Babaji: Go
Kail says you moving into your timeline better.
I think you hate each other, that’s including the unit? (hp)
What about you and your past any story in front of your parents…they are not you. I am at how the airplane take off…this is the vertical 1984 with a music. Adventure or stones or frighten night walk make each other closer and get together to talk about in front of your parents?
Before they dead that’s not 1984 Thank God…
If I were imagine …that must be Dr Tamang not Chris Pine.
When these 100+ UB once again sent to this big classroom front by themselves….all separate. There is someone like me talking at the front of the desk, this time…they go in and participate anyone inside the classroom? No one knows them.
我想你們是恨彼此,包括部隊單位? (哈利坡特)
要不你跟你哪個過去故事,在你爸媽之前 …他們不是你,我在飛機要起飛這裡…直的下來 1984 跟背景音樂,探險或是秘密寶石,恐怖的夜晚走路,彼此更接近彼此,再一起在你們爸媽面前
在他們死之前,不是 1984, 感謝上帝!
如果我想像 …這一定是 Dr Tamang 不是 Chris Pine
當這一百個 UB 送到教室只有他們自己,通通分開,有個人我在前面講話,這一次, 他們會去參與任何人在這教室?沒有人認識他們。
You can only do it before they are dead, not after so you make a wish ….at the night sky. The living veil doesn’t work that way. Or you make your death wish along the way just like the River side these tree night scene that’s DC monument? I almost think I work there ….you have to be dead before them. You have those wishes like my UB all of them… these movies makes a philosophic meaning, a deep profound.
你只可能做這種事情在他們死之前,不是之後你在許願 … 夜晚的天空,這穿越生死線不是長這種樣子的,或是你做一種希望每一步就像這河水在樹的夜晚 DC 那種里程碑 … 我幾乎覺得我在那邊工作,你必須要先死在他們之前,你們有那種希望跟我 UB 他們全部 …. 這電影有一種哲學的意義,非常深奧。
200 countries, 50 units each, that’s not 1000 units. That’s 10,000 units. If we just pretend 1000 units, whichever they go cluster around you 3 guys units hating each other, that’s …UB 100 individual Alone in different classroom, and all these ladies singing dancing unit? I don’t have any other examples other than what’s in front of me.
200 國家,50 個單位,那不是 1000 單位,那是一萬單位,但是假設1000 單位, 他們圍繞在你們附近三個男的單位,憕恨彼此,那是 UB 100 人單獨自己在不同教室,然後其他女孩子在跳舞唱歌單位?我沒有其他例子除了在我正前方!
你們其實很多理工科的,邏輯思考,意思你們連想那種事情都不會有 ! 你們其實可以問小鳥,你們知道一種振福,你可以聽到鬼有鬼自己的人生? 他們會說存在。
當靈魂抵達到另外一邊,那是一種四維那種全方面打開,你可以聽到每一種聲音,你知道或是很多人都知道自己的正前方,這人生他們最在乎什麼,我說臉書、朋友、朋友張開嘴巴的每一句話,這每一個無意義的尋訊息,任何訊息見面很重要,在台北的每一頓 200+ 以上的每個周末吃飯,記得?
這些人都是一種個體在大腦裡面有一種情緒,這情緒主導大腦,突然很生氣、突然很瘋狂亂打亂砍那種? 這世界上亞洲人很多人這種樣子,無法自我的愛跟愛的情緒,非常非常多,在人走路的路上,幾乎每一個人都在找那種幻想的臉,叫做愛情,很多人 !
記得我說,你們應該關起來這邊,一段時間,自己做自己應該做的事情? 我可能不是在講你們誰的徒弟,我在講一些很嚴重在美國的事情,但是假如說你們可以關關開開那種 ...我在講美國念書娜些 !你們連一丁點的力氣都沒有 ...
我沒有講原因,我沒有講事情,我只有揮揮手說,走吧 ! 回到你們的世界。
我沒有怪罪、我沒有討論對與錯、我沒有在講個什麼、我只講看的到電視,少與少,多與多,如果你們當做一種瘋子自己在螢幕上打自己的網頁,沒有宣傳的網頁,就寫個什麼快樂日記,你們可以說,你們的人生叫做如果沒有這一個連結,你們自己的人生不知道在哪裡,我說? 放手 !
你們需要我在講一次,我剛剛講了什麼? 這是一個任何陌生人可以按進去的網頁,用文字、照片,我自己跟中文英文做成一種,跟電影電視擺出來,名稱、影片連結、新聞混再一起的一個 2 D 平面板 !
我們從來沒有見過面 !
你們家長可能還在,在你們旁邊,在你們附近,或是至少電話上存在,他們覺得我講這件事情多少次? 沒有理由,你們回去,回到自己的世界裡。
Okay, 試著另外一種邏輯,這一個世界,不可以只是一個人扛著,我如果死了,你們非常確定已經在未來 60 年以後,很多人會開始死光光在自己的職業上。
你認識你家長最久,你認識你老闆最久,你認識你親戚最長遠,你們都是很寵的 ABC,大概這樣講,我從來沒有認識任何人,我一直在講這件事情,叫做給你們心安,跪完安,就給我滾出去。
你不是用人生,真正的人、真正的事蹟、真正的故事、真正的生活,死在你們自己,還是死在別人生活裡面,因為我得一直活著 ....我有曾經說我不是? 你們覺得如果是你?
當有人跟你輕輕的講一些事情,叫做點點頭,我聽到了,我知道,我知道我得活著 !
我不是你 !
當你回到你自己的世界 ...不是這夢幻遊戲的 52 章,你要去跟你家長、朋友、人生、職業,做你自己的人生,意思你們在講你們自己的事情,除了我,溝通你們家長、溝通你們職業、溝通你們念書、溝通跟誰對話、溝通自己概念假如說想像租房子、買房子、自己走進去哪裡學一些敲敲打打,手工的東西,這空間的空氣,假如你們就真正的關起來,是你自己一個人要開始面對每一天,每一天面對用你們自己的時空,思考、坐著、沒有電腦、看著這冷的空氣,門,車子,買東西,購買,不是衝回家看手機或是電腦,你自己再也沒有開啟這網頁的人生,你自己的人生,你們要不要念一遍這一段?
我去睡覺 !
A lot of you are this engineering science side, logic thinking, meaning you won't even thinking about anything this ! You ask the birds, do you all know there is a frequency, you can hear the ghost having the ghost life.
You know some people suicide, or don't know for sure and angry itself and suddenly die?
When the soul arrives to the other side, that is 4 dimension that all side being open, you can hear every kind of the voice. You know or a lot of people know what is in front of them, in life what they care the most, I say the Facebook, the friend, the friends that open up their mouth to every word, this none sense text message, or any message meeting is important, in Taipei, that is every meal 200+ cost every weekend for food, remember?
This people inside that individual brain has an emotion, and this emotion dominate the brain, suddenly angry, and suddenly hit and shop knife those? In the Asian world a lot of people like that, cannot help it to fallen in love, or the love romance emotion. A lot a lot a lot, in your walking on the road, almost everyone is looking for those illusion face, called Romance Love, A lot of people !
Remember I say, you all should close here, for a quite sometime, you doing your own things on your own?
I probably don't mean you all disciples, I am talking about some very serious in America, but let's say you can open open close close that kind...I am talking about the America studying hard those.
You don't have even one tiny human strength...
We never open something to talk, the theory is the theory, the knowledge is roughly remembered, the comprehend concept is given back to your teacher's textbook, no matter which religion complementary school, you all calling them the small teacher, or the teacher, that Taipei which kinds of the offices that kind.
I didn't say the reason, I didn't talk about which things, I only wave the hand say, Go! Go back to your world.
I didn't blame, I didn't discuss the right or wrong, I didn't talk about anything, I only look at the TV, few or less, few or less, if you pretend that is a psycho typing on her own website, no advertising this website, just random a diary book, you all can say, your life without this link, you don't know your life direction which side to turn, I say? Let go.
You test before, or you yourself know it very sure you yourself know, what you all look like?
I say, enough!
We are not talking about the spiritual practice, we are talking about a website, use a logic to connect the pictures to make up a story, its a fake thing.
Do you want me to say that again, what did I say just now? This is a any stranger can coming in the website, use the words, the pictures, me myself and Chinese English to make of, with the movies or the TV arrange out, the title, the video URL, the news mix it together a 2D flat screen !
We have never met in life !
Your parents might still alive, right next by you, near you, or at least on the telephone that exists. They think how many times I am talking about this? No reason, you all go back, return to your own world.
Okay, try another kind of the logic. This one world, cannot just rely on one human, if I die, you all very sure in the later 60 years, someone will start to die out on their own career.
You know your parents the longest, you know your boss the longest, you know your relative the long long time, you all being spoiled ABC, and roughly to say, I never know anyone, I keep talking about the same thing, to let you all feel calm and heart safe. Finish kneeling and greeting me, get out!
You are not using the real life, the real human, the real incident, the real story, the real life itself, die on you yourself, or die in other people's life, because I must keep on living...did I say I never will be? You all think if you were?
When someone lightly say you something, called knod the head lightly, I heard. I know. I know I must live on!
I am not YOU!
When you return to your world ... no more this Dream Exchange Games 52 Chapters, you go to your parents, your friends, your life, career, to live your own life, meaning you talk about your own things, except me. Communicate with your parents, communicate with your career, communicate your studying, communicate with someone in conversation, communicate your own concept let's say rental a house, buying a house, you yourself one person start to face everyday, everyday face you yourself the time and space, think, sit, no computer, look at this cold air, the door, the car, to buy things, shopping, not rush in home to look at the cell phone or the PC, you yourself never open this website again that life, YOUR own life, you want to read this once this paragraph?
I go to sleep.
Let me try to see if it’s your side problem.
Tina lives at Lincoln Club 寬姐 home. No, I don’t need any of them. No, no association. Harry Potter. The birds just flying from there to here. No association means no talking. Tina, Tina best friend, Pang or his mother all that, you mean no money. No association. The hungry ghost - eating Buddhism offering. I don’t eat. No. Bread, cake, pastry, spicy hot, super spicy hot, salty. Rice, Pasta…In front of China palace, you delicate God long table, very very long those. Ten align, looooooong. I don’t eat I already told you. You suppose to tell me that before the Quan Yin Method. They loooooooooooooooooooooove to eat.
提娜住在林肯俱樂部寬姐家,我不需要任何她們,沒有,沒有來往,哈利波特,小鳥從那邊飛過來這裡,沒有來往的意思沒有講話,提娜、提娜好朋友、邦或是他媽媽所有,你意思沒錢,沒有來往,餓死鬼 - 吃佛教供奉,我不吃,不,麵包,蛋糕,甜點,非常辣、超級非常辣、鹹、飯、義大利麵 …在中國宮殿前面,你們供奉上天桌子,非常非常長那種,十個擺 長長長,我不吃我已經說了,你們應該在觀音法門之前告訴我,他們愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛吃
SMCH has a lot of the crimes, felony on the TV combine. Correct! I think 10 breaks away …and Taiwan or America dealing my brother, my mother and Nick, including TEsla my father. This world is far away Earth from Milkyway. She starts at any ladder is her born right. One Earth, she been to 20 nations. She been given and she says she is grateful every day at her heart. There is a Ronan, look at him !
Or you tell me to look at Nominji.
So? The commercial success reason it’s a TV good cover photo tale, they all apologize to you, your disciples from the 90s? Everyone kneel. Says…we welcome you again. Your magic hair ! TV is full of the stories. Good or bad, Black or white, high and low, someone like you personality like that TV, it’s a heaven for you, mood up mood low, heart pull heart stretch, fun? Da Vinici 512, at 9? Turn 90 degree, your back on the floor looking at that thing coming to your heart, harder and pull?
I didn't say one word with that Nominji, was she 26 ? Hallie Meyer, or Pang, so now...this is Hugh, Prince William's landlord your new buddy icon star? Her father dead just like that Menton King's dad dead in the movie: Cinderella. Its in one of those trailer, how to hold the dead people to walk the past side. Meghan and Prince Harry is on California side, you hear the song, the Love will save the day. She knows what that means, or my heart and soul is not on the job, sorry, yesterday were those UB high debts MD program 6+2. You have the perfect life of the world, that commercial success is thumb up!
Your jobs is not to foster a soul, its to debut the TV ! Ronan is your time 30 years later things, Eben is 20 years later. One on the left side, one on the right side. Which side? You like grabbing another with that look, and seeing another, called that combine of the 50 years late things, younger, makes your make-up feeling hopeful?
Your disciples knows your schedule, like 2000 years European Tour? 2005 Hungary Retreat, 2010 Menton, or 2007 SMTV? They are the million Asian and tell me what am I doing here writing not in English anymore? They wait about 7 years to hear one correct Chinese, or else those are the Chinese Buddhism little monk little kids, they grew up 3 years, how amazing....Line up, I say kneel, you kneel, I say you guggle, you guggle in your throat with the water, shut up, birds !
清海無上師有很多犯罪、重刑犯在電視上加起來,正確!我認為十個人都分開 …台灣跟美國處理這我弟弟、我媽跟尼克,包括特斯拉我爸爸。這個世界最遙遠地球在銀河,她開始在任何階城是她出生的權力,在地球上,她去過 20 國家,她被給予,她說她很感激每一天在她心底。有一個 Ronan 看看他!
還是你要告訴我看看 Nominji.
所以?這商業的成功在電視上是一個照片故事,他們都誠摯道歉,你的九零年代徒弟?每一個人跪著,說 …. 我們歡迎你下一次,你魔法的頭髮!電視都是故事,好跟壞、黑與白、高跟低,這有人個性像你在電視上,那是你的天堂,心情上跟下,你的心拉跟扯?達文西 512? 9th? 轉 90 度,你的背在地板上,看著那樣東西來抓著你的心,拉跟扯?
我沒有跟 Nominji 講一個字,她是 26? Hallie Meyer, 還是邦,所以現在,這是 Hugh 威廉王子的房東,你的新交好朋友? 他爸爸死了就像這 Menton 國王的爸爸死了在電影: 灰姑娘,這是一個開場曲裡面,怎麼握住這死人往生到另外一邊。梅根跟哈利王子在加州這邊,你聽到歌曲,是摯愛會拯救哪一天,她知道那是什麼意思嗎 ,我的心跟靈魂不再工作上,抱歉,昨天在 UB 這種高債務的 MD 6+2,你的完美人生在這世界,是成功的商業,比大拇子 !
你的工作不是養育一個靈魂,是電視公場演出!!! Ronan 是你時間的三十年後的事情,埃本是 20 年後的事情,一個在左邊,一個在右邊,哪一邊? 你喜歡豬抓看這哪一種看著,見著彼此,這叫做總共 50 年之後的事情,比較年輕,讓你的化妝粉感覺有希望?
你徒弟知道你的行程表,像說 2000 年的歐洲旅行? 2005 匈牙利打禪,這 2010 Menton 或是 2007 清海無上師電視台? 他們是百萬的亞洲人,告訴我,我人在這裡幹嘛 ,不再寫英文了? 他們等了七年聽到一個正確的中文,或是其他那種中國小鬼小和尚,他們成人三年過去,真令人驚訝 ....排隊起來,我說跪,你們跪,我說漱口在你喉嚨滾那個水,閉嘴,小鳥 !
![]() |
Right 512?
對吧 512 ?
Or you want me to tell these kids, the Chinese Buddhism little kids little monks, some 3 years later they growing up, you exist to???? 『Little Kid Little Monk, Do you want to stand next by sometimes looking at this TV Purna Debut, you learn this words TV debut means? Meaning the spot light shine at her eyes and she stands out everyone welcome her to be seated with those big lights? 』
還是你想要我告訴這些小孩,中國佛教小鬼小和尚,三年過去他們長大,你存在? ?? 『小鬼小和尚,你們想要站在旁邊有時候看電視,這滿慈子的公開開場,你學這個英文字 TV debut 意思? 就是那種巨大光照在她的眼睛,她站著看著每一個人歡迎她準備坐下來那種大光線!』
30 years to Ronan, 20 years to Eben, Harry Potter has a bathroom ghost dead for 50 years, want to find out? With the eye glasses looking? It means you care about this Ronan, or you cared about this Eben? I wonder if any kid realize I ever cared about them, really....
三十年到 Ronan 這 20 年到埃本,哈利波特有一個廁所死掉的女鬼五十年,想要找到? 這有眼鏡的長相? 這意思你在乎這 Ronan 或是你在乎這埃本? 我很好其這小孩是知道,我曾經在乎他們的意思,真的 ...
In the original Mummies (1999) Elvis Presley, the King in music, sounds like my brother Victoria Secrets, has a servant....tell me, what is that? I know what that is, or we shi about it.....You becoming Nefer with Eben 20 years later 2023. Tell me again.....Someone just one human looking, whom that supposes to be? Don't tell me were your continental weather late husband German Munich 78 all Loving Hut poetry books?
Tell me, which story that is in Flower Thousand Bone? I sit in front, too many Star and Galaxy System !!!
All of you, sit in front of that big sofa looks like you look at the empty room. This Mummies story (1999 ) its to revive one person only...originally, tell me, to that best luck or the worse luck one human supposes to be?
Originally sound like E ben in Chinese. Earth will no more human exists, no one knows where that Earth suppose to be, or you gonna tell me that far away high tech exists a Truman's Show you won't even care where that Earth one planet is. Every crust gravity you step on looks the same. You want me to tell them by whichever that year, Earth has no wireless technology on TV Satellites, no one stare at that TV? I got the power now ....
No, there is a lot of the story, someone got kidnap to the Central. One of them is the Hunger Game, the beloved Peeta Mellark got kidnap. Ronan Interviews the lady. How do you think the last name? Real Love sounds like Simon Chinese Name 商鞅 to Italian Melan 500 years ago the Iron Age? Not the Red River Manga, its Simon Da Vinci Time, so there is 512 on the book.
How does he lives up to 500 years old again? He came down the mountain with you, a man like him?
If he is alive, he would tell of us is talking the correct sense with all things on the TV, he cannot hold on, I am? Not you. Him?!
He told me Himalayas evolved in India, what do you think he meant saying that? The mountain down to mountain up, there is a walkie talkie, or the telephone technology, he says. Sorry, I cannot understand, to someone like him.
Well...your disciple wishing you well, and I got my world full to handle. We are completely two different world zone, I can tell you that. Meaning you retired at 65 years old, like I told everyone the medical standard to the healthy living human its to care their own health, work up to 65 years. I told you the same. You are just like another person that trespassing the hospital. With all this karma you say its you feeling it, I believe you. You talk about it very very often.
I gonna have my TV. I lost some weight, don't feeling well so I didn't lose a huge amount of the weight. I don't think for anyone whom were on any road like this kind would have one tiny problem without the cakes or the sweets I am telling you. That life I can see you on the TV, how you smile to cheer, I would tell you how much I want to cut your faces in thousand piece bleed. Look at yourself. You believe that life, I believe you truly believe in it.
Your every police guards, dharma guards, hell forever, understand?
Wave one more time an arm, the whole humanity without the arm and limb 124 nick, look on the TV. Its Frozen Fever, Anna's birthday.
Your cake
4 limbs without Anan
Dean's Birthday 124, you are not worried what's
在這原本的木乃伊 (1999),貓王是音樂的王,聽起來像我弟弟的 Victoria Secrets 有一個佣人...告訴我,那是什麼? 我知道那是什麼,或是我們噓那是什麼 ...你變成 Nefer 跟埃本 20 年之後的 2023,在一次告訴我...有人這一個人的長相,誰應該是? 不要告訴我是你大陸型氣候的上一個德國前丈夫,黑幕尼 78 所有愛家有的詩集書本?
告訴我,這是哪一個故事在花千骨? 我坐在正前方,太多星際跟銀河系統 !!!
你們通通所有,坐在前面那個大沙發假裝看著空的房間,這木乃伊 (1999) 這是讓誰活回來的故事一個... 原本,告訴我,這是最好的幸運還是最糟糕的壞運,一個人應該是?
原本聽起來像埃 本 在中文,地球再也沒有人存在,沒有人知道這地球應該在哪裡,或是你要告訴我這太遙遠的高科技存在,一個楚門秀,你根本就不會在乎這一個地球星球,每一個地表地心引力踩在上面都是感覺一樣,你要我告訴她們哪一年,這地球沒有無線科技這電視衛星,沒有人看著電視 ? 我現在有權力....
只要有人敢輝一個手臂,這全人類就沒有手臂跟腳,124 阿南,看著電視,叫做 Frozen Fever, 安娜生日。
四肢 阿南
迪恩的生日 124,你沒有很擔心什麼叫做真正的遊戲
Rest. There is a bug on the wall, my left teeth pain
Outside tV. Before I kills it, it says “ can I promise him not to go outside?”
I didn’t realize it was my tooth pain left side earlier. Disgusting bug. No wonder I don’t think anything but to kill it.
We have 5 channels only speaking English.
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween | Terminator - Salvation | Space Jam: A New Legacy |
In Time | Revolutionary Road | On the Come Up | Cloverfield | I Am Legand |
Looks like Carter ?
長得像新好男孩 Carter ?
You want to see Lords exist on the TV, in the real life, and the ending of the movie credit songs ! 12345 and 2 time direction. Not spine !
你們想看到神在電視上,在真的人生,跟這結尾電影最後給結語音樂,12345 跟時間的兩個方向,不是脊椎!
That’s Keanu’s neighbor, they meet again + the fat lucky girl.
That looks like Adam Hailey that Adam talking …
那看起來像亞當、莫彩曦,的那個亞當講話 …所以我要去 Nicky 還是 Kian, 你帶領這一個對話,或是我帶一次,你爸爸有一個燒掉房子的電影!你如何蓋起來網站,想像你自己帶一個對話?
So, okay …I am going to Nicky and Kian. You carried yourself a conversation, or I do once, your dad has another movie burning down the house ! How you cover this website and think, imagine you yourself carried a conversation?
You two met, was that memorable how you met?
Is that a special meet-up, your university or your church ?
How you feel when people look at you ?
Your parents, your sibling, your mutual friend ?
Do you pair up to visiting your father’s office like all the couples together, like 2 or 3 pairs you show up your either dad or mom and you all go picnic like Kentucky Derby, or Christmas Concert, the church play?
So the same 12 disciples ? Not you guys busy, Ronan should be busy
一樣的 12 徒弟?不是你們忙,Ronan 應該很忙
我沒有很在乎這是印度佛教還是中國佛教,除非你們找到最上面,那個 Me Before You, 應該不再這裡,跟印度的那個佛也一樣,很肥,永遠不可能戀愛那種,坐輪椅,有人修那種,對 ! 是修行。
I don't really care this is the Indian Buddhism or the Chinese Buddhism, unless you find the top. That Me Before You, shouldn't be here, that Indian Buddha also neither. Very fat, forever never romance that kind, sit in the wheel chair, some people practices that. Correct ! Its a practice.
天主教跟基督教用一樣的 12 ? 我看這簡單的東西,他們是被殺死的?
The Catholic and the Christianity are using the same 12? I am reading the simple thing, they got killed?
Don't you want to go and be hang sometimes, be appreciative you all devoted religion, go over to that Christianity?
Let me see Judaism is what....
I tell you the Japanese cartoon songs and the eyes are so popular out, on Earth.
我告訴你這日本卡通的歌曲,這眼睛可是很受歡迎外面...不,在地球上 !
This Bible where can I get a Bible here....whom supposes to open this?
這聖經,這哪裡我可以找到一個聖經這裡... 誰應該打開聖經?
Was Mark in the Bible a disciple?
Mark is not an apostle himself. Not one of the original disciples, but rather the follower of one of them. Traditionally, he's supposed to be the disciple of Peter .... We don't know exactly where this Mark was or where he actually wrote.Which Mark? 哪一個馬克?
Simon Peter, that Peter. 西門 Peter, 那個 Peter (也叫做西門)
“Mark” is his last name, in a manner of speaking. His full name is “John Mark” (Yohanan Markos), a combination of his Hebrew given name and the Greek name that he used among the Gentiles.
Yohanan Markos
Mark was an associate, a “fellowlabourer” of the apostle Paul, who refers to him only once in the undisputed epistles, as Marcus
他們每一個都有書,對吧 ? 誰可以打開這些東西...一個牙齒插在那種...
They all have a book, right? Whom can open these things.... a teeth stuck in that....
The songs and the eyes, the Buddhism?!
I was talking to my mother, she telling me Tina's foot, she dresses the black stocking to see the doctor. She says it big and black or something. You know, the foot bone coming out because of the high heel.
Yeah, I explain before, the Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism is different. Indian Buddhism is swing smooth, you can all knowing their ego big idea, but they all swing very naturally. Chinese Buddhism would be more rigid. Not as smooth. I just let them be.
Erin, that would be Chinese Buddhism that side. The monkey.
Babaji: Go
Princess Diary has one of those stupidest key and lock of the heart....the diary book.
You wrote yourself a note, this is the year of 2024 March, toward the ending, both of that Westlife concert, and some notes for yourself.
Set a future date in 5 years.
You will realize there is no more road that time, other than studying in sounds like another excuse for your parents. At least that time.
你寫給你自己一個小字條,今天是 2024 三月快要尾端,在西城男孩演唱會快結束,跟一些筆記
你會知道什麼叫做再也沒有其他路,除了念書聽起來像說另外一個藉口給你爸媽,至少那時候 !!
With Death to equal, remember? I told you to return to your only world to face all that.
I explain to you a scene. Indoor and yesterday right, I told Prince them. Until you quiet down your own space, you don't know that reality, people one by one dying out. Square's grand mom died.
I say I just be indoor with Nicky or Kian. 2 or 3 people indoor. That is what I said.
W 2 is a working visa. Tina's best friend is a lawyer, both.
I just tell you whatever you imagine you are doing, that is all wrong. When someone dares to open public to do a talk, and someone outside the third party like me can see, they insert a certain image on your mind, and worse, if there is a forth party, knowing a person like me, looking at you, and doing my side of the talk. The forth party will tell you a certain thing, you didn't get to the forth party.
That party knows along that side road what I did.
I give you 2 trajectory you can have this morning. Leave your own home, the rural country girls or the boys lifestyle, both are the homeless in the end, there is not much money you imagine. You are not that type to get lucky, but worth to imagine the second trajectory. To make it Washington D.C, its once of your lifetime. You are the rural human.
You didn't realize in the end of the road is homeless...getting fat is not worth it. You cannot afford the medical bill the very last min.
I heard a number 5000 everyday.
All debts combine not limited to the medical bill. Some other bills included. I didn't think America has that much of the population people crowd. Maybe they mean the peak day.
Per state.
You don't leave for Taiwan,
You leave home to Washington D.C
Never go back, never mention your parents, your rural friends, don't bother contact, don't bother flying back. When someone is investing on you, its not one trip, you gamble yourself to get pregnant, aren't you?
Your time is running out imagine you are the chosen.
Make it.
If nothing unusual happening...its just the tickets, the food costs, the meeting fee to see some conference world, I guess. That trips is for you to stay in the Washington D.C, never return back. One without your family, friends and anyone UB.
Its the same Goodbye.
Realize what you sign up for.
Like Brian X Man, or Hank's name but his face. Dr. Steven and Dr. Gabriel both gone to jail? Conan Lupin? Dr. Steven does Reihi like Sherry, hands on healing. Sherry with Mark, to have Dave. Movie: Couple Retreat.
So any of you if you claim anything with the computer scan "Magic", from 2014, up to 2024, that is ten years, all the 194 countries people use the movie materials to solicitate the court room or the government, one of those book writers, or the small community followers, will be taken to the jail. These are, or are not the external factor on my lawsuits, but they know exactly what that means.
How many you say the magic words inside that lawsuit, paper format? No...just "magic" this one word in it. AI scan. Match up how many people detain in the jails from 10 years, you are not supposed to be intellects debates over the laws idea, if you knew how the court stood = an intellects debate. That is not the debating points. There is no magic, that is a lie.
The debating point is not Apple = zero. You didn't understand my graph. Everyone understood from the police to the court room. You just keep going back, the date, the time, the duration of the court opening. The entry, the number of the total visiting to the judge. Deny the case how many times.
You believe in it.
You don't think people solicited to the military, the government, the surveillance, imagine how many groupy to tell lies, its the group buddy together how to compete the ability talk. You want to use the court room judge to Power up to kill, that is one of the stupidest thing I ever heard. You or you all whomever try to move that one judge, the Power of Be, you see, which one has more hope to agree with you.
You can have the phenomenon saying, I living through, not you living through.
Each circle how people got sent to the jails including the professors, its per circle you believe how many people keep getting the jail notice. You claim me where? Where you all MD suppose to live and find out per day costs in America hospital?
You draw a circle 100 people got jail, 200, 500, 1000 people got jail. Each you be the iconic of the movies, like it? Well, I am sure you welcome you yourself back to the court room each and every time. They go by data, or they go by to your claim, you think?
I personally don't know. But I believe they must done these things before, when someone's patient runs low, that is a different story. It doesn't need to be the claim. Its just the data reflection behind, per circle with 5000 people got jailed, and there is only one stood far away.
First Class, Last Stand.
Heard of?
Like it?
I am guessing that, not I really know that. That is the police go to the court. Not the same judge. The system data company runs both side data, someone in the middle? The court world?
Yeah, you go and to tell the judge again !!! I just tell you stop and shut up best.
The judge hasn't be aware the external factor, you go there to tell him, how to close Gate. That is the close data. That is what you did, if he watches the movies.
I keep telling you, you keep going.
I already told your parents, I cannot talk to any of you.
Thousand times like this.
我今天早上在講 ....
我說他們靠近我必較好,不要去找法官,他們從來沒有小孩,不能講、不能說、不能提,做的一定是相反的方向,我解釋他們做了什麼,因為在法院是他們把所有東西帶進去的,他們自己去告訴法官外面有一個 OU。
我說,對,如果他們告訴我,我告訴 194 國家是一樣的,他們覺得法官比較好的意思!
我說幾件事情,對,那些資料只會在法官,法官不會來找我,不會 ! 如果他們現在跟我說,我們可以問進去 194 國家的資料庫,我可以告他們未來,對 ! 但是來我這邊會比較好,這是我說的,他們一定跑去找法官,我說你們找法官是用他們來傷害我的,對,但是我什麼都不能說的關係,以前尼克有小孩,沒有一件事情可以討論的 !
我不能問、不能提、不能說,但是我講我這邊爭論的點,他們覺得很傷人的意思 ...就好像所有人都知道,他們看了什麼東西過去,自己去結論,寫了不知道什麼東西給法官,我也不清楚他們怎麼進去法院跟法官有面談,通常是要有律師的關係。
Can you sue me or whomever in the future?
But you would say come to you, better?
Is that a better options, or the same?
You know what you did. Its best for all of us. Today you can just go to your parents without coming to me, and you stop going to the judge. You always tell your parents before you see a lawyer, and then see the judge. No, your parents will not get to me.
You cannot go to your parents, you cannot come to me. So right now you are staying with the judge. In the future if you don't go back to the judge, and you don't go to your parents or me, you will end up one of those arena in life....where Purna used to be friends those. You think that is cool, that is great, finally out of the book, to learn the street smart.
It may not be now, because you are all put a certain thing inside your mind, or you believe that yourself. I told you its all wrong. But you can stay in that for several years. Later you realize there is not one thing you say that is.
I told you someone done these things before....Normally no one will end up seize that on the internet, so there is 194 countries with it. All these information becoming one way street, faster and more efficiently, almost everywhere, everyone all at the same time.
They can have the data, that doesn't mean they literally hear that expression almost per step per thinking someone telling them, because I have to explain to 194 countries and your parents. That is not the data, that is the fact that generate the data. But correct, their high tech I will tell you, might be a lot more worse than just generating the data.
Right now, I haven't sort any religion yet...
They can all reject you, correct. And you got nothing, correct.
No, the judge doesn't do that plotting the data you submit to that 194 countries database. I do that. If your parents tell me, we plot into their system, Youtube has a way find it. Correct, the judge doesn't do anything to you. No.
No, the judge doesn't come to me.
You have 100 UB people, each finding 10 people meaning your sibling to their best friend, with their facebook just for fun another 10, 5 high school, 5 university friends, that is 100x10x10= 10,000 people on this one page to how many end up in the court room.
Most of them may not gone to the court room yet. Or each not the same data they written in there. They just go for the fun of it, including your parents. And you all spread in one America land, its not the same judge. I cannot go anywhere, unless you all file to the same judge. Its not.
No, they cannot share your lawsuit content to me.
You know if I read it, I will you stop that. Not that kind of the arguments. For some reason, you keep submit in it the real court system, you getting somewhere, or something happened, you can keep going further.
Its vague on my side. I guessing some of that, not I knew the exactly the arguments. Like I say, your parents always suppose to be the first person you calling them, before you all together finding a lawyer.The court room
Its where you getting through something. What is exactly something I want to getting through, all the arguments I claim. Those are ...the logics. I can observing these situation for a long time. The facts are the facts, the timeline is the timeline, but the logics or the system, ....its from the movie makers.
If I have the data A to Z, I make a movie of Harry Potter
And? That is the facts, or that is the timeline?
Through the observer of different party, you segment each frame. But I live in it. That sounds smart, I am telling you.
When I go to Westlife, you do know England is right next by?
The prince their dad knows the Vatican?
They might just have their family reunion, and I sit there. I don't really know why I sit there yet.
But when I get to Nicky and Kian, that is a real life, you know?
Right, you never been to UB SA life, you have no idea what that life supposes to be. No, they are the music production groups. The producer side, like their video say, "Better Man." - Kian !!! Yeah, Kian or all of them has the ability to produce.
BTS from the Korean groups have these records company, in Tina's high school time, there is no ITune stuffs, all the classic instruments they go through their teacher, or the music store / the music sheet, the music toner, or fix your instrument labor. One of those combine. NSYNC the music of the heart, when I had anything music examination that was the middle school. 6 grade to the middle school.
I am not sure what this side Taiwan gonna do. Both Tina and Pang they have the instruments, Tina's ex bf was too. Pang got a name, I told everyone Bruno Mars' Victoria Secrets, he is the King everywhere.
Hey !!!!
This cello man looks like just the Hallmark this morning update a video.
Next post
American Congress and your president 40 years living here.
They were all junks in front of her back when she away and come home.
First thing evaporate, all these TV, Taiwan politician, party, cases.
That’s called one God religion.
You told them my name, did you ? Which one?
One God religion means one God lives forever, and you all dead. That’s how far they willing to do as the Justice court and you all walking in Ella Enchanted.
With the kids like you, you cannot be taught, you cannot be told you are wrong, you cannot be lectured or lessons in life. You do the completely opposite things all the time.
We have time.
You want the argument per writing, it’s hell burns hurts, or every song, every sky, every movies hurts?
Like the argument? Like the talking art? Like the precision or the accuracy ? Talking about if I ever have the kids …I am not Nick.
We have all the time in the world, you found something new from me. I just told you, the judge never walking out of the court room, you hand them in.
Yeah, talk.
You took my name, you took my power, you took my arguments, you might even one of you being honest, that’s the defender A to Z whom wrote it in the online protocol, you theft data right in front of their faces. Give me a choice to tell you STOP doing that ?
You went to read something ….
Every professor knows that. You register a certain meaning without talking to your parents or a writer, and you censor a roughly to sound huge about yourself. Does your lawyer read your paper before you submit? They understood what you write or you can just by pass the lawyer and buddy together with the judge?
Did I say, give me a choice tell me how I can tell you not to do any of that?
The real argument to your own unique profiles it’s not coming from others sources period !
You want to bribe a retired judge somewhere ?
I cannot talk !!! Not above !!! Not with ANY of YOU!
You stand there hand a paper, someone reads it. You use your eyes to imply, this is exactly you wrote as this.
I cannot TALK.
Let me ask you, you want to mis-use that judge to hurt me, so you trust that judge?
You got it wrong. You suppose to trust me, not the judge. You have a desire to buddy with anyone except me, that’s all wrong. The judge is not your friend. But if I tell you that ….you gone to the judge to ask him if he harm you, he says no. I will say no too.
I just tell you I cannot talk.
I can try to pull that strings this way, but I cannot talk.
Per word, per act, per open your door, one Master’s will only?
In the end of this life, that evaluation it’s this 2006, one Will under God.
You want me to repeat these to your parents or they know you, it will never be One Will under God. My neighbor cannot stop hurting me, the animal they doing this because you all hurt me badly behind.
In the court, only the high tech word. No magic discussion forever.
You tell your parents, that’s the parents groups they try their side.
Both …you don’t one Will under God. How is the lawyer ?
You all lets say 100+ court room file not 1000+, you are all Ella Enchanted first degree murder, and theft group. That’s part of murdering. The theft or the thief. I just found out yesterday. It’s not civil only. Theft and a thief is the murder side and then civil. Both.
You each unless all of paper work share to each other, all phone books open, here is what I can tell your parents…when the first degree murder, it’s next you to the judge. OU means you do not speak at the court judge. You all walking right into the traps, because you went to tell the judge in different time I am not OU, so I should be OU whichever the constitution law. You trigger first Bill or Right.
You walking into the trap for ten years. Until you shut up…we keep waiting these game play.
3 bullets points, you have 10,000 people x100 dollar each md bill = 1 million dollar medical bill
You keep stepping …
Jurassic World Bill Kerry
自相殘殺 in the mud shooting each other to die.
Self Each Cruel Kill. The ancient Chinese.
One Master only …you could have made a good bimbo of yourself dragging that luggage and passport with you all pride high, that’s unfortunate. In the end, I wrote those movies comment per line jobs.
We 194 write 2 trajectory. One hidden = she is the Lord
No car, no car insurance, no car plate. Food here my house radius night market, morning market, post office, 7-11. Money + accidental all medical cost. One lifetime. - minus calculation.
One visible = the court is the Lord= Washington DC
Exactly like the movie, capital.
No more talking about your rural parents, the rural friend, the rural connection.
Both in 40 years similar bankcrupt and on the street life but one has more dignity. If this time they didn’t realize, it’s a close door goodbye forever with all their parents, friends coming to the DC, you are = 1 stay behind. The guest house. Same car insurance, or low money, but you get a cool meeting, a lot more fun projects. Your personality it’s not seeking the exit when you land, so 40 years be on the road it’s foresees. Just better dignity.
If you go back with your hems, this is no more chance to get one movie capital life forever.
194 countries, re-plot my data in, fish out SQL movie.
Hunger Game.
One lifetime means next bracket 18-25+, out live us. Calculating all UB lost one full 100 years in minus. Fail in red, cross.
That will be the final evaluation.
Movie: The Huntsman: Winter's War
Dean’s ex ballet lady sandle foot after the ballet presentation, me Fatima and him stood there.
Like Sweet Nov lady feet touch Dean’s foot with the sandle at the beginning of the movie, how the King blood on the chess board near the fire place.
Justin says in organic TA session, they had sex.
Dean’s gf to put together to call each other sister …well, there is a brunette before Florida Ana. That would be Frozen. That one is shorter. I am sure Ola loves to quote every movies.
She is very very giant tall women to do ballet.
That fire place is in the comic book
The second guy after the indian lieutenant. The original marriage proposal at home from a father arrange, it’s a blonde. Indian lieutenant name is William. The navy white with Inelia Benz.
Justin across Jonas looks like Chris Hemsworth.
I cannot say that word, dean’s
All robot, transformer
I cannot upload image
SQL that word = A
=the A robot, “site”, drone, A drone, A position,
= all robot, transformer.
Nominji does this A icon rap music. Her music video, you called them MTV here in Asia those.
No, not health robot. The A Dean robot.
Kerry in 閃耀暖暖 as the A toy icon
Dean next by his private high school uniform.
Ankehesamen’s hair is those A doll custom party.
Iron Man, correct…Obama and Simon would be the A man Red River Manga.
Iron Age, the Middle Age.
= someone talks to them like that.
(Next page)
Asia that’s called the A film, literally A word.
If I am with Nicky or Kian, that’s really 2 or 3 people indoor. Not Harry Potter cast, or Simon or Craig or Eben combine all over the map on one Earth. Westlife is in Ireland.
如果我在跟 Nicky 或是 Kian 就真的只是 兩三個人室內,不是哈利坡特 團體,或是西門 、Craig 、埃本合在一起地圖上一個地球,西城男孩在愛爾蘭
Inside your Castle,
You have the personal staffs, the team, the medical doctor, the lawyers, the accountant, the officers
Not this scenario, you hear anything wrong, it’s me, Nicky, Shane, Eben, Craig, Simon, Keanu …Snowden. There is nothing wrong inside your castle. You hear that? You cannot have anything wrong in England parliament or anywhere you go or see or the movies, you put your hands outside the castle.
======> you tell your personal staffs !! Everyone in the castle, not outside !
The schedule
Harry Potter - The Half Blood Prince | Do Little | Fast & Furious 2 |
The exile story 流亡的故事
Commercial: Space Jam and your eat your vitamin ? That would be Snowden and Prince Harry, Draco ? I don’t use everyday because I didn’t eat very solid food all the time. I took them vitamin a lot more because that 6 months pain killer patches depletion. When you are in the colder climate and age like nick, every time you sneezed, you take one vitamin C. If your mouth has the blister around that’s when you take the l-lysine with the vitamin C.
廣告:Space Jam 跟你們的維他命? Snowden 跟哈利王子,Draco ? 我不是每一天用因為不是吃實體食物太多,我吃比較多維他命因為六個月的止痛貼布,我營養缺失,當你在比較冷的天氣跟老的像尼克,每一次你打噴嚏,你吃一個維他命 C ,如果你有水泡在嘴巴附近,那是你吃 L-lysine and 維生素 C.
That’s the girl’s lower spine. That liquid. I think I eliminate that sensation out with, remember it’s up to the brain remember ? Once only, I was examine myself remember with nick. Might be in Buffalo. I want to find that location again, only once, it’s like out out ! It’s near the spine, lower.
The bird is saying that cabin
那是女的骨格下腰,那個液體,我想我排出跟感覺出來,記得是往上頭的部分? 只有一次,我在測驗我自己跟尼克,可能是在水牛城,我想在找到那個位置,只有一次,好像解出來!在脊椎,下面。
The house caught on fire?
Is epi-genetic where you build your confident before 6 years old in the white world family background ? It’s the stimuli that theory becoming your rest of life behavior.
這 epi-基因是你建設你的自信心在六歲之前,在成長的白種人家庭背景? 是一種刺激學說變成你一輩子的行為。
English, you sure you understand what they say, right ?
That ending shirt on the wind blows balcony …it’s one iron heat it up, one touch smooth over. Like your bed sheet, one pull every morning. The girl you found ? Use your hands pull strongly or shake that comforter once, every morning ?
這結尾的襯衫在風吹的欄杆 …這是熨斗燙熱起來,燙一次滑過去,像你的床單,每天早上一次拉,你們找女孩子的意思?用你的手用力拉或是抖整個棉被,每一天早上?
Something about this Simon, look that side, right side. Si …like how he Simon thinks, I got a brother claim if he was killing me in he Simon side ? That’s the Harry Potter? Dumbledore dead.
什麼事情關於西門,看那邊,右邊,Si …他西門怎麼想,我有一個弟弟如果他怎麼殺了我在他西門那邊? 那是哈利坡特? 校長死了。
… Dead Sea Scroll in our UB time facebook starting has a Juda book publish in the Barns & Nobel or online.
… 黑海的 scroll 在我們 UB 臉書開始有一個 Juda 出版的 Barns & Nobel 還是網路上。
Leona in Chinese sounding I Google English …Leona octopod ? That’s Magic knight blonde lady 雷歐娜No, which name is Chinese this Leona I heard from the audio.
Isn’t otter Ma ko is drinking that fish tank water? Finding Nemo dentist ?
這水瀨在喝魚缸的水?Finding Nemo 牙醫?
The pirates says the kid shot me? He swing down like Will Turner?
鸚鵡說小孩射他?他甩下來像 Will Turner ?
Me and Ronan
……………..Simon bird this noon says he is paired or whom are paired now I remember…
We are all none-applicable.
我們全部都是 N/A (不適用的)
When Simon listens to someone and think with his brain… he listens, he raises his head and says.
When nick listens to someone and think with his brain…. he listens, he raises his head and says.
當西門聽某人講話,用他的大腦想 …他聽,他抬起頭,說。
當尼克聽某人講話,用他的大腦想 …他聽,他抬起頭,說。
Dean Philip, today I search after CNN noon time, below Biden. The election. There is a nick 124 without the arm and legs. Dean’s birthday. Same
他 迪恩 Philip. 我今天收尋在 CNN 之後,在 Biden 下面,有一個尼克 124, 沒有手跟腳,迪恩的生日一模一樣。
Furious and Fast 2 is on but I am not feeling well (high tech) I gonna lay down.
玩命關頭 2 但是我沒有太舒服 (高科技) 我想躺下來
Fire devastates historic studio in ‘Hollywood on the Nile’
That is in Egypt. 那是在埃及
Is that you all want to ask me how I feel? I went outside to ask the birds, I apply some medicine on my head, so I have to wash it and dry just now. This is not about Mummies (1999) 1 2 3 4, and this would be cartoon "The Mummies" with Eben in it. That is you all conclusion of it? Or there is Red River Manga, and Zombie 3 those things? The Japan comic book and Taiwan TV the Youngest princess.
Is that you want me to ask you if you like that Japan original comic book 我家小妹? With Tim Cook in it.
是說你們都想問我感覺怎麼樣? 我去外面問小鳥,我上了一些藥在我頭上,所以我要洗頭跟吹頭髮剛剛,這不是在講木乃伊 (1999) 1234,還是這卡通木乃伊歷險記跟埃本在裡面的意思,這是你們全部在結論的? 或是這赤河魅影,還是迪士尼的殭屍三那類? 這日本漫畫跟台灣電視公主小妹。
是你們想要我問妳們,你們喜歡這日本原本漫畫 "我家小妹"? Tim Cook 在裡面的?
You believe the TV, the comic book, the Disney love of the one lifetime?
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