannot understand, but I write them.

China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, going there cooking + file-ing + speaking English + settling.

Without me. Me and them here, or just me be happy like I want to in Taipei even by myself if she is happy. She sayings something she wants her own life, that kind. 

My parts - I agree. The other cooking parts I am not sure, but I did mention, correct.

Otter - the toy (beas hitting back and forth, 5)


See a doctor in Washington DC, all the people maintenance. Me similar to the bone idea, they have a chronological timelines in the profile about the health overall in life, because I had a several doctor I did went to see in my whole life in a different stage, and continue to seeing a doctor, or the health profession including to talk about it. The overall wellness is a lot better than the average people. (Yesterday, when they going to Washington D.C)

No, I quit talking to Shane they are, 2 days ago. I fix all .....these garbage myself anything I seeing the clear picture with all of these. Shane...too busy, so I give him some paper works in the legal words to say it out, 3 weeks. He or Westlife, or anyone he talks to. How to Zoom each other repeated those words, but maybe they are all fallen so far apart, they doing that once, and got too busy on every other phone or the real business, so they phantam they themselves away.

Pierre Meghan, saw it.

A sheet, they have to organize, just one very simple sheet. They didn't think anything, maybe in 3 weeks, they will look at that again on the table, and having their brain a different foggy to read that EVER ever again. But, right...their business isn't in laws, and they assure me almost, they don't belong to the Washington D.C, so they withdraw, I withdraw. I pretending as if I am like them. I already know I don't need to. I am not sure, .....so that's why I stay near at it. 

Because? I am not sure they know why or how there is DC exists in their whole lifetime. I assuming the European or the American are the political driven, not the law paper written driven. They understand that is 2 different things, or just eat and sleep, and arrange?!

I hate when someone looks like me near by, and....if they are driven somewhere or something in the DC, at least knowing WE ARE NOT the same, they chat in there, not they written a paper pretending to be the political driven. 

I want?

When I go to a building or an event, it will NEVER be theirs looking anything we are the different reason if were to enter there.

I do the paperworks.

They go there to chat and eat.

I put the Washington D.C first letter on the first website, they didn't know that was serious to imagine anything of that, its very stressful. (The actual background of that )

No, not the eating part. The background committee gathering parts, I didn't show up, so they find their kitchen I was the liquidarian, 5 different hotel venue, running ID, with those old lady scientific the wrong outfit for the 1st floor lobby in the day time, and Dr. Bing lost his key, or she does.

I didn't show up, so the reservation will know.

They train those committee people, to find out 1) the Kitchen 2) the Hotel 3) the lost and the found. 4) Anything left in the room

+ the different senior officers. Because those drafts are speaking it out loud. 3 years ago. I AM FULL OF those stress as the vision was FAKE.

That is not the insider those dark room the real 5 different committee on the education.

"She didn't show up, you have her profile, no one sees her? What she looks like?"

"Skin race color, and the nationality, thin or fat? Anyone knows?"

"Gathering ground, NOT the guest house."

"So the discussion anyone sent there for 1908 all that? When?"

"No show neh, where? supposed to be the sent invitation at?"

"I have all the words written, no one shows up, funny?"

"What does she or he is?"

"Is that a she or is that a he?"

"The landing time, or the entry time if were not this time, 5 years, 10 years?"

"1000 profile we are doing this 25 years, we have the trainer, if that is thin or fat, he or she."

I AM VERY STRESSFUL 3 years ago ~~~~~