Babaji: Go
就是我瀟灑完就跟男孩子摘下去,你們如果一個一個上來,我其實也不知道你們的命運怎麼自己主動,因為我有原因跟著電視電影,是真的,其實沒有人在講假的,但是男孩子太多了,我其實會跟你們說,所以你講比例 ....你如果上來一個一個,只有一個繼承者被看著,而且如果是女的,你們如果搶哪個位置,包括來台灣,我以前看過,女孩子好像有自己事業就不想被摘下來,我其實是會跟所有男孩子說,去摘東西,如果上來,然後跟你們女孩子說,準備被摘下來....我敢講,黑鴨鴨一片其實都是男的,你們沒有人真的去烹飪,換枕頭套、有點醫,開車或是學習開車,或是視力,或是你真的知道你不是在賭博,像我畫給你們看前面十張紙,你覺得我講假的講真的? 三皇五帝 ...
我其實每件事情都是講真的 !
蹦蹦跳跳,經過男孩子... 對,不需要太打擾他們,有禮貌問安,端茶端水,因為我不再台灣,我不是盤旋,這整的世界你們好像不是真的認為我在說 194 開玩笑,彗星是整個地球,天空世整片上面下來掛在中國電視上面,我講誰在地獄要申訴立法程序,我其實是每一頁講的,你們如果講得出來正確,你們也可以講電影電視,證明你自己的 Linkedin 我有誰誰誰在上面,被看到,就這樣。
我其實跟西城男孩說他們整個站在前面,我會不好意思,我聽歌曲,個人禮貌問題.... 但是講你們我相信,對,我知道妳們不是蹦蹦跳跳,我說你去多黏幾個男孩子,那你分配心情,有一天他們可以去把人生定點定下來,世界上不是現在論,他們很多人,黑鴨鴨一片,因為有時候也是娛樂,最會搞事情也是我呀 ! 就是大家一起丟垃圾那種 ....因為我其實找不到女孩子,真的祝福誰誰誰,你們其實不相信就是,煮飯別人聽起來,就是很多人聽起來不是那種坐馬車,結婚那種?
我覺得我做的食物很漂亮呀 ~ 回家第一件事情不是冷冰冰桌子是空的,很多人過過這種人生,知不知道如果男孩子摘下來,他跟我的每一天是桌子上面有東西,通常人會不會知道,我其實也不清楚,很多人喜歡噓人大概 ...
我告訴妳們我聽到的 ! 大概因為你們也不需要的關係,那大概是吧 !
當然不是。我不需要挑今天寫這些東西,繼續噓呀 ! 我也會害怕,有人一定要挑今天寫,還有影片。
是不是這個時間如果尊上離開,是真的被摘下來,女孩子有些一起下來跟男孩子在一起也不錯 ...我聽說你們台灣噓,大概是沒有那樣講,我聽說是,有些要下來。
有沒有說為什麼? (我問一下)
就這樣講好了,女孩子會比男孩子難過假設在某個時間,沒有感覺被配對呀 ! 自己回家是一個人,好幾個朋友一起出去等等等,看像說自己自由快樂的人生,對,合法,但是好像是... 總之好像就是我以前講過的一些東西。
我可以講一些很難聽的 .... 男孩子你們知道跟女孩子不一樣,女孩子以為男孩子都會等她們的,意思假如錢很多,或是家產,或是什麼什麼,一定不會有伴侶等等等,這一項不是他們講的,是我講的,我覺得是很多女孩子會發現那時候,他們有自己的家庭,是一個真正的關係家庭,就是男孩子想結婚的時候跟誰再一起,不等你,法律上,他有辦法因為他想,應該是這樣講,我也不確定。
我自己講的是,有些投資是給男孩子的,不能真的說是你的自由,但是這樣講好像是 ....我故意講的,我覺得有投資是有那種安排的,或是有老的男孩子等等等,什麼什麼。
你們如果要一對一講話,你們是打算講什麼? 想一下,講給我尊上聽聽
十年過去了 ....你做了什麼事業 ! 你們一定是說尊上要特殊,講了特別的人生。
『所以 ...電視電影如果是真的 ...』
這邊界跟黑色有什麼關係? 黑色是國會底下哪一個部分裡面
你如果累積你做的出來,發現什麼,每一件事情,每一個區域,每一個細節,奔跑的時間,一個人在人群裏面,你曾經知道你有一天要長大,已經 40 了,我跟我大學同學說,已經可以擔當所有事情不管聽起來是什麼,這一條一條的寫,一個地方一個地方畫出來,你說音樂多真,你說邂遘,你自己相信有一天自己單純的生活會是普通的人生,這有一天。
知道為什麼今天是一對一,該講話的時間吧 ?
黑色 ...再也不是學生型態,對男孩子呀 ! 外面有很成熟的女軍官,星際 !
成熟的人應該會做一些什麼事情,今天是選舉大家要回家,冷呀 ! 你們只需要男孩子看到你們有點 pleasing 的感覺,好感,不是威脅,也不是喜歡說要愛上,就是大家有禮貌安安靜靜說說話,你們說控制任何人,那他們見過非常多的女孩子,你們是說有人跟你們討論,什麼叫做自私或是兩秒認識彼此,只是男孩子對你幾秒見過,叫做有個禮貌的好感?
開車這種不太可能,你的注意力? 不吃糖、減肥、吃健康跟果汁,美國的哪種果汁機? 自己搬水果、蔬菜要削皮,簡單果汁? 我覺得你們的學生型式很需要這種什麼咖啡館,還是哪種 hang out 叫做什麼,聚會,你跟誰聚在一起,你覺得人,人在地溫暖,我就是沒有實質的那個人,還是要保持眼睛視力那種叫做看鳥,那穿成黑色你們有一天啊 ! 煮飯煮菜煮給高階,你算後備人員? 又尤其如果是女孩子,什麼工作都得做呀 ! 就是你希望有人注意你,你煮飯講解,擺照片,我的網頁可以收訊息你們準備好 !
我們講道理呀 !
如果要穿成黑色,這我弟弟一定是我有準備一些簡單東西他可以吃,或是準備一個房子,或是買東西叫做看得到,挑東西,床單床被床的枕頭,叫做知道怎麼對待自己跟對待別人? 有沒有想過這種簡單,就是看到照片你覺得你應該是怎麼是我說 1 對 1 講話? 你跟我?
這是一個網路 URL 介面,一整片的螢幕是我的照片,你是你坐著,但是我的背後叫做『界門綱目科屬種』,這件事情並不會看到,因為我可以被拉到後面哪邊 ...你還是自己按著那個小老鼠看著一百個人成功的 Youtube + 1 = 我!
Nick Carter - Addicted
中國李子蘭 1:20 (關掉聲音這個影片的 play 按鈕旁邊,從 1:19開始,把小老鼠拉到 1:19 ) 🍒🍑
先按外國人的 play 按鈕,在按女孩子隔壁網頁在 1:19 的 play 按鈕,這個女的你們應該很熟悉呀 !
他們好像是說你們要搶下 (中國跟台灣)
每一個位置,有這樣? 我擺在上面花千骨 (中文),講中文應該是看懂,對碑?
十年之前,就是 Hailey 弟弟他們可能只是高中、中學
0:17 我躺在哪裡睡覺 ...很多人不知道,我在美國
我好像要跟你們說 1 對 1 的昨天詮釋,這個時間,你,哪個你跟我在真空
世界上當你長大有一天成人 18, 大學 22, 新鮮人 23….很多時間在後面有一天是 26, 28…38…40. 很多人都會找最便宜的方式,尋找自己賺錢的目標,所以聽過這邊的人講說因為中國沒有 YouTube, 所以我們真空的時空是,騰空,真空,空空的回音講,現在聲音很多,而且算背後你的聲音。
人長大有一天是自己的金錢💰,每一個成功的,長得好看的誰誰誰有什麼,跟隨他們她們的 youtube 頻道計算廣告的收入,在背後,這些人事物其實每一個界內都很重要,你可以聽不清楚什麼是我常常講界內,叫做 194 國家的界線內,的每一個玻璃的牆壁板子,他們尋找不到的東西就直接有總司令我直接劃掉牆壁 像說 ASMR 你可能吃死人,是違法的!
界內講三界之內明師借身體下來,五皇九帝從天空,一個弧形我撐帝,三生三世十里桃花介面是左邊到右邊,但是三界的 Krishina 是藍紫色,哈里坡特的 Pixie 藍色小精靈把埃本掛在天花板,見過影片 Harry Potter. 三界同整就是三界超生,你們沒有把她清海無上師的教理變成聽到的界內問題!
- 邊界叫做 藍紫色 Pixie
- 工業者 (後備)
- 運輸
- 運輸工業
- SWAT 上空下降總統府或是進出入首督,194 首都
- 警察局
- 消防局
當撐帝的那時候之後的 2018-2020 對上飢餓遊戲或是之後,是說界內如果哪個國家總統不知道做什麼, 相對的邊境跟 SWAT 部隊因為這電影電視的題材、直接進入,長驅直入,沒有人做那種誇張事情飢餓遊戲
在地圖上你們把 1) 邊界化成一個圈,2) 把鐵路畫線 3) SWAT 部隊跟消防局常常走路的路線(不會忘記), 平行的地圖平面的一條線,圈圈跟縣內。
但是想像這個人背後是 (重畫)
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懂了沒 1 對 1 ?
訓練軍隊當初應該是方方,並不需要說台灣三軍是煮咖喱電視卡通跑步沙灘跟法國 YouTube Ku. 蛙式什麼沙灘,就關係他們在我走之後,都可以自行一道。
其實中國或是台灣,就算只是軍事,你們其實很多人,很多人的意思就是,要搶下很多位置,都算是界內,界線之內,你們本身的權限可以跟我沒有真正有關係 ! 我其實算是真空或是掛在天上衛星速度很快那種資訊通訊瞬間,每一個人處理電視電影有一個,基本資料,這件事情我們做了十年。
三界之內 ( 職業軍人 - 終生職),有很多職業
- 女教授
- 教育 K1-K12 (老師,育兒老師)
- 教科書 (教育部之下的教育部 - 台灣)
- 商業
- 科技
- 立法委員 (政治人物)
- 音樂家
- 音樂老師
- 指揮
- 蘋果、微軟、科技公司
- 矽谷 (中國、台灣、日本....其中有材料系的所謂產品設計部門,矽谷組要是半導體)
- 太空計畫
- 生化 (私人、公家、大學,醫院附屬)
- 廚師
- 技術人員
- 醫生、機師、工程者、建築、化工
- 藝術、陶瓷、舞導
- 博物館
懂了嗎 ?
要不要印出來? 我第一次寫成中文,畫給你們看
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There is a story of this one small tiny town at south, the distribution always open the early results and precise.
所以明天減肥? So tomorrow to lose weight?
溜冰天使不是有那種早上跑步? 我現在不跑而且只是四個口口,只跑了第一個第二個中間沒有人的時候,挑時間,算走到森林公園繞所以四五個 block 這樣算,如果我以前走別的道路因為有跑,比較快,現在是看到沒有人的時候跑,明天禮拜天沒有人大馬路,我也跑不動呀 ! 但是增加一點跑步在走路五個 block 這樣感覺的也不會那麼久在路上,他們也有人跑那邊,不是走騎樓這樣,我不是說我瘦的那時間就是跑了時候比較快,我換地方,而且走三次 + 第四次少一點,走呀走或是跳呀跳,不是說 70 百分比洗滌、做菜 (喝果汁)、健身、洗衣服、擦地板,擦酒精布,已經過年又要在過年,這時間要把衣服拿出來丟給我媽洗,但是窗戶只有我來擦呀 ! 想過沒?
Ice Skating book in the morning running? I now not running for the 4 blocks, only run between the first and the second when no one is around, pick the time, almost like the 4 or 5 block to enter the forest park. If I used to use another route, I run, faster, now, if I see no one, I can run. Tomorrow Sunday, no one at that big road, I cannot run well also !!! But if increase the running, saying that 5 blocks are not that long enough on the road, they also have the people running on that external road block, not under the building. I did say when I lose more weight its when I run, but I need to switch the place, that is 3 times walking + 1 times less walkiing, walking or jumping jumping. Didn't we say 70% of time washing, cooking (drinking juice), fitness, washing the cloth, mop the floor, the alcohol wipe, already New Year, will be Chinese New Year, need to take all these cloth my mother wash that, but only the window its me come to clean all that! Ever thought about it?
我通常在家裡數一到十,跳然侯這樣數五六次就 跳了 50 或是 60 下,然後再到一百整個挑,就是十次的 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I usually at home count 1 to 10, and roughly about 5 or 6th time, that is 50 or 60 jumping, and then 100 jumps, that is 10 times 12345678910
Normally my wrist front is very thin, cannot really lifting something very heavy, like my fitness channel, I put some movement, to strengthen those exercise, if I walk the 3rd time, at night time, I can just make up the 4th time walking walking, bending bending.
I say that again, a lot of the people walking on the pavement road, its the body always been in the fitness, you can really see it, because a lot of the people's clothing if you look at them, its always been walking after walking, every block of that you can see people strolling, meaning a lot of the people knowing after they eat, they walk or they run, some very early time.
One or 2 Kg then 3 kg really thinning down, stable, then 1 kg, 2 kg.
如果你們不減肥,我怎麼減,我受夠了這所有小鳥跟水賴,沒有,我沒有吃魚,之後 ...
If you all don't lose weight, how can I lose it, I have enough with all this birds and the otter, no, I didn't eat the fish, after....
不是要麻雀變鳳凰嗎 ?
Isn't you want to swallow becoming a pheonix = Princess Diary in Chinese.
看這個手臂很瘦呀 !
See the arm is very thin !
3 公斤然後 3 公斤,然後 2 公斤呀 !
3 kg, then 3 kg, then 2 kg.
The hair can at the same time growing long.
Victoria Secret - 大提琴 - 跟你
你們不是要跟商鞅妲己比嗎 ? 這種重要的枝節,仙劍雲之凡,講中文就沒有人知道呀 !!! 這長相多久是多久,我說臉呀 ! 還有吃東西沒有長在臉上,你們是不是吃什麼都會在臉上?
在還沒有很很很肥胖之前,你們說衣服可以遮掩手臂呀 ! 或是前面,但是幾個月就是瘦三公斤也不錯呀 ! 一兩公斤,然後在三個月,三個月其實四個禮拜五,至少 13 禮拜吧 ! 一個禮拜減一公斤,我這一個禮拜很緩慢... 我其實也不知道到底發生什麼事情,是說有人還是....是什麼事情我的體重要這種形式上上下下,然後這只有三公斤就突然要回流一點,停止跟吃魚,我其實也不知道發生什麼事情,前面不算,這一次是動物就擋在我正前方我看到... 之前是別人的命令我跟妳們說,但是現在是攝影機可以看得到。
I say not very very very obesity before, you say the clothing can over the arm ! Or the front but in several months to lose 3 kg, that is also good. 1, 2 kg, and then 3 month, 3 month its 4 or 5 weeks, at least 13 weeks. One week 1kg, my this week is slow, I also don't know what's going on. Its to say somebody.... is there something happen my weight going up and down, and then after 3kg, return a bit, stop and eating the fish. I actually don't know what happened. Those before don't count, this time, its the animal standing in front of me I can see.....before that is someone else order me, so I told you, but right now its the camera can film it.
Westlife - Funny
No no, the song's name. Means Italian, how Alyssa called her nonno, Nick.
To end up all these written jobs, I have a lot of writing ..
Princess Diary:
They are the diary, I live in a real life.
Sometimes life just accompany to the parents before they are too stress out where you been or where you gamble. You cannot get jailed once, I keep saying that. You see what, you tell them or draw them what. I hear what, I record to people. I see the otter, I provide a link. Just too many …
Everyone is all having a different start-up
It’s the audience.
… I have to jump, flip, bounce over the TV. I also wish it’s not like that so to get this far, now I am talking to Nicky, I don’t have a specific plan. They want the music production.
Right, there is nothing military.
It never begins there.
So you gamble it might yield something.
I try to live and breathe, when the high tech hurting my head, someone supposes to save me.
They didn’t do anything.
I pull it out by myself
I meant more the business and the money.
Right, everyone does the real estate. Eben’s full wall was my car insurance guy.
I didn’t see the biggest stake.
Right. You seeing everyone on the YouTube having a conversation and talk.
Everyone is winning except you.
It’s everywhere.
They are way too old for me.
The first line up outside, there is nothing but the military !
Westlife song:
The painting:
In that Project Camelot, there is only one Kerry. You don't have another blonde in the Conan Detective. Most of this...special unit, a lot of them are highly literal guys sound like Edward Snowden.
It may not be today, but they got nothing else, no one else the women comes out, and not a blonde side by with the vocabulary. Because that was from the UB time 20 years ago whenever they started, Bob Dean die, but Dean didn't know anything with Justin.
Just me saying the name and the UFO Congress Citizen hearing.
1 to 1 things next by (classmate)
"Your classmate or your high school friends they invest something business might be the restaurant, or the fitness center, or the gym business sports, or the sport drinks.....they when 23 years old, or 28 years old or 30 years old, its right near your city town, or you are in contact."
"If any senior officers in the real military told you, that is a piece of screen, she say last post, 1 to 1. Then it was 2 days ago, you compete and compare something escalating called behind itself Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Species Gene, But in front, its me photo and one you. You ought to just think next by your neighbors, or your child friends, when they told you the investment, and you feel the compete and compare you cannot catch up."
"I understand that, what's the difference?"
"Although did grow up here, but when American saying the military encourage this going to Asia exploring, it meant more you becoming the international business or the international scale of things. I think you meant your high school some popular guys or the cheer leading squat, they buy a burger king, or a hotel, that sits there their parents owns it. You feel you seeing their house, or their expense, or the sporty cars. Mine would be nothing but a piece of the wireless internet, you access on your phone, or the internet photo, or a print out the office you pay your money to see my face clear. When they present you a certificate or the ownership or a burger king or the insurance trivial things to pay, even those expense sounds like a real business where there is a cash flows something concrete coming it down to the human psychi sense, you are working toward something and be cautious about."
"The home coming King and the cheerleading squat, uhm?"
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"Correct, when you say no one knows a thing in life, its what in front of you. Right. There is no fix plans, no parenting, no childhood, you visiting the high school mate, or seeing the scene or feeling save their parents say hi, or you test out, or asking out the experty by the family friends, or the uncle or the neighborhood area. We are the capital city here. The property here is not like your world probably. I can tell you that. If I have one extra apartment + a current existing and paying the maintenance + my retirement here. If its 2 property can last for 20 years those expense, or then 5 apartment to 6, it means I live way more comfortably what that is, even selling 1, but keep 5, so the rest of that paying the maintenance of the 5 apartments. lasting 20 years or the 40 years any fluctuation of the costs living in one person world."
"But that is your childhood place."
"Happen to be correct. I born here."
"I don't understand what you are doing."
"Right, but I am not those singer, or Taylor Swift, they all major big screen people, they making a lot of the money including the boyband. Sometimes they have the family background. I starting 1 person, so little bit retain so far. I would tell you 1 to 1 because there is a lot of the compete and compare. Everyone doesn't stare at a correct head set, the mind set, because the life gonna change when the mid-age comes, the health indicator will come."
"194 countries each line zone has their fan, if that is how far they reach these singers. They glad to invest for them locally. But even you just pick 5 countries, you enter on your own personal asset, you set up differently you yourself you imagine why you have a fan club. The way they do. Its the fan does for them the resource they got."
"That is why they are very wealthy?"
"But right, no one does this right in front of everyone's eye. I didn't do this because of the books, not this. Not like that...."
"Say it again about 1 and 1 things."
"When you grew up to say 29 years old, 30 years old, you decide you want to do something in life. It can be anything because technically all the AGT people looking the same to the front people. Its someone coming from a rural place to show off or make it the best of themselves. "
"And you then becoming this TV?"
"I position myself with the TV, because later in the year I work around it. Prince or England they have the staffs do it for them, so they got married or they get near the situation, or research all the materials, and they parenting from the top. My family is disfunctional."
"If the way you say yesterday is true, that is....scary or a lot of things in that nature doesn't look like you be that happy inside the movie all those happy music makes a sound, I hear all that."
"I feel I live in the hell right, when the ability comes, and worse when the time come to tell everyone including some older things I see, I feel the horror of it, its worse than that."
"How does those position to make the money connect it?"
"You probably mean if there is a cash flows, how to 1 to 1, that step-by-step to make money? I go to the real estate too. "
"Everyone buys the real estate."
"Right, 1 on 1 means yesterday I say they compare her 36 years old, I was 30 years old I gone to AGT, coming out of this scene, whichever the movies airing out. Making a scene you can say that."
"But you say you position yourself."
"I go along a certain things, if I understand in 2014 the Lords of Rings, or the diet bread, I say I know but no one will believe me. It takes 10 years to be here including 2 years ago starting with the geography, today you have a 3 frame video, I jumping or dancing to elaborate the 2 side American continent, or the China coastline this holding a rope on a boat, how to swimming yourself holding a rope across to land, that is the medium definition. "
"You didn't position yourself like that, you teach them like that."
"Along the way the beginning of the 5 or 6 years I see a certain thing, I flash back so I remember something, it has nothing to do with the movies mostly. Its Harvard both Legally Blonde and Khan Academy, and Khan Academy, that was my true reality where I used to be, and I give up that. One time lesson you never forget."
"And what that leads to."
"Its not on the movie, when you have no stream on the movies, I go along with my real life, but later it hits back to the movies, because I was just go along the Hunger Game year, or the training people's purpose. Its exhausting or feel heavy, but I push it in, including a lot of the boyband, I say IT or Joomla some simple Firefox changing a theme, we close down that year to prepare the pre-select people. That was it, it was not too much works. "
"Is that the movies forcing it?"
"No, its just when you grow up, I say this 1 and 1 thing, you compare or compete with a screen in front of you, that is just you and me. But there is a lot of your classmate, you to them also 1 to 1. He or she may not be here, but they step by step to arrive in their life. That is what people fear the most when the competition push you down."
"I just want to know the outcome."
"There is no outcome yet."
"Meaning copy and paste if your methods works."
"I say copy and paste, right."
"There is nothing, position to the classify, I think they barring you down, its like you go to the police or the military, they don't like that kind of the claim like myself and imagine I do that in front of the others including to my friends."
"With the internet, you get familiar with a face, that is the face they trust, but you need to show clearly, which side of you you mean it you doing it. You do that for the Youtuber purpose. My choice was not the Youtuber purpose, you can see that is Zero."
"How come 1 to 1 if I were you, you know that is 0 but you choose to do something and where is the money, I cannot see."
"When you becoming 22 years old, 26, one day arriving 40 years old, everyone uses their time and their eyesight seeing something to do something in life. Most people success its by their cash flows to invest something, I think that is what the approach everyone felt safe to do. But yes, I talk about 1 to 1 yesterday. Its a judgement in life what you do, if open the world outside, if you die, you going on the next destination and then what? "
"Correct, I prefer the cash flows methods. Everything else sounds loosen."
If you do your hair? (Youtuber niche)
Your earring, the necklace, the bracelet, your custom, or the dress shirt. Right.
How do you get the subscriber?
You need to dominate that niches, and do you decide which that niche you will becoming that one voice? Are you planning to become a guest speakers everywhere like Eben and Craig has to hold up a real microphone in front of the crowd, everyone seeing their face, or the height, or the dress shirt or the shoes?
Did you tell your parents if you planning anything worse than the ASMR?
( Doing your hair and talking, "So if their successor is the black hair, ends at all this Devil Wear Prada, each and every single one of them ending up in that time rotation....")
"The legal system will find out. Technically a lot of this classify materials are not supposed to release if next time things like they solve from behind is another options. This is very hurting, it never stop hurting me, I am telling you."
"So the princess diary this entire movie is null, meaning even the public gets wrong, they all gonna sent to hell."
"I told them there is only one Me on the top. Not listening, its not I don't help."
"So there is a punishment in the movie."
"The end of time. The Bible has a decree. "
"But you help her the legal paper, I read."
"You doing your hair only by the pin? Some decoration like me? I give an approach she should draw near or a lot more friendly tones with the Judge. If her tone of the voice got it wrong starting on the day 1, that is no way to fix it. She shouldn't doing the same thing with the UB. But that has nothing to do with the Judge if they found out anything from behind. They can give you a suggestion if she asked them. But that is not going to get her way. Everyone going to the judge its to do things conveniently, not what the movie or the TV they say its a fantasy gerne, its their way, not the most directly things ET says. Its classify, then its anything the project Camelot says."
"I watch that too, but I cannot understand a thing."
"A lot of the people never in life to try to live near that life, or at least be open to what that life, if the outside to next destination of the life where God put you, or prepare you. They care a lot of the family, the family van has to drive, or whom picks up whom at the airport, how many times in life, to build up its the fame or the money? If all the time are waste or lost."
"So when you say yesterday and the borders people ....."
"The borders has nothing much to do with the classify though, that, not even they themselves know they are on the TV. I told them that."
"So they are bigger or the classify bigger?"
"They ought to work together, but one might be a lot more aggressive than the other. Sometimes you don't know how they position, there is a way they capable to do, so I don't really know. But I think its the border is just take it as it is says and the most aggressive one = the strongest defense."
"So you were saying that classify system is them, not them?"
"Not them. Its inside America."
"You know that for sure?"
"Not very clear the term, but something divide their nature of the National defense, they know how they do those basic terms. I just give everyone an example. So everyone at the words I say one to one....its that when we turn to the age of 30 years old, 36, or 40....years old, you look at each other, not the Ella Enchanted, you just look at the TV included, whom supposes to evovle to know their life, should I drink a tea, what selection of the food I eat? The selection of the gasoline to fill or the mechanic to hire to do the car jobs, its a phone to call or not calling, waiting for the parents to save me. Yesterday I say 1 on 1, that article."
"Is this the real flower?"
"And you arrive that has any money in it? "
"Not right now."
"And why you are doing it, they barring you down?"
"So I say you define your niche to where you listener supposes to be. I think I done most of the work, I can get down. That was the original plan. Me and Nicky talk something. That is a full lengthy dress."
"You going to a wedding?"
你在幻想某種妳可以控制這誰誰誰的問題,我其實常常把我推離台灣的整個感覺,因為...我講的是 194 時間跟美國時間以前,我在作夢我講昨天我以為? 美國有特殊部隊呀 ! 所以我不可能去想你們台灣待在那種小台北這種講法,但是我也慢慢融入一點,國外回來通常不是在想像什麼當地誰誰誰吧 ? 整個 UB 就是亂七八糟,你們只看到三個人,以前有一百人很多是美國男孩子,很多事情要問過很多人,我以為我自己以前有一天變成金髮。
0:36 看,我買麥當勞,擺在所有人的面前,就是男孩子如果伸手問我? 我會怎麼回答?
女醫名妃傳還是仙劍雲之凡,兩手中文歌? 喜歡? 講真的假的? 看的板子丟、打、跑,這十年過去,我寫了一點在花千骨 (中文) 上方,女孩子跟男孩子不太一樣,就是沒有職業就做點一點放鬆的事情呀 ! 這些都不是真實職業,你們也知道?
Babaji is here now.
你們知道劇本寫了多久的時間交替? 你們要不要跟警察講三生三世十里桃花,這地獄的囚犯,時間她自己等待另外一個我,『假如是你』
Do you guys know what is the scripts say in this 3310, the time rotation? Do you want to call the police about this Peach blossom Mark Chao TV. This is the hell prisoner time is up, and she becoming to await the next me, 『If were you』
The Mummy (1999)
🥪🥪🥪 The look of the girls or the boys ....🥪🥪🥪
- 微笑、保持微笑,講話快快樂樂 Smile, always keep your smile, talking in the happy tones.
- 張開嘴巴笑出來,常常保持笑容,吃東西也是誰幫誰弄 Open your mouth and smile, keep that smile, food taken to and give out.
- 不是你們希望他們求你們,很多男孩子見過那些女孩子 Not you wish the guys to begging you, a lot of the guys met a lot of the other kinds of the girls.
- 你們在乎的是亞洲男孩子,我不是說了再見了嗎? 不是在歐洲就在美國,是一樣的 You care about the Asian guys, didn't I say goodbye, if not in Europe its in America.
- 禮物、禮節、禮儀 Gift, politeness and manner
- 『你還好吧 ? 喝點水,這邊是多的他們發的』『Are you all right? Drink some water, they are distribute over there. 』
- 『這邊有椅子,我找到常常,還有在那邊,你先坐著! 坐~』『There is a chair, I often find it, there is over there, you come and sit first! Sit. 』
- 『冷嗎 ? 他們有些戰爭剩下的毛毯,救濟的,先拿一個披上』『Cold? They have the blanket that war left over the necessairty, you first cover yourself with one, like this. 』
- 其實你們從對你們弟弟開始,那是一個沒有救的狀態,或是你爸 You can just start with your brother, that is a no hope situation, or your dad.
- 不需要一天到晚黏在那個男孩子,又不是真的跟誰有關?! You don't need to every single day glue on that guy, its not really connect or in relation?
- 該講的講出來 When the time to talk, open your mouth and say it.
- 不是誰求誰就是誰愛誰多一點 Its not whom begging whom to whom is loving that person a little more.
- 你們曾經想過你們爸媽常常求你們,男孩子絕對不是你爸媽 You often just thinking your parents begging you, the guys will FOREVER never be your mom or dad.
You don’t live on the clouds
I used to cute say.
Earthly you try to buddy …and you and Simon both about to die has this social reform you doing the right thing to speculate me, it’s what really 100 means human quota with the uniform and a metallic, the true scene I live day by day Lords of Ring. You mix between you fake compassionate Master role suffer me greatly, you accuse, blames to every others so saying you redeem the first crime, with a full wall line up Conan Detective club in Ocean University classmate photo. Greed on religious money. 1986.
You make me feel very very horror and disgusting ! I have the ring in my neck I just show you last VS link.
Someone had to live in that scene and watching 100 Metallic, you have no idea how much I want to free my job, one high tech, all world peace including with you in it. Don’t care how many human dies on it with the blood flows. I live in it everyday, every so often and you swim in the toxicate money ocean like the Bible describes to you every sin you had. You have so much love, I believe it it’s I will be the eternal.
You insist the spirituality is a 20% law or 100% law or I say 1000%
You bet I care one name in this book of Life, it’s one me or all of you in the end of all this term. Explain to your follower how far you all willing to travel….for one you hell case. Love you like they mean it.
Debra, Hiep (Lanh), New York Chinese contact person, Thailand retreat you (Indian 500), Taiwan retreat Fanny your German translator, Menton, Wei (Calvin old gf Loving Hut) next by near Fresh Toronto.
You have a choice don’t eat….12345 remaining sequence. Try to memorize or else ….it’s I say or all if you imagine it’s a lie or it’s a code.
Taylor Swift that VS.
This is Jean ma dead cancer hard case first link. Friends what’s Joy’s French says - remember that’s the 5 Lords review. Ja ma pal…you remember you go back in time. How far you devotion my words or every lie as long as you have a tongue.
On Earth is a slow snail pace, you might just get a cancer to lose all your hair no more dye.
Funny…a sinner like you to imagine to get a respect in the population against the eternity. You against one Earth to the whole Cosmo, their choice …doesn’t need to be today.
You cooperate to the police for the local gangs internal to circulate your money like your 90s all jails inmates photo on the Pavillion walls. Your real classmate. You bet I am confident how far you lose, how far you care these stupid little words means so much to people like my height or throne high.
I bet it’s 1 million degree burnt hell you yourself too much sin one Bible 2000 years money your one case Prostitute and beast tale. You cannot kill the Bible AD 3000. Every inheritance goes….
The human’s will how funny, some just didn’t know. How far this winning or losing to you means a dime you touch that penny or your body parts.
Women on high try to keep you in health check. Remember the cancer doesn’t kill you. It’s just painful to die.
You are a Vietnamese
Your visa and the European police will tell me you are never a police you say that Taiwan police made you believe. That’s the Asian police. Try to tell me France police too pride on 40 years ago on or German police - not the new one. Some workload are the cynical human. Wait til imagination it’s Taiwan police useful or the universal police throw you all in the black hole. Tell me what did you say it’s the classify material? There is a super black hole.
You will never get a hire from that testimony Legally Blonde what ? A dead husband case, Devil Wear Prada is? The black eye frames kill the girl. Did I say nick hurts me none stop because he is a cyclone psycho, and that Loving the Silent Tear is Babaji’s case.
You cannot get approval from one witness because he is in the hell. That’s funny, your assignment it’s either with me in it to live in DC to spend all your wealth so we get to know each other, you need 218 signature not one Babaji. Explain to me…the movie is real or false ? Fun isn’t ?
Babaji last word tell iron man Simon is?
You lose !
Simon is dead on the YouTube, check it.
Meaning don’t look, don’t judge, don’t know.
Same that SMCH Bible, the prostitutes and the beast. She always had the pride to do a lot of things, she is flesh with the feeling, not the spirituality. When the TV told you, she is the mother of her successor to live in like that it’s to prison but there is a house without a noise, you die in there no one cares. You didn’t realize the after life severity or what not bring to the humanity or everyone this far in the name of the spirituality, if you knew, you would have re-said right how you run away every time for love as you grow Asian face to say compete and compare like my UB, those mortal life til you get jailed as a female inmate in Taiwan.
So the classify material is OU. This world won’t comply that doing because you dead, you didn’t force the court to set things right in that dearly price if the movie is Supreme Laws, you die on it to adjust things correctly for the humanity reason and your vow.
You are a mediocre trying to breath rabbit police they make you believe. It’s all false once you got jailed the very first time.
You make them believe you corporate. They never be in one world with you or Simon.
Those things make wrong once, you jail one full lifetime. You use that very reason to press on me as long as you as the lowly women education as a nurse to steal and lies and be the jail inmate so everything turn into a classify nature of preaching dharma, you ought to abide then the classify in-frames Princess Diary. It’s a diary how you live on Earth from 3000 AD on. You didn’t see that future, and you won’t be cared one bit of future the TV effect false so the Bible says the prostitutes sites in the many waters, you would have kill yourself immediately because the digital era, they look at the false TV. You have the driving none apply regulation to the driving liscense, the public hygenic after CIVID 19. Your staff is on COVID 19, my mothers another half. Hide …your retreat call off.
You try to dulge the human attention right now as the old and wrinkle but you used to be Square looking. The Conan if not saying by the dozen police waiting you be dead not just curses you be dead.
I can tell you that. You kidnap the police 40 years long the 1st day be found when I was born, so there is a you. Full House TV. The female jail inmate means you just follow them order so you have a retiree to leisure yourself how you corresponding OU page sound familiar. Part 2.
While I am the honorable superior to leave behind, these testimony words stands as true and eternal.
The Bible is correct. How hellish you make me feel all the condemn words God says about you are all true. You just wonder how I turn your every life as true as it be told, forever per single life on the camera tapes. As long as you reborn.
I want to file a lawsuit
None Earth Wealth
Me, my mother
And Babaji somewhere I believe by the intuition that Loving the Silent is, because most people don’t register the capitalism and star war or spirituality is the mix, his first shows up that book it’s to lawsuit as a physical human. We don’t think he exists in the form. He does.
What can we do?
Wealth, not money. And the place is called the Heaven.
I believe he comes here to lawsuit. That book I don’t know what it says.
I might have a ship right above the Earth, not just outside, it’s at the lower orbit that near by giant.
We worship Babaji. In the God’s form.
He is a high intelligent human with the universal police. What we gonna do, he is a human I say in Iron Man.
My life as you know don’t have anything …you can inquire if he just knows that, wishing me my whole life attending him Babaji lawsuit running in or out somewhere. I got nothing in my life and like I told you, I have the spirituality laws I abide. They don’t, I have.
No, he didn’t ask me or told me but I guess it. Next time when you present a thing like that, it’s a lawsuit.
Your Youtube Channel (your shirt, or your hair)
Needs to be selected, do you? Or you just jump in to get a feel the youtube channel?
Like if you scroll down my Youtube all video pages, you see the shirt, or the hair style?
The necklace, the earring, the head decoration, or the shirt. or curling iron.
- 7 days to-do list
- 7 days using the youtube upload fast video without my material science that holder things behind your Ipad, you find out with Youtube?
Its the end of the week, not the end of the 7 days?
You didn't hear me saying it correctly, 你們沒有聽到我講的正確
Inside the world zone, you can insist that you are the famous of your own efforts, and never be with a guy. There is no laws, no one implies you are just the investment when you rise up the fame as a female big business everyone making it good.
I am not in the world zone laws. I am in the Spiritual World Laws, I don't dare.....
但是我不再世界的法規,我是靈修世界的法規,我其實不敢 ...
It might be also I know a lot of things, you have no ideas where I hear it from.
I told you to go and connect with them. 我告訴過你們去跟他們連接
You hate the guys, or you love the guys. 你們是恨男生還是你們愛上他們
I can tell you personally I think some of this very prominent things the girls coming up, its a lot of the bracket guys might be behind, including whatever the TV looks real to you, might be including her too SMCH. That is why that commander-in-chef told me that, so I go with Nicky and Kian. You all girls don't think that is what the TV made of, someone wishing well, so the supported methods has its own investment. But most of the girls don't evolve on the TV how you say to get near the guys whom would take them down. I only listen to my parts, so I cannot comment on any girls on the TV. To the spiritual world laws, because she supposes to know that is the spiritual one thing got it wrong, its terribly hurting everyone.
我可以告訴你們本身我想很多女孩子,就是主導事情,有一些架構的男孩子在後面包括這電視看起來像真的東西,可以包括這清海無上師,這就是為什麼那個總司令跟我說,所以我去找 Nicky and Kian, 但是你們可能不是這樣想電視做成的,誰希望誰好,但是支持的方式是其中的投資,但是大部分的女孩子在電視上並沒有真的演化到去說,哪個男孩子去把他摘下來,在靈修的世界,因為她應該知道這一件事情在靈修弄錯,這會傷害到所有人。
🍵 I tell you what you wish to do, its to control her and me. 我告訴你最想做的事情,是控制她跟我
You love this movie, the princess diary, and you love some of that Thranduil story, a lot of the people love the movie.
你喜歡電影,麻雀變鳳凰,你愛上這 Thranduil 故事,很多人很愛電影
Its a very happy sounding, the classmate make you feel safe, you actually seeing him on my Linkedin, Dean and Lee. You seeing her there, you seeing Nick on my Linkedin too. You are using my stuffs to pretend you are living with them, or listening to them. I just didn't say you fallen in love with all of them, that is SMCH, Lee, Dean, or Nick.
這是一個很快樂的聲音,同學讓你們覺得安全,你真的看到他他他在我的 Linkedin, 你再用我的東西假裝你們跟他們住在一起,或是聽他們,我只是沒有說你們愛上他們,他他他他....
What you really did were not the successor, its you imagine you are the princess.
The guys included.
But I never told you how I becoming a Honorable Superior, that is not Nominji why she says she is out, that is 2.5 hour meditation, SMTV and 4 hours, or everyone compete to do behind, very early in the morning, or the retreat, or the driving on the weekend to the center, or what not to make it the international retreat, and her sheet 10-2 / 3, spread the vegan awareness, Loving Hut projects, I talk to how many of them. You believing that Master Power. None of that were saying in the Flower Thousand Bones, you tell me right now if you rest, its you lean on the wall like Kenshin 5 mins or 10 mins to rest, and get up and running?
但是我從來沒有告訴你我怎麼成為尊上的,那不是蒙古她為什麼她說她自己出去了,是 2.5小時打做,無上師電視台四個小時,或是有人比較後面,非常早的每一天,或是打禪,或是開車周末抵達小中心,或是國際打禪要抵達,她的那張新紙 10-2. 3 點,發送吃素的訊息,愛家的計畫,我跟多少愛家講過話,你相信的名師力量,這沒有任何一件事情在花千骨裡面,你告訴我現在如果你休息,你靠著牆壁五分鐘到十分鐘像『浪客劍心』,你就站起來跑?
She has meditated, so she supposes to know how to build up her physical body. That provide the supports for a lot of people, but her age is not me anymore.
That spiritual power cannot be seen, but the rudimentary subjects or the talk can be heard, you suddenly felt something is exactly true inside the movies, you never in your life gonna see the brain someone make it clear.
Its not you want to make a mistake, you never think that anything in every context of anything I say.
You also wish you decode the movie right, for the money reason, or finding.
Tell me how long you are here, you are practically living with me.
The boybands are all white guys, they used to be, and what they are growing up just like my age or older.
You are a human that you identify things in your life with the sound, with the voice, with the interview, with the news. If you shut off all these news, you will get scared.
You suppose to stare at your money sign, not how me and the others built on the life. None of us are connected to you, but you feel safe, or you feel trusted, you wishing the humanity is everyone be trusted, and she SMCH supposes to follow precepts not to fumble at least the legal measurement at this time. You trust that retreat in so many way, you seeing people being happy, you believing it its fun.
You need to close some of this noise, they are the TV effect.
The public hygenic, the meditation and driving is not supported, that is FDA or the public hygenic, or the DMV watchful things. Its not the TV.
公眾衛生、打坐跟開車不是互通的,那是 FDA 或是公眾衛生或是駕照看好的東西,不是電視
My heart going up or down just imagine everyone thinks that is real, its not real.
One time accident happen, your life going it down.
我們靠近一點講,因為你們跟她不能比 (錢),跟我比好了,來,我們來講講話 | We come closer talking, because you cannot compare to her (money), you come and compare me, come, we talk.
Do you realize, if you face me 1 to 1, that is one you and one me?
Inside the human life, someone in the 30 years old, decide to go to AGT, me.
10 years ago
That is when I was in the 30 years old, her timeline was 36 years old Mali main asharam 1986 Chinese Zen Buddhism association.
那是我在三十歲的時候,她的時間表是在 36 歲的時候,西湖主道場 1986 中國禪定佛教協會
And You?
You can spend the weekend Sat or Sun doing just the student formats, meaning to go drink the bubble, watch the movie, no Youtube channel even if Mon-Fri, your parents let you stay home. No Youtube Business, or Inside China any internet usage - the informatic era. Eben and Craig does this informatic product. When you fallen out of the Digital Era, meaning on Youtube, just BBQ and wild nature to breath air. You have the money, you can freedom wise to choose doing that. Its a freedom choice.
你可以每個禮拜六根禮拜天,學生型態,意思就是喝珍珠奶茶或看電影,沒有 Youtube 頻道禮拜一假設禮拜五妳父母親讓你待在家裡,沒有 Youtube 事業,或是在中國裡面網路的用法 - 資訊世代。埃本跟 Craig 就是製作資訊展品,當你掉落資訊世代,意思就是 youtube 或是只是 BBQ 或是到野外呼吸新鮮空氣,你有錢: 你有自由這樣做你選擇的事情,這是一個自由的選擇。
But when you seeing something in the technology development or what I told my UB college they stay in the MD program, this is real MD 6+2 to MD 4+2....
但是當我說妳們見證科技的發展,或是我告訴 UB 大學她們這醫學系的科類是真實的,真正的 MD 6+2 跟 MD 4+2
You cannot lose the IQ when the time arrives.
We don't know at all what's gonna arrive.
Think again that example I given to you
那想像一下好了,這有些男生可以,假設你們亞洲人的長相真的碰到國外這個情況一個女的,這個女的,就給自己一年或是兩年,有一天你帶著你的信用卡自己回到台灣,假裝稱王,都是你舊的朋友,你相信的人生,只需要相信我告訴妳們的 ....你們相信你的王位的意思!
Then imagine, some guys like you yourself, pretend you yourself the Asian guys looking to really happen the foreign world this situation and this one girl, this girl, you give yourself 1 or 2 years, one day you take your credit card coming back to Taiwan, pretend to be the King, its all your old friends, you believe that life, only believe what I tell also very believe your own kingship in that meaning.
Taiwan doesn't have this royal concept stuffs, so your mentality is only you pretending, but your friends pamp you higher higher up.
So come back to the real life the true reality, 所以講一個真正真實的現實
Inside the world country border 在每一個國家的界線
Your VISA that booklet, 你護照的那一本
And the classify idea 跟機密檔案的分類
In the biology classification is kingdom phylum class order family genus speices
在生物的分類叫做 界、門、綱、目、科、屬、種
In America, called the clearance someone, not just the job hunting the background check. Its an actual military finding background "clearance".
在美國所謂 "乾淨"誰,或是你工作你有背景調查,在所謂真正軍事的背後一個東西叫做 clearance
Inside the world country border 在每一個國家的界線
Your VISA that booklet, 你護照的那一本
Inside the world country border 在每一個國家的界線
Your VISA that booklet, 你護照的那一本
Inside the world country border 在每一個國家的界線
Your VISA that booklet, 你護照的那一本
She is just a beauty and the beast of the prostitute, the Vietanese refugee short leg, running away the german to seize the idea of the France Super Power 5 idea to say extremelist. If you travel with her, Ma'am Ching Hai, every border line, its just you walking in. She is a refugee Visa, immigrant to England. Not Mummies, someone's famous daughter.
and just imagine I lightly say the music, commander-in-chef to that the highest order
In the First Life story
Its already karma rolling everywhere
Your real feeling and the real sensation
It can be one million time worsen, as you enclose inside this one China no matter how loud the outside skirt, its 193 country (UN =194), no one knows 10 years pass, things used to be, what you imagine one Frozen story, someone seize that Power or saying. And none of you doing one thing right, to arrive that. To arrive anything the outside noise of one China....its unheard of. If you just try one thing, to surpass, even inside China, you have the Flower Thousand Bones.
這可能是一百萬的倍數糟糕,你們被關於這一個中國的裡面不管多大聲的外面有 193 國家 (UN=194),十年過去,以前是怎麼了,你想像一個 Frozen 故事,誰拿了這權力跟說詞,因為你們沒有其中一個人做事情正確去抵達哪裡,要抵達任何中國以外的吵雜聲音...這是沒有聽說過的,因為假如你就做一件事情正確,過於,包括在中國境內,你們有花千骨。
I believe it, the money is more important than the Power
Everyone has a right knowing exactly where they were when they were 36, or 40 years old, you were all with her the early people, its time to go, its not the time to witness.
每一個人都有知道當她們 36 或是40歲的時候,你們總是跟著她的早期徒弟或是跟著人,你們是時間要走了,不是時間來做見證。
She is never a real leadership, just a story teller I told you already, her past. This life, a lot of your organization or behind whom put up these material, again she is never a real leadership. A true time such as this, you are witness me as a leadership, every method you doing nothing to compare to her. You might even watch her TV, this is the time you go and judge her. I already told you, she is never gonna be a correct leadership. A true Top leadership is something you never seen in your life, never gonna be anything I say in the Flower Thousand Bone in Chinese on the Top navigation bar, both UB or her side. - when the TV materials come close to the life choice in front of you.
她從來都不是一個領導者,只是一個講故事的人,我早就告訴過你們,她的過去,這一生,有很多組織或是背後誰把這事情給整個放在介面上面,在講一次,她不是真正的領導位置,一個真實的時間像現在,你們見證我=領導者,任何方法你做到處比較她的情況 (你們自然拖我去比她的意思) ,你們也可能去看她的電視,這個時間去指指點點她,我早就告訴過你們,她從來就不是一個正確的領導位置的那個人,一個真實的領導者是你們從來沒有見過的你的人生,更不用講這花千骨上面我寫了什麼 (中文部分)那個按鈕上面,你們跟我 UB大學同學是一樣的 - 當電視的實材非常靠近真正的人生,在你的面前。
No one as a leadership coming out a talking in the public like that. She doesn't have a brain IQ, she is dead by the love dead on the TV, or the affection or the trust. I just told her he is a banker, like that Trueman's show, she is imagine something else.
You now listening to me so naturally, really. (in Chinese DNA)
你們現在聽到很自然 (中文 DNA)
Want to talk about one more time this video? 要不要再講一次這影片?
你們因為不會真的有金錢或是信用卡或是簽證,台灣叫做從來沒有簽證的時間,你們從來就不需要接過一個鑰使自己一個人去一種美國店叫做 Bath & Beyond 買了一堆毛毯、電毯、廁所下面地店,或是自己銀行有錢去把這事情都給辦了,一個護照,你們連想過都不可能,因為英文語言叫做不可能,你們如果想像會知道那是很恐怖的哪種人會生活那樣,但是很多人去美國養病呀 !
Because you won't really have the money, the credit card, or the Visa, Taiwan its no where to be found a Visa time, you never need to pass by a key, to one person going to America this Bath & Beyond, to buy a bundle of the blankets, the electric blanket, the bathroom floor mat, or you yourself the bank you have and you go and finish all this trivial things. One passport. You never think of the possibility, because in the English language, that is forever impossible, you never think or imagine how horrible those life could be, but a lot of people gone to America to rest their illness.
This entire video feeling telling you, its a reality.
She Ma'am Ching Hai is you yourself people wrap around things, never really go and worry about me. This movies telling you some very exaggerating things and your true worth its to only look after her one person condition.
This Earth should be, no need to open galaxy, those exaggerating things, but you already know, none of you are trying your best at all.
你們真的相信你們自己的業障嗎 ?
You really believe you yourself karma?
Forever and eternity.
那想像一下好了,這有些男生可以,假設你們亞洲人的長相真的碰到國外這個情況一個女的,這個女的,就給自己一年或是兩年,有一天你帶著你的信用卡自己回到台灣,假裝稱王,都是你舊的朋友,你相信的人生,只需要相信我告訴妳們的 ....你們相信你的王位的意思!
Then imagine, some guys like you yourself, pretend you yourself the Asian guys looking to really happen the foreign world this situation and this one girl, this girl, you give yourself 1 or 2 years, one day you take your credit card coming back to Taiwan, pretend to be the King, its all your old friends, you believe that life, only believe what I tell also very believe your own kingship in that meaning.
Taiwan doesn't have this royal concept stuffs, so your mentality is only you pretending, but your friends pamp you higher higher up.
我常常在講一個非常恐怖的狀態,叫做 40 年之後,我媽的現在同屆,有一天我們變老的時間也會抵達,很多高中同學大學同學,她有時候出去誰開車我都會擔心的,因為有聲音,她其實是非常殘障人士我就給她算了,但是講花千骨,講成熟的人格做成熟人抵達自己事業,你在我面前跟我以為我不是尊上,告訴我妳們在賭博,我直接告訴你們了,這種我講給阿滴聽的東西是一個非常慘忍跟現實的東西,很多人希望很多人好,但是永遠不知道真的發生背後的什麼事情,叫做一個人的意志力,對生命,對生活規劃,或是整個自己人生怎麼辦,想清楚溝通或是成熟人該做的事情,這些叫做永遠不可能已經在我旁邊親戚,很多人的人名我講過,我真的會告訴你們我媽他們那一屆死了,我這邊比我小的通通都死了,這是一個非常非常殘忍的情況,看 ...
她算你們師父嗎 ? 清海無上師? 那個木乃伊的 2023,有三個挨本長的像
她 70/80 年代結婚那時候,現在都是 No,不是那樣的 ...兩個時間的相反最近在水賴那邊,我有看到,你們再說真的喜歡,有點甜,有點蜜,有點信任,或是他們國外男孩子找誰付點錢真的去找女孩子哪種個性的,你們以為所有人跟你們做事情一樣,我如果講學生型態,我講花千骨這件事情不是白講,那除非你們非常確定多久之後,這地球都不變呀 !
像說這個國家,在緊急的時候,我其實是可以開車自己獨立的那個人員,你們沒有覺得這種是職業的事情。我帶著她跟尼克,開車,眼力,你們都是搭公車或是交通工具? 中國不是更大現在,是....自己開車還是坐公車? 衫衫來了?
講到衫衫來了,你們如果要往上跳,不是應該知道我在講個什麼東西? 我打字打的很辛苦,我不會跟你們講假的事情,那種一行一行列項,女孩子已經死了! 我說過她地一生就是離女眾遠一點,但是我說現在你活在自由的人生,要去找她們,找沒死了那種,你們以為人都是你眼前看到直到意外險很高昂,或是她們個性很極端跟高昂,國外的女孩子也一樣。
尼克我前男朋友,他失去他的房子 11 次 ! 當初就是叫做魔法灰姑娘 Ella Enchanted. 很多時間他常常跟我說他最後悔的人生的一件事情就是她 ! 兩個小孩,第二個就是安東尼,非常誇張的事情。
你們看到的會是 Ku 法國台灣的 Youtuber 和 Lewis 法國台灣的 Youtuber 的女朋友
我覺得可能是講真的,有約會再一起的,擺在電視上什麼什麼,沒有什麼我執那種,對! 我覺得是真的,所以說國外男孩子? 他們擺給所有人看當然包括外國男孩子看吧 ! 你們亞洲男孩子不會去找這些女孩子,國外男孩子很纖細,端茶那種,叫便當,不是吝嗇你吃一口飯要吵到吐出來,那兩個女的看起來都不會長那樣的,會一點家持技巧,國外很多人都會要管理家裡,不是大小聲兩個人大小聲那種,我覺得應該就是他們代表跟說的,你們台灣應該不會認為那些女的怎麼樣,很多國外男孩子最痛恨的女生 ...
我講過不是拖椅子講八卦那種個性如果講很多現實,他們活在國外認真情況,那是因為他們一直曾經有過女朋友過,不只一個,你們如果知道 Ku and Lewis 不只一個女朋友人生,你們把他們給滅了我告訴妳們,真正跟很多女孩子再一起過,你們會發現那種拖椅子講八卦女生,跟真正有資產要一個人可以呼吸的時間,你們看 Hailey and Adam 的爸爸旁邊,沒有一個她們女孩子是真的大小聲的那種,這邊就四個國外你們可以看到!
台灣的? 我不會跟你們講的,一定是在講 Ku 跟 Adam? 我不會跟你們說的 !
但是現在是因為不可能開星際,你們假設聽說這圖書館系我曾經講的,你們那張城市卡,你們現在台北設定其實是那張車票卡,在國外我曾經講過,他們的城市裡面有一半的咖啡店型式一般公家圖書館,這種講法是說有一天這 Google 是要跟著出去的意思,你們有很多城市更新的什麼什麼...用網路,用卡片,用 APP 就是發達項目,我聽說中國你們也是好像不是用現金等等等,這所有設計有一天出去,你除了高科技高鐵講法,你們住在那種國外房子都是要開車的,你們以為自己可以開車測驗眼力,因為叫做真愛或是沉默的眼淚,你們並沒有想過永恆,因為現在拖椅子大家注目他人事情,不是自己講你們去哪裡,真的碰到一個誰誰誰,你們現在連想都不會想,那種可能或是金髮女孩子很多,變成非常非常非常肥胖,我現在是要瘦 10 公斤在瘦 6 公斤,手臂你們沒有太多約會經驗想說我給妳們,昨天的那張如何判定一個女孩子的價值,那就是軍事只會剩下看到的價值,剩下就是死掉的定義,很多亞洲你們菁英份子國外一個周末,就死在車子的意外,常常是四個人開車,我已經說了國外意外險很高,我躺在家裡的意思!
你們是覺得? 那長的有點像小孩? 我不是說你們男孩子覺得自己都長得像那個男的
女的不要動 ! 你們有一天自己覺得你活到幾歲的關係。
喔~是不是之前你們覺得我在講假的意思? 我從來就沒有再講假的! 所有列向列出來,然後有個電影長那樣? 像小孩的?
我已經告訴過你們了 ...
喔~我大概知道了,我來說你們四眼田雞的男孩子講說都是= UB 他們一些男孩子,拖椅子喜歡跟女孩子一起八卦,但是永遠不可能跟她們再一起,真的 ! 拖椅子講八卦的那種男孩子,你們看就知道了,你們不可能用自己的身家性命去擔保性福你自己,男女生關係那種親密講說親親我我那種,因為你本身沒有那樣,或是你也知道女孩子看過去,不是長那樣你的人生從來不會想過那種叫做你真的去愛上! 你在意不代表你真的去性,那想像就那個像小孩的? 她其實不是小孩! 我找給你們看,你們跟這種女孩子國外的應該是不會去約會的!
看,跟我敘述的沒有類似,我說長相 !
你們是說真的不需要有任何男女生,所以講大眾百分比,你說那就忘了這種男女生再一起的時間,就是一次都不需要想像一種人生,因為那都是跟金錢比較,但是在國外他們很小就是在學校這種喜歡跟在家裡,然後接近人跟人,男女生! 你們沒有真的約會很多要到在美國,第一要有視力,眼睛看到走路開車,在中國要開車,在台灣南部,開機車開一般車子,在美國領土非常大,視力沒有你們就不需要吃東西了!
如果要有視力,要有旅行能力,要有誰會開車,大概吧 ! 你們覺得長相那樣,是說我幫妳們找你們亞洲女孩子哪種模樣的意思? 我要看到我才會知道,因為通常在電視上面,是說製作電視電影他們會擺出來,鏡頭,不是真的那個女星,要不然會有人把那個女的摘下來。
你們要講一個現實,真正在一起在國外要有烹飪+視力,現在講錢的關係 !