"When you grew up to say 29 years old, 30 years old, you decide you want to do something in life. It can be anything because technically all the AGT people looking the same to the front people. Its someone coming from a rural place to show off or make it the best of themselves. "
"And you then becoming this TV?"
"I position myself with the TV, because later in the year I work around it. Prince or England they have the staffs do it for them, so they got married or they get near the situation, or research all the materials, and they parenting from the top. My family is disfunctional."
"If the way you say yesterday is true, that is....scary or a lot of things in that nature doesn't look like you be that happy inside the movie all those happy music makes a sound, I hear all that."
"I feel I live in the hell right, when the ability comes, and worse when the time come to tell everyone including some older things I see, I feel the horror of it, its worse than that."
"How does those position to make the money connect it?"
"You probably mean if there is a cash flows, how to 1 to 1, that step-by-step to make money? I go to the real estate too. "
"Everyone buys the real estate."
"Right, 1 on 1 means yesterday I say they compare her 36 years old, I was 30 years old I gone to AGT, coming out of this scene, whichever the movies airing out. Making a scene you can say that."
"But you say you position yourself."
"I go along a certain things, if I understand in 2014 the Lords of Rings, or the diet bread, I say I know but no one will believe me. It takes 10 years to be here including 2 years ago starting with the geography, today you have a 3 frame video, I jumping or dancing to elaborate the 2 side American continent, or the China coastline this holding a rope on a boat, how to swimming yourself holding a rope across to land, that is the medium definition. "
"You didn't position yourself like that, you teach them like that."
"Along the way the beginning of the 5 or 6 years I see a certain thing, I flash back so I remember something, it has nothing to do with the movies mostly. Its Harvard both Legally Blonde and Khan Academy, and Khan Academy, that was my true reality where I used to be, and I give up that. One time lesson you never forget."
"And what that leads to."
"Its not on the movie, when you have no stream on the movies, I go along with my real life, but later it hits back to the movies, because I was just go along the Hunger Game year, or the training people's purpose. Its exhausting or feel heavy, but I push it in, including a lot of the boyband, I say IT or Joomla some simple Firefox changing a theme, we close down that year to prepare the pre-select people. That was it, it was not too much works. "
"Is that the movies forcing it?"
"No, its just when you grow up, I say this 1 and 1 thing, you compare or compete with a screen in front of you, that is just you and me. But there is a lot of your classmate, you to them also 1 to 1. He or she may not be here, but they step by step to arrive in their life. That is what people fear the most when the competition push you down."
"I just want to know the outcome."
"There is no outcome yet."
"Meaning copy and paste if your methods works."
"I say copy and paste, right."
"There is nothing, position to the classify, I think they barring you down, its like you go to the police or the military, they don't like that kind of the claim like myself and imagine I do that in front of the others including to my friends."
"With the internet, you get familiar with a face, that is the face they trust, but you need to show clearly, which side of you you mean it you doing it. You do that for the Youtuber purpose. My choice was not the Youtuber purpose, you can see that is Zero."
"How come 1 to 1 if I were you, you know that is 0 but you choose to do something and where is the money, I cannot see."
"When you becoming 22 years old, 26, 29....to one day arriving 40 years old, everyone uses their time and their eyesight seeing something to do something in life. Most people success its by their cash flows to invest something, I think that is what the approach everyone felt safe to do. But yes, I talk about 1 to 1 yesterday. Its a judgement in life what you do, if open the world outside, if you die, you going on the next destination and then what? "
"Correct, I prefer the cash flows methods. Everything else sounds loosen."
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