
I think the correct things would be ....(intend, or someone whom???? think)

Shane has to be there one house (he deals with all Westlife)

Me one house

Even doing nothing, and Hugh and Olivia that is Prince William their groups, he needs to figure it out. It may not be the same time, or near time, a different season, but they meant Washington DC so big, you cannot possibly mix up you are inside which house, and we both inside our home to call. Shane does. Anna just stays there.

Westlife needs to come, or the staffs, or the agent, or which Ireland.

SA Boybands from America, they didn't specify. They like Britney to stay outdoor those sun balcony, to eat in the street be seen, because its a leisure thing and relax things in Washington D.C.

This is the Avenger or Iron Man idea? But Britney that image was more like 2 years ago, so I don't know the update version of the story. There is a part the President needs to say, or we address, or we need to, or somehow a group to be in, and see what happened? There is nothing happened, and they will agree there is nothing happen.

We have a thing in Washington ?

I personally think its when we arrive, we find out. That's how that usually goes. 

I think Taipei they going there 25 years was the yesterday story, then China, that didn't have the Korea or the Japan story. But I think its all of them expedition to Washington D.C, and "cooking" too.

??????????????? There are too many of this I cannot understand, but I write them.

China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, going there cooking + file-ing + speaking English + settling.

Without me. Me and them here, or just me be happy like I want to in Taipei even by myself if she is happy. She sayings something she wants her own life, that kind. 

My parts - I agree. The other cooking parts I am not sure, but I did mention, correct.

Otter - the toy (beas hitting back and forth, 5)


See a doctor in Washington DC, all the people maintenance. Me similar to the bone idea, they have a chronological timelines in the profile about the health overall in life, because I had a several doctor I did went to see in my whole life in a different stage, and continue to seeing a doctor, or the health profession including to talk about it. The overall wellness is a lot better than the average people. (Yesterday, when they going to Washington D.C)

No, I quit talking to Shane they are, 2 days ago. I fix all .....these garbage myself anything I seeing the clear picture with all of these. Shane...too busy, so I give him some paper works in the legal words to say it out, 3 weeks. He or Westlife, or anyone he talks to. How to Zoom each other repeated those words, but maybe they are all fallen so far apart, they doing that once, and got too busy on every other phone or the real business, so they phantam they themselves away.

Pierre Meghan, saw it.

A sheet, they have to organize, just one very simple sheet. They didn't think anything, maybe in 3 weeks, they will look at that again on the table, and having their brain a different foggy to read that EVER ever again. But, right...their business isn't in laws, and they assure me almost, they don't belong to the Washington D.C, so they withdraw, I withdraw. I pretending as if I am like them. I already know I don't need to. I am not sure, .....so that's why I stay near at it. 

Because? I am not sure they know why or how there is DC exists in their whole lifetime. I assuming the European or the American are the political driven, not the law paper written driven. They understand that is 2 different things, or just eat and sleep, and arrange?!

I hate when someone looks like me near by, and....if they are driven somewhere or something in the DC, at least knowing WE ARE NOT the same, they chat in there, not they written a paper pretending to be the political driven. 

I want?

When I go to a building or an event, it will NEVER be theirs looking anything we are the different reason if were to enter there.

I do the paperworks.

They go there to chat and eat.

I put the Washington D.C first letter on the first website, they didn't know that was serious to imagine anything of that, its very stressful. (The actual background of that )

No, not the eating part. The background committee gathering parts, I didn't show up, so they find their kitchen I was the liquidarian, 5 different hotel venue, running ID, with those old lady scientific the wrong outfit for the 1st floor lobby in the day time, and Dr. Bing lost his key, or she does.

I didn't show up, so the reservation will know.

They train those committee people, to find out 1) the Kitchen 2) the Hotel 3) the lost and the found. 4) Anything left in the room

+ the different senior officers. Because those drafts are speaking it out loud. 3 years ago. I AM FULL OF those stress as the vision was FAKE.

That is not the insider those dark room the real 5 different committee on the education.

"She didn't show up, you have her profile, no one sees her? What she looks like?"

"Skin race color, and the nationality, thin or fat? Anyone knows?"

"Gathering ground, NOT the guest house."

"So the discussion anyone sent there for 1908 all that? When?"

"No show neh, where? supposed to be the sent invitation at?"

"I have all the words written, no one shows up, funny?"

"What does she or he is?"

"Is that a she or is that a he?"

"The landing time, or the entry time if were not this time, 5 years, 10 years?"

"1000 profile we are doing this 25 years, we have the trainer, if that is thin or fat, he or she."

I AM VERY STRESSFUL 3 years ago ~~~~~

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