
Shane ~ (Shane and me)

Where are you, and where are the Westlife now? Are you fooling me one full year?

You came in like about 3 or 4 weeks ago, the last time I say....you eat the instant noodle and smoking outdoor and walking with Mark. Do you left yet? By now, you are....with Kian and Nicky, too?

  1. You went to a floor ground 7-11, to see this squat girls on the ground, and you talk to them. You don't talk to them.
  2. You have the big instant noodle bowl.
  3. Purchase like you are restrain, and have a little money....

So your Facebook and your concert is a lying for??? Fake choreography, those dance? Last year, I see your true nature, when you coming near, you look so worsen bad. You pretend to look like that I think.

1) Do you being nice, or you literally do those things on the street?  2) That plastic when you open its flat lid toward outside. Why do you putting a bowl inside toward out, to open a plastic bag without your eyes looking at it?  3) You put your money coins on the back of your pocket? What's wrong with your jean front pocket? You need to be aware of the wallet, never on the butt those pocket in the city. There are the thefts.

And you smoking, Shane ~~~ outdoor standing that is 1 month ago.

You have eaten an instant noodle bowl before, Shane?

We have the rice cup, Shane.

The birds told me where they go this morning ...... And you all where?

Smoking is we will never be together, you know that on the first day, and why don't you tell me last year?!!!~~~ So you all gone away yet? I can close the door, on so many of these? 

How is Justin and Backstreet Boy them? 

The Animal Kingdom ??!

I care about it. You guys don't care about it !! Maybe not everyday, but they force me.....its right outside balcony. You see that inside your life every morning I wake up?


If they ever called me on the phone?! I never contact them, of course not. What did she SMCH ever does?!!! That is so sickening !  Japan court or the Korea court, but maybe they all flying in Taipei court better. 

I wish you would be here everyday ~ but you have a visa issue, we will never get married. The more you get near, the more I wonder how you put the coins inside your pocket, you have zero money? Do you need to ask someone for a lighter or a cigarettes. 

You ever seen a girl doing that? They got refrain, and they turn out to be? Never be the screen pop idol?

Its 25 years Shane, I have wished totally a different ending fate like seeing you all like these.

If you guys come in, or those, too. At this time.....the meeting is not those charity event, seeing a coffee shop talk. I never do those talk. Its an goodbye when you exit that airport. Nick stills at this timeline about 8 years ago. Meaning....literally seeing this person real inside my life.

Everyone imagine a life seriously inside their own will, and therefore, that 20 years ago UB all will will be 30 -40-60 years never seen, never meet, never contact, never know. 

There is no such thing, you came in, its a meeting. You call me once, to say its a Escort Day bright light those table...it will never happen with 4 of you. The life didn't build in one person.....a certain stern Order, its exactly the music theater, you should have glue on your wall, every single day since last year early month.

Mocking me my present, its the easiest thing anyone can together do.

One word, 2 words, many worlds that solely silent, its their own refugee. 

Nicky's video, Shane chewing a gum with 2 girls standing next by  

He (left side walking away)                            (girl + you+girl) say, "Hey Nicky" 

Is that the weather man video Nicky was?

1 billion whip splash to the scarf on them and on your......This entire Ireland will sunk, because I told you.....everyone imagine, its a freedom, its great, its perfect to air, and talk about it.  This hey nicky hey nicky, you will Ireland all perfect mantra til I ask your every question, its a perfect every word coming out of you, Shane.

His leg was longer in, You Make Me Feel.

So.....you go first to beat him up from the head, someone told you.....he is planning that.

Starting these correct stories. After that records, everything got separated. 

Brian and Mark on the stage, the first thing to hit, its the head, THAT is what your Ireland together to call a TV show. The only reason being young, so that the older human fuck up, for the youth girls to grow up, and you all gone to war, 911 or anything else UB guys won't say. Their destiny was in the war zone, so these cooking scheme never cease a play, no girls do.

Sometimes, some human forever timeline never meets.

But then again, a real life, to talk about everything in life, you have more resources to make it up, its what I see, what I understand, what this 1 year I repeat and telling per story inside this video, and you all sit to per question and answer, you guessing it....if I was really 97, not 98.

This exit time.....I am sure you all tour come to ending for my amusement. Those all concert ground keep kneeling, this weather will come to the winter snowy for every place other than here. Its the human merits, the whole lifeitme, sometimes in only the quietness, imagine....its only 1 lifetime, all kneel down.

By the way.....they kill 1 walking in wolf packs. William knows their all upper world, his father won't at least going near. So this girl kneeling pretend to go in....dead. That is 5 brand new blood for Hong Kong, but Panda says exit to Korea where this Prince doesn't know how Hugh planning things, or they are all together.....

Witness.....its the God has the real power at this interface line?

Everyone has a culture, to be ever that Irish police to pretend to hear, or make it up behind.....their party, its whole hotel venue, the same kinds like their age, looks like that One Direction. "Return to the Wild". Simon goes to Bermuda Triangle 小人國。

Together, the choice between the wife, or the first degree blood line parents.

Its,.....either way. Twilight.


There is no other punishment, other than kneeling.....shi !

I always know !

Kian knows whom those are....you care to ask? haha...

Is that Nicky and Kian be at? Japan has no more education, or 4 of you in Philippine all together again, want to all come in Taipei, stay there, don't move 4 of you. We got enough place in the city everyone can all be walking around fine. 

The main investment is all on you .....On the moon that is not One Direction says, right?

But Nicky those hospital lie to me form was very very numb, not able to talk, not able to move 4 arms, not able to sit down knowingly to sit. That is how you all put it together.....those time. Then....there are some next by and next next by. I wonder....if that is true. This video doesn't tell me enough One Direction, seriously ! 

And ....Nothing is as it seems, because normally its worsen what that might really evolve to become 2 life dead. +1                     +1 /  Interesting.

Business, Black (tech), Finance                 Finance or Business mix / He lives there !

Shane ~~~ the Frozen has a meaning if .....inside its real, right?

Ronan ~~~okay

Before Ireland....sorry, its the investment or brought to the public eye sight before 2000, not because he is or will be himself ! Its the dedication for the politician or else other.  They say hurt me a little, because Flower Thousand Bone SMCH or the birth certificate, Obama Loving the Silent Tear, Kerry they say...anyway...He is the left wing political extremist, found on playing on the street, to enter his boyband interview. He described......at the Magic lady radio interviews.

And on Mars, that is Zawanna and me 2 small tiny bag inside, some love stuffs him and me (must by psycho), a paper made Japanese or easy to fallen tree on the Mars. That is the exact description. They have the huge wind blows I think.

The red sun every day ! Because Mars inside that atomsphere...its the sun's color like them the red soil I guess. I have no idea what it means. The moon only sees the darkness outside. But here is the catch...it was about the Real Love, what they got told, or what must be done.

I personally will never....doing those treasury things in the Wall Street. They can ask me, not...pulling the heart up or down as the living daily my Zen meditation everyday, that time already. So I never get in. I for some reason....it might be always end up with the finance world and as long as you never touch those idea, you can be safe for one lifetime probably. 

Imagine you have a son, his finger like you all...clicking on that PC monitor, to 1 click. You never be inside someone's body inside their eye frames and, "oh no !!!" inside the house, and jump back to the chair with the 2 hands on the top of the head. Shane, that is not you?!

To sing a song.....with Warren Buffet? Shane ~~~?

Just a day before....all that. This capitalism will never have a paradise to Zen. They gamble outside, too. If you seeing enough the reality, but then again, you never had a son. All these movie, how the perfect couple, I can look at them faces to tell, every line supposed to be the Heaven correct, when I key-in myself.

So, when the things so stressful and smoking required.....I never never never imagine, to all scene under me, why I even lie about it, the reality we will never be, not even the timeline walking the strangers on the street 2 time apart. You hurting Irish yourself on the street, even you will not imagine, either they beat you up with me next by, or that life you really believing in it, you have no problems where Heaven is fake, why should I believe.....it anyway?

You are not the in-born to be....the Japanese those human living away from their wealthier parents, to those capsule design homeless life, its too proud to ask someone, or ask your parents. That house you currently living in, that is not yours....right?

Highly emotional, looks like capable to carry a conversation very well. 

You all secrets away from each other ! On the same breakfast every morning !

Those reality to a girl like me.....witness under all Heaven. Its all secrets within, what is a love, what will love, what has becoming a love. 

If your parents still living, you should stop by (Barbie)

How all these stories intertwine sounds like....一面之緣 not even. 

Karen and Adria I used to say....its in the back of the middle of the darkness moon side, right? How do they even get there to see. Dean joins them later, Knock Knock (1 guy and 2), I used to say that already. That is not real, right? A literal....classmates? Dean is like you Shane. Both emotional and the Japanese capsule living exactly the street fight in Slam Dunk, except, maybe this Dean is really from FEMA camp? He used to rape the girls, provoking each other, with his enchanting voice, to get in someone and someone. Because he is a real softy......between someone and someone to fuck them, dump them, or extract from the money, or he is the camp idea. They could be all at the same time inside that UB....sorry, maybe its to kill them.

So long ago I seeing all that.

They are MINE real age? Dean that time will be page 27 everyone's passport. His email address. So they all meeting at the Student Union together with his ballet gf, to then....reunion on the back of the moon? (I usually just toss those paper behind me)

That is so sad, Shane ~ you all didn't write those lyrics garbage from....you just happen written a several line, all garbage, so they hand you all the different stuffs, right?

I saw they really work on it in front of their desk with the eye glasses. Kian and Nicky, or even you carried a dog.

I tell you yesterday that movie, when I used to have a ROC grandmom like Square, it was different, then my mother is the grandmom now, like the movie. Her time rises...you believe those things? It may not be the money, but its the movie. I didn't see that has a meaning, because her background was poor from, and my father was a rough human. Their wedding night, or after, how between each other. Just one night, so there is a baby !

Too many things, Shane ~~~ I have hope it wasn't like this from the Heaven to meet down to Earth, you are right outside the gate ! You don't need my courtesy you, I wish you all final farewell this Asia tour come to closing.

